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18th January 2015, 02:08
Let's celebrate that Divinity is based on our willingness to celebrate.


18th January 2015, 10:01
I do not like long posts but everyone can relate to any of the following points.

Symptoms of Spiritual Awakening

by Annarita

Changing sleep patterns: restlessness, hot feet, waking up two or three times a night. Feeling tired after you wake up and sleepy off and on during the day. There is something called the Triad Sleep Pattern that occurs for many: you sleep for about 2-3 hours, wake up, go back to sleep for another couple of hours, wake again, and go back to sleep again. For others, the sleep requirements have changed. You can get by on less sleep. Lately I have been experiencing huge waves of energy running into my body from the crown. It feels good, but it keeps me awake for a long time, then subsides. Advice: Get used to it. Make peace with it and don't worry about getting enough sleep (which often causes more insomnia). You will be able to make it through the day if you hold thoughts of getting just what you need. You can also request your Higher Power to give you a break now and then and give you a good, deep night's sleep. If you can't go back to sleep right away, use the waking moments to meditate, read poetry, write in your journal or look at the moon. Your body will adjust to the new pattern.
Activity at the crown of the head: Tingling, itching, prickly, crawling sensations along the scalp and/or down the spine. A sense of energy vibrating on top of the head, as if energy is erupting from the head in a shower. Also the sensation of energy pouring in through the crown, described as "sprinkles". This may also be experienced as pressure on the crown, as if someone is pushing his/her finger into the center of your head. As I mentioned in #1, I have been experiencing huge downloads of energy through the crown. In the past, I have felt more generalized pressure, as if my head is in a gentle vise. One man related that his hair stood on end and his body was covered with goosebumps. Advice: This is nothing to be alarmed about. What you are experiencing is an opening of the crown chakra. The sensations mean that you are opening up to receive divine energy.
Sudden waves of emotion. Crying at the drop of a hat. Feeling suddenly angry or sad with little provocation. Or inexplicably depressed. Then very happy. Emotional roller coaster. There is often a pressure or sense of emotions congested in the heart chakra (the middle of the chest). This is not to be confused with the heart, which is located to the left of the heart chakra. Advice: Accept your feelings as they come up and let them go. Go directly to your heart chakra and feel the emotion. Expand it outward to your all your fields and breathe deeply from the belly all the way up to your upper chest. Just feel the feeling and let it evaporate on its own. Don't direct the emotions at anyone. You are cleaning out your past. If you want some help with this, say out loud that you intend to release all these old issues and ask your Higher Power to help you. You can also ask Grace Elohim to help you release with ease and gentleness. Be grateful that your body is releasing these emotions and not holding onto them inside where they can do harm. One source suggests that depression is linked to letting go of relationships to people, work, etc. that no longer match us and our frequencies. When we feel guilty about letting go of these relationships, depression helps us medicate that pain.
Old "stuff" seems to be coming up, as described above, and the people with whom you need to work it out (or their clones) appear in your life. Completion issues. Or perhaps you need to work through issues of self-worth, abundance, creativity, addictions, etc. The resources or people you need to help you move through these issues start to appear. Advice: Same as #3. Additionally, don't get too involved in analyzing these issues. Examining them too much will simply cycle you back through them over and over again at deeper and deeper levels. Get professional help if you need to and walk through it. Do not try to avoid them or disassociate yourself from them. Embrace whatever comes up and thank it for helping you move ahead. Thank your Higher Power for giving you the opportunity to release these issues. Remember, you don't want these issues to stay stuck in your body.
Changes in weight. The weight gain in the US population is phenomenal. Other people may be losing weight. We often gain weight because many fears we have suppressed are now coming up to the surface to be healed. We react by building up a defense. We also attempt to ground ourselves or provide bulk against increasing frequencies in our bodies. Advice: Don't freak out, but just accept it as a symptom of where you are right now. You will release/gain the weight when all your fears have been integrated. Release your anxiety about this. Then you might find it easier to lose/gain the weight eventually. Exercise. Before eating, try this: Sit at the table with an attractive place setting. Light a candle. Enjoy how the food looks. Place your dominant hand over your heart and bless the food. Tell your body that you are going to use the food to richly nourish it, but that you are not going to use the food to fulfill your emotional hungers. Then pass your hand from left to right over the food and bless it. You may notice that the food feels warm to your hand even if the food is cold-- I like to think that the food is good for me when it feels warm and nourishing to my hand. I have also noticed that when I practice blessing the food, I don't eat as much. It is important not to let yourself off the hook when you forget to bless the food before you eat. If I've forgotten and I've nearly finished eating, I bless the food anyway. That way I don't slip out of the habit. Another thing you can do is to stay present while eating -- don't watch TV or read. Heartily enjoy what blessings are before you.
Changes in eating habits: Strange cravings and odd food choices. Some find they are not as hungry as they used to be. Or hungrier. Advice: Don't deny what your body tells you it needs. If you are not sure, you might try muscle-testing before you chose a food to see if it's what your body wants. Also try blessing the food as described in #5.
Food intolerances, allergies you never had before: As you grow more spiritual, you are more sensitive to everything around you. Your body will tell you what it can no longer tolerate, as if it, too, is sloughing off what doesn't serve it anymore. You might be cleansing yourself of toxins. Some people find they often have a white residue in their mouth, much like that of runners at the end of a race. Advice: An acupuncturist told me that this film can be removed by sloshing 2 tablespoons of cold-pressed olive oil in your mouth for 10-15 minutes (don't swallow, whatever you do), then spitting it out into the toilet -- not the sink, for you just removed toxins from your body and don't want them in the sink. Brush your teeth and do the same. Then clean your brush. (Sorry this is yukky, but it works.)
Amplification of the senses. Increased sensitivity. 8a. Sight: Blurry vision, shimmering objects, seeing glittery particles, auras around people, plants, animals, and objects. Some report seeing formerly opaque objects as transparent. When you close your eyes, you no longer see darkness, but redness. You may also see geometric shapes or brilliant colors and pictures when eyes are closed. Colors appear more vivid -- the sky might look teal or the grass an amazing green. Often I see grids running across the ground. As you become more sensitive, you may see shapes or outlines in the air, especially when the room is almost dark. When your eyes are open or closed, you may see white shapes in your peripheral vision (these are your guides). Advice: Your vision is changing in many ways -- you are experiencing new ways of seeing. Be patient. Whatever you do, do not be afraid. Hazy vision maybe relieved by yawning. 8b. Hearing: Increased or decreased hearing. I once thought I would have to pull off the road because of the painfully amplified sound of my tires on the freeway. Other symptoms are hearing white noise in the head, beeps, tones, music or electronic patterns. Some hear water rushing, bees buzzing, whooshing, roaring or ringing. Others have what is called audio dyslexia-- you can't always make out what people are saying, as if you can no longer translate your own language. Some hear strange voices in their dreams, as if someone is hovering near them. You can either ask the presence(s) to leave or ask Archangel Michael to take care of the situation. Again, there is nothing to fear. Advice: Surrender to it. Let it come through. Listen. Your ears are adjusting to new frequencies. 8c. Enhanced senses of smell, touch, and/or taste. I notice I can now smell and taste chemical additives in some foods in a rather unpleasant manner. Other food may taste absolutely wonderful. For some people, these enhancements are both delightful and distracting. You might even smell the fragrance of flowers now and then. Many of the mystics did. Enjoy it.
Skin eruptions: Rashes, bumps, acne, hives, and shingles. Anger produces outbreaks around the mouth and chin. I had a dermatitis on my extremities for several months that accompanied healing an episode from my past. When I had worked through most of the issue, the condition was released. Advice: You may be sloughing off toxins and bringing emotions to the surface. When there is an issue to be released and you are trying to repress it, your skin will express the issue for you until you process the emotions. Work through your "stuff".
Episodes of intense energy which make you want to leap out of bed and into action. Followed by periods of lethargy and fatigue. The fatigue usually follows great shifts. This is a time of integration, so give into it. Advice: Roll with the nature of the energy. Don't fight it. Be gentle with yourself. Take naps if you are tired. Write your novel if you are too energized to sleep. Take advantage of the type of energy.
Changes in prayer or meditation. Not feeling the same sensations as before. Not having the same experience of being in contact with Spirit. Difficulty in focusing. Advice: You may be in more instant and constant communion with Spirit now and the sensation may therefore be altered. You will adapt to this new feeling. You are actually thinking and acting in partnership with Spirit most of the time now. You may find your meditation periods shorter.
Power surges: All of a sudden you are heated from head to toe. It is a momentary sensation, but uncomfortable. In contrast, some people have felt inexplicably cold. I have experienced both. More recently I experience waves or currents of energy rolling through me. Sometimes the energy seems so intense when it first comes into my body that I feel a little nauseated. But if I think of the energy as divine and let go of fear, I feel wonderful and enjoy the sensation. If you are an energy worker, you may have noticed that the heat running through your hands has increased tremendously. This is good. Advice: If you are uncomfortable, ask your Higher Power, that if it be for your best and highest good, to turn down/up the temperature a bit.
A range of physical manifestations: Headaches, backaches, neck pains, flu-like symptoms (this is called vibrational flu), digestive problems, muscular spasms or cramps, racing heartbeat, chest pains, changes in sexual desire, numbness or pain in the limbs, and involuntary vocalizations or bodily movements. Some of us have even had old conditions from childhood reappear briefly for healing. Advice: Remember what I said about seeking medical help if you need it! If you have determined that this is not a medical condition, relax in the realization that it is only temporary.
Looking younger. Yippee! As you clear emotional issues and release limiting beliefs and heavy baggage from the past, you are actually lighter. Your frequency is higher. You love yourself and life more. You begin to resemble the perfect you that you really are.
Vivid dreams. Sometimes the dreams are so real that you wake up confused. You may even have lucid dreams in which you are in control. Many dreams may be mystical or carry messages for you. And in some dreams, you just know that you are not "dreaming" -- that what is happening is somehow real. Advice: You will remember what is important for you to remember. Don't force anything. Above all, stay out of fear.
Events that completely alter your life: death, divorce, change in job status, loss of home, illness, and/or other catastrophes -- sometimes several at once! Forces that cause you to slow down, simplify, change, re-examine who you are and what your life means to you. Forces that you cannot ignore. Forces that cause you release your attachments. Forces that awaken your sense of love and compassion for all.
A desire to break free from restrictive patterns, life-draining jobs consumptive lifestyles, and toxic people or situations. You feel a compelling need to "find yourself" and your life purpose -- now! You want to be creative and free to be who you really are. You might find yourself drawn to the arts and nature. You want to unclutter yourself from things and people that no longer serve you. Advice: Do it!
Emotional and mental confusion: A feeling that you need to get your life straightened out--it feels like a mess. But at the same time you feel chaotic and unable to focus. See #45. Advice: Put your ear to your heart and your own discernment will follow.
Introspection, solitude and loss of interest in more extroverted activities: This stage has come as a surprise to many extraverts who formerly saw themselves as outgoing and involved. They say, "I don't know why, but I don't like to go out as much as before."
Creativity bursts: Receiving images, ideas, music, and other creative inspirations at an often overwhelming rate. Advice: At least record these inspirations, for Spirit is speaking to you about how you might fulfill your purpose and contribute to the healing of the planet.
A perception that time is accelerating. It seems that way because you have had so many changes introduced into your life at an unprecedented rate. The number of changes seems to be growing. Advice: Breaking your day up into appointments and time segments increases the sense of acceleration .You can slow time down by relaxing into the present moment and paying attention to what's at hand, not anticipating what's ahead. Slow down and tell yourself that you have plenty of time. Ask your Higher Power to help you. Keep your focus on the present. Try to flow from one activity to the next. Stay tuned to your inner guidance. You can also warp time by asking for it. Next time you feel rushed, say, "Time warp, please. I need some more time to -----." Then relax.
A sense of impendingness. There is a feeling that something is about to happen. This can create anxiety. Advice: There is nothing to worry about. Things are definitely happening, but anxiety only creates more problems for you. All your thoughts -- positive or negative-- are prayers. There is nothing to fear.
Impatience. You know better, but sometimes you can't help it. You want to get on with what seems to be coming your way. Uncertainty is not comfortable. Advice: Learn to live with the uncertainty, knowing that nothing comes to you until you are ready. Impatience is really a lack of trust, especially trust in your Higher Power. When you focus on the present, you will experience miracles -- yes, even in traffic.
A deep yearning for meaning, purpose, spiritual connection, and revelation. Perhaps an interest in the spiritual for the first time in your life. "Constant craving", as k.d. lang says. The material world cannot fulfill this longing. Advice: Follow your heart and the way will open up for you.
A feeling that you are somehow different. A disquieting sense that everything in your life feels new and altered, that you have left your old self behind. You have. You are much greater than you can possibly imagine. There is more to come.
"Teachers" appear everywhere with perfect timing to help you on your spiritual journey: people, books, movies, events, Mother Nature, etc. Teachers may appear to be negative or positive when you are trapped in polarity thinking, but, from a transcendent perspective, they are always perfect. Just what you need to learn from and move on. By the way, we never get more than we are ready to master. Each challenge presents us with an opportunity to show our mastery in passing through it.
You find a spiritual track that makes sense to you and "speaks to you" at the most profound levels. Suddenly you are gaining a perspective that you would never have considered before. You hunger to know more. You read, share with others, ask questions, and go inside to discover more about who you are and why you are here
You are moving through learning and personal issues at a rapid pace. You sense that you are "getting it" quite readily. Advice: Keep remembering that things will come to you when they are ready to be healed. Not sooner. Deal with whatever comes up with courage and you will move through the issues rapidly.
Invisible presences. Here is the woo-woo stuff. Some people report feeling surrounded by beings at night or having the sensation of being touched or talked to. Often they will wake with a start. Some also feel their body orbed vibrate. The vibrations are caused by energetic changes after emotional clearing has taken place. Advice: This is a sensitive topic, but you may feel better blessing your bed and space around it before you sleep. I rest assured that I am surrounded only by the most magnificent spiritual entities and am always safe in God's care. Sometimes, however, the fear gets to me, and I call in Archangel Michael and/or Archangel Uriel. I don't beat myself up for being afraid sometimes. I forgive myself for not always sovereign at 3:00 a.m.
Portents, visions, "illusions", numbers, and symbols: Seeing things that have spiritual importance for you. Noticing how numbers appear synchronistically in your awareness. Everything has a message if you take the time to look. I enjoy the experience of "getting the messages." What fun!
Increased integrity: You realize that it is time for you to seek and speak your truth. It suddenly seems important for you to become more authentic, more yourself. You may have to say "no" to people whom you have tried to please in the past. You may find it intolerable to stay in a marriage or job or place that doesn't support who you are. You may also find there is nowhere to hide, no secrets to keep anymore. Honesty becomes important in all your relationships. Advice: Listen to your heart. If your guidance tells you not to do something, speak up and take action. Say "no". Likewise, you must also say "yes" to that which compels you. You must risk displeasing others without guilt in order to attain spiritual sovereignty.
Harmony with seasons and cycles: You are becoming more tuned to the seasons, the phases of the moon and natural cycles. More awareness of your place in the natural world. A stronger connection to the earth.

Electrical and mechanical malfunctions: When you are around, lightbulbs flicker, the computer locks up, or the radio goes haywire. Advice: Call on your angels, guides, or Grace Elohim to fix it or put up a field of protection of light around the machine. Surround your car with bluelight. Laugh.
Increased synchronicity and many small miracles. Look for more of these. Advice: Synchronistic events tell you if you are heading in the right direction or making the correct choices. Honor these clues and you cannot go astray. Spirit uses synchronicity to communicate to you. That's when you begin to experience daily miracles. See #30.

Increased intuitive abilities and altered states of consciousness: Thinking of someone and immediately hearing from them. More synchronicities. Having sudden insights about patterns or events from the past. Clairvoyance, out-of-body experiences, and other psychic phenomena. Intensified sensitivity and knowing. Awareness of one's essence and that of others. Channeling angelic and Christ-consciousness energies.
Communication with Spirit. Contact with angels, spirit guides, and other divine entities. Channeling. More and more people seem to be given this opportunity. Feeling inspiration and downloading information that takes form as writing, painting, ideas, communications, dance, etc.
A sense of Oneness with all. A direct experience of this Wholeness. Transcendent awareness. Being flooded with compassion and love for all life. Compassionate detachment or unconditional love for all is what lifts us up to higher levels of consciousness and joy.
Moments of joy and bliss. A deep abiding sense of peace and knowing that you are never alone.
Integration: You become emotionally, psychologically, physically, and spiritually stronger and clearer. You feel as if you are in alignment with your Higher Self.
Living your purpose: You know you are finally doing what you came to earth for. New skills and gifts are emerging, especially healing ones. Your life/work experiences are now converging and starting to make sense. You are finally going to use them all. Advice: Listen to your heart. Your passion leads you to where you must go. Go within and ask your Higher Power, "What is it you would have me do?" Watch for synchronicities. Listen.
Feeling closer to animals and plants. To some people, animals now seem to be more "human" in their behavior. Wild animals are less afraid. Plants respond to your love and attention more than ever. Some may even have messages for you.
Seeing beings of other dimensions. The veil between dimensions is thinner, so it is not surprising. Just stay in your sovereignty. You are more powerful than you can ever imagine, so do not entertain fear. Ask your guides for help if you slip into fear.
Seeing a person's true form or seeing loved ones with a different face -- past life or parallel life.
Physically manifesting thoughts and desires more quickly and efficiently. Advice: Monitor your thoughts. All thoughts are prayers. Be careful what you ask for.
Left -brain fogginess. Your psychic abilities, your intuitive knowing, your feeling and compassion, your ability to experience your body, your visioning, your expressiveness all emanate from the right brain. In order for this side of the brain to develop more fully, the left brain must shut down a little bit. Normally the left-hemisphere's capacity for order, organization, structure, linear sequencing, analysis, evaluation, precision, focus, problem-solving, and mathematics dominate our often less-valued right brain. What results are memory lapses, placing words in the wrong sequence, inability or no desire to read for very long, inability to focus; forgetting what you are just about to say; impatience with linear forms of communication (audio or written formats); a feeling of spaciness, being scattered; losing interesting research or complex information; feeling bombarded with words and talk and information; and a reluctance to write. Sometimes you feel dull and have no interest in analysis, lively intellectual discussion, or investigation. On the other hand, you might find yourself drawn to the sensate: videos, magazines with photos, beautiful artwork, movies, music, sculpting, painting, being with people, dancing, gardening, walking, and other kinesthetic forms of expression. You may search for spiritual content, even science fiction. Advice: You may discover that if you allow your heart and your right brain to lead you, the left will then be activated appropriately to support you. And someday we will be well-balanced, using both hemispheres with mastery.
Dizziness. This occurs when you are ungrounded. Perhaps you have just cleared a big emotional issue and your body is adjusting to your "lighter" state. Advice: Ground yourself by eating protein. Sometimes "comfort food" feels right. Don't make any food right or wrong for you. Use your guidance to know what you need at any given moment. Take your shoes off and put your feet in the grass for a couple of minutes.
Falling, having accidents, breaking bones. Your body is not grounded or perhaps your life is out of balance. Or your body may be telling you to slow down, examine certain aspects of your life, or heal certain issues. There is always a message. When I recently broke my ankle, I understand that my ankle was taking on what I myself refused to deal with. And that was all of the above. Advice: Stay grounded by taking your shoes off and putting your feet in the grass; even better, lie down on the grass without a blanket under you. Feel the earth beneath you. Get out in nature. Slow down and pay attention. Be mindful about what you are doing. Feel your feelings when they come up. Stay in the present. Surround yourself with blue light when you are feeling shaky.
Heart palpitations. A racing heart usually accompanies a heart opening. It only lasts for a few moments and means that the heart is re-balancing itself after an emotional release. I had one episode that terrified me: I woke up in the middle of the night, my heart pounding. I thought it was going to come right out of my chest. It only happened once and was, I understand, a huge heart-chakra opening. But I did check it out. There is nothing wrong with my heart. Advice: Remember what I said about getting medical attention when needed. Consult your doctor about any conditions you are not comfortable with.
Faster hair and nail growth. More protein is being used in the body. Too bad we can't tell the body where to grow the hair and where not to grow it. (Or can we? Hmmm.)
A desire to find your soulmate or twin flame. More than ever before, the idea that we can have a relationship that matches who we are seems more desirable. Advice: The truth is, we have to be the kind of person we want to attract. We have to love ourselves and where we are right now before we can attract a more "perfect" mate. The work begins at home. Here is how I think it works: Hold the desire for this person in your heart, but without attachment. Expect that someday you will meet someone who is more suited to you, but let go of any expectations as to who this will be and how it will happen. Focus instead on cleaning up your own life and being the kind of person you want to be. Be happy now. Enjoy your life. Then you may see.....
Memories surface. Body memories, suppressed memories, images of past lives and/or parallel lives. We are healing and integrating all our "selves", so expect to have some of these experiences. Advice. Keep in mind that it is best to recall what only what comes to mind, leave the rest alone, don't analyze everything to death (because you will be stuck in the tape loop of infinite issues to process), and feel your feelings as they come up. Ask for help from your guides.

18th January 2015, 20:18
Gangaji shares a simple message-This is an invitation to shift your allegiance from the activities of your mind to the eternal presence of your being.

Born in Texas in 1942, Gangaji grew up in Mississippi. After graduating from the University of Mississippi in 1964, she married and had a daughter. In 1972, she moved to San Francisco where she began exploring deeper levels of her being. She took Bodhisattva vows, practiced Zen and Vipassana meditation, helped run a Tibetan Buddhist Meditation Center, and had a career as an acupuncturist in the San Francisco Bay area.

Despite her successes, Gangaji continued to experience a deep and persistent longing for fulfillment. She pursued many paths to change her life including relationship, motherhood, political activism, career, and spiritual practice, but even the greatest of her successes ultimately came up short. In the wake of her disillusionment, she made a final prayer for true help. In 1990, the answer to her prayer came unexpectedly, taking her to India and to the meeting that would change everything. There on the banks of the river Ganga, she met Sri H.W.L. Poonja, also known as Papaji, who opened the floodgates of self-recognition. In this meeting, Gangaji's personal story of suffering ended and the promise of a true life began to flower and unfold.

Today, Gangaji travels the world speaking to seekers from all walks of life. A teacher and author, she shares her direct experience of the essential message she received from Papaji and offers it to all who want to discover a true and lasting fulfillment. Through her life and words, she powerfully articulates how it is really possible to discover the truth of who you are and to be true to that discovery. She is the author of The Diamond in Your Pocket: Discovering Your True Radiance and Hidden Treasure: Uncovering the Truth in Your Life Story. Learn more about Gangaji at www.gangaji.org.


19th January 2015, 13:55
I am going to tell you something now that you don't hear very often in the world,
and I use myself as an example for you.
If you want to go all the way, give up the sense that you have any rights in life.
Have no right at all. Have no rights for anything.
Then everything is a gift.
When you don't deserve anything, everything is a gift.
Just try.
Just for you. Okay?
This is not a political decision.

Give up this sense that you have rights, that life owes you something, and feel the space that remains. Maybe, initially, you will feel vulnerability like, 'Oh my God, I can't stand up for my rights. I will be abused.' But go beyond this feeling.
Sacrifice it for a greater truth.

You must begin to think with your God-mind.
God does not have rights.
God does not need any rights.
You have to be like God.
Give up this sense you have rights.
You wish to go all the way?
Give up pride also.
Give up future too.

If you give up future, you give up past also.
Just for you. You don't have to tell anybody.
And give up this dependency, 'Who will be here for me?'
And give up projections such as, ‘Yes, in two years time
I will be in a solid relationship and I will own my own apartment.’
There is nothing so great about that.
It just keeps you being a sucker.
You don't want to be a sucker.

There is greater than this to come.
You miss the full adventure and power
that comes from the Holy spirit if you start to choose for yourself.
If you feel to choose for yourself, He will leave you to choose for yourself.
But as soon as you give up this sense of rights; if you say,
'You give me the sense of choice. You are my choice,'
then something else will happen.

In the world nobody tells you this.
There you have to be proud and say, 'Listen, I have rights!'
When I have rights, the world has done me a lot of wrongs.
Give up pride.
Pride in being a woman.
Pride in being beautiful.
Pride in being accomplished in something.
Pride that you are a certain race, religion or nation.
Give up all of these things.
They belong to the devil.
They don't belong to you.
And experience what remains.
A great space will open inside your Heart.
Huge humility.
Huge acceptance, love, wisdom and freedom
as you experience integration with the cosmic being.
And no force on earth can manipulate or bind you,
because you have made yourself empty of all that makes a 'person'.
Why think it is so great to be a person?
For a while we have to taste that state of personhood,
but there must come a time when you return to purity.
Come back to your purity, your original being!
You ask, ‘How?’
Collapse at God's feet. This is no ordinary fall.
It is not falling down.
It is falling upwards into the embrace of the Living God.

~ Mooji

20th January 2015, 17:11
^ It's interesting that Mooji is not using any metaphor or abstraction to say what he wants. It's direct and simple. I just explained to someone today that most problems in relationships occur because we label ourselves or attach ourselves to our thoughts, opinions or identity. All these have been made up and do not represent you. Mooji is obviously talking about complete detachment from everything. I remember Tapovan used to wear the same clothing for years and he just ate food to keep the body fit. In my own experience, the more you let go, the more you become empty and the more you feel serene.

21st January 2015, 18:29
The story that opened my eyes some years ago:

Encounter with Emperor Xiāo Yǎn 蕭衍

The Anthology of the Patriarchal Hall tells us that in 527 during the Liang Dynasty, Bodhidharma, the first Patriarch of Chán, visited the Emperor Wu (Emperor Xiāo Yǎn 蕭衍 (posthumous name Wǔdì 武帝) of Liáng 梁 China), a fervent patron of Buddhism:

Emperor Wu: "How much karmic merit have I earned for ordaining Buddhist monks, building monasteries, having sutras copied, and commissioning Buddha images?"
Bodhidharma: "None. Good deeds done with worldly intent bring good karma, but no merit."
Emperor Wu: "So what is the highest meaning of noble truth?"
Bodhidharma: "There is no noble truth, there is only emptiness."
Emperor Wu: "Then, who is standing before me?"
Bodhidharma: "I know not, Your Majesty."[30]

After Bodhidharma left, the Emperor asked the official in charge of the Imperial Annals about the encounter. The Official of the Annals then asked the Emperor if he still denied knowing who Bodhidharma was. When the Emperor said he didn't know, the Official said, "This was the Great-being Guanyin (i.e., the Mahasattva Avalokiteśvara) transmitting the imprint of the Buddha's Heart-Mind."

The Emperor regretted his having let Bodhidharma leave and was going to dispatch a messenger to go and beg Bodhidharma to return. The Official then said, "Your Highness, do not say to send out a messenger to go fetch him. The people of the entire nation could go, and he still would not return

21st January 2015, 21:24
Might I offer this short 5-minute video that touches on..."ascension" and such matters?


I know this fellow's soul, and applaud the work he is now doing. Only recently has he left a quarter-century of teaching at NYU and Goddard, to work with The Guides who speak through him.

22nd January 2015, 10:59
We seem to have lost the ability to judge or appreciate true human greatness or Godliness.
Even in many religious places, if you don't dress smartly,
people don't want to talk to you. They have no time for you.
A new seeker could easily think that God will only accept you if you are smartly dressed.

Like this, many people inside these organisations end up missing the Lord who comes in many guises.
In fact, I remember a story of a certain well - known preacher who would ban people from coming into his church.
One of these rejected people prayed to God about this. God then answered that He Himself has been trying to get into the same church for years but without any success.

