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Thread: Ukraine, Crimea, Syria, Israel, Iran, Turkey, Putin, China, and World War III

  1. Link to Post #121
    UK Avalon Member Cidersomerset's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ukraine, Crimea, Syria, Israel, Iran, Turkey, Putin, China, and World War III

    Brief responses from the UN & EEC

    UN: 'Serious concern at Ukraine situation'7 hours ago

    The UN secretary general said he was "very seriously concerned" at the tense
    situation in Ukraine.Speaking at a news conference with Ukraine's interim president
    Olexander Turchynov, Ban Ki-moon said diplomacy was the only way forward.

    He welcomed a move by Ukraine to adopt Russian as another language in Ukraine,
    but was told by Mr Turchynov that he had misunderstood and that would not happen.


    'Russia is more isolated', says EC chief Jose Manuel Barroso1 hour ago

    President Vladimir Putin has signed a law formalising Russia's takeover of Crimea
    from Ukraine, despite fresh sanctions from the EU and the US.

    The European Union's latest measures target 12 people involved in Russia's
    annexation of the peninsula.

    European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said ''nobody'' recognised the
    annexation of Crimea, which made Russia ''more isolated than before''.

    When Matthew Price challenged him about whether the interim Ukrainian prime
    minister was democratically elected, he said "there are democratic revolutions".

    He added that Ukraine's current government was more legitimate than a
    government that was "shooting its own people".



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  3. Link to Post #122
    Brazil Avalon Member Hawkwind's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ukraine, Crimea, Syria, Israel, Iran, Turkey, Putin, China, and World War III

    Quote Posted by Paul (here)
    I cannot imagine that there is anything whatsoever that Putin could have said or shown at that time disputing the official 9/11 story that I would have given the slightest credence to, even given that I knew who headed Russia, or that I heard through the news outlets I watched at that time that the President of Russia said it.

    So ... yes ... I'm sure Putin knew on the day of 9/11, if not before, that 9/11 was a major false flag event. But I don't see how he could have used that knowledge to pressure the U.S. government at that time. Even now, he must avoid publicly saying all he knows about the depth of the lies in the official 9/11 story, in order to avoid discrediting himself with the American people.
    Sigh, point taken and you're probably right. Most of my family still considers me a nutcase (sometimes I have doubts myself).

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    Default Re: Ukraine, Crimea, Syria, Israel, Iran, Turkey, Putin, China, and World War III

  6. Link to Post #124
    Avalon Member SilentFeathers's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ukraine, Crimea, Syria, Israel, Iran, Turkey, Putin, China, and World War III

    Putin had to see what was coming to the Ukraine many months ago, if not longer, perhaps he actually did not see how easy the west could pull a coup there. Either way it seems to me that a deal was made that Russia could get Crimea out of the deal to make up for the double-cross so to speak.

    There's an obvious rift either way that I see with the West and Russia. To think Putin/Russia is in bed and aligned with the West is a mistake and not wise IMO. Sure they make back door deals with each other, but I doubt very much they secretly hug and kiss each other. This is big business at the highest levels, situations like this HAVE caused huge wars and World Wars in the past.

    There is a shift happening in my opinion and it's getting more vivid and verbal...and volatile. Alliances are shifting and being re-established with old friends AND enemies alike. Nations are picking sides and making huge adjustments. Certain players are being eliminated or knocked in to chaotic situations to render them useless. Some are getting stripped of everything while others are getting armed to the teeth......

    Oh, by the way. is the missile shield Russia's been bitching about for years now being built?

    Sooner or later it won't be all about money and oil, eventually it'll be also about identity and survival at the basic levels, that day is quickly approaching IMO. It's already arrived in Afghanistan, Egypt, Iraq, Libya, and Syria to some extent, and several other countries.......these countries couldn't rally the support for protection, but yet were conquered and basically destroyed in the name of freedom with a promise of protection. Putin tossed a wrench in Syria's downfall, but watch, it is yet to fall....we'll likely see that happen this year or the next. (after the mid term elections).

    "The journey is now, it begins with today. There are many paths, choose wisely."

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  8. Link to Post #125
    Avalon Retired Member
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    Default Re: Ukraine, Crimea, Syria, Israel, Iran, Turkey, Putin, China, and World War III

    If you are okay with posting something a bit inappropriate (as a picture at least)


    Translation of the title:
    With his forceful taking back of Crimea Vladimir Putin announces his plans for a new world order... don't get scared now.

