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Thread: The Game-changing Science of Epigenetics

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    France On Sabbatical
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    Default The Game-changing Science of Epigenetics

    The game-changing science of Epigenetics

    Dr. Kelly Brogan kellybroganmd.com
    Tue, 19 Jul 2016 13:20 UTC

    Think diseases run in the family? Think again.

    Have you ever worried about "getting" breast cancer because your mom and aunt both had it? What about Bipolar Disorder (yes, psychiatry capitalizes it's diagnoses for extra emphasis!) or Lupus? It has probably felt like you have a ticking time bomb inside you and you just want to know when it's going to go off. When that diagnosis is going to be delivered. Women like Angelina Jolie have engaged willful mutilation in the name of the persistent belief that genes are destiny.

    This is simply not true.

    "It runs in my family" no longer means what we once believed it to.

    You may not know this yet, but the whole game has changed and we are several decades into the most powerful shift in scientific thinking in the past 300 years. Science, when handled with care, is a process, not a destination.

    Science fundamentally reflects our native curiosity, our creative impulse, and our sense of wonder. Along the line, however, it began to take on a different flavor. With men like Newton, Darwin, and Descarte at the microphone, a culture of reductionism, force-based perceptions around the nature of reality, and separation of spirit and matter all predicated the culture of ruthless medicine we are steeped in today. We war against nature, our bodies, and each other. There's good and bad. There's the illusion of the objective. We pray at the altar of facts and data.

    I used to believe that science meant answers and solutions. And now I don't. Here's why.

    Anyone who has plumbed the depths of science, either through study, primary research, or experimentation, will reach the limitations of belief in science as the be all end all. Beyond this glass ceiling is the sense of wonder that is stripped from the soulless realm of modern biology. The amazing thing is that, the past several decades have furnished a new kind of science. It's a science of inquiry rather than utility. The conclusions of today's abstracts seem to read, "isn't this amazing?" rather than "here is confirmation that this drug is necessary to manage our wayward biology". In essence, it reflects a new story about our role in the holobiont, or the more purposeful station we occupy in the web of nature.

    In this new story, we are not the result of several billion years of random mutations and survival of the fittest. Instead, we are adapting, as Lamarck once suggested (and even Darwin acquiesced), purposefully. This purposeful adaptation means that we are interacting with our environment in a co-creative dance with balances and micro/macro feedback loops to keep a certain meta-order intact.

    How a focus on genes made lifestyle irrelevant

    When I was in training, I had one hour of nutrition education that essentially positioned food as caloric currency. Why would it matter if we were born with the diseases we would ultimately struggle with? In gene-based science, toxicant exposure, rest, nutrition, and relationships are clearly window dressing considerations. (Jonathan Latham's work on identifying the historical influence of the Tobacco industry on the push towards the human genome project and gene-centricism in medical science is amazing.)

    With the completion of the human genome, however, we learned that we have fewer protein-coding genes than an earthworm. This means that the genes we thought made us who we are, don't.


    We had to go back to the drawing board. Where on earth does our seemingly infinite uniqueness come from? How are diseases manifesting if not genetically?

    The Birth of a New Science: Epigenetics

    These questions and discoveries led to the birth of a new science. It was named epigenetics.

    Epigenetics encompasses all that is beyond the genes (it actually means "above") and includes modulators, modifiers, and any influence on the expression of genes and even the possibility that nonhuman genes may play an expressive role in human physiology. It also refers to the almost 99% of our genome that was once pejoratively called "junk DNA" and now is more mystically referred to as Dark Matter, as Dr. Jeff Bland describes here.

    One of the most powerful examples of the relevance of epigenetics is the lore of the 'breast cancer gene'. Jolie, and many other women have succumbed to the hex or the belief that they are cursed by their genes, doomed to develop diseased breasts, ovaries, and uteruses if they just go on living with them in their bodies.

    The literature, itself claims that gene mutations such as the "breast cancer gene" or BRCA seems to be doing different things over time. Doesn't that mean, by definition, that we are talking about epigenetics? Because the risk of a gene itself should not change over time. An oft-cited study concludes:
    Risks appear to be increasing with time: Breast cancer risk by age 50 among mutation carriers born before 1940 was 24%, but among those born after 1940 it was 67%.
    In a timely meta-analysis entitled: Worse Breast Cancer Prognosis of BRCA1/BRCA2 Mutation Carriers: What's the Evidence? A Systematic Review with Meta-Analysis, the authors conclude:
    Our review shows that, in contrast to currently held beliefs of many oncologists and despite 66 published studies, it is not yet possible to draw evidence-based conclusions about the association between BRCA1 and/or BRCA2 mutation carriership and breast cancer prognosis. We only found sufficient evidence for a 10% worse unadjusted recurrence-free survival for BRCA1 mutation carriers. For all the other outcomes the evidence was judged to be indecisive.
    This reflects a more modern understanding that only about 1% of diseases are truly genetic in nature (i.e. due to a congenitally inherited and irreversible gene defect), and that we may very well have misunderstood our interpretation of these gene's functions. The rest is lifestyle. In other words, we create our experience and determine our destiny.

    As we embrace our agency in our own bodily experience, we must embrace complexity and take off the blinders of our one gene - one ill - one pill model of thinking. As you open your mind to this shift underfoot, a shift into a more ecological type of medicine, a more collaborative, communal, and connected type of medicine, revel in what the more beautiful science is showing us about our need to let go of what we once believed. It served us, but it's time has passed.

