View Full Version : They're Trying to Kill Us!

27th April 2017, 22:52
The other day, DNA posted something that briefly articulated his world view. He said, "the elites are trying to kill us." I got to thinking about the perception that an elite cabal want to kill us all.

I wonder if instead, we the people want to bump ourselves off, or everybody but our nearest and dearest, to save the planet.

Does it strike you that environmentalism is becoming more anti-human? And aren't many of us environmentalists? The needs of Mother Nature appear to be at odds with billions of people. If we are for the planet aren't we automatically opposed to the human species?

27th April 2017, 23:08
There are so many issues and differing points of view. For example, it has been estimated that the beef industry is causing problems due to the amount of land being used for cattle. That said, a meat eater might say 'they are trying to take away my food source!' And the owner of a fast food restaurant would be upset that they are threatening his lively hood. But a vegan or animal activist would want to see less cattle farming.

The answer to the problem is education. We need to find the right balance for the people and the planet.

Bill Ryan
27th April 2017, 23:20
I was in a supermarket in Loja, Ecuador, back in 2011: very modern, just like Safeway. (Loja is the nearest major town to Vilcabamba and is where everyone went for their weekly shopping.)

I had my shopping cart, and was looking for fresh produce. Freshly squeezed orange juice, fresh fruit and vegetables, and lots of other good things. But there was also a lot of toxic junk food -- as in every modern American- or European-style supermarket.

I was just gazing at it all, considering the extreme range that was on the shelves: from the organic and highly nourishing, to the total opposite. It was like a kind of weird, inexplicable paradox. Why so much poisonous, lifeless trash -- right alongside all the rich, local produce?

Then it hit me: They're trying to kill us all.

It wasn't a new thought. But this time, it was like a direct experience.

It was like standing in the shoes, or climbing into the skin, of one of the global controllers who made policy decisions that affected billions of people. I felt the hatred for the "useless eaters", I felt the absolute lack of compassion or empathy, I felt the disdain and disgust. The rest of the human race were as little more than cockroaches or rats.

I perceived the carefully delineated, gradual, long-term plan to kill off or disable billions, but only with their manipulated compliance and consent... a plan which just magnified the disrespect and contempt for the victims. It was like a slow-burn holocaust, lasting over several generations -- rather than a few desperate minutes in the gas chambers. It only lasted a moment, but I still remember it acutely and viscerally, and shall never forget it.

27th April 2017, 23:32
The overall NWO plan is incredibly comprehensive. I look at the scene and see they are using many, many ways to kill us.

Re the supermarket: I see the plan here is to entice many to eat the bad food and those who avoid it will live. Those who are able to avoid it are generally better educated and have more money.

Henry Kissinger quote: "Depopulation should be the highest priority of US foreign policy toward the third world".

27th April 2017, 23:34
Of course there has to be profit in it for them or they wouldn't do it. First pollute the air, water, food, our minds through TV, movies smart phones and charge us all for it. This in turn makes us sick both physically and mentally. Then offer us help through ultra expensive bogus medicine and medical practices. Suck as much money out of us as possible as we slowly die off. Why kill us off quickly when they can do it slowly and make a lot of money in the meantime.

27th April 2017, 23:35
Bon Appetit!
Sorry, that wasn't funny, I'll stop laughing now.
I've always known that our food is poison, just not to what degree. So I take supplements to try to counter their nasty ways. I have a small garden, and orchard, to have some fresh food. In other words, I do what I can. It may not be enough, but it's the best I can do.

28th April 2017, 00:03
Could it be that we, the "modern human" are killing ourselves?

I read this book "The Paleo Manistfesto" by John Durant. The author believes we started on this trail when man evolved from "Hunter-Gatherers" to "Farmers"

A little about his theory below:

Why Hunter-Gatherers?

How do you keep a wild animal healthy?

Say that you're a zoo-keeper in a zoo, and your job is to keep the animals happy and healthy — what would you do? Put them all in the same pen and feed them all dog chow? No. You would replicate each animal's natural habitat as closely as possible, and feed them the diet that they would naturally eat in the wild. Feed raw meat to the lions, rodents to the snakes, and bamboo to the pandas. Give the monkeys trees to climb and give the birds space to fly. Make the penguin house cold, and the reptile house hot. Animals thrive in their natural habitat. They are healthier, often live longer, and fall sick less frequently. And the same general principle applies to human beings: to be happy and healthy, we should eat, move, and live in ways that resemble our ancestral habitat.

Re-creating the natural human habitat

But what is the natural human habitat? For most of human history on this earth, humans lived as hunter-gatherers in the wild. Wild humans, living in the wild. And we were good at it. We survived on flat grassy savannahs and on the sides of steep mountains, in parched deserts and in drenched rain forests, next to the sea and far inland, on the hot equator and in the eternal winter of the Arctic.

We accomplished all this without the help of domesticated plants and animals — just using language, smarts, tools, and a little teamwork. But ten thousand years ago, we started to tame the wilderness: the Agricultural Revolution. The Agricultural Revolution ushered in a new set of foods into the human diet that previously had no place. We domesticated wild grains, turning them into wheat, corn, and rice. We domesticated wolves into loyal companions, and bred wild animals and raised them for their meat and milk. And at the same time that human civilization began to flourish, individual human health began to worsen.

Hunter-gatherers were healthy

More and more evidence suggests that hunter-gatherers were tall, strong, and healthy. And that shorter lifespans were due to violence, infection, and other causes of death that do not afflict modern people — plenty of hunter-gatherers lived long lives free of "Diseases of Civilization", like cancer, diabetes, heart disease, and obesity.

28th April 2017, 00:12
The other day, DNA posted something that briefly articulated his world view. He said, "the elites are trying to kill us." I got to thinking about the perception that an elite cabal want to kill us all.