We have forgotten what is important.
Drop pride. It has never served you.
Drop the feeling that life owes you anything and see what happens.
Don't only look outside; look into your inner space and see how this new attitude feels within you; how light, empty and free you are without self-esteem or any self-definition.

When you meet, you don't put living beings into any category.
Therefore, you can communicate with anybody for you have found true communion which comes only from the heart. This is universal Love.
Your heart is an open and limitless space.
It has no bedroom, front yard, kitchen or storage room
—just a space full of love, Truth and the Holy Spirit of God.

~ Mooji

22nd January 2015, 18:19
We seem to have lost the ability to judge or appreciate true human greatness or Godliness.
Even in many religious places, if you don't dress smartly,
people don't want to talk to you. They have no time for you.
A new seeker could easily think that God will only accept you if you are smartly dressed.

Like this, many people inside these organisations end up missing the Lord who comes in many guises.
In fact, I remember a story of a certain well - known preacher who would ban people from coming into his church.
One of these rejected people prayed to God about this. God then answered that He Himself has been trying to get into the same church for years but without any success.

We have forgotten what is important.
Drop pride. It has never served you.
Drop the feeling that life owes you anything and see what happens.
Don't only look outside; look into your inner space and see how this new attitude feels within you; how light, empty and free you are without self-esteem or any self-definition.

When you meet, you don't put living beings into any category.
Therefore, you can communicate with anybody for you have found true communion which comes only from the heart. This is universal Love.
Your heart is an open and limitless space.
It has no bedroom, front yard, kitchen or storage room
—just a space full of love, Truth and the Holy Spirit of God.

~ Mooji

Things are so much easy when you realise that identity is fake. Nothing in the surroundings can hurt you as you no longer differentiate yourself from anyone. I still remember how I never cared when someone spelled my name wrongly when I were young. It was just a name for me. Yet,a lot of people are offended once something different from their belief system is presented. There's so much emphasis on what one shows: Status, power, race, beliefs. All these created ego boosters kill the inner light.

23rd January 2015, 09:12
There is only awareness a guided meditation ---Mooji


23rd January 2015, 17:59

23rd January 2015, 21:58
Thank you for the Alan Watts video above, Guish.
It took me back to the 1960's when I discovered, bought, was thrilled by, his small book on the taboo against knowing who you are.
I had never heard his voice before, nor seen his face, but in this short 4-minute video above he speaks of things contemplated during quiet moments.
It is excellent, and viewing your video has lifted my spirits.
It has reminded me of "I am a verb. I am not a noun."
Much obliged.

24th January 2015, 03:48
Thank you for the Alan Watts video above, Guish.
It took me back to the 1960's when I discovered, bought, was thrilled by, his small book on the taboo against knowing who you are.
I had never heard his voice before, nor seen his face, but in this short 4-minute video above he speaks of things contemplated during quiet moments.
It is excellent, and viewing your video has lifted my spirits.
It has reminded me of "I am a verb. I am not a noun."
Much obliged.

Very happy for you. Watts continues to be influential. I have 18-19 year old students who still discuss about him with me. I need a lift myself right now. I have a 40 degrees fever and very painful body.


24th January 2015, 10:19
Wishing you a speedy recovery to good health Guish
Much love

24th January 2015, 15:41
Wishing you a speedy recovery to good health Guish
Much love

Much better Chris. Sid, my son, seems to have got the fever now.


24th January 2015, 16:00
No attachment

Kitano Gempo, abbot of Eihei temple, was ninety-two years old when he passed away in the year 1933. He endeavored his whole life not to be attached to anything. As a wandering mendicant when he was twenty he happened to meet a traveler who smoked tobacco. As they walked together down a mountain road, they stopped under a tree to rest. The traveler offered Kitano a smoke, which he accepted, as he was very hungry at the time.

“How pleasant this smoking is,” he commented. The other gave him an extra pipe and tobacco and they parted.

Kitano felt: “Such pleasant things may disturb meditation. Before this goes too far, I will stop now.” So he threw the smoking outfit away.

When he was twenty-three years old he studied I-King, the profoundest doctrine of the universe. It was winter at the time and he needed some heavy clothes. He wrote his teacher, who lived a hundred miles away, telling him of his need, and gave the letter to a traveler to deliver. Almost the whole winter passed and neither answer nor clothes arrived. So Kitano resorted to the prescience of I-King, which also teaches the art of divination, to determine whether or not his letter had miscarried. He found that this had been the case. A letter afterwards from his teacher made no mention of clothes.

“If I perform such accurate determinative work with I-King, I may neglect my meditation,” felt Kitano. So he gave up this marvelous teaching and never resorted to its powers again.

When he was twenty-eight he studied Chinese calligraphy and poetry. He grew so skillful in these arts that his teacher praised him. Kitano mused: “If I don’t stop now, I’ll be a poet, not a Zen teacher.” So he never wrote another poem.

24th January 2015, 18:04
I am currently reading the aforementioned book of Alan Watts, really amazing stuff, and the equally good video of the same posted by Guish, prompted me to search for more of his videos and found some amazing lectures!
Thanx All

24th January 2015, 18:08
"It will not be until a late stage that he will wake up to the realization that the real giver of Grace, the real helper along this path, the real master is not the incarnated master outside but the Overself inside his own heart. What the living master does for him is only to arouse his sleeping intuition and awaken his latent aspiration, to give him the initial impetus and starting guidance on the new quest, to point out the obstructions to advancement in his individual character and to help him deal with them."

~ Paul Brunton


24th January 2015, 19:10
"It will not be until a late stage that he will wake up to the realization that the real giver of Grace, the real helper along this path, the real master is not the incarnated master outside but the Overself inside his own heart. What the living master does for him is only to arouse his sleeping intuition and awaken his latent aspiration, to give him the initial impetus and starting guidance on the new quest, to point out the obstructions to advancement in his individual character and to help him deal with them."

~ Paul Brunton


Didn't Buddha always say not to agree with me if what I say doesn't make sense to you. He wasn't forcing opinions on others. He explained concepts and let others explore the concepts through practice. When I personally decided to let go of my ego, things changed suddenly. Those who had relationship problems with me became gentle, those who backstabbed me in the past, came close and seeked help. The past never existed. I couldn't even recall what happened. I can say that people operate at different spiritual levels. When one inflicts pain, it's out of ignorance of the spiritual side of beings. People are fed with rules, identity, religious norms and so on. Frustrated people do themselves more harm than the people they are insulting. Can someone really insult you if it doesn't shatter your inner peace? Mountains don't move when the wind blows.

25th January 2015, 12:38
Nassim Haramein interviewed by Dr. Paul Drouin on the principles of unified field theory, quantum gravity, consciousness studies, energy, and their far-reaching implications that unify the fields of both biology and physics.

During this two-hour event with Nassim Haramein, we will explore questions such as: What is the construction of the universe? What is mind-consciousness? What are the mechanics in which self-awareness occurs? What new energy source can we explore? What is the new unified field theory."


26th January 2015, 13:55
You can be the poorest man in terms of material wealth
and yet be a champion of the spirit in this life.
In ancient times, it is said, even kings and emperors
would bow down at the feet of an illiterate sage.
Illiterate means unlearned, uneducated.
Now, a king doesn't bow down to anybody except God,
so he must be at least wise enough to know whose feet he is bowing down to,
or be compelled by some power to put his head at the sage's feet.
Human beings search for greatness based upon human concepts, conditioning and achievements.

A sage may have nothing. He is empty,
but the force of his mere presence alone will draw those to him who have even a spark of attraction to the Supreme.
The sage doesn't point you to university
—he pulls you into the Universal Heart.

~ Mooji


26th January 2015, 16:23
We are like an onion with layers. Spiritual practice peels out the layers. A point is reached where one realizes that there are no layers to peel off. Vast emptiness which is undefined is experienced. In this state, no thinking is needed. One flows like the river, breathes together with the wind.

Grizz Griswold
26th January 2015, 17:06
Here is one of my favorite quotes.

"Once you realize universal emptiness, all objects are spontaneously penetrated: integrating the world and beyond, it contains all states of being within. If you lose the essence, there is nothing after all; if you attain the function, there is spiritual effect. The genuine path of unminding is not a religion for the immature".
-Fen yang


26th January 2015, 20:35
"We are living in wonderfully momentous times and it is the task of those on the Path to become bearers of the light in a dark age. But first, before that can be, each one must purify, ennoble, and instruct himself. He must fit himself for the divine grace because nothing can be done by his own personal power."

"It will not be until a late stage that he will wake up to the realization that the real giver of Grace, the real helper along this path, the real master is not the incarnated master outside but the Overself inside his own heart. What the living master does for him is only to arouse his sleeping intuition and awaken his latent aspiration, to give him the initial impetus and starting guidance on the new quest, to point out the obstructions to advancement in his individual character and to help him deal with them."

"Fascinated by the utter beauty of a fiery sunset, held and hypnotized by it, the turning away merely to continue a piece of work, to eat a meal or to go out on some business seems reprehensible sacrilege. And perhaps it is. It is in such moments that a glimpse of God's presence becomes possible. For the consciousness is carried outside the ego, desire is diverted to savouring the mysterious stillness, and thought's constant labour is subdued or, if good luck prevails, even suspended."

... Grace is the final, glorious, and authentic proof that it is not only man that is seeking God, but also God that is ever waiting for man…

- Paul Brunton


30th January 2015, 17:12
You say you cannot find the Truth,
but who are you, who can't find it?
The you who cannot find it, is not the true you.
When this you is lost, you find you are the Truth you seek.

~ Mooji

30th January 2015, 17:52
You say you cannot find the Truth,
but who are you, who can't find it?
The you who cannot find it, is not the true you.
When this you is lost, you find you are the Truth you seek.

~ Mooji

I love this.

Once you realised that you're nothing and everything at the same time, thinking stops, being starts.


31st January 2015, 00:10
"Once you realised that you're nothing and everything at the same time, thinking stops, being starts." - Guish

Glancing at the above sentence as I was passing through Avalon, I suddenly realized I've never arrived at "no thought" THROUGH thought.
Moments or minutes or hours of "stopped thinking" arise from the rising up pause when divine currents reach down and touch me.

Now I see why I was never drawn to the question "Who am I?", despite enjoying Ramana Maharshi, for that requires thinking and I'd far rather not think. I like "falling upward" and touching on what I call "the Father". Often I find divinity flowing through my arms into the action - walking across the floor, making coffee, doing household tasks. Sometimes it seems this is Christ becoming me.

31st January 2015, 04:48
Quite true, Meg. In zazen, the breath slows down and bliss lies between the two breaths (between inhalation and exhalation). I do get moments of complete bliss like you described. They are very random. I guess Buddha was in that state completely when he reached enlightenment.


Hugs and love,

31st January 2015, 20:27
Thanks for the nice video above, Guish. It has arresting thoughts in it:

If you put your mind on the enemy movement, your mind will be taken by the enemy movement.
If you put your mind on the enemy sword, your mind will be taken by the enemy sword.
If you put your mind on trying to cut the enemy, your mind will be taken by trying to cut.
If you put your mind on trying not to be cut, your mind will be taken by trying not to be cut.

There is no place to put your mind on.
Keep your mind not taken by anything.
The unperturbed mind, even in case of being in mud, that is “no mind”.

Do we assume "mind" here equates to "thought"?
I've never tried to define MIND, CONSCIOUSNESS, and AWARENESS, yet see it might have value.

Has anyone here given thought to how these three conditions might be defined, and thus used with clarity?

1st February 2015, 07:26
Do we assume "mind" here equates to "thought"?
I've never tried to define MIND, CONSCIOUSNESS, and AWARENESS, yet see it might have value.

Has anyone here given thought to how these three conditions might be defined, and thus used with clarity?

Yes. Mind is the process of thinking or mental confusion in some cases. In the Vedas, it's mentioned that as the mind is made still, just like water in a pond becomes still, one can see the depth of water. In our case, one can see our true self which is in fact empty, yet beautiful.

In this state, one helps a person without feeling good. One eats just to survive. One no longer thinks of one's self as one has understood it's the ego which differentiates oneself from others. So my dear Meg, you can see that no- mind leads to an awareness that we are not the ego, an awareness that caring for others and being selfless is the way. One simply doesn't think of doing good for karmic reasons. It's just the way it is. It's as if one is guided by something divine as the mind is not directing the actions. Such a state is described as a shift in consciousness in spirituality.

Hugs and love,

1st February 2015, 08:04
"Once you realised that you're nothing and everything at the same time, thinking stops, being starts." - Guish

Glancing at the above sentence as I was passing through Avalon, I suddenly realized I've never arrived at "no thought" THROUGH thought.
Moments or minutes or hours of "stopped thinking" arise from the rising up pause when divine currents reach down and touch me.

Now I see why I was never drawn to the question "Who am I?", despite enjoying Ramana Maharshi, for that requires thinking and I'd far rather not think. I like "falling upward" and touching on what I call "the Father". Often I find divinity flowing through my arms into the action - walking across the floor, making coffee, doing household tasks. Sometimes it seems this is Christ becoming me.

There are Christian mystics whose approach was similar e.g. Brother Lawrence, Therese de Lisieux, etc. Ramana Maharshi also knew that stopping thought was impossible (Alan Watts says the same thing in this wonderful talk The Mind on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=emHAoQGoQic)). He recommended contemplation on one thought in order to save energy and still the mind further to see what lies beyond it. The one thought was to seek the origin of self.

Whether focussing the mind on Christ consciousness flowing through you from above, or on the origin of the 'I' thought, the goal is the same. In either method the attention drops from the head to the chest cavity (heart) because the mind is still. One idea I found useful in order to direct attention inwards was to see that humans like to see infinity starting with human form and moving outwards. Infinity is also to the infinitely small. One can search for the origin of the 'I' thought at molecular, atomic and sub-atomic levels. All boundaries disappear. At an atomic level I can't find the boundary between my arse and the chair it's sitting on. That kind of thought really does quieten the egoic mind.

1st February 2015, 12:10
Gregg Braden explains his new book, the turning point.

"There's a time when every crisis can become transformation; when simply surviving can become joyous thriving. In our lives that time is The Turning Point. In our world that time is now!" We live in a time of extremes. And because the conditions of global finance, markets, resources, and jobs touch so much of our lives, we can no longer separate our everyday routines from the extremes of the world. The crises of climate change, extreme weather, and failing economies, for example, translate directly into the cost of the fuel that gets us back and forth to work each day; the interest we pay on our loans and that we're in turn paid on our savings; the loss of neighborhood businesses and local jobs; and the closing of factories, with the many benefits they bring to our communities. All of this means that our lives are changing in ways we've never seen in the past, and they're changing faster than we've been prepared to deal with. The good news is that nature gives us the key to turn the frightening "Tipping Points" of such extremes into life-affirming "Turning Points" of transformation. Fact: The solutions to our biggest problems already exist! Fact: We already have the technology and the means to adapt to the extremes! Fact: All that stands between the suffering of the present and the world transformed is the shift in thinking that allows the existing solutions into our lives. In this compelling new work, best-selling author and visionary Gregg Braden merges his expertise in leading-edge science with present-day realities to answer the questions on everyone's minds: What's causing the extremes in our world? What do the global trends mean in our personal lives? How do we make everyday life better for us and our families? Through his powerful synthesis of easy-to-understand science and real-world circumstances, Gregg uniquely: 1. Identifies the facts underlying the crises of personal, as well as global, change.2. Describes new scientific discoveries that hold the key to turning global crises into personal transformation. 3. Reveals simple strategies of "resilient thinking" for our finances and lifestyles and "resilient living" for our families and communities as we navigate the greatest shift in power, wealth, and resources in the modern world! Will we choose the "Turning Point" to the greatest transformation of living and thinking the world has ever seen?


1st February 2015, 15:22
Gregg Braden Interview 2014 [New] MUST SEE !!!


1st February 2015, 16:36
Chris, I have downloaded your two Gregg Braden videos for later viewing. Because I am mildly leery of Nassim Haramein, and have spent some days with Paul Drouin, I will pass on that video. Thanks for all of these, however.

I'd like to return to something from yesterday regarding MIND, CONSCIOUSNESS, and AWARENESS, for I am working towards a clearer understanding of being human. When I had asked if any knew distinctions between these terms, it was because I seemed often to be in “no thought”. It had not occurred to me to call this “no mind”, which are the words in Guish's short video above. I had not equated mind with thought, although that seems to be inferred by the video admonishing one to seek "no mind".

In contemplation over years I've seen my MIND is a TOOL, into which thoughts are placed that I can "pick up" or choose to "not pick up". For example, whatever I laid down in my mind at bedtime, was still there in the morning when I awoke. I had choice whether to re-engage with those thoughts or not. I sensed them as separate from me the observer.

Now WHO was seeing those ”thought objects” in the mind? Might the Observer (or Witness that some speak of) be consciousness? Or is the term “awareness” more fitting here?

After asking earlier about meanings for MIND, CONSCIOUSNESS, and AWARENESS, I internet searched and found such back-and-forth opinions that it wearied me and I left off. I had wanted to have a common understanding from which to describe some experiences.

I offer here a stunning experience I’ve had with MIND. Shortly after coming to Avalon forum this past fall, I was shocked one night to become aware that elements had been placed in my mind. As I was observing them, realizing that they had just been placed in there by something outside me, these foreign intrusions, these elements I was observing, took on a kind of "life", seemed to “transform themselves”, and they swarmed out of my mind and attacked my energy bodies. (!!!)

It was such a strong attack my physical body shook as I struggled to free myself. There was a buzz-saw noise and shaking of my spine as something etheric was being embedded in my back – other elements were attacking other parts of my body, and my voice was paralysed. With great effort I was finally able to utter the words, however distorted through the paralysis: “In the name of the Christ, release me!” and instantly they were gone. (Thankfully I know two people gifted with spiritual sight and ability who later worked to remove these etheric implants.)

This clearly shows me that MIND is separate from ‘Who We Are’, and it is manipulated. This experience was a deeper learning of what I’d come to understand in earlier years of contemplation.

AWARENESS is a term I use for the thousands of times I have travelled through the cosmos, to many levels and realities. I am CONSCIOUS of this in my personality self within this body. I hold awareness of the travelling experiences at the SAME TIME as I am my 3D personality. My Margaret personality can speak words ,move about, and THINK THOUGHTS ABOUT WHAT MY HIGHER AWARENESS IS EXPERIENCING.

A decade ago I used to privately wonder if my mind was split – but over time I realized it is more accurate to say that my mind is more whole, that it encompasses higher and lower aspects which my personality is aware of at one and the same time, as though a barrier becomes intermittently more transparent.

When I am flying through the black ethers, I feel I am a point of awareness. When I have played joyfully falling into and out of time, I am merely an awareness. Yet when I have entered various timelines and interacted with others, I seem to have a body, even if it is an orb. One strong experience was being beside Abraham Lincoln, aware I was sending a stream of energy to him, knowing that he was accepting this energy. Later contemplation led me to believe I needed to have a body in order for the energy to pass through, in order to do this work.

These are difficult things to speak of in words that do not have clear meanings attached to them. These musings arose from Guish’s earlier video about “no mind”.

I had an extremely interesting experience last summer that gives much to consider regarding the nature of human beings in 3D form. Yet there have been so many words already in this post, and to explore this further example of human consciousness would take so many more words, that I shall end this post here. I hope what I’ve written helps point to some of our vastness – we are not “merely human”.

1st February 2015, 16:56
The glimpse (http://paulbrunton.org/notebooks/22/6#section1)

"In that sudden moment of spiritual awareness, or that longer period of spiritual ecstasy, he identifies himself no more with the projection from Mind but with pure Mind itself. In that severance from its projection, the shadow becomes the sun.

"Like a prisoner emerging from a gloomy cell after many years or an invalid liberated from long confinement in a hospital bed, he will feel an overwhelming sense of relief as the glimpse deepens and all cares, all burdens, fade away."

~ Paul Brunton


1st February 2015, 17:04
Hi Meggings
because the word mind has different meanings in various spiritual teachings, I think it safer to think of brain as being the mechanism.
Mind being capable of change is something different. Anything that changes is not what I am, awareness is permanent.
Gregg Braden I like, but however he feels that we can choose---I dont really believe that.
"Spiritual Evolution is happening because that's what the Divine wants." that more or less a quote from Eckhart Tolle.

Much love c

2nd February 2015, 18:16
Here are the latest videos from Mooji and Tolle, enjoy!


3rd February 2015, 05:51
Nicely laid out by Alan Waats.


3rd February 2015, 06:33
Gregg Braden Interview 2014 [New] MUST SEE !!!


Thanks Chris. It's really a must see. All his claims are backed with evidences and this makes his hypotheses credible.

3rd February 2015, 15:51
The purpose of life is not merely to satisfy mind’s projections.
Though we imagine such a life would be a happy one, it would not be a good life.
You waste your life pursuing the wind.
But to dedicate one's life to Truth, that is tremendous.

And it is a choice prompted by the Heart itself.
One prays from the Heart, 'Let this life be one with its source.'
Offer this house so that it is used in service to God and thus become a temple of light.
Throw out the old tenant called ego.

You will never go back and say, 'Oh, I no longer want God to be here.
It was better when the devil was here.'

No, you will never regret this.

~ Mooji

3rd February 2015, 16:11
The purpose of life is not merely to satisfy mind’s projections.

And it is a choice prompted by the Heart itself.
One prays from the Heart, 'Let this life be one with its source.'
Offer this house so that it is used in service to God and thus become a temple of light.
Throw out the old tenant called ego.

You will never go back and say, 'Oh, I no longer want God to be here.
It was better when the devil was here.'

No, you will never regret this.

~ Mooji

The mind's projections are infinite in nature and satisfying infinity given a finite timeline is a lost battle.

4th February 2015, 14:46
"It is our innate inertia which keeps us set in habitual outlooks and thus keeps us victims of our own past experience. We copy again every day what we did before, what we thought and felt before. We live in both the conscious and the subconscious memories, desires, fears which time has accumulated for us, and that the ego has created to bind us to itself. We are ruled by compulsions, fixations, and neuroses--some of them not even known--that freeze us, preventing further real advancement.

We rarely enter the day to gain really fresh experience, think really new thoughts, or assume really different attitudes. We are prisoners of time. This is because we are so ego-bound. The compulsion which makes us conform ourselves to dead yesterday's ideas and practices, concepts and habits, is an unreal one, an illusory one. In letting ourselves become victims of the past by letting it swallow up the present, we lose the tremendous meaning and tremendous opportunity which the present contains. Whereas the Overself speaks to us from tomorrow's intuitive understanding, the ego speaks to us through memory. Its past enslaves us, preventing a new and higher way of viewing life from being born.

But it is possible to arouse ourselves and to begin viewing life as it unfolds in the Eternal Present, the Now, with wholly fresh eyes. Every morning is like a new reincarnation into this world. It is a fresh chance to be ourselves, not merely echoes of our own past ideological fixations. Let us take it then for what it is and live each moment anew.

When a master mystic like Jesus tells men to refrain from being anxious about the morrow and to let today's evil be sufficient for today, he speaks out of his own consciousness of living in this Eternal Now. Consequently, he spoke not of periods involving twelve or twenty-four hours, but of pinpoints of a moment. He told them to live timelessly, to let the dead past bury itself. He is indeed a Christian, a Christ-self man, who lives cleanly and completely in the present--free, uncontrolled, and unconditioned by what he was, believed, or desired yesterday."

~ Paul Brunton


4th February 2015, 17:24
"It is our innate inertia which keeps us set in habitual outlooks and thus keeps us victims of our own past experience. We copy again every day what we did before, what we thought and felt before. We live in both the conscious and the subconscious memories, desires, fears which time has accumulated for us, and that the ego has created to bind us to itself. We are ruled by compulsions, fixations, and neuroses--some of them not even known--that freeze us, preventing further real advancement.

We rarely enter the day to gain really fresh experience, think really new thoughts, or assume really different attitudes. We are prisoners of time. This is because we are so ego-bound. The compulsion which makes us conform ourselves to dead yesterday's ideas and practices, concepts and habits, is an unreal one, an illusory one. In letting ourselves become victims of the past by letting it swallow up the present, we lose the tremendous meaning and tremendous opportunity which the present contains. Whereas the Overself speaks to us from tomorrow's intuitive understanding, the ego speaks to us through memory. Its past enslaves us, preventing a new and higher way of viewing life from being born.

But it is possible to arouse ourselves and to begin viewing life as it unfolds in the Eternal Present, the Now, with wholly fresh eyes. Every morning is like a new reincarnation into this world. It is a fresh chance to be ourselves, not merely echoes of our own past ideological fixations. Let us take it then for what it is and live each moment anew.

When a master mystic like Jesus tells men to refrain from being anxious about the morrow and to let today's evil be sufficient for today, he speaks out of his own consciousness of living in this Eternal Now. Consequently, he spoke not of periods involving twelve or twenty-four hours, but of pinpoints of a moment. He told them to live timelessly, to let the dead past bury itself. He is indeed a Christian, a Christ-self man, who lives cleanly and completely in the present--free, uncontrolled, and unconditioned by what he was, believed, or desired yesterday."

~ Paul Brunton


This is just an elaboration of Budha's concept that everyday we are reborn. What matters is what we make of that day.

4th February 2015, 18:09
Does my heart good to see al the great posts.
Thanks to all.

The Mystics are all on the same page---its the Eternal moment that holds

"The open secret"

That's the name of the book written by Tony Parsons


Grizz Griswold
4th February 2015, 20:24
"It is our innate inertia which keeps us set in habitual outlooks and thus keeps us victims of our own past experience. We copy again every day what we did before, what we thought and felt before. We live in both the conscious and the subconscious memories, desires, fears which time has accumulated for us, and that the ego has created to bind us to itself. We are ruled by compulsions, fixations, and neuroses--some of them not even known--that freeze us, preventing further real advancement.

We rarely enter the day to gain really fresh experience, think really new thoughts, or assume really different attitudes. We are prisoners of time. This is because we are so ego-bound. The compulsion which makes us conform ourselves to dead yesterday's ideas and practices, concepts and habits, is an unreal one, an illusory one. In letting ourselves become victims of the past by letting it swallow up the present, we lose the tremendous meaning and tremendous opportunity which the present contains. Whereas the Overself speaks to us from tomorrow's intuitive understanding, the ego speaks to us through memory. Its past enslaves us, preventing a new and higher way of viewing life from being born.

But it is possible to arouse ourselves and to begin viewing life as it unfolds in the Eternal Present, the Now, with wholly fresh eyes. Every morning is like a new reincarnation into this world. It is a fresh chance to be ourselves, not merely echoes of our own past ideological fixations. Let us take it then for what it is and live each moment anew.

When a master mystic like Jesus tells men to refrain from being anxious about the morrow and to let today's evil be sufficient for today, he speaks out of his own consciousness of living in this Eternal Now. Consequently, he spoke not of periods involving twelve or twenty-four hours, but of pinpoints of a moment. He told them to live timelessly, to let the dead past bury itself. He is indeed a Christian, a Christ-self man, who lives cleanly and completely in the present--free, uncontrolled, and unconditioned by what he was, believed, or desired yesterday."

~ Paul Brunton


I like this one WIND!

Being ego-bound, we stay in constant thought about the past and future.
Without the constant thought, the illusion is seen clearly, the cats out of the bag!
and the ego might have a hard time getting it back in again....Smiling

We all have moments of timelessness, they are coming at us like a gentle rain,
while holding a baby, looking at a flower, thinking how much we love someone.
Everyone has these, but thoughts of past and future can cover them up, and
they are unrecognized, seemingly lost.

