View Full Version : The GDELT Project

31st December 2015, 02:05
Hi guys,

I came across this website that i thought many of us could ponder over.
It is the website that contains a vast amount of information from a data mining program that puts news and other things into perspective via graphs and word clouds.
Yes there have been other sites that have done this but not on this scale... Truly huge this is.. And owned by Google
The information this program could contain is absolutely insane. AI would definitely develope very easily from this and also i assume could bring about a real life "minority report".
While it is exciting, it is how it is used that can have the implications. There has to be something that is even more in depth than this that the NSA and other intellegence agencies are using.




31st December 2015, 03:19
Very interesting and thanks for posting.

The real reason that all of our data is being collected is probably not for terrorism prevention but for AI programming, machine learning (http://whatis.techtarget.com/definition/machine-learning) and various algorithm tech and other reasons imho.


31st December 2015, 06:54
Yes Ponda i agree. you did Ponda over it haha..yes that's a dad joke.. It is surely a great tool to look into some future aspects of peoples behaviour and so forth..

I tested the Timeline Visualizer on one of the tabs of the website and put in the words "earthquake"and "damage" i could only go as far back as january 2013 till now.. but this is the graph that i recieved. i guess if we ask it the right questions you could get some good data..



31st December 2015, 07:14
Yeah it's probably about shaping the future,manufacturing consent,predicting/provoking outcomes and reactions etc but yes it can be used positively for everyone's benefit.


31st December 2015, 17:58
Just started watching "Person of Interest" Season 4 on Netflix. From season 1 on, there are questions being raised about creating a AI and its possibilities. The violent content is there but the characterizations are well acted. The creation of the AI is most interesting. AI is not my idea of an advancement in humanity. The question of free will is paramount and sometimes it feels like Atlantis all over again.

31st December 2015, 21:57
AI is here already me thinks. It has been here from another time in our past witnessing itself be born again.. It could also be a script to a movie.