    Here are the 3 most powerful game changers in recent literature:

    Gamechanger # 1: The Microbiome
    An extension of the one cause - one problem dialectical thinking, is the rush to characterize microbes as pathogens, as bad guys. We have done so for as long as we have been seeking to control and dominate nature. Pestilence and contagion have fit neatly into the lighthouse beam of fear that we sweep across our psychic terrain. But even Pasteur, arguably the father of germ theory, on his deathbed, was reported to say: " I was wrong. The microbe (germ) is nothing. The terrain (milieu) is everything."

    What is the terrain though? The implication is that we are, in fact, an ecosystem, positioned within an ecosystem. There is no linearity, so that when we pull one thread of the spider web, the entire thing moves.

    With the dawning of our awareness that microbes including fungi, bacteria, viruses, and others, live in and around us, we ceased to be human in the ways we had come to believe. We are not, in fact, humans trying to uphold and protect our humanity in a sea of invaders. We are a meta-organism, a holobiont, interfacing with a greater whole, like a fractal repetition of a pattern.

    With the emergence of science seeking to study the microbiome, primarily in the gut, we have learned that these bacteria have the capacity to perform some of our most vital human functions, and some that seem to be eerily custodial. Take for example, the fact that there are bacteria in our guts that have evolved to detoxify the chemicals in an average dry cleaner. How could they possibly have foreseen the need for this function? Then there's the digestion, barrier protection, immune signaling, hormone balancing, and brain controlling functions of the microbiome.

    Through this lens, our tonsils and appendix are no longer vestigial, and the special role of a woman's physiology is re-centered as the conduit through which this microbiome passes from mother to fetus, and even through the inheritance of our primary cellular energy production sites - the mitochondria - themselves, ancient bacteria that were assimilated into the human organism over a billion years ago.

    Because we know this now, we cannot war against nature any longer. Vaccines and antibiotics, hand sanitizers and bleach are necessarily brought under scrutiny. We will never win this battle because it's not a battle meant to be won. Nature will continue to remind us of this with the emergence of superbugs, pharmaceutical damage, and disturbed immunity.

    The term dysbiosis, used by holistic and integrative practitioners to refer to gut imbalance, of course, actually means "wrong living". No doubt, our struggles today, stem from a lack of connection to the natural world. It is, in this way, poetic justice that we would only be able to heal our guts, right our relationship to the microbial world through food - nature's gift, bounty, and language.

    Gamechanger #2: Exosomes
    The nail in the coffin of protein-coding-gene-determined-health is a group of tiny bubble-like blobs that influence gene expression. Amazingly similar to viruses in nature, structure, and possibly even function, exosomes are created and received by our bodily cells in order to direct, determine, and react to states of being.

    40-100nm in diameter, exosomes typically carry something called micro RNA or miRNA which are key regulators of gene expression, naturally impacted by environmental factors, from toxicants, nutrition, and lifestyle patterns.

    In fact, seminal research has demonstrated that stable miRNAs are transferred from plants including rice and ginger, into mammalian physiology where they then serve to regulate gene expression and communicate with bacteria. This is being called inter-kingdom crosstalk Once again, food is reframed as so much more than calories and nutrients...it is information.

    Researchers are suggesting that infant assessments of miRNA patterns may help to identify fetal brain injury from toxic exposures including mercury, aluminum, and medications, at birth, so that healing protocols can be prioritized and initiated. Powerfully, however, in order to understand the "signatures" of different disease states, we would have to study them in their natural unfoldment, without pharmaceutical interventions, before we could ascertain what is evidence of illness and what is evidence of medication effect. The authors state clearly:

    "In addition, one must control for the influence of psychotropic drugs on miRNA expression since several studies showed that lithium, haloperidol, or valproate induced changes of the miRNA profiles in brain."

    This, of course, is why preventive medicine involves interfacing with the environment in a language that the body understands based on millions of years of co-evolution.

    Gamechanger #3: Belief
    When I was in training, the placebo effect was framed as a nuisance factor that needed to be controlled for. I now understand that the placebo effect doesn't mean that you were fooled or tricked. It doesn't mean you're making it up or that you're gullible. It means that a complex physiologic cascade of events was kicked off by your experience of taking a pill with the promise of relief.

    It is rapidly being characterized as the most important driver of outcomes in everything from psychiatry to surgery.

    My research on the placebo effect has helped me to understand that psychiatric medications, and specifically antidepressants, are more risk than benefit, and that I cannot achieve meaningful outcomes with patients who do not fundamentally believe that their bodies can heal.

    How could it be that belief is this important?

    Dr. Candace Pert, the pioneering researcher credited with the discovery of the opiate receptor, has debunked the Cartesian dualism that for hundreds of years has put the mind out of the realm of the body. She also challenged the notion that the mind is something that merely relates to the body. The mind, per her conclusions, is the body.

    In fact, she used the language of the body-mind and elucidated how neuropeptides travel around the body encoding emotion in different tissues and organs. The shape of these peptides, or their conformation, further transmitted information to receipient cells. All of the sudden, informational transfer takes on another dimension - vibration.