A musician friend, not long ago said "sometimes i think i can become enlightened by playing music"
After contemplation, i would have to agree. When a musician plays music, he can't
think ahead, if he does, he will, miss a note. He is in the present/timeless state,
and most of us are unaware, we only know that it's enjoyable. i now look for
the present, the timeless state. We all miss a lot of opportunities, unaware.

Love and Namaste

5th February 2015, 02:24
"It is our innate inertia which keeps us set in habitual outlooks and thus keeps us victims of our own past experience. We copy again every day what we did before, what we thought and felt before. We live in both the conscious and the subconscious memories, desires, fears which time has accumulated for us, and that the ego has created to bind us to itself. We are ruled by compulsions, fixations, and neuroses--some of them not even known--that freeze us, preventing further real advancement.

We rarely enter the day to gain really fresh experience, think really new thoughts, or assume really different attitudes. We are prisoners of time. This is because we are so ego-bound. The compulsion which makes us conform ourselves to dead yesterday's ideas and practices, concepts and habits, is an unreal one, an illusory one. In letting ourselves become victims of the past by letting it swallow up the present, we lose the tremendous meaning and tremendous opportunity which the present contains. Whereas the Overself speaks to us from tomorrow's intuitive understanding, the ego speaks to us through memory. Its past enslaves us, preventing a new and higher way of viewing life from being born.

But it is possible to arouse ourselves and to begin viewing life as it unfolds in the Eternal Present, the Now, with wholly fresh eyes. Every morning is like a new reincarnation into this world. It is a fresh chance to be ourselves, not merely echoes of our own past ideological fixations. Let us take it then for what it is and live each moment anew.

When a master mystic like Jesus tells men to refrain from being anxious about the morrow and to let today's evil be sufficient for today, he speaks out of his own consciousness of living in this Eternal Now. Consequently, he spoke not of periods involving twelve or twenty-four hours, but of pinpoints of a moment. He told them to live timelessly, to let the dead past bury itself. He is indeed a Christian, a Christ-self man, who lives cleanly and completely in the present--free, uncontrolled, and unconditioned by what he was, believed, or desired yesterday."

~ Paul Brunton


I like this one WIND!

Being ego-bound, we stay in constant thought about the past and future.
Without the constant thought, the illusion is seen clearly, the cats out of the bag!
and the ego might have a hard time getting it back in again....Smiling

We all have moments of timelessness, they are coming at us like a gentle rain,
while holding a baby, looking at a flower, thinking how much we love someone.
Everyone has these, but thoughts of past and future can cover them up, and
they are unrecognized, seemingly lost.

A musician friend, not long ago said "sometimes i think i can become enlightened by playing music"
After contemplation, i would have to agree. When a musician plays music, he can't
think ahead, if he does, he will, miss a note. He is in the present/timeless state,
and most of us are unaware, we only know that it's enjoyable. i now look for
the present, the timeless state. We all miss a lot of opportunities, unaware.

Love and Namaste

Agree. I'm a drummer and you have to lose yourself to be in harmony with the present, your present action. One hardly thinks about the notes while being in the moment. Like you said, it can be experienced in any activity. I experienced complete stillness while riding my motor bike once.

Once the mind becomes still, one can live each moment fully and live in a wise away. Hence, the notion of becoming awake, I think.

6th February 2015, 18:28
My son watches this every day.


6th February 2015, 20:08
“What is the difficulty in awakening?” poses Shunyamurti, the spiritual teacher of the Sat Yoga Institute in Costa Rica.
“The problem is this: The ego is a PDF file (http://thespiritscience.net/2014/11/22/the-ego-is-a-pdf-file/). PDF meaning, Projections, Decisions, and Fixations. And it developed in that order."


6th February 2015, 22:51
We are all in recovery
" You are sleepwalking in your own Self, sleepwalking in your own story... Grace has called you home."
(Mooji) http://www.mooji.org

This is a truly beautiful and humorous Mooji talk
I urge you to view this


7th February 2015, 03:37
“What is the difficulty in awakening?” poses Shunyamurti, the spiritual teacher of the Sat Yoga Institute in Costa Rica.
“The problem is this: The ego is a PDF file (http://thespiritscience.net/2014/11/22/the-ego-is-a-pdf-file/). PDF meaning, Projections, Decisions, and Fixations. And it developed in that order."


That was one nice speech. Calm, composed and serene communication. Sometimes, people focus on the intellectual understanding of spirituality but this guy just like Mooji talks from experience.

7th February 2015, 08:07
Very funny, I don't get it, but funny it is. :o

Thank you for this. It was utterly delightful. I had never heard Papaji speak before. I closed my eyes and sank deeply inward as he spoke to her, and I felt a power come through it even though this is video, even though he died years ago.

Thank you for posting this - a friend was "declared" awakened in 1993 by him, but I'd never seen anything but a photograph of him before. This touched me deeply.

8th February 2015, 23:07
The one who says, "I can't go beyond my mind," is not the real Self.
It is a mixture of presence and person,
and is therefore still a distortion of consciousness.
That which perceives or observes this is the true Self.
Be That.

~ Mooji


10th February 2015, 14:05
Peace of desert

"It is the desert's spaciousness and timelessness which make it so different from all other places and so attractive to those seeking a suitable environment to practise meditation. There is no hurry and no worry among its dwellers. Here is the place where people can most quickly shed superficial baggage and find the essentials of being. Among the Oriental mystics especially, it is regarded as expansive to the mind and therefore helpful to meditate gazing before an expanse of water or of desert. Alone in the immensity of a desert, the sensitive mind easily yet indescribably feels itself taken out of time, brought into the eternal Now.

The stillness of desert life and the openness of the landscape contribute towards a gradual and natural stilling of the thoughts. Or perhaps it is because the procession of events is stilled here that the procession of thoughts about them is also stilled. Here the human intruder begins to comprehend, intuitively rather than intellectually, what eternal life means, what inner peace means. Here amid sunshine and silence, petty feelings, negative thoughts, animal desires begin to lose their hold and their vitality.

The mystic and the ascetic have since the earliest times been associated with the desert. Its own austere face, its harsh, rocky, sparse, cactus-grown wastes, its rough, arid, comfortless, jumbled surface fit it well with the rigid ideals of these human types. Moses at Sinai, Jesus in Syria, Muhammed in Arabia, Saint Simeon in Egypt--all felt, knew, and tapped the desert's silent power for their own and for humanity's profit."

~ Paul Bruton


10th February 2015, 15:42
Watching/listening to Mooji above melted a lump of fear in me. I thank you for posting this, Wind.

(Individual but Universal - "...see without the person...")

At times I forget thousands of experiences as A POINT OF AWARENESS travelling through the black ethers and seeing beings and places and things of amazement. Yet my Awareness was never awed; it was my personality self mind joined with the higher mind that would speak words of amazement. I was both "the seeing without the person" and the personality, at the same time. How could I forget these travellings everywhere in the mind of God, in endless dimensions?

Because I have recently made a bid to live longer, now fear arises, for being penniless, life becomes hard to hang onto. Yet Mooji's words melted that fear for these moments.

10th February 2015, 17:24
Every step in enlightenment is accompanied with fear as the ego doesn't want to lose its importance.

10th February 2015, 20:24
"Every step in enlightenment is accompanied with fear as the ego doesn't want to lose its importance."
This sounds pompous and inapplicable when one is trying to keep the physical body alive, functioning, and housed in 3D.
It seems not to be a matter of ego.

10th February 2015, 21:06
"Every step in enlightenment is accompanied with fear as the ego doesn't want to lose its importance."
This sounds pompous and inapplicable when one is trying to keep the physical body alive, functioning, and housed in 3D.
It seems not to be a matter of ego.

Depends where perception is coming from.
Self has no fear-- from that understanding it is the ego that puts up obstacles to enlightenment out of fear.
The ego says "Without me you would forget to take your medicine, you would not survive a day without me"
The thing is its your Self that looks after you.
The Ego claims to be the doer, but according to mystics its not.
Its an imposter claiming to be self.
These words are almost a direct quote from the late Dr David Hawkins.

When the thread was started, Dr Hawkins was my main source of information and that impacted greatly early posts here.
I went to USA --Long Beach to a weekend Seminar he put on.
I was fortunate to have a few words with him--he loved the bagpipes and knew I was from Scotland--we shook hands.
Now here is the thing I had an intense fear of heights--I could not even stand on a chair with out breaking out in a cold sweat.

I did not realise at the time that anything had happened.
The friend I was with knew of my fear and joked that we should go up on the carousel near the hotel--to my surprise YES came out of my mouth.
That evening we went up many feet on the contraption--I had no fear what so ever.

I cant explain that away.
We are looked after, but not by the ego.


10th February 2015, 23:52
I want to thank Guish for our interaction, because from contemplating what was happening in me when I responded to him, I've understood a few things.
And Greybeard, thanks too. Spirit asked me to live at least two more years, and so Spirit will provide the means.

11th February 2015, 13:51
The vedas speak of seven planes where the mind can dwell.

I've been speaking to Zampy a lot lately and we talked about stages in Enlightenment. The text below if from Ramakrishna and it's inspiring to me.

The Vedas speak of seven planes where the mind can dwell. When the mind is immersed in worldliness it dwells in the three lower planes… The fourth plane of the mind is at the heart. When the mind dwells there, one has the first glimpse of spiritual consciousness. One sees light all around. Such a man, perceiving the divine light, becomes speechless with wonder and says: "Ah! What is this? What is this" His mind does not go downward to the objects of the world. The fifth plane of the mind is at the throat. When the mind reaches this, the aspirant becomes free form all ignorance and illusion… The sixth plane is at the forehead. When the mind dwells there, the aspirant sees the form of God day and night. But even then a little trace of ego remains. In the top of the head is the seventh plane. When the mind rises there, one goes into samadhi. (Paraphrased: Then there is the direct perception of Brahman.)… Generally the body does not remain alive after the attainment of samadhi… After the well is dug one generally throws away the spade and basket. But some keep them in order to help their neighbours. The great souls who retain their bodies after samadhi feel compassion for the suffering of others. They are not so selfish as to be satisfied with their own illumination.

11th February 2015, 16:58
Hey there party people!
A little story:
A year ago or so, I finished the book from Ramana, I AM. I decided to take a big walk, I wanted to walk until I finished my Self Inquiry, up to the point,
where everything of what I thought I was, would vanish. To end the ego based thinking process with the logical mind. It happened quick, like 2 hours or so, where
I ended up against a wall of "not knowing". Nearly every upcoming thought got nipped in the bud. But still, thoughts were arising.
In the Self Inquiry process I learned, that all objects have a name...tree, dog, river, guenther, mother, friend, world, bottle. Intuitively, I recognised that this name giving starts the
ego/thought process. Or attribution giving...water is cold or warm, the tree is big or small and so on. During the walk, I made up my own technique which I hoped would bring me further to the goal. My name is Guenther, who gave me that name, my parents, their names where given from my grandparents and so on. Who said, that a tree is a tree? Who said a dog is a dog? Is it my dog? Who named him Chico? Who said cold is cold and warm is warm? After another 3 or 4 hours, there was nothing to name and no thing to give an attribute to.

This was the first time, where no thoughts were coming-everything was there and just being. When I was at home-there was no need to speak about anything-still I interacted with my parents. Went to bed soon afterwards. Next day I went to work-I took the train, but it wasnt me sitting there in the train and going to the market to sell fish. "I" was just sitting and being there with a warm feeling of light bliss, peace, confidence, love (only words to describe it). I have never sold that many fish that day, but at the end, there was a craving for ice cream and ego came back.

Some weeks later, I had a meeting with an enlightened Advaita Vedanta guy here in Austria and we sat together. In his presence I had this feeling again and he knew it and we talked about it. The hour went by very fast, I paid him and went home. Then I went into a rampage ;-) and watched lots of enlightened peoples testimonies and interviews...Conscious TV, Buddha at the gas pump and some german sites on the net. Just to say, hmmm yes they are all speaking about the same. Some hints here and there on how and why and what comes after.

What I can say for now is, that most of the teachers talk a lot more about how it is after It. Instead of bringing people to what already is here and how to come to that point.
I do not intend to talk them all bad, but sometimes a close teacher/person can bring you way much further then just listening to how It is, how It feels, how It progressess through the process. More effectively.

So after this time, I came back to do my ordinary practice, not naming objects with their names, not giving attributes to sense feelings-just where I started and what where I had the best success. THAT is the point. Practice. Maybe you have your own practice or not, create yourself own. What feels best and stick to it. If not, try another.
Watching the videos and the interviews is also ok, but do your practice.
All the best to you guys

11th February 2015, 17:16
Good point. I had this experience some time ago. Everything seems like an illusion right now, society, hierarchy, identities, thoughts. Everything is made up. I feel that I have no identity right now. Just empty and guided by something I can't describe. Yet, it's wonderful to act without thinking. Pure bliss. But the little voice is still here trying his luck at times.

11th February 2015, 17:52
Sometimes I have the feeling that it is just made for us (individually) , to come to this final point of realization.
God realisation, 4th dimension/density/whatever (someone said) where time is not relevant anymore-thus that we are finally realising that all is one, without time.
And of course, we are creators in our world here.
Imagine being not only a creator of everyday circumstances, but on a higher level.
Now I have to add, that we still have to do some work.
With knowledge comes actions. Hand in hand.

12th February 2015, 09:25
"However difficult the circumstances of his surface life may become, the student must cling to his faith that the Overself really is, and that if he seeks Its guidance It will lead him to the wisest solution of his problem. This does not necessarily or always mean that he should stop his own personal efforts. On the contrary, he should use his reason and judgement to the best degree of which he is capable, and also consult others who are more experienced or more expert than he is. But after he has done all that he can do, he should hand over his problem to the Overself. He must prove that he has really surrendered it by releasing himself from further anxiety concerning the outcome.

He must be confident that the higher power, which is always with him, can meet his needs. He must be patient enough to wait and courageous enough to accept a solution which offends his egoism. Then, outer help or inner guidance or an answer to his problem will be forthcoming."

"... We stand today between two cycles, two eras, two cultures. The next one will not only be new; it will also be brighter and better in every way."

~ Paul Brunton


12th February 2015, 16:44
Good point. Do your best and leave the rest. Over thinking about consequences affect the present moment in a negative way.

12th February 2015, 16:48
Sometimes I have the feeling that it is just made for us (individually) , to come to this final point of realization.
God realisation, 4th dimension/density/whatever (someone said) where time is not relevant anymore-thus that we are finally realising that all is one, without time.
And of course, we are creators in our world here.
Imagine being not only a creator of everyday circumstances, but on a higher level.
Now I have to add, that we still have to do some work.
With knowledge comes actions. Hand in hand.

Powerful. Creations that do not come from the mind are created by what? Who's guiding you when you are beyond mind and beyond thinking but you still do actions. Actions happen without thinking and planning.

13th February 2015, 15:50
In the early stage when you’re a person there is definitely a mind, when you’re the Self there is no mind.

There is not even the Self. What remains is wordless.

As you come back to yourself the mind subsides to Heart energy.

You are living in the perfume of Being itself, you’re in a state of peace.

The mind still functions but functions in service to that peace.

~ Mooji


13th February 2015, 18:35
The most quoted and respected enlightened Mystic is Ramana Maharshi.
His linage includes Mooji.

Abide As the Self is a transforming video that takes you on an inner journey into the teachings of Ramana Maharshi and the path of Self-knowledge. Comprehensive film footage of Ramana comes alive, with emphasis on the teachings of Self-Inquiry and its practical application. A special collection of rare photographs enhances Ramana's presence and captures the compassion and grace of one of the most respected sages of our time. The inspired narration by Ram Dass provides an overview of Ramana's teachings. Also included are interviews with H.W.L. Poonja, Douglas Harding, Allan W. Anderson, and others. In Abide As the Self, you will experience how the profound teachings of Ramana Maharshi can be easily applied in our daily life. This is a deeply inspiring video in which the sage Ramana speaks directly to your heart. "Abide As the Self skillfully interweaves old and new still photographs, excerpts from Ramana's writings, interviews with longtime devotees, narration by Ram Dass, and, not least, rare and precious footage of Ramana from 1935 to 1949. Highly recommended." Yoga Journal

"The presence of the great Indian sage Ramana Maharshi, his clear approach to Self-Realization, and the teachings of Self-Inquiry are beautifully presented. Interviews and exceptional film footage of Ramana Maharshi make this video an inspiring and transforming experience." New Renaissance Bookshop

"The video concludes with the encouraging words of Ram Dass, who tells us that Maharshi's message is not Indian but universal: the peace that illuminates the heart and mind is always present. Anyone curious about this aspect of Eastern spirituality will find this informative and interesting video worthwhile and surprisingly accessible to general viewers. Recommended." Video Librarian "Bhagavan was always silent, that is everyone's true nature . . . In this quietness the mind will automatically return to its source and there will be a tremendous fountain of peace. All doubts are cleared and one remains quiet, in the heart." H.W.L. Poonja


15th February 2015, 05:29
Sexual energy is a major stimulant in the awakening process. However, it can be detrimental if not controlled. I've felt intense urges when I had to deal with Kundalini energy some months ago and after just experiencing 5 weeks of complete bliss recently, I've seen the urges coming back again. Below is a nice video on it.


15th February 2015, 05:47
You say you sometimes see Truth clearly, and other times you don't.
The one who sees Truth clearly sometimes and other times not
is also seen from a higher place.
Watch from your final reality—the formless Self!

~ Mooji

15th February 2015, 08:13
You say you sometimes see Truth clearly, and other times you don't.
The one who sees Truth clearly sometimes and other times not
is also seen from a higher place.
Watch from your final reality—the formless Self!

~ Mooji

Hi Friend,

It's amazing how that's relevant to my self right now.

15th February 2015, 10:49
Glad to hear that, friend. This quote is from today.

Mind says, 'The unchanging is boring.'
The Unchanging, which is the true Self, does not attract the personal mind.
But the 'unchanging' the mind speaks about
is not the Unchanging I speak about.
Mind, which is by nature changeful,
can never know the magnificence of the Unchanging.
The day it begins feeling attraction for the Unchanging
is the day it will begin merging inside its blissful Source.

~ Mooji

15th February 2015, 13:58
Ramana Maharshi Meets Paramahansa Yogananda (http://www.mindpodnetwork.com/ramana-maharshi-meets-paramahansa-yogananda/)

On November 29th, 1935 Paramahansa Yogananda met with Ramana Maharshi. Below is an account of their meeting.

Yogananda with four others arrived at 8.45 a.m. He looks big, but gentle and well-groomed. He has dark flowing hair, hanging over his shoulders. The group had lunch in the Asramam.

Mr. C. R. Wright, his secretary, asked: How shall I realise God?

M.: God is an unknown entity. Moreover He is external. Whereas, the Self is always with you and it is you. Why do you leave out what is intimate and go in for what is external?

D.: What is this Self again?

M.: The Self is known to everyone but not clearly. You always exist. The Be-ing is the Self. ‘I am’ is the name of God. Of all the definitions of God, none is indeed so well put as the Biblical statement “I AM THAT I AM” in EXODUS (Chap. 3). There are other statements, such as Brahmaivaham, Aham Brahmasmi and Soham. But none is so direct as the name JEHOVAH = I AM. The Absolute Being is what is – It is the Self. It is God. Knowing the Self, God is known. In fact God is none other than the Self.

D.: Why are there good and evil?

M.: They are relative terms. There must be a subject to know the good and evil. That subject is the ego. Trace the source of the ego. It ends in the Self. The source of the ego is God. This definition of God is probably more concrete and better understood by you.

D.: So it is. How to get Bliss?

M.: Bliss is not something to be got. On the other hand you are always Bliss. This desire is born of the sense of incompleteness. To whom is this sense of incompleteness? Enquire. In deep sleep you were blissful: Now you are not so. What has interposed between that Bliss and this non-bliss? It is the ego. Seek its source and find you are Bliss. There is nothing new to get. You have, on the other hand, to get rid of your ignorance which makes you think that you are other than Bliss. For whom is this ignorance? It is to the ego. Trace the source of the ego. Then the ego is lost and Bliss remains over. It is eternal. You are That, here and now.… That is the master key for solving all doubts. The doubts arise in the mind. The mind is born of the ego. The ego rises from the Self. Search the source of the ego and the Self is revealed. That alone remains. The universe is only expanded Self. It is not different from the Self.

D.: What is the best way of living?

M.: It differs according as one is a jnani or ajnani. A jnani does not find anything different or separate from the Self. All are in the Self. It is wrong to imagine that there is the world, that there is a body in it and that you dwell in the body. If the Truth is known, the universe and what is beyond it will be found to be only in the Self. The outlook differs according to the sight of the person. The sight is from the eye. The eye must be located somewhere. If you are seeing with the gross eyes you find others gross. If with subtle eyes (i.e., the mind) others appear subtle. If the eye becomes the Self, the Self being infinite, the eye is infinite. There is nothing else to see different from the Self.

He thanked Maharshi. He was told that the best way of thanking is to remain always as the Self.

16th February 2015, 18:03
^ Wind, that was excellent. Swami Tapovan's life story is also great.

16th February 2015, 21:18
I keep posting Paul Brunton's (http://www.paulbrunton.org/about-paul.php) quotes because I have several books of his and from what I have read, he had at least attained a certain kind of understanding. He wished not to have students, I'm not sure if he was fully enlightened. He once had a near death experience where he was asked to if he wanted to go the spirit world or remain on Earth. As much as he would he wanted to go to the other side, he felt that he still had something to do here on Earth so he chose to stay here and lived much longer.

"From the first moment that he sets foot on this inner path until the last one when he has finished it, he will at intervals be assailed by tests which will try the stuff he is made of. Such trials are sent to the student to examine his mettle, to show how much he is really worth, and to reveal the strength and weakness that are really his, not what he believes are his.

The hardships he encounters try the quality of his attainment and demonstrate whether his inner strength can survive them or will break down; the sufferings he experiences may engrave lessons on his heart, and the ordeals he undergoes may purify it. Life is the teacher as well as the judge."

"When his own ego becomes intolerable to him with increasing frequency, he may take this as a good sign that he is moving forward on this road."

~ Paul Brunton


17th February 2015, 01:45
D.: So it is. How to get Bliss?

M.: Bliss is not something to be got. On the other hand you are always Bliss. This desire is born of the sense of incompleteness. To whom is this sense of incompleteness? Enquire. In deep sleep you were blissful: Now you are not so. What has interposed between that Bliss and this non-bliss? It is the ego. Seek its source and find you are Bliss. There is nothing new to get. You have, on the other hand, to get rid of your ignorance which makes you think that you are other than Bliss. For whom is this ignorance? It is to the ego. Trace the source of the ego. Then the ego is lost and Bliss remains over. It is eternal. You are That, here and now.… That is the master key for solving all doubts. The doubts arise in the mind. The mind is born of the ego. The ego rises from the Self. Search the source of the ego and the Self is revealed. That alone remains. The universe is only expanded Self. It is not different from the Self.

Thanks for this, and all your posts, Wind.

I was reading the thread posted by Bill, The Hero's Journey by Joseph Cambell (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?79903-The-Hero-s-Journey-by-Joseph-Campbell&p=933165&viewfull=1#post933165), and while I enjoyed watching the documentary, I did wonder about the message to seek bliss as a way to discover true self.

Sat-Chit-Ananda (Pure being-Conciousness-Bliss) from the Upanishads is the basis of Ramana Marhashi's teachings. It is mentioned in the documentary the Joseph Cambell was suggesting to focus on Ananda by doing that which you are most passionate about. The interviewees stressed that bliss is not to be confused with human emotions, but there's the rub of it: without a clear experience of true self (Sat), and an awareness of pure consciousness (Chit), isn't there potential for the continuation of suffering, rather than abiding bliss (Ananda)? In Ramana's teachings once self is, bliss is unavoidable. I'll keep seeking the source of the 'I' thought.

18th February 2015, 12:28
Sound & Silence

“There are two ways of contemplation of Brahman: in sound and in silence. By sound we go to silence. The sound of Brahman is Aum (ॐ). With Aum we go to the End, the silence of Brahman. The End is immortality, union and peace. Even as a spider reaches the liberty of space by means of its own thread, the man of contemplation by means of Aum reaches freedom. The sound of Brahman is Aum. At the end of Aum is silence. It is a silence of joy. It is the end of the journey, where fear and sorrow are no more: steady, motionless, never-falling, everlasting, immortal. It is called the omnipresent Vishnu. In order to reach the Highest, consider, in adoration, the sound and the silence of Brahman. For it has been said: God is sound and silence. His name is Aum. Attain, therefore, contemplation, contemplation in silence on Him.”

- Krishna Yajur Veda, Maitra Upanishad, 6.22-23


18th February 2015, 16:05
FYI .....As always when I hear Matt Kahn, I am struck by its worthwhile message about living grounded as energetically sensitive beings...


19th February 2015, 17:05
A gentle, loving, inner peace and silence is here and now in this moment. It has always been this way. It is always here. It is right here within you and all around you, a stillness, an apparent void, a seeming nothingness out of which everything arises, exists, and eventually returns.

You know this. You have felt this.

There is nothing more than this.

You are this.

This is truth.

Author: Unknown.

21st February 2015, 18:49
Very often, on the direct path to Self-knowledge, the mind seems to charge in the form of resistances, doubts and fears very strongly.
Expect this. Your love and urge for Truth is under attack but don't worry, the power and advantage is still with you for yourself and Truth are one.
Always this happens on the direct path.
Remember, you are the untouched presence observing the entire battles and drama of the person.
You don't need to move the mind aside to get to Truth for Truth is not apart from you.
Simply recognise and stay as the witnessing Self.

The most profound victory is when the negative mind has no more significance for you, no attraction.
This is the case when you are clear that you are the formless and unchanging Self.

~ Mooji

22nd February 2015, 04:13
Down the ages that's what man has been doing: decorating his prison cell. You have really made it beautiful inside; it almost looks as if it is a temple. You have painted your chains beautifully. You have covered your chains with gold and silver; they look like ornaments. Hence you go on cooperating.

And freedom is the basic requirement if you want to know God, if you want to know at all what this life is and what the benediction of this life is and what the beauty of this existence is. If you want to know it at all you will have to come out of your prison. You will have to risk. Because the prison seems comfortable and you have lived in it so long, you have become accustomed to it. You will have to come into the open, under the sun and the moon and the sky. You will have to come into the wind. You may have lived so long in the cage that you may be afraid to open your wings again.

You may have completely forgotten that you have wings. This is the situation where man exists. But before We Can make a breakthrough out of the prison walls, we will have to understand how the prison is made, what the strategy is, of what it consists.

The most fundamental strategy is that the priests and the politicians and the pundits have been substituting every real thing with something unreal. That is the most fundamental strategy of how this prison, this slavery, has been created.


Grizz Griswold
22nd February 2015, 15:52
Down the ages that's what man has been doing: decorating his prison cell. You have really made it beautiful inside; it almost looks as if it is a temple. You have painted your chains beautifully. You have covered your chains with gold and silver; they look like ornaments. Hence you go on cooperating.

And freedom is the basic requirement if you want to know God, if you want to know at all what this life is and what the benediction of this life is and what the beauty of this existence is. If you want to know it at all you will have to come out of your prison. You will have to risk. Because the prison seems comfortable and you have lived in it so long, you have become accustomed to it. You will have to come into the open, under the sun and the moon and the sky. You will have to come into the wind. You may have lived so long in the cage that you may be afraid to open your wings again.

You may have completely forgotten that you have wings. This is the situation where man exists. But before We Can make a breakthrough out of the prison walls, we will have to understand how the prison is made, what the strategy is, of what it consists.