    This newspaper is one of the most reliable in the country.
    I will read it through and write down a summary here.
    But before that - I had an idea forming in my mind -
    the way Russia dealt with Crimea was a sign of ambition, one that states, dare you not threaten me, for I have power.


    The article, if anyone is in a hurry to google-translate it -->

    Светкавичното и безцеремонно заграбване на автономната украинска република е шок в международната система, който не е задължително да доведе до трета световна или дори до втора студена война. Въпреки че ако слушате как американският сенатор Джон Макейн определя Русия като "бензиностанция, маскирана като държава", а любимият на Кремъл тв пропагандатор Дмитрий Кисельов задочно му отговаря, че Москва е готова да превърне в САЩ "в купчина радиоактивна пепел", може да си помислите, че сме се върнали обратно в ерата преди "разведряването" и дори преди "края на историята", обявен след разпада на СССР.

    С фактическото преначертаване на картата на Европа руският президент стъпка досегашния международен ред и показа как според него трябва да изглежда новият. Въпреки това ЕС и САЩ в единия ъгъл и Русия в другия вероятно няма да се окажат вкопчени в ново тотално и студено противопоставяне. Със сигурност обаче предстои период на хладно съперничество. В него ще трябва да се позиционира и България. И ако приемем, че въпреки изригналото нелепо и кресливо русофилство принадлежността й към едната страна е решена още преди години с влизането в ЕС и НАТО, остава да се подготви за ефектите, които кримската криза ще има върху пълната гама отношения с Русия - от енергетиката и бизнеса до дипломацията и политиката за сигурност.

    В машина на времето

    "В сърцата и умовете на хората Крим винаги е бил неделима част от Русия." С този аргумент, произнесен под оглушителните овации на станалите на крака депутати от двете камари на руския парламент, Путин оправда това, което целият цивилизован свят смята за грубо нарушаване на основополагащи международни принципи и норми (като например неприкосновеност на границите). В същата стилистика, извикваща спомени за архивни кадри от времето на СССР, бе и появяването му малко по-късно пред ликуващия Червен площад, където президентът обяви, че този ден е празник, тъй като "след тежко, продължително, уморително плаване Крим и Севастопол се връщат в родния залив, към родните брегове, в пристанището с постоянна регистрация - в Русия!".

    Всъщност не беше нужно Путин да осъществява първото присъединяване на територия към Русия след разпада на Съветския съюз по този начин - само два дни след фарсов референдум, проведен в окупация и с признат само от Кремъл резултат (за протокола - 97% гласували за хвърляне в прегръдките на Москва). Така или иначе още след руската инвазия под прикритие беше ясно, че Крим е изгубен за Украйна. Но вместо да изчака или да го задържи като замразен конфликт, както всички предполагаха, Путин избра показно анексиране, с което да не остави никакви съмнения колко му е все едно какво мислят Брюксел и Вашингтон. "Шокът сега е, че ядрена сила и член на Съвета за сигурност на ООН, която би трябвало да е пазител на световния ред, го погазва", казва пред "Капитал" Мария Снеговая, политолог в Columbia University и колумнист на американското списание The New Republic. И нищо не предполага, че ще спре дотук.

    Кой е следващият

    "Мисля, че речта му в Кремъл беше честна. Той е руски националист и империалист с огромно усещане за несправедливост", коментира пред "Капитал" Ник Уитни от Европейския съвет по външна политика (ЕСВП). И когато недоволството, че страната му години наред е била "не просто ограбвана, а плячкосвана" (по израза на самия Путин), се комбинира с незачитане на всякакви правила, последствията могат да бъдат плашещи. Какво пречи на Кремъл, след като вече изрази загриженост за рускоезичното малцинство в Естония, да се опита по подобна схема да създаде напрежение и там? Или в Киргизстан, Армения, Молдова и още дузина страни?

    Според д-р Йорг Форбрих, анализатор от German Marshall Fund, е много вероятно Путин да продължи със стратегията си за интервенция в Украйна и срещу други държави по ред причини. "Първо, Москва дълго време притискаше свои по-малки съседи политически, икономически, а в Грузия и Украйна и с военни средства, и срещна малка съпротива от международната общност. Второ, режимът на Путин се чувства застрашен от съседи, които тръгват по пътя на демократичните реформи и европейската интеграция, защото това противоречи на неговата автократична евразийска визия. Той ще направи всичко възможно да спре не само Украйна, но и Грузия и Молдова да продължат независимото си развитие. И трето, с анексирането на Крим Кремъл задвижи динамика, която може да му е трудно да контролира. Той изостри апетита на руските националисти за още, подбуди към действия сепаратистите в Източна Украйна и повиши очакванията на проруските марионетки в Приднестровието", казва Форбрих пред "Капитал". И ако сега Путин не оправдае тези надежди, ще изгуби авторитет.