    Another pioneer of the role of belief in cellular physiology, Dr. Bruce Lipton was several decades ahead of his time in establishing the role of environment and belief in the body's physiology. His work has decentralized the nucleus (where the genes are housed), and focused on the cell membrane as an information-processing interface with the environment.

    Taken together, this research all seems to suggest that we are a product of our energetic experience in the context of a greater whole. Even physics is mirroring this with the emergence of theories like Rupert Sheldrake's morphic resonance, which suggests that collective experiences set a potential template for individual experiences in a type of memory transfer that has little to do with genes.

    We are not random genes driving a purposeless life until we die.

    It appears that human experience is not as it has been previously framed and echoed by philosopher Alan Watts - flesh robots on a dead rock in the middle of nowhere. When the human experience is reduced in this way, it's most essential elements are denied - beauty, spirit, meaning.

    In fact, human experience is the universe manifested at one point. It is the emergent properties of many, infinitely complex and interfacing systems. It is fundamentally sacred, larger than our will, and gently demanding of our humility.

    This is the teleologic perspective - one in which the purpose rather than the cause is the explanation of phenomena. I reflect on this when I consider how adaptable our bodies are - in real time, within hours - and how we have not adapted fully to the lifestyles we have felt entitled to over the past 100 years. We live from our egos with total disregard for nature, each other, and our own bodily vessels. And we are sicker than we have ever been, from cradle to grave. It seems that we are not "meant" to adapt to this way of living and we are reminded of this through the signals of illness. We are called back to the Continuum through our anxiety, depression, and illness. We are reminded that we haven't figured it out, that science is not and cannot be used merely as a tool for control, and that consciousness as an emergent property of our physiologic web, is a gift.
    The fairest thing we can experience is the mysterious. It is the fundamental emotion which stands at the cradle of true art and true science...the mystery of the eternity of life, and the inkling of the marvelous structure of reality, together with the single-hearted endeavor to comprehend a portion, be it ever so tiny, of the reason that manifests itself in nature. - Einstein

    About the Author
    Kelly Brogan, M.D. is a Manhattan-based holistic women's health psychiatrist, author of the New York Times bestselling book, A Mind of Your Own, and co-editor of the landmark textbook, Integrative Therapies for Depression. She completed her psychiatric training and fellowship at NYU Medical Center after graduating from Cornell University Medical College, and has a B.S. from MIT in Systems Neuroscience

    Altering genes: How epigenetics, our gut microbiome and the environment interact to change our lives

    Holobiont: Are you and your microbes a community or a single entity?


    Now... about those psychopaths... how can one plug empathy into them?
    "La réalité est un rêve que l'on fait atterrir" San Antonio AKA F. Dard

    Troll-hood motto: Never, ever, however, whatsoever, to anyone, a point concede.

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    Canada Avalon Member
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    Default Re: The Game-changing Science of Epigenetics

    Quote Posted by Hervé (here)
    Now... about those psychopaths... how can one plug empathy into them?
    I'm pretty sure they don't want to be "fixed" Hervé ! If we start forcing people to feel stuff, that's just going to open up a big can of worms. Someone's gonna reverse-engineer that one, for sure.

    Best case scenario in my mind is they'll just "phase out", or get bred out. It really does seem to relate to DNA, and I haven't combed over this entire article yet, I just already know that Epigenetics is related to DNA.

    As an aside.. if it truly is possible to detect psychopathy scientifically (using an MRI or similar) we're in for an even bigger can of worms.

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    United States Avalon Member conk's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Game-changing Science of Epigenetics

    Books by Dr. Pert, Dr. Joe Dispenza, Dr. Bruce Lipton are great starting points for those interested in this exciting new discovery. We've become enthralled by the content and have begun to alter our mediations and prayers to account for it. There were authors and researchers many years ago who touched on the subject. Earnest Holmes has many very good books on belief. So many others flirted with the truth, but the cellular biologists blew it wide open, them and the neuro-scientists who explain how it all works in a physical sense.

    This thread is very topical for me. We were just discussing this at work. About how doctors in the 30s were beginning to understand the importance of the colon. They didn't fully comprehend, but knew there was something there of extreme importance. Now we know that sometimes the DNA of the bacteria in our body may well have more influence on our lives than does our own human DNA. Try convincing the chubby lady down the hall that germs in her colon communicate with her brain and demand that she eat more sugar. Ha!

    Think of the resources and time that has gone into understanding our genes. It's all you hear, about how much genetics plays a role in our lives. It will be very difficult for those researchers to do an about face and admit that perhaps the environment is a larger factor.

    Thanks for a great thread and more to digest.
    Last edited by conk; 28th November 2018 at 19:06.
    The quantum field responds not to what we want; but to who we are being. Dr. Joe Dispenza

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    France On Sabbatical
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    Default Re: The Game-changing Science of Epigenetics

    Reading the article, it, somehow, reminded me of something I read from Edgard Cayce: If one wishes to anchor oneself into one area, one needs to eat produces grown locally and not exotic, imported foods which tends to get one to feel the need to "travel."

    ... which makes for an interesting addition to how to get oneself "grounded" which leads to strange ramifications into the "Law of the Land" and a possible explanation as to why the "Mountain people" can't stand the "Valley people" or the people living in the prairies... you know, parochial squabbles, conflicts and wars... like Manchester and Liverpool fans or autochtones vs tourists.

