View Full Version : Thought Shift

22nd February 2016, 07:46
Tentative statement, I sense that a shift is taking place in the way people (also in the "alternative community") approach information.

There is more criticism towards previously held sacred beliefs/conspiracy theories/...

And perhaps, more reason allowed on stage.

Sometimes when we get passionate about things, injustice and informing, we risk losing ourselves, and in doing so we drift further and further away from what we initially set ourselves to do.

We don't stop listening to people who are "still asleep". Listen, don't just talk and force upon people a new truth. Some wake-up calls come from exactly those sleepers.

Keeping a mutual exchange - and one that you take seriously, not just for the sake of being polite - builds an inclusive reality.

22nd February 2016, 20:04
A couple of thoughts, Violet, it is healthy to re-examine long held beliefs especially the sacred kind, since we are exposed to so much misinformation constantly. We can easily adopt ideas as our own at a time long gone and those ideas no longer represent where we are now. As you say, we can "lose ourselves" in so many different ways.

I think the best kind of learning is done in solitude and contemplation and at this stage on earth with the accelerated evolution that is presently taking place it seems that is exactly what most people are doing. We are our own best teachers. The time of gurus and pupils has passed on by...this is just my opinion of course.

24th February 2016, 08:34
Reading the op again, sounds moralising...:/

The older belief systems have been undergoing criticism for a longer time. We can see an evolution there, and how people have decided to after questioning and investigating, either stay in, or leave a system.

I guess, now, it's the newer stuff. Where extraordinary experiences and theories, however much they resonate with what we already know or otherwise established to be true, are met with greater caution. And without shutting doors.

Also the questioning of the role we decide to let new information play in our individual lives.