View Full Version : WikiLeaks Set To Reveal US-UFO War In Southern Ocean

17th December 2010, 11:45
Assange promotes Bin Ladin running Al Quaeda, the U.S. being in war with UFOs and Iran planning an attack. How much more obvious does he have to be?


The One
17th December 2010, 11:59
US-UFO War in Southern Ocean

It will be interesting to see when this leak comes out. Fingers crossed it’s soon.

And who knows they might be purposely using wikileaks to disclose it then they don’t have to admit it themselves

17th December 2010, 13:19
This is from Sorcha Faal..... known disinfo site.... We also saw the FAKE cable on the Norway spiral from same site...so be careful with taking this seriously...

7th January 2011, 15:28
Take a sprinkling of dubious, quasi-news stories, mix together with a large helping of bulls**t, throw in a sinister narrator and serve lukewarm to a hungry Youtube audience that will swallow just about anything.

17th January 2011, 00:17
WikiLeaks: new diplomatic cables contain UFO details, Julian Assange says
New leaked diplomatic cables set to be published by Wikileaks will contain fresh details on UFOs, according to the website's founder Julian Assange.

Location: http://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/worldnews/wikileaks/8180528/Wikileaks-new-diplomatic-cables-contain-UFO-details-says-Julian-Assange.html

"The 39 year-old Australian, who is wanted by Interpol over a charge of rape and sexual assault in Sweden, said there were some references to extraterrestrial life in yet-to-be-published confidential files obtained from the American government."

“It is worth noting that in yet-to-be-published parts of the cablegate archive there are indeed references to UFOs.”
Julian Assange, as quoted by Andrew Hough. This was lifted from a reply to reader's questions by JA and posted in the Guardian, and I don't recall when, but it was several weeks ago- correct me if I'm wrong. The entire post is reproduced here:

Mr. Hough's article is largely about Right-Wing attacks on Wikileaks, calling for his arrest and/or execution (consider the source) and how wikilieaks people are responding. Very little to say about disclosure, in spite of what the titillating headline suggests. I think that's because there is only a tidbit to report, and this will probably turn out to be much ado about nothing.

another article, location: http://www.examiner.com/ufo-in-canada/wikileaks-to-release-ufo-bomshell is just a regurge of the Sorcha FAAL disinfo piece.

...and now this:

WikiLeaks UFO Documents (http://news.gather.com/viewArticle.action?articleId=281474978757653)
Now that WikiLeaks promises to reveal U.S. secret files on UFOs, there might be something interesting in Assange's allegations. So far it's been a bunch of gossip, but knowing what the U.S. really knows about UFOs might be worth some of the stupidity so far.

Julian Assange has endangered not only the U.S. but also the world when he and his WikiLeaks friends published U.S. secrets online. However, if WikiLeaks reveals the truth about flying saucers, when Assange suddenly disappears, the government can simple explain that he was taken aboard a UFO, and the governments of the world are doing all they can to find him.

Assange claims he has many death threats against him, and if he is murdered someone should be charged with his death. So how about the aliens?" [bada-rumpah!]

just a tad off-topic...
My comment here: If you have been engaged in lying, cheating, and stealing millions or billions from the people of your own country and I rat you out- that makes me a dangerous traitor? What does that make you, a national hero?