    This also gives this quote a seemingly factual reality:

    Quote “How can you govern a country which has 246 varieties of cheese?”

    ― Charles de Gaulle
    Then, there is the aspect of the "Hive Consciousness" of critters colonies of which Don Juan gave Castaneda a glimpse of when describing the beautiful universe where minuscule red bugs live in... which also correlates to a shaman's answer to a kid inquiring about those red demons he encountered and told him they were at the ready to invade earth and destroy everything: "Oh, they always say that."

    Now, what kind of disclosure would it be if discovering that archons, etc... were the product of colonies of bacteria or fungus populating one's guts and generating those "guts' feelings" and visions?

    The idea is not new either:
    twinretina Published on Jan 28, 2008

    Down thru the ages garlic was used to ward off evil spirits: Why? What is meant by the word demon? During his lifetime the man in this video acquired great knowledge. It would take years to write a book on what he knows. From the paranormal to his revision of history, this will reshape your thinking into purposely forgotten directions. Mentioned in David Childress' books, he is an activist in his community, and is the leading authority on Florida's Warm Mineral Springs; Ponce de Leon's fabled Fountain of Youth. Also, he recently in conjunction with the History Channel, completed a documentary on Edward Leedskalnin's Coral Castle. Again, this is a brief intro in the hope of creating additional videos containing more "lost" information (if we ever get the money for production...). Unfortunately during the course of his lifetime, many have taken credit and profited from his ideas! The man has cured himself of cancer and is re-growing his teeth (which should be impossible actually). How? Because he says so, that's how! Anyway, I hope you enjoy the video. Some of the things he says may or may not be new to you, but this is the tip of the iceberg for what is coming... .
    twinretina Published on Jan 28, 2008

    The second half of the video...
    twinretina Published on Apr 4, 2008

    This is a prelude to another level of possession.
    In short, before being able to sort out the different quarters of influence, one would need to be able to distinguish between what comes out of the internal "Hive consciousnesses" from what's truly external.

    Ok, I guess there's enough food to chew on...
    Last edited by Hervé; 1st December 2018 at 12:23.
    "La réalité est un rêve que l'on fait atterrir" San Antonio AKA F. Dard

    Troll-hood motto: Never, ever, however, whatsoever, to anyone, a point concede.

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    Avalon Member Tree Of Life's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Game-changing Science of Epigenetics

    Epigentics is the cutting edge of real medical science, and a fascinating subject on how to unlock the healing properties of the Human body. Once I discovered the German New Medicine (learninggnm.com/home.html), and realized that pathogens, as we call them, are actually part of the healing process, and that wounds of the psyche and emotions are much more powerful that trauma, I spread the knowledge among my family and friends. We found a total flatline of disease and illness occur which gave Dr, Hamer's techniques all the proof we needed.
    Couple that with the works of Dr. Valerie Hunt chronicled in her book, Infinite Mind, and the Ringing Cedars of Russia series, written by Anastasia and Vladimir Megre, and it becomes a repeating pattern of self-healing that every living body is capable of achieving.
    I have had livestock all my life, and seen how growths will sometimes appear on an animal who has had an emotional or physical trauma, and then heal over time. I don't believe cancer is even a real disease, but a bodily process that is waylaid by the fear-mongers in the medical profession... the same group that is the #3 cause of mortality in the US due to medical malfeasance.
    The cold hard facts come down to money... a 'for profit' endeavor. The stats are the best proof, when 42% of all "cancer" patients are completely bankrupt within 24 months of diagnosis.
    If you really want your mind blown, read about Dr. Ruth Drown, who developed a way to photograph cross-sections of any human tissue in the body from a single drop of blood!
    Most all these pioneers spent time in jail for their discoveries, or had their lives ruined by the pharmacopian devils who want to drug people to bankruptcy just before they kill them with their "cures".

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    Avalon Member Pam's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Game-changing Science of Epigenetics

    Quote Gamechanger #3: Belief
    When I was in training, the placebo effect was framed as a nuisance factor that needed to be controlled for. I now understand that the placebo effect doesn't mean that you were fooled or tricked. It doesn't mean you're making it up or that you're gullible. It means that a complex physiologic cascade of events was kicked off by your experience of taking a pill with the promise of relief.

    It is rapidly being characterized as the most important driver of outcomes in everything from psychiatry to surgery.
    As a nurse I have come to realize the power of belief. What I didn't understand was the way that it actually works, the consciousness of belief initiating a cascade of physical events within the body has profound implications. Consciousness directly and efficiently manipulating the physical world. The ancient Yogis have understood this all along.

    Herve, this article took my breath away. It answered a number of questions about my observations of health and sickness that I have developed over the years. Thanks for posting it as well as all of the other fascinating things you find!
    Last edited by Pam; 1st December 2018 at 13:07.

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    France On Sabbatical
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    Default Re: The Game-changing Science of Epigenetics


    Émile Coué


    (1857-1926) Émile Coué, a physician formulated the Laws of Suggestion. He is also known for encouraging his patients to say to themselves 20-30 times each night before going to sleep, “Everyday in every way, I am getting better and better”. He also discovered that when giving patients their medicine and delivering positive suggestion at the same time, proved to be a more effective cure than prescribing medicine alone. He eventually abandoned hypnosis in favour of just using positive suggestion and he thought that the hypnotic state impaired the efficiency of the suggestion.