The most fundamental strategy is that the priests and the politicians and the pundits have been substituting every real thing with something unreal. That is the most fundamental strategy of how this prison, this slavery, has been created.


Man has valued what is valueless, decorated his prison cell/dreams. Put such value on what is valueless that he has to buy insurance to protect it's great seeming worth.
Ultimately this body that he perceives as being so beloved, of such value, is no more than dust and water. But he will go to great lengths to protect it.
Willing to kill others to protect this small pile of dust, no amount of effort or concern is too great---this is the prison cell, man would decorate!

But freedom is your true nature, not the chains that you have grown accustomed to. Even the priests/politicians/ guards are part of the prison/dream. Every prison must
have it's guards. They also have their own cells and have decorated them too.

Man has went to great lengths to un-remember his true identity...the space in which all things in time occur. Even when awakening, he tries to negotiate a deal in which
he can maintain possession of his little pile of dust, the body, his prison cell.

To be released to from his chains, he must have the willingness! to let go of his cell and all things of time, no matter how cherished.
The willingness to step out into the void and leave it all behind.

With Love

22nd February 2015, 15:57
You say, 'Mind troubles me.
Help me Mooji! I don't want to believe my mind anymore.'
Sounds credible, like this person is really hot for liberation.
But is the 'person' really true?
If you want to overcome the mind, you have to also overcome the person.
They go together.
The person and thinking.
The person and striving.
The person and restlessness or discontentment.
The person and attachment.
The person and desire.
The person and practice.
The person and training.
All of these, they go together.
But the person itself also is observable.
So far we have been thinking the person observes everything.
You feel your starting point is the person.
Your starting point of the practice is 'I am the person'.
This 'I am the person' belief is even saying 'I am the supreme consciousness' while continuing to function as the person.
And it is this person that experiences a sense of being established in the Self but then it goes back out into the mind field, oscillating between the two continually.
'But when is all this going to stop?' it asks.
'When will I finally get this monkey off my back?'
But the monkey is not only on the back, the monkey is in the mind.
Remember, this oscillation is itself phenomenal.
You are the witness of this.
As this mist of misunderstanding clears, a deeper awareness becomes obvious to itself.
Now, you understand: But I am just here as the unmoving seer.
I am not the person.
As the power of this seeing is felt, automatically the umbilical cord to the psychological identity is cut.
The monkey vanishes without leaving even a banana skin in sight.
There remains only the expanse of pure peace and undisturbed Being–the Supreme Self.

~ Mooji, India 2015

22nd February 2015, 17:06
An individual is used to activities that make him gain something.
God-realisation or enlightenment is hard because it goes against the norm.
There is no gain.
There's only loss.
Loss of one's identity, loss of attachment, loss of desires, loss of fear
and loss of interest in the world's affairs.
The rational mind or ego can't comprehend a mechanism based on loss.
Yet the soul knows it.
The soul is beyond the mind.

22nd February 2015, 18:30
As the song says
"Freedom is just another word for nothing left to loose"

Bart Marshall says that you must be prepared to loose everything including your life and you must be sincere about this, however it would seem that only the obstacles to enlightenment are removed. The desire for enlightenment must be heart felt and yet there must be acceptance that if this does not happen this is ok. There is the belief that enlightenment certainly is possible for this one.
Thy will be done = surrender.

Part of the challenge is that though Christ taught non-duality--people are brought up to believe that Christ was so special that we can not do what he did.
Yet he was clear that we could do what he did and more.
The Kingdom of Heaven is within--yet religion in the West does not teach meditation/go within.
The Father and I are one---Of myself I do nothing it is the Father within.
That is clear enough--yet religion teaches that the Father is some where out there in Heaven--not the Heaven within.
The difference between spiritual teaching and religion is that Mystics the Enlightened teach from direct experience that you are God --look within.
Religion is all about God out there, not about you being "I am That which is."


23rd February 2015, 23:08

23rd February 2015, 23:57
Whatever is happening, my joy is unbroken.
Whatever is occurring, whether it be laughter or tears,
my joy remains as firm as a mountain – unshakable.
My peace is never deeply disturbed.
Even if there is something shaking within, it is seen and held in spacious grace.
I know nothing and yet tremendous love and the grace of God flows unceasingly.
The power of the Self is continuously radiating a subtle vibration and light,
not because I am doing anything especially radiant.
The light and vibration is grace and it is always on.
All this is our natural shakti.

~ Mooji

26th February 2015, 15:15
You say you have been trying so hard to find the Self.
But you, the one who is trying so hard to find the Self is who or what exactly?
Nobody is challenging this identity. In fact, many feel uncomfortable to have their notion of self threatened.
Therefore, it is easier and more comfortable to perpetuate this collective assumption that the ego is real.
And yet, do you know how important it is to be aware that you are aware of this?
It would expose the 'seeker' as a mere idea or assumption inside the consciousness you already are and reveal the true Self behind the imagined self.
The person who is searching for freedom can never find it. This 'person', the one searching, is itself observable, isn't it?
Please try to understand and confirm this.

Here's another grenade insight:
Because the person is always a complexity and a nuisance, freedom cannot be 'for' the person. Freedom is freedom 'from' the person.
For an intelligent being, the 'person' or personal identity is the most desirable thing to loose.
And every day I am trying to push you out of this little bubble of personhood into your real existence,
the vast realm beyond all concepts—the realm of perfect Being.
Thereafter, you will look at any and every human being and see only the Source because you are looking from and as the Source itself.
This is God meeting God—the true meaning of Namaste.

~ Mooji, India 2015

26th February 2015, 17:20
You say you have been trying so hard to find the Self.
But you, the one who is trying so hard to find the Self is who or what exactly?
Nobody is challenging this identity. In fact, many feel uncomfortable to have their notion of self threatened.
Therefore, it is easier and more comfortable to perpetuate this collective assumption that the ego is real.
And yet, do you know how important it is to be aware that you are aware of this?
It would expose the 'seeker' as a mere idea or assumption inside the consciousness you already are and reveal the true Self behind the imagined self.
The person who is searching for freedom can never find it. This 'person', the one searching, is itself observable, isn't it?
Please try to understand and confirm this.

Here's another grenade insight:
Because the person is always a complexity and a nuisance, freedom cannot be 'for' the person. Freedom is freedom 'from' the person.
For an intelligent being, the 'person' or personal identity is the most desirable thing to loose.
And every day I am trying to push you out of this little bubble of personhood into your real existence,
the vast realm beyond all concepts—the realm of perfect Being.
Thereafter, you will look at any and every human being and see only the Source because you are looking from and as the Source itself.
This is God meeting God—the true meaning of Namaste.

~ Mooji, India 2015

Strong message. I like Barry's approach to this. Barry knows that the thinking process is not him. He instantly feels detached this way.

Grizz Griswold
27th February 2015, 02:43
ENSLAVED TO THOUGHTS?You have lots of thoughts about you all day. The gravitational pull that keeps them close is from the Planet Self.

The mind is obsessed with the idea of being a self. And it doesn’t recognize: That’s the dilemma.

Your attention orbits around the Planet Self because the self provides the gravitational pull to all the thoughts, making them about YOU.If you realized they weren’t about the REAL you, they could simply come and go. Your attention would be freed up from the slavery of selfing and would attend to the conscious contact: A recognition of life in and of itself. You’d be traveling lighter — not by any procedures or practice but simply by recognition of what is so.

The reason I’m hooked on the narrative in my head is because I think it’s about me. By freeing up some of the attention from the selfing there is awareness of the conscious contact; then the enslavement is over. Once you recognize you’re not the self you will lose interest in all its activities. Simply by entertaining that the selfing is not “you.”

You’ll lose interest in obsessing with the thoughts, making up stories about the feelings you’re having or not having. The attention that’s glued to the screen of selfing will be released; it will be available to the conscious contact — each moment’s experience.

Most of your attention goes to what’s NOT happening (the past and future) instead of what IS happening. When that devotional practice of selfing is dismissed you can attend to what IS happening: The conscious state of what you are — conscious contact. You’ll be aware of existing. The I am.

When that “I am” is in place you can have an immunity to all the “I am nots.” Simple as that! Just an entertaining of the I am gives you recognition of what “is.”

When you are identified as a self, you are living as though you were solid, a thing --- a NOUN. Which gives you the inability to recognize the active experience called living. You accept an interpretation by the head to replace the living-ness of it.

You think living is about something that has happened, or something that may happen. You think living is about having expectations, withholding yourself from this moment in favor of a mystical moment that will be better than this moment, because it seems like there’s nothing happening in this moment. From what point of view? From the point of view of the self as a noun!

Life is a verb — appearing every moment new. Always happening. Otherwise, it would be called “was-ing.” or “will-be-ing.” Selfing works wonders with this; you could “was” yourself into a great mythical past or “will-be” yourself into a hopeful (or fearful!) mythical future. But all of nothing’s happening.

In selfing life is happening TO you. Self has become such a strong reference point that everything that is happening is now happening TO you.

That’s a huge interpretation, and when you interpret life you miss it. It’s impossible not to. You cannot corral a verb. You just go along with it.

You don’t have to CHANGE the fact that you’re living totally in interpretation. Attend to the awareness; and that awareness will stop your attention from giving up to selfing. That whole production will move to the background; and the background, which is the awareness, will move to the foreground. The emphasis will shift. And you’ll travel lighter.

Just entertain the idea you’re not the self you think you are.Self-centeredness binds you to things, and a meaning is given to those things so that they can affect you. Circumstances don’t bind you; the self-centeredness binds you to the circumstances.

A thought is just a thought; but it changes dramatically when it becomes MY thought. The interpretation of the thought as being mine is slapped on it. Now the thought, whose nature it is to come and go, doesn’t go by so quickly anymore.

A thought comes into awareness. You hear the thought. But how you hear it is, "I’m the thinker of it." The thought becomes observed as being mine. The act of identification. My thought.

The MY connects it with the file system called Paul. Paul has a lot of files about life related to Paul. As soon as the thought becomes identified as MY thought the file system gets opened, pulling up old ideas and downloading them into the thought. The binding agent isn’t the thought; your claiming it is the binding agent.

Now you’re bound to that thought; and instead of going on its way it’s orbiting around you. The Planet of You provides the gravitational pull that keeps the thoughts circling.

If you lose interest in the idea that you are that planet then you will lose interest in the THOUGHTS ABOUT YOU as that planet --- releasing the thoughts from their gravitational orbit so that they can come and go, and they are freed.

By Paul Hedderman---http://www.zenbitchslap.com


28th February 2015, 06:02
Deep. I always thought that repetitive prayers just for the sake of doing it was conceptually wrong.


28th February 2015, 08:43
You are both the light and the path to the Truth you already are.
My blessing is that you fall totally in love with this discovering.
Merge in It. Marinate in It.
Think constantly about it. Enjoy being It.
Smell like It. Look like It. Taste like It.
Be It.
No technique needed. Its already happening by grace.
You are in God's oven being baked like a jacket potato.

~ Mooji


2nd March 2015, 17:56

2nd March 2015, 18:14
As soon as you come to the beautiful space of serenity and emptiness, simply keep quiet inside your being. Now it is easy to recognise who the first visitor will be. Mind will come and ask: ‘Now what?’
This usually gets the 'person' and its sense of insecurity going again and many get distracted by the 'fear of the unknown' and hesitate to go further in.
But to whom is the mind asking such a question?
Mind is outside the door now but he is not yet gone.
He is trying to re-enter to regain control by connecting to your 'person'.
‘So, what are you going to do with all this emptiness?
How are things going to get done?' he asks. But this is not your concern now.
You have moved from person to presence–a higher state of consciousness.
It is a crucial moment in the awakening. Mind is not going to give up this easy.
Any chance to push you back into the previous state he will take. Do not fall for this. Trust the Self. Be one with your inner being.
There is nothing to do but to keep quietly acknowledging the state and presence of grace.
Just keep quiet.
Let go of command.
Let go of the 'wheel of life'.
If you, as a person, try to direct life, you only make strive.
When you give up the need to control, you find you are caressed by a deeper power. Appreciate the silence, the stillness, the intuitiveness and wisdom that is arising naturally inside, which your mind is trying to distract you from recognising.
Be empty, quiet and trusting.
It is like a hole is being made in the mind's universe and the hand of God is pulling you through into your divine existence.

~ Mooji

3rd March 2015, 18:09
^ It's almost as if you have a second person inside you. I'm sometimes surprised by the strange random thoughts that the mind can produce.
The best state is the no mind state and the best action is no action at times. Here is the video which talks about the wheel of life at the end. Sidhant watches this almost everyday.


Grizz Griswold
5th March 2015, 17:02
^ It's almost as if you have a second person inside you. I'm sometimes surprised by the strange random thoughts that the mind can produce.
The best state is the no mind state and the best action is no action at times. Here is the video which talks about the wheel of life at the end. Sidhant watches this almost everyday.


Like a really bad narrator, following us around, commenting constantly.
Until we realize, that our thoughts are not us, we tend to stay in deep dodo, and so the
following video.


With Love

5th March 2015, 18:06
Nice one Barry. Another good Vid by Bruce.
I don't think that the ego is dissolved. We just become more aware of its moves. That's what I think anyway.


5th March 2015, 20:00
I was looking at a half-eaten banana the other day. The part of peel that was over the missing portion had withered and browned; meanwhile the peel that still had its banana contents was yellow and healthy. I'm not sure if the ego completely dissolves, but at some point I think it might closely resemble the dead peel and realize its job is done; that it was never protecting the banana, but the banana was protecting it

Guish that is a awesome video a few posts up - I wish I would have been exposed to buddha's story as a kid. I'm think I saw it on this forum, but a clip from a kid's cartoon called the Last Airbender explained the chakra system. I'm not sure if it's age appropriate for your kid, but it's so cool to me that young ones are being more exposed to other ideas

6th March 2015, 03:05

My postings are sporadic, usually I try to share items that have some meaning for myself or convey something I have already experienced on this journey. In return, I like to imagine that a post I may make might have some significance for someone else. Bentinho is someone who I think "nails it", in a voice that hasn't been heard before in such a way.

I think if anyone takes the time to follow this thread with any zeal will eventually appreciate his teachings. This, to date is his latest video upload. It may be worth the time to investigate other videos first. Either way, it is here for your consideration. My best for everyone.

6th March 2015, 11:45
People often say, 'Mooji, I had this awakening in 1997 and it was so beautiful and complete. For two days, there was so much peace, but then it went.'

But this one who had the awakening is who or what exactly?

This one can never actually awaken, for during the awakening experience this 'one' was not there. It is the temporary absence of this one that was replaced as and by the pure Self.

Awakening means:

You, personally, are not anymore there. Yourself impersonally is here always.

But while we, the impersonal consciousness Self, are identified with this 'person' identity, we become the 'person' and are then afraid to lose it, meaning: losing our self personally.

While we are in the state of hypnosis, believing our self to be the 'person' costume, the person is all we seem to know our self to be. What will be there in its place should it go? But this is only the person's imagination. And remember: the person is itself imagined.

When the person is blasted and exposed as a myth, what remains is total clarity, contentment, total joy, silence and peace.

Then you say, ‘If I had realised just how beautiful and natural the Self is, this old self would have been given up and gone a long time ago.'

~ Mooji

6th March 2015, 19:04
I was looking at a half-eaten banana the other day. The part of peel that was over the missing portion had withered and browned; meanwhile the peel that still had its banana contents was yellow and healthy. I'm not sure if the ego completely dissolves, but at some point I think it might closely resemble the dead peel and realize its job is done; that it was never protecting the banana, but the banana was protecting it

Guish that is a awesome video a few posts up - I wish I would have been exposed to buddha's story as a kid. I'm think I saw it on this forum, but a clip from a kid's cartoon called the Last Airbender explained the chakra system. I'm not sure if it's age appropriate for your kid, but it's so cool to me that young ones are being more exposed to other ideas

Yes, Sid is till too young for it. He's turning 2 years old in June. I did watch Airbender once. It's quite interesting. Naruto also explores some interesting aspects, I'd say.


I watched the one below last year and loved it.


6th March 2015, 19:16
People often say, 'Mooji, I had this awakening in 1997 and it was so beautiful and complete. For two days, there was so much peace, but then it went.'

But this one who had the awakening is who or what exactly?

This one can never actually awaken, for during the awakening experience this 'one' was not there. It is the temporary absence of this one that was replaced as and by the pure Self.

Awakening means:

You, personally, are not anymore there. Yourself impersonally is here always.

But while we, the impersonal consciousness Self, are identified with this 'person' identity, we become the 'person' and are then afraid to lose it, meaning: losing our self personally.

While we are in the state of hypnosis, believing our self to be the 'person' costume, the person is all we seem to know our self to be. What will be there in its place should it go? But this is only the person's imagination. And remember: the person is itself imagined.

When the person is blasted and exposed as a myth, what remains is total clarity, contentment, total joy, silence and peace.

Then you say, ‘If I had realised just how beautiful and natural the Self is, this old self would have been given up and gone a long time ago.'

~ Mooji

The fear of losing stops spiritual progress or questions the true self's importance because the true self is bliss and is hardly as active or productive as the identity which we assume to be true. Nevertheless, in the bliss, everything can be completed. One sees clearly. The actions become right and everything happens smoothly. The efforts feel effortless.

Many things like that happened in my life. I got my first job because the headmaster saw me teach once only while I did my internship. I didn't even do an interview.
I got my manager's job without yearning for it. People recommended me and the headmaster of the school wanted me to do it.
Attitude of people towards me changed when I changed my interior. Right now, I just know I'm a presence contributing to the betterment of the world and I find peace in it. My name, Status, background... are fake and form part of a game I play everyday. I don't hold on to them.

6th March 2015, 20:42
Mood changes still happen from time to time.
The ego is not going to give up that easily.
It comes up with a version of poor me.
As in---I used to be gregarious--out going with hobbies and lots of people to communicate with-- I deserve more than this, virtually a solitary existence.
The ego says--I helped a lot of people and who is really there for me now?

So how do I combat this?

First and foremost I surrender to what is.
Then I get busy-- Songs to get off--dishes to do.
Smoky walk.
Videos listened to.
Thanks to all who post brilliant videos here.
Counting blessings--my health is good.
I sing and play with musician friends.
There is no justifiable reason for low moments.
This too shall pass.--and it has.

Much love to all here.
Thanks for the sharing that goes on.
I think it is important to tell it as it is or rather as the me sees it.
In Truth nothing happens to Self.
The mind has great imagination--and if nothing seems to be happening it invents--drama.

Grizz Griswold
8th March 2015, 03:24
Mood changes still happen from time to time.
The ego is not going to give up that easily.
It comes up with a version of poor me.
As in---I used to be gregarious--out going with hobbies and lots of people to communicate with-- I deserve more than this, virtually a solitary existence.
The ego says--I helped a lot of people and who is really there for me now?

So how do I combat this?

First and foremost I surrender to what is.
Then I get busy-- Songs to get off--dishes to do.
Smoky walk.
Videos listened to.
Thanks to all who post brilliant videos here.
Counting blessings--my health is good.
I sing and play with musician friends.
There is no justifiable reason for low moments.
This too shall pass.--and it has.

Much love to all here.
Thanks for the sharing that goes on.
I think it is important to tell it as it is or rather as the me sees it.
In Truth nothing happens to Self.
The mind has great imagination--and if nothing seems to be happening it invents--drama.

Even in those Awakened, the ego still takes a stab at them on occasion, ego still looking for an opportunity.
But the Awakened have learned to spot the ego, and the lack of Peace it brings, rather quickly,and it is seen
for what it is, just a thought, about the I/Me/Mine. In this way, the ego becomes like soup, that has been
watered down daily, until it is weakened, no longer resembling it's former state. As long as one remains here,
there will probably be some awareness of ego, even if there is no effect. To reach a state of total perfection,
one would not last here long as a body, and would return to Timelessness/Spirit.

"Counting Blessings" Reminds me of ACIM Song of Prayer.
Chris has spent some time in A Course in Miracles as have i.
The Song Of Prayer, was written at the same time, but was not
included in the book. Here are some videos of Song Of Prayer.
Thanks Chris!



With Love

8th March 2015, 07:52
Thanks for the ACIM prayer Barry.
The meetings were very helpful I went every week for several years.
Gary Renard book was also discussed (The Disappearance of the Universe)
Marianne Williamson was a big influence at the time.
Steps on the road one might say.


8th March 2015, 15:10
Presence of the higher

"The feeling of some presence inside his heart will become so powerful at intervals, so real and so intense, that he will quite naturally enter into conversation with it. He will implore it, pray to it, express love for it, and worship it. And he will find that it will answer him in words, the sentences forming themselves spontaneously within his mind as speech without sound. It will give him pertinent didactic instruction--often at unexpected moments--and formulate higher points of view."

~ Paul Brunton


8th March 2015, 18:47
Presence of the higher

"The feeling of some presence inside his heart will become so powerful at intervals, so real and so intense, that he will quite naturally enter into conversation with it. He will implore it, pray to it, express love for it, and worship it. And he will find that it will answer him in words, the sentences forming themselves spontaneously within his mind as speech without sound. It will give him pertinent didactic instruction--often at unexpected moments--and formulate higher points of view."

~ Paul Brunton


This presence is calm, compassionate and blissful. I do see some supposedly enlightened masters who treat unenlightened people as fools or ignorant and so on. Is it not the ego playing again by differentiating between the enlightened and unenlightened? In this state I feel concerned by others but in a detached way. Maybe, I'm not awake yet!

8th March 2015, 18:57
Good points as always, Guish. Here's the latest from Mooji.

Many beings come to me and say, ‘Life is flowing very beautifully now.
I am in a state of peace. My intuitive powers are opening up. Life is a sweet flow.
I see sensations and thoughts coming and going but I am unchanging.'
They feel they are enjoying the complete state of Self-realisation.
But then unexpectedly, this state is suddenly changing.
Many thoughts are coming now and they are not nice ones.
Before, there was a shield of protection but now all ugly things are coming through. The awakening honeymoon seems to be over.
Now please pay attention. Listen well.
This is a form of Grace actually. This phase has come and signals that you must mature further in order to attain complete realisation of the Self.

I sometimes say, 'You want to taste the honey, you don't want to be the honey'. What is this honey? It is the satchidananda state—the perfume of the Self experienced as existence, consciousness and bliss.
All beings enjoy this state and wish to prolong it, believing it to be the ultimate state.
Through these intense satsangs, ego is thinning away and you are beginning to experience an expansion within your being.
You are enjoying. You are tasting the honey. Why not? Very nice. Best honey.
But then somehow you get a bee sting and the tongue hurts. The honey is gone or feels polluted.
What happened? Your beautiful spiritual world has changed.
Your spontaneity has gone.
Don't panic. You haven't done anything wrong.
What is important now is that you recognise that you are still totally here
as pure qualityless awareness.
Grace says, 'You must experience only awareness without the taste of the honey.' But this is not acceptable to the 'experiencer' self.
It wants the tasting to continue uninterrupted. It wants nothing more.
Where is the taste?
There is only the tasteless awareness.
This 'experiencer' self is a mix of presence and ego and must be transcended before Self-realisation is complete.
Remember, just as the flower is not attached to its smell, awareness is not addicted to any state.

Now you must be the Self beyond quality.
Don't rely on the fragrance.
The initial fragrance is still the subtlest part of phenomenality,
but it can and will disappear.
But the Self cannot disappear.
It cannot even appear for it is infinite and timeless.
As soon as you, the true Self, recognise and start marinating in your own emptiness, the attachment to fragrances weaken.
Before arriving to this stage, there was no attraction for the ultimate Self,
only for its dynamic aspect as presence.
Now, as a result of listening to and following these direct pointings
you come to find the Supreme joy—the immutable Self.
Here is the unfading peace that cannot be described.
You are not merely tasting peace.
You are peace itself.
You are not feeling happy.
You are happiness itself.
You are beyond the play of interrelated opposites.
Beyond the spell of duality.
This Realisation few have attained.
Here in satsang today, you may discover and be one of them.

~ Mooji

8th March 2015, 20:39
The experience of enlightenment is an experience and while very encouraging is not That.
Adyashanti had similar and his inner self said "Keep going"
Anything that comes and goes is not it.
The true change has been called "God shock"for good reason.
It is unmistakable yet seen to be perfectly normal --the true and natural state--the illusion is finally seen through.
I go to Tim's thread from time to time as the opening post is as close as I have seen to what the intellect can understand fully whilst realising that understanding is not it.

9th March 2015, 19:49
"The search for Reality is the most dangerous of all undertakings, for it destroys the world in which you live." N.M.
In this fascinating documentary, several people who had the opportunity to be with Maharaj discuss the impact of his teaching. Included are interviews with Jean Dunn, Jack Kornfield, Robert Powell, Allan W. Anderson, Stephen Wolinsky and others. It's a unique opportunity to peek at Maharaj's loft in Bombay and watch him in the midst of a spirited conversation (1995).
Part of the Nisargadatta Maharaj-Playlist here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list...
Nisargadatta Maharaj (1897-1981) was an Indian spiritual teacher and philosopher of Advaita (Nondualism), and a Guru, belonging to the Inchgiri branch of the Navnath Sampradaya. In 1973, the publication of his most famous and widely translated book, "I Am That", an English translation of his talks in Marathi by Maurice Frydman, brought him worldwide recognition and followers.
His teaching style may be summed up in the words of Advaita scholar and examplar, Dr. Robert Powell, "Like the Zen masters of old, Nisargadatta's style is abrupt, provocative, and immensely profound — cutting to the core and wasting little effort on inessentials. His terse but potent sayings are known for their ability to trigger shifts in consciousness, just by hearing, or even reading them."

"Raga Jhinjhoti in Rupak Tal (7 beats) and Tintal (16 beats)" by Shiv Kumar Sharma (eMusic)


9th March 2015, 20:11
Navigating the Matrix of the Ego (https://www.ramdass.org/navigating-the-matrix-of-the-ego/)

We need the matrix of thoughts, feelings, and sensations we call the ego for our physical and psychological survival. The ego tells us what leads to what, what to avoid, how to satisfy our desires, and what to do in each situation. It does this by labeling everything we sense or think. These labels put order in our world and give us a sense of security and well-being. With these labels, we know our world and our place in it.

Our ego renders safe an unruly world. Uncountable sense impressions and thoughts crowd in on us, so that without the ego to filter out irrelevant information, we would be inundated, overwhelmed, and ultimately destroyed by the overload. Or so it seems.

The ego has convinced us that we need it – not only that we need it, but that we are it. I am my body. I am my personality. I am my neuroses. I am angry. I am depressed. I’m a good person. I’m sincere. I seek truth. I’m a lazy slob. Definition after definition. Room after room. Some are in high-rise apartments – I’m very important. Some are on the fringe of the city – just hanging out.

Meditation raises the question: Who are we really? If we are the same as our ego, then if we open up the ego’s filters and overwhelm it, we shall be drowned. If, on the other hand, we are not exclusively what the ego defines us to be, then the removal of the ego’s filters may not be such a great threat. It may actually mean our liberation. But as long as the ego calls the shots, we can never become other than what it says. Like a dictator, it offers us paternalistic security at the expense of our freedom.

We may ask how we could survive without our ego. Don’t worry – it doesn’t disappear. We can learn to venture beyond it, though. The ego is there, as our servant. Our room is there. We can always go in and use it like an office when we need to be efficient. But the door can be left open so that we can always walk out.

~ Ram Dass

10th March 2015, 07:37
A silent contemplation/meditation video of the 57 key "I AM" quotes from the Maharaj's teaching. These 57 quotes are from Pradeep Apte's excellent publication: Sri Nisargadatta Maharaj - The Core of His Teaching. Each slide is on screen for 45 seconds and can, of course, be paused if you wish.


