View Full Version : Re-Discovering the Mind

Robert Baird
7th March 2016, 16:42
This initial post will be followed shortly by some others and a link to a complete thread or two at World-Mysteries if that is OK.

If you are a scientist in the present day, and you do not believe in telepathy and many more paranormal facts - you are going to have to address what Kaku says about you. He calls such people "know-nothing scientists".

"Theoretical physicists are not known for their rock star appeal. Scientists are not inherently cool by our modern standards because so often the average person does not understand what it is they do. Michio Kaku is working to change that and in the process, he has become a bit of a superstar in his own right. Michio sat down with Deepak Chopra for Newswire.fm's program One World to discuss his illustrious career, his latest book, and the conscious mind; an interest that they both share.

Michio's new book, The Future of the Mind: The Scientific Quest to Understand, Enhance and Empower the Mind explores many questions that a generation ago, only philosophers were discussing in the abstract. Today, he is making these things a reality. "Telepathy, telekinesis, uploading memories, photographing a dream, we've done it." He told to Deepak. But there are still vast mysteries in the human brain that science has yet to uncover.


"If you take a look at the neurons of the brain, each neuron is very complicated, connected to ten thousand other neurons but they're just neurons," Michio explains. "They're just either on or off but when you put one hundred billion of them together all of a sudden you get consciousness." Science is still trying to fill in the gaps between what each of these neurons does and how that translates to consciousness. So much of our own existence is understood because others are conscious of our existence. It's a complicated idea but Michio has a way of explaining his work that makes it accessible to the average person; you don't need an advanced degree in physics or biology or even philosophy to follow along.

Michio's research has fascinating connections to eastern philosophy and it is this connection that makes his discussion with Deepak so interesting. Here are two men, with vastly different backgrounds, discussing the intersection of their interests in consciousness and bringing together different disciplines to examine the same mysteries. It is no wonder that both Deepak and his guest Michio Kaku are held in such high esteem.

This is a blog series produced in partnership with One World, a video series with Deepak Chopra and NEWSWIRE.FM. To view the full video and subscribe to all the episodes..."

Sadly - for people like me, there is an Inquisitorial type of program or what a Dr. of Psychology I lived with called 'fear and jealousy'. She said that after talking with my older brother not some Christian trying to see the Devil Incarnate in me. Dr. Gray who wrote Men are from Mars (Women from Venus) wrote a book after that best-seller and he identified how one person will be turned into a 'psychic drain' in every family or organizational unit. This alienating agenda develops when a person expresses their experience even if that experience is lame and tame as far as Psychism goes. True Empathy requires an element of psychic development and not some superficial political correctness. Our world will soon get a lot better if Kaku, Zukav and others win the day.

Robert Baird
7th March 2016, 16:46
From the viewpoint of a modern microbiologist, we hear the call for integration and common sense in sciences that are all too often devising separate stakes and battlements to pontificate from, on high. The 'experts' thus proving their ignorance because the result inevitably is specious ego and puffery. Truth did not divide herself up for prissy 'nerds' to prevail upon, with their massive convolutions and devious attempts to practice buffoonery upon her.

In August of 1980 Psychology Today ran an article by Harold J. Morowitz, professor of Molecular Biophysics and Biochemistry at Yale University. I recommend a complete reading of this article for anyone who has suffered through a complete exposure to all that our modern education system is comprised of; as it tries to convince you that everything is 'black and white' and that no soul exists through avoidance of its instruction (except a few artists who defy the norm).


Physical scientists are returning to the view that thought - meaning mind - is one of nature's ultimate realities'.

The study of life at all levels, from social to molecular behavior, has in modern times relied on reductionism as the chief explanatory concept. This approach to knowledge tries to comprehend one level of scientific phenomena in terms of concepts at a lower and presumably more fundamental level... Reductionism at the psychological level is exemplified by the viewpoint in Carl Sagan's best selling book THE DRAGONS OF EDEN.

He writes: 'My fundamental premise about the brain is that its workings- what we sometimes call 'mind' - are a consequence of its anatomy and, physiology and nothing more.' As a further demonstration of this trend of thought, we note that Sagan's glossary does not contain the words mind, consciousness, perception, awareness or thought, but rather deals with entries such as synapse, lobotomy, proteins and electrodes?

