View Full Version : Thought-Provoking Dream

22nd December 2010, 13:39
My dream involved an incident (fabricated in the dream) involving a former co-worker, someone I found very difficult to get along with, being unpleasant to me in a situation unrelated to my work experiences. My reaction in the dream was a strong desire for revenge.

Waking, I could only think that this dream had been some kind of test and I can't help feeling that if I were judging the results, I am still not ready to proceed beyond my current understanding of the Law of One.

I post this mainly as a curiosity, interested to know whether anyone else has had similar experiences, or can offer other insights.

30th January 2011, 18:23
Hello, KosmicKat!

If I may offer a little intuition: I've found through personal experience that dreamspeak is nearly always symbolic. I am feeling very much that both the coworker and desire for revenge are not to be taken literally, though you are on the right track regarding holding yourself back from something...

The coworker, my intuition tells me, is your subconscious calling you out on something (an emotional issue?) you have not yet addressed. Dreamspeak for unfinished business. Your desire for revenge is your discomfort with the idea of addressing the situation. I cannot pull from the field the exact thing with which you are grappling. But long story short, you have unfinished emotional business...

Please take this only a a possible interpretation. Though my intuition and knack for symbolism are heavy, I make no claims at being a real interpreter... I hope this is more helpful than not! Thank you for sharing. Peace and love.

7th February 2011, 18:55
I have found that such dreams serve to hilight how one thinks and responds to types of adversity, that the purpose is to identify the abberant or dysfunctional thoughts, inspirations, and agreements, which center with the ego so that they may be transcended.

I recently had a dream in which I was subject to ridicule and contempt, but where my response made me more at fault and in the wrong than the individual acting upon me. This was valuable as I was able to recognize how my responses can be evolved so as to act more impeccably in the future. I hope that helps. ^_^

19th March 2011, 02:12
I was thumbing through my notebook today and noticed on the first page, the first notes I'd ever taken on a dream. I'd just had a short nap, woke up and wrote down:

Mitochondrial DNA
Before not allowed to
combine 2 things & 1
new thing
Now must be this
way - to combine
2 unique things & get
one new thing.
It's in the mitochondrial
The second page in the notebook is the next dream I recorded a week later.

11-25-10 a.m.
Our war memories are
so strong its difficult
not to replay them
came in purple
[___ _____]* was there
we came in purple
Unless I have full
Earth Recovery I
can't compete? can't
go back
Atmosphere changing
making habitable
Peace & Indepence
[]*name removed

When I saw those notes today I was thought-provoked, so I wanted to share them and see if anyone else had any thoughts. :)