10th March 2015, 08:59
^ Sounded intuitively wrong from the start until I realised that he was going to say that we need to go beyond the "I am". I think that we need to understand what illusion truly is before we know that Illusion is fake. The ego will always try to come back in different forms to claim its place. Hence, some people develop spiritual arrogance. It's still the ego's game.

12th March 2015, 11:51
Eckhart Tolle and Ramana Maharshi--what do they have in common?

Neither had a Guru.
Eckhart hadn’t a clue what had happened to him and on awakening started to investigate.
The state matured and he spent two years in a state of bliss.

Ramana while having an understanding of spirituality was not a seeker and in his early teens the person that was Ramana was transcended.
The state matured and he did not speak for years.
The early history of Ramana after awakening was very difficult---its well documented and a Google search will easily come up with this.

Nasargadatta only had only a brief time with a guru.

Now what fascinates me is that they all point to the same Truth independently, they are saying the same thing.
All this is totally separate from any religion--
The essence of Truth may well be in religion but to me religion seems steeped in dogma and about a judgemental God that is separate from us.

The enlightened point to only One without a second and you are that.

Mooji is very explicit on this

I use his meditation every day for me it says it all.


Ps. What I am trying to say is that this Truth came not from an outside source--establishment etc
In each case of enlightenment the Truth revealed itself from within.
That same Truth resides within you and I.

The enlightened point to this at times with an authority which can sometimes be miss-understood and seen as authoritarian which is quite different from speaking from a place of Ultimate Truth, which is what they are in fact speaking from



12th March 2015, 12:02
You are beautiful Greybeard. Thank you for this thread.
I have so much gratitude right now.
Roseheart. X

12th March 2015, 12:27
Thank You, from the One Loving Heart, for sharing all You share, Greybeard : )


---the simple/profound/personal clarity---
We are a 'refraction' of One...therefore One,
all of us unique and ever so vital in generating selfless Love!

...not a reflection, that has been passed on through most all religion---



12th March 2015, 12:31
Dear Roseheart
You are seeing what is with yourself.
It has to be within you before you can see it in a seeming other.
Its always nice to receive kind thoughts.
Thank you too Eagle Spirit


12th March 2015, 13:35
Eckhart Tolle and Ramana Maharshi--what do they have in common?

Neither had a Guru.
Eckhart hadn’t a clue what had happened to him and on awakening started to investigate.
The state matured and he spent two years in a state of bliss.

Ramana while having an understanding of spirituality was not a seeker and in his early teens the person that was Ramana was transcended.
The state matured and he did not speak for years.
The early history of Ramana after awakening was very difficult---its well documented and a Google search will easily come up with this.

Nasargadatta only had only a brief time with a guru.

Now what fascinates me is that they all point to the same Truth independently, they are saying the same thing.
All this is totally separate from any religion--
The essence of Truth may well be in religion but to me religion seems steeped in dogma and about a judgemental God that is separate from us.

The enlightened point to only One without a second and you are that.

Mooji is very explicit on this

I use his meditation every day for me it says it all.


Ps. What I am trying to say is that this Truth came not from an outside source--establishment etc
In each case of enlightenment the Truth revealed itself from within.
That same Truth resides within you and I.

The enlightened point to this at times with an authority which can sometimes be miss-understood and seen as authoritarian which is quite different from speaking from a place of Ultimate Truth, which is what they are in fact speaking from



Describing enlightenment with words is like describing light to a blind man. I believe one may need a master when one is confused on the journey. For example, I got scared once when I stopped breathing for a very long time during meditation or when I saw bright sparks of light. However, I still don't have a master. I have the Internet though. Haha. Cheers to your great thread Chris. My first post on PA was in this thread.

12th March 2015, 14:15
Yes I agree totally Guish.
A teacher is needed to point the way and we are blind till a glimmer of light appears--the teacher encourages by sharing and pointing to the Truth which as you rightly implied requires a teacher.
However the teacher wants to become progressively redundant.
The path becomes narrower narrower and at some point the teaching remains but there is not a dependence on any particular guru.

I went to see Eckhart Tolle in London along with thousand of others at St Jameses' Church. They had to turn people away the church was not big enough.
He quoted Rumini.
The essence of the quote, as my memory, is of essence not detail.
"I am a hole in the flute that the Christ breath flows through listen to the music"
Not the flute even, but the hole in the flute.

I will re post where that came from
There are a lot of earlier post that may still be helpful.

12th March 2015, 14:19
Re: Enlightenment and related matters. originally posted 5th july 2010

How does one discern Truth?
Thats a biggie.

The traditional path is a safe one.

It can be summed up in the first two commandments.
The essence of which are.

Ist Love God with all your might.
The ego hates to play second fiddle to anything.

2nd Love your fellow man (without exception)
The ego hates the thought of anyone being put before itself.

Unconditional love and forgiveness is what Jesus taught.
Nothing else is needed.

The ego cant abide unconditional love where you put the wellbeing of others before your own.
Extreme selfishness is its domain..

Every Mystic/ Enlightened one has taught the same as the first two commandments since time began. There has never been a secret teaching that would take you closer to God.

The Enlightened ones never say, you must follow my teachings others are invalid, because there is only Oneness coming through them without exception.

I went to see Eckhart Tolle in London along with thousand of others at St Jameses' Church. They had to turn people away the church was not big enough.
He quoted Rumini.
The essence of the quote, as my memory, is of essence not detail.
"I am a hole in the flute that the Christ breath flows through listen to the music"
Not the flute even, but the hole in the flute.

I suggest that if you look for a teacher to guide you listen to one who is not even the flute. Eckhart Tolle and Dr Hawkins are holes in the flute. There have been many before and will be again, the music remains the same.

Eckhart Tolle also said that all present (at London talk) would go out and teach without teaching.
Every soul who deeply commits to God, surrenders to the will of God, aligns personal will to His will regardless of religion or lack of it is a silent teacher of Truth.
Every soul who is raising their personal vibration is raising the vibration of the field of consciousness and the good thing is that the closer you get to God, the higher your vibration, the more powerfull it is. One soul with the vibration concurrent in unconditional love is raising the consciousness of millions, not by doing but just by being what they are.
So is prayer and meditation important to the survival of the human race ?
You bet it is.

Love c

12th March 2015, 15:06
Beloved greybeard, thank you for your post 3369 above. It is beautiful. The last two paragraphs brought moisture to my eyes.

Guish wrote above: "I believe one may need a master when one is confused on the journey. For example, I got scared once when I stopped breathing for a very long time during meditation or when I saw bright sparks of light. However, I still don't have a master."

When I stopped breathing when in divine bliss, there was no fear. After a time from far away a voice spoke, that essentially said if I wanted to continue living in body I had to rouse myself to breathe. I understood this. I contemplated this. I made the decision, then with some effort, did rouse myself back into breathing. I share this because THERE WAS A MASTER PRESENT. It was not an outer master, but the inner master.

So perhaps not always a master outside of us is required. I believe Guish is listening to his own inner master, and perhaps that is why he says he "has no master".

12th March 2015, 17:16
Hi Chris,

I second Megging's thoughts about your last two paragraphs. It's been great knowing all of you here. All of you have helped me to understand my journey better (should I say our journeys).

With love,

12th March 2015, 17:50
Technically, it is only the journey of The One ;-)

I think that everybody has his own inner Guru that talks to him and shows the way towards the light.
Some people with a more quiet mind can hear the voice easier, than loud minds.
When it is loud and you dont know what to do, pay a Guru or Master to help you. Either way, it brings you to the light.

Grizz Griswold
12th March 2015, 19:00
Technically, it is only the journey of The One ;-)

I think that everybody has his own inner Guru that talks to him and shows the way towards the light.
Some people with a more quiet mind can hear the voice easier, than loud minds.
When it is loud and you dont know what to do, pay a Guru or Master to help you. Either way, it brings you to the light.

I have to agree Zampano,
We all have our inner teacher, the same one who is coming through Eckhart Tolle, Adyashanti etc. But until one can quieten their mind
to hear their own inner teacher, there is external ones like Tolle, and they can be of great benefit. We all assume, through conditioning,
we need something external, someone who knows more. But in reality that inner teacher is communicating with us constantly. We don't
hear because we are too caught up with the external, the body, concerns of this world, to hear it. We are all the hole in the flute that God breathes through.

No matter if you pay three thousand dollars, for a two week retreat, it is all to lead you to the internal, which has always been there, an integral part
of yourself.


12th March 2015, 19:15
I am lifted by the kind comments and you all do so much to keep this thread alive and energised.
It is all about energy of the uplifting kind
The book Power vs Force by Dr David Hawkins is very much about the various energy levels and the effects these have on us.
Worth a read.

This thread has never had, trouble, strife, or serious disagreement between the numerous posters and that is really something when you consider the length of time since it started.
Over 1000 visit every week.
What is posted by you is of help and value to many, hence the number of visitors.
The thread would have come to an end long ago without those that contribute and you the visitors.
Of myself I do nothing.
Im just the postman, If you have listened to Paul Hedderman you will know what I mean.

With much love

13th March 2015, 15:31
This is a truly great thread filled with amazing insights. :)

Seek the hidden "I"

"What is the practical use of enquiring, "To whom is this experience happening? To whom this pain, this joy, this distress, or this good fortune?" First, it makes him remember the quest upon which he is embarked by reminding him that it is the ego which is feeling these changes and that he is not to identify himself with it and thus limit his possibilities if he really seeks the higher self behind it. Second, it suggests that he look for the root of his ego and with it his hidden "I" instead of merely being swept away by what is happening within the ego itself."

~ Paul Brunton


13th March 2015, 16:54
I do very much appreciate Matt Kahn....

Energy Update: Integrating the Soul - Matt Kahn/TrueDivineNature.com


13th March 2015, 18:36
This is a truly great thread filled with amazing insights. :)

Seek the hidden "I"

"What is the practical use of enquiring, "To whom is this experience happening? To whom this pain, this joy, this distress, or this good fortune?" First, it makes him remember the quest upon which he is embarked by reminding him that it is the ego which is feeling these changes and that he is not to identify himself with it and thus limit his possibilities if he really seeks the higher self behind it. Second, it suggests that he look for the root of his ego and with it his hidden "I" instead of merely being swept away by what is happening within the ego itself."

~ Paul Brunton


“When the mind is somber, broad daylight gives birth to demons and evil spirits. When the mind is clear, a dark room has its blue sky. That which is self-concious and ulterior is far from the Truth. That which is Mindless, is near.” – Taoist poem.

When seeking stops, being starts
When the mind stops, the spirit starts.
When one has no identity, one realises infinity.

13th March 2015, 21:09
As a fairly strong willed person I too sometimes get into arguments when I am not conscious enough although I eventually realize that it's exactly what the ego wants and it's just foolish waste of energy. The ego is always about "me me me", how silly is that? "I" don't want any arguments even though I might have my opinions about things, I just wish to maintain my peace of mind. Learning and learning to be more compassionate towards oneself and others is the key.

The Real Cause of Arguments (http://www.namastepublishing.com/blog/consciousness-rising/real-cause-arguments)

Spiritual Insight from Eckhart Tolle's Stillness Speaks

"Eckhart Tolle asks whether we experience frequent, repetitive drama in our close relationships.

The simple fact is, he says, in many of our lives “relatively insignificant disagreements often trigger violent arguments and emotional pain.”

What’s really going on when disagreements escalate into arguments and people end up getting their feelings hurt?

Eckhart explains:

At the root of such experiences lie the basic egoic patterns: the need to be right and, of course, for someone else to be wrong, that is to say, identification with mental positions.

Why do so many of us have such a need to be right over minor issues that ultimately matter not a hill of beans?

It comes from our insecurity.

When our identity is that of our ego, instead of grounded in our essential being, we feel we have to “prove” something in order to feel okay about ourselves. And so we take up positions and argue our point.

Do you sometimes catch yourself taking a position over something you know deep down you really don’t know for sure, insisting you are correct when you suspect you might not be right at all?

Or perhaps you assert something to be true when you don’t actually believe it yourself? But you said it, and now you’re sticking to it.

Eckhart continues:

There is also the ego’s need to be periodically in conflict with something or someone in order to strengthen its sense of separation between “me” and the “other” without which it cannot survive.

The ego is tricky, luring us into debate, argument, disagreement, even to the point of fighting or falling out.

When we are centered in our essence, we have no need of an identity, in fact no need of the ego at all. We have nothing to prove to either ourselves or anyone else. We flow in life, without thinking about "who I am" and trying to be that person."

14th March 2015, 01:27
Thank you Delight for the Matt Khan. He is fabulous. I am sharing him with friends recently. He speaks my heart often. Bless you. Roseheart. X

14th March 2015, 02:32
As many have shared here, I offer this from a lady I know and love. I am in near bliss, and so perhaps these words sparkle more diamond-like clarity than usual to me. Gloria Wendroff has been writing daily, and often more than once a day, words from divinity that flow through her.

Heavenletter #5223 In the Non-Land of Infinity, March 14, 2015

God said:

Sadness is one thing, tears are another. Tears are a beautiful release. Sadness is a holding on. It is holding on to what was or what you thought was and what you thought was supposed to stay but did not, could not. Tears are designed to let sadness flow out of your heart.

There is hanging on, and there is letting go. In each case, we are talking about illusion. Every dream that ever came true, it is still illusion, you understand.

In the world, everything goes on, yet it is all a golden brick path. Nothing ever was, and everything was not. In a manner of speaking, the world, which is made of matter, has no substance. The world is like a photo.

The extant world does not hold the reliability you desire. There is a tendency for you to see the world as a liability, a gauntlet that you are required to run through. Too often, this life that you see as a gauntlet is too much for you, and you don’t know where to turn. In a wilderness of life, you feel lost and, perhaps, entrapped.

Let go of the illusion of danger. No matter how real-seeming, even danger is illusion. You cannot capture life as if you could squeeze it in your hand. Come to admit that life is elusive. The more you try to catch life and clasp it, the more it seems to run away. You can see that life runs away from you. You almost have it in the palm of your hand, yet you don’t clasp it. On the other hand, you may run away from life, and it picks you up and drops you here and there.

You think you know someone, and you don’t know the person at all, or, you know only one aspect of the person and then are shocked by other aspects that stumble out. It may seem that nothing is as you thought.

Let bygones be bygones. Let life be as it is. It doesn’t matter. You walk through life anyway. You may think you walk through a jungle, yet jungle is illusion as much as anything else.

That which you do not see, cannot touch and so on, that which has no concreteness is not illusion but Truth. What you know, dear ones, is not all that much, for it is illusion, a sort of a mock-up. That which you don’t know and cannot grasp is Reality. Anything else is a picture show.

Drama in the world is of the world. The Divine in stories may have drama, yet the Divine itself is not distracted by drama. The Divine is not in search of itself. The Divine does not rush around madly. The Divine is Stillness. The Divine knows itself and is powerful. The Divine is subtle and ebullient. I harp on the subject that you are, in your essence, Divine. Divine can only be essence, you understand. The Divine is Truth. All else is fiction. Fiction may be a good story or even a great story, yet it is all story. All the drama is story. You are not confined to story. You live in a far larger realm than story. Consider story as playtime. It is not real time, for time measured is not real time. Infinity cannot be timed. It is in the non-Land of Infinity that you truly dwell.

You are a dweller in Infinity. You are an Infinite Dweller in Infinity. You are a Forever Dweller in My heart, and My heart is the Heart of Hearts. This is where you are. There is nowhere else for you to be. You cannot be out of My Heart. You can only be Love within My Heart, and Love you are and can only be no matter what you imagine and hold onto. Dreaming comes to an end whereas Infinity is Infinite.
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Permanent Link: http://heavenletters.org/in-the-non-land-of-infinity.html

14th March 2015, 09:32
Hi Wind,

Very deep insight by Tolle.


Yogananda described life as a game we should play with a smile. I like the extract you showed.

14th March 2015, 11:33
Those who end up on this thread tend to be well read.
Yogananda was one of the first teachers that I was greatly influenced by.
I like the devotional aspect of teachings.
His "Divine Romance" is a book worth getting into for that reason.
The teachings that have an Indian essence seem to have that.
Western teachers on the whole are perhaps more factual and that is good too.
Whatever you are asking of, praying to, devoted to, know that it is the Lord of your Heart, your very own Self that you are communicating with.
May this bring removal of ignorance.

With love

14th March 2015, 14:26
Devotion is something deeply rooted in the Indian culture. It's actually one way to get to godliness. However, I see people praying or doing activities/rituals under the guidance of priests and they tend to think it's devotional. Devotion is giving up to the lord completely and letting the divine guide our actions.

14th March 2015, 17:11
Devotion is something deeply rooted in the Indian culture. It's actually one way to get to godliness. However, I see people praying or doing activities/rituals under the guidance of priests and they tend to think it's devotional. Devotion is giving up to the lord completely and letting the divine guide our actions.

Yes indeed Guish I agree.
AA suggests complete surrender to a Power greater than oneself--that started me off on the search.
Bit by bit I came to see that there is no where God is not--that therefore includes within me.

For a while I followed the teaching of Sai Baba and spent six weeks on the Ashram.
When he was asked if he was God he would say "Yes and so are you, the only difference is I know it and you dont"
He also said come time you will tire of my form and find God within.

All told over time I visited three Indian Gurus, Sai, Dr Goels the Kundalini Guru, and Ramesh Balsekar. Ramesh was a follower of Nasargadatta and translated for him. Ramesh said to Balsekar "Are you not a bit hard on English speaking visitors?" Nasargadatta said "Well you look after them"
Shortly after that Ramesh realised.
Ramesh main teaching was "You are not the doer" He had a great sense of humour.
One quote is "If you have the choice between a £million and enlightenment, take the money, after enlightenment there is no person left to enjoy the money"


Ps I loved the Bajhans.
The most "enjoyable" beneficial time spent was on the late Dr Goels ashram.
Bliss overwhelmed me--I was filled with love.
I have much gratitude for the way that he treated me.
I was tempted to stay.

14th March 2015, 17:44
You have come across some interesting people, Chris.

I've read the book below some time ago. I started reading it again today. You can download it here.


The book gives amazing insights about four spiritual masters: Buddha, Jesus, Ramakrishna and Krishna.

14th March 2015, 18:15
There are some interesting people on this thread Guish yourself of course included.
The Buddha said it for me "Put no head above your own"
I tried to put teachers on a pedestal and found I could only do that a short time.
I respect all I have met in my life.

15th March 2015, 19:34
What am I seeking?

Before embarking on this teaching, he should ask himself: "What attracts me most in this teaching? What do I hope to get out of it? Am I seeking religious satisfaction or metaphysical truth or moral power or inner peace or psychic faculties? Will I be satisfied with a theoretical understanding or would I go so far as to put it into practice? Am I willing to set aside a half hour daily for the exercise in meditation? How far do I wish to travel in the Quest of the Overself?"

~ Paul Brunton


16th March 2015, 09:20
Im not saying this is right.
Because im not enlightened I can only do my best to understand what I think they are saying.
It seems that there being no person left--no one to be offended, they witness, hear, points of view coming out of "their" mouth.
The persona continues to operate but nothing is now personal. No one left to be right or wrong.
They are not concerned with outcome--yet there is love and compassion.
To the unenlightened they seem to function more or less as before the shift occurred.
Eckhart Tolle is an example---the likes and dislikes are seen to be there--he continues in a relationship with his partner--he is active in the world.

As for ego, I suppose it depends how you want to define it.
I just see it as part of evolution and it may be coming redundant in some.
Its still with me but not in control of what I think and do to the extent it once was.


16th March 2015, 12:12
I love this thread. It has a habit of giving me answers to questions I have asked, maybe not always direct answers: perhaps sometimes through a mention of an authors name that sends me off on a search and I find the answer I was looking for, or a video that hits a particular resonance. Yep, this is a thread the universe has chosen to communicate with me.

As a tiny token of gratitude, let me share my favourite family Buddha-rupa. I love to sit and stare at this rupa, and witness how still and silent it is. I find the core of me becoming the Buddha-rupa in perfect stillness. Anytime during my hectic day things get to the point where emotions are running high, I remember the rupa and become that stillness and peace. Thank you Buddha. Thank you All.

16th March 2015, 12:41
I love to have you visit GarethBKK and enjoy your posts---please keep them coming.


16th March 2015, 14:06
Im not saying this is right.
Because im not enlightened I can only do my best to understand what I think they are saying.
It seems that there being no person left--no one to be offended, they witness, hear, points of view coming out of "their" mouth.
The persona continues to operate but nothing is now personal. No one left to be right or wrong.
They are not concerned with outcome--yet there is love and compassion.
To the unenlightened they seem to function more or less as before the shift occurred.
Eckhart Tolle is an example---the likes and dislikes are seen to be there--he continues in a relationship with his partner--he is active in the world.

As for ego, I suppose it depends how you want to define it.
I just see it as part of evolution and it may be coming redundant in some.
Its still with me but not in control of what I think and do to the extent it once was.


The enlightened will never know he/she is enlightened. I understand what you are saying. Once you've gone over duality, there's nothing left, not even the search for purity. I feel so empty at times and I really know how detached I am when my wife complains about it. Haha.

¤=[Post Update]=¤

I love this thread. It has a habit of giving me answers to questions I have asked, maybe not always direct answers: perhaps sometimes through a mention of an authors name that sends me off on a search and I find the answer I was looking for, or a video that hits a particular resonance. Yep, this is a thread the universe has chosen to communicate with me.

As a tiny token of gratitude, let me share my favourite family Buddha-rupa. I love to sit and stare at this rupa, and witness how still and silent it is. I find the core of me becoming the Buddha-rupa in perfect stillness. Anytime during my hectic day things get to the point where emotions are running high, I remember the rupa and become that stillness and peace. Thank you Buddha. Thank you All.

Thanks for that G. Buddha's teaching has been influential to me as well. His serenity and compassion are the only things that can rescue humanity's devastating nature. Everyone has a Buddha nature. That's the most powerful thing.

Grizz Griswold
16th March 2015, 19:18
The enlightened will never know he/she is enlightened. I understand what you are saying. Once you've gone over duality, there's nothing left, not even the search for purity. I feel so empty at times and I really know how detached I am when my wife complains about it. Haha.

Hi Guish,
There seems to be some awareness/realization that Awakening/Enlightenment has happened,
whats looking, is aware.
The relative seemingly continues on, interacting with seeming separate bodies, doing the
same as before.

As the master was asked, What did you do before becoming Enlightened?
He answered: I carried water and chopped wood.
And what do you do since becoming Enlightened?
He answered: I still Carry water and chop wood.

Ultimately the so-called Enlightened, know they are one with Everyone/All that is/God.
That there never was a need for enlightenment, for they were never separate from God
or their brothers, and all difference was a perception only in time, and in truth time doesn't exist.

Sorry, words don't do justice.

With Love brother.


16th March 2015, 19:29
Realisation is paradoxical Its not a personal event---it would seem there is no one left to know it happened, but that is not accurate, there is no one left to claim enlightenment, but it seems awareness is well aware that the event happened and in your true state you are that awareness

I tend to point to Tim's thread as very precise account of enlightenment.


Grizz Griswold
17th March 2015, 02:36
Realisation is paradoxical Its not a personal event---it would seem there is no one left to know it happened, but that is not accurate, there is no one left to claim enlightenment, but it seems awareness is well aware that the event happened and in your true state you are that awareness

I tend to point to Tim's thread as very precise account of enlightenment.


Hi Chris,
It does seem a paradox. Perhaps this is because, in the ultimate sense, Awakening/ Enlightenment doesn't exist.
In the ultimate sense, there are no needs, differences, only being. In this sense, what is part of the Omniscient,
could not even conceive of enlightenment or either of ego. Being one, what is left but to be what is?

On the other hand, in the world of perception, Enlightenment is highly valued, needs are constantly seen,
and everything is seen outside our self, and as separate.

Two seemingly opposed views is indeed a paradox.

But as said in ACIM

Nothing real can be threatened.
Nothing unreal exists.
Herein lies the peace of God.

Tim's thread is a valuable asset, i encourage all to read it, and look on it as a resource.

With Love


17th March 2015, 04:20
Greybeard and Grizz, forgive me, but where do I find Tim's thread?
Might I offer this, read just now in the silent dark of a sleeping house, about ego? For Chris wrote above, "As for ego, I suppose it depends how you want to define it." As one throws sand on a neighbour's icy sidewalk with "no thought", one also picks up a piece of paper on the floor you walk across - for the Father simply moves through you with "no thought". One pours water to make tea, but the Father is pouring the water through you.

See an Opportunity Right Before You (Heavenletter posted March 17, 2015)

God said: There isn’t much that I haven’t already said. There isn’t all that much that life hasn’t already taught you. But, ah, the distance between the mind and the living of what you learn and gain insights to.

Technically, you already know enough. You know better than to lose your cool, yet you lose your cool. You know better than to try to control life and others. You really do. And, yet, here you are, perhaps controlling and bossing others around all over the place.

We come back to letting go. We come back to finding yourself. We come back to letting ego go. We come back to forgetting. You haven’t forgotten your ego personality, and so you cling to what the world says and does and convinces you to do.

You are not someone who would deliberately give lip service to the idea of giving love and not owning others, and yet, that’s what you may find yourself doing. You may feel a preponderance of your due place in the world being dishonored, and honor and its friend ego become supremely important, and so you throw your cool out the window for ego’s sake.

There is so much to let go of. There is so much for you to let go of because you fear giving up something valuable to you, even as your little ego and disputed honor and so on aren’t worth much.

Others may say you have to defend yourself. Beloveds, you have to get out of the ego mode. The ego mode tells you, among other things, that you have to keep your place in the world. Of course, you have been taught one way or another to put yourself above all. Not so often have you been told to put love first. You are not disavowing yourself to put love first. You are not disavowing yourself to give someone understanding and a kindness even if you feel you have not been given full credit. To be kind and gentle and not take offense is a great gift you have. You are given this great gift so you can give it. Ego is nothing much. Make your decisions without ego’s coaching.

Your being generous is not a production. It is not a performance. You are not being a Great Person in order to show others how great someone can be. You are not being charitable in order to be considered charitable. You are not setting out to be a good example for others. You are being true to yourself.

I don’t make you Kindness personified. I make you a humble person who sees an opportunity to help someone from your heart and not from duty. You have been blessed, and blessings are to be passed on. We are speaking of a natural process of life. You are not a do-gooder. You are someone who saw a little thing you could do. It is not about you at all. You are not a great benefactor. You are a simple human being who saw something to do. Just as you see to pick up a piece of litter, you see someone before you that you can help even if it is only to the extent of not losing your cool.

You do not carry the weight of the world, yet you are a brother. Maybe you can’t be your brother’s keeper, yet you can be a brother.

You are not a boy scout, yet you can see something to be done, and you can do it in much the same offhand way as you would hail a cab. If you live in New York and you want a cab, you put your hand out.

Whether you live in New York or in a small town, We are talking about putting your hand out.

If there is slippery ice in front of your house, you put sand on it. Maybe, while you are at it, you will throw some sand on your neighbor’s sidewalk.

Now, there’s nothing shady about feeling good about yourself when you go to bed at night. It is good to feel good about yourself, yet in giving a kindness, your purpose is beyond yourself. It is for you, yet you don’t do it for you. You do it for what is referred to as another, and, naturally, light falls on you. Okay, smile at yourself just as you give a smile to another

17th March 2015, 07:04
Hi Meggings
Thanks for your interesting post--I got a lot from it
Tim's thread


17th March 2015, 10:31
Here is an interview from last year: Buddha at the Gas Pump with Sat Shree
Did anybody watch it? Very fascinating stories of his awakening journey and what was most interesting to me..."the stages of enlightenment".
Controversial topic, but makes a lot of sense. For me, it was only about finding the I AM and thats it. What I saw is, that most teachers stop there for
various reasons. Ego to Self to God to Truth - Sat Shree describes the four attainments along the spiritual path and the process of enlightenment.
New sizzling hot information for me...

