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Thread: Link between WiFi and quality of life. Personal observations.

  1. Link to Post #41
    Avalon Member holcaul's Avatar
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    Default Re: Link between WiFi and quality of life. Personal observations.

    Quote ...That changed when I discovered alternative media (in English and German)...
    Maybe that is the main reason for the appearance of your symptoms, Iloveyou? Discovering alternative views on our reality can be quite sickening or even debilitating, especially initially. Could it be that EMF is secondary if at all of any effect on your condition?

    When I was in the military we did not have access to wifi or even cellular communication. I can't say I was less nervous and/or agitated.

    Quote ...I started to develop a kind of affection and emotional relationship with the thing...
    It is an expected reaction to having a newly acquired, incredibly expensive portable device. Which serves as the gateway to the life changing experiences of alternative media.

    Moderate exercise, healthy diet and critical thinking should do the trick.

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  3. Link to Post #42
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    Default Re: Link between WiFi and quality of life. Personal observations.

    Quote Posted by TargeT (here)

    Homeopathy involves "water memory" and dilluting solutions like 10000000000:1 and assuming it will still work due to the "water memory"; I just don't buy it... what you are describing above is called Hormesis unless you are diluting it 100000000000000:1 then it's homeopathy and the hormesis studies prove it doesn't work.. you need a certain low dose, not ANY low dose.
    It is a widespread misunderstanding that the production of homeopathic medicine is only based on dilution. Dilution only wouldn’t do anything (in homeopathy). The crucial factor is succussion:

    The process of succussion involves the vigorous diluting and shaking of substances. Depending on the potency, the substance is mixed into water, shaken, and then put into another water solution where it is mixed [and shaken ...] again.
    Based on Hahnemann’s experiments and the homeopathic provings carried out by homeopaths since his time, the cycle and combination of vigorous succussions as well as the subsequent dilutions, potentize the substance, making it a stronger, more profound remedy upon the vital force.”


    Homeopathy is an energetic medicine. The principle of similarity can be reduced to similar resonance frequencies of the remedy and the pathological pathway.”


    It seems that Hormesis (have to read up about it!) works on a different principle though equally valid. In my understanding Homeopathy and Hormesis cannot really be compared.


    No problem with going (apparently) off topic for a while, as long as we don’t lose focus.

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  5. Link to Post #43
    Europe Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Link between WiFi and quality of life. Personal observations.

    Quote Posted by holcaul (here)
    Quote ...That changed when I discovered alternative media (in English and German)...
    Maybe that is the main reason for the appearance of your symptoms, Iloveyou? Discovering alternative views on our reality can be quite sickening or even debilitating, especially initially. Could it be that EMF is secondary if at all of any effect on your condition?
    This might be part of it. However in my case the discovery of alternative media did not really shatter my view of reality. I never believed in the official story, from childhood on. Before Alt Media I was running into various dead-ends ... politcs, esoteric, inner retreat ... after reading up systematically I started to take responsibility (to a certain degree).

    But there might be a moment when it gets too much for one’s energetic condition (esp. going into elite pedophilia, satanism ...) and if that moment is missed one becomes vulnerable and probably receptive to more subtle influences.

    Quote Posted by holcaul (here)
    Quote ...I started to develop a kind of affection and emotional relationship with the thing...
    It is an expected reaction to having a newly acquired, incredibly expensive portable device. Which serves as the gateway to the life changing experiences of alternative media.
    Had not yet thought about that.

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  7. Link to Post #44
    United States Avalon Member Tam's Avatar
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    Default Re: Link between WiFi and quality of life. Personal observations.

    Quote Posted by RunningDeer (here)
    visual of an archon/morgellons (described as spiders with human faces)
    What in God's name...that sounds horrifying.

    I already hated spiders to begin with. I'll have to look into this. I heard of Morgellon's disease before. Then I started having symptoms. Pulled out what looked like filaments of cotton from my back. About an inch long. I was still living with my parents then, and it was summer. I was in the pool. My boyfriend was with me. I get out of the water to air dry on a chair, and he looks at my back for a few seconds, then says, "Hold up. What is that fur on your back?"