Werner Heisenberg, one of the founders of the new physics, became deeply involved in the issues of philosophy and humanism. In PHILOSOPHICAL PROBLEMS OF QUANTUM PHYSICS, he wrote of physicists having to renounce thoughts of an objective time-scale common to all observers, and of events in time and space that are independent of our ability to observe them. Heisenberg stressed that the laws of nature no longer dealt with elementary particles, but with our knowledge of these particles - that is, with the 'contents of our minds'. Erwin Schr?dinger, the man who formulated the fundamental equation of quantum mechanics, wrote an extraordinary little book in 1958 called MIND AND MATTER. In this series of essays, he moved from the results of the new physics to a rather mystical view of the universe that he identified with the 'perennial philosophy' of Aldous Huxley. Schrodinger was the first of the quantum theoreticians to express sympathy with the UPANISHADS and Eastern philosophical thought. A growing body of literature now embodies this perspective, including two popular works. THE TAO OF PHYSICS by Fritjof Capra, and THE DANCING WU-LI MASTERS by Gary Zukav...

However, the only simple and consistent description physicists were able to assign to a measurement involved an observer's becoming aware of the result. Thus the physical event and the content of the human mind were inseparable. This linkage forced many researchers to seriously consider consciousness as an integral part of the structure of physics. Such interpretations moved science toward the 'idealist' as contracted with the 'realist' conception of philosophy.

The views of a large number of contemporary physical scientists are summed up in the essay 'Remarks on the Mind-Body Question' written by Nobel laureate Eugene Wigner. Wigner begins by pointing out that most physical scientists have returned to the recognition that thought - meaning the mind - is primary. He goes on to state: 'It was not possible to formulate the laws of quantum mechanics in a fully consistent way without reference to the consciousness.' And he concludes by noting how remarkable it is that the scientific study of the world led to the content of consciousness as an ultimate reality.'...

The founders of modern atomic theory did not start out to impose a 'mentalist' picture on the world. Rather, they began with the opposite point of view and were forced to the present day position in order to explain experimental results...

The results of this chain of reasoning will probably lend more aid and comfort to Eastern mystics than to neurophysiologists and molecular biologists; nevertheless, the closed loop follows from a straightforward combination of the explanatory processes of recognized experts in the three separate sciences. Since individuals seldom work with more than one of these paradigms, the general problem has received little attention...

We now understand the troublesome features in a forceful commitment to uncritical reductionism as a solution to the problem of mind. We have discussed the weaknesses of that position. In addition to being weak, it is a dangerous view, since the way we respond to our fellow human beings is dependent on the way we conceptualize them in our theoretical formulations. If we envision our fellows solely as animals or machines, we drain our interactions of humanistic richness. If we seek our behavioral norms in the study of animal societies, we ignore those uniquely human features that so much enrich our lives. Radical reductionism offers very little in the area of moral imperatives! Further, it presents the wrong glossary of terms for a humanistic pursuit."

The Minnesota Twins study has been on-going for decades and it has produced some remarkable results that few reports see the impact of in reference to the very nature of 'humanistic richness' and soulful potentialities. Only once is the top researcher allowed to mention ESP. Much as the Harvard study I have reported, the participants are family members but because they were separated at birth and (in this case) twins - there is a greater connection of ESP or psychic abilities than normal. Isn't this just common sense? Who can doubt it, you might say! Yet most people think ESP is some weird attribute or freak of nature rather than a gift we all have 'within', if they think it exists at all.

The majority of people today do not know about Tesla's 'non-force info packets', 'free energy', 'energy from vacuum machines by Bearden' or what layers of time/space are involved in all psychic phenomena. Thus those who say they believe in ESP are at a loss to explain and they avoid any real involvement with it. The scientists are similarly ignorant of these things and they (after all) are 'experts' like the doctors who deny the mind-body connection with the soul that is vital to psychic utilization. Our present culture DENIED these truly human and fantastic or exquisite depths of being.

7th March 2016, 16:48
Kaku calling people "no-nothing-scientists"



"some people are ideologically married to a certain point of view, nothing you say is going to change their view, nothing." - M. Kaku

That sword cuts both ways ;)

Now, I only point that out to say this: no information is presented with out bias, be ready to discern!

Robert Baird
7th March 2016, 17:21
Yes, a typo - s/b Know-nothing.

Robert Baird
7th March 2016, 17:45
None of the links are working - they are however, just reference for what I copied or wrote.

Balancing chhi or qi can cause food to be metabolized properly and more efficiently. It activates chakras in valuable ways which our doctors seem unable to understand - other than thousands of them who support Patch Adams. Norman Cousins cured himself of a life-threatening illness. If you look it up you will see it identified and yet the Cancer Society says it was unknown. Laughter is a worthwhile healing helper and they do acknowledge it has a long history. Of course, people are smart enough to know when they feel better and that has been true since we were animals - just look at your diggie! But I remember reading Norman talking about more than just the release of hormones while he was afflicted. Because we (science) don't understand how it happens does that mean it isn't happening?


