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Thread: The British Pedogate

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    Great Britain Avalon Member Baby Steps's Avatar
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    Default The British Pedogate

    The British Pedogate

    Well, perhaps this has been done to death, not least on Project Avalon. Check out the excellent threads within this sub-category.

    However perhaps there is a need for a go-to that contains as much as possible. Normies are subject to an increasing tide of credible coverage in the British Press, but what has not entered the mass consciousness (yet) is the idea that these are more than mere piecemeal scandals, the odd ‘bad apple’ politician, Priest etc.

    This vile sickness penetrates the establishment, and PERSISTS because the elite is complicit in covering it up. Why? Because the Elite are engaged in this behaviour, it is a kind of right of passage for those wishing to cosy up to them. Almost obligatory.

    Yet this behaviour or lust or drive is totally unnatural to most humans. There is no genetic reason for it to have evolved. It may be rooted in abuse creating abusers, but at a deeper level, there has to be an entity dimension to it. Either the behaviour brings in the entities, or the freewill human invites in the entity, which then drives the human in this direction, for esoteric reasons.

    Then you have the question of what ‘entities’ are lurking within our elites. The evidence is voluminous, and looking at it properly will assist the normies to start asking the deeper questions.

    I hesitated to start this due to time pressure, however the article I found was so comprehensive that I thought it worth sharing.

    To all, please dump in here as much good information as possible. I know, once it is built up, it will be a resource.

    There are so many strands worth including, just for starters:
    - Jill Dando Murder
    - Jimmy Saville (see this excellent thread)
    - The Churches
    - The Thatcher cabinet pedo-ring
    - May & Hague covering up the above
    - The Royals
    - MI5 vetting known Pedo’s
    - Madeleine McCann (includes Podestas and a Freud)
    - Gislaine Maxwell
    - School abuse
    - Mark Thompson
    - Cyril Smith MP
    - ‘British fight’ drops & campaigns
    - Grooming gangs & ‘Tommy Robinson’
    - Margaret Hodge, the Islington cover up
    - Care home child prostitution
    Last edited by Baby Steps; 16th December 2018 at 16:03.
    we have subcontracted the business of healing people to Companies who profit from sickness.

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    Great Britain Avalon Member Baby Steps's Avatar
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    Default Re: The British Pedogate

    Kim Holleman

    11 Sep 2017

    The UK Pedogate and US Pizzagate Analogues
    #Politics #PedoGate #PizzaGate #PrinceAndrew #JeffEpstein #BillClinton

    We believe it-as long as it's the UK version.
    The US “Pizzagate” as it has now become known, has its analogue in the recent pedophile scandal(s), involving the British elite, which included more than one Knighted politicianand a former Prime Minister, as well as Jeff Epstein friend, Prince Andrew. The British media historically silenced and attempted to cover up and obfuscate facts, before finally admitting it was true.

    New investigations have revealed pedophile rings operating out of multiple UK children’s care homes with half-hearted investigations and thwarted prosecutions spanning the last 30 years.
    The UK has been plagued with child care home abuse scandals with multiple coverupaccusations made against Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, lost evidence, even suspicions that pedophile ring whistleblowers had been murdered. Similarly, some US mainstream media began misreporting and then “debunking” misrepresentations of the allegations uncovered in Wikileaks. Some mainstream responses to the information were focused on how the leaks occurred, rather than dealing with the content inside the materials.
    Rise of the Citizen-Researcher
    This left a gap in investigative journalism, prompting the rise of “Citizen-Journalists” and “Citizen-Researchers”. This independent, crowd-led investigation caught fire after it was revealed by researchers and other sites that Mark Thompson, Chief Executive Officer of the NY Times -which was denying the evidence of an American pedophile scandal- was the same Mark Thompson, Former Director-General of the BBC, accused of lying to cover up the British Pedophile scandal.
    Therefore, when the BBC published a contemporary article alleging the American pedophile scandal was fake, researchers saw it as an indication that the allegations were true. People began researching independently and started posting caches of information gleaned from the leaks on the front page of the internet an interesting twist, reddit banned the entire thread of research on the alleged criminal network. Ironically, rather than crush the investigation, it spread the investigation laterally, across multiple platforms. Citizen researchers disseminated the information and added to it, creating more researchers in the wake of the ban.
    FBI Anonymous on 4chan
    People had already began dialoguing online with “FBI Anon” on 4chan by late 2016. Among other things, the AMAs (Ask Me Anything) predicted a series of pedophile-related arrests taking place after the Presidential Inauguration on January 20, 2017. They described a wave of arrests, first dealing with low level arrests, moving on to mid-level arrests and ending in highest-level arrests.
    It would be impossible to prove that this was a dialogue with a real “FBI insider”. True or not, this seemed to fuel a new wave of investigation, as researchers turned to older Wikileaks, cross referencing old materials with new leads and publishing even more information online.

    Active Suppression

    Since the onset of the independent investigations there has been active suppression of research on Reddit, 4Chan, and Twitter via mass post deletions and DDoS attacks, while “skeptical” articles claiming to "debunk" misstated and mischaracterized pizzagate theories begun appearing, pushing search results pertaining to the actual #Pizzagate research further and further down in search results online.

    Historically, there has been documentary after documentary and scattered reports about pedophilia and ritual abuse in elite circles. Cory Feldman and Elijah Wood have discussed it in Hollywood. The “Boy’s Town“ allegations in Nebraska were outlined in the documentary Conspiracy of Silence. Similarly- a Jerry Sandusky victim claimed Sandusky was only part of a much larger pedophile ring, implicating the foster care organization Sandusky founded, The Second Mile Foundation, as well as Penn State University.

    Internationally, US soldiers were told to ignore violent pedophilia in the Afghani military ranks even when it occurred on US military bases, as high-level Pentagon staffers were caught buying child porn while the investigation seemed to be swept under the rug. Global-level pedophilia coverups from within the Catholic church is contemporary to the alleged pedophilia ring going all the way to the top of UNICEF, also known as the United Nations Children’s Fund.

    Six Degrees of Separation

    The Madeleine McCann Abduction Investigation receives extended funding with a “new lead” on a suspect. Madeleine McCann’s abduction from Praia da Luz, Portugal made worldwide headlines in May of 2007. When the McCann’s became persons of interest, their PR Agent stepped down from the case, and Clarence Mitchell, stepped away from his position as Director of the Media Monitoring Unit at the British Government’s Central Office of Information, to represent the McCanns. He also signed on to work for FreudCommunications, run by Sir Clement Freud’s son, Matthew Freud. March 12-June 12

    Sir Clement Freud invited the McCann’s to dinner in Portugal, 2 months after the abduction. His villa was situated 1/3 of a mile away from where Maddy was abducted. Once Sir Clement Freud was posthumously exposed as a long-time serial child predator who’d also had unusual contact with the McCann’s, police turned their attention towards him. When it was determined he was not in the country at the time of the abduction, online researchers began looking at everyone connected to Sir Clement Freud-and began wondering if there was a connection to the information uncovered in Wikileaks.
    Sir Clement Freud’s son, Matthew Freud, is the great-grandson of “father” of psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud and is doubly related to the “father” of public relations, Edward Bernays. A former BBC Journalist, Matthew Freud was married to media-mogul Rupert Murdoch’s daughter, Elisabeth Murdoch. Both Matthew and his late brother, painter Lucien Freud had close relationships with Jacob Rothschild. Rothschild’s 50 year friend and American counterpart, the late David Rockefeller, funds the Partnership for Public Service through his organization, the Rockefeller Brother’s Fund. The Partnership for Public Service publishes the Presidential Transition Guide, which instructs the President elect how to act as President.
    Freud Communication’s wunderkind Sara Latham- who moved on when the McCann’s spokesman joined Freud’s Communications- was a consultant to the Clinton Foundation, White House Staff to Bill Clinton, a communications advisor for Tony Blair, was appointed to Obama’s transition team in 2008 and became Senior Advisor to Hillary Clinton.
    Most recently in the 2016 Presidential Election, Sarah Latham was John Podesta’s Chief of Staff.

    A Small Club


    Prince Andrew, Virginia Roberts (17) and Ghislaine Maxwell

    Virginia Roberts filed suit against Prince Andrew in 2011 and has for years maintained she was prostituted by Ghislaine Maxwell (pictured above) and Jeff Epstein (pictured below) and was raped by Prince Andrew as well as Alan Dershowitz. Though she was not successful in joining the current lawsuit of other women (Jane Does #1-4) against Jeff Epstein, she has nonetheless, been fighting in court for years.