This intense transformation process that began in 1998 completed nine years later in 2007. The ‘who’ I am became the ‘what’ I am and a new dynamic and integrated state of being began to manifest, which I named Sat Shree. This is what I am, and is in fact, what you are. Some call this the ‘enlightened state’; the state of one who not only ‘knows’ but ‘is’ THAT underlying Reality which is the foundation of all existence, manifested in human form. After coming to this state it soon became apparent this did not just happen to me, but is the beginning of an unfolding process of a radical and extraordinary new collective consciousness that is now available to mankind. It is clear that a new possibility now exists for mankind; the next stage of human evolution.


And from his Homepage...The four attainments on the spiritual path


Very clear, well versed and you can hear that he is really speaking from pure experience. Yep, it blew me away and I sent an Email to him and his wife, thanking them for their work and asking, if they are planning to come to Europe. Which they do, next year (UK). Another thing that caught my eye, were that they do not charge too much money for their Satsangs and Retreats. They even give out scholarships if you do not have enough money. And lots of free Audio/Video material on their site.
Soon I will have a Skype Session with him, lets see what comes out ;-)

17th March 2015, 14:10
I must say that the last few posts on this thread have been so good. I tend to believe that people on this thread are operating more or less from the same level of consciousness. That's why we can understand each other so easily. I've got so much from all of you. Zampy, keep us informed about your Skype session.

Thank you friends.
With love,

17th March 2015, 14:39
Thank you Greybeard and Grizz - I'd never gone to the "forums" tab before and seen "Spirituality" and hence the stickies.
It had taken some time after arriving at PA last fall before I figured out what a sticky was.
Now when I am floundering around needing a hand-hold, I have more options of where to go on Avalon.

17th March 2015, 17:28
Guish, I couldn't agree more! Like attracts like, I suppose.

You must win yourself back from so many delusions and misconceptions.
Misconceptions will ruin your life more than anything outside can do.
They will inhibit, suppress, repress and destroy your natural flow.
Give space to what I am sharing with you now.
Many of you are at the beginning of a very beautiful unfolding.
You will find that whatever is happening, something within remains unchanging.
In fact, you are becoming more true the deeper you go inside.
And you are in the most beautiful place for Self-discovery.

For thousands of years human beings have come to places like Rishikesh to discover what you are discovering here today.
You are discovering your true nature, the wealth of your existence.
You are not becoming another tribe.
You are discovering your universal Being.

Thereafter, you can converse with any tribe because you won't be against anyone.
There are forces that may come to pull you back into the old mindset,
into the old identity and it may seem as though you are more safe like that because you will be again walking on familiar ground.
But I say, No! No! No! Grace has brought you here to the holy mountain of your own Self.
Stay only Here now. Trust. Grace is carrying you.
You are being taken care off.
Don’t try to figure anything out.
Have no strategies.
Now you are a child in the lap of God.
You don’t tell a child, ‘Look, go out ASAP and get life insurance!’
No, everything is taken care off.
Feel the harmony.
It is like your entire being is held inside a warm embrace and there is a knowing that all is as it should be.
You don’t want anything at all.
Here there is little attraction for past, future or even present.
There is just the sense of joyous presence.

~ Mooji, India 2015

17th March 2015, 17:28
From what I've experienced, there's vast emptiness and the mind no longer guides the actions. Yet, as Barry says, there's an awareness that one is in a state of bliss or one is separate from the body. The more one goes deep, the more time loses importance. Therefore, Barry's notion of timelessness relies on this. Meditation teaches to be in the moment and free from distraction. The perfect example is described below.

Bodhidharma was regarded by later Chan tradition as the first Patriarch of this “meditation” school of Buddhism (Chinese: Chan; Japanese: Zen; Korean: Seon, from the Indian Sanskrit word Dhyana). Bodhidharma is alleged to have come from south India to south China around 527 CE and to have visited Emperor Wu-di, founder of the Liang dynasty at Nanjing and one of Buddhism’s greatest all-time patrons in China.

In a tale invented well over a century after Bodhidharma's time, it is said that Emperor Wu asked Bodhidharma about the highest meaning of noble Truth, and Bodhidharma replied, “Vast emptiness, there is no noble Truth.” “Who, then, is standing before me?” “I don’t know,” said Bodhidharma. Emperor Wu then asked the enigmatic Indian sage how much karmic merit he, the emperor, had accumulated by building monasteries, ordaining monks, sponsoring translations and copies of scriptures and making Buddhist art-images. Bodhidharma was quite blunt: “No merit whatever!” And he left the region.

17th March 2015, 17:35
Guish, I couldn't agree more! Like attracts like, I suppose.

I mentioned it before. As I progressed spiritually, the reaction of people in my environment changed.
Reality is an extension of our being. Once we change our belief system, we change our reality. In our cases, once we transcend duality and social conditioning, we start to see people struggling in a created hell, holding to social conditioning and materialistic gains. Nevertheless, one gets the opportunity to do the right thing under the guidance of the spirit and the surrounding is affected in a positive way.

18th March 2015, 09:18
Trust. Grace is carrying you.
You are being taken care off.
Don’t try to figure anything out.
Have no strategies.
Now you are a child in the lap of God.
You don’t tell a child, ‘Look, go out ASAP and get life insurance!'
No, everything is taken care off.
Feel the harmony.

I love Mooji, love you guys, love having lived "in the light" in no mind for years.
Yet there is a physical vehicle with pain from cracked teeth from a fall last year.
There is infection in mouth that keeps me awake in the middle of the night.
I trust I am God's perfect child.
But pain comes and there has been no money to fix teeth after the fall last summer.
I have taken action, seen the dentist - an old friend of 30 years.
He has waived examination fees, but still, with no money for treatment the infection gets worse.
Still, with no money, the dentist office offers no treatment plan.
I write offering them my piano - silly of me, for no response comes back.

How to balance feeling safe, doing what one can physically, with the constant pain and infection in one's head?
It is a conundrum for me.
How many others in this world are submerged in pain,
yet rise up in love to stumble over pain, again and again and again.

At times one can feel "faulty" for not achieving perfection.
At times it seems one's very life depends upon achieving the perfection of no infection.
Ah me, I write far too often on the forum in the middle of the sleeping night time.

18th March 2015, 11:20
Bless your heart, your infection and all that you are Meggings that gave the gift to us of that beautiful post. There is only grace there I see. Thank you. Roseheart. X

18th March 2015, 15:40
Trust. Grace is carrying you.
You are being taken care off.
Don’t try to figure anything out.
Have no strategies.
Now you are a child in the lap of God.
You don’t tell a child, ‘Look, go out ASAP and get life insurance!'
No, everything is taken care off.
Feel the harmony.

I love Mooji, love you guys, love having lived "in the light" in no mind for years.
Yet there is a physical vehicle with pain from cracked teeth from a fall last year.
There is infection in mouth that keeps me awake in the middle of the night.
I trust I am God's perfect child.
But pain comes and there has been no money to fix teeth after the fall last summer.
I have taken action, seen the dentist - an old friend of 30 years.
He has waived examination fees, but still, with no money for treatment the infection gets worse.
Still, with no money, the dentist office offers no treatment plan.
I write offering them my piano - silly of me, for no response comes back.

How to balance feeling safe, doing what one can physically, with the constant pain and infection in one's head?
It is a conundrum for me.
How many others in this world are submerged in pain,
yet rise up in love to stumble over pain, again and again and again.

At times one can feel "faulty" for not achieving perfection.
At times it seems one's very life depends upon achieving the perfection of no infection.
Ah me, I write far too often on the forum in the middle of the sleeping night time.

I feel for you my Friend. When I was very young, I was fragile and had frequent convulsions. I've been under treatment for a long time. My parents were very concerned that this will affect my education but I somehow survived. The immense pain and fear guided my spiritual journey because I grew differently. The last few years, I had an internal ear problem which prevents me from having normal balance. It comes and goes and really shakes me up. These occurrences proved to me that there's no future in the mind or body. I do my best not to mistreat my body and I have a lot of compassion for people in pain because I wouldn't want others to feel what I felt.

Love you Meg,

18th March 2015, 16:32
Thank you all for your kind words and thoughts. Such energies uplift and support. I find it interesting how Spirit functions in relation to the physical. It has lifted me out of body at times, so that pain and attack are not felt. When this first happened long ago, my personality thought was, oddly enough, "This is how Christians cooked on large griddles were able to smile and bless the Romans who did this to them. THEY FELT NO PAIN as their consciousness had risen up out of their body!"

Last year Spirit took me out of body a split second before my shoulder was broken, and I felt no pain at all. I was not even conscious that my shoulder had been broken. But then, I was far gone into higher dimensions for days afterwards, with an unconscious part of the personality Margaret anchored in the physical through which it kept alive. Thus my personality had NO IDEA I had a broken shoulder when it returned to the body days later, and in trying to get downstairs to join the family there, the body keeled over and fell down a very long flight of stairs, breaking and cracking all those teeth, and messing up the broken shoulder more.

I had been confused as I listened to family tell me when I was in hospital shortly after this. They told me I had said this or that, but I had no memory of any of it. While still in hospital, Spirit (merely a higher part of myself) "showed me" how this had happened. I went out of body as an orb and back in time perhaps a week earlier to view myself getting out of bed, seeing the pillow that had fallen to the floor, getting my feet tangled in it, and then falling backwards. A split second before my shoulder broke against the bedrail, I saw a white energy body leave my physical body. I felt no pain, and was gone out of 3D for days. A message had been given to me in that timeline visit that essentially said I was not required to experience pain and my choice had been to leave.

Now I believe there are no accidents, and I have been searching for what I am to do with this interesting life situation. I suspect it is to heal the physical through the higher spirit part of me. I do not think Spirit wants me to live in "no mind" and rise above it all - rather I think I am to deal with the physical and bring it along into its designed perfection.

Does any of this make sense to you guys? At times we tend to speak "airy fairy" words when I am largely feeling very "nitty gritty" in-your-face life.

I have risen up, I have seen my physical body disappear to my physical sight, I have stopped breathing and felt the flood of liquid in my mouth, I have done a thousand things that beggar everyday belief - yet I possess a broken physical body that I must work at keeping alive, at keeping the pain level low enough to tolerate. The conundrum I have is how to handle all this. Do I merely wait for death? Do I keep on keeping alive in trust that a future "DNA upgrade" will bring about a perfected physical vehicle?

Whatever the answer, in those dark hours of the night when pain wakes me, I find some measure of relief by visiting Avalon and pondering the words of many of you.

18th March 2015, 16:51
Hi Meggins
I too have had abscess problems with teeth recently.
You might find Bicarbonate of soda helpful. one teaspoon mixed with enough honey to take away taste dissolved with hot water in a small cup, twice a day.
Apple cider vinegar with orange juice might also be a good idea.
MSM often mentioned on Avalon kills just about anything.
Some one may give advice on that.
Best wishes

18th March 2015, 17:09
Thank you, Chris. I drink baking soda with heaping spoon of vitamin C powder each bedtime.
I drink a quart of MMS solution through each day, starting first thing in the morning and ending 2 hours before bedtime vit.C.
One has to keep the vit.C away from the action of MMS.
These things, along with various doses of garlic (I bathe my throat and drop oil infused with garlic into my ears each night for the earaches), and echineacea, goldenseal, and various other nostrums, keep me going.
Yet I do get tired of getting down that quart of MMS solution each day.

Honey is a "no go" with cracked teeth. But the kindness of another's thoughts and wishes are thumbs up things.

I got a tad depressed when the dentist office had not sent a treatment plan, and for three days I took no MMS - rather foolish for infection gets worse quickly.

18th March 2015, 18:13
Thank you, Chris. I drink baking soda with heaping spoon of vitamin C powder each bedtime.
I drink a quart of MMS solution through each day, starting first thing in the morning and ending 2 hours before bedtime vit.C.
One has to keep the vit.C away from the action of MMS.
These things, along with various doses of garlic (I bathe my throat and drop oil infused with garlic into my ears each night for the earaches), and echineacea, goldenseal, and various other nostrums, keep me going.
Yet I do get tired of getting down that quart of MMS solution each day.

Honey is a "no go" with cracked teeth. But the kindness of another's thoughts and wishes are thumbs up things.

I got a tad depressed when the dentist office had not sent a treatment plan, and for three days I took no MMS - rather foolish for infection gets worse quickly.


18th March 2015, 23:29
Hello friends :)

I once had a painful tooth infection that I got rid of by switching to raw food,
every day the pain got less until it was gone after about a week.

Maybe Hydrogen Peroxide could help in the healing.

Bashar recommends msm+natural vitamin C, 3 times a day (msm not mms).
I currently use rose hip powder as a vitamin C source.

19th March 2015, 01:40
HERE/THIS is light, spirit, consciousness, awareness, peace, joy. Ahh. Stillness.
THERE/THAT is the body/mind I thought I was. Hey transcendence!

oh wait... life has just crapped on the body/mind. NOW...

HERE/THIS is the body/mind in pain, suffering, sorrow. Oh woe.
THERE/THAT is the light, spirit, consciousness, awareness, peace, joy.

NOW/THIS is wrong. I want to return to THEN/THAT, when HERE and THERE were reversed. What happened to my transcendence?

The journey is not complete.

There is no HERE or THERE. There is only ALL OF THIS.
There is no NOW or THEN. There is only ALL OF THIS.

ALL OF THIS is happening, and when perceived from stillness/awareness, it is not happening to anyone. Become the point of stillness. Be awareness. ALL OF THIS is happening in the field of stillness that you are. You are that space in which ALL OF THIS happens. There is only ONE experience: ALL OF THIS, whatever this is. There is no other this. Only this (Thank you, Joey Lott).

No more transcendence. All is immanent. All is accepted. Questions cease.

It's been posted on the thread before, but worth a reminder: Here's Adyashanti talking on getting stuck in a spiritual duality, and how it ends.


PS. Wind, daily doses of Mooji please!


19th March 2015, 04:10
My uncle once alleviated the pain of tooth absess by drinking chamomile tea and swishing it around in your mouth. Chamomile softens the absessed part and helps rinse it out, it also reduces swelling dramatically. He was visiting us in Canada (from Germany) at the time and didn't have money for the dentist either.

19th March 2015, 17:29
Haha Gareth, Mooji doesn't always release them daily. But here's one...

You say you have come to this space that I am pointing to but no peace is there, no joy.
But whatever it is that could arise, whether that be peace or joy, would also be phenomenal to a deeper space that is not arising.
And I want you to pay attention to That.

Everything is coming and going but there is something that is not coming and going.
Pay attention to the witness without which nothing could be perceived.
Relative to everything perceivable, the witness is stable and carries a certain vibration,
a certain presence.

Be rooted in and as that presence.
No-one is keeping this presence.
No-one is doing any mantra to be this presence.
This is already clear for most of you now
but your mind will not give up so easily and try to raise doubt in you.

'Maybe you imagine all of this,' he may say. 'How do you know you are awake?'
Well, you are awake enough to know you were here before he came to raise doubt.
This is so important. Whatever mind has got to say, you are always here first to perceive it.
Mind hasn't cancelled you out.

We assume mind can be so strong that it can cancel you out – You, the perceiver!
This is impossible. Don't believe these thoughts and come fully into your power as the witness only.
Being able to listen to what the mind is saying but not being disturbed by it,
shows your maturity and power.

When you simply observe, mind will lose its significance.
And when it loses its significance,
it is finished and you will be able to stay in the conviction of your experience.

~ Mooji

19th March 2015, 18:13
Mooji, above all others who put words together, comes closest to my actual experience. It is as witness, as a point of awareness, that I travel through other dimensions, and timelines, and rise above the physical body and situations. It is as witness that I see my mind as the tool it is, and have even seen elements PLACED in that mind from some outside source. As perceiver, as witness, I laugh at these intrusions and see them instantly go "poof" and disappear.

Without coming to Avalon I would not have found this Mooji mirror, and so I give my gratitude for this.

As I thank you all for your kind suggestions regarding infection. One who said Bashar recommends MSM, I respond to by saying I make up daily drinks of organic sulphur, knowing of this from "Spirit" who brings all things needful to me. Even the broken body condition MUST be needful.

19th March 2015, 21:28
Fix and repair a broken or chipped tooth

Cure Cavities and Repair Tooth Decay Naturally - CURETOOTHDECAY.COM

Severe tooth decay halted in 5 days!

19th March 2015, 21:44

¤=[Post Update]=¤

How To Make Colloidal Silver in 20 Minutes for Pennies

20th March 2015, 00:19
Thank you, friends. I am touched and appreciative of your kindnesses offered me.

Many years ago I got the "Cure Tooth Decay" book, read every bit of it, put a great deal of it in practise. Last year I sourced organic sulfur (for my body, this is better than MSM) which I drink dalily. I eat bone marrow when it comes my way, bone soup broths for gelatine, have fermented grass-fed butter in capsule form, stopped using toothpaste years ago, have NEVER had fluoride nor chlorine in my water. I make magnesium soaks for skin absorption, and have always been cognizant of basic minerals - use cell salts, etc. Simply put, I was born with exceptionally soft teeth and an exquisitely sensitive body, so have had to practice impeccability in many regards.

The infection in jaw/head is largely the result of a serious fall in which teeth broke - not only chipped and cracked, but split and broke. My dentist, when he kindly gave me a free full series of xrays and examination last week, found countless hairline cracks from the fall that acid reflux from my anxiety at facing homelessness and poverty has exacerbated.

If I keep my spirits up, I can easily continue doing all the things needed to keep the infection under control. Though I am chemically sensitive and antibiotics are out of the question, I have been remarkably pleased that using organic garlic that infuses oil, which I pour into my mouth, eases pain. I also drop this garlic-infused oil into both ears and put cotton batting in to keep the oil from seeping out during the night. And one never knows, my dentist just might decide to buy my piano and thus I can get the most pressing dental work done.

20th March 2015, 01:15
Hey Meggings, I just got a strong message to suggest oregano oil to you… I've used it myself. Good for infections - lots of info on the net. Roseheart x

20th March 2015, 09:21
"The first question is also the final one; it is quite short, quite simple, and yet it is also the most important question which anyone could ever ask, whether of himself or of others. This question is: "What is consciousness?" Whoever traces the answer through all its levels will find himself in the end in the very presence of the universal consciousness otherwise called God."

~ Paul Brunton


20th March 2015, 13:40
"The first question is also the final one; it is quite short, quite simple, and yet it is also the most important question which anyone could ever ask, whether of himself or of others. This question is: "What is consciousness?" Whoever traces the answer through all its levels will find himself in the end in the very presence of the universal consciousness otherwise called God."

~ Paul Brunton


Pretty much. What is behind the mind and body once you get detached from the body and freed from thoughts? Some say awareness, presence, god, formless self, soul... Is it real when you can't describe it? The ego says. But one knows it is real. What is the one?

21st March 2015, 11:54
How to find god:

1) Take everything away that defines a human being.
2) See whats left.
3) Stay there.
4) Magic happens.
5) Nothing ever happened and nothing will ever happen.


171 pages of this thread, countless books, teachings & methods, gurus and enlightened people-I think this pretty much sums it up pretty well.

Funny sidenote: When I joined Avalon, one of my first posts was asking Chris (greybeard) on this thread about devas and nature spirits ;-)

21st March 2015, 12:09
This forum and it´s people are just incredible, love you all, happy tears in my eyes. I am practicing to treat anyone i found in the street as is he/she where from this forum... you all inspire me. Thanks, this one is for you all... LoveUiCNSpWptKc

21st March 2015, 13:53
Not that it normally isn't, but this thread has especially become a treasure trove of late. I guess we are all waking from our winter slumbers. Happy spring to everyone in the northern hemisphere :cool:

21st March 2015, 14:44

Grizz Griswold
21st March 2015, 15:12
Paul Hedderman talks about the nature of thought, which when we believe to be our thoughts cause many problems.



21st March 2015, 15:27

The universal consciousness is the same consciousness which we feel within. Hence, the oneness we feel.

21st March 2015, 15:31
This forum and it´s people are just incredible, love you all, happy tears in my eyes. I am practicing to treat anyone i found in the street as is he/she where from this forum... you all inspire me. Thanks, this one is for you all... LoveUiCNSpWptKc

Once one loses one's identity and duality is melted, everything and everyone seems to be the same. People are scared of this emptiness as people live by rules and conditioning. Trust the spirit which exist in the nothingness. It can't be wrong. Can godliness be wrong?

21st March 2015, 18:29
Not that it normally isn't, but this thread has especially become a treasure trove of late. I guess we are all waking from our winter slumbers. Happy spring to everyone in the northern hemisphere :cool:

Hi Blotter
The thread has evolved greatly and I think its mainly because posters are now more knowledgeable, some with direct experience of Truth.

Its shifted from part understood Oneness to full blown non-duality.
The level of posts and the energy of the thread has risen dramatically.
For this I am truly grateful as many posts in the latter period particularly have been of great benefit to me.
Keep them coming.
Thanks for your kind comment blotter.


22nd March 2015, 16:43
FOOD FOR THOUGHT (from http://ducielalaterre.org/fichiers/travail_sur_soi/l_cher_prise_ou_laisser_faire__dMb___EN.php)

Let go or let it be?

“When letting go is experienced well it is very evolutionary. It already allows you to understand, to be in acceptance and to really advance.

Letting it be is the inferior side of yourself; an escape. You do not want to face reality and therefore you run away from it by ignoring it. You must not ignore what is presented to you!

On the contrary, letting go allows you to try to understand, to transcend, and also to liberate you from an experience, whether it is in duality, in your relationships or in duality in relation to yourselves.

We will give you an example: when you are having a difficulty, you can sometimes tell yourself: ‘after all, I will no longer talk about it, it bothers me or upsets me, therefore I will just let things happen and it will all work out.'

In the moment, this can have a reality and you feel comfortable because you have the impression of letting go but you have run away from the reality of your experience, and automatically, what you have run away from will be presented to you again, perhaps in another way, tomorrow or the day after.

Have the courage to look the truth in the face, have the courage through letting go of simply telling yourself: ‘this participates in my evolution and I do not wish to run away from this situation.'

At the present time, it is much more comfortable for human beings to hide everything deep inside in order to ignore what bothers them whereas this is not what is asked of them. What is being asked is to go searching ‘in the cave' for all that is found there and to bring it up towards the Light in order to transcend it.”

23rd March 2015, 08:22
What Near-Death Experiences Teach Us - v1.1


23rd March 2015, 08:28
The one who finds the infinite Self
breaks the binding ropes of time and change,
and shines as timeless being.

~ Mooji


23rd March 2015, 09:29
Oh Goddess, where shall I find the time to read through all those precious comments. LOVE TO ALL OF YOU. Indeed I'll have to get out from linear time.

3 . . .2 . . .1



23rd March 2015, 15:00
Paul Hedderman talks about the nature of thought, which when we believe to be our thoughts cause many problems.



That's so true. Even in deep meditation, I get some random thoughts which just try to destabilize the bliss.

¤=[Post Update]=¤

FOOD FOR THOUGHT (from http://ducielalaterre.org/fichiers/travail_sur_soi/l_cher_prise_ou_laisser_faire__dMb___EN.php)

Let go or let it be?

“When letting go is experienced well it is very evolutionary. It already allows you to understand, to be in acceptance and to really advance.

Letting it be is the inferior side of yourself; an escape. You do not want to face reality and therefore you run away from it by ignoring it. You must not ignore what is presented to you!

On the contrary, letting go allows you to try to understand, to transcend, and also to liberate you from an experience, whether it is in duality, in your relationships or in duality in relation to yourselves.

We will give you an example: when you are having a difficulty, you can sometimes tell yourself: ‘after all, I will no longer talk about it, it bothers me or upsets me, therefore I will just let things happen and it will all work out.'

In the moment, this can have a reality and you feel comfortable because you have the impression of letting go but you have run away from the reality of your experience, and automatically, what you have run away from will be presented to you again, perhaps in another way, tomorrow or the day after.

Have the courage to look the truth in the face, have the courage through letting go of simply telling yourself: ‘this participates in my evolution and I do not wish to run away from this situation.'

At the present time, it is much more comfortable for human beings to hide everything deep inside in order to ignore what bothers them whereas this is not what is asked of them. What is being asked is to go searching ‘in the cave' for all that is found there and to bring it up towards the Light in order to transcend it.”

Thanks, Meg. I was reflecting on something and this came as an answer.

Hope you're feeling better my friend.

23rd March 2015, 15:08
Oh Chris, that was one beautiful video about NDEs and what they are teaching us - at some points, I had actually tears in my eyes.
I had an experience where I was able to see every thought I had in my life, every book I have read, all encounters with other people I ever had.
And to see the other viewpoints from my life interactions. But not experiencing them.

Indeed, the qualities of the posts and people interacting, increased. So a big thank to all of you from my side.

Especially the Paul Hedderman stuff that eventually got me to the point, where my meditation is silence.
And still living the life of Guenther, taking action to make a beautiful place for all of us.

23rd March 2015, 15:28
Oh Chris, that was one beautiful video about NDEs and what they are teaching us - at some points, I had actually tears in my eyes.
I had an experience where I was able to see every thought I had in my life, every book I have read, all encounters with other people I ever had.
And to see the other viewpoints from my life interactions. But not experiencing them.

Indeed, the qualities of the posts and people interacting, increased. So a big thank to all of you from my side.

Especially the Paul Hedderman stuff that eventually got me to the point, where my meditation is silence.
And still living the life of Guenther, taking action to make a beautiful place for all of us.

That's a really nice stage you have reached, brother. Marinate in the bliss.

I see most things external now and I get tired less as the mind no longer tires me. It's so strange to be detached and still feel oneness.

24th March 2015, 02:08
The one who finds the infinite Self
breaks the binding ropes of time and change,
and shines as timeless being.

~ Mooji


This sums up really well what we realize during the journey. I remember Yogananda saying, we can all aim to be the divine being. God yearns to become one with you as you yearn to become one with god. God/the father loves his children. The more one becomes spiritual, the more one discovers the bliss and freedom one gets in opening up, loving without motives and treating everyone as the same. Everyone is your own on earth.


24th March 2015, 06:27
A thousand times yes Wind and Guish - this eternal moment is and there is the divine grace. Here we are together! Love! Gratitude. Rosebeart. X

24th March 2015, 09:10
Who Wants To Know What? - Ramesh Balsekar -- Courtesy of advaita.org


24th March 2015, 10:55
Your attitude should be: If only one in a billion finds the Truth, that one will be me.

~ Mooji


24th March 2015, 11:08
Who Wants To Know What? - Ramesh Balsekar -- Courtesy of advaita.org


Meh... Hard core old school... Love you Greybeard. X

24th March 2015, 16:46
Your attitude should be: If only one in a billion finds the Truth, that one will be me.

~ Mooji


The funny thing in this search is that the determination means to let go and the aim is to be aimless.

24th March 2015, 17:19
Thanks to my friend Heart2hearth for this


25th March 2015, 01:16

Does this mean that one's self is SUBJECTIVE (versus objective), and that the decades I've been scorned and yelled at because I was FEELING things and not being scientifically objective, not seeing "reality", have been ... have been ... I find there is not word for this waste.

25th March 2015, 09:25
you can only have subject and object in duality.
There is not even object in non-duality.
Object and subject requires seer and seen.
However as long as duality is our experience then bad things can be felt to happen.
All very real until it isn’t

25th March 2015, 11:57
Things just happen. Observe, learn and let go.