    I naturally start to freak out. I already have to deal with unwanted body hair as a woman, so being told there was fur on my back wasn't exactly happy news. I ask him what he means, and he tells me I have a sprout of white fur coming out of my back. I immediately pictured my grandma and her giant mole with the quill-thick white hair coming out of it, and tell him to inspect more closely. He does, he comes up to me and starts to touch it, and I swear, I can feel it moving around inside me. It wasn't painful, but it was really, really uncomfortable. I tell him it's probably a weird mole with hair, and he says "No, this isn't hair. I'm telling you, it looks and feels like fur. It's really soft and fine"

    So I hand him my smartphone, and tell him to snap a picture (I would share them, but naturally, my phone broke a few months later, and those photos were lost). Sure enough, it looks like a little tuft of white fur was sticking out of my back.

    Now, the weird part, is we were both certain it wasn't there before, because, well, we had been intimate that previous night, and trust me, he would have noticed.

    So what was about an inch of "fur", half of it embedded in my back, had grown overnight. Which was weird as hell. So I tell him to pull it out. I hand him sterilized tweezers, hold my breath, and tell him to just tear it out, as neatly as he can, because my plan was to get it biopsied and I wanted to put it in a little jar. He pulls it out, and it didn't hurt at all, even though it was definitely in my back. The part that was inside of me was wet, and a little sticky (sorry for the gross detail). I definitely felt it being pulled out, I even felt a little tug as it, for lack of a better term, unlatched from me, and it took a while to pull out, since it was so long.

    He then looks at it for a moment, and says "What the hell, this looks like cotton!"

    I remember this so clearly, because it really, really freaked me out. I grab the tweezers, and sure enough, it looked and felt exactly as if you had taken a ball of cotton, pulled apart about 20 filaments of it, and bundled then up in a bouquet.

    I started researching it, and absolutely nothing like what I had came up. I dug and dug and dug and no one had cotton-like growths, except for when I started to read into this conspiracy theory about Morgellon's disease. The details on that were too much for me to handle at the time, so I remember just ending the research, and going to book an appointment with the dermatologist, except the cotton stuff had been lost. Like an idiot, it got stuck to me due to friction when I handled it, so I shook my hand, and naturally, they all flew off.

    A few months later, we're at a lake with family, and my boyfriend notices another patch of "fur". One that had sprouted overnight, yet again. Same spot. Then, the next day, it was GONE. I remember, because I was planning on calling a dermatologist the next morning to get it biopsied.

    A few months after that, and I'm with a dermatologist for something totally unrelated. Just a suspicious mole I wanted checked out.

    I'm telling her about the weird fur thing as she's scanning my body for any other odd moles, when she gets to my back and says "Oh, you mean this?"

    Yet again, another patch of fur had sprouted overnight. Again, I was certain it was overnight, because I had been checking in nightly at the mirror to see if more sprouted.

    She looks at it, and tells me she has never seen anything like it in the 20 years she's been a dermatologist. So she does a full biopsy, scoops out the fur and a chunk of my back with it, stitches me up, and sends it to a lab.

    The results come back, and apparently I had a benign tumor that was growing hair. Which they've been known to do.

    But I can't help but be suspicious, even to this day. I don't buy that result, frankly. Something tells me that the tumor was there, but they just couldn't figure out what the fur stuff was, so they wrote it off, as often happens in Western medicine.

    I haven't had any since, but I still think about it to this day.

    I really hope I don't have human-faced nanospiders crawling around inside of me. That sounds positively bone-chilling.

    Anyway, just thought I should share. If anyone knows or has an idea of what that was, feel free to shoot a PM my way. I'd appreciate it.
    Last edited by Tam; 30th April 2018 at 20:57.

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  9. Link to Post #45
    United States Avalon Member Tam's Avatar
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    Default Re: Link between WiFi and quality of life. Personal observations.