    The Daily Mail Prince Andrew, with an unnamed young woman, not his wife.

    Prince Andrew and convicted/registered child sex offender, Jeff Epstein The Daily Mail
    Jeff Epstein made sensational headlines across NY and Palm Beach when he was arrested and eventually convicted of solicitation of a minor and made to register as a child sex offender. He has faced multiple lawsuits regarding his sexual assault, rape and exploitation of underage girls. He has reportedly settled lawsuits from more than 30 "Jane Doe" victims since 2008; the youngest alleged victim was 12 years old at the time of her abuse.
    The Guardian states:
    In 2006, the FBI opened an investigation into allegations that Epstein had been paying for sex with underage girls at his Palm Beach mansion for years. By the following year federal prosecutors said they had identified 40 young women who may have been illegally procured by Epstein.
    In 2008, however, the federal inquiry was dropped after Epstein negotiated a deal with prosecutors in which he agreed to plead guilty to a relatively minor state charge relating to soliciting paid sex with a minor – a 14-year-old girl. He served 13 months of an 18-month sentence and is now a registered sex offender.
    Epstein and The Prince are close enough that Epstein actually paid off debts for Prince Andrew's ex wife, Sarah Ferguson, The Dutchess of York. According to the BBC, "in March 2011 - he [Prince Andrew] came in for a steady stream of criticism over his friendship with US tycoon Jeffrey Epstein, who was jailed for sex offenses. There were even calls for him to step down then."


    Jeff Epstein and Ghislaine Maxwell Schildhorn/McMulllan

    Virginia Roberts also sued Ghislaine Maxwell and that case was settled this year under confidential terms.
    Ghislaine Maxwell supposedly worked as Epstein's madame. "She said she worked for a very wealthy gentleman called Jeffrey Epstein who was looking for a traveling masseuse and I'd get training and be paid large amounts of money," Roberts told the Mail.
    "Jeffrey said he wanted to be my mentor," says Miss Roberts. "I felt that he and Ghislaine really cared for me. We'd do family things, like watch Sex And The City and eat popcorn.
    "But it was a sick family. I was a paedophile's top girl, being trained up for a British Prince. He trained me to do whatever a man wanted.


    Ghislaine Maxwell at the wedding of Chelsea Clinton Getty Images


    Prince Andrew and President Bill Clinton NY Magazine

    Bill Clinton is a known womanizer, but has also been accused of rape, sexual assault and unwanted sexual contact by many women, outlined here in The Washington Post's well organized guide to Bill Clinton's womanizing and different instances of him being accused of rape.
    The relationship between Clinton, Epstein and Maxwell goes way back. New York Magazine's profile of Jeff Epstein before his incarceration for soliciting a minor, mentions all three in the following excerpt:
    Friends of the two [Epstein and Maxwell] say that Maxwell, whose social life has always been higher-octane than Epstein's, lent a little pizzazz to the lower-profile Epstein. Indeed, at a party at Maxwell's house, her friends say, one is just as apt to see Russian ladies of the night as one is to see Prince Andrew. The Oxford-educated Maxwell, described by many as a man-eater (she flies her own helicopter and was recently seen dining with Clinton at Nello's on Madison Avenue)
    What's curious here is that the NY Magazine profile of Jeff Epstein seems to oddly corroborate Virginia Robert's claims made during an interview by The Daily Mail, published by Gawker:
    Roberts alleges that she was forced to have sex with Prince Andrew three times, the first during a visit to London. "Andrew was making eye contact with me at every chance and concentrating on my plunging V-neck top," she told the Mail. "He didn't ask me anything about myself. I just sat there with a smile frozen on my lips. Ghislaine had whispered, 'The Prince seems really interested in you.'"
    Roberts claims that Epstein paid her about $15,000 for sleeping with the Prince, the Mail reports. Also: "There is no suggestion that the Prince knew that Epstein paid her."
    The second time she was coerced into having sex with the prince was at Epstein's Manhattan apartment, Roberts claims; the third alleged time was on Epstein's Caribbean island, where a group of Russian models were flown in for an orgy.
    Of course, once his Epstein's allegations went to trial, it was also reveled by Gawker and confirmed in FAA flight logs (page 8) that Bill Clinton was on Jeff Epstein's plane nicknamed the, "Lolita Express" many times-as was Alan Dershowitz.


    Federal Aviation Administration Flight Logs, Evidence in Edwards (Virginia Roberts) vs. Epstein

    Virginia Roberts claimed Epstein made her have sex with Alan Dershowitz and others, including Britain's Prince Andrew, on multiple occasions. This suit was filed and Dershowitz denied all allegations. A countersuit was brought by Dershowitz against Robert's lawyers which ended in a settlement. The following portion of the joint statementis of particular note:

    Brad Edwards, Paul Cassell and Alan Dershowitz have today settled their pending defamation claims in which Edwards and Cassell sued Dershowitz and Dershowitz counterclaimed against Edwards and Cassell. The case was about Dershowitz's public claims that Edwards and Cassell, as the attorneys for Virginia Roberts, had failed to perform the necessary due diligence before filing the allegations of their client, not whether the acts of alleged misconduct in fact occurred.
    The federal non-prosecution agreement made at the time of Epstein's "sweetheart deal" organized by Alan Dershowitz-one of Epstein's "Dream Team" lawyers- excludes prosecution of those who allegedly procured minors for Epstein and also any power-brokers who may have molested them. Although Dershowitz wasn't a signatory to the plea agreement, the latest filings in Roberts's case against Epstein accuse Dershowitz of essentially negotiating his own immunity:
    Dershowitz would later play a significant role in negotiating the NPA on Epstein's behalf. Indeed, Dershowitz helped negotiate an agreement that provided immunity from federal prosecution in the Southern District of Florida not only to Epstein, but also to "any potential co-conspirators of Epstein". . . . Thus, Dershowitz helped negotiate an agreement with a provision that provided protection for himself against criminal prosecution in Florida for sexually abusing Jane Doe #3.
    [Jane Doe #3: Virginia Roberts]
    Given this context, does it seem reasonable that some of these cases of “VIP pedophile rings” might be connected?
    Given the wealth of historical facts about all of these people, evidentiary court findings leading to convictions and statements and associations, is it really so impossible to think that Bill and Hillary Clinton and financial/political power-brokers John and Tony Podesta would be involved?
    Kim Holleman writes about politics, media, and society for Artsci, Newslogue, and on Patreon, and is the American Editor at State Of Globe News Service. Visiting Scholar & Research Affiliate at MIT Media Lab (2013-2017).
    Last edited by Baby Steps; 3rd August 2018 at 13:00.
    we have subcontracted the business of healing people to Companies who profit from sickness.

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    Default Re: The British Pedogate

    Sickening: Jehovah's Witnesses accused of silencing victims of child abuse in the UK

    Sarah Marsh The Guardian, UK
    Sun, 25 Mar 2018 07:54 UTC

    More than 100 people have made allegations of mistreatment. © Alicia Canter

    More than 100 people have contacted the Guardian with allegations of child sexual abuse and other mistreatment in Jehovah's Witness communities across the UK.

    Former and current members, including 41 alleged victims of child sexual abuse, described a culture of cover-ups and lies, with senior members of the organisation, known as elders, discouraging victims from coming forward for fear of bringing "reproach on Jehovah" and being exiled from the congregation and their families.

    A Guardian investigation also heard from 48 people who experienced other forms of abuse, including physical violence when they were children, and 35 who witnessed or heard about others who were victims of child grooming and abuse.

    The stories told to the Guardian ranged from events decades ago to more recent, and many of those who came forward have now contacted the police.

    They told the Guardian about:
    • An organisation that polices itself and teaches members to avoid interaction with outside authorities.
    • A rule set by the main governing body of the religion that means for child sexual abuse to be taken seriously there must be two witnesses to it.
    • Alleged child sex abuse victims claiming they were forced to recount allegations in front of their abuser.
    • Young girls who engage in sexual activity before marriage being forced to describe it in detail in front of male elders.
    A solicitor representing some of the alleged victims said she believed there were thousands of complainants in the UK and that the people who have contacted the Guardian were "just the tip of the iceberg".

