View Full Version : Counter-extremism made in the UK.

19th October 2015, 17:04
Hi all,

Today at work i read the following 2 articles ... i am still shocked of the obvious police state propaganda.

Counter-extremism: May targets 'all those who spread hate' (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-34568574)

Can David Cameron's extremism plan work? (http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-34566518)

Anyone know what extremism is? Because i cant seem to understand it on these articles ... they keep it so vague and just give examples of IS extremes.

Here some lines i found weird ...

"Deradicalisation classes will be made mandatory for others deemed a threat."

"An official investigation into the application of Sharia law in the UK"

"Home Secretary Theresa May said non-violent extremism could not go "uncontested" as it led to the erosion of women's rights, the spread of intolerance and bigotry and the separation of some communities "from the mainstream". "

"The government wants to create powers to curtail the activity of "extremists", even if they don't break hate laws or incite violence. "

ETC ETC ....

I think I am living in 1984 ....


20th October 2015, 17:38