    Quote Posted by AutumnW (here)
    Quote Posted by Mike (here)
    I can't spend longer than 45 mins online. I get terrible brain fog. I feel weak and have all sorts of odd symptoms.

    I didn't want to believe it. I was in denial for years.

    But like clockwork, right around that 40, 45 minute mark I start to fade...and the symptoms appear.
    I recently went back to my opthamologist for problems I am having reading for any length of time. It turns out that not only do I have cataracts starting to form but also probably have glaucoma.

    Final tests starting in June. The reason I mention this is to make people aware that just staring at a screen can being on ocular headaches, migraine related effects, visual anamolies, aura effects and visual processing fatigue.

    You want to make sure you aren't having other problems in tandem with wifi exposure.
    Yes! This! Thank you so much.

    I'm 22, so I'm a bit younger than most people here, but even I have noticed smartphone usage start to ruin my vision. So it isn't an age thing, is what I'm saying.

    I have always had excellent vision. 20/20, perfect marks on every eye exam ever.

    When I was about...16, if I recall correctly, I got my first "real" smartphone. I had had a really crappy off-brand one for years before, which I didn't use more than for listening to music/phone calls/small tasks because, well, the thing was a nightmare to use.

    Anyway, I got a new iPhone when our local carrier was clearing their inventory and giving them out for free. I got an iPhone 4.

    I loved that thing, but see, the iPhone 4 is teeny-tiny. The whole thing fit in my hand, and the screen was smaller than my palm. Unfortunately, I loved it too much, and would look at it close to my face, for a couple of hours, each night before bed, in the dark.

    I started developing, out of the blue, binocular diplopia, which just means double vision, caused by both eyes.

    It happened whenever I would look elsewhere than straight ahead, without turning my head. If I was laying down, it would also happen, and the double vision would move with my head movement, and only what was directly in the foreground would double, crossing over itself. Different angles for double vision based off of eye/head movement, basically. Apparently, this is highly unusual.

    We went to see our ophthamologist, and she was totally stumped. My eyes were fine, I had no retinal issues whatsoever, my vision was 20/20, except some vision tests, the ones where you look into a projection box, would cause my to see two of everything. Yet the pairs would be clear as day. So I would see two intersecting/overlapping slides of numbers and letters, and I could read off the tiniest row without issue. I'd just see two of them.

    They could not figure out what was wrong with me. They were worried I had a brain tumor, and that it was pressing on some nerves or whatever. I got a full MRI of the brain, nothing. Not even a blood clot.

    So they send me 5 hours away, to another major city in my state, to see the best ophthamologist in the state. She had a waiting list, but due to my circumstances, they admitted me that same month.

    We trek out there, and I'm in there for 4 hours, doing all kinds of tests, being questioned, and they still can't figure it out. They were super interested in what was wrong with me. It totally stumped them.

    They never did find out, but they told me what was clear was that my left eye was overcompensating, and my right eye had a weakened nerve or something like that. I had actually been starting to develop a very slight lazy eye. Since my eye muscles were strained and weak, they made me wear these special glasses that don't magnify as much as they soften images, for all close range activities, and they gave me an exercise to do at home: get a thick string, about 4 feet of it, and tie knots at equal intervals along it. Tie the string to something, stretch it out fully, level with my eye, and with each eye, focus on each string, back to front, front to back, at different angles, with each eye, several times a day.

    I did this, and it reduced the diplopia thing by about 90%. I still get the issue once in a while when I'm really tired, and I have trouble focusing on tiny things like stars. When I do, my vision doubles. I can also relax my eyeball at will. It's a parlor trick of sorts. I can make my eye muscles go totally limp, creating an instant lazy-eye and total vision blur (where I can't so much as read a giant sign 6 feet away).

    It's odd.

    Then, about 3 months ago, my old smartphone broke suddenly and beyond salvation. So I got myself a new, fancy one.

    I love it, and I went right back to my old adolescent habit of using it at night (and several times throughout the day). This one's screen is about 2 or 3 times bigger than my old iPhone's, but I'm starting to have those same vision problems again.