25th March 2015, 13:30
I find that the language of "Enlightenment" just doesn't cut it anymore lately... It seems like another indoctrination to me and I've moved more into the flesh and guts of this wonderful world than ever. The intensity of the experience lately, the love, the fragility leaves me breathless and I am tiny and in wonder.

Meggings, all I know is that all that we suffer is meaningful. And all that we love. Nothing is wasted. We ARE subjective because we are human and we have ego's no matter how many times we try to get away from that on the mountain... We are WILD really. We are a wild mystery. Suffering births wisdom and strangely - the innocence to ask the questions that are essential. Lol. Raving. Loved your post. X

25th March 2015, 15:10
A MUST SEE!!! A Most Important Video on Enlightenment – for anyone and everyone!


25th March 2015, 15:14
Hi guys, last night was a nadir point, but after a sleepless week, I slept more than half the night and woke up happy for another day. My loins are girded, but with the lightest of fabrics, for Roseheart's gift was of lightness, of the wild life in the tiny blossoms surging upwards. I celebrate the depths and heights of the human condition with you, Roseheart.

And how appropriate you write words felt by me but not put down on paper to be seen so clearly, that the language of "enlightenment" doesn't cut it. It is ALWAYS for me experiential, of this blood-and-guts-feeling-body instrument. Decades ago the words came to me that I was "an electrode of the Divine". Now soul understanding has been given that I am a "TRANSFORMER of human energies".

Last summer I had four difficult days as I travelled timelines and drifted over the newly-discovered concentration camps the 3rd Army came across as it pushed north into Germany in 1945. A personality my soul projected was with Patton at that time, and both as an orb and at times through the eyes of that personality I gave energetic support to Patton, had breakfast with Eisenhower, and drifted over the barely alive emaciated bodies in the liberated camps. The horror had not been anticipated, and Patton was so overcome once that he had to go off alone for a bit. That's when I, as Margaret, gave him strength from the greater soul through me.

The point is I had not then understood that being alive in body allows me to be a processor, transforming energies not only from other lifetimes, but massive amounts of negative energies held in the world from wars. I have been intensely working with civil war energies this week, and last night, just before sleep, I felt some relief. I had not understood before, but now do, that I enter timelines and give energetic support to many people. I have done this for Lincoln, and Grant, and Patton, and Napoleon, and Lord Nelson...I had not with full and deep consciousness understood that that IS A FUNCTION MY SOUL HAS UNDERTAKEN through the personality Margaret.

I had been holding to myself a guilting that at times I get "torn apart" by energies, that I had not realized they are world energies being cleared through me. This, my friends, is a VAST realization so clearly, so firmly, so deeply understood that I want to share it. Now makes better sense why Higher Self has been talking to me to LIVE, "We want you to live at least two more years...." and "Find a DESIRE to enable you to want to stay alive."

I had been speaking to the air my response of "Why, it hurts so much why would I stay?" Now I understand better. Does any of this make sense to you guys? I am trying to put it into words to be seen more clearly.

25th March 2015, 15:23
Ah, in my rush of words I did not thank your wonderful posts giving helpful concepts...and Mooji, how glad I am to have found him recently through this thread. Thank you Greybeard et al. Here is a rose I grew at my farm, offered as token of perfection.


25th March 2015, 15:24
"I was FEELING things and not being scientifically objective, not seeing "reality",

You are talking about objective and subjective truth.
What Ramana means here, objectivity as in objects, seeing oneself as an object (a body/a thought).

25th March 2015, 18:02
"I was FEELING things and not being scientifically objective, not seeing "reality",

You are talking about objective and subjective truth.
What Ramana means here, objectivity as in objects, seeing oneself as an object (a body/a thought).

Pretty much. Objectivity means not listening to oneself and relying on facts. Nevertheless, objectivity was a step towards liberation for me. I've seen evolution in the following way. Subjectivity-objectivity- Divinity/Equanimity. While getting away from my thoughts (Subjectivity), I looked at everything in a detached way (objectivity). Afterwards, I discovered a divine presence behind the thoughts and the body (Divinity). If everyone acts from that divine presence, no problem can occur. All problems are caused when we are stuck on the two previous levels. Divinity defies logic/objectivity at times.

With love,

¤=[Post Update]=¤

Ah, in my rush of words I did not thank your wonderful posts giving helpful concepts...and Mooji, how glad I am to have found him recently through this thread. Thank you Greybeard et al. Here is a rose I grew at my farm, offered as token of perfection.


Wow, what a lovely rose. When I meditate, I'll have that picture as a representation of you in my mind. I'm building a house this year. Growing my own veggies and flowers is a must.

Wish you good health,

¤=[Post Update]=¤

A MUST SEE!!! A Most Important Video on Enlightenment – for anyone and everyone!


Chris, two hours is too long. Keeping that video for the holidays.

Cheers Brother.

25th March 2015, 18:23
Hi Guish
I download videos of interest then if they are long I play a bit at a time.
Its also handy to have on my hard drive as I can play sections of interest as often as I want.
You probably do the same.
Its a good video but then they all are.
Nothing can possibly said that has not already been said.
For me its the story of the coal falls out of the fire.
It quickly looses its glow and energy but regains this the moment it is replaced in the fire with the burning embers.
I find it energising to watch these videos--they keep me focused, motivated and on track.
Its not really about the words but the energy of the speaker, which comes through for me when listening to/watching the presentation.


25th March 2015, 20:11

Becouse nothing that brouhgt us here is a waste. Love


25th March 2015, 20:43
Meggings my heart is singing for you. I love your wild way!!! Xxxx

26th March 2015, 10:58
Hello to all. Just like to share that I surrender... big time.

26th March 2015, 11:47
What a wonderful thread this is!

In the space of your Being
all manifest appearances
they appear
they arise
and dissolve
in the infinite space of Being.

This is witnessed in you.

~ Mooji


26th March 2015, 13:32
Hi Guish

I find it energising to watch these videos--they keep me focused, motivated and on track.


Absolutely. Sometimes, they talk about things which I discovered on my own. The videos act like a compass. You know that you're on the right track.

26th March 2015, 17:57

Becouse nothing that brouhgt us here is a waste. Love


This music is very beautiful. Thank you Juan. I'm a big fan of Juan Mata by the way.

26th March 2015, 18:09
Here is an interview from last year: Buddha at the Gas Pump with Sat Shree
Did anybody watch it? Very fascinating stories of his awakening journey and what was most interesting to me..."the stages of enlightenment".
Controversial topic, but makes a lot of sense. For me, it was only about finding the I AM and thats it. What I saw is, that most teachers stop there for
various reasons. Ego to Self to God to Truth - Sat Shree describes the four attainments along the spiritual path and the process of enlightenment.
New sizzling hot information for me...

This intense transformation process that began in 1998 completed nine years later in 2007. The ‘who’ I am became the ‘what’ I am and a new dynamic and integrated state of being began to manifest, which I named Sat Shree. This is what I am, and is in fact, what you are. Some call this the ‘enlightened state’; the state of one who not only ‘knows’ but ‘is’ THAT underlying Reality which is the foundation of all existence, manifested in human form. After coming to this state it soon became apparent this did not just happen to me, but is the beginning of an unfolding process of a radical and extraordinary new collective consciousness that is now available to mankind. It is clear that a new possibility now exists for mankind; the next stage of human evolution.

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqYi-uM5uW4

And from his Homepage...The four attainments on the spiritual path

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRSbvy0GYoA

Very clear, well versed and you can hear that he is really speaking from pure experience. Yep, it blew me away and I sent an Email to him and his wife, thanking them for their work and asking, if they are planning to come to Europe. Which they do, next year (UK). Another thing that caught my eye, were that they do not charge too much money for their Satsangs and Retreats. They even give out scholarships if you do not have enough money. And lots of free Audio/Video material on their site.
Soon I will have a Skype Session with him, lets see what comes out ;-)

I just wanted to tell you guys, that I talked to him via Skype yesterday for like 30 minutes and it was absolutely worth it.
He was very warm hearted, but also distinct and clear in his words and after listening not even 2 minutes about my spiritual history and practice, he told me, what would be best to do, the next steps and so on. And, he was absolutely spot on. Some days ago I started listening to hisa Bhagavad Gita study course videos and they were also helping me a lot. Now I wish, I would have discovered it before ;-) But the right teacher, comes at the right time.

His interpretation and studies of the Gita pefectly describe the stages one goes through on the spiritual journey.
Way bayond the state of I AM...until complete integration of the divine.
AND what is very interesting and important for me, are the mechanics of the whole process.

I can absolutely recommend Sat Shree-his not charging for Skype and the prices for retreats are very reasonable.
But of course-I did donate some money.
So anybody who is interested can start here on his site www.newdharmayoga.com
with the introduction to the Gita Study course and a short overview of the stages.

26th March 2015, 18:13
Here is an interview from last year: Buddha at the Gas Pump with Sat Shree
Did anybody watch it? Very fascinating stories of his awakening journey and what was most interesting to me..."the stages of enlightenment".
Controversial topic, but makes a lot of sense. For me, it was only about finding the I AM and thats it. What I saw is, that most teachers stop there for
various reasons. Ego to Self to God to Truth - Sat Shree describes the four attainments along the spiritual path and the process of enlightenment.
New sizzling hot information for me...

This intense transformation process that began in 1998 completed nine years later in 2007. The ‘who’ I am became the ‘what’ I am and a new dynamic and integrated state of being began to manifest, which I named Sat Shree. This is what I am, and is in fact, what you are. Some call this the ‘enlightened state’; the state of one who not only ‘knows’ but ‘is’ THAT underlying Reality which is the foundation of all existence, manifested in human form. After coming to this state it soon became apparent this did not just happen to me, but is the beginning of an unfolding process of a radical and extraordinary new collective consciousness that is now available to mankind. It is clear that a new possibility now exists for mankind; the next stage of human evolution.

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HqYi-uM5uW4

And from his Homepage...The four attainments on the spiritual path

Source: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cRSbvy0GYoA

Very clear, well versed and you can hear that he is really speaking from pure experience. Yep, it blew me away and I sent an Email to him and his wife, thanking them for their work and asking, if they are planning to come to Europe. Which they do, next year (UK). Another thing that caught my eye, were that they do not charge too much money for their Satsangs and Retreats. They even give out scholarships if you do not have enough money. And lots of free Audio/Video material on their site.
Soon I will have a Skype Session with him, lets see what comes out ;-)

I just wanted to tell you guys, that I talked to him via Skype yesterday for like 30 minutes and it was absolutely worth it.
He was very warm hearted, but also distinct and clear in his words and after listening not even 2 minutes about my spiritual history and practice, he told me, what would be best to do, the next steps and so on. And, he was absolutely spot on. Some days ago I started listening to hisa Bhagavad Gita study course videos and they were also helping me a lot. Now I wish, I would have discovered it before ;-) But the right teacher, comes at the right time.

His interpretation and studies of the Gita pefectly describe the stages one goes through on the spiritual journey.
Way bayond the state of I AM...until complete integration of the divine.
AND what is very interesting and important for me, are the mechanics of the whole process.

I can absolutely recommend Sat Shree-his not charging for Skype and the prices for retreats are very reasonable.
But of course-I did donate some money.
So anybody who is interested can start here on his site www.newdharmayoga.com
with the introduction to the Gita Study course.

Thanks Zampy. What I find interesting at this point is a good old Yogasutra book. Bhagavat Gita is something all "Hindus" read and I've done it too. All paths lead to the same truth. Very happy it worked for you.

27th March 2015, 18:51
Paul Hedderman taking the micky out of seeking.
Extremely entertaining and helpful.
He tells it as it is.
Its in three parts.


Paul Hedderman discusses Non-Duality philosophy. He's in rare form and the audience is lively. The audience gets settled down after the first few minutes and Paul dives deep into the nature of reality.




28th March 2015, 11:40
Love is your Self. It is your real name
and the name of every living being.
But, you will not truly know and be
this Self-love until you are willing
to exchange your identity for Truth.

~ Mooji


28th March 2015, 11:55
Love is your Self. It is your real name
and the name of every living being.
But, you will not truly know and be
this Self-love until you are willing
to exchange your identity for Truth.

~ Mooji


Crystal clear statement which is exactly what I experienced. Everyone on the path has known that detachment from our identity- race, gender, social status or association with materiality was the key to enlightenment. I'm not saying that I'm fully enlightened because the ego still tries to play some tricks but I can watch the ego now and once one can do that, the ego loses power.

28th March 2015, 11:58
Paul Hedderman taking the micky out of seeking.
Extremely entertaining and helpful.
He tells it as it is.
Its in three parts.


Paul Hedderman discusses Non-Duality philosophy. He's in rare form and the audience is lively. The audience gets settled down after the first few minutes and Paul dives deep into the nature of reality.




He's such a lively Guy. He has a good point about the spiritual ego. People who are spiritual start to classify them as spiritual and see others as beings with low levels of consciousness. That's the ego trap again. I remember telling Barry about the spiritual arrogance that some masters show. For me, enlightenment makes one very calm and detached as one has nothing to hold on to and the spirit has fully invaded the body.

28th March 2015, 15:02
Crystal clear statement which is exactly what I experienced. Everyone on the path has known that detachment from our identity- race, gender, social status or association with materiality was the key to enlightenment. I'm not saying that I'm fully enlightened because the ego still tries to play some tricks but I can watch the ego now and once one can do that, the ego loses power.

Hi Guish. I have never really identified with my race, gender or social class. I am that I am. That's why I also only see people and don't understand why some can be so mean to each other, just thanks to some superficial labels. We're all humans, we should be hu-mane towards each others too.

All that being said, I still do struggle with my ego in daily life at times even though my ego isn't very strong (yet I can be quite self-willed). I do realize that I am not the personality with all the insecurities it has, but the understanding is still only somewhat intellectual.

There have been times when I have been able to reach the state of nonduality (http://endless-satsang.com/advaita-nonduality-oneness.htm) briefly, but those moments are few and far and between. It feels to me that it is a long process to fully let go of the conditioned mind. I try not to be too judgemental towards myself or others since I know that we all here to learn. I highly enjoy your observations, friend.

This one was funny, it makes me think about my dog and his simple state of being.


28th March 2015, 18:54
Crystal clear statement which is exactly what I experienced. Everyone on the path has known that detachment from our identity- race, gender, social status or association with materiality was the key to enlightenment. I'm not saying that I'm fully enlightened because the ego still tries to play some tricks but I can watch the ego now and once one can do that, the ego loses power.

Hi Guish. I have never really identified with my race, gender or social class. I am that I am. That's why I also only see people and don't understand why some can be so mean to each other, just thanks to some superficial labels. We're all humans, we should be hu-mane towards each others too.

All that being said, I still do struggle with my ego in daily life at times even though my ego isn't very strong (yet I can be quite self-willed). I do realize that I am not the personality with all the insecurities it has, but the understanding is still only somewhat intellectual.

There have been times when I have been able to reach the state of nonduality (http://endless-satsang.com/advaita-nonduality-oneness.htm) briefly, but those moments are few and far and between. It feels to me that it is a long process to fully let go of the conditioned mind. I try not to be too judgemental towards myself or others since I know that we all here to learn. I highly enjoy your observations, friend.

This one was funny, it makes me think about my dog and his simple state of being.


My "beingness" helps me a lot in my daily life. I don't get dragged into the negativity created by others and I contribute to the well being of the community in a positive and detached way. I still have my ego battles like you say but they are rare and I understand it's not part of me now. I've noticed that most of my actions are no longer calculated now and I've lost interest in Materiality. Raising a 2 year old does test my patience though. Avalon has helped me to open up a lot. I guess it was something that came to me when I was evolved enough to meet with people like you. I'm very happy to have known all of you.

Best wishes,

29th March 2015, 09:38
Author:Shanka Herath

Compassion is one of the most revered qualities in Buddhism and great compassion is a sign of a highly realized human being.

Compassion doesn’t just help the world at large, and it isn’t just about the fact that it’s the right thing to do. Compassion, and seeking to understand those around you, can transform your life for a number of reasons.

First, self-compassion is altogether critical towards finding peace within yourself. By learning to forgive yourself and accepting that you’re human you can heal deep wounds bring yourself back from difficult challenges.

Next, we can often be tortured because of the fact that we don’t completely understand why people do certain things.

Compassion is understanding the basic goodness in all people and then seeking to discover that basic goodness in specific people. Because of this, it helps you from going through the often mental torture we experience because we don’t understand the actions of others.

But even more than that, expressing compassion is the very act of connecting wholeheartedly with others, and simply connecting in this way can be a great source of joy for us.

The reasons for practicing compassion are numerous and powerful. Seek to live in a way that you treat everyone you meet as you would yourself. Once you begin trying to do this, it will seem altogether impossible. But keep at it, and you’ll realize the full power of living with compassion.


In Buddhism, a community of practitioners is called a “sangha”. A sangha is a community of monks, nuns, laymen, and laywomen who practice together in peace towards the united “goal” of realizing greater awakening, not only for themselves but for all beings.

The sangha is a principle which much of the world can greatly benefit from. People come together in groups all the time, but it’s usually for the purpose of creating monetary riches or obtaining substantial power and rarely towards the united goal o1f attaining peace, happiness, and realizing greater wisdom.

The principle of the sangha can be expressed in your own life in many ways. The sangha is ultimately just one way of looking at life, through the lens of the individual “expressions” of the totality.

By living in a way that you’re fully aware of the power of connecting with others, whether it’s one person or a group of 100, and seeking to nurture those relationships in the appropriate way, you can transform your life in ways that will pay dividends for years to come.


One of the most powerful points on this list, the power of simply living in a way that you’re fully awake to every moment of your life pretty much couldn’t be exaggerated even if I tried.

Mindfulness, greater awareness, paying attention, whatever you want to call it- it changes every facet of your life and in every way. It’s as simple as that.

Strive to live fully awake to each moment of your daily life and overcome your greatest personal struggles, find a great sense of peace and joy, and realize the greatest lessons life can teach you as a result of living fully awake to the present moment.1


To live deeply, in a way that you become keenly aware of the precious nature of life, is to begin down the path of true peace and happiness.

Why? Because to live in this way is to gradually become aware of the true nature of the world. This will happen essentially in “sections” of the whole, such as realizing your interconnectedness (you begin to see how everything is connected to everything else) and impermanence (you begin to see how everything is ever-changing, constantly dying only to be reborn in another form).

These realizations are the bread and butter of Buddhism and all spiritual practice. These “sections of the whole” are fragments of the ultimate realization, ways for us to understand that which can’t be fully understood in the traditional sense.

By living in a way that you seek to realize these various “qualities of the ultimate” you find greater and greater peace in realizing the natural way of things. This cultivates in us the ability to savor every moment of life, to find peace in even the most mundane activities, as well as the ability to transform your typically “negative” experiences into something altogether nourishing and healing.


Buddhists understand that you can hardly help another before you help yourself. But this isn’t referring to you gaining power or riches before you can help others, or living in a way that you ignore others.

This is mostly referring to the fact that because we’re all interconnected, by you helping yourself you create an exponentially positive effect on the rest of the world.

If you want to make an impact on the world, don’t falsely convince yourself that it’s “you or them”. You don’t need to drag yourself through the mud to help those around you. If you do this, you’ll greatly hamper your ability to create a positive impact.

At the deepest level of understanding, by making it about you you’re also making it about them because you know there’s no separating “you” and “them”.

Take care of yourself and seek to be more than just a help, but an example of how to live for others to follow and you’llcreate waves of exponential possibility that inspires others to do the same.


Death is an often taboo topic in Western society. We do everything we can to not only avoid the subject, but pretend that it doesn’t even exist.

The reality is, this is really unfortunate and in no way helps us lead better lives. Becoming keenly aware of your ownimpermanence and deeply understanding the nature of death with regards to our interconnectedness are both things which can help us find great peace.

In Buddhism, students in many sects at one point or another “meditate on the corpse” as it were (a practice which is said to have originated at least as far back as the Buddha’s lifetime).

This is literally what it sounds like. They meditate on the image of a corpse slowing decomposing and imagine that process through to its end, eventually resulting in a deep and profound realization on the true nature of death.

That might sound a little intense to you, but the truth is, if you live you’re entire life acting as if you’re never going to die or ignoring your own impermanence then you won’t ever be able to find true peace within yourself.

You don’t necessarily have to meditate on the image of a corpse, but simply opening up to yourself about death so that you’re no longer shielding it from your mind (which you’re likely doing unconsciously, as that’s how most of us were brought up in the West) can begin to be a great source of peace and help you appreciate the many joys in your everyday life.

A true appreciation for life can never be fully realized until you come face-to-face with your own impermanence. But once you do this, the world opens up in a new and profound way.


Buddhist meditative practice, particularly mindfulness and contemplation, helps you realize the precious nature of the food in front of you. Indeed, with how integral a part food plays in our lives, to transform our relationship with food is to transform a key aspect of our entire lives, both now and in the future.

By contemplating on the food in front of us, for example, we can come to realize the vast system of interconnectedness that is our life, and how our food coming to be on our dinner plate as it is depended on numerous elements coming to be.

This helps us to deepen our relationship with food, cultivate a deep sense of gratitude before each meal, and learn to respect the delicate but ever-pressing balance that is life.


Giving is more than the act of giving Christmas and Birthday gifts, it’s also about those gifts which we give each and every day which we don’t typically see as gifts at all.

Buddhists hold a very deep understanding of the nature of giving, particularly in that life is a constant play between the act of giving and receiving. This doesn’t just help us find peace in understanding the way of the world around us, but helps us realize the amazing gifts we all have within us that we can give others in every moment, such as our love, compassion, and presence.


The easiest way to sum up all “spiritual” practice is this: spirituality is the act of coming in touch with the ultimate reality or the ground of being, and as a result spiritual practice is the act of overcoming those obstacles which keep us from realizing that.

The primary obstacle in our way? The ego.

To put it short and sweet, the reason the ego is the major obstacle in spiritual practice, or simply the practice of finding true peace and happiness (whatever you choose to call it, it’s all the same), is because it’s very function is to pull you away from the ground of your being by convincing you that you’re this separate self.

The process of unraveling the ego can take time, as it’s something which has been with us, intertwined with us, for years. But it’s infinitely rewarding and altogether necessary if we want to realize our best life.


Life is filled with vices, things which attempt to bind us to unwholesome ways of living and therefore do the very opposite of cultivate peace, joy, and greater realization in our lives. Among these, the 3 poisons are some of the most powerful. The 3 poisons are:

1.   Greed
2.  Hatred
3.  Delusion

Together, these 3 poisons are responsible for the majority of the pain and suffering we experience as a collective species. It’s perfectly normal to be affected by each of these poisons throughout your life, so don’t knock yourself for falling for them.

Instead, simply accept that they’re something you’re experiencing and begin working to remove them from your life. This can take time, but it’s a key aspect on the path towards realizing true peace and happiness.


We should all strive to work and make our living in a way that’s more “conscious” or aware. This generally means not selling harmful items such as guns, drugs, and services that harm other people, but it goes deeper than that.

There’s ultimately two aspects to this: making a living by doing something which doesn’t inhibit your own ability to realize peace and making a living doing something which doesn’t inhibit others ability to realize peace.

Facing this can lead to some interesting situations for some people, and as Thich Nhat Hanh has mentioned this is a collective effort as opposed to a solely personal one (the butcher isn’t a butcher only because he decided to be, but because there is a demand from people for meat to be neatly packaged and made available for them to be purchased from supermarkets), but you should strive to do your best.

Following the teaching on right livelihood can help you realize the harmful effect that your own work is having on you and therefore coming up with a solution can result in a largely positive shift in your life as a whole. Only you can decide if a change needs to happen though.

Whatever the case, seek to make a living doing something that promotes the peace and happiness of yourself and those around you as much as possible.


This is a difficult point to put into so few words, but a profound one I felt would be greatly beneficial to mention nonetheless.

To realize non-attachment in a Buddhist sense doesn’t mean to abandon your friends and family and live alone for the rest of your life, never truly living again just so that you don’t become attached to these desires.

Non-attachment refers to living in a way that you exist in the natural flow of life and generally living a typical modern life, building a family, working, etc., while simultaneously not being attached to any of these things. It simply means to live in a way that you’ve become aware of and accepted the impermanence of all things in this life and live in a way that you’re ever-aware of this fact.

It’s perfectly normal for a Zen student in Japan, once having completed his training, to actually de-robe and go “back into the world” so to speak. This is because, once they’ve reached this level of realization, they see the beauty in all things and are compelled to live fully absorbed in all the beauty and wonders of this life. From this point on, they can truly “live life to the fullest”, while not clinging to any of these things.

Keep in mind, this doesn’t mean that you stop feeling emotions. On the contrary, these emotions are welcomed and expected, and fully experienced with mindfulness in the moment of their impact. But this is simply the natural course of things.

Once these emotions subside though, and when we have no mental formations or obstructions to block our path, a natural healing process takes place that heals the wound and allows us to continue on living in peace and joy instead of dragging us down into darkness.

29th March 2015, 13:29
The thread has been running for many years and has not had the kind of interaction you describe.
There are over one thousand visits a week to it.
You might feel at home there.
Best wishes

Thank you for directing me here Chris. I've read a couple of pages and decided to cry for a short while.

Tell me, will I ever stop breaking down when I sense I am in the proximity of something vast but (atm) ever elusive. :)

29th March 2015, 13:42
The thread has been running for many years and has not had the kind of interaction you describe.
There are over one thousand visits a week to it.
You might feel at home there.
Best wishes
Thank you for directing me here Chris. I've read a couple of pages and decided to cry for a short while.

Tell me, will I ever stop breaking down when I sense I am in the proximity of something vast but (atm) ever elusive. :)

Good to see you here Anakie.

Breaking down, crying is part of it. These are good signs.
Virtually every question I have ever had has been answered on this thread by some one sharing experience or a video.
If there are questions, please ask--- some one will come up with an answer.
Much love

30th March 2015, 15:53
All beings love themselves best,
but the sage does not have
this love for a personal self
for he is without personhood.
The sage simply Is,
but his ‘Is-ness’ inspires
love and devotion in the world.

~ Mooji

30th March 2015, 19:03
All beings love themselves best,
but the sage does not have
this love for a personal self
for he is without personhood.
The sage simply Is,
but his ‘Is-ness’ inspires
love and devotion in the world.

~ Mooji

That's where people get it wrong. To love is not learned. To care is not learned. Once, we are in the "beingness" state, everything flows. That's what Paul keeps saying in the videos Chris posted. There's nothing to achieve or progress towards. It's about discovering what we are not. What we are is automatically felt. I did a lesson on Calculus today and everything just flowed. I don't even know why I was so lively and happy. Upon reflection, I realised that I was just in the moment completely absorbed in a no-mind state letting divinity communicate.

31st March 2015, 12:37
Popping my head in. Good stuff here. I am humbled by such. ;) Watched the first Paul H video. Absolutely loved it. Boy he can speak and make sense of it to me.

31st March 2015, 13:38

In this one Bentinho discusses some very insightful and profound ways in which we can actualize ourselves in relation to our worlds and environment. As much as I want to dislike him for the gift of clarity he possess at such a young age, I cannot. At first I was very wary of the empowerment aspects he presented and watched many videos, looking for flaws, mistakes, any place where I could see for signs of misdirection or error. I cannot. While here, we might as well play.

31st March 2015, 15:43

In this one Bentinho discusses some very insightful and profound ways in which we can actualize ourselves in relation to our worlds and environment. As much as I want to dislike him for the gift of clarity he possess at such a young age, I cannot. At first I was very wary of the empowerment aspects he presented and watched many videos, looking for flaws, mistakes, any place where I could see for signs of misdirection or error. I cannot. While here, we might as well play.