I wonder if instead, we the people want to bump ourselves off, or everybody but our nearest and dearest, to save the planet.

Does it strike you that environmentalism is becoming more anti-human? And aren't many of us environmentalists? The needs of Mother Nature appear to be at odds with billions of people. If we are for the planet aren't we automatically opposed to the human species?

If this a simulation (not saying it is) -- a game that our future selves are playing -- maybe we're just getting weary and want the game to be done and over with.

28th April 2017, 01:55
My neighbor started a change of intake to a level of limiting his daily carb intake to 25 carbs a day eating as natural as he could. He achieved his goal of getting rid of the excess weight, when he went to the dentist, his dentist asked him what was his intake like on a daily level, the dentist told him that his gums in his mouth were the healthiest he has seen in 30 years. So I bounce in and out of that 25 carbs a day or so but as bill stated about going to the grocery store, all the processed foods. They say if you want to stay healthy shop all the outside walls of the store, vegetables , fruits , meat , dairy and stay out of the center lanes with the processed foods. I will say this staying off all of that junk for a while does change your body and if you do load up on carbs down the road, boy do you feel really bad when you do eat them. Try and eat just 25 carbs in a day by looking at the packages, you won't believe how many items you pick up and put back down. Then the bells start going off.

zen deik
28th April 2017, 02:25
Eating healthy is a choice ,when you choose to do so it requires reeducation on my part . was I not taught how? Lazyness is an easy way to pick up bad eating habits in the first place while healthy requires thought and effort... I was killing myself... I try to eat healthy as much as possible now.... And I am glad worker bees are necessary....

The Freedom Train
28th April 2017, 03:58
Funny I am revisiting processing methods for various foods, as I have recently revamped my diet again (I have been eating along the lines of "paleo" for the past year and a half) to follow what might be called something like "raw vegan" - a friend sent me a link to the video below and I was inspired. I have been juicing 5 lemons a day every morning to start, and working on getting the rest of my diet into the raw, living foods category. Although I thought this would be a fairly simple switch, since about half of my diet is already along these lines, further investigation has proven otherwise.

What blows my mind is that now that I am more seriously thinking about endeavoring to put only vital, alive foods in my body, I am finding that some of my staples are no longer game. Even my dried seaweeds, which I love to make seaweed salads with, have been heat treated. I also love to make my own sprouted almond and coconut paste for snacking, except almonds, as a rule, are now all steam treated, as are the desiccated coconut flakes I use. I make fermented cheeses out of cashew and walnut paste, but both are heat treated as well. Although in that case, even though I start with a devitalized base, I end up with a living food because I ferment it. Still, it seems borderline.

I am not interested in being a purist for bragging rights or anything, and used quotes to describe my diet above because labels are annoying, like trophies - unnecessary on the path of growth and development IMO. But I do feel like my health continues to stay in this kind of plateau area where I am pretty good, but still having flare-ups, etc. And I just want to get to a point where I feel like, wow, I finally nailed it! So I want to give this a shot, all in, and do everything I can to put only the most alive foods at my disposal (while still having to shop at a grocery store, and while not living in the tropics, or on an orchard) to see if I may finally find that sweet spot diet-wise and finally rid myself of whatever is underlying my chronic auto-immune issues.

SOOO, back to the thread, it is just so amazing to me how basically everything that we have access to without growing it ourselves is on the devitalized spectrum. I had forgotten about the processing of most nuts - hence unless you are able to pay extremely high prices from specialty raw food suppliers, your bulk section nuts will be heat treated or otherwise devitalized. This is as much an issue of problems with shelf life and maximizing storage for profit and minimizing losses as it does with a global agenda to kill us off - a nice dovetailing.

Basically when we are shopping at a grocery store for our food, even the fresh fruits and veggies have been picked and transported for days before it reaches our homes, and then of course up to a week or more before it reaches our stomachs! The conundrum lies in most of the population being removed from our food source by being crowded in cities (part of the Agenda 21 that David Icke talks about), and that same population, over time, not having the capacity or knowledge to grow or produce all of their own foods at home.

And of course as another in the thread mentioned, hunting and gathering was ideal because movement meant variety of environment and available indigenous foods, less trouble with clearing land, tilling soil, weeding, dealing with pests and drought and soil depletion, whatever. There are so many ways that agriculture has seriously complicated and screwed up our most basic requirement of getting the nutrients we need to be truly healthy and vital.


The Freedom Train
28th April 2017, 04:17
The other day, DNA posted something that briefly articulated his world view. He said, "the elites are trying to kill us." I got to thinking about the perception that an elite cabal want to kill us all.

I wonder if instead, we the people want to bump ourselves off, or everybody but our nearest and dearest, to save the planet.

Does it strike you that environmentalism is becoming more anti-human? And aren't many of us environmentalists? The needs of Mother Nature appear to be at odds with billions of people. If we are for the planet aren't we automatically opposed to the human species?

This is a very raw and real take that you're putting out there, and I appreciate its candor.

Really I do see the self loathing as a prolific phenomenon for humanity - of course everybody will deal with it differently for themselves, will express it differently. But clearly there are many people who are seeing the spread of humanity across the globe (at the very least, in the way they have done so/continue to do) as a problem - from the people who want it all for themselves, to those who want to see us all living healthfully and in harmony, to those who are simply ready to check out (as I think Lady M alluded to).

As usual I feel like it's all connected for me in my own personal development path and what I have been grokking lately. I keep coming back to this message of - love, love is all you need. Love will heal the world! And I feel that this is so. So, I have to keep coming back to this, when I am faced with issues of this magnitude.