    I've fished out my old glasses, and am doing the string thing again. It gives me a headache each time, but it really works to fix vision early on.

    My boyfriend used to have 20/20 vision when he was in his teens, now he wears thick glasses. He's convinced it's because he works on computers 9 hours a day, and has been for 5 years now.

    I have no doubt in my mind this is all due to blue light and LCD screens.

    I turn off blue light 2 hours before going to sleep on my phone and computer (for phones, download an app called Twilight, for PCs, a program called f.lux). I advise you guys do the same as well. Not sure if iOS has Twilight specifically, as I'm an Android girl, but I'm certain you can get something just like it on the (obviously inferior) iPhone. Just look up "Blue light filter" and you'll get results.

    You only get one pair of eyes, so take care of them.
    Last edited by Tam; 30th April 2018 at 21:57.

  10. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Tam For This Post:

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  11. Link to Post #46
    Canada Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Link between WiFi and quality of life. Personal observations.

    Quote Posted by Mike (here)
    But Petra, please don't sleep near your router or WiFi devices! Noooo
    We get wifi all over the house, even in the yard, so I don't really understand why moving a bit farther away from the router would be any better. The wifi is just as strong in the yard as it is in the house.

    I appreciate your concern, and I'm certainly not saying anyone should be as stubborn as I am - I'm very stubborn.

    EDIT: I won't let it chase me out of my house.... I just won't.
    Last edited by petra; 1st May 2018 at 18:23.

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  13. Link to Post #47
    United States Avalon Member RunningDeer's Avatar
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    Default Re: Link between WiFi and quality of life. Personal observations.

    Quote Posted by Mike (here)
    For example, I can be laying in bed and suddenly start feeling sluggish, foggy, spacey, strange...and then I'll notice that I'm laying on my cell phone. That has happened quite a few times. So i think i can safely rule out any kind of eye thing.
    Quote Posted by petra (here)
    We get wifi all over the house, even in the yard, so I don't really understand why moving a bit farther away from the router would be any better. The wifi is just as strong in the yard as it is in the house.

    I appreciate your concern, and I'm certainly not saying anyone should be as stubborn as I am - I'm very stubborn.

    EDIT: I won't let it chase me out of my house.... I just won't.
    Being stubborn doesn't change the fact that these waves create havoc to the body systems.

    ...Increasingly, scientists and researchers are uncovering the health risks of EMFs. Depending on the level and the length of exposure, those risks can range from insomnia and headaches to tumors. For more information on the health risks of EMFs from Wi-Fi....

    The distance the router's Wi-Fi signal travels is dependent on the strength of the router... [article]

    I live in the country. My Wi-Fi drops when I step out of the house. The signal is weak even for my neighbors that have cell phone service. Mike posted about his symptoms while laying on his cell phone, i.e.. sluggish, foggy, spacey, strange. I couldn’t figure out why I’d have to fight to stay awake when I read in the room where the Wi-Fi is set up. Sometimes I’d be knocked out for a couple of hours. It dawned on me (thanks, Mike ) about a month ago, I had to upgrade my 2001 router. My internet company no longer had refurbished models. I turn off my Wi-Fi at night but now I turn it off during the day. I'm no longer sleepy when I read in that room.
    Last edited by RunningDeer; 2nd May 2018 at 12:47.

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  15. Link to Post #48
    Canada Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Link between WiFi and quality of life. Personal observations.

    Quote Posted by RunningDeer (here)
    Being stubborn doesn't change the fact that these waves create havoc to the body systems.

    The distance the router's Wi-Fi signal travels is dependent on the strength of the router... [article][/INDENT][/INDENT][/INDENT][/I]
    I live in the country. My Wi-Fi drops when I step out of the house. The signal is weak even for my neighbors that have cell phone service. Mike posted about his symptoms while laying on his cell phone, i.e.. sluggish, foggy, spacey, strange. I couldn’t figure out why I’d have to fight to stay awake when I read in the room where the Wi-Fi is set up. Sometimes, I’d be knocked out for a couple of hours. It dawned on me (thanks, Mike ) about a month ago I had to upgrade my 2001 modem. My internet company no longer had refurbished models. I turn off my Wi-Fi at night but now I turn it off during the day. I'm no longer sleepy when I read in that room.
    I'm sorry for getting kind of mad there, I realize it's an issue that's no easy fix and I guess it's just frustrating.