    One alleged victim, Rachel Evans, who has waived her right to anonymity, claimed there was a paedophile ring active in the 1970s, although details of the case cannot be divulged due to a current investigation.
    "Within the Jehovah's Witnesses there is an actual silencing and also a network where if someone went to the elders and said 'there is a problem with this' and they believe you, the whole thing will be dealt with in-house. But often these people are not dealt with, they are either moved to another congregation or told to keep their head down for a few years," she said.
    Another victim, who did not want to be named, said she was abused by a ministerial servant (someone with congregational responsibilities) in the organisation in the 1970s.
    "I was sexually abused many times a week from the age of three until I was 12. Congregation elders knew that when I told them, at 12, what had been happening. No steps were taken to tell the police. I had to tell three male senior figures what had happened. Imagine that? A young girl telling a bunch of men what this man did to me. I wasn't even allowed to have my mother there with me."
    After she went to the police about what had happened, the person who abused her pleaded guilty and was eventually convicted. "The Jehovah's Witnesses should lose their charity status as they are not protecting children," she added. She said she had mental health issues as a result of what happened and how it was dealt with.

    Jason Munro, another alleged victim of sexual abuse who waived his right to anonymity, could not give details of his case due to a current investigation but said:
    "I am completely horrified by the Jehovah's Witnesses ... I didn't get support and I experienced 10 years of abuse. Elders knew in my teens about the abuse but it was never a case of 'let's get this person the professional help he needs'."
    When a Jehovah's Witness experiences sexual abuse they are supposed to report it to elders, who are always men, who will take further action if there is a second witness to the offence. The perpetrator will then be called before a judicial committee if they admit abuse or if there is a second witness.
    "This causes further trauma to the victim and coupled with the two-witness rule, is undoubtedly the reason that so many victims have never reported it," said Kathleen Hallisey, senior solicitor in the abuse team at Bolt Burdon Kemp, who is currently acting on behalf of 15 alleged victims.
    She also noted that the problem with the two-witness rule in the context of sexual abuse was that there were rarely witnesses to it, "meaning that [these] reports ... are usually dismissed".

    It has been reported that the headquarters of the Jehovah's Witnesses in the UK, the Watch Tower, holds a database of abuse allegations made within the organisation but has yet to hand it over to authorities.

    The Charity Commission launched an investigation in 2013 looking into the Manchester New Moston congregation of Jehovah's Witnesses, concluding that it did not deal adequately with allegations of child abuse made against one of the trustees.

    The commission is still running an inquiry into the main government body of the group, the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Britain. This is examining the child safeguarding policy and procedures further.

    Following the investigation into the Manchester New Moston congregation last year, the Watch Tower changed its policy so that victims are no longer required to confront their abuser face to face.

    A former elder, who was asked to investigate a child abuse case in 2007, claimed he was urged not to contact the police, although it was decided that the perpetrator should not be assigned to work with children.

    However, the then elder - who left in 2012 over how the case was handled - said that this rule was not followed by everyone and when he raised this as a concern he was told to back off.
    "I hugely regret the fact that I wasn't able to do anything at the time and I didn't have the strength. And that lives with me," he said.
    Other former Jehovah's Witnesses told how they were forced to share personal sexual experiences at a young age, after breaking rules set by the religion.

    One woman, who wished to be anonymous, was called to a meeting with elders after she had sex at 15, which goes against the rule of no sex before marriage.
    "This meeting was three older men and me, a scared 15-year-old, who had just had sex for the first time. They had to know all the details before they chose my punishment," she said.

    "I had to answer questions like, did it hurt? Where were you? Did you enjoy it? I don't think any child that age should ever be in that situation."
    A former elder described how a congregation responded when a 13-year-old girl had sex. A judicial committee was called, and she was disfellowshipped and eventually asked to leave her parents' house.

    The Guardian also heard from those who described strict upbringings and a culture of hierarchy which meant physical and other psychological abuse were rife and often ignored.

    Stephanie, a former Jehovah's Witness, said that when she reported her own experience of domestic violence she was told by elders to do nothing.

    The accused "remained in the congregation with privileges and authority. Later, when I came out to the congregation elders as gay, they sent two men to my house ... and asked me in detail about sex and masturbation," she alleged.

    Operation Hydrant, a British police investigation into allegations of non-recent child sexual abuse, said that it was dealing with 45 potential victims of child abuse within a Jehovah's Witness setting. It said allegations could be made by a third party which either identifies - or does not identify - a potential victim.

    Based on the Guardian's findings, the commission said its inquiry into the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society of Britain, the Jehovah's Witnesses' governing body in the UK, was continuing and it encouraged anyone affected by safeguarding in congregations of Jehovah's Witnesses in England and Wales to come forward.

    Hallisey said:
    "Given the number of Jehovah's Witnesses in the UK, and what we know about the pervasiveness of abuse in the organisation, there are likely to be hundreds and probably thousands more victims. This is truly just the tip of the iceberg."
    She said the independent inquiry into child sexual abuse should investigate.
    "It is absolutely critical that IICSA investigates the Jehovah's Witnesses ... This is actually a public safety issue. The person knocking on your door or handing you literature in the street could be an accused or even admitted paedophile," she said.
    An IICSA spokesperson said that while it was currently delivering its existing programme, the panel would "consider calls for a Jehovah's Witnesses-specific investigation carefully" as work progressed.

    In a statement, the Jehovah's Witnesses said that safeguarding children was of the utmost importance. They said that a victim and their family had the right to report allegations of child abuse to the police, and that the principle of sufficient evidence was a scriptural rule not related to reporting an allegation of crime to the authorities. "Elders treat victims of child abuse with compassion, understanding, and kindness. Elders will conduct a scriptural investigation of every allegation of child sexual abuse," they said.

    Last edited by Hervé; 3rd August 2018 at 21:08.
    "La réalité est un rêve que l'on fait atterrir" San Antonio AKA F. Dard

    Troll-hood motto: Never, ever, however, whatsoever, to anyone, a point concede.

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    Default Re: The British Pedogate

    Add former British Prime Minister, Sir Edward Heath to that... (and possible murderer of at least one boy on an infamous boating trip on Heath's yacht) - "vested interests" are still trying to keep a lid on that one - here's some related searches/links:


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    Avalon Member Eva2's Avatar
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    I found this alarming and difficult to watch someone try to justify and "understand" this kind of behaviour.

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    Great Britain Avalon Member Baby Steps's Avatar
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    Default Re: The British Pedogate

    Former Police Detectives Maggie Oliver and Jon Wedger exposing the endemic cover up of child abuse by the police. If you want to help it is so important that you like, comment, SHARE & follow this page for further updates. Please subscribe to Jon’s new YouTube channel


    Last edited by Baby Steps; 5th August 2018 at 11:35.
    we have subcontracted the business of healing people to Companies who profit from sickness.

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    A Voice from the Mountains (7th August 2018), BMJ (5th August 2018), Fansongecho (26th November 2018), Flowerpunkchip (13th January 2019), Foxie Loxie (5th August 2018), Hervé (7th August 2018), Ivanhoe (13th August 2018), janette (18th October 2021), Jayke (5th August 2018), Michelle Marie (6th August 2018), norman (7th August 2018), Reinhard (4th September 2018), Zanshin (7th August 2018)

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    Great Britain Avalon Member Baby Steps's Avatar
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    Default Re: The British Pedogate


    Quote Just how many children were abused in the Islington children’s home abuse scandal, and why did hundreds of children’s files mysteriously disappear in Islington ?

    And yet more than three decades on we still do not know the truth …..

    The main paedophile at the centre of the Islington child abuse scandal went on to abuse children across three continents.

    Had allegations against Bernie Bain, the former head of the children’s home, been properly investigated and believed by Margaret Hodge in the 1980s countless children would have been spared

    But was he the only paedophile to abuse those children? We think not, and furthermore we believe a paedophile ring made up of influential people from backgrounds such as the police and politics were instrumental in the systematic abuse



    I believe that Margaret Hodge is complicit in this scandal as she led the council during that period. She also allegedly had links to the Paedophile information exchange, a pressure group. More on this later.

    It is no coincidence that Hodge is leading the charge on this fake manufactured 'Corbyn is an anti-semite' story. She is a deep state actor, so likely subject to some form of blackmail by MI5. The manufactured media circus is becoming a storm, yet ordinary Corbyn supporters know it is nonsense. So they are having an awakening. They are seeing that as the Tories implode, and Labour gets closer to power, the dirty tricks campaign against him is intensifying.