    Нищо чудно, че Молдова побърза да поиска помощ от Румъния за по-бързо асоцииране с ЕС с надеждата това да я предпази от повторение на украинския сценарий. "Молдова е опасна точка. Приднестровието е в дневния ред на руското правителство и самият факт, че го обсъждат, е достатъчно притеснителен", казва пред "Капитал" Кадри Лийк от лондонския офис на ЕСВП.

    Засега действията на Москва са непредвидими, но започналите намеци за руските малцинства в околните страни или бравурните песни "им мы перекроем газ" са явна демонстрация, къде Русия може да отвърне на удара.

    Светът според Путин

    Всъщност последните действия подреждат пъзела и дават отговор на въпроса какво точно иска властелинът на Кремъл. "Путин се опитва да възкреси и легитимира отново доктрината, че великите сили имат право на свои сфери на влияние. Той казва, че не е против НАТО, но не иска то да се приближава до границите на Русия. Това означава, че претендира за правото да има определени зони, които да са под изричен руски контрол", смята Кадри Лийк. Което обяснява офанзивата му срещу Украйна, шокирала Европа и САЩ. Както написа в текст за Gazeta.ru главният редактор на сп. "Россия в глобальной политике" Фьодор Лукянов, на Запад така и не разбраха, че за Москва "украинският въпрос е не просто червена линия, а двойна непресечена".

    "Крайната цел на Путин е въвеждане на глобална система, в която големите регионални хегемони като Русия са оставени на спокойствие да се разпореждат със съседните си държави", казва пред "Капитал" Родерик Паркс, координатор на програмата за ЕС на Полския институт за международни отношения. Според него руският президент иска да пречупи влиянието и меката сила на ЕС, като го представя за вътрешно разделен и слаб и затова намесващ се в делата на останалите. "Той критикува евросодомията и представя Европа като банда хомосексуалисти. Това изглежда налудничаво отвън, но се приема добре в Русия. И другото, което иска да направи, е да блокира регионалната експанзия на ЕС, да създаде около него пояс от нестабилни държави и така да спре разширяването му", коментира Паркс.

    Основното правило е, че Русия няма да приеме по-нататъшна източна експанзия на ЕС и НАТО. "Онези съседи, които не се подчинят на това, рискуват да бъде застрашено самото им съществуване. Сега големият въпрос и страхът сред някои държави е дали Кремъл ще се опита да върне назад разширяването на двете институции. Дали ще притисне например прибалтийските страни", пита реторично Йорг Форбрих.

    Реваншизъм и наказание

    По всичко изглежда, че Русия ще продължи да пречи на нормализацията на Украйна и нейното обръщане на Запад. И в случай че не успее да постигне това с икономически и политически саботаж, военното нахлуване не може да бъде изключено. "Ако Русия вкара войски в Украйна, цената на това действие ще бъде много висока. И тук не става дума за санкции, а че ще бъде трудно продадено дори на руснаците", казва пред "Капитал" Мария Липман от московския офис на Carnegie Endowment for International Peace. Но Путин може и да е готов да я плати. Според Липман най-вероятният сценарий, уви, е мрачен - засилване на конфронтацията, по-силна самоизолация на Русия и превръщането й в много по-авторитарна и репресивна държава.

    Единственият начин, по който ЕС и САЩ могат да спрат Путин, ако не веднага, то поне в по-дългосрочен план, е ясно да му покажат, включително с ескалиране на санкциите, че подобни действия няма да останат ненаказани. Алтернативата е да приемат свят, в който не само Русия, но и други държави - например Китай - се чувстват свободни да си взимат каквото си поискат, без да се съобразяват с подробности като международно право, договори, граници. И времето ще се превърти с поне век назад.


    Basically the author outlines the possibility that what happened in the Ukraine can happen later on in Moldova.
    Last edited by chocolate; 21st March 2014 at 22:46.

