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Thread: Phase 2 NOW underway

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    Wink Phase 2 NOW underway


    Denise, you and I have had similar experiences for a while now in this whole “ascension” process, but quite honestly, it seems to go on and on and with no real changes to speak of, other than I am pretty much alone in every way now. But still, it’s always “when our crystalline bodies finally emerge” and “holding vibration, transmuting this, anchoring that, battling this” and always “once the solstice hits, after this