I used to feel rather frustrated and disempowered when I thought about the ills of the world, because I would see the corruption, and all the rest of it, and know that most actions would be of little to no real use.

Then the other day, I was listening to a David Icke interview, and he was talking about an interview he did with an ex-satan worshipper. The guy said that basically their rituals are all designed to attack the energies of the earth, to keep them at a low vibration. And I just had this light bulb - hey I can do something about that! - I thought - I can go into meditation, and expand the love from my heart until it encompasses the whole earth. In that way, I know that I will be able to help protect and heal the earth. I just knew I could. And so I have been practicing that visualization daily ever since, and I have to say it is incredibly rewarding!

I am also now reminded of an excellent post by King Arthur (great name :)) that I just read in another thread. The quote about what the doctor did at the asylum reminded me of my new meditation, and strengthened my resolve to continue. I have also been inspired by that post to add the Ho'oponopono mantra to my visualization: http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?97313-The-Truth-about-Corey-Goode&p=1148738&viewfull=1#post1148738

IMO, the reason the bad guys release these disinfo agents on us is to divert us away from doing what could scupper their plans. Goode and Wilcock are promoting the idea of the external savior and all we have to do is sit back and wait to be 'saved'.

So let's ask ourselves what should we be doing, that they don't want to do?

IMO we should each look within ourselves and work on cleaning out the crap we have accumulated and strive to be shining examples of Light. To change the world, we change ourselves. We need to heal ourselves, love ourselves and by extension, only then can we truly love others. And with love in our hearts, we unite with our fellow human beings and create the world we really want to live in. Think of the movie Avatar where the blue guys are in tune with others of their own species and their planet and all who live there.

Here's an example of what I mean:

Two years ago, I heard about a therapist in Hawaii who cured a complete ward of criminally insane patients--without ever seeing any of them. The psychologist would study an inmate's chart and then look within himself to see how he created that person's illness. As he improved himself, the patient improved.

His name is Dr. Ihaleakala Hew Len. ..... He explained that he worked at Hawaii State Hospital for four years. That ward where they kept the criminally insane was dangerous. Psychologists quit on a monthly basis. The staff called in sick a lot or simply quit. People would walk through that ward with their backs against the wall, afraid of being attacked by patients. It was not a pleasant place to live, work, or visit.

Dr. Len told me that he never saw patients. He agreed to have an office and to review their files. While he looked at those files, he would work on himself. As he worked on himself, patients began to heal.

"After a few months, patients that had to be shackled were being allowed to walk freely," he told me. "Others who had to be heavily medicated were getting off their medications. And those who had no chance of ever being released were being freed."

"Not only that," he went on, "but the staff began to enjoy coming to work. Absenteeism and turnover disappeared. We ended up with more staff than we needed because patients were being released, and all the staff was showing up to work. Today, that ward is closed."

"What were you doing within yourself that caused those people to change?"

"I was simply healing the part of me that created them," he said.

..... healing for him and in ho 'oponopono means loving yourself. If you want to improve your life, you have to heal your life. If you want to cure anyone--even a mentally ill criminal--you do it by healing you.

I asked Dr. Len how he went about healing himself. What was he doing, exactly, when he looked at those patients' files?

"I just kept saying, 'I'm sorry' and 'I love you' over and over again," he explained.

.... loving yourself is the greatest way to improve yourself, and as you improve yourself, your improve your world.

Let me refer you to that interview with the Dutch banker, Ronald Bernard, which is doing the rounds at the moment:
From 32 mins:

I tell people about this old American general who puts an entire room of people in the dark. The general doesn't say a word and suddenly he flicks on a lighter, one little light and due to the prolonged darkness, you experience a manifestation of light from a single point and everyone can slightly see each other again. And then he says, "That is the power of our light."
Unite. Unite. Come together and this entire **** story ceases to exist. That's how fast it could happen

What the bad guys do NOT want is for us to improve ourselves, to love ourselves and our fellow humans, to unite as one. So do not place your focus on these dog and pony shows. Instead, do what you can to make this world a better place such as showing kindness to others etc and let your inner light blaze through. Make like a Christmas tree rather than a blue avian fan waiting for the next episode of the Goode/Wilcock soap opera.

Note to Bill: Apologies for being long winded. Please delete if you think this is going too far off topic. Thank you.

Also, I believe that an excellent thread started by Iloveyou back in 2015 is very poignant and relevant here: http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?86195-The-beauty-and-the-pain-of-being-human.-Images.

28th April 2017, 04:53
when i saw the thread title i couldnt help but think of a quote from the perpetually exasperated character Yossarian in Joseph Heller's absurdist classic 'catch-22'. seems appropriate here:


28th April 2017, 06:08
I have thought about this topic with a lot of depth. I came to the conclusion that there are people/beings above the elite that compartmentalise everything. I was very pleased after seeing Bill mention in another thread, that Bill Deagle is an A2 in terms of the information he brings and his status as an individual. I find what he says to be so spot on. He explains everything so well, including the reptilian shape shifting misunderstanding.

Bill (Ryan) is absolutely correct in regards to how the elite see the rest of the people in this world. Unless you are of use to them or are one of them and comply with their way of doing things, they do not see us/you as the same. They believe they are special. They see their aggression, violence and lack of compassion/empathy as a strength that makes them special and more capable than the rest of us. They love putting occult symbolism everywhere to show how strong they are; to show us that they can taunt us with no consequences.

I've seen this happen before and their arrogance and lust for power is not only a strength, but also their biggest weakness. They have no respect for our capability, so they will underestimate the people time and time again.

In regards to environmentalism being anti human, I do not believe humans are bad for the environment. I believe if we rid ourselves of these 'beings' that the elite follow, we would become guardians of the environment. Most of humanity has a desire to be in harmony with the universe, we just need to weed out the powers that be.