    I think I'm more concerned for my mom than me... she's bed ridden and sits next to the router all day long.

    It probably is really strong too... and we need the thing for Cable TV. I'd really like to switch back to something older too!! I swear to F (excuse me), this new service is such BS! When the power goes out, her phone stops working. That's not supposed to even happen.

    I'm pretty sure we have "fibre op" service - which I haven't the foggiest notion about. It's very fast though, I know that for sure.

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  17. Link to Post #49
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    Referring to my OP I’d like to return to Kautz Vella once again.

    His lectures/talks are so intense, so condensed ... take any three sentences and you have a whole complex topic of its own. Rightly one should stop every few sentences and start to research what he has just adressed, a minute later he is already into something different, though connected.

    Often he talks about unprovable details ... a friend told me ... we have been shown ... etc ... and you are compelled to ask: but who? ... but where exactly? I suppose that’s because he is protecting sources and interested in surviving and not being suicided.

    Two things stuck out to me.

    1.) People react to earth goo according to their inner emotional state. Earth goo functions as a mirror. When Marconi workers were confronted with it, half of them committed suicide in cruel ways (because they could not stand that) - half of them saved themselves by reconnecting to Mother earth (asking for help). When confronted with alien black goo it is different: the alien consciousness takes over and dominates the person, it makes them cold, emotionless, unempathic, aggressive, ready to kill.

    He talks from personal experience - and about, for example, many higher Nazi ranks who surrounded themselves with decorative objects made from alien black goo. Not to mention that those objects are found at the core of all religious cults.

    2.) Every now and then, in half a sentence, he mentions briefly that there is (alien) black goo in the rainwater, someone tries to spread it on people. He does not go further into it. Still have to find again a microscope image he presented. I find the way he conveys that information, like as a minor aside, alarming. Emotional states (rage, lethargy) have been induced - via EMF’s - in individuals and groups for a long time. If the above is true that would bring the manipulation of the human mind again to another level. I very much hope he will be able to continue the research and bring the results to the public.
    Last edited by Iloveyou; 4th May 2018 at 07:56.

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  19. Link to Post #50
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    Default Re: Link between WiFi and quality of life. Personal observations.

    Quote Posted by TomKat (here)
    Has anyone (other than people on the speaking circuit) seen this so-called Black Goo, outside of X Files?
    As for Harald Kautz (no -Vella anymore due to a divorce): to his knowledge civil research on black goo (Earth goo) is done at the Warsaw university, Poland. He got that information from scientist and author Dieter Broers.

    He has abandoned fact-based research (at least publicly) and turned to the field of spirituality, consciousness and self-empowerment - these talks are radical, of deep wisdom and high quality. Nevertheless I think he tries to leave hints and traces for others, every now and then.

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  21. Link to Post #51
    Netherlands Avalon Member ExomatrixTV's Avatar
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    Default Re: Link between WiFi and quality of life. Personal observations.

    I will promote this forum thread on my:

    Stop5G.net soon!
    No need to follow anyone, only consider broadening (y)our horizon of possibilities ...

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  23. Link to Post #52
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    Default Re: Link between WiFi and quality of life. Personal observations.

    I made two observations in the course of the last year, both personal and subjective.

    I spent the last months in West African countries and often chose places to stay where wifi was provided, though a generally very slow and unstable connection. Whenever I spent time on the net while sitting or lying on beds or matresses (rarely I had a desk) I always had the strong impuls to put the iPad down onto my body. On the chest, the belly, close next to my head or under the pillow (!) to sleep on it. There was even the recurring thought how sweet it would be to sleep with my face put directly on the screen. Wtf? Of course I didn‘t do that but I had to fight the impulse constantly.