    If you have really made the autosuggestion, that is to say, if your unconscious has assimilated the idea that you have presented to it, you are astonished to see the thing you have thought come to pass. (Note that it is the property of ideas autosuggested to exist within us unrecognized, and we can only know of their existence by the effect they produce.) But above all, and this is an essential point, the will must not be brought into play in practising autosuggestion; for, if it is not in agreement with the imagination, if one thinks: "I will make such and such a thing happen", and the imagination says: "You are willing it, but it is not going to be", not only does one not obtain what one wants, but even exactly the reverse is brought about.

    This remark is of capital importance, and explains why results are so unsatisfactory when, in treating moral ailments, one strives to re-educate the will. It is the training of the imagination which is necessary, and it is thanks to this shade of difference that my method has often succeeded where others -- and those not the least considered -- have failed. From the numerous experiments that I have made daily for twenty years, and which I have examined with minute care, I have been able to deduct the following conclusions which I have summed up as laws:

    1. When the will and the imagination are antagonistic, it is always the imagination which wins, without any exception.

    2. In the conflict between the will and the imagination, the force of the imagination is in direct ratio to the square of the will.

    3. When the will and the imagination are in agreement, one does not add to the other, but one is multiplied by the other.

    4. The imagination can be directed.

    (The expressions "In direct ratio to the square of the will" and "Is multiplied by" are not rigorously exact. They are simply illustrations destined to make my meaning clearer.)

    After what has just been said it would seem that nobody ought to be ill. That is quite true. Every illness, whatever it may be, can yield to autosuggestion, daring and unlikely as my statement may seem; I do not say does always yield, but can yield, which is a different thing.

    But in order to lead people to practice conscious autosuggestion they must be taught how, just as they are taught to read or write or play the piano.

    Autosuggestion is, as I said above, an instrument that we possess at birth, and with which we play unconsciously all our life, as a baby plays with its rattle. It is however a dangerous instrument; it can wound or even kill you if you handle it imprudently and unconsciously. It can on the contrary save your life when you know how to employ it consciously. One can say of it as Aesop said of the tongue: "It is at the same time the best and the worst thing in the world".

    I am now going to show you how everyone can profit by the beneficent action of autosuggestion consciously applied. In saying "every one", I exaggerate a little, for there are two classes of persons in whom it is difficult to arouse conscious autosuggestion:

    1. The mentally undeveloped who are not capable of understanding what you say to them.

    2. Those who are unwilling to understand.


    The Medicineless hospitals of China - 95% success rate in healing with the power of Chi
    "La réalité est un rêve que l'on fait atterrir" San Antonio AKA F. Dard

    Troll-hood motto: Never, ever, however, whatsoever, to anyone, a point concede.

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    Avalon Member leavesoftrees's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Game-changing Science of Epigenetics

    In this lecture Mitch Horowitz talks about Coue

    How Thoughts Become Reality: Make Your Own Miracle with Mitch Horowitz

    In the second evening of this 3-part deep-dive conversation, Mitch issues a challenge to listeners: thoughts are causative. He then provides three concrete methods to test this thesis in your own life

    What is important in the process of suggestion is to really access the feeling you would experience when the suggestion is realised. The image and its feeling have to be experienced simultaneously

    If you follow the link to the 3rd lecture he talks about Neville Goddard

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    Avalon Member Pam's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Game-changing Science of Epigenetics

    Quote 1. When the will and the imagination are antagonistic, it is always the imagination which wins, without any exception.

    2. In the conflict between the will and the imagination, the force of the imagination is in direct ratio to the square of the will.

    3. When the will and the imagination are in agreement, one does not add to the other, but one is multiplied by the other.

    4. The imagination can be directed.
    The challenge, at least for me would be harnessing the power of imagination. I am able to manifest will and intent but I think there are layers of imagination. At a superficial level I can summon an imaginary scenario but there is frequently an underlying imagined layer of doubt....which does indeed seem to overpower the will. Really, really interesting info..

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    United States Avalon Member Valerie Villars's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Game-changing Science of Epigenetics

    When things get too technical, I get lost.

    However, I actually experienced a very profound self healing absolutely spontaneously and with no foreknowledge of any of the above.

    In retrospect, and I still don't really understand the hows and the whys, I somehow came into balance and maybe aligned with some kind of external force. I just don't know.

    What I do know is this; in July of 2013 after receiving completely spontaneously a great deal of knowledge while just living my life, I inexplicably felt compelled to start taking baths a few times a day. Deep, deep cuts appeared in the joints of my fingers and the bottoms of my toes.

    I had gone through quite a few shocks at the time before this happened. I'd had shingles, lost both my jobs, and had weaned myself off of painkillers. At the time I hadn't had more than a couple of drinks in almost five years.

    Then, I became filled with light. This happened over a period of many days, not just an hour or short amount of time.

    I went to bed one night and woke up the next morning and every cut on me was completely healed, with no scars or indication they had ever been there. I felt very powerful and was filled with the most extraordinary sense of well being which lasted forever. I kept that state for many weeks and even months, but it just seemed like it's not really sustainable in this dimension. In other words, you can't do anything but just be, which doesn't help the normal things you have to do to survive on this earth, like pay your bills.