The Freedom Train
28th April 2017, 06:24
when i saw the thread title i couldnt help but think of a quote from the perpetually exasperated character Yossarian in Joseph Heller's absurdist classic 'catch-22'. seems appropriate here:


One of my favorite books! I also thought the movie was fantastic - the cinematography was beautiful.

28th April 2017, 07:40
Do you recycle?

That is what I ask everyone I meet. 80 % say NO. Some laugh, some smirk guilty, some just don´t care.

They are trying to kill us? I dont think so.

They are letting us kill ourselves. Letting us kill the planet.

28th April 2017, 10:08
The other day, DNA posted something that briefly articulated his world view. He said, "the elites are trying to kill us." I got to thinking about the perception that an elite cabal want to kill us all.

I wonder if instead, we the people want to bump ourselves off, or everybody but our nearest and dearest, to save the planet.

Does it strike you that environmentalism is becoming more anti-human? And aren't many of us environmentalists? The needs of Mother Nature appear to be at odds with billions of people. If we are for the planet aren't we automatically opposed to the human species?

On rationalwiki it mentions

Anti-environmentalist theories

A number of these theories have an anti-environmentalist bent. They posit that environmentalists are conspiring as some kind of mass Gaia cult to kill off the useless eaters. There is a very tiny grain of truth here when it comes to the really nutty ecoterrorists, Pentti Linkola, or movements like the Voluntary Human Extinction Movement, which provide generous amounts of fodder for conspiracy sites to use as a means to paint the entire environmental movement as a mass conspiracy. This usually ties into some form of a global warming conspiracy theory or the idea that fears of overpopulation are being used as a tactic to implement the depopulation scheme. The Club of Rome (http://www.clubofrome.org/about-us/) and their book The Limits to Growth, and Paul R. Ehrlich and his book The Population Bomb are the convenient punching bags here.

It might be worth reading the whole page actually to see just how fair and balanced rationalwiki treats subjects like Depopulation Conspiracy (http://rationalwiki.org/wiki/Depopulation_conspiracy_theory), as in not fair or balanced in the slightest. Unfortunately is a first stop for many peoples confirmation biases (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Confirmation_bias).

The Club of Rome, mentioned above is the same Club Dr. John Coleman discusses so revealingly in


The rationalwiki page above finishes with

Historical cases of rapid population collapse

During the years 1346 to 1353, the Black Death claimed the lives of 75 to 200 million people in Europe and the Mediterranean, reducing populations by 30-60%. Such a scenario would be to the benefit of the ruling elites, right? Instead, it marked the death knell for the feudal system. The massive labor shortage caused by the plague meant that peasants had more land, craftsmen had fewer competitors, new labor-saving technologies spread to compensate for the loss of so much of the labor force, and feudal lords had to compete for peasants' loyalty lest they switch allegiance to a new lord offering a better deal, while the Roman Catholic Church faced a severe crisis in confidence as prayer seemed wholly ineffective at stopping the ravages of the plague. The Europe that emerged from the Black Death was not the old one that had been dominated by the elites of the medieval era, but conversely, one with a leveled playing field where the elites' power was sharply curtailed, and where agricultural, industrial, economic, religious, and intellectual revolutions loomed around the bend.

Huh... you'd think that, instead of depopulation, the elites would instead want overpopulation so as to create a world where the teeming masses are too busy fighting each other for what little scrap of the world's finite resources they can in order to put up any serious resistance to their masters... oh my God, Alex Jones has got it all wrong! The elites aren't trying to kill us, they want more of us! They want a massive pool of slave labor that competes against itself so that it can't press a united front! And they spread false conspiracy theories to blind truth-seekers and get them to swallow their agenda without realizing it! Oh my God, it's the perfect plan! Everybody, remove your blinders! Protect contraception and abortion rights! Support education, sanitation, health care, urbanization, and stability in the developing world so that families don't feel like they're forced to have ten kids in order to see two survive to adulthood! Smash the patriarchy so that women aren't treated as brood-mares and forced to pump out more slaves! Do your part to fight the NWO's overpopulation agenda, where we'll all be herded into pens like cattle and force-fed Soylent Green as our meager ration for our labor!

WAKE UP, SHEEPLE!!!!!!!!!!
But What if There's Really a Plan?

If there's an evil plot, then the governments involved are obviously quite happy to commit suicide. People are the greatest and most invaluable resources governments depend upon. As already established, too many or too few human beings are devastating given the numerous ill-effects both scenarios have, which is why governments do whatever they can to ensure birthrates remain normal. Furthermore, as governments have grown in size in reflection of growing populations, lowering populations would naturally have an inverse effect. There would be less people to run the government and keep it running smoothly. Hardly the situation people in positions of authority want, considering their power diminishes too.

So even supposing they are involved in plans to enact depopulation, it's a guarantee that the nation they end up with once successful will be a damn small one lacking power and clout.

What none of the above takes account of is the psychopathic mindest and the fact that governments are mere puppets themselves. There will always be enough people left to work as slaves for the now gloriously happy psychopath to lord over and abuse. In fact it may be their idea of heaven. (Supressed technologies will now blossom forth as it is all there's, there's! cue evil laughter, roll credits).

There are numerous, if not countless, examples of how the elites regard the rest of humanity. Taken individually they could be passed off as elitist arrogance, but combined they lead to a very real possibility that they actually do despise humanity and would not lose any sleep slaughtering billions. If they can keep those people (the mass of humanity) off-balance and disorganised, confused and fearful it will be even better as they will likely kill each other off.