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  10. Link to Post #126
    Avalon Member T Smith's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ukraine, Crimea, Syria, Israel, Iran, Turkey, Putin, China, and World War III

    Quote Posted by Paul (here)
    Quote Posted by Hawkwind (here)
    First, Putin was president of Russia in 2001. As previously mentioned, he must have been aware that the September 11 attacks were a false flag. If he truly wanted to disrupt the plans for a NWO all he had to do was come forward with the intel he had at that time. It would not have been possible for the US government to block an immediate investigation into the charges, there wouldn’t have been time to destroy evidence and disappear credible witnesses.
    My initial response to 9/11 was like that of many Americans at the time, especially more conservative or Republican Americans -- revenge -- kill Muslims. Very few Americans recognized the depth of the lie of 9/11 at that time, and those few were easily marginalized, isolated and kept out of view of even the alternative media (which was quite smaller than now) for a few years following 9/11.

    I cannot imagine that there is anything whatsoever that Putin could have said or shown at that time disputing the official 9/11 story that I would have given the slightest credence to, even given that I knew who headed Russia, or that I heard through the news outlets I watched at that time that the President of Russia said it.

    So ... yes ... I'm sure Putin knew on the day of 9/11, if not before, that 9/11 was a major false flag event. But I don't see how he could have used that knowledge to pressure the U.S. government at that time. Even now, he must avoid publicly saying all he knows about the depth of the lies in the official 9/11 story, in order to avoid discrediting himself with the American people.
    I would just add to your comments to Hawkwind that it's not as black and white as simply disclosing or blowing the whistle on 9/11. 9/11 is a colossal psyops. The most important position on the chess board to control is the center of the board -- and in a game of geopolitical/exopolitical chess, that is equivalent of controlling and manipulating the public perception. You take control of that and develop a strategy around it. An attack on the center of the board would be suicide and/or impossible if your opponent has a stronghold on it; even if Putin wanted to stop the NWO in it's tracks, say by blowing the whistle on 9/11, any move to do so via the channel of an overt appeal to public opinion would do just the opposite. 9/11 was, and still is--(to a lesser extent now)-- a third rail to any move to challenge the center of the board.

    I know this is just another way of saying the same thing you are saying, but this same concept also applies to a comment earlier about Russia providing an haven for the development of Free Energy within its boarders if Putin wanted to oppose the NWO agenda. Again, even if he wanted to pursue this strategy, as a rouge agent, that would be equivalent to attacking your opponents Queen, protected by every other piece on the board, with a couple pawns and knight.

    The bottom line? Putin is just a very smart player on the board, one who knows how easily he could be taken out and destroyed if he ever were to try such a rash and foolish play.

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    Default Re: Ukraine, Crimea, Syria, Israel, Iran, Turkey, Putin, China, and World War III

    Quote Posted by Paul (here)
    Quote Posted by Aragorn (here)
    According to the book on "9/11" that I spoke of higher up and which can be downloaded here - with thanks to Jake for digging up the download page at the Project Camelot website - the "9/11" attacks actually had the United States government and military in a state of nuclear alert, and it was suspected that Russia could have been behind it due to the missile (which was headed for the Pentagon) being picked up on radar (and initially thought to be a jet fighter due to its constant supersonic speed), so USAF fighters were sent out over the ocean to intercept any more missiles or possibly jets that might have come from Russia.
    I could discuss 9/11 all night (well, actually, I've been discussing it for nearly a decade so far .)

    My apologies for seeding a potential derailment of this good thread on that deep topic.
    You didn't. "9/11" is connected to this, and especially in light of Putin not revealing what he knows about certain technologies, et al. He's definitely no saint and he has quite a few skeletons in his closet as well, but that doesn't mean that he's willing to go to war with the US, as eager as Obama and his cronies in the EU seem to be.

    There is a chess game being played out here, and sometimes in a chess game you have to sacrifice a piece, or maybe more than one, in order to lure your opponent into a trap. Of course, we are dealing with human lives here, and there is only so much that a given person would be willing to compromise on, but one person will compromise on more than another one. There is a lot at stake.

    All I know is that Putin is no fool, and that he's not going to let Obama or anyone else bully him into their criminal and destructive plan. He knows the ropes, and while I may not exactly agree with all of his methods, he does know what he's doing, and I think he's the world's best hope for thwarting the cabal's plans right now, or at least on account of their plan to use him and Russia as an asset to their advantage in this particular game.

    See? We're still on topic!

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    Default Re: Ukraine, Crimea, Syria, Israel, Iran, Turkey, Putin, China, and World War III

    Okay that is worth me falling to sleep a bit later on.