    Why? Because Corbyn is clean, honest, anti war and likely to follow through on policy to tax the elite- and expose them. You therefore can see clearly who are deep state oriented within labour, by looking at what they say regarding anti semitism.

    Corbyn is an mp in the same area , Islington. It is very likely that he knows all about the abuse, and Hodge's pivotal role in it.
    Last edited by Baby Steps; 17th August 2018 at 13:10.
    we have subcontracted the business of healing people to Companies who profit from sickness.

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    Great Britain Avalon Member Baby Steps's Avatar
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    Default Re: The British Pedogate



    Edward Heath: file in missing dossier identifies his interest/queries re. PIE

    Posted on 4 August, 2015by Undercover1

    For some years allegations had circulated that the late Tory prime minister Edward Heath had been involved with the notorious Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE). Yesterday the IPCC (Independent Police Complaints Commission) announced that it would be investigating a possible cover-up by Wiltshire Police re complaints made against the former prime minster of sexual abuse. Today it was reported that a man alleged he was raped by Mr Heath when he was 12 years old. It is known as fact that Heath visited the Kincora Boys Home in Northern Ireland, the subject of ongoing investigation into child sex abuse (involving MI5, Ulster Unionist paramilitaries, etc). There was also the scandal involving a boys home on the Channel Islands – again a home that Heath regularly visited, together with Jimmy Savile, the entertainer who has been recognised as a serial paedophile offender. Now it has emerged that four separate police forces are investigating the allegations made against Heath: in addition to Wiltshire Constabulary, Kent Police (Operation Hydrant), Jersey Police (Operation Whistle) and the Metropolitan Police (Operation Midland) have each announced investigations. Meanwhile, UndercoverInfo can confirm the name and serial number of the file regarding Mr Heath and his interest/queries re PIE and which was included in the infamous 114 ‘missing files’, believed to have been part of a dossier originally handed to the Home Office by Geoffrey Dickens and subsequently ‘lost’ by the Sir Leon Brittan, the former Home Secretary (and alleged paedophile).
    Update: Hampshire Constabulary has announced it has opened a fifth line of inquiry (no further details at this stage).

    A. The Heath file
    The file that names Heath and his interest/queries re PIE is codenamed CRI 85 0472/0007/001 (see image below). There is no indication what the file on PIE covers; whether it is about questions, or whether it has evidence, or why it is associated with Mr Heath.
    This file was eventually passed to the Government’s records office on 5 March 1990 and included in the ‘114 files’ that were either destroyed or went missing as part of what appears, in retrospect, to have been a concerted cover-up.

    B. The cover-up
    The ‘Westminster paedophile ring’ was first looked into as a result of a dossier presented by the late Labour cabinet minster (later, Social Democrat MEP), Baroness Barbara Castle. Ms. Castle said she had been given copies of classified documents from the Home Office, proving that there was a secret investigation underway into child sex abusers in Parliament. Castle apparently claimed that Heath was one of those implicated.
    After Ms. Castle had collated the dossier, she handed it to Don Hale, the respected editor of her local newspaper, the Bury Messenger. Mr Hale later claimed that a “heavy mob” of Special Branch officers raided his office and confiscated the dossier a day after paedophile Liberal MP Cyril Smith had visited him to demand he bury the story. Labour MP Geoffrey Dickens then presented the Castle dossier (see ‘Appendix E’) to Sir Leon Brittan.
    Some years later Leon Brittan claimed to have lost over 114 files that were alleged to have been about child sex abuse at Dolphin Square and Elm Guest House and PIE. (Brittan was named as an attendee at Elm Guest House by its late owner – Brittan’s Elm Guest House nickname was ‘Roger’.) These missing files were ‘disappeared’ or destroyed but may have been included in a larger list that were identified in a Government internal file that shows over 2000 files as being recorded ‘disappeared’ or missing.
    However, a 23 page archived Government document includes details of all the 114 ‘missing’ files and lists the many MPs who raised questions about child sex abuse scandals.
    Note: Scotland Yard is also reported to have handed to Leon Brittan a dossier naming 15 members of a notorious paedophile group. This file is still unaccounted for (it is not the same file given to Brittan by Geoffrey Dickens) – see here. It’s possible that this file is the same one labelled “Edward Heath… Re. PIE”.

    C. IPCC
    Yesterday the IPCC issued a statement re Mr Heath. It said:
    “This is an investigation into allegations that Wiltshire Police did not pursue a criminal prosecution when a person threatened to expose that Sir Edward Heath may have been involved in offences concerning children. In addition to this allegation, the IPCC will examine whether Wiltshire Police subsequently took any steps to investigate these claims. The allegations were referred to the IPCC by Wiltshire Police following allegations made by a retired senior officer.”
    Superintendent Sean Memory of Wiltshire Police, who is leading the investigation for the force, later added: “The allegation is that a trial was due to take place in the 1990’s and information was received in that trial that Sir Ted Heath was involved in the abuse of children, and the allegation is from the result of that information that the trial never took place. A retired senior police officer has come forward towards the end of 2014 indicating that they were aware of this information. So between then and March this year, we have worked tirelessly to establish the facts of that allegation to a point where in March this year, we have made a mandatory referral to the Independent Police Complaints Commission, which is leading the investigation into whether we did in fact mishandle that case in the 1990’s.”

    D. Allegations

    1. Jersey
    Jersey Police has also said that it was investigating Mr Heath. In a statement it said: “Sir Edward Heath does feature as part of ‘Operation Whistle’, currently investigating historical allegations of abuse in Jersey.” This follows the Jersey care inquiry, which had been looking into allegations of abuse in the island’s care homes, including the Haut de la Garenne children’s home.
    Sir Edward Heath visited Haute de la Garenne many times and reportedly would take young boys sometimes supplied by Jimmy Savile (another regular visitor to the home) for trips with him on his yacht, ‘Morning Cloud’.
    From September 2007, Jersey police took 1,776 statements from 192 alleged victims, identifying 151 alleged abusers relating to the home, though only seven people have been successfully prosecuted.
    The police investigation also examined allegations that children were murdered. In the course of the investigation a total of 65 teeth and around 100 charred fragments of bones were discovered. Most of the dental remains discovered have been identified as children’s milk teeth. Among more than 100 bone fragments found is a tibia from a child’s leg and what police believe is an “intact” adenoid bone from the ear of an infant. These were all retrieved from a fingertip search of the four cellars in the Home’s east wing. Shackles were also found in what was believed to have been a torture chamber.

    2. Kent
    Kent Police said that it had also received, today, an allegation of sexual assault by Heath in the 1960’s.

    3. Westminster
    According to Exaro, a sexually abused survivor, ‘Nick’, alleged that one of the perpetrators of abuse of which he was victim was the late Sir Edward Heath.
    Operation Midland (via the Met Police) is looking at several allegations.

    4. N. Ireland
    Heath was also a visitor to the notorious Kincora boys’ home in Northern Ireland, where child sex abuse was rife and was allegedly used as a blackmail tool by MI5.

    Last edited by Baby Steps; 6th August 2018 at 14:58.
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    Great Britain Avalon Member Baby Steps's Avatar
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    Default Re: The British Pedogate


    Who are they? They use 'Anonymous' style imagery in their videos.

    The facebook group is 'Aslan's Army'

    There are some heavy hitters on there, and it is looking like they will be a nexus for British leaks from within the establishment. I have been told that the scale of the abuse and the figures involved is known by many within the Police, IPCC, and Judiciary. Detailed investigations have taken place and the decision has been made to suppress the information until the big wigs/perps are dead.

    This is a classic delay/suppression and many are unhappy with this. Hence the leaking.

    British fight/Aslan's Army appear to be right wing/Q & Trump loving 'patriots' with a strong strand of Tommy/Islamophobia together with Zionism.

    What matters is that they have info, that they are sharing, and they are researching constantly. Their aim is to expose the corruption, and all power to them with that

    The following lists are of people who have had convictions, so these are not 'allegations':



    COMPILATION 3 - The Rest

    Parliamentary Paedo Rogue's Gallery

    They have started a political party - see below:

    we have subcontracted the business of healing people to Companies who profit from sickness.

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    Default Re: The British Pedogate


    Who was Victor Rothschild?


    The following is from 'British Fight' - treat with caution, research and verify....

    Quote Who was Victor Rothschild?

    What happened to the castle dossier officially?


    This post explores 15 points we have identified to attempt to answer BF's question: see attached Graphic for guide.