I sincerely hope this link will be accessible for you. It takes a spiritual journey into Kabbalah and the southern tradition or Tree of Life. Numerous healers are saying great things about it and I see the Mudras (Mutras in another language) are there - which I have helped people use (Like Gurdjieff) to balance their hemispheres and combat depression, schizophrenia and ADHD etc.


Bioprinting of eyes by 2027 is just the tip of the iceberg in human "enhancement" facing our children and society's planners. You will see Google glasses are part of the way Futurescape explains the melding of our minds to their purposes associated with controlling the World Mind. You can be absolutely certain Ray Kurzweil as Google's science guy knows more about it than anyone you will meet.


Kurzweil was on the convention circuit of speakers in 2001 saying things would happen by 2015 rather than 2035 as Bill Joy said would be the time for truly sentient self-replicating robots. Here is more proof that Kurzweil was correct. In fact this takes us way further than what was being discussed then.

But even though Einstein was right about the human mind having limits - soon these limits will be enhanced and possibly even removed through the use of technology combining consciousness and machines. It is even possible the machines will have a soul which might be part of the whole idea or design of what makes consciousness exist.

Much of the Bell curve in technology which powers the transformations taking place (Including Futurescape's presentation of what is happening with the collective mind or World Mind) all depends on further advances in computing speed. Quantum computing will probably make artificial intelligence as fast as the human mind in a small space of machine use - and much greater in uses where there is no cranial limit. It has been used in the huge displays at sports arenas for over a decade, you might also know about the military letting out contracts (Mr. Everitt) in 2000.

"Quantum computing is often considered one of the most logical successors to traditional computing. If pulled off, it could spur innovation across many fields, from sorting through tremendous Big Data stores of unstructured information — which will be key in making discoveries — to designing super materials, new encryption methods, and drug compounds without trial-and-error lab testing.

For all of this to happen, though, someone has to build a working quantum computer. And that hasn’t happened yet, arguably aside from that giant (and controversial) D-Wave machine. We’re a big step closer now, though. IBM researchers, for the first time, have figured out how to detect and measure both bit-flip and phase-flip quantum errors simultaneously. They also outlined a new, square quantum bit circuit design that could scale to much larger dimensions."


And you may think I am berserk to claim a connection exists with the soul or spirit, also known as the mind. But that is what I have said ever since I noticed the lymph system is connected with psychic points in my 20s. I could say I told you so. No I will say I told you so. It will be good to see the brain-mapping done at Harvard which shows yogis and mystics in states of esoteric bliss and healing, integrated with consciousness and this study.

"In a stunning discovery that overturns decades of textbook teaching, researchers at the University of Virginia School of Medicine have determined that the brain is directly connected to the immune system by vessels previously thought not to exist

That such vessels could have escaped detection when the lymphatic system has been so thoroughly mapped throughout the body is surprising on its own, but the true significance of the discovery lies in the effects it could have on the study and treatment of neurological diseases ranging from autism to Alzheimer’s disease to multiple sclerosis.

“Instead of asking, ‘How do we study the immune response of the brain?,’ ‘Why do multiple sclerosis patients have the immune attacks?,’ now we can approach this mechanistically – because the brain is like every other tissue connected to the peripheral immune system through meningeal lymphatic vessels,” said Jonathan Kipnis, a professor in U.Va.’s Department of Neuroscience and director of U. Va.’s Center for Brain Immunology and Glia. “It changes entirely the way we perceive the neuro-immune interaction. We always perceived it before as something esoteric that can’t be studied. But now we can ask mechanistic questions."

He added, “We believe that for every neurological disease that has an immune component to it, these vessels may play a major role. [It’s] hard to imagine that these vessels would not be involved in a [neurological] disease with an immune component.”

Kevin Lee, who chairs the Department of Neuroscience, described his reaction to the discovery by Kipnis’ lab: “The first time these guys showed me the basic result, I just said one sentence: ‘They’ll have to change the textbooks.’ There has never been a lymphatic system for the central nervous system, and it was very clear from that first singular observation – and they’ve done many studies since then to bolster the finding – that it will fundamentally change the way people look at the central nervous system’s relationship with the immune system.”


The next link addresses research on cancer cells spreading through the lymph system. Suppressing this system which is vital to our health has many consequences.


The esoteric word in the scientific proofing this month that the brain is part of the lymph (psychic points) system, was a very deep and good term, which means formerly science had no reason to examine things like soul and our attunement ability. That too will take time. I am just happy to see these things coming to pass. Gravitational Wave Theory could add so much. Maybe we could even learn to THINK away the temperature rise that will cause the water levels to rise.