    Original source: http://www.capital.bg/politika_i_iko...ladnata_voina/

    With his forceful taking back of Crimea Vladimir Putin announces his plans for a new world order
    ... don't get scared now.


    The last 2 paragraphs state the following ( do get a bit scared now ):

    The world according to Putin

    With Putin's last actions, the pieces of the puzzle are starting to get their respectful places, and to give an answer as to what exactly does The Lord of Kremlin want.
    "Putin is trying to legitimize, again, the idea that the great powers deserve their areas of influence. He states that he is not against NATO, but he prefers that NATO will not get any closer to the borders of Russia than it is right now. Which would only mean that he sees some areas of influence as exclusively Russian. This would explain his offensive actions against the Ukraine which shocked both the EU and the US not so long ago "says ..... (the name should be something like Caddry Leek, but I am not sure of the spelling of the name).

    The west didn't quite manage to realize that for Moscow the Ukrainian problem isn't a red line (or a red tape), it is a double straight line ( referring here to the road surface markings, meaning do not cross to the other side at all costs).

    "Putin's last goal is the establishment of a Global System, in which the big power players, as Russia is, are left alone to deal with whatever happens in their adjacent countries", according to Roderick Parkes(?). The Russian president is trying to break off the influence and the 'soft force' or probably the 'soft glove' with which, the EU is using in its dealings, trying also to establish the EU as weak, thus mingling in the affairs of others.
    Two sentences I am not going to translate, for they sound really rude (not polite).
    The other goal Putin is trying to accomplish is to block the regional expansion of the EU, to create around the EU borders an area of unstable countries in which way to stop the EU from expanding outwards. (makes a lot of sense, IMO)

    The main rule of the game would be that Russia will not tolerate any further expansive action from the EU and NATO. And all neighboring countries which do not obey the rule are endangering their own existence. The grand question at this point, states Joerg Forbrig (?), and the fear, would be if there is any danger of Kremlin trying to take back some of the Baltic countries (Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia).

    Revernge and Punishment

    In all likelihood Russia is going to continue to prevent the normalization of the situation in the Ukraine, and its turning towards the West. In case it fails to do that in way of using economic and political sabotage, a military invasion is not to be ruled out. If Russia gets to enter its troops in the Ukraine, will have to be prepared to pay a high price, one which Russia may be willing to pay. And I am not talking about some sanctions here, but I am taking about actions which will be difficult to explain, or to sell, to the rest of the Russian people, says Maria Lipman.
    According to Lipman, the most likely scenario is rather grim - increased confrontation, a possible isolation for Russia, which in turn will make it much more repressive and authoritarian country.

    The only feasible way in which the EU and the US can stop Putin, if not immediately, in the longer run, would be to show him, with an apparent escalation of their sanctions, that such offensive actions will not remain unpunished.
    the alternative would be to accept a world in which not only Russia, but other countries, such as China, would feel free to stretch their hands and take whatever they decide to, without being afraid of any consequences as presented in the international law, contracts and borders of countries.

    In this way we will witness a shift back in time with at least 100 years.

    a note for Bill --> since I am not sure if we want this to see the light of day, you may want to delete the post (if necessary). I am a bit tired to think straight right now.
    I am not sure about the exact English spelling of some of the names cited above.
    Last edited by chocolate; 21st March 2014 at 23:48.

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    Default Re: Ukraine, Crimea, Syria, Israel, Iran, Turkey, Putin, China, and World War III

    Here Putin talks about how centralization of power (in the world) is a bad thing (3.15).

    It reminds one of what Alexander Dugin -professor at the University at Moscow, and Putin's former adviser- says about the UN not being a trustworthy «guide» to world peace in the feature:

    «I think, we should be focused on creating a new model for the multi-polar world, and about a new jurisdiction to govern international relations, which can only come into existence after the destruction of the unipolar world» -Dugin-


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    Default Re: Ukraine, Crimea, Syria, Israel, Iran, Turkey, Putin, China, and World War III

    Quote Posted by Aragorn (here)
    Quote Posted by Paul (here)
    Quote Posted by Aragorn (here)
    According to the book on "9/11" that I spoke of higher up and which can be downloaded here - with thanks to Jake for digging up the download page at the Project Camelot website - the "9/11" attacks actually had the United States government and military in a state of nuclear alert, and it was suspected that Russia could have been behind it due to the missile (which was headed for the Pentagon) being picked up on radar (and initially thought to be a jet fighter due to its constant supersonic speed), so USAF fighters were sent out over the ocean to intercept any more missiles or possibly jets that might have come from Russia.
    I could discuss 9/11 all night (well, actually, I've been discussing it for nearly a decade so far .)