    That's one part of my experience for what it's worth. It doesn't really matter if anyone believes me. I'm just stating a fact. Yes, we can heal ourselves.
    Last edited by Valerie Villars; 1st December 2018 at 15:54.
    "The only true currency in this bankrupt world is what we share with someone when we are uncool." From the movie "Almost Famous""l "Let yourself stand cool and composed before a million universes." Walt Whitman

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    Avalon Member Delight's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Game-changing Science of Epigenetics

    I have been studying Bruce Lipton, Joe Dispenza and "new thought" information for a few years. It is my highest excitement to apply the principles I am learning. I also listen to Abraham Hicks, Bashar and have read much by Seth (channeled by Jane Roberts) and it all correlates in my research. Recently I have read some science articles that show how epigenetic changes are passed down through several generations.

    This is significant because it is about how humans are programmed by what our parents' experienced. Until we take repsponisbility for being able to change and by practicing myriad techniques of changing the "mind" we feel victimized by heredity and conditions.

    It is my opinion now that "know thyself" matters in profound ways. When one becomes conscious of one's habits of mind, a DOOR opens. A change in one's programming of thought that alligns with changes in emotional states will change the body.

    IMO the LITERAL gift of the body is that in our body, we can see very quickly the results of our work. Yes! changes in thought and changes in emotion ARE POSSIBLE and we have control over our health. One feels it and KNOWS.

    The next big leap is an acceptance that we are not a body but a field of energy that creates what looks to be our external conditions. Changes made on the intellectual and emotional level (BEFORE evidence exists in reality), cause major shifts in our day to day experience. This is taking us to an independent experience that is less and less determined by what we observe around us. IMO we who accept the challenge will benefit. We cannot change others, only ourselves.

    Our process of "reality bubble" or "reality tunnel" creation happens unconsciously until we take charge. One has to embrace the work and it is constant and one cannot stop taking charge or one will be susceptible to many many others' "beliefs".

    This is so empowering and so pertinent in this global moment where we are able to take on to CONSCIOUS CHANGE or be resigned to perpetuating the past (which is always before THIS moment).

    My experience with studying the information is that it continually supports me in doing the work. I know now that I experience my self and my environment based on what I believe to be true. The vast importance of "know thyself" and the significance of changing my filters is a certainty for me.

    It may seem counter intuitive that we are this able to rewrite the beliefs of generations, alter the programming of a life time and have a new body and a new mind and a new life. But this IMO is the organic human technology that is our birth right as beings.

    One example of belief that is VERY common is thinking that dis-ease and chronic pain is "organic" and happens to us with no recourse but "medicine". Have chronic back pain? Before heading to the doctor for scans, pain killers and surgery, consider how much unconscious emotional stress one is experiencing. Stress results in tension and tension constricts and contracts.

    Quote the pain is
    caused by tension, not physical tension but emotional tension: suppressed disagreeable
    feelings like anger, worry, fear, feelings of inferiority, guilt and sorrow, and the most
    important of these use to be suppressed anger.

    Tension, stress and the will to do good things in our life can give inner reactions, which we
    are totally unaware of, but in our unconscious we are very afraid of them. Unconsciously we
    get very angry, and this can be raised to rage. This is universal, and we all do this to a less or
    greater degree. There are many different ways in which this can show itself in physical
    reactions in our bodies, and of which different pain syndroms for the time being have an
    almost epidemic expansion.

    What the brain does is to create symtoms that draw the attention
    from what goes on in the psyche. The brain makes sure that the anger or other unpleasant and
    unacceptable feelings can´t come to the front. The brain thinks that it does us a service
    through this, it protects us from acting out of this anger or getting destroyed by it through
    distracting us from the anger through a socially accepted disease, the back pain. ”It seems a
    heavy price to pay, but the inner workings of the mind are not really known, and we can only
    suspect its deep aversion to frightening, painful feelings”.

    Dr Sarno calls this TMS, Tension Myositis Syndrom, and it includes muscles, nerves,
    tendrons and liagaments in the neck, shoulder and the back. The autonomous nervous system
    cuts off the blood flow in the tissues involved and this ischemi gives pain. Dr Sarno says of
    the acute attack: ”It is the most painful thing I know of in clinical medicine, which is ironic
    because it is completely harmless”.

    A patient with malignant TMS may because of the pain be
    more handicapped and get a much more changed situation in life than a person with
    amputated legs in a wheel-chair. The life of the TMS patient becomes dominated by the pain,
    and everything circles around it. Because the pain can start or grow worse through the most
    common and normal situations, for example sitting, standing, lifting and carrying. The patient
    can´t work, have a functio- ning family life or leisure, while a wheel-chair bound can cope
    with all this and have control over his life, which the TMS patient has not, because the back
    pain dominates. http://www.correctus.se/dokument/DrSarno-en.pdf?null
    Last edited by Delight; 1st December 2018 at 20:03.

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    France On Sabbatical
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    Default Re: The Game-changing Science of Epigenetics

    Genetics be damned! Kids can overcome genetic susceptibility for obesity

    Dr. Bret Scher Diet Doctor
    Mon, 03 Dec 2018 14:38 UTC

    We hear it all the time, "Everyone in my family is overweight, and I have been overweight my whole life. It is simply in my genes." While that may be true, we now have evidence that we can overcome genetic predispositions to obesity.