    1: Victor Rothschild. Born 1910 died 1990. 3rd Baron Rothschild, senior executive at Royal Dutch Shell and N.M Rothschild and sons, Victor spent his life at the pinnacle of British Society. He advised both the Heath and Thatcher governments, and was known as “the black bag man” because of his control of funding for intelligence covert ops: even more remarkable because Rothschild was a Labour party Lord. Rothschild had his fingers in MANY pies. The following points explore these connections.

    2: Soviet Russia. For Decades, speculation has centred around Victor Rothschild, and whether he was the “5th Man”. As a member of Cambridge Apostles, Rothschild knew Kim Philby, Guy Burgess, Donald Maclean, Anthony Blunt, and John Cairncross. Several researchers believe Rothschild was “the 5th Man” and acted to ensure secrets reached Soviet ears: perhaps to maintain the “balance of power” for his own agenda… including investigative author Roland Perry, who wrote “The Fifth Man” in 1994, implicating Rothschild as a Soviet asset based on interviews with anonymous KGB veterans in Moscow. However, with the key evidence locked away behind British National Security, the definitive proof has proved elusive. What it needs is a whistle-blower… enter British Fight.

    3) Anthony Blunt. Blunt, an Art Historian, was caught and confessed to being a KGB spy in 1964. This was kept secret for a further 15 years, until Margaret Thatcher publicly exposed him in 1979. Like Guy Burgess, Blunt was known to be homosexual, which was a criminal activity at that time in Britain. Both were members of the Cambridge Apostles (also known as the Conversazione Society), a clandestine Cambridge discussion group of 12 undergraduates, mostly from Trinity and King's Colleges who considered themselves to be the brightest minds in the university. Many were homosexual and Marxist at that time. Amongst other members, also later accused of being part of the Cambridge spy ring, were the American Michael Whitney Straight and Victor Rothschild who later worked for MI5. Rothschild gave Blunt £100 to purchase Eliezar and Rebecca by Nicolas Poussin. The painting was sold by Blunt's executors in 1985 for £100,000 (totalling £192,500 with tax remission[) and is now in the Fitzwilliam Museum.
    During those 15 years, it is believed the British ran Blunt as a double agent, and this deception was enhanced by giving him work via the Royal household. When he was exposed, the Queen stripped him of honours and cast Blunt out. Victor Rothschild's status in Royal circles remained beyond question.

    4) The Queen Mother. Anthony Blunt was actually a cousin of the Queen Mother. And this fact was useful to Victor Rothschild, who was known in intelligence circles he became known as “the black bag man”, as he controlled the funding for Black Ops. So trusted was Blunt by the Queen Mother than he was tasked to go to Germany and retrieve all the incriminating evidence of Royal support for Nazi’s, especially letters from the shamed and deposed Edward VIII. Leverage like that was always useful to a man like Rothschild and what he knew about the Royal family certainly made sure they protected him when Blunt was exposed.
    Another Royal scandal with Rothschilds fixing fingerprints was exposed in a book, “the Kincora Scandal”, that connects Lord Dickie Mountbatten to a child prostitution vice ring in Belfast, Ireland. Authorities failed to intervene at the Kincora care home for boys until 1981, despite reports over the years of child sexual abuse.
    The operators of the Kincora child prostitution ring were eventually convicted in 1981 of the RITUAL sexual abuse of defenceless young boys who were sold like prostitutes. No charges were ever brought against the VIP customers of royals, politicians, lawyers, and judges. Belfast citizens had their own reasons to celebrate, quite outside of the question of Irish unification and self-government, when Prince Philip's paedophile uncle, and Prince Charles mentor, was killed by a an IRA bomb planted in his boat.

    5) Ted Heath was Prime Minister of Great Britain 1970-74 and leader of the Conservative party 1965 to 1975. Since his death his connections to Jimmy Saville and child abuse have become notorious, although to this day the establishment continues to maintain a wall of denial and persecutes whistle-blowers of Heath’s crimes. Rothschild was his advisor, and certainly would have known about his proclivities. Connections between Rothschild and Heath go back almost 30 years before, to the friendship Heath developed with the Seligman’s, an elite family who were close friends of the Rothschilds. Knowing Heaths connections to pre-war Nazi Germany, and almost certain recruitment by the BND (German Intelligence) Rothschild’s compromising knowledge of Heath would have given him enormous leverage. Victor Rothschild is also believed to have been the main recruiter for MI6 in the post year wars, and may have recruited Heath direct from Cambridge, before Heath even joined the Conservative Party.

    6) Heute de le Garenne. The notorious Jersey children’s home where multiple reports of child abuse have emerged, as well as stories of Heath taking boys off in his Yacht who never returned (raped then murdered and dumped at sea). Later, Jimmy Saville was intimately connected to Heute de le Garenne and is believed to have procured children for Heath during the 1970’s.

    7) Margaret Thatcher. Leader of the conservative party 1975-1990 and Prime Minister from 1979 to 1990, Thatcher was a revolutionary against the established order, whose neo-liberal economic policies sought to drag Britain out of the moribund economy of the 1970’s. Rothschilds support was vital to this endeavour and the support of the city. At the same time, Thatcher was certainly aware of going ons amongst MP’s and probably approved the suppression of compromising information.

    8) Leon Brittan was home Secretary in 1984, when MP Geoffrey Dickens brought him a dossier naming @25 establishment political paedophiles. Brittan betrayed Dickens and repressed the dossier: it is impossible to believe he did this without Thatcher’s consent. In 1988 Labour MP John Mann brought a copy of the same Dossier to Police in Lambeth in another attempt to get the Dickens Dossier exposed, but again it was repressed from the top. There is speculation Brittan himself was a political paedophile, and again, Thatcher would have been briefed on this.

    9) Barbara Castle is the author of “the Castle Dossier”. A Labour peer, Baroness Castle of Blackburn realised there was elite level paedophilia in parliament and started to put together a dossier of information. Many believe she did her work too well!

    10) Castle passed the Dossier to the editor of her local paper Don Hale. He went on the record to speak about these events after the fact. Giving the Dossier to Hale was a poor idea by Castle, as within hours Hale was visited by…

    11) Cyril Smith. Smith was a liberal MP, a fat pig of a man, who was later exposed as a paedophile. His name most likely was one of those featured in the Castle Dossier: Ted Heath was certainly another. Smith went to see Hale hours after Castle handed over the Dossier. He tried to soft soap Hale and persuade him to do the “right thing” by passing the Dossier to him. Hale refused and kicked him out of his office, but this victory was to be short lived as…

    12) Special Branch, the elite Police squad from Scotland Yard, then visited Hale and pressured him seriously, with all sorts of threats and menaces, including a long stretch in Prison. It was more than Hale could take, and he handed the Dossier over, to be buried for many years, off the back of Officers citing ‘national security’.

    13) The Castle Dossier: has become a legendary treasure trove of elite paedophilia. Not only does it expose those who were active political paedophiles in the 1970’s and before, those names also sponsored and protected modern politicians, who equally assisted to repress information. The Castle Dossier is said to contain which listed 16 MPs along with senior policemen, headteachers and clergy, and explore attempts by members of “PIE” (Paedophile information exchange) to infiltrate the government. The dossier is thought to also attempts by the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) to infiltrate government, while seeking funding and trying to persuade MPs to legalise sex with children. As well as key members of both the Commons and Lords, the Dossier is also thought to name over 30 prominent businessmen, public school teachers, scoutmasters and police officers with links to PIE. But who has the Dossier now? We know a name that claims to know…

    14) British Fight: our favourite intelligence insider group, is telling us they have the Castle Dossier, and want to release it! But in order to do so, British Fight needs to be sure the exposure will be big enough the establishment will be forced to respond. The Castle Dossier is only a part of BF’s information: British Fight has a lot more to release: but to actually get this notorious Dossier into the light of day will be devastating. He needs our help!

