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Thread: US Military Involvement In Reptilian Breeding, Gray-Reptil

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    Default US Military Involvement In Reptilian Breeding, Gray-Reptil

    Secret Reptilian Hatchery: US Military Involvement In Reptilian Breeding, Gray-Reptilian Agenda
    Saturday, November 24, 2012 14:45

    This is an excerpt from an upcoming book by Ken Bakeman on his lifelong contact with reptilian beings.

    Introductory Comments.

    The activities of the previous night left me feeling less than refreshed in the morning, to say the least. (refer to The Darklings.) It was now Sunday and most of the household slept in a little later than usual. Our host was already cooking breakfast and I enjoyed a strong cup of coffee, trying to wake myself up. After breakfast, I felt a strong urge to leave the house and go on a drive by myself. Byron said that he was going to be busy doing things with the other houseguests so I didn’t need to worry about him. I invented an excuse for my restlessness, telling the host that I wanted to go shopping. He pointed me in the general direction of the local stores, calling it the ‘valley of the malls’.

    Aimlessly driving my van, my travels took me outside the suburban sprawl and after about a half-hour ended up in the New Jersey countryside. A glowing red sphere the size of a grapefruit came into the periphery of my vision. It had come up to the right side passenger window and was pacing my vehicle some three feet away. At the next four-way stop this red energy sphere instantly converted into the body of Renjeck. Without hesitation, he opened the side door and shoved his muscular body (tail and all) into the front seat. He wore a silver colored backpack, the size of an attaché case, which forced his body forward in what appeared to be a very uncomfortable position. His clawed fingers held a wand about an inch in diameter and 18″ long, attached by a cord to the backpack.

    The blare of a car horn jolted me out of my shock due to the suddenness of Renjeck’s appearance. A lady in a station wagon had pulled up behind me at the stop and was now impatiently honking to get me moving. (Fortunately for her, she couldn’t see inside my van because of reflecting film on the rear window.) Renjeck turned around and pointed his wand at her, causing her face and body to become frozen into stillness. I couldn’t help but wonder how long the poor lady would be stuck like that. Mentally, Renjeck commanded me to continue driving.


    The activities of the previous night left me feeling less than refreshed in the morning, to say the least. (refer to The Darklings.) It was now Sunday and most of the household slept in a little later than usual. Our host was already cooking breakfast and I enjoyed a strong cup of coffee, trying to wake myself up. After breakfast, I felt a strong urge to leave the house and go on a

    The account that follows details an experience that took place in June of 1983 when I was 29 years old. By that time I had already been subjected to many years of training and conditioning in regard to partitioning my psyche in order to make it useful to the Gray Agenda. More specifically the process I was subjected to was designed to make me a compliant and useful adjunct to my Reptilian handler. Some information about this is given here. Compliance was a result principally from psychological and physical torture/reward training. What was the reward? Mainly it was a reprieve from being tortured along with ephemeral promises given in a diabolical ‘soul contract’ that would be amended from time to time to keep me roped in. (The issue of ‘soul contracts’ is central to the way both Reptilians and the Grays operate and will be the topic of future entries on this web site as time permits.)

    Face of a mind controlled slave warrior who served the Gray-Reptilian Agenda: from my 1984 International Driving Permit photo.

    My usefulness derived from multiple sessions since I was a teenager that seem to have been intended to ramp up the scale and scope of my psychic sensitivity to make it more compatible with the physiology and in particular the nervous system of my Reptilian handler. This involved exposure to some kind of extremely painful energy field that made my body feel like it was on fire. Eventually, when I was 21 years old, this process resulted in a Kundalini explosion of pure white, searing light that roared up my spine and exploded into my brain, leaving me in a daze and partially blind for several days. It also resulted in what I would describe as a total ontological reset, almost as though all of the previous memes I had been infected with over the years had been completely obliterated and a new starting point, a rebirth as it were, was established.

    A central point I’m trying to get at here is that my usefulness as related in the following account was to a significant extent a result of adjustments (to put it mildly) made to my nervous system over a period of many years, making it easier for my Reptilian handler to be a sort of voyager and to a certain extent pilot of my mind. If you think this is total rubbish, then I respectfully suggest that you certainly don’t understand how the Reptilians and the Grays operate — take that as you may. Another important element given here concerns the extensive involvement of the US Military in conjunction with a huge, international medical research institute in collecting and hatching eggs of cryptic species.

    At the risk of rambling on too long in these introductory comments, I probably should briefly add that the “activities of the previous night” mentioned at the beginning of the ensuing account relates to an abduction event I had relating to the brethren of the red-eyed being who by some bad fortune had become incarcerated or perhaps even incubated and hatched in the Battelle lab hidden away in the New Jersey countryside.