    My apologies for seeding a potential derailment of this good thread on that deep topic.
    You didn't. "9/11" is connected to this, and especially in light of Putin not revealing what he knows about certain technologies, et al.
    I think you're right about this. I have said it many times and it is the number one
    item on my list puzzling me every day: international silence about 9/11

    Perhaps Reagan was right ? Perhaps there is a common threat that keeps humankind
    united ... and WE know zilch about it. We say we're ready for disclosure. But maybe
    we're not because it isn't what we're expecting at all. Let alone the average Joe
    who is not even expecting a tiny bit ... what do we actually know?

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    Default Re: Ukraine, Crimea, Syria, Israel, Iran, Turkey, Putin, China, and World War III

    One thing for sure is we know Vladimir Putin was born in the former Soviet
    Union in Lenningrad now renamed St Petersburg. So no worries about Birth
    certificates.To a working class family and worked hard to get where he is today.
    As long as this wiki page is not BS..LOL

    Putin with his mother, Maria Ivanovna, in July 1958


    So the geopolitical world he grew up in looked like this, and me come to that and
    many on here...

    After the collapse of the Soviet union and the chaos that ensued Putin was one
    of the politicians that stabilize the country and set it on the road to where it is
    today, which is a large growing economy with plenty of social problems like
    elsewhere but not the belligerent Bear of the communist era. However much
    some may believe ......


    On 13 May 2000, Putin introduced seven federal districts for administrative
    purposes. On 19 January 2010, the new 8th North Caucasian Federal District
    (shown here in purple) was split from Southern Federal District.


    Russian GDP since the end of the Soviet Union


    Under Putin, Russia strengthened its position as a key oil and gas supplier to much of Europe.


    This is the key area Russia does not want NATO forces all along her western borders
    in the the Soviet days she had the buffer of the Warsaw pact countries, which have
    gradually been joing NATO. This is seen as a threat especially to a traditionalist,
    who sees Eastern Ukraine and Bello Russia as brothers, and a step to far for NATO
    expansion,which is one of the causes of all this in their eyes...


    NATO has been creeping Eastwards towards the Ukraine and Russia's important
    Naval base in the Crimea, so if the Ukraine did join NATO it would be to close
    for comfort and a dagger in the back from their viewpoint.

    I think if NATO stays out of the Ukraine and Bello Russia things will calm down.
    The problem is west Ukraine does not trust Moscow and things are finely balanced
    for the next chess move. Putin has the west in check, but not check mate yet imo.
    Last edited by Cidersomerset; 22nd March 2014 at 09:19.

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    Default Re: Ukraine, Crimea, Syria, Israel, Iran, Turkey, Putin, China, and World War III

    Quote Posted by Cidersomerset (here)
    Brief responses from the UN & EEC

    UN: 'Serious concern at Ukraine situation'7 hours ago

    The UN secretary general said he was "very seriously concerned" at the tense
    situation in Ukraine.Speaking at a news conference with Ukraine's interim president
    Olexander Turchynov, Ban Ki-moon said diplomacy was the only way forward.

    He welcomed a move by Ukraine to adopt Russian as another language in Ukraine,
    but was told by Mr Turchynov that he had misunderstood and that would not happen.


    'Russia is more isolated', says EC chief Jose Manuel Barroso1 hour ago

    President Vladimir Putin has signed a law formalising Russia's takeover of Crimea
    from Ukraine, despite fresh sanctions from the EU and the US.

    The European Union's latest measures target 12 people involved in Russia's
    annexation of the peninsula.

    European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said ''nobody'' recognised the
    annexation of Crimea, which made Russia ''more isolated than before''.

    When Matthew Price challenged him about whether the interim Ukrainian prime
    minister was democratically elected, he said "there are democratic revolutions".

    He added that Ukraine's current government was more legitimate than a
    government that was "shooting its own people".


    I thought long and hard how to respond to these 2 (CRIMINAL CLOWNS) Ban Ki-moon & Jose Manuel Barroso...

    So instead of rambling on, I'll let (UKIP's) Nigel Farage and Putin do the talking for me ...

    Putin's speech exposes the NWO

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    Raise your hand if you truly think it cost Russia 52 Billion for the Sochi
    Winter Olympics.