    In Europe I never noticed such an impulse before (well, now in hindsight, I‘ve a kind of subtle, faint memory it may have occured, but rarely and it hadn’t entered consciousness fully at the time). It has not occured anymore since I‘m back.

    My suspicion that - beyond the sophisticated technology developed by humans - we are confronted with a kind of consciousness, an autonomous, conscious entity, has just grown.

    So in West Africa there‘s only 3G networks by now (for the most part). Sure 3G, even 2G have/had an impact on human neural communication. But then I’ve learnt that there‘s the plan to put 20,000 satellites into Earth‘s orbit beaming 5G frequencies to garantee total smart technology to even the least hidden places on earth. In fact 12,000 of them are already in place. What in hell are they doing?

    The other observation isn‘t less disturbing. I never think, read or talk, let alone search anything on the net about physical death (except regarding spiritual aspects, f. e. reincarnation) It‘s just not an active topic. Last week I did, with someone in their 80s and 90s, extensively and emotionally not fully uncharged. Wifi was available, but not activated. Back home I thought about it and what popped up when I accessed the net? Two different ads for funeral undertakers. I‘ve heard people talking about such before, it seems common. It also was not the first such incidence for me.

    One could argue, that such ads are frequent and I noticed it only now because it was an active topic for me. One could also argue that I had this close, even intimate attachment to the iPad because it was the device that connected me with my family back home. I explored these possibilities well and - no. No. No.
    Last edited by Iloveyou; 6th May 2019 at 07:50.

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  25. Link to Post #53
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Link between WiFi and quality of life. Personal observations.

    Quote Posted by Iloveyou (here)
    My suspicion that - beyond the sophisticated technology developed by humans - we are confronted with a kind of consciousness, an autonomous, conscious entity, has just grown.
    Highlighted for emphasis!

    I think this is potentially enormously significant. I've thought the same thing myself, but have NEVER heard anyone else express that.

    Back in the late 90s, I vigorously resisted e-mail and even the whole internet. I sensed something trying to suck me in... literally.

    In the end, I was persuaded to connect to the net by a friend, who said — and I remember the words: "You have the world's biggest reference library just standing there with open doors and free access, and you're walking on by."

    I still sense a huge trap for us all, like some kind of giant lobster pot. Years after my own misgivings (and I have ALWAYS felt there was something VERY VERY VERY wrong with Facebook), academics are now starting to write books and research papers about all this.

    But it's impossible now for the human race to reverse out of it. It IS a giant lobster pot, and there seems no escape. Behind it (and I thank Iloveyou for broaching the taboo subject), I do seriously suspect there's a malevolent intelligence.

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  27. Link to Post #54
    Avalon Member Isserley's Avatar
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    Default Re: Link between WiFi and quality of life. Personal observations.

    Can we be sure that this sophisticated technology was in fact developed by humans? could be that some other species/entities imposed it on us, we embraced it with such enthusiasm as it has enabled us countless possibilities and now we are on the verge of being overruned by it..
    reminds me of Maynard's song Disillusioned

    Regarding wifi and network technology in general, Croatia announced that we'll be the first to introduce 5G technology by 2020. https://www.t.ht.hr/en/Press/press-r...n-Croatia.html

    This is terrible given the fact that other "more developed" EU countries - Germany and Belgium, put 5G implementation on hold in their countries because the existing 4G technology is proven to be quite damaging to all life. Harmful effects of mobile towers and generally electromagnetic radiation are becoming increasingly evident. Croatia is obviously an experimental rabbit in this story and that is a defeating fact.

    Last edited by Isserley; 6th May 2019 at 17:11.
    Is every mind connected to form a peer to peer network that creates the illusion of a shared reality, making the appearance of material reality a simulation created through shared beliefs?

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  29. Link to Post #55
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    Default Re: Link between WiFi and quality of life. Personal observations.