28th April 2017, 14:01
Thought this announcement fits perfectly with this thread

A new Brussels EU report pompously claims that food consumed in Europe contains levels of pesticides that are within so-called ‘legal limits’. Analyzing over 84,000 samples, the report misleadingly declares that more than 97 percent of those examined had chemical residues which are within the amounts permitted by Brussels EU legislation. Clearly intended as health propaganda to convince the public that the insect-killing poisons sprayed on their foods are safe for human consumption, the publication blatantly ignores the toxic amplifying effects that combinations of pesticides can have when present together.

Read full article here (http://www4.dr-rath-foundation.org/Newsletter/articles/brussels-eu-regulators-blatantly-ignoring-toxic-effects-of-pesticide-cocktails-in-foods.html?utm_source=email&utm_medium=artikel-image&utm_campaign=newsletter-20170427) (Dr Rath Health Foundation, 27 April 2017)

28th April 2017, 14:28
Just read this 2011 novel from Belgian author Pascal Roussel: Divina Insidia - The Divine Trap (https://www.amazon.fr/Divina-Insidia-Divine-Pascal-Roussel/dp/149498122X) which I found "enjoyable" and valuable.

Summary here :

Satanic Debt Racket Exposed in Banker's Novel

December 6, 2013

It all becomes very clear. These families have been milking us for centuries. We are quite literally their "cattle" i.e. goyim.

by Henry Makow Ph.D.

"Bank Crisis Set to Trigger New Credit Crunch" says the latest newspaper headline.

Belgium author Pascal Roussel, 45, is well placed to explain the financial turmoil convulsing the world. By day, he works in the Financial Risk Dept. of the European Investment Bank in Luxemburg.

No, he is not an Illuminati banker but a mere functionary. But he does not take his position lightly. For the last ten years, he has been studying the Illuminati conspiracy and has made contact with insiders. The result is a novel, "Divina Insidia - The Divine Trap," which explains the Illuminati conspiracy to the incredulous, and contains new insights and nuggets of information for old hands.

Most important, Roussel presents the conspiracy in a simple and plausible way, throwing our collective predicament into frightening relief.


According to Roussel, twelve "oligarchic families" have grown indescribably wealthy by lending "money" to governments at interest. These are the central bankers. Most but not all are Illuminati Jews. Their wealth is in the trillions. Bill Gates and Warren Buffett are paupers in comparison.

It all becomes very clear. These families have been milking us for centuries. We are quite literally their "cattle" i.e. goyim.

The whole of modern history can be explained by their farm management practices. Wars are started to increase the debt and cull the herd. The goal is to cull the herd to 500 million and chip the remnant. These families and their henchmen own 80% of the world's wealth and do nothing useful yet believe the impoverished majority are parasites.

Roussel explains how compound interest resulted in astronomical exponential gains year-after-year. All religions have banned lending at interest to prevent what actually has occurred: this immense wealth and power has fallen into the hands of Satanists.

The world's major banks are mere proxies for these twelve families who create the money out of nothing. (The banks get their "money" from them.) Greece is the target now but eventually the whole world will be squeezed like an lemon to get this "money" back. ("We will absorb all the wealth of the world," is how Cecil Rhodes described it to his patron Nathan Rothschild.)

They threaten depositors will lose their savings if banks fail. But, it is really these twelve families of generational Satanists who want their pound of flesh.

If our governments weren't run by their lackeys, they would protect the deposits and let the "oligarchic families" twist in the wind. Roussel doesn't name the families but obviously one is the Rothschilds.

Roussel explains that fractional reserve banking is a ponzi scheme. They lend $90 for every $100 on deposit. Those $90 are deposited somewhere else and $81 more dollars are lent. So it continues ad infinitum.

Obviously, the way to fight this beast is to withdraw your cash from the bank.


Roussel's narrative revolves around a Rothschild who has a spiritual revelation and wants to issue a warning. He selects an attractive young Swiss journalist, Ann Standford, to write a book and deposits a fortune into her bank account.

He then takes her on a Cook's Tour of Illuminati landmarks -- the Georgia Guidestones, a Bilderberg meeting, Bohemian Grove etc. -- explaining some aspect of the conspiracy in each place.

He describes its origins in paganism and the Kabbalah, which led to the Illuminist philosophy. But ultimately, it boils down to debt and interest.

"You want to defeat us?" Roussel's Rothschild says."Abolish loans with interest and don't create any more money. Economic cycles will disappear. Wealth will no longer be concentrated in the hands of a few "mega creditors" like me and money will gain value in time. What you bequeath to your children will have more value than when you first got it."

Meanwhile another Illuminati "superior" has put assassins on their trail. Roussel's storytelling is workman-like and his wholesome European Christian sensibility is uplifting.

The ending is quite unexpected and inspired. The book is worth reading for it alone. Roussel leaves us with a credible vision of defiance and hope. All we need do is affirm the Truth and resist evil. The whole rotten structure will collapse.

Most surprisinglly, the book received attentiion and support from no less than past French president Valery Giscard D'Estaing


Thank you for the book 'Divina Insidia' which very aptly describes the flaws, errors, faults and crimes of our financial systems.

Note that the book alludes among other things to 9/11, global warming, food processing & pharmaceuticals, reducing the world population, the Georgia Stones, Bilderberg, Bohemian Club, human sacrifices, etc.

Perhaps aging Valéry Giscard d'Estaing (85 upon writing this opinion in 2011) feels remorse for the human cattle that has been and keeps being fooled to such an extent by this oligarchic elite.

28th April 2017, 16:58
My entire family has been vegetarian for many years. Over the past year, we have noticed a very obvious change in the quality of the food - it is dropping. We have also lost access to some of the vegetarian products that we used to purchase regularly. From my research it is obvious that, like the title of the thread says, they are trying to kill us. As I mentioned in an early post in this thread, we (society) have to help to educate the masses on this topic. Yes it is a difficult task with so many people burying their heads to avoid truth. But we have to keep pushing.