    Putin had other use of those billions. . . . Could have at least given the athletes a bit more artificial snow to compete upon.

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    Default Re: Ukraine, Crimea, Syria, Israel, Iran, Turkey, Putin, China, and World War III

    I found this video. It is in my idea very interesting. It explain the history of Russia versus the west in the last 20 years, and it explains what Putin did and why he is liked in Russia.

    Really Worth a listen, you will understand much better what is at stake with Europe and the Cabal oligarchy, and how Putin did somewhat got rid of them

    You will also understand why the Cabal and the West have basically sworn to get him, and Russia.

    Last edited by Flash; 22nd March 2014 at 06:14.

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    Default Re: Ukraine, Crimea, Syria, Israel, Iran, Turkey, Putin, China, and World War III

    Thanks Bill.

    There maybe a significant link between your article and this message which shows a large UFO over the Crimea.
    I know the information presented by David Boyle on 13th March is channeled which I have my doubts about but there does appear to be a UFO over the Ukraine which has been apparently shown on Russian TV and if the Russians have pulled as a result is amazing.


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    Default Re: Ukraine, Crimea, Syria, Israel, Iran, Turkey, Putin, China, and World War III


    Don't know whether to laugh or cry at this, it is so directed to the masses.

    Maybe the Scots looking to build their Navy on a sale or return basis.

    Or a misunderstood message from Abramovitch looking for a new striker !
    Sapere aude

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    Default Re: Ukraine, Crimea, Syria, Israel, Iran, Turkey, Putin, China, and World War III

    Petrodollar Alert: Putin Prepares To Announce "Holy Grail" Gas Deal With China
    If it was the intent of the West to bring Russia and China together - one a natural resource (if "somewhat" corrupt) superpower and the other a fixed capital / labor output (if "somewhat" capital misallocating and credit bubbleicious) powerhouse - in the process marginalizing the dollar and encouraging Ruble and Renminbi bilateral trade, then things are surely "going according to plan."

    For now there have been no major developments as a result of the shift in the geopolitical axis that has seen global US influence, away from the Group of 7 (most insolvent nations) of course, decline precipitously in the aftermath of the bungled Syrian intervention attempt and the bloodless Russian annexation of Crimea, but that will soon change. Because while the west is focused on day to day developments in Ukraine, and how to halt Russian expansion through appeasement (hardly a winning tactic as events in the 1930s demonstrated), Russia is once again thinking 3 steps ahead... and quite a few steps east.

    While Europe is furiously scrambling to find alternative sources of energy should Gazprom pull the plug on natgas exports to Germany and Europe (the imminent surge in Ukraine gas prices by 40% is probably the best indication of what the outcome would be), Russia is preparing the announcement of the "Holy Grail" energy deal with none other than China, a move which would send geopolitical shockwaves around the world and bind the two nations in a commodity-backed axis. One which, as some especially on these pages, have suggested would lay the groundwork for a new joint, commodity-backed reserve currency that bypasses the dollar, something which Russia implied moments ago when its finance minister Siluanov said that Russia may refrain from foreign borrowing this year. Translated: bypass western purchases of Russian debt, funded by Chinese purchases of US Treasurys, and go straight to the source.

    You can read the full article here.

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    UK Avalon Member Cidersomerset's Avatar
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    Default Re: Ukraine, Crimea, Syria, Israel, Iran, Turkey, Putin, China, and World War III

    Some related stories on the Ukraine issue from Davids site & BBC update.....


    Israel Backs Fascist Putsch, Supports neo-Nazi anti-Semitic Forces in Ukraine

    Saturday 22nd March 2014 at 09:54 By David Icke

    ‘The government of Israeli prime minister Benyamin Netanyahu is backing the
    fascist-led putsch that ousted Ukraine’s elected pro-Russian president, Viktor
    Yanukovych. Far from opposing anti-Semitism and defending Ukrainian Jews from
    the neo-Nazi parties that have joined the new coalition government, Israel is doing
    its best to deny that any such threat exists.

    Israeli foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman issued an anodyne statement last week
    saying: “Israel is following the events in Ukraine with grave concern, worries for the
    safety of the Ukrainian people and hopes that the situation does not deteriorate and
    that no human lives are lost.” This came just two days after Netanyahu’s visit to
    Washington and, reportedly, after pressure from the US State Department for a
    public display of support for the new government in Kiev.