    I have noticed that when doing a healing on people who are using mobile phones or technology that they have a new auric field around them which can extend out to two or three foot. This auric field which I now call the EMF body, is the closest band around the human body followed by the other energy bands that are normally there. These other bands are generally called the mental, emotional and causal. The EMF body pushes the others outward and displaces them. What this means is that the EMF body becomes part of the consciousness of the person and is fueled by EMFs and phones etc. This may explain the addiction to phones etc as it craves to be fed and energised. When cleared by grounding or healing the person reports feeling "weird" and out of balance and of course they go straight back into EMFs and put it all back.

    I suspect that frequencies feed and manipulate this band of energy and affect the mental, emotional and spiritual well being of that person making it hard to connect to source and their spiritual nature. Once this band takes over people are swallowed up in technology and walk about constantly staring at screens. The wider the band, the bigger the disconnect. This disconnect is also connected up to the nano which is in the air, water, food and soil and of course our bodies. The microbiome is being changed by Glyphosphate to produce gut bacteria that respond to negative frequencies and are actually producing frequencies and toxins. That and the heavy metal exposure which of course makes us all antenna.

    This means that we are being changed from both the outside and inside. Once we realise what a multi-pronged attack is being perpetrated we can get closer to finding solutions.

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  31. Link to Post #56
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    Default Re: Link between WiFi and quality of life. Personal observations.

    Thanks for that. The one thing that kept me sane by now is the knowledge of

    Consciousness-Over-Mind-Over-Matter and Consciousness=Heart Consciousness.

    What when it comes to Consciousness versus Consciousness?

    Is there any way to get/stay immune to EMFs despite being immersed in and surrounded by the field?

    I‘ve turned off my wifi connection now and reactivated my old desktop computer. Never had a cell phone anyway. I‘ll see how it goes.

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  33. Link to Post #57
    Canada Avalon Member TomKat's Avatar
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    Default Re: Link between WiFi and quality of life. Personal observations.

    Quote Posted by Indigris (here)
    My mother had a 2-year period about 5 or so years ago where she would get head-splitting migraines on a regular basis. There would be times where for weeks at a time, she'd be in non-functional pain, and no amount of pain killers or water or good food would help. The only thing that worked was going to the ER (hospital), and getting a special injection that was a very, very heavy painkiller. Unfortunately, in America, where everything is a business, we could do this rarely, because it cost us thousands of dollars each time (which my mother refused to pay, and took the credit hit for instead, which, since America is a business and the entire system is based off of credit, meant she couldn't get loans for cars, houses, or even apply for uni if she wanted to. Luckily we had a house and car already).
    I just listened to someone talking about this on PI Matrix (Revolution Radio). He said headaches are a common reaction to radio frequency pollution. He said to get an Acousticom2 and test your environment's level of radio frequency pollution.

    I don't use wifi much at home. I turned off the wifi on my main router (which connects to the cable modem via ethernet). I use ethernet through the powerline outlets to connect my computers to the main router. I also have a 2nd router, wifi-enabled, that I plug in when I temporarily need to access wifi for tablets or phones that don't support ethernet, then I unplug it.

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  35. Link to Post #58
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    Default Re: Link between WiFi and quality of life. Personal observations.

    I just counted the amount of wiFy transmitters around me - 9 Since the late 1990's !
    I have a micro-cell repeater for cellphone use

    I also have numerous blue-tooth systems running continually.

    Not only is my health perfect, there are no headaches, no fuzzies, no nothin out of the ordinary.

    I even recently stopped by a cellphone tower which has been testing 5G - it feels FINE..

    I wonder why I feel great?

    (Maybe I don't buy into the fear mongering across so much media?)

    Note to self - enjoying the ability to stay in touch across the planet, being able to connect to my computers wirelessly, being able to talk on UHF (microwave), being able to use Cellphone to me is a great assistance to MY way of life.

    Obviously there are those who don't want convenience and are afraid of it. I understand and that is perfectly fine to be afraid and to listen to and believe every negative out there to progress.. God bless of course - once one finds there really are no problems, it seems a whole bit more obvious looking at sky is falling warnings.. just what that did for one.. As they say an ounce of prevention.. if there tho is no need to worry, making oneself sick is easy to do if one buys into what "everyone says"..