    15) Four cities: 12 tunnels. British Fight has placed a cryptic hint in front of us. Research continues to try to narrow this down. At the moment, our best estimation, based on the weight of evidence Research Group has sifted, is:
    London: Belfast: Manchester: Glasgow.
    We are unsure as to WHICH tunnels BF is mentioning (there are MANY) but all four cities have extensive tunnel systems. In addition, the Manchester canal system make all four cities into port cities that would facilitate the covert movement of people. Based on local stories, we believe the Lanyon Tunnels in Belfast are likely involved. Eleven more tunnels to find! Further info-drops from British Fight may revise/expand our conclusions in this area.
    So: Who was Victor Rothschild?:
    An elite “fixer” of the highest level who exerted enormous control over the British Establishment, and whose activities expose many scandals that reveal how power has operated in Britain. This has resulted in the troubled nation Britons live in today: and that British Fight is determined to set free: through TRUTH!
    #AslansArmy #BritishFight #MBGA #wwg1wga #WhoWasVictorRothschild
    Last edited by Baby Steps; 6th August 2018 at 15:06.
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    Great Britain Avalon Member Baby Steps's Avatar
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    Default Re: The British Pedogate

    Quote Posted by KiwiElf (here)
    Add former British Prime Minister, Sir Edward Heath to that... (and possible murderer of at least one boy on an infamous boating trip on Heath's yacht) - "vested interests" are still trying to keep a lid on that one - here's some related searches/links:

    Many thanks - an excellent Mainstream news article (The Independent) that merits reproduction:

    Sir Edward, who led a Conservative government in the early 1970s, died in 2005 aged 89 ( PA )

    Sir Edward Heath would have been interviewed under caution to hear his account of seven allegations against him, the Operation Conifer report states.

    The claims, between 1961 and 1992, relate to a period when Sir Edward was MP for Bexley, MP for Sidcup and MP for Old Bexley and Sidcup.
    He was also Lord Privy Seal for two of the allegations, leader of the Conservative Party for one, Father of the House for one and Secretary of State for Industry, Trade and Regional Development for another.

    The allegations are:
    Allegation 1
    Date of offence: 1961
    Date reported: April 2015
    Location: The Metropolitan Police Service area
    Office: MP for Bexley, Lord Privy Seal
    Summary: Sir Edward allegedly raped and indecently assaulted a male, aged 11, during a paid sexual encounter in private in a dwelling.
    Allegation 2
    Date of offence: 1962
    Date reported: August 2015
    Location: Kent
    Office: MP for Bexley, Lord Privy Seal
    Summary: Sir Edward, in the company of an unknown adult male, allegedly indecently assaulted a 10-year-old boy during a chance encounter in a public place.

    Allegation 3
    Date of offence: around 1964
    Date reported: June 2016
    Location: Sussex and the Metropolitan Police Service area
    Office: MP for Bexley, Secretary of State for Industry, Trade and Regional Development
    Summary: Sir Edward allegedly indecently assaulted a 15-year-old boy during three paid sexual encounters.
    Allegation 4
    Date of offence: 1967
    Date reported: August 2015
    Location: Guernsey
    Office: MP for Bexley, Leader of the Conservative Party (Opposition)
    Summary: Sir Edward allegedly indecently assaulted a 15-year-old boy, not known to him, in private during a chance encounter in a public building.
    Allegation 5
    Date of offence: 1976
    Date reported: February 2016
    Location: Jersey
    Office: MP for Sidcup
    Summary: Sir Edward allegedly assaulted, over clothing, an adult male during a chance encounter at a public event.
    Allegation 6
    Date of offence: about 1992
    Date reported: January 2016
    Location: Wiltshire
    Office: MP for Old Bexley and Sidcup, Father of the House
    Summary: Sir Edward allegedly indecently assaulted an adult male after consent was withdrawn, in what had been a paid consensual sexual encounter in a hotel.

    Allegation 7
    Date of offence: Between 1990 and 1992
    Date reported: August 2015
    Location: Wiltshire
    Office: MP for Old Bexley and Sidcup
    Summary: Sir Edward allegedly indecently assaulted a male, aged between 12 and 14 years, who was not known to him, in private during a chance encounter in private gardens.
    The report states that there is “undermining evidence” for allegation seven, though Sir Edward would still have been interviewed about it under caution.
    we have subcontracted the business of healing people to Companies who profit from sickness.

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    Great Britain Avalon Member Baby Steps's Avatar
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    Default Re: The British Pedogate


    Quote Revealed: Charles' dozens of letters to 'calculating' paedophile bishop as victims demand they are made public

    • Prince Charles is believed to have written to paedophile bishop Peter Ball
    • Ball was jailed two years ago for using his position to groom 18 young men
    • The former Bishop of Gloucester exchanged letters with Prince Charles
    • Clarence House stressed the letters are not connected with Ball's case

    PUBLISHED: 23:59, 26 January 2017 | UPDATED: 01:06, 27 January 2017

    Victims of a paedophile bishop last night called for dozens of letters he received from Prince Charles to be made public.
    Extensive correspondence is understood to exist between the future king and Peter Ball, the 'calculating' former Bishop of Gloucester, who was jailed after admitting exploiting his position to groom and abuse 18 young men.
    The prince's letters now have been handed to an independent inquiry into the case, launched after Ball was convicted two years ago.

    Victims of paedophile bishop Peter Ball, left, have demanded that correspondence between himself and Prince Charles, right, is made public although Clarence House insists there is nothing in the letters which is relevant into the church's handling of Ball's case
    It is not clear what role, if any, they will play in the inquiry which is examining the Church's handling of the Ball case, but Charles has not given any evidence to it either formally or informally nor has he or his team been asked to.
    The content of the letters is unknown, but in a statement yesterday, Clarence House said they believed there was nothing in them which pertained to the case.

    A spokesman for the prince said: 'We do not believe that the letters have any bearing on the issues before the inquiry, but we have not objected to them being shared for their consideration.'
    Royal sources insist it would be perfectly normal for the future king to write to the priest, who in 1992 became Bishop of Gloucester, the diocese in which Charles' country home, Highgrove, sits.
    One said that the existence of letters between the two simply reflected their 'long-standing acquaintance'.

    It is not clear if the prince continued to write to Ball after his well-publicised earlier arrest and police caution for gross indecency against a 17-year-old boy in 1993.
    Ball escaped prosecution for this offence, despite investigators knowing of 'many' more allegations against him, after the police received dozens of supportive letters and calls from MPs, former public headmasters, JPs and even a Lord Chief Justice.
    At the time his lawyers also told the police they had a letter of support from a member of the Royal Family, but prosecutors said they had not seen this correspondence and there is no evidence that this letter even existed.
    However, Ball clearly did continue to enjoy cordial relations with the royals as he read the homily at the funeral of the father of the Duchess of Cornwall in 2006.
    The letters from Charles are understood to have been handed to the Church of England's independent inquiry, which is being led by former council chief executive Dame Moira Gibb.
    A Church of England spokesman said: 'We are supplying the inquiry with all information relevant to the inquiry's purposes as set out in its Terms of Reference.'
    The Government's separate child abuse inquiry is also due to investigate whether there were 'inappropriate attempts by people of prominence to interfere in the criminal justice processes' after Ball was first accused of child sexual offences 24 years ago.
    Phil Johnson, one of Ball's victims and chairman of the Minister and Clergy Sexual Abuse Survivors group, last night called for the letters to be made public in the 'spirit of openness.'
    He said: 'I think the victims have a right to know what is in them. They may of course just be innocent letters between friends. But given the grave concerns about how the case was handled, the public also have a right to know what the future head of state wrote to Ball for the avoidance of any doubt.'

    After his second arrest in 2015, Ball claimed his victims had been 'spiritually uplifted' by his treatment of them. The court heard how he targeted young men seeking spiritual instruction on the Bishop's 'Give a Year for Christ' scheme.
    He changed his plea at the last minute and admitted to offences against 18 teenagers and young men between 1977 and 1992. He was sentenced to 32 months for misconduct in public office and 15 months for indecent assault, to run concurrently.
    The lawyer for some of those he abused said the way establishment figures closed ranks around him had 'compounded his victims' anguish'.
    Two years ago, 27 letters that Charles sent to ministers between September 2004 and April 2005 were published after a decade-long legal battle over their release that went to the Supreme Court.


    Disgraced bishop Peter Ball reneged on a deal to move abroad to escape prosecution in 1993, and instead rented a house from the estate of his ‘friend’ Prince Charles.
    The cleric told police he would live with nuns in France in return for receiving the caution as part of an alleged agreement with a ‘sympathetic’ detective who wanted to help the church avoid the scandal of a criminal trial. It meant Ball was not prosecuted until October 2015.
    After resigning as bishop in 1993, Ball moved to Manor Lodge, in the Somerset village of Aller, a property owned by the Duchy of Cornwall, the private estate headed by Charles. He later publicly praised the ‘wonderfully kind’ Charles who he said ‘allowed me to have a duchy house’.
    The detail has come to light from a report written by Brian Tyler, a former police officer-turned-priest who Ball hired to work as a private detective.
    In it, he wrote: ‘It is needless to point out that having secured the caution on one offence and knowing the file has been closed, he has “welshed” in his promise to me, and the police, to leave the country.’
    Royal sources made clear last night that Charles has no involvement in the commercial decisions on who is renting Duchy properties.
    we have subcontracted the business of healing people to Companies who profit from sickness.

