View Full Version : The Truth About Popular Culture — a brilliant video by Paul Joseph Watson

Bill Ryan
8th February 2017, 13:04
Paul Joseph Watson, you rock. :muscle: This short video says it all. It's had half a million views in the first two days, probably the best he's ever made. (And he's made a lot.)

If we look around and pay attention, there's every indication that this is a highly degenerate society, in its final throes — and we only need to look to history to see what usually happens next.


Star Tsar
8th February 2017, 13:25
On top of all that its getting broadcast into space!

8th February 2017, 13:47
Future? What the heck is that? All there is is now, now, now...

"If the British anthropologist J. D. Unwin (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/J._D._Unwin) is correct in his assessment of society, this present generation in the Western world may be the last one. In his book, Sex and Culture, (pdf) (https://www.google.ca/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=6&cad=rja&uact=8&sqi=2&ved=0ahUKEwi5uKzMpMXRAhWm6oMKHW--C7gQFgg5MAU&url=http%3A%2F%2Fthehighpointchurch.org%2Fwp-content%2Fuploads%2F2015%2F11%2FSexual-Values-Part-1-sermon-outline.pdf&usg=AFQjCNHnzoW5-4_fCMW94V5yuxBdT9eSPw&sig2=WGtb85y84HACwy1DP8YJaw&bvm=bv.144224172,d.amc) professor Unwin studied eighty 'uncivilized' cultures and compared his results with sixteen 'civilized' cultures extending over the last 4,000 years. He found that when strict heterosexual monogamy was practiced, the society attained its greatest cultural energy, especially in the arts, sciences and technology. But as people rebelled against the prohibitions placed upon them and demanded more sexual opportunities, there was a consequent loss of their creative energy, which resulted in the decline and eventual destruction of the civilization. Remarkably, he did not find any exception to this trend."

--Janosik, Daniel. "The Fate of Culture in J. D. Unwin's 'Sex and Culture'" in Christian Apologetics Journal,
 Vol. 10:1 (Spring 2012)
.As for the uniform conformity to zombifiied behaviour, this post (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?56969-Psych-Drugs-The-Real-Weapons-of-Mass-Destruction&p=1132868&viewfull=1#post1132868) (<---) might give some clues?

Baby Steps
8th February 2017, 13:49
Shocking toll of social media on girls' mental health: How sexualised images are fuelling rise in anxiety among pupils aged 11 to 13

By Sara Smyth for the Daily Mail

Sexualised images of women in advertising and social media are leading to an increase in emotional problems among young girls, new figures suggest.
Girls aged between 11 and 13 are now more likely to worry, lack confidence or feel nervous than they were five years ago because they feel under pressure.
The rise in girls suffering from emotional problems may be linked to stress brought on by seeing images of women portrayed as sex objects on Facebook, Twitter and other websites, researchers from University College London believe.

Their survey of 1,600 pupils in Years 7 and 8 showed that an increase in time spent on social media and the pressure to perform academically could have contributed to the rise.
The study, published in the Journal of Adolescent Health, compared the mental health of schoolchildren in 2014 with a sample from 2009.
The girls and boys were asked to identify how often they worry, feel unhappy, get nervous, lose confidence, feel scared or suffer from headaches and sickness.
It found that there are now an average of three girls in every 2014 class feeling sad or nervous, compared to just one or two in a 2009 class.
The number of schoolgirls likely to suffer emotional problems also rose from 13 per cent in the 2009 study to 20 per cent – one in five – in 2014.
Lead author Dr Elian Fink said: ‘Five years is a relatively short period of time, so we were surprised to see such a sharp spike in emotional problems among girls.’

Girls aged between 11 and 13 are now more likely to worry, lack confidence or feel nervous than they were five years ago because they feel under pressure
Co-author Dr Miranda Wolpert said: ‘This study highlights the significant and growing emotional problems reported by young girls today.
‘We can’t say for sure why problems are increasing, but there are many factors that could contribute.
‘These include increasing stresses on girls and young women, ranging from academic pressure to their increasing sexualisation and objectification amplified by social media.’
The classes sampled in the research were not nationally representative, as 38 per cent of the children in the study were from ethnic minority backgrounds, compared with a national average of 20 per cent.
But the study is the latest of many that shows anxiety is increasing among schoolgirls.
Official figures released last month showed that one in five girls of primary school age has been on a diet.
Research by the Government Equalities Office found that as young girls progress through school, their body image deteriorates rapidly.
The Body Confidence Progress Report 2015 states that poor body image is a ‘public health problem’ and an ‘equalities issue’ that can limit the opportunities available to women and girls.
It also found that nine out of ten teenage girls think statements about girls and women on TV and in magazines focus too much on what they look like, instead of what they achieve.


