View Full Version : Space X and Quantum Computing Connection

4th September 2016, 05:27
When the recent Space X rocket blew up my instinct was that this was deliberate. Someone didn't want its payload up there. Then as potential confirmation we saw the two UFO's pass by the rocket when it exploded (dunno if these are real - not to mention why the cabal or whomever was behind Space X payload would use conventional rockets to send their stuff into space when there is suppose to be all this secret space program tech out there, unless that stuff has been neutralized)


Then synchronistically I come upon this video of the new quantum computers and attempts at intelligent machines or AI, and parallel realities. At around the 10:40 the speaker can't think of anything cooler than creating intelligent machines (ugh, are people really this unaware) followed by a reference to one of their major contributors and trend visionaries who's on the board of guess who...Space X


p.s. I also wonder if there could be a connection with this Mandela effect, quantum computing and CERN and all the whackiness happening and accelerating on this planet...