I want to put out a big "Thank You!" to all of the Avalonians for your effort and participation in all things! And to those who just visit this site - help educate the people around you! Every little bit helps!

28th April 2017, 17:07
Check this thread and watch/listen to the video: The NASA Paper On Geoengineering/Chemtrails (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?97373-The-NASA-Paper-On-Geoengineering-Chemtrails)


28th April 2017, 17:38
My neighbor started a change of intake to a level of limiting his daily carb intake to 25 carbs a day eating as natural as he could. He achieved his goal of getting rid of the excess weight, when he went to the dentist, his dentist asked him what was his intake like on a daily level, the dentist told him that his gums in his mouth were the healthiest he has seen in 30 years. So I bounce in and out of that 25 carbs a day or so but as bill stated about going to the grocery store, all the processed foods. They say if you want to stay healthy shop all the outside walls of the store, vegetables , fruits , meat , dairy and stay out of the center lanes with the processed foods. I will say this staying off all of that junk for a while does change your body and if you do load up on carbs down the road, boy do you feel really bad when you do eat them. Try and eat just 25 carbs in a day by looking at the packages, you won't believe how many items you pick up and put back down. Then the bells start going off.Study the work of Dr. Weston Price. He showed clearly that after introduction of simple carbs in indigenous cultures diet that severe, dramatic and negative changes took place in their physiology........IN ONE GENERATION! Their teeth positions changed. Their jaw structure changed. Quite amazing that this knowledge is available, but is mostly neglected and ignored.

28th April 2017, 18:15
Thanks for all the amazing thoughtful comments! I think most environmentalists are life affirming, at least on a conscious level. At some point though, if the multitudes don't change their patterns of consumption, we are going to hit an impasse, in terms of awareness, where people may view others (never themselves!) as being entirely destructive all around. The 'elites' as DNA described, are likely there already.

Capitalism functions as a debt based pyramid scheme, entirely dependent on new workers to fill the bottom tier. As this system unwinds for the various reasons described in some of your posts, some interesting social phenomena start to kick in.
Those who have no means and no way to climb out of poverty are simply forgotten, loaded up with state sanctioned oxycodone and cheap junk food, are marginalized any number of ways. Beyond that, they start self- marginalize.

They have become the overweight spandex wearing 'people of Walmart.' This is the social stereotype -- and sky high diabetes rates attest to the fact that it is partially true. They eat sugary highly refined carbs to deal with stress, like we all do. They just have more stress so eat more of it

. These foods have a sedative effect. After this life style is established the disenfranchised former coal mine employees and families, enter the closed loop of the self loathing, junk food -- pharmaceutical complex. For all the reasons stated above, it is difficult to leave this loop -- particularly when hope is absent. And those not stuck in this loop, viewing it from the outside and with a shallow perspective, view those suffering this fate with contempt.

In terms of percentage, people living without hope, historically, made up around 1% of the population -- with the exception of the Depression era 1930's. Now it is, just guessing, a good 30% of the American population living this kind of life, to varying degrees.

There are another 30% who are living highly stressed lives, who have some of these patterns of living, but not all of them. Still, they are living without hope, so they are at risk. Self loathing hasn't kicked in, but there is growing despair. They are often sleep deprived and keep themselves going at two or three jobs by drinking a lot of coffee, eating sugary foods.

Meth amphetamine established itself in this community and it started in the meat packing plants of rural America. Formerly unionized employees suffered a drop in wages that they tried to make up for by moonlighting. In order to stay awake they began taking meth. The small farmers in the area, impacted by big agro, found a market for their fertilizer in the meth industry, as well.

My thinking is the whole meth head phenomena has worked its way into culture awareness through films about zombies. Zombies used to just eat people, in film. Now, they eat some people with the addition of contact with them causes the one contacted to become a zombie, too. There is fear of mass contagion AND fear of becoming poor, drug addicted and on the run in barren often post apocalyptic landscapes presented here. It's not entirely metaphorical either.

These films often tie environmental disaster and extreme desperation, poverty together. The visually portrayed, but not directly stated message of these films is this -- there are too many people, many of whom are poor. You don't want to be infected by them and become one of them (poor, twitchy, drug addicted and possibly a cannibal) Besides, look at what the masses have done to the planet. They wrecked it. So have no mercy!

28th April 2017, 20:04
I was in a supermarket in Loja, Ecuador, back in 2011: very modern, just like Safeway. (Loja is the nearest major town to Vilcabamba and is where everyone went for their weekly shopping.)

I had my shopping cart, and was looking for fresh produce. Freshly squeezed orange juice, fresh fruit and vegetables, and lots of other good things. But there was also a lot of toxic junk food -- as in every modern American- or European-style supermarket.

I was just gazing at it all, considering the extreme range that was on the shelves: from the organic and highly nourishing, to the total opposite. It was like a kind of weird, inexplicable paradox. Why so much poisonous, lifeless trash -- right alongside all the rich, local produce?

Then it hit me: They're trying to kill us all.

It wasn't a new thought. But this time, it was like a direct experience.

It was like standing in the shoes, or climbing into the skin, of one of the global controllers who made policy decisions that affected billions of people. I felt the hatred for the "useless eaters", I felt the absolute lack of compassion or empathy, I felt the disdain and disgust. The rest of the human race were as little more than cockroaches or rats.

I perceived the carefully delineated, gradual, long-term plan to kill off or disable billions, but only with their manipulated compliance and consent... a plan which just magnified the disrespect and contempt for the victims. It was like a slow-burn holocaust, lasting over several generations -- rather than a few desperate minutes in the gas chambers. It only lasted a moment, but I still remember it acutely and viscerally, and shall never forget it.