Is it going too far to say that Miley Cyrus, talented as she is, is acting as a prozac sales person??

8th February 2017, 13:56
Excellent video , people grow older but, refuse to grow up ... chasing the flesh instead of learning and following spiritual values is path that brought this generation to the current place of chaos and empty living/being ...

8th February 2017, 14:08
Shocking toll of social media on girls' mental health: How sexualised images are fuelling rise in anxiety among pupils aged 11 to 13

Yep and then you have the bathroom issue in the US. Your physical sex no longer determines what bathroom you can use. It is the sex you identify yourself to be... (oooops, I was supposed to use the word, gender).

And so we end up where radical feminists teams up with the Christian "Right" to fight it.


So on one extreme we have hypersexualization and on the other we have the elimination of the female as we ever knew it.

As far as the law is concerned, there really is no such thing as a woman.

... and now there's a President of the US that's outwordly against this bathroom BS and yet they hate him anyways... haha. Its all broken down.

Funny that people think something totally societally devastating is coming. Hello, folks, its already here.

8th February 2017, 14:22
Here`s one example of how this sickening satanic sexification of society manifests itself (in Norway):

Ingeborg Hartz (/fhi) (Source (https://www.fhi.no/nyheter/2016/flere-unge-bruker-antidepressiva/))


The project of postmodernity is in fact the will to nothingness. It is the idea that nothingness is true freedom. And that the subject must move away from partially destructive activity to absolutely destructive activity, ultimately to the loss of his subjectiveness

[…] Because, under postmodernity, the entire program of enlightenment is subject to decomposition

[…] It is a huge postmodern program, which seems from an archaic, religious standpoint to be pure and absolute satanism without nuances

[…] I think genetic engineering -we`re only now seeing the last people; we haven`t yet seen the first «post-people», which are very soon to come

[…] The whole of the archaic was pumped into modernity and fed this huge, demonic energy of Western civilization and western technologies.

-Alexander Dugin (in 2009) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quxWhp5y23E)-

PS! Babies made from three people approved in UK (http://www.bbc.com/news/health-38328097)

8th February 2017, 14:39
My son and I had both come to this conclusion the cabal are creating hell on Earth by debasing humanity- pulling us down -It is a last thrash by the vile against the rising of humanity in our evolution as corrupting the corrupt is no fun for them but soon that's all that will be left on this Earth.

Instead be discerning about what enters your head and don't be afraid to reject the convention and shout out about what you really see hear and feel. Reject the vile and protect your children from this corruption.

8th February 2017, 15:02
If we look around and pay attention, there's every indication that this is a highly degenerate society, in its final throes — and we only need to look to history to see what usually happens next.

What was that saying about history?


8th February 2017, 18:03
This is an excellent video. The mass consumption of this popular culture creates zombies. I posted this video some time ago in the enlightenment thread. I think it's very relevant to what is being discussed right now.


Clear Light
8th February 2017, 18:03
If we look around and pay attention, there's every indication that this is a highly degenerate society, in its final throes — and we only need to look to history to see what usually happens next

Oh, as far as I can tell, the recent growth of the Internet (over the last twenty-some years) is one of the prime reasons why there *seems* to be such an apparent "cultural degeneration" but I'd say we're still in the early stages of such an online revolution so it's not as "bad" as all that eh ? :wink:

Now, in a moment of confession, I would have to admit to having frequented such "degenerate" music clubs (as shown in the video) where the use of highly "repetitive musical beep-beep DJs" (mind entraining / like into a trance) in combination with certain illicit substances brought about "access" to apparent higher-states-of-consciousness and were likely one factor in my opening to the "spiritual dimensions" !!!

:Music: :dancing: :happythumbsup:

[Declaration : I used recreational Drugs only between 2000 to 2003]

Bill Ryan
8th February 2017, 18:42
...highly "repetitive musical beep-beep DJs" (mind entraining / like into a trance) in combination with certain illicit substances brought about "access" to apparent higher-states-of-consciousness

The key word there is 'apparent'!