    Eurek Alert: Despite common obesity gene variants obese children lose weight after lifestyle changes

    A recent publication in the journal Obesity reported on a study in Danish kids and adolescents age 6-18 years. The authors used data from prior studies identifying 15 genetic polymorphisms (SNPs, or gene mutations) that predispose kids to becoming obese. The first part of the study verified that these SNPs did indeed correlate with increased BMI in this Danish cohort.

    Then, they performed a lifestyle intervention in 754 of the subjects and monitored if their physiological response related to their genetic makeup or not. Encouragingly, they found the children and adolescents improved their BMI regardless of their genetic propensity for obesity.

    This study suggests, therefore, that although our genes may make it more likely we will become obese, the ultimate outcome is still within our control. Said another way, our genes are not our destiny. They are more of a roadmap that we can choose to follow or change directions with the decisions we make regarding our nutrition, physical activity, sleep, stress management, social structure and more.

    The next time you want to blame your parents, take a breath and think about ways you can improve your lifestyle to help you on your path to health.

    Thanks for reading,

    Bret Scher, MD FACC
    SOTT Comment:
    It's a stance we've taken at SOTT for quite some time - your genes are not your destiny! Given the ongoing research into genetics and epigenetics, it's foolhardy, to say the least, to assume that one is unable to escape their genetic predispositions. There are exceptions to this, of course, but to fall back on the old 'genetic determinism' trope is, more often than not, a cop out.
    "La réalité est un rêve que l'on fait atterrir" San Antonio AKA F. Dard

    Troll-hood motto: Never, ever, however, whatsoever, to anyone, a point concede.

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    UK Avalon Member Jayke's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Game-changing Science of Epigenetics

    Epigenetics are regulated (switched on and off) via the hormone system...

    The epigenetics of a caterpillar are morphed into the genetics of a butterfly through a hormonal reactivation of development. Hormones are a chemical based system, which is why Monsanto spray chemicals all over their GMO crops. The intention is to create a subspecies of Morlocks—straight out of way HG Wells ‘Time Machine’—Agenda30 in full swing.

    My French is limited to google translate, but that on its own was enough to find lots of valuable insights at the following website:


    I’d love to read the guys books, but, endocrine psychology is one of the best kept secrets of the Anglo-Saxon elites, so, it’s hard to find many published works that are openly translated into English.

    Then there’s the controversial, Jewish, endocrinologist, Roger Dommergue, who claims that the hormonal adaptive response created during the process of circumcision is prone to creating egomaniacal sociopaths. One of his solutions for using epigenetics to cure sociopathy is to stop cutting sensitive body parts off babies when they’re 8 days old.

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    Philippines Avalon Member
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    Default Re: The Game-changing Science of Epigenetics

    interesting read, thanks everyone for sharing your knowledge. Actually I have an ongoing experiment which seemed to be centered on epigenetics. The experiment is discovering the fountain of youth because growing old is no laughing matter its so boring. My theory is that the fountain of youth is not a source of water or a potion or anything for that matter but a state of being. to be young you have to think & act like a youth. constantly lying to myself that I'm a youth well anyway kidding aside, this is the epigenetics part. and seems to be working very well. I was very active in sports during younger days so I swim 1 to 3 times a week play basket and soccer with my kids work physical jobs. hang out with younger dudes, listen to new generation music. etc. On second thought I'm sure my revised eating habits is one very effective way in maintaining my health and youth. eat only when hungry. mostly at night 1 to 3 small meals in quick succession. So maybe epigenetics is not the game changing but rather the combination of all. I have observe that when I use to be sick physically my soul and mind is also dull. similarly when I am happy my body is bouncing and my mind sharp. Its like each level of experience affects the others. maybe the game changer is to score high in all level of experience.

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    Avalon Member Pam's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Game-changing Science of Epigenetics

    Quote Posted by Bubu (here)
    interesting read, thanks everyone for sharing your knowledge. Actually I have an ongoing experiment which seemed to be centered on epigenetics. The experiment is discovering the fountain of youth because growing old is no laughing matter its so boring. My theory is that the fountain of youth is not a source of water or a potion or anything for that matter but a state of being. to be young you have to think & act like a youth. constantly lying to myself that I'm a youth well anyway kidding aside, this is the epigenetics part. and seems to be working very well. I was very active in sports during younger days so I swim 1 to 3 times a week play basket and soccer with my kids work physical jobs. hang out with younger dudes, listen to new generation music. etc. On second thought I'm sure my revised eating habits is one very effective way in maintaining my health and youth. eat only when hungry. mostly at night 1 to 3 small meals in quick succession. So maybe epigenetics is not the game changing but rather the combination of all. I have observe that when I use to be sick physically my soul and mind is also dull. similarly when I am happy my body is bouncing and my mind sharp. Its like each level of experience affects the others. maybe the game changer is to score high in all level of experience.
    I like your multi pronged approach to maintaining youthful vibrancy. I feel one of the biggest factors is remaining interested in things, having a goal(s). It sounds like you are using intermittent fasting. I came on to the benefits quite by accident and now make a regular habit of doing all of my eating in a 8 hour window, giving the body 16 hours to do whatever it needs to do without the burden of digestion. After the fact, I found that intermittent fasting is used for all kinds of health issues like diabetes and obesity.