This is beautifully written. Do you think it was an epiphany of super perception that you somehow snatched from the collective unconscious or did it come from your own unconscious? What an interesting and enlightening few moments!

28th April 2017, 23:51
[...] there are too many people, many of whom are poor.
One billion people, almost one-seventh of the world's population, now live in shanty towns.

By 2030, over 2 billion people in the world will be living in slums. (source: Megacity (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Megacity#History))


The Freedom Train
28th April 2017, 23:54
I want to put out a big "Thank You!" to all of the Avalonians for your effort and participation in all things! And to those who just visit this site - help educate the people around you! Every little bit helps!

Yes yes yes! I agree wholeheartedly, and am so grateful to the Avalon community!

Thank you, Patient, for putting this fabulous sentiment out there. :)

29th April 2017, 03:03
It makes me shudder when tptb are called 'elite'. These beings are anything but elite. They are scumbags.

The amazing thing is that we still have the ability to talk about this openly, that we can still choose organic food (to some extent anyway). It appears that despite tech suppression, we are still going to get some kind of freer energy (with better and better solar, more efficient batteries, etc).

Although tptb may want to depopulate the world, on this front they appear to be failing miserably. Then one might wonder that their real agenda is overpopulation.

So the question becomes, what can we do about this? Eat better. Talk up the issue (i find many people are aware of many of these issues, especially pharmacuetical and food quality). If we make proper choices, and vote with our feet and wallets, perhaps the world will be better for the next generation.

29th April 2017, 06:02
I am paying a visit to an old family home in the Caribbean. The Government is obviously in the pay of higher ups; their central bank is owned by Rothschild. In order to secure the ridiculous loans to keep a tourist oriented economy going, ignoring agriculture, getting rid of canes as a cash crop, importing nearly all their food, importing cars on which the government puts 200% import tax, keeping public transport terrible in order to support this racket, charging at least $2000 insurance plus $400/year road tax per car (and much more for more expensive and heavier vehicles), importing all their fruit ($4 for a plumb, $4.50 a grapefruit), restricting the variety of local plus imported food, diabetes is the result. Limb amputation, high blood pressure, strokes and heart attacks daily kill people. Recently, since they exceeded the expendable income of most of the population needing cars, it is now possible to purchase one without a down payment. This way the bankers can then take your house when you lose your disappearing job.

To justify these bank loans, the island, which formerly had one price for agricultural land and one for building sites, legislated away the cheaper agricultural land price. Plantation owners then hold onto their land for big building projects instead of food. Everyone else is left to purchasing small plots on which to build homes. The small plots cannot grow fruit trees, grains and other vegetables; the people are busy working at jobs to pay their ridiculous mortgages, car loans, child care, high utilities, child education, FOOD! The point I am making here is that when the Government cannot repay its debt to the bankers, YOUR PROPERTY AND YOU then belong to the bankers even if you do not owe a cent to anyone. Your Government has SOLD YOU OUT! The people do not see this connection.

Of the few manufacturing plants on the island, SOFT DRINKS and BEER (one with huge loads of sugar...cancer...and formaldehyde as preservative in the beer....cancer) are available for consumption. A two liter container of real juice is around $18. Pensioners, in particular, have a terrible time of it. There is hardly any fish and what exists is of very poor quality. By the time THE BLACK GOO works its way down here, there will also be no tourist trade.

This is a plan being worked out in the entire world by these thieving, murdering, bankers who must GO, like YESTERDAY!

They have installed those blue plastic satellite spy things in the middle of the roads. Then later, they put in SMART METERS and then they put up cell towers and everyone and his grandmother has a cell phone, both of which kill through their radiation. But here is the kicker.....the CELL PHONES will be used for digital monetary transactions when they cancel the paper currencies. Have any of your made this connection???? When you do not toe the line, they will summarily turn off your account and you will have NO SUPPORT to complain to or help you. You will be left destitute and to starve. Also, the LAND TAX you must pay to keep your home, you will be unable to pay, and they will take your home away from you. Will the POLICE HELP you? The POLICE work for THEM. This is the reason you are not allowed to pay land tax on your property years in advance. They have PLANNED FOR YOU.

Hello Autumn, pass this on to your sisters.

29th April 2017, 07:40
The dark order uses the natural carnal instincts of mankind, in every apect the take it to eleven, too much food,laying around instead of chopping wood/manual labor, a pill for every ache with the side effect of death... the prospect of war, home invasion, terrorist attack, or just a plain old crazy person going bonkers and taking as many with him as he can ... our world is a dangerous place... we must change the way we think... actions are results of thoughts... time to get back to growing our own food...

29th April 2017, 07:59
Dramatic high rise rescues caught on video in China

29th April 2017, 10:50
For a long time now I wonder about this.When I look at the world I find it startling how humans behave.Yes, the powers that shouldn't be are manipulating and dumbing/numbing people down.
But at the same time I wonder what kind of souls are invarnating and obviously enjoy swimming in this thick bowl of soup in energetic terms.
When I step aside and watch I understand why the selfproclaimed elite is loathing humanity.On the other hand they do everything they can to maintain the state of ignorance and stupidity so they have something to loath.
Englisch is not my native language,so please forgive if I talk gobbledygook...