Baby Steps
8th February 2017, 18:48
Interesting that in terms of base lustfulness or debased sexuality we can preach about it but it is a process or experience that we all know about. Although it is diverse and one does no judge, the basic idea is that we have a sex drive that is healthy and necessary, and sexual health includes getting some satisfaction!

But we can or are slipping into the trap of being over sexualised both as individuals and a society. I can feel at a heart level this phenomenon of chasing some perfect turn on and finding it a hollow and unfulfilling experience because the encounter lacked any heart connection. There is the lesson at an individual level.

At a society level, there is a sexualisation of culture COUPLED WITH ATHEISTIC/SECULAR modernity. So there is no God who is going to visit vengeance on you, and stuff the judgemental moralists. Where does it leave us? Loving human interactions are being debased because people are free to be free. THIS IS PROGRESS, because those who retain a more advanced version of 'God' probably include the idea of a non judgemental God. No judgement. No punishment. Again THIS IS PROGRESS on the journey.

As we progress and people gain freedom, we must not lose the importance of love. So I say we need a new spirituality to act as a counter balance to the baser sides of our new freedoms.

Looking back to classical times, culture around sex was very different and freer in the pre-Christian era. That kind of Orgy lifestyle happened throughout the rise and fall of Empires and Societies. The Decay they had in their morality was to my mind separate from sexuality. It was a decay in the perceived standards of conduct of their leaders. The Roman Empire became a corrupt feeding trough for the Elite.

It is a characteristic of these failing societies that they devour themselves. When standards of conduct fall, the society loses its glue. Corruption leads to the inability to effectively deal with challenges, INCLUDING survival of the power structure. They collapse.

In today's very different world we have the same in different forms, but I see the following corruptions:

- Organised religion unable to confront paedophilia, financial corruption, devil worship etc in its midst
- Government unable to take action to reduce deficits
- Entrenched corrupt pharmaceutical paradigm bleeding us dry
- Corrupt foreign secretive dealings that include huge unsustainable military expenditure
- Resource wars
- Bribery in politics
- Totally corrupted journalism
- Military procurement becoming ineffective
- Off shoring of money (tax havens) bleeds the real economy
- Bailing out powerful companies/banks
- Entrenched Elite prepared to bleed us dry with fiat interest charges to the point of economic collapse

things just stop working.
Then in sweep the Visigoths & Vandals, sacking the Capital, and the structure fails.

8th February 2017, 18:48
...highly "repetitive musical beep-beep DJs" (mind entraining / like into a trance) in combination with certain illicit substances brought about "access" to apparent higher-states-of-consciousness

Dunno what clubs / night spots / raves you've been going to... I don't even see a HINT of "higher purpose" at any of the events I attend, the aim, the "goal" is to "get ****ed up" and be hedonistic... there's not even the pretense of a higher calling (I actually think that would be better, though not much).

I'm about 10 years younger and a continent away... maybe things in the US are worse off?

I still do frequent these venues... I try not to limit my experience on this planet too much.

8th February 2017, 19:12

all I can say to this video is "holy s**t"!- it's just so true!

please be well Guish and all readers-


Clear Light
8th February 2017, 19:21
...highly "repetitive musical beep-beep DJs" (mind entraining / like into a trance) in combination with certain illicit substances brought about "access" to apparent higher-states-of-consciousness

Dunno what clubs / night spots / raves you've been going to... I don't even see a HINT of "higher purpose" at any of the events I attend, the aim, the "goal" is to "get ****ed up" and be hedonistic... there's not even the pretense of a higher calling (I actually think that would be better, though not much).

I'm about 10 years younger and a continent away... maybe things in the US are worse off?

I still do frequent these venues... I try not to limit my experience on this planet too much.

Ah, yes, I was *not* at all Spiritually inclined *before* going to such clubs and that wasn't the reason I went to them ... it was only *after* certain "experiences" that I became interested in all things "Spiritual" ... but I'd agree most Clubs / Raves do seem to be about getting "as high as a kite" eh ? :wink:

Clear Light
8th February 2017, 20:24
...highly "repetitive musical beep-beep DJs" (mind entraining / like into a trance) in combination with certain illicit substances brought about "access" to apparent higher-states-of-consciousness

The key word there is 'apparent'!