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    Default Re: The Game-changing Science of Epigenetics

    Quote Posted by Bubu (here)
    My theory is that the fountain of youth is not a source of water or a potion or anything for that matter but a state of being. to be young you have to think & act like a youth. constantly lying to myself that I'm a youth well anyway kidding aside, this is the epigenetics part. and seems to be working very well.
    It's been proven that people's brain can physically change with repeated memory recall. What you said reminded me about this neuroscientific study https://www.scientificamerican.com/a...n-taxi-memory/

    I've included the conclusion of the article below.

    Quote Neurobiologist Howard Eichenbaum of Boston University commends the study for answering the "chicken-and-egg question" posed by Maguire's earlier research. He sees it as confirmation of the idea that cognitive exercise produces physical changes in the brain. "The initial findings could have been explained by a correlation, that people with big hippocampi become taxi drivers," he says. "But it turns out it really was the training process that caused the growth in the brain. It shows you can produce profound changes in the brain with training. That's a big deal."

  32. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to petra For This Post:

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    Avalon Member Flash's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Game-changing Science of Epigenetics

    Quote Posted by petra (here)
    Quote Posted by Bubu (here)
    My theory is that the fountain of youth is not a source of water or a potion or anything for that matter but a state of being. to be young you have to think & act like a youth. constantly lying to myself that I'm a youth well anyway kidding aside, this is the epigenetics part. and seems to be working very well.
    It's been proven that people's brain can physically change with repeated memory recall. What you said reminded me about this neuroscientific study https://www.scientificamerican.com/a...n-taxi-memory/

    I've included the conclusion of the article below.

    Quote Neurobiologist Howard Eichenbaum of Boston University commends the study for answering the "chicken-and-egg question" posed by Maguire's earlier research. He sees it as confirmation of the idea that cognitive exercise produces physical changes in the brain. "The initial findings could have been explained by a correlation, that people with big hippocampi become taxi drivers," he says. "But it turns out it really was the training process that caused the growth in the brain. It shows you can produce profound changes in the brain with training. That's a big deal."
    Yes yes, that is how I helped my daughter almost out of heavy partial aphasia and motor impairments.
    How to let the desire of your mind become the desire of your heart - Gurdjieff

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    Default Re: The Game-changing Science of Epigenetics

    Quote Posted by peterpam (here)
    Quote Posted by Bubu (here)
    interesting read, thanks everyone for sharing your knowledge. Actually I have an ongoing experiment which seemed to be centered on epigenetics. The experiment is discovering the fountain of youth because growing old is no laughing matter its so boring. My theory is that the fountain of youth is not a source of water or a potion or anything for that matter but a state of being. to be young you have to think & act like a youth. constantly lying to myself that I'm a youth well anyway kidding aside, this is the epigenetics part. and seems to be working very well. I was very active in sports during younger days so I swim 1 to 3 times a week play basket and soccer with my kids work physical jobs. hang out with younger dudes, listen to new generation music. etc. On second thought I'm sure my revised eating habits is one very effective way in maintaining my health and youth. eat only when hungry. mostly at night 1 to 3 small meals in quick succession. So maybe epigenetics is not the game changing but rather the combination of all. I have observe that when I use to be sick physically my soul and mind is also dull. similarly when I am happy my body is bouncing and my mind sharp. Its like each level of experience affects the others. maybe the game changer is to score high in all level of experience.
    I like your multi pronged approach to maintaining youthful vibrancy. I feel one of the biggest factors is remaining interested in things, having a goal(s). It sounds like you are using intermittent fasting. I came on to the benefits quite by accident and now make a regular habit of doing all of my eating in a 8 hour window, giving the body 16 hours to do whatever it needs to do without the burden of digestion. After the fact, I found that intermittent fasting is used for all kinds of health issues like diabetes and obesity.
    Yes also I feel the sane the word is "inspired" I feel like a zombie when i'm not inspired. I didn't know that they call my eating habit intermetent fasting. But no I F has sets of rules like dont eat for 15 hours me I simple listen to my stomach, when I am working or just busy with anything I dont feel hungry but if my body relax my stomach normally gets into the picture so I gave it what it wants after all the body has calm down so this is his opportunity to be notice. It means , when I'm bored I eat all the time
    Last edited by Bubu; 5th December 2018 at 22:15.

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    Default Re: The Game-changing Science of Epigenetics

    Quote Posted by petra (here)
    Quote Posted by Bubu (here)

    It's been proven that people's brain can physically change with repeated memory recall.
    And the brain changes the genome. Is that what epigenetics is all about? do I understand the subject correctly?

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    Canada Avalon Member
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    Default Re: The Game-changing Science of Epigenetics

    Quote Posted by Bubu (here)
    Quote Posted by petra (here)
    Quote Posted by Bubu (here)

    It's been proven that people's brain can physically change with repeated memory recall.
    And the brain changes the genome. Is that what epigenetics is all about? do I understand the subject correctly?
    I don't think the genome would physically change, but maybe! That's a very interesting thought. I looked up the meaning of epigenetics, and sounds to me like the gene "expressions" are separate from the genes themselves.

    Epigenetics definition is "the study of changes in organisms caused by modification of gene expression rather than alteration of the genetic code itself."

    This probably ties in with Cellular memory, which I had to look up also. In epigenetics, Cellular Memory is the idea that nongenetic information can be passed from parents to offspring.

    I never would have thought it possible for cells to have a memory, but there have been numerous weird reports of people's personality changing after receiving an organ transplant, and there seems to be a pattern.

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