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    Great Britain Avalon Member Baby Steps's Avatar
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    Default Re: The British Pedogate


    Quote What David Icke has said since 1998 about paedophile and child killing Prime Minister Ted Heath is backed-up here by barrister Michael Shrimpton, an Intelligence and national security consultant, from his own contacts and inside experience

    By David Icke

    Michael Shrimpton says that Prime Minister Heath (1916 – 2005) was a paedophile who murdered his young boy victims or had others do it, often by throwing them into the sea after Heath had abused them on his yacht.

    The record-breaking paedophile and BBC 'star' Jimmy Savile supplied boys for Heath - many of them from the Jersey children's home, Haut de la Garenne, with the support of those who ran the home.

    Savile at Haut de la Garenne.

    These facts were covered up by Heath Cabinet Secretary John Hunt, Baron Hunt of Tanworth, who Shrimpton says was also a paedophile. Hunt was appointed by the Queen to be a Companion, Knight Commander and Knight Grand Cross of the British Order of chivalry known as the The Most Honourable Order of the Bath of which the Queen is the head and Prince Charles the Grand Master. Hunt was also given a Papal Knighthood by Pope John Paul II - so was Jimmy Savile who was also knighted by the Queen.

    Savile and Hunt were both given a Papal knighthood by the biggest child-abuse network on Planet Earth - the Roman Catholic Church (Church of Babylon relocated).

    Jimmy Savile was a close friend of Lord Mountbatten, Prince Philip and Prince Charles from the 1960s and this continued for decades AFTER the cover up of Heath's paedophilia and child murder in league with Savile. You mean they didn't KNOW? Is someone having a laugh? British Intelligence didn't know? Ditto.

    What's more ... AFTER the Heath-Savile cover up, Savile became such a close friend of Heath's successor and Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher and her husband Denis that he was invited to be with them on New Year's Eve every year for more than a decade.

    Thatcher's government and circle of associates and aides was alive with paedophiles including Chester MP Peter Morrison, a close aide to Thatcher from 1975 to 1990. He was a notorious paedophile, well known to colleagues and the media, and yet Thatcher and her Cabinet and inner circle did NOTHING while he was abusing boys in North Wales children's homes and elsewhere. Anyone in that circle MUST have known. Thatcher minister Edwina Currie wrote in her published diaries:

    'One appointment in the recent reshuffle has attracted a lot of gossip and could be very dangerous: Peter Morrison has become the PM’s PPS[Parliamentary Private Secretary]. Now he’s what they call a 'noted pederast', with a liking for young boys; he admitted as much to[Conservative Party chairman] Norman Tebbit when he became deputy chairman of the party but added' 'However, I’m very discreet' - and he must be! She [Thatcher] either knows and is taking a chance, or doesn’t; either way, it’s a really dumb move.

    [Conservative MP] Teresa Gorman told me this evening (in a taxi coming back from a drinks party at the BBC) that she inherited Morrison's (woman) agent, who claimed to have been offered money to keep quiet about his activities. It scares me as all the press know, and as we get closer to the election someone is going to make trouble, very close to her indeed.'

    Morrison with Thatcher

    I named Edward Heath as a serial paedophile and child killer in my book,The Biggest Secret, first published in 1998 – seven years before he died. I also named him and his Chancellor of the Exchequer Anthony Barber as practicing Satanists, as I did the leading members of the royal family. Heath was read what I said by an excuse for a 'journalist' days after publication and he did nothing because to do so would have had the truth exposed in court – as it would be now if anyone from the Thatcher cesspit wants a go. Michael Shrimpton mentions Barber in this interview as being in league with Heath and Cabinet Secretary Hunt.

    If Operation Fairbank, the police investigation into political and 'elite' paedophilia, does not make arrests of big political and royal names so they can be questioned under caution then it, too, will be shown to be a cover up given the evidence that mounts all the time.

    Michael Shrimpton goes on to talk about what he says happened to the abducted little girl Madeleine McCann, the assassination of Princess Diana, the murder of weapons expert David Kelly who could have trashed the lies used to justify the Blair invasion of Iraq, and what Shimpton says was the murder of former British Foreign Secretary Robin Cook.

    I can’t confirm what he says about Madeleine or Cook but for sure I can with everything else with regard to Heath, Savile and the Conservative Party and government. Nor do I agree with all of his assumptions about who was behind it all, and certainly not that British Intelligence are the ‘good guys’. But it is very interesting information very much worth hearing.

    Michael Shrimpton is the author of the book, Spyhunter

    I once had an extraordinary experience with former prime minister Ted Heath. Both of his eyes, including the whites, turned jet black, and I seemed to be looking into two black holes.
    we have subcontracted the business of healing people to Companies who profit from sickness.

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    @ Baby Steps...

    Yes..."an entity dimension to it."

    These are the "powers and principalities" that can take us over and use us to do their bidding. Fame, fortune, and powers are the temptations that lead one into their traps. They surgically remove the conscience, or the will to do what's right. They've created cycles of abuse.

    We are here to take a stand and end these cycles of abuse.

    The Truth Troops are rallying to bring this stuff to the light of awareness so that the cycles can be cauterized and permanently ended.

    Thanks for helping with this awareness.

    ~*~ "The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Peter Drucker ~*~ “To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children...to leave the world a better place...to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson ~*~ "Creative minds always have been known to survive any kind of bad training." - Anna Freud ~*~

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    Administrator Mark (Star Mariner)'s Avatar
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    Quote Posted by Baby Steps (here)

    I don't doubt what he says about Heath, I've heard the same stories consistently for years. Heath's yacht "Morning Cloud" was aptly called 'Morning Sickness' by his security detachment... Go figure.

    But he's selling some other, pretty weird stuff here – British Intelligence are clean apparently, whiter than white, and everything's the fault of the Germans. I've not heard the theory that Sandy Hook was the Germans (via Mexico!).

    And M15/M16 don't do murder, or evil schemes involving children and blackmail?

    Don't buy that for a second, especially considering Kincora.

    Former London Mayor Ken Livingston himself confirmed in an interview that Kincora was "where boys were being abused, and MI5 was filming it because they were hoping to be able to blackmail senior politicians in Northern Ireland".

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    United States Avalon Member Michelle Marie's Avatar
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    Quote Posted by Baby Steps (here)
    Former Police Detectives Maggie Oliver and Jon Wedger exposing the endemic cover up of child abuse by the police. If you want to help it is so important that you like, comment, SHARE & follow this page for further updates. Please subscribe to Jon’s new YouTube channel


    John Wedger -- A MUST SEE video.

    ~*~ "The best way to predict the future is to create it." - Peter Drucker ~*~ “To laugh often and much; to win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of children...to leave the world a better place...to know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived. This is to have succeeded.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson ~*~ "Creative minds always have been known to survive any kind of bad training." - Anna Freud ~*~

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    Administrator Mark (Star Mariner)'s Avatar
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    Default Re: The British Pedogate

    Quote Posted by Michelle Marie (here)
    John Wedger -- A MUST SEE video.

    Thank you, amazing guy. It's exactly people like John Wedger - who has witnessed institutional corruption first hand - who can turn this tide.
    "When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace."
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    UK cop gets 16 years after colleagues view footage of him raping a baby

    Tue, 07 Aug 2018 19:19 UTC

    PC Dean Roberts, 48 © South Wales Police

    A police officer has been sentenced to 16 years in jail for raping a baby. PC Dean Roberts, 48, was caught by his own colleagues after he filmed himself abusing the child before sending the footage to other pedophiles.

    Roberts' crime was exposed after the arrest of a fellow pedophile, lawyer John Guess, led detectives to their colleague. The pair planned to jointly abuse children and share footage of their crimes, Cardiff Crown Court heard.

    The now ex-police officer admitted to a litany of charges that included rape, sexual assault of a child, as well as possession and distribution of indecent images of children.

    In court, the mother of Roberts' victim said: "I can never forget the knock on my door and my whole world just falling apart. It was just like being hit by a bus. We will always have to live with the consequences."