Ah, indeed Bill, and with hindsight I can see now how the marketing of such "musical events" do, sometimes, seem to use "spiritual notions" of Timelessness, Oneness and "Higher States" (for example) as a way of promoting the "Enjoyment Factor" eh ? :bigsmile:

But from my "spiritual journeying" I would only equate such parallels today with the Buddhist Jhanas (http://www.dhammawiki.com/index.php?title=9_Jhanas) :

Delightful Sensations
Utter peacefulness
Infinity of space
Infinity of consciousness
Neither perception nor non-perception

... where, as a matter of fact, "progress" depends upon "Sobriety of the Mind" !!! :wink:

Clear Light
8th February 2017, 21:17
Shocking toll of social media on girls' mental health: How sexualised images are fuelling rise in anxiety among pupils aged 11 to 13

By Sara Smyth for the Daily Mail


Is it going too far to say that Miley Cyrus, talented as she is, is acting as a prozac sales person??

Ah, but how "reliable" is the Daily Mail eh ?

(UK) The Guardian (8 Feb 2017) : Wikipedia bans Daily Mail as 'unreliable' source for website (https://www.theguardian.com/technology/2017/feb/08/wikipedia-bans-daily-mail-as-unreliable-source-for-website)

Summarising the discussion, a Wikipedia editor wrote: “Consensus has determined that the Daily Mail (including its online version dailymail.co.uk) is generally unreliable, and its use as a reference is to be generally prohibited, especially when other more reliable sources exist. As a result, the Daily Mail should not be used for determining notability, nor should it be used as a source in articles. An edit filter should be put in place, going forward to warn editors attempting to use the Daily Mail as a reference.”

As, perhaps, I suggest, it's all best taken with ...


Baby Steps
8th February 2017, 21:29
Clear Light, heres the lead researcher, the journal's site seems to be hard to reach


article referenced on UCL web site


8th February 2017, 21:50
what I see is demonizing freedom of expression, freedom of experience. Nothing new demonizing whats good for us. For as long as they dont harm no one dont spend energy on their suppose insanity rather have your own free insanity. Few days back I nearly died from a similar venue. I'm a DOM a bad example of society. But I can assure everyone I always see to it that I dont step on others foot when I dance dirty.
What I see is a simple thought police and when people get so f***** free thinkers that thought police is no longer effective then its time to make it the last culture by intentional annihilation. Just a thought
be you be happy:)

Clear Light
8th February 2017, 22:38
Clear Light, heres the lead researcher, the journal's site seems to be hard to reach


article referenced on UCL web site


Oh, thank you Baby Steps :waving:

Now, I've nothing against the "Daily Mail" but it isn't one of my "reading sources" because it does seem to "sensationalise" quite a lot eh ?

But with every Article that piques my interest, I always like to "go to the source" and make my own mind up, so-to-speak, with regards to its content and context :wink:

Nevertheless, is the above Wikipedia ban a sign of the times with regards to Truthfulness / Fake News and the seeming "battle of fact over fiction" (or alternative facts) currently "doing the rounds" eh ?

Time will tell I suppose ! :focus:

9th February 2017, 03:32
Wow, I was just reading about this kind of thing on VC when I came accross this that really moved me and took me by surprise:

"Things are getting scary in the world. We need the Lord to pour out his Spirit in a mighty way and save as many lost souls as possible while there is still time. We are rapidly approaching the final hour. Put aside your fears and skepticism and just give the Lord praise. Just obey Him and you will be fine. It’s for your own good, you must believe this. Reach out to the Father and he will provide a place for you in his kingdom. Believe in Him and be saved. Worshipping the Lord will bless you with a peace, happiness and strength like you have never known. He is the answer to everything. It’s hard to comprehend until you experience it for yourself. God is so very real and you can physically experience his presence if you so desire. It defies understanding and logic. I have often stumbled over Bible scripture and teachings that made me skeptical, but once I experienced His power first hand, I could never deny it again. There are a lot of things in the Bible that will make you wonder why in the world they’re placed in there. Let God rock your world, shake you up and break your sinful pride and you will feel a huge weight lifted off of you. It’s not all blue skies after you get saved, it’s a daily struggle, but it is so worth it. It’s hard to understand that total servitude to your Creator is actually what will set you free. The Lord says come to me all of you who are weary and I will give you rest. He will deliver you from sadness, insecurity, vices, deep traumatic suffering, hatefulness, loneliness, toxic relationships, confusion…you name it! There is nothing that is insurmountable for Him, He creates galaxies with a thought. ALL POWERFUL. If we could only grasp that concept, we could all be conquerors through Him. The Lord will never abandon you, He is always there, ready to receive you, to heal you, to guide you and most of all to fill you with His love. That is all that He wants. He wants His children to love Him back. Is that too much to ask? He gave you life, so place it in His hands and love Him back! The Lord is not responsible for all the hurting in the world, although He constantly gets blamed for it. Satan, the fallen angel and sworn enemy of all the souls of mankind is who creates all of this destruction, hate and death. He will be defeated in the end and those that are covered by the blood sacrifice of Christ will rise to glory. Repent of your sins and be saved, it’s as easy as that. Ask the Lord to guide you into a good church and group of Christian friends. Turn from your old life which will only bring you suffering. Leave your sin behind you and take up the cross. Be a blessing to those around you, and see how by simply obeying God you will bless the lives of those that come into contact you. Seek Him now. Just cry out to Him, and ask Him to come into your heart and heal you. Confess to Him that you are a sinner and that you want to leave that behind. Then follow up and read the word of God. Pray daily and seek ways to be a blessing to others. You won’t believe how awesome your life will become. God bless you all, you are all His children and He loves you just the way that you are. You belong in the kingdom of heaven, take your rightful place!"