Haha, you are being very honest about it my friend. I'll keep the video for latter. I'm still watching Paul's videos a bit at a time.

31st March 2015, 17:33
haha...yes, Paul Hedderman is really awesome and entertaining. He is like the Gordon Ramsay of Spirituality.

Grizz Griswold
31st March 2015, 23:00
Here is an early video of Paul Hedderman.
It talks about how we concern ourselves with whats not happening.


Also here is Pauls website, it contains hundreds of audios,
25 just since the beginning of 2015 alone. Paul charges nothing
for any talks and relies totally on contributions.


1st April 2015, 02:43
About Bentinho Massaro, whom I heard about just five minutes ago:

At age16, frustrated with what he perceived as the unconscious behavior of human society and the stupidity of going to school, he made a conscious commitment to search for the “Ultimate Answer” —an understanding of the actual workings of Life that would lead not only to individual fulfillment, but to the liberation of civilization from conflict entirely.

So he began a relentless quest, exploring a wide spectrum of teachers, philosophies, and methods, including studies in India, as well as Western practices, such as Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP), Emotional Freedom Techniques (EFT), telekinesis, and brain wave practices. He stayed with each practice only long enough to assess and digest what was useful to his goal, leaving behind anything he deemed non-essential.

Eventually, exhausted by constant striving, self-judgment, and intense suffering, he realized that all of the spiritual “authorities” he had studied—no matter how long their beards—were no more “enlightened” than himself. Although deeply disappointed, he decided to renew his commitment to seeking the ultimate answer; but this time, he would look only within his own being. This decision was a profound shift in allegiance toward what he had known all along: that Truth was to be found in the presence of his own existence, and of existence itself—in all its infinite potential.

This realization brought a deep relaxation and ease of being. “Life revealed itself to shine fully and completely by its own power alone, offering its presence with an incredible naturalness, requiring no effort,” Bentinho wrote.

Bentinho started teaching when he was 18, and has since held meetings and retreats in many cities in Europe and North America. He is now 26, and over the years, his teachings have evolved and deepened. He continues to refine and focus his work, with a goal to reach people from every walk of life, building a bridge to Enlightenment and self-empowerment for the “average Joe,” not just those already in the spiritual community. “It’s what I live for;” he says, “it’s what I came here for.”

From: http://www.bentinhomassaro.com/about/

1st April 2015, 20:24
Love does not need an intention or object to love.
It is the highest expression of the being in recognition of itself.
It is the unity of Being.
Your being just radiates this love - effortlessly.
You are just your Self.
It is a state of emptiness.
It is there when you leave your luggage outside.
Luggage means who you think you are and
who you want to be.
Then it simply awakens in you because there is a space now for the beautiful One,
the presence of the Holy Father, the Holy Mother, the Holy Spirit, the One Supreme consciousness.
Be empty of 'you'.
And It shines in that space - timelessly.

~ Mooji

1st April 2015, 20:35
Hi Greybeard, i noticed you are there and i felt like sending you an energetic hugh. Now.


1st April 2015, 20:42
Hi Greybeard, i noticed you are there and i felt like sending you an energetic hugh. Now.


Thanks Juan
Its happily returned.
This is a good place to be.


2nd April 2015, 02:25
The thread has been running for many years and has not had the kind of interaction you describe.
There are over one thousand visits a week to it.
You might feel at home there.
Best wishes
Thank you for directing me here Chris. I've read a couple of pages and decided to cry for a short while.

Tell me, will I ever stop breaking down when I sense I am in the proximity of something vast but (atm) ever elusive. :)

Good to see you here Anakie.

Breaking down, crying is part of it. These are good signs.
Virtually every question I have ever had has been answered on this thread by some one sharing experience or a video.
If there are questions, please ask--- some one will come up with an answer.
Much love

This reminded me of a Zen quote, forgive me but the author's name has eluded me at the moment.
"House burnt down, now I can see the moon."

~ When we finally release all of our clinging to illusion, when we have lost all hope for survival, it becomes possible to finally realize the truth of our nature. A great roar and laughter then ensues. Tears are in there as well, but not in lament, but in tenderness which was once not so apparent.~ bodhii71

2nd April 2015, 08:31
Love does not need an intention or object to love.
It is the highest expression of the being in recognition of itself.
It is the unity of Being.
Your being just radiates this love - effortlessly.
You are just your Self.
It is a state of emptiness.
It is there when you leave your luggage outside.
Luggage means who you think you are and
who you want to be.
Then it simply awakens in you because there is a space now for the beautiful One,
the presence of the Holy Father, the Holy Mother, the Holy Spirit, the One Supreme consciousness.
Be empty of 'you'.
And It shines in that space - timelessly.

~ Mooji

Hi Wind,

It can't be a coincidence that I said more or less the same thing on Tim's thread yesterday. Souls communicate without intent.


3rd April 2015, 12:45
If I was asked to recommend one video to listen to it would be this one.
For me "Remain as you are" a guided meditation with Mooji, has/says it all, everything you need to know as far as I can see is there.
It is a sensible length for meditation, with sufficient quiet periods and loads of relevant information.
He is very clear in explaining exactly what you are, through pointing out what you are not in a very understandable, logical way.
I am getting a lot from this and play this at least once a day---I sometimes use one of the other guided meditations by him ---all on u tube.

I have upped the time spent meditating. to at least a total of an hour, in two sessions---one morning and one at night



3rd April 2015, 13:45
Early in the morning is a good time, Chris. The air is of better quality and it's very Quiet. I practise Yoga before going to sleep everyday. It also happens that each moment lived is considered to be a zen moment where the bliss is omnipresent. Yogananda recommended more than an hour daily to keep the balance. I find this tough to do. In the holidays, I can have up to two or three sessions of 30-40 minutes each.

3rd April 2015, 18:18
Thanks Guish--early morning--- would that be about 9am? laughing.
Sometimes its at siesta time 3pm----the benefits of being retired.
Yoganada stressed the importance of being consistent as far as time went.
He would say "Make an appointment with God"

He visited Ramana Maharshi--- almost every western non duality teacher has quoted Ramana extensively and some go to the sacred mountain and therefore the Ramana ashram---holding retreats in that energy.


3rd April 2015, 18:40
Yogananda said the night was very good to devote yourself to god. I've had some uplifting experiences during the night but I've also had my battle with Kundalini during the night. I had to completely transform my lifestyle to become stable. I've quit meat completely and I now drink a lot of water and green tea. The body doesn't support processed food also now. In my experience, all right words and actions bring one closer to god. All actions which satisfy the self brings one far from god. I remember sleeping for 1-2 hours completely immersed in bliss and feeling no desire for food or anything. Once the routine kicks in, work, Kids and so on, meditation diminishes and the body gets tired. However, knowing who "one is" is a big step as one doesn't get carried away by the ego.

With love,

3rd April 2015, 18:57
For those who have never heard of Kundalin there is an explanation in the link advertising a book by the late Dr Goels.
Its from an Indian perspective and all the more in depth and accurate for that.
This kind of awakening is relatively rare as yet---however it seems that this is a prelude to enlightenment in most cases.
Adyashanti speaks of experiencing this.



4th April 2015, 13:21
Sometimes when I have meditated I have felt a tingling energy in my spine, but it comes and goes. I assume it's the kundalini energy, the last time I felt it was some days ago. I too should try to meditate daily, but for me it's easier said than done. Oh well.


Whatever paths they take,

may all who seek you find and enter your heart of paradise,

for your compassion and grace know no bound.

~ Mooji

4th April 2015, 16:11

I've put a link to the thread I started some time ago. It has valuable information/ advice from many people on Avalon. Kundalini comes with lower back pain too. It's very hard to digest and really forces one to get detached from the body.

5th April 2015, 08:17
Recent conversations/interviews.


latest programmes
Jah Wobble - 'Riding The Sonic Boom To Heaven' - Interview by Iain McNayConsciousness - Transformations (loaded 04 April 2015)
Jah Wobble - 'Riding The Sonic Boom To Heaven' - Interview by Iain McNay (watch this programme)
Jah Wobble was the original bass player in the band, Public Image Limited (PIL), which was formed by former Sex-pistols singer John Lydon (Rotten). He was 17 when he joined the band. He came from a tough and at times violent East London background. When he was young he developed a taste for short wave radio oscillations; they put him into a state of trance and he could sleep better. 'It felt like listening to infinity.' From an early age he had strong spiritual bent, he discovered the Upanishads and was captivated by ancient teachings. Music, especially the bass guitar and his spiritual life became indelibly intertwined. 'When you truly accept the bass as an emanation of God as the ground of existence you make a friend of impermanence, a state of flux, therefore the fear of losing what you have diminishes.you truly ride the rhythm - you will reside in the residence of 'OM' you can ride the sonic boom to heaven.' 'My bass playing relies first and foremost on intuition - it is necessary to remain innocent - intuition is directed from the solar plexus - the knowing sun in the guts.' After years on the road with bands he became an alcoholic, 'Whenever I drank all the fear disappeared and the tension left my body' but he couldn't go on like that and became completely burnt out. His Marriage broke up and he was left with crushing sense of failure. After joining AA and finding a real depth in his spiritual path life, 'I found I was grateful for every drink and drug I had taken because it was because of them I now had a beautiful and stable life which in turn led to a great productivity. I felt really alive and sensitised, I had simply grasped what it is to be human. Everything in life was sort of emptying out and becoming simpler. I was now at the stage of developing a meditative mind. There came a point where there was no difference between making music and spirituality - the world might have been getting crazier but I was getting better.'

Jenny Boyd - 'Staring Into The Face Of God' - Interview by Iain McNayConsciousness - Other (loaded 04 April 2015)
Jenny Boyd - 'Staring Into The Face Of God' - Interview by Iain McNay (watch this programme)
Jenny Boyd is the author of 'It's Not only Rock 'n' Roll' a book where she presents interviews with 75 musicians about how their creativity functions. Jenny works as a psychologist and addictions consultant in London. She wanted to understand how the minds and souls of these artist could create such great music. Her own spiritual awakening first started when she was 18. 'A tingling sensation rippled through my body, everything appearing crystal clear. I felt like a channel for the deeper parts of myself, as if I was watching myself from above. There was also a feeling of unity. My search for enlightenment had begun, I was now on a path from which I would often swerve but never leave.' In 1967 she travelled with the Beatles to India to spend time with Maharishi Maheshi Yogi (her sister Pattie was going out with - and later married - George Harrison at the time)

Here she learnt to meditate. She became a successful model in London, and later married Mick Fleetwood the drummer in Fleetwood Mac. 'After many years of being involved with everything that went along with rock 'n' roll I decided to go to college and study psychology.' She talks about her own journey as well as the fascinating process she discovered about musicians creativity. 'Peak experience can happen when the artist is totally in the here and now. A time of complete concentration that overtakes the mundane - the experience of eternity right here and now - by completely concentrating on the music they are able to open themselves up - the result can be songs that come from nowhere.'

Nicholas Hagger - '+A+-A = The Great Nothing' - Interview by Iain McNayNon Duality - Awakenings (loaded 04 April 2015)
Nicholas Hagger - '+A+-A = The Great Nothing' - Interview by Iain McNay (watch this programme)
Nicholas Hagger is a poet, cultural historian and philosopher and is the author of more than 35 books including his two latest just released, 'My Double life 1 - This Dark Wood' and 'My Double Life 2 - A Rainbow Over the Hills.' In this interview he talks about his life, his spiritual awakenings and how they have changed the way he sees reality. 'I asked Japanese poet Junzabuto Nishwaki in 1965 for a distillation of the wisdom of the East - he wrote on a business card +A+-A=0. The Great Nothing. He explained that the Universe is a unity that reconciles all contradictions, that the One combines day and night, life or death.'

'Libya accelerated my drastic purgation and remaking of myself. I was on the universal mystic way without realising it - I didn't know that my dark night of the senses would help me back onto the right path of detachments, illumination and transformations - I would have to traverse hell before I could reach inner serenity - I now felt more intensely than ever that I had lost my way in a dark wood and was I still searching for my right path.' 'This was my first glimpse of the celebrated golden flower, the centre and the source of my being. White light flowing upwards� a spring opened up inside me... visions wobbled inside me� I saw a fountain of light .Finally I said to myself , 'I surrender' and I was drunk with flowing light.'

5th April 2015, 21:10
When a man comes to his real senses, he will recognize that he has only one problem: "How can I come into awareness of, and oneness with, my true being?" For it is to lead him to this final question that other questions and problems have staged the road of his whole life. This answered, the way to answer all the other ones which beset him, be they physical or financial, intellectual or familiar, will open up. Hence Jesus' statements: "Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven and all these things shall be added unto you," and "To him that hath [enlightenment] shall be given [what he personally needs]."

~ Paul Brunton

6th April 2015, 10:59
Eckhat Tolle said this to the best of my memory.
A Zen student asked a master "What happens after death?---The master said I dont know--the student said. But your a Master you should know--the response--Yes but im not a dead Master"
I love humour

I suspect that on the death of the body the enlightened have a different experience from the unenlightened.
It may be that the near death experiences may be partly so and their story is still part of the dream/illusion.
The fully awakened/realised are no longer part of illusion --God and heaven not separate from Self

I don't know but thoughts on this welcome.


6th April 2015, 14:56
It seems entirely feasible to me that we "die" each night in a sense when we go to sleep and our finer body that lives within our physical body leaves. Most often it goes to the next finer dimensional level where it meets others and goes here and there.

Because I have done it very often, it seems to me that dying can be like stepping into another room, seamlessly, effortlessly, and with conscious mind aware of it. Perhaps I have written on the forum about being with a group, discussing things, and having one enter the room and say to me, "I smell burning cotton. Did you leave the iron on?" Upon hearing that, I went back into my body, saw that my pillow had dropped to the floor and was leaning on the radiant heater and the cotton pillowcase was scorching. I retrieved the pillow off the floor, put it on my bed, and closed my eyes and returned seamlessly to the fourth dimension meeting I had been in. During all that, my consciousness was aware, and not in any way "veiled" or hampered in awareness. "Death" can be like that.

I have been with my beloved as he died, and at that time I was in an altered state of consciousness "above" 3D, for I was with him. Although his adult children were crowded around his bed on all sides, I somehow passed up the side of his bed (often I wondered how I did that when there was no physical space) to cradle his head and speak into his ear words which my 3D memory cells did not record. The room full of adults disappeared to my physical sight and all became golden light, and I was in a kind of "split" awareness of 3D and higher 4D when he transitioned.

Decades earlier I was with my mother during the two days she was dying. I spoke words of encouragement to her for doing this so very well. She was holding on in fear and would not let go, and I soothingly told her it was time to go. Then I felt beings "swoop" into the room and felt the hairs rise on the back of my neck from their energy. My older brother was on the other side of the bed and mentioning this to him, he said he felt it too. Her crossing was assisted because that was her requirement. For others, assistance is not always needed.

Never in thousands of out-of-body travellings have I seen a "white light" or tunnel as written of in books (such as Dr. Eben Alexander). This used to puzzle me, until I came to understand that I did not go to those 4D levels. It was only after my beloved died and ten months afterwards I was called to be present at his initial stage of ascension, that I began to visit him in 4D. Then I was able to get a sense of how endlessly vast it was.

I think, upon laying aside of the physical vehicle, that the advice given of intending to return to your own higher self is most important. With that firm intent, I do not think you could be waylaid and enticed by anything to follow a direction not beneficial.

Another note, this about pain of the physical body. I broke my shoulder last year but had no pain at all. My consciousness had left my body before impact. I had not understood this, and so a higher part of myself took me back on that timeline (to about a week earlier) when I, as a point of awareness (I sensed myself as a small orb) saw my physical body get up from bed, get its feet tangled in the pillow that had fallen to the floor, saw it falling backwards, and then the split second before impact of shoulder against bed rail, I saw a white energy body leave my physical body. I never felt the pain of impact, for it was out of body. I suspect that in death this same mechanism of being out of body may operate, and that it might make the transition of many people easy.

Ah, forgive me Greybeard, I just re-read your post: I suspect that on the death of the body the enlightened have a different experience from the unenlightened.
It may be that the near death experiences may be partly so and their story is still part of the dream/illusion. The fully awakened/realised are no longer part of illusion --God and heaven not separate from Self
I missed responding on point.

I am not enlightened, have never had sudden experience of unity, but over years have been slowly coming to understand that there are "essentially ascended" beings in 3D bodies here. There is EVERYTHING imaginable out there in creation and I have travelled wherever I listeth. From my limited experience, one's "vibrational/frequency" level determines where one goes. It will be perfect for each individual I expect, and every transition experience varies, I would think.

It is too bad that our society cuts us off from instruction about the death experience. It seems prudent for each individual to firmly fix within their own self the idea that upon death, they will travel upwards towards the highest part of himself. You cannot go wrong with that intent firmly in place.

When in hospital I saw for the first time ever the layer of "demons" that hover close to 3D earth. They were gathered close to the surgical ward I was in where people would cry out in pain when their drugs wore off. In my finer body I saw them and passed easily through that level. To my Margaret personality it seemed almost as though I wore a kind of "teflon" to which they could not stick, and I simply passed quickly through that lower vibrational layer on my way upward.

I hope my many words have been useful.

One other thing that may help is that my beloved came to visit me five days after he'd died, accompanied by a being that radiated golden light that half-filled my bedroom. My beloved was in his etheric body. He leaned over and whispered into my right ear a message (which I still remember), and then taking my hands, I arose from my physical body. He hugged me, and I recall our two etheric bodies half melded - that our bodies interpenetrated each the other somewhat.

Then we went on a trip together, which I do not remember. We returned to my kitchen downstairs, even though we'd left from our bedroom upstairs. In the kitchen I was aware of the respectful presence of the light being unobtrusively nearby. My beloved leaned his head towards mine and spoke into my left ear, "I have to go now." With that, they were both gone.

The golden light being facilitated that visit. I learned later that it was right after my beloved's body had been cremated, and the ties to it thus severed. The farmhouse was filled with the most delicious flower scent that lingered for hours afterwards.

I hope these little experiences from my life are helpful. It has been good for me to remember this last bit, for I feel sorely alone at times.

6th April 2015, 15:44
Thanks for sharing your experiences, Meggings. Very interesting.

No man is so down, so sinful, so weak, or so beaten that he may not make a fresh start. Let him adopt a childlike attitude, placing himself in the hands of his higher self, imploring it for guidance and Grace. He should repeat this at least daily, and even oftener. Then let him patiently wait and carefully watch for the intuitive response during the course of the following weeks or months…

~ Paul Brunton

You have to see and meet God in this life.
Don’t let this life go by and miss discovering the Supreme One.
You will find him inside as your constant being.
Pray: Holy mother, holy father, holy spirit,
don’t give me the illusion that even one second belongs to me.
All is you. I, also, am you and yours.
For only like this does your life stand the chance to be miraculous.

~ Mooji

6th April 2015, 16:00
Thanks Margaret. My experiences are different. Meditation led me to an inner world. As one goes deeper inside, one comes across a void. This void cannot be described. In this void lies the bliss. There's no identity just presence there. If one looks at the universe, it's in a void too. Hence, going out or going in leads to the same realization, I'd assume. You seem to operate with a lot of emotional energy in your experiences which is very different from mine. Feelings/Emotions do not exist there.

6th April 2015, 17:38
Well this thread is interesting to say the least.
Thanks for your sharing Meggings a lot to think on there.
Thanks to you also Guish.
Not to forget my friend Wind who consistently brings Mooji and others to the thread.
Also Barry--hope I have not forgotten any of our regular posters Oh Em Ex and then the most regular visitor Heart2hearth my dear friend of many years.

Much love to all.


6th April 2015, 17:52
Guish, there is no emotion in the higher dimensional levels I go to. I exist as a point of awareness. There is even the "neutral" point of observation as I interact with many situations in 4D. Ditto for the many timeline travelling and work I have done. What I share on this forum that has emotion is connected to the 3D body. I do feel great highs and lows. I do know that being in body allows the processing of emotional energies - this weekend just past I did not expect to connect to "Frog Deva" and have wash through me as I was in a slightly higher frequency level the pain of FROG becoming extinct and dying around the world. My limited personal understanding is that this is a service to life on earth. I have processed energies of WWII, and of the French Revolution, and now currently am processing energies of the Civil War. It seems to be one of the reasons I have a body on earth, to do this work.

In going back over what I'd posted above, I do not see what you note here: "You seem to operate with a lot of emotional energy in your experiences which is very different from mine. Feelings/Emotions do not exist there."

Guish, I saw earlier that you'd posted about kundalini. I have a fair bit of experience with it, but not being a teacher, all I can do is share my experiences. Do you think it'd be of use if I did that, or shall I leave the field to gurus and such. Let me know.

6th April 2015, 17:53

He who lives the inner life knows that death is truly his resting-room. To him, death is anything but extinction. It is a meaningful departure. When our consciousness is divinely transformed, the necessity of death will not arise at all. To transform life, we need Peace, Light, Bliss and Power. We cry for these divine qualities. They cry for our aspiration. They are equally anxious to grant us everlasting life. But until our body, vital, mind, heart and soul aspire together, the divine Power, Light, Bliss and Peace cannot possess us.

The body has death, but not the soul. The body sleeps, the soul flies. The soul-stirring words on death and the soul in this chapter of the Gita, let us recollect. “Even as man discards old clothes for the new ones, so the dweller in the body, the soul, leaving aside the worn-out bodies, enters into new bodies. The soul migrates from body to body. Weapons cannot cleave it, nor fire consume it, nor water drench it, nor wind dry it.” This is the soul and this is what is meant by the existence of the soul. Now we shall be well advised to observe the existence of death, if there is any, in the momentous words of Sri Aurobindo, the Founder of the integral Yoga. “Death, he exclaims, “has no separate existence by itself, it is only a result of the principle of decay in the body and that principle is there already” it is part of the physical nature. At the same time it is not inevitable; if one could have the necessary consciousness and force, decay and death is not inevitable.”

What we call death is nothing short of ignorance. We can solve the problem of death only when we know what life is. Life is eternal. It existed before birth and it will exist after death. Life also exists between birth and death. It is beyond birth and death. Life is infinite. Life is immortal. A seeker of the infinite Truth cannot subscribe to Schopenhauer’s statement: “To desire Immortality is to desire the eternal perpetuation of a great mistake.” There is no shadow of doubt that it is the ceaseless seeker in man who is Immortality’s Life, for his very existence indicates the Supreme’s Vision that illumines the universe, and the Supreme’s Reality that fulfils creation.

Arjuna the disciple further learned: “Do your duty. Do not waver. Be not faint-hearted. You are a Kshatriya. There can be no greater invitation than that of a righteous war for a Kshatriya.”

A Kshatriya’s (warrior’s) duty can never be the duty of an ascetic Neither should an ascetic perform the duty of a Kshatriya. Also a Kshatriya must not follow the path of a world-renouncer. Imitation is not for a seeker. “Imitation is suicide,” so do we learn from Emerson.

A warrior’s duty is to fight, fight for the establishment of truth. “In his victory, the entire earth becomes his, in his death, him welcome the gates of paradise.”

Sri Krishna unveiled the path of Sankhya (knowledge) to Arjuna: “Arjuna, take them as one, victory and defeat, joy and sorrow, gain and loss. Care not for them. Fight! Fighting thus no sin will you incur.” The teacher revealed the path of knowledge (Sankhya). Now he wanted to teach the student the path of action (Yoga). Arjuna surprisingly learned that this path, the path of action, the second path, is fruitful and also will bring him deliverance. The truth sublime is:”Action is your birthright, not the outcome, not the fruits thereof. Let not the fruits of action be your object, and be not attached to inaction. Be active and dynamic, seek not any reward.” We can simultaneously kindle the flame of our consciousness with the lore of the Isha Upanishad: “Action cleaves not to a man.”

We have already used the term Yoga. What is Yoga? “Equanimity,” says Sri Krishna, “is Yoga.” He also says: “Yoga is skilful wisdom in action.”

Arjuna’s inner progress is striking. He now feels the necessity to free himself from the desire-life. Sri Krishna teaches him how he can totally detach himself from the bondage-life of the senses as a tortoise successfully withdraws its limbs from all directions. Sense-withdrawal, or withdrawal from the sense objects, by no means indicates the end of man’s journey. “Mere withdrawal cannot put an end to desire’s birth. Desire disappears only when the Supreme appears. In His Presence the desire-life loses its existence. Not before.”

This second chapter throws considerable light on Sankhya (knowledge) and Yoga (action). Sankhya and Yoga are never at daggers drawn. One is detached meditative knowledge, and the other is dedicated and selfless action. They have the self-same Goal. They just follow two different paths to arrive at the Goal.

To come back to the sense-life. Sense-life is not to be discontinued. Sense-life is to be lived in the Divine for the Divine. It is the inner withdrawal, and not the outer withdrawal, that is imperative. The animal in man has to surrender to the Divine in man for its total transformation. The life of animal pleasure must lose its living and burning breath in the all-fulfilling life of divine Bliss.

Katha Upanishad declares the rungs of the ever-climbing Ladder.

Higher than the senses are the objects of sense,

Higher than the objects of sense is the mind,

Higher than the mind is the intellect,

Higher than the intellect is the Self,

Higher than the Self is the Unmanifest,

Higher than the Unmanifest is the Supreme


Highest is this Supreme, the Goal Ultimate.

We have seen what happens when we go up. Let us observe what happens when we muse on the sense-objects. The Gita tells: “Dwelling on sense-objects gives birth to attachment, attachment gives birth to desire. Desire (unfulfilled) brings into existence the life of anger. From anger delusion springs up, from delusion the confusion of memory. In the confusion of memory the reasoning wisdom is lost. When wisdom is nowhere, destruction within, without, below and above.”

The dance of destruction is over. Let us pine for salvation. The disciplined, self-controlled aspirant alone will be blessed by the flood of peace. Finally, the aspirant will be embraced by Salvation, the inner Illumination.

- Sri Chinmoy

6th April 2015, 18:00
Guish, there is no emotion in the higher dimensional levels I go to. I exist as a point of awareness. There is even the "neutral" point of observation as I interact with many situations in 4D. Ditto for the many timeline travelling and work I have done. What I share on this forum that has emotion is connected to the 3D body. I do feel great highs and lows. I do know that being in body allows the processing of emotional energies - this weekend just past I did not expect to connect to "Frog Deva" and have wash through me as I was in a slightly higher frequency level the pain of FROG becoming extinct and dying around the world. My limited personal understanding is that this is a service to life on earth. I have processed energies of WWII, and of the French Revolution, and now currently am processing energies of the Civil War. It seems to be one of the reasons I have a body on earth, to do this work.

In going back over what I'd posted above, I do not see what you note here: "You seem to operate with a lot of emotional energy in your experiences which is very different from mine. Feelings/Emotions do not exist there."

Guish, I saw earlier that you'd posted about kundalini. I have a fair bit of experience with it, but not being a teacher, all I can do is share my experiences. Do you think it'd be of use if I did that, or shall I leave the field to gurus and such. Let me know.

Hi Friend,

The experience in the state of bliss transforms the life in the 3D world too. I cannot remember ever crying once since my childhood. That doesn't mean that I don't feel compassion. I help everyone in a detached and selfless way. I'm too cold for my wife at times as nothing seems to affect me. I do get stressed but these are quite rare events. Yes, my Friend do share your experiences. I'm not a guru and I share a lot here.

6th April 2015, 18:23
Meggings your experiences with Kundalini will be welcomed here.
Feel free to post as you see fit.
With love