    Good grief!, I thought of something else that really needs to be included in this introduction. The house I was staying at was in Maplewood, New Jersey. From this point I drove in a generally southerly direction and ended up on a newly paved, two-lane road that meandered through the New Jersey countryside. It was after well more than an hour, probably closer to two hours, that I ended up at the destination my Reptilian handler had guided me to. This was in a completely undeveloped, wooded area in the Pine Barrens — no other buildings were in sight, just a new tilt-up concrete building surrounded by a security fence. A modestly sized sign was placed just outside the fence; it read, Battelle Primate Research Facility, or something very close to that. At the time I didn’t know that Battelle was a giant multinational research organization and in my ignorance thought it was just a local telephone company, you know — the ‘telle part? But why would a telephone company be researching primates? That’s how naive I was back then . . .

    THE SECRET HATCHERY: PART TWO (to be continued)

    We entered a dimly lit hallway running lengthwise along the building. Shelving reached up towards the tall ceiling on one side of this corridor. Dozens and dozens of wire cages of different sizes were stacked along these racks. After traversing the hallway we came to a set of large cages. I stood in shocked horror looking at what was inside these cells. Even in the gloomy lighting I could make out the forms of grotesque looking, living beings. Renjeck stood calmly alongside of me, seeming to be gauging my response to this spectacle. My nose registered the pungent smell of urine and feces, the stench of an unclean zoo. About ten reptile and/or amphibian creatures stood staring back at me, peering out of their cages with a pathetic look of desperation. Some of them were whining and moaning. None of these animals were part of my ordinary world. Like Renjeck himself, they had the look of alien beings.

    Fluorescent light fixtures shining through a large window in a room directly behind the cages provided an eerie back light to this scene. The deep red, almost glowing eyes of the being in the cage on the far right stood out in the shadowy setting. This was the same class of being as the ones who had abducted me the night before. However, unlike the defiant and imperious nature of those darklings, this individual stood on his two bowed legs in an attitude of sullen detachment. To his left stood another biped alien. This being displayed a (now droopy) dorsal fin at least as big as that of a sailfish. The next cage over held a humanoid with loose flaps of skin hanging off its putty green-gray epidermis. This guy was at least six feet tall, with heavily webbed feet and hands. To his left were two reptilian-looking bipeds with scaly, alligator-like skin. Their coloring ranged between shades in the light gray-green to blue-gray-green. My eyes followed this gruesome lineup and next took in three quadrupeds. They all had short, lizard-like legs but their heads were held in an upright position, more human-like than reptilian. Their eyes stared at me with a terrifying intensity of intelligence. The smallest of these three was the darkest, with a hide more like rough sharkskin than a reptile’s scaly covering. With its weasely body, this creature reminded me of a nightmarish dachshund.

    Renjeck asked me to follow him. We entered the small room behind the cages through a metal door with a wire-reinforced glass window. Two men (caucasian humans) stood waiting for us. They were both dressed in dark green military uniforms. The shorter of the two men, whose uniform boasted a row of colorful decorations, reached out his hand for me to shake. Automatically offering my hand in return, I tried to evaluate this guy. What I saw was a stocky body with a jovial, rounded face. His slightly graying hair was cut in a perfect flattop. After introducing himself to me as Major Stevens, he turned to the other man and identified this younger and much more slender individual as Lieutenant so and so (I can’t remember the name).

    The room we were now in was only about twelve by twenty feet, with a drop ceiling and commercial grade, blue-gray carpeting. A minimum of desks and filing cabinets lined one wall. Even though this room was air-conditioned (unlike the ‘zoo room’), my body was dripping with perspiration. Almost as though reading my mind, the Major asked me if I would like something to drink. “Ice water or a pop”, he asked, pointing to a large Coke machine which stood in one corner of the room in colorful contrast to the rest of the austere furnishings. I gladly accepted the offer and slurped down the drink in an attempt to cool down my overheated body.

    I needed to know what was going on and fumbled to ask what should have been the obvious questions. Major Stevens offered a few judicious responses that were clearly designed to adroitly avoid an answer. The Lieutenant opened a briefcase he had been holding all during this time and brought out a small tape recorder and microphone. It was succinctly explained to me that they would like my assistance in tapping into the minds of the creatures that I had been shown in the cages. Before I could respond with any questions, the Major interrupted me in his polite manner. He almost apologetically informed me that my Coke had a mild drug in it. The reason for this, he explained, was to help calm me down so that the ‘experiment’ with linking to the creatures’ thoughts would be more successful. This news gave me a sinking feeling. Obviously I was being used to further their agenda and whatever I personally felt or thought was irrelevant.