    Both the government and media in Israel have responded by refraining from
    commenting on the growth of neo-Nazi and anti-Semitic forces in Ukraine and the
    critical role they played in the Western-backed coup. They have downplayed or
    ignored entirely the fact that the US and the European powers had for months been
    financing and working with fascist organisations, such as the Svoboda party and the
    Right Sector, to bring down the Yanukovych regime. This is despite the fact that
    Svoboda leaders have made anti-Semitic public statements and the Right Sector’s
    paramilitary forces dress in uniforms modelled on Hitler’s Waffen SS and sport
    swastika-like emblems.’

    Read more: Israel Backs Fascist Putsch, Supports neo-Nazi anti-Semitic Forces in Ukraine



    Petrodollar Alert: Putin Prepares To Announce 'Holy Grail' Gas Deal With China

    ‘If it was the intent of the West to bring Russia and China together – one a natural
    resource (if “somewhat” corrupt) superpower and the other a fixed capital / labor
    output (if “somewhat” capital misallocating and credit bubbleicious) powerhouse –
    in the process marginalizing the dollar and encouraging Ruble and Renminbi
    bilateral trade, then things are surely “going according to plan.”

    For now there have been no major developments as a result of the shift in the
    geopolitical axis that has seen global US influence, away from the Group of 7 (most
    insolvent nations) of course, decline precipitously in the aftermath of the bungled
    Syrian intervention attempt and the bloodless Russian annexation of Crimea, but
    that will soon change. Because while the west is focused on day to day
    developments in Ukraine, and how to halt Russian expansion through appeasement
    (hardly a winning tactic as events in the 1930s demonstrated), Russia is once again
    thinking 3 steps ahead… and quite a few steps east.

    While Europe is furiously scrambling to find alternative sources of energy should
    Gazprom pull the plug on natgas exports to Germany and Europe (the imminent
    surge in Ukraine gas prices by 40% is probably the best indication of what the
    outcome would be), Russia is preparing the announcement of the “Holy Grail”
    energy deal with none other than China, a move which would send geopolitical
    shockwaves around the world and bind the two nations in a commodity-backed axis.’

    Read more …



    European Union prepares for trade war with Russia over Crimea

    ‘Europe began to prepare for a possible trade war with Russia over Ukraine on
    Friday, with the EU executive in Brussels ordered to draft plans for much more
    substantive sanctions against Moscow if Vladimir Putin presses ahead with Russian
    territorial expansion.

    But the bigger EU countries – Germany, France and Britain, all with major but very
    different interests at stake in Russia – split over the tactics of a new campaign with
    fears that a trade war would be highly risky and potentially ruinous.

    A two-day summit of EU leaders dominated by the Crimea crisis ended with 12
    Russian politicians and military figures being added to a list of 21 so far subjected
    to travel bans and asset freezes.’

    Read more …




    22 March 2014 Last updated at 14:36

    Ukrainian military bases targeted in Crimea

    Ukrainian troops at Belbek airbase. Photo: 22 March 2014 Ukrainian troops at
    Belbek have been given orders to shoot in the air if attacked

    Pro-Russian protesters have stormed a Ukrainian naval base in western Crimea.

    Several hundred unarmed protesters attacked the base at Novofedorivka, which is
    now under the complete control of Russian forces.Meanwhile, Ukrainian troops
    surrounded by Russian forces have been ordered to battle stations at Belbek
    airbase.Russian forces, including snipers and armoured personnel carriers, have
    advanced and an ultimatum to surrender has just expired.

    'All is in smoke'

    The Belbek base commander told the few dozen troops still there to shoot in the air
    if they were attacked.He said he had been waiting for days for orders from Kiev but
    told the BBC that none had been issued.Ukraine's military chiefs deny this, saying
    each unit in Crimea has been issued with clear orders on what to do if attacked.
    Meanwhile, more Crimean "self-defence" units - including Cossacks in full uniform -
    later arrived at the base near Sevastopol, a BBC correspondent there reports.

    In Novofedorivka, attackers threw smoke bombs at the base, a spokesman for the
    Ukraine defence ministry's Crimean region was quoted as saying by the Ukrainian media.

    "All is in smoke. We retreated to the main headquarters," Vladyslav Seleznyov said.

    He later said the Ukrainian forces had left the base after performing the national
    anthem. Russian forces have also been seizing or blocking Ukrainian Navy ships
    across Crimea.

    Last edited by Cidersomerset; 22nd March 2014 at 18:32.

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