29th April 2017, 20:08
I am paying a visit to an old family home in the Caribbean. The Government is obviously in the pay of higher ups; their central bank is owned by Rothschild. In order to secure the ridiculous loans to keep a tourist oriented economy going, ignoring agriculture, getting rid of canes as a cash crop, importing nearly all their food, importing cars on which the government puts 200% import tax, keeping public transport terrible in order to support this racket, charging at least $2000 insurance plus $400/year road tax per car (and much more for more expensive and heavier vehicles), importing all their fruit ($4 for a plumb, $4.50 a grapefruit), restricting the variety of local plus imported food, diabetes is the result. Limb amputation, high blood pressure, strokes and heart attacks daily kill people. Recently, since they exceeded the expendable income of most of the population needing cars, it is now possible to purchase one without a down payment. This way the bankers can then take your house when you lose your disappearing job.

To justify these bank loans, the island, which formerly had one price for agricultural land and one for building sites, legislated away the cheaper agricultural land price. Plantation owners then hold onto their land for big building projects instead of food. Everyone else is left to purchasing small plots on which to build homes. The small plots cannot grow fruit trees, grains and other vegetables; the people are busy working at jobs to pay their ridiculous mortgages, car loans, child care, high utilities, child education, FOOD! The point I am making here is that when the Government cannot repay its debt to the bankers, YOUR PROPERTY AND YOU then belong to the bankers even if you do not owe a cent to anyone. Your Government has SOLD YOU OUT! The people do not see this connection.

Of the few manufacturing plants on the island, SOFT DRINKS and BEER (one with huge loads of sugar...cancer...and formaldehyde as preservative in the beer....cancer) are available for consumption. A two liter container of real juice is around $18. Pensioners, in particular, have a terrible time of it. There is hardly any fish and what exists is of very poor quality. By the time THE BLACK GOO works its way down here, there will also be no tourist trade.

This is a plan being worked out in the entire world by these thieving, murdering, bankers who must GO, like YESTERDAY!

They have installed those blue plastic satellite spy things in the middle of the roads. Then later, they put in SMART METERS and then they put up cell towers and everyone and his grandmother has a cell phone, both of which kill through their radiation. But here is the kicker.....the CELL PHONES will be used for digital monetary transactions when they cancel the paper currencies. Have any of your made this connection???? When you do not toe the line, they will summarily turn off your account and you will have NO SUPPORT to complain to or help you. You will be left destitute and to starve. Also, the LAND TAX you must pay to keep your home, you will be unable to pay, and they will take your home away from you. Will the POLICE HELP you? The POLICE work for THEM. This is the reason you are not allowed to pay land tax on your property years in advance. They have PLANNED FOR YOU.

Hello Autumn, pass this on to your sisters.

Amor, I lived four months on a catamaran touring the Caribbean. As beautiful as it was, I sensed and also heard first hand a certain amount of what you describe here. I think one of the most repulsive sights in the world is watching the godawful cruise ships dock and disgorge their human cargo. It's obscene and the entire Caribbean has been destroyed by an economy that caters to them.

And yes, about the food. Very little local food available due to all the reasons you mentioned. Have you heard of Canouan and how the land was essentially stolen from the people there? What a disheartening place.

I feel really lucky I wasn't confined to a resort and was able to meet some islanders on their home ground. I have a word for people who fly into resorts and never leave--and more to the point don't question what is going on beyond the walls of their compounds- 'turistopathic.'

Btw, too. I wasn't advocating for the points of view I expressed in my prior thread, just describing how many people are coming to view humanity.

29th April 2017, 22:25
I do believe there is a culling of the herd and has been going on in increment, in cycles and none of us know when the next killing season will be. However, something interesting. My husband loves to listen to the interviews on all the Gaia shows and gleans new stuff all the time. One guy, and I am sorry I hope I get this right, Dr. Pete Philips on George Noory's Gaia show is a sociologist. He did his thesis on Bohemian Grove! So he actually did some glowing research into the members and found an unusual premise ( aside from their perversity ). These people have trillions of dollars. In fact, 99% of only a few thousand people have the massive wealth of the trillions. These people get their big high from capitalism so they go from manufacturer to manufacturer and keep moving their product to the cheapest ( so they can of course keep the big money). They have it all and really have no interest in a new world order of governing which to them would be a big headache. They already have all the countries lined up to do their bidding and if they don't they make life miserable for them. They get a huge huge high from the wars and funding both sides of every issue to watch the world squirm and scream.
So does it seem logical they will promote the good healthy organic stuff next to the trashy stuff? After all Whole Foods is a 12 billion dollar industry and not squeaky clean on all points. It is out for the gain and whomever is behind that, is having a hootenany. They know we need the pristine organic to fuel our bodies in avoiding disease so we will be forced to go in the direction, then watch as we get pissed off at the prices. More big business.
Ever see the organic section of the regular supermarket? Most times it is wilted, over watered and going into decay. Because most people that shop there will avoid spoiled looking higher priced food.

30th April 2017, 01:00
this is a complex issue because freedom and peace cannot be achieved by political salvation nor fighting evil with (more) evil.

but spreading the Word (truth frequency) may prevail if we are not afraid of losing friends in the process -- and making new ones. One must be ready to stand alone at any moment

30th April 2017, 01:31
Check this thread and watch/listen to the video: The NASA Paper On Geoengineering/Chemtrails (http://projectavalon.net/forum4/showthread.php?97373-The-NASA-Paper-On-Geoengineering-Chemtrails)


WOW!! that PowerPoint presentation is very revealing!! https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&sour...3d3fDkGZX34Z2g

NASA has always stated that they are a non-military organization however many slides in that presentation indicate otherwise:

NASA. The National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA /ˈnćsə/) is an independent agency of the executive branch of the United States federal government responsible for the civilian space program, as well as aeronautics and aerospace research.

Also, please take notice of slides 12 and 13 they appear to indicate their knowledge of human technological advances and it's impact on humanity ala the book "The Paleo Manistfesto" by John Durant.