    Major Stevens quickly changed the subject. He said that he wanted to show me another room in the building. With the Major at the lead and Renjeck taking up the rear position, we exited the office area and walked down a wide hallway leading to the opposite end of the building from which my reptilian partner and I had originally entered. After passing through double swinging doors we were now standing in a very large room, about eighty by eighty feet square. I was immediately hit by this room’s extremely hot and humid air. The temperature must have been well over ninety degrees. Looking up, I saw an enormous ceiling-mounted heater noisily pumping out a steady furnace blast of hot air. Row after row of benches supporting large white plastic trays filled most of the floor area. Pipes arranged horizontally a few feet over the benches periodically sprayed a fine mist down towards the trays. I could see that these trays contained eggs, ranging between the size of a small chicken egg upwards to the size of a big cantaloupe. Each egg had hand written characters on it, presumably used for record keeping.

    In the far corner of the room, my attention caught the sight of a seven-foot tall biped reptilian with its arms reaching out towards us. Reacting instinctively, I jumped back and let out a sling of profanities. Major Stevens put his hand on my shoulder and while attempting to control his laughter, explained that the creature in the corner was ‘stuffed’ and not real. It was simply a joke he liked to play on first time visitors to this building. I didn’t think it was very funny.

    There was only one other person in the room besides our little group. This man wore a white lab coat and when coached by the Major came over to be introduced. Both his name and his personality were completely forgettable. I was told that Mr. ____ was in charge of monitoring the hatching of the eggs and keeping records of the species description. This nerdy guy had nothing to say and seemed to be relieved when the Major allowed him to return to his paperwork.

    My mind was swirling with questions. Again in his casual manner, Major Stevens sidestepped my queries and began a rather automatic lecture on the purpose of this room. Eggs of ‘anomalous’ species were occasionally found in remote regions of both the United States and parts of other countries around the world. Their discovery would usually coincide with construction projects, especially road building through terrain previously undisturbed by humans. It was the aim of the Major’s project to funnel as many of these unusual eggs to the appropriate research laboratories. The eggs were assigned identifying markers (the writing on the shell) and sorted out by size and color. If the egg produced a hatchling, the creature would be further identified and then transferred to a different site. In some instances a hatchling would develop to adulthood and be kept for further research. This brought us up to the present moment. The live specimens in the cages were examples of anomalous species garnered through the process of raising eggs brought to the research laboratory. Working in tandem with Renjeck, it was hoped that I could provide an insight into their minds.

    All that I could say at that point was that I had to go to the bathroom. This seemed to set Major Stevens back a few cogs in his thinking, but only for a second. “Of course”, he said. “The Lieutenant will be happy to show you to the restroom”. The bathroom was only a few yards down the corridor on the left. The Lieutenant waited patiently for me just outside the door while I took a leak. My mind was reeling from the impact of this bizarre experience. I wanted nothing more than to escape. This was just one more case where Renjeck got me into a completely twisted adventure. With the Lieutenant standing guard outside the restroom, I couldn’t reasonably plan an escape. I was stuck with having to cooperate with Major Stevens and his experiment.

    Even though it was only about 10:30 in the morning, the day was already getting hot and humid. Combined with the nerve-racking situation of having Renjeck seated next to me, this made for a less than leisurely drive in the country. With my reptilian passenger crammed into the cab with me, we drove along the twisting and turning back roads of the valley. These roads were newly paved and looked like they had only recently been carved through the rural landscape. After driving in a generally southerly direction for about an hour, I was told to pull in front of a lonely concrete building with no visible windows. It was completely surrounded by a tall chain-linked fence with barbed wire on the top. The company sign posted in front of the fence read, “Battelle”. Written under that name was “Primate Research Laboratory”.

    There was a small security box to the left of the sliding gate, apparently used to communicate with the interior of the building. As my van idled in front of the gate, Renjeck focused his attention on the box. Only after a few seconds the gate started to slide open by itself and Renjeck ordered me to pull forward. We passed an unoccupied guardhouse and entered a fairly large, completely empty parking lot. Quickly jumping out of the van, Renjeck pulled off his backpack and put it on the floor of the vehicle. He mentally told me, “Follow me, right now”. I was flabbergasted that this device was going to be left inside of my unattended, unlocked van. Quickly, I flashed the reptilian this concern and he barked a mental command for me to forget about the pack and to follow him, immediately. With Renjeck loping ahead in comically large strides (he could easily outrun me) we ran across the parking lot and approached a steel door on the far end of the building. In a few seconds there was a buzzing sound and the door was unlocked.

