View Full Version : Conscious Explorer - Ancient Past Present Task - Pt20 - The Density of Beliefs

15th November 2015, 00:30
Hi all,

Just the next in my series to put a bit of SELF empowerment energy out there at this time. Many topics especially how the timeline manipulation has had major influence over us for so long (ie image):




13th December 2015, 16:29
Hi All,

Another iteration of my series. Part 21. This one like part 20, but 'The Density of Fear' vs Beliefs. It is courageous to witness what your emotional power is feeding relative to this reality and not allow it going forth.

People included are:
Andrew Bartzis, Nathalie, Jeffery Mischlove, Lance White, Peace Pilgrim, Michael Tsarion, Bruce Lipton, Andre Hodge, Ram Dass, Gregg Braden, Chris Hales, Val Valerian, Richard Alan Miller, Bob Frissel



8th July 2017, 03:51
Hi all,

Happy 7th of the 7th (if you are still in it). I hope all is well in your world. After an 18 month break from this series. I recently made part 22. Called 'Conscious Explorer - Ancient Past Present Task - Pt22 - Dweller On The Threshold'. I share in this fabulous place for those seekers out there. During some recent challenging months. It is aimed at getting a larger volume of people yet to reveal themselves and challenges in the reality escalate up to speed asap. There is a relationship to that and seeking understanding and the rate will increase. Those also who are looking to take themselves further and hold their place on this amazing planet. In the hope to offer the perspectives of many teachers all in one space. Allowing binging. Many many topics to contemplate and hopefully consciousness Tetris blocks to aid in your own journey. Even if you have been a seeker for a long time. One variable i always hold is vigilance is mandatory no matter what i have done in my past. As the reality is dynamic and constantly shifting. Seeing the patterns at play is one skill set worth investing in. I hope my offering aids you in that self mastery.


Keep holding your space within and geographically speaking.

Enjoy :)