    I like my environment. Wify on, routers on or off, cellphones on or off, or microwave oven on or off - none of that has created ONE IOTA of inconvenience, or harm or sickness or malady. NONE.

    useful references of note:

    *** https://projectavalon.net/forum4/show...=1#post1221688


    Last edited by Bob; 8th May 2019 at 00:20.

  36. Link to Post #59
    Canada Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Link between WiFi and quality of life. Personal observations.

    Quote Posted by TargeT (here)
    Quote Posted by ghostrider (here)
    There's a company in Sweden that sells small pendants, key chains , etc that are said to absorb the harmful effects of wi-fi and cell phones called Neutralwise ...

    there's no way they could work, WIFI uses omnidirectional antenna (broad casts in every direction).... this whole thing doesn't make sense; products like that just re-enforce my take on this topic, it's meant to take advantage of those who are easily spooked and know very little technical data.
    TargetT you've made your position very clear.
    We must be very careful here in understanding what you said above.

    1. Products like the one mentioned above are bogus.
    2. People who buy/use them are being taken advantage of.
    3. Those who buy/use the products aren't genuinely affected physically by Wifi signals.

    1. Correct.
    2. Correct.
    3. Incorrect.

  37. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to DaveToo For This Post:

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  38. Link to Post #60
    Canada Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Link between WiFi and quality of life. Personal observations.

    Quote Posted by Bob (here)
    I just counted the amount of wiFy transmitters around me - 9 Since the late 1990's !
    I have a micro-cell repeater for cellphone use

    I also have numerous blue-tooth systems running continually.

    Not only is my health perfect, there are no headaches, no fuzzies, no nothin out of the ordinary.

    I even recently stopped by a cellphone tower which has been testing 5G - it feels FINE..

    I wonder why I feel great?

    (Maybe I don't buy into the fear mongering across so much media?)...

    Obviously there are those who don't want convenience and are afraid of it. I understand and that is perfectly fine to be afraid and to listen to and believe every negative out there to progress.. God bless of course - once one finds there really are no problems, it seems a whole bit more obvious looking at sky is falling warnings.. just what that did for one.. As they say an ounce of prevention.. if there tho is no need to worry, making oneself sick is easy to do if one buys into what "everyone says"..
    Bob I wouldn't try to project on this subject.

    First of all, we are all different. There is a percentage of humans who are extremely sensitive to all things physical. I belong to this group.
    It has its benefits but also can be a curse.

    I had my first experience with a cell phone around 15 years ago when my brother handed me his to speak to his wife.
    The second I brought it close to my ear I could feel a strong tingling in my head that was very uncomfortable.

    I put off buying a cellphone for years and though I have one now, I turn it on only for emergency calls.
    I bought a model that has the lowest SAR value on the market.
    Despite that, when I turn on off airplane mode to make a call I can feel the signals from the phone in the temples of my head.
    It is not pleasant.

    I have an extremely low-powered portable Wifi router that I use occasionally in my home. The signal is so weak that it's difficult
    to maintain a good connection even in the same room as the router!
    I turn off my wired cable router/modem at night time.

    To give you an idea of just how sensitive I am to EMF's Bob and TargetT, I need to keep my desktop computer in an adjoining room to where
    I work. Only the monitor and keyboard are with me.
    This is set up so I don't have to listen to the hard drive or feel the computer's EMF's.

    I am also sensitive to any SATA hard drive or solid state drive.
    As well I am sensitive to certain USB memory sticks, usually the bigger/higher capacity (more juice flowing through them) the more I feel them in my temples.

    As I said in the beginning we are all different.
    In my case I can feel when my body is warning me about something harmful.

    Many people who like you Bob, thought their health was perfect and couldn't feel any ill-effects later came down with tumors in their brains
    and other parts of their bodies where they kept their cellphones stored.
    Check out the women who developed breast cancer after storing their cellphones in their bras.

  39. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to DaveToo For This Post:

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