10th February 2017, 03:09
In keeping with the message from Dr. Day about what the Masonic think tanks have planned for our future: degenerate morals, make sex as dogs on the street while giving out licenses to have children or withholding them, dumbing down people, mind controlling them, genetically altering the offspring without permission of the donors to thereby purify the race (perhaps this is how the Greys started their march into genetic dissolution 45,000 years in their past). The Masonic Lodges may hold secret information about the true history of mankind. It appears they think they know best the direction of man's future; however, it appears to me that they are the authors of the world's degeneracy and it is time for them to step down and stop directing mankind.

11th February 2017, 01:04
I just watched the video.

The next stage involves technological shift -earthquakes in such areas of human expansion.

Those technological changes have been forcibly denied to us.

And we've been turned inward and locked out of those connections, by a group which is determined to remain in control at any cost to the world they control.

Popular culture is vacuous due to the impetus, the ignition points, the very reason and force of/behind change... being cleansed from the emergent system.

The youth of the west is surveilling meaninglessness, like the monkey with no parent.


11th February 2017, 02:50
Popular culture seems like it couldn't get any worse or any more negative than it is now. Fashion is horrible, not to mention TV. Just extremely corrupting.

It seems like the world could begin to end any time now.

Karma Ninja
4th March 2017, 03:29
This is a pattern that is seen repeating itself all over the western world. The rise of anti-depressants and the numbing of the mind to conflicting stimuli has risen to epidemic levels. First it was the rampant abuse of alcohol, then came the normalization of pharmaceutical-mood-changers and now we see the massive cocktail of drugs being abused by kids and adults all over. It is sad and sickening at the same time. People seem to have forgotten the value of feelings.

Here`s one example of how this sickening satanic sexification of society manifests itself (in Norway):

Ingeborg Hartz (/fhi) (Source (https://www.fhi.no/nyheter/2016/flere-unge-bruker-antidepressiva/))


The project of postmodernity is in fact the will to nothingness. It is the idea that nothingness is true freedom. And that the subject must move away from partially destructive activity to absolutely destructive activity, ultimately to the loss of his subjectiveness

[…] Because, under postmodernity, the entire program of enlightenment is subject to decomposition

[…] It is a huge postmodern program, which seems from an archaic, religious standpoint to be pure and absolute satanism without nuances

[…] I think genetic engineering -we`re only now seeing the last people; we haven`t yet seen the first «post-people», which are very soon to come

[…] The whole of the archaic was pumped into modernity and fed this huge, demonic energy of Western civilization and western technologies.

-Alexander Dugin (in 2009) (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=quxWhp5y23E)-

PS! Babies made from three people approved in UK (http://www.bbc.com/news/health-38328097)

Karma Ninja
4th March 2017, 03:37
This is nice if you believe it. It is, to me, just another way to switch off the amazing ability to live in and co-create this world. It forces you to surrender yourself and your freedom to the lessons and limitations of another person(s). To me this is the previously trodden path to our current form of slavery. This is a form of mind control and slavery that has a proven track record of failure. This is turning your brain off and holding your hands together hoping someone else will come and offer our salvation. This 'giving in' is more like giving up.

But we are entitled to our beliefs and I believe very strongly in your right to have yours.