    Map showing my general route driving from the sleepy suburban town of Maplewood, NJ southward to the Pine Barrens. This drive took somewhat in the area of 2 hours, most of which was on a newly paved two-laned blacktop road that wound it way through the countryside.

    Inside the Minds of Cryptids An empath’s sojourn into the minds of incarcerated multidimensional beings.

    Genocide of the Multidimensionals The Grays’ terrestrial eugenics and sanitation agenda; infringements and disruption of ancient migration patterns and habitats of cryptic species; destruction of the ancestral breeding grounds of multidimensionals. (Related topic: the Grays’ embargo concerning Earth’s biosphere.)

    More here: http://www.kenbakeman.com/reptilian_index.html

  2. The Following 11 Users Say Thank You to Camilo For This Post:

    Axman (25th November 2012), kemo (26th November 2012), lisalu (26th November 2012), Maia Gabrial (26th November 2012), mountain_jim (26th November 2012), Shade (26th November 2012), shadowstalker (26th November 2012), Sidney (26th November 2012), Sith73 (25th November 2012), Star Tsar (25th November 2012), Trail (26th November 2012)

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    Default Re: US Military Involvement In Reptilian Breeding, Gray-Reptil

    I like to be open minded, because there is so much weird stuff out there, but...


    They collect eggs from around the biosphere? I think if that were the case, regular people would have noticed them by now, don't you think? Creatures with intelligence are not going to keep 'breeding' in a place where they know their offspring can be captured and held in captivity. They are sentient, intelligent beings, and would go lay their eggs somewhere else if this is indeed what is going on. The mistake I see in this so far is that. That intelligent creatures would not knowingly leave their offspring somewhere where they are going to be held or treated without compassion and respect. We aren't talking about boobies and terns here: these are intelligent beings with foresight.

    This, can indicate a few things - dream scapes [projected realities] are like the matrix in a way... if you look deep enough you can find illogical bits or flaws in it 'glitches' which indicate that it is infact a matrix not a reality. Or as I see it - a projection - real but not real as we are real, real as in the dream of the dreamer, or a projection of the holographic DNA we are and yeah we are a projection of our DNA but we are a first order projection. The dreams are second order, projected by the system of the first order reality. So, if there is a story flaw [they can be very deep and tricky but I do think this is a legitimate way of deducing the status of the reality] you see it can be an indicator that the story is 'matrix', because after all, a story is only as good as its creator. It could also indicate that the story is just plainly not true in its entirely, as in made up.
    Only projected from a being who has compassion would it make sense that beings would be too compassionate to breed where their offspring would be treated with disrespect.

    So isn't that assuming that all beings are compassionate? No, because it is also a 'glitch' to think that first order reality emitters are not necessarily of this nature. First order reality emitters are compassionate because the geometry of the system, its innate structure, cannot exist unless it supports itself back from every timeline and every space [because to function at all it must be in every space, connected in order to be processed by its CPU]. And to support itself is to be connected to it, and to do that it must support the existence of the life and consciousness that is in it. That can only be accomplished by compassionate loving co creation. If something has disconnected from this compassionate position towards all life, they are in and personifying a timeline and second order emitter and emitted reality that is not reconnecting in wholeness with its source.

    To get back to the source it therefore has to be completely digested and taken through daal or the stomach of the goddess - back through complete deconstruction of the first dimension. So yeah it gets back, - but not as itself. It doesn't get to keep its structures. This way of seeing it is actually a proof that non compassionate realities are not real. They are real - they are just not as real as compassionate realities. So what does this mean then? Well the truth cannot be bought. The second order and lesser realities have end points. The first order ones do not - they are self perpetuating forever. It is, in its way, what is termed eternal life, and it's a way of existing that permeates every moment, not 'the future'. What it means is that one cannot buy a stairway to heaven. oh man so cliche.

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    Default Re: US Military Involvement In Reptilian Breeding, Gray-Reptil

    Reptiles and Amphibians are extremely AC and ceremonial... that is a weakness that can be exploited (And Has in the past)... They return to the same place to lay eggs, to mate, they perform obsessive steps and motions before they do certain tasks like eating, sleeping etc... So the egg thing could, might... possibly could be accurate. I am very unsure of the info on this web site... I am looking it over and some impresses me and some raises eyebrows... but I only have what info I have been presented to even try to figure this stuff out... we all have a different perspective to approach this kind of info from... these are the things that night mares are made of... and if people are really living these in reality (Ones with memory of the events) all deserve our sympathy... even many of them who are tools of the cabal/darkside/evil agenda... We need the heads of the leaders for sure...

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