    Upon handing Roberts his sentence, Judge Recorder of Cardiff Eleri Rees QC stated: "The victim was particularly vulnerable because of her extremely young age. She was helpless to defend herself although the footage indicates she was awake and in real discomfort."

    Guess, 43, Roberts' accomplice and a lawyer for the Welsh government, was jailed for 26 years for sex crimes against children.

    The investigation has also led to arrests overseas.

    Following the sentencing of Roberts and Guess, Detective Superintendent Wendy Gunney said:
    "Today's sentences reflect the gravity of the crimes that have been committed. The two people responsible for the appalling abuse of a number of very young children have now been brought to justice.
    "The investigation uncovered extremely disturbing child abuse evidence and the guilty pleas have ensured that the jury were spared from viewing evidence that would have been extremely traumatic.

    "Today's sentence does not mark the end of our investigations and we will work tirelessly to identify any other victims or witnesses and seek the justice they deserve."
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    Great Britain Avalon Member Baby Steps's Avatar
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    MARGARET HODGE - part 2



    From the following blogger, basic info. Also see this. The Pedo's hid within the Gay movement, and gained undue protection. Various politicians complicit.

    Quote Margaret Hodge was leader of Islington Council from 1982 to 1992, when it was reported in the Evening Standard that every one of its children’s homes had been infiltrated by paedophiles. She immediately left Islington Council for a highly paid City job, but not before she had dismissed the reports as “sensationalist gutter journalism”.
    She recently tried to explain her total failure to protect children in care from paedophile rings, prostitution, and trafficking by saying “All that happened when we didn’t really understand child abuse in the way that we understand it now. This was the early 90s … It was only beginning to emerge that paedophiles were working with children, in children’s homes and elsewhere”. (Guardian 27/04/13)

    This is untrue. There were several major children’s homes paedophile scandals in the local and national news long before 1990 including Tyneside (1976), Kincora (1980), Leeways (1985), not to mention numerous cases involving paedophiles working as priests, teachers, scoutmasters, and other professions that have access to children.
    And there were serious warning signs right on Margaret Hodge’s doorstep during her time as council leader, including a well publicised case of a 13 year old boy who was abducted from an Islington Council children’s home by a residential social worker.
    The Citizen's Electoral Council of Australia provided the following. They appear to be a branch of Larouche/Schiller Institute:

    Quote Dame Hodge and her “Islington Set”

    After interminable stalling, the Iraq Inquiry chaired by Sir John Chilcot, into the causes of the 2003 Iraq war, will at long last release its findings on 6 July. If recent media leaks are accurate, the inquiry will roast Blair himself for his notorious role in lying about Saddam Hussein’s non-existent Weapons of Mass Destruction in order to create a pretext for a war which he and US President George W. Bush intended in any case. Thus the Blairites, including Hodge—who voted both for the war and against any inquiry into the launching of that war—will be weakened politically, creating more breathing room for Corbyn and his policies, and thus their desperation to overthrow Corbyn while they still think they can.
    That Dame Margaret should lead the present charge against Corbyn is lawful, because she and her husband Sir Henry Hodge did more than anyone else to create Tony Blair and “New Labour”.
    The story begins in the late 1970s and early 1980s in the north London suburb of Islington, with the coalescence of the “Islington Set” around the blue-blooded Margaret Oppenheimer Hodge, of the ultra-wealthy Oppenheimer family and an heir to the family company Stemcor, which as of 2011 had an annual turnover of £6 billion (but which as of the following year paid only 0.01 per cent tax on its £2.1 billion of business generated in the UK), and husband Sir Henry, who was to sit as a High Court judge for England and Wales; their intimate political allies, the blue-blood Harriet Harman and her husband Jack Dromey; and a young couple whom the Hodges convinced to move in next door and whom they adopted as their protégés, Tony and Cherie Blair. The early strategy sessions of what was to become “New Labour” were conducted in the Hodges’ own home, and the careers of its dramatis personae have been a vital factor in British politics from then until today.
    Hodge was chairman of the Islington Council in 1982-92. By 2015, in the words of Hodge, Harriet Harman had been her “closest friend” in Parliament for decades, as well as the longest continually serving female MP in the House of Commons, who had helped her husband become Treasurer of the Labour Party in 2004[1]. Following Labour’s loss to the Conservatives in the May 2015 national elections, Labour leader Ed Miliband stepped down, Harman took over as acting leader of the Labour Party and immediately announced that Labour would not oppose the brutal cuts in welfare, then being demanded by Chancellor George Osborne, “to show voters it had learned the lessons of May’s crushing election defeat.”[2] More revealingly, as a 7 June 2015 article in the Independent titled “Harriet Harman interview: Even Labour supporters were glad we didn’t win the election, says interim leader” reported, Harman claimed that Labour under Ed Miliband had lost because of its lack of “economic credibility”. Whatever his shortcomings, Miliband had strayed from the Blairite policies of rabid austerity, going so far, in the debates over the Financial Services (Banking Reform) Bill 2013, as to direct Labour to vote for a Glass-Steagall amendment, to break up the City of London’s megabanks—precisely those who had sponsored Blair’s career, and who have rewarded him with a post on the International Advisory Committee of JPMorgan Chase.
    And when new members flooded into the Labour Party in excitement over Corbyn’s candidacy, Harman demanded that the party “weed out” many of the new members so as to maintain the dominance of the Blairites, “However her attempt to persuade the party to take action by weeding out these voters was blocked by Mr Corbyn’s union supporters, who feared it could damage his leadership chances”, reported a 17 August 2015Telegraph article titled, “Pro-Jeremy Corbyn unions block Harriet Harman’s bid to weed out anti-Labour ‘infiltrators’”. Meanwhile, her ally Margaret Hodge also did her best to stop the flood of new Labour members excited by Corbyn’s policies. Reported the Independent on 24 May 2015, “The head of Britain’s largest trade union should ‘shut up’ and stop interfering in Labour’s leadership election, one of the party’s most-senior MPs says today. Margaret Hodge, the outgoing chairman of Parliament’s Public Accounts Committee (PAC), told The Independent she was ‘fed up’ with ‘union barons’ like Len McCluskey trying to influence the result of the election. Her remarks came as it was revealed that Mr McCluskey’s union, Unite, is signing up as many as 1,000 members a day to join Labour and get a vote in the leadership contest.”

    Protecting paedophiles?
    Furthermore, Hodge has been excoriated for her role in covering up an extensive child abuse ring operating out of Islington council’s children’s homes on her watch as leader of the council, as reported, for instance, in a 6 April 2014 article in The Telegraph by investigative journalist Eileen Fairweather, “Jimmy Savile sex abuse: ‘Islington is still covering up’.” The Times of 14 February 1986 had reported that the anti-child abuse MP Geoffrey Dickens “called on the Home Secretary to prepare a full report on allegations of the existence of child brothels in Islington, North London. Mr Geoffrey Dickens, MP for Littleborough and Saddleworth, said he had given Scotland Yard information” on the subject. In 1992 Fairweather spent three months working for the Evening Standard investigating the extensive paedophilia networks in Islington, “secretly interviewing terrified whistleblowing staff, parents and children before the newspaper published a damning investigation”, one which was “promptly attacked by Margaret Hodge as a ‘sensationalist piece of gutter journalism’.” More will soon be reported on the issue of Hodge, Harman, and paedophilia in Islington in the early days of the “Islington Set”, which will shed much light on the sordid soul of “New Labour”.

    we have subcontracted the business of healing people to Companies who profit from sickness.

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    Great Britain Avalon Member Baby Steps's Avatar
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    Virginia Roberts

    Quote Allegations that a 17-year-old was forced to have sex with Britain’s Prince Andrew, which prompted a crisis at Buckingham Palace earlier this year, have been removed from a federal court case by a judge in the US.

    Quote Describing Roberts’s allegations as “duplicative” of the existing lawsuit, the judge said the lawsuit already sought to overturn Epstein’s plea agreement on behalf of all “other similarly-situated victims”.

    Marra noted in his order that US law empowers judges to “strike from a pleading an insufficient defense or any redundant, immaterial, impertinent, or scandalous matter.”

    Allegations that Roberts was also made to have sex with Alan Dershowitz, a Harvard law professor and another friend of Epstein, were also struck from the case by Marra. The judge said a legal attempt by Dershowitz to intervene in the case was now unnecessary.
    we have subcontracted the business of healing people to Companies who profit from sickness.

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