Wow, I was just reading about this kind of thing on VC when I came accross this that really moved me and took me by surprise:

"Things are getting scary in the world. We need the Lord to pour out his Spirit in a mighty way and save as many lost souls as possible while there is still time. We are rapidly approaching the final hour. Put aside your fears and skepticism and just give the Lord praise. Just obey Him and you will be fine. It’s for your own good, you must believe this. Reach out to the Father and he will provide a place for you in his kingdom. Believe in Him and be saved. Worshipping the Lord will bless you with a peace, happiness and strength like you have never known. He is the answer to everything. It’s hard to comprehend until you experience it for yourself. God is so very real and you can physically experience his presence if you so desire. It defies understanding and logic. I have often stumbled over Bible scripture and teachings that made me skeptical, but once I experienced His power first hand, I could never deny it again. There are a lot of things in the Bible that will make you wonder why in the world they’re placed in there. Let God rock your world, shake you up and break your sinful pride and you will feel a huge weight lifted off of you. It’s not all blue skies after you get saved, it’s a daily struggle, but it is so worth it. It’s hard to understand that total servitude to your Creator is actually what will set you free. The Lord says come to me all of you who are weary and I will give you rest. He will deliver you from sadness, insecurity, vices, deep traumatic suffering, hatefulness, loneliness, toxic relationships, confusion…you name it! There is nothing that is insurmountable for Him, He creates galaxies with a thought. ALL POWERFUL. If we could only grasp that concept, we could all be conquerors through Him. The Lord will never abandon you, He is always there, ready to receive you, to heal you, to guide you and most of all to fill you with His love. That is all that He wants. He wants His children to love Him back. Is that too much to ask? He gave you life, so place it in His hands and love Him back! The Lord is not responsible for all the hurting in the world, although He constantly gets blamed for it. Satan, the fallen angel and sworn enemy of all the souls of mankind is who creates all of this destruction, hate and death. He will be defeated in the end and those that are covered by the blood sacrifice of Christ will rise to glory. Repent of your sins and be saved, it’s as easy as that. Ask the Lord to guide you into a good church and group of Christian friends. Turn from your old life which will only bring you suffering. Leave your sin behind you and take up the cross. Be a blessing to those around you, and see how by simply obeying God you will bless the lives of those that come into contact you. Seek Him now. Just cry out to Him, and ask Him to come into your heart and heal you. Confess to Him that you are a sinner and that you want to leave that behind. Then follow up and read the word of God. Pray daily and seek ways to be a blessing to others. You won’t believe how awesome your life will become. God bless you all, you are all His children and He loves you just the way that you are. You belong in the kingdom of heaven, take your rightful place!"

14th March 2017, 08:58
Snoop Dogg is a Complete Idiot (More music industry mind control madness)


Published on 13 Mar 2017
Go back to your weed-addled stupor and stop trying to be politically edgy.

14th March 2017, 20:19
Indeed, Popular Culture lacks any acknowledgment of our inherent beauty and grace as spiritual beings.
I believe the term "popular", however, is a carefully designed ruse, by a select few. The same group seem to run/finance/approve/authorize this Mass Media/Entertainment and social programming

Oh if this is popular, then it must be ok...feels better to be part of the herd as I am not used to; nor encouraged to think for myself...

People do not truly welcome, accept and approve such a crass expression of "culture" when only the body (through sex and violence) is acknowledged.
They don't ; attested by growing statistics of suicide, depression, obesity and addiction.

It is likely Miley Cyrus will never experience peace and happiness. She has no control nor choice as she is handled by others. She is no free-er than the people she supposedly entertains.
The overt sexualisation of many artists are to titillate the very same select few.
Not the masses.

I think people will reach their saturation point of rock bottom and simply turn off the television/digi devices and place their attention elsewhere. Perhaps this sounds outrageously naïve.

The soul is more stable than the fickleness of what is popular and what is not.
The soul has its wisdom and naturally seeks balance and beauty.
We still have beautiful songs, prayers, artwork and literature.
It is not lost.
And there is the powerful presence of the Natural World.
There always seems to be a Renaissance in our Story...

2nd June 2017, 13:37

[Mod-edit: Hi Calz, glad to see you woke up :) Please read this post (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?98005-PLEASE-READ-Folks-The-Forum-is-now-very-much-in-the-public-eye) (<---) re: starting a thread... I also merged your thread with this pre-existing one... Hervé]