"Published on Apr 17, 2014
Eric Penn joins the Gnostic Media podcast to discuss "Manufactured Murder: Son of a Serial Killer". This episode is being released on Thursday, April 17, 2014, and was recorded April 13, 2014.

Aggressor. One who first employs hostile force. Penn v. Henderson, 174 Or. 1, 146 P.2d 760, 766. [...]
Black's Law Dictionary, Fifth Edition, 1979, pp. 60.

Eric Penn's life is unique in the sense that he was born with limited resources and with a mountain of difficulties. Despite these difficulties he became a productive citizen and has given freely of his time toward bettering the lives of troubled souls.

He worked as a Family Case Manager/Fatherhood Coordinator for the City of Richmond for eight and one half years.

He has traveled throughout the country helping young people make wise decisions and he shared his story with organizations in hopes of improving services for struggling families. He did this faithfully and even worked for Juvenile Justice Advisory Board as an appointee under Former Governor of Virginia, George Allan passing Title II and Title V grants."