8th March 2016, 03:13
Complete Link sited in R Baird's discussion : re-discovering the mind thread, which describes UVA's discovery of link between central nervous system relationship with immune system https://news.virginia.edu/content/researchers-find-textbook-altering-link-between-brain-immune-system

Also corrected full link with: David Jackson and cancer from re-discovering mind

8th March 2016, 04:22
Kaku calling people "no-nothing-scientists"



"some people are ideologically married to a certain point of view, nothing you say is going to change their view, nothing." - M. Kaku

That sword cuts both ways ;)

Now, I only point that out to say this: no information is presented with out bias, be ready to discern!

Yes, T well put, cuts both ways... Michio's is a know everything scientist to be sure, yeah- especially when he has great incite as to how 7 collapsed?!! Hmmm? Do those clowns that interviewed KAKA KEW eat everything he says? Ah who cares? They are having a love fest let's let 'em be right? It was as the say in physics terminology "pulled" with a vector from the air in the empty buildings. HMMMM... :jaw: sorry :focus:

Robert Baird
8th March 2016, 17:28
The 9-11 deflection aside - can we actually quote some thing relevant to what I have said. If Kaku is to be attacked for what is not in the thread, for some fuzzy-thinking about tower 7 (A friend of mine had a bank account in there and was offered government payoff - he said, he witnessed what happened to it that day while at the bank - I cannot confirm.) That requires at least three threads of it's own.

If as Sartre says "Love is absent space." What will the wisdom seeker experience in Love versus someone only seeking for what others agree with?

The following book is an academic masterpiece integrating archaeosymbolism, the collective unconscious, archetypes and consciousness studies, which start with paintings in caves but as we know the painting art is about 500,000 years older than we once thought - not so long ago.

"My third epiphany was in 1998 at a performance of Martin McDonagh’s play, The Beauty Queen of Leenane, when I heard the protagonist, Pato Dooley, wistfully declare:

When it’s there I am, it’s here I wish I was, of course. Who
wouldn’t? But when it’s here I am … it isn’t there I want to be, of
course not. But I know it isn’t here I want to be either.

In these words I heard Pato Dooley enunciate the universal dilemma of human kind; how to resolve the unattainable quite impractical desire to dwell in that imaginal place from which we have somehow been exiled, where we feel we are home and where we belong and where we know that the essence and reality of our soul will find its safe harbour. This dilemma, this longing is reflected in our religious beliefs and dogmas, in historical narratives, in the art and literature of all cultures and also significantly informs and structures much of our physical and psychological survival since it is most readily and commonly perceived in our storytelling."


This article overlooks some very important facts. Musk just got a major infusion of money by Google into his SpaceX project. Google has a top executive named Ray Kurzweil who is fully aware of robots and the sentient nature thereof, since the human brain was downloaded on a computer chip in 1999. See Bill Joy's article from Wired Magazine in the first year of this millennium. Google is a lot like the company which was the major threat in Terminator. I like Elon a lot and I share Kurzweil's vision which includes a fully integrated neural net long before Bill Joy said it would happen (2035). But I must be aware that circumstances and contingency planning change with time. If society at large does not do something towards managing this planet - the robots will. The only question is - will some elite genetically enhanced homo superiorus people be in control.

"Tesla Motors CEO Elon Musk worries about a "Terminator" scenario arising from research into artificial intelligence.

Musk was an early investor in AI firm DeepMind, which was later acquired by Google, and in March made an investment San Francisco-based Vicarious, another company working to improve machine intelligence.

Speaking to US news channel CNBC, Musk explained that his investments were, "not from the standpoint of actually trying to make any investment return… I like to just keep an eye on what's going on with artificial intelligence. I think there is potentially a dangerous outcome there."

"There have been movies about this, you know, like Terminator," Musk continued. "There are some scary outcomes. And we should try to make sure the outcomes are good, not bad."

Musk made his fortune as the co-founder of X.com, one of the companies which would eventually become PayPal, and in June 2002 co-founded SpaceX, which would go on to become the first private company to put a satellite into earth orbit. He is now best-known as the co-founder of Tesla Motors, the electronic car manufacturer.

In March 2014, he invested in Vicarious, alongside Mark Zuckerberg and actor Ashton Kutcher. The company's aim is to build a neural network capable of replicating the part of the brain that controls vision, body movement and language. It's ultimate aim is to build a "computer that thinks like a person,” according to the company's co-founder Scott Phoenix says, “except it doesn’t have to eat or sleep"."


I have no doubt AI and epigenetics and a whole host of integrated systems including Holography or Virtual Reality will get to where they are headed. Question is, does anyone care to make a plan for us redundant lifeforms?


I will return offsite to see if I can get working links to display here - there are good links in the above other than the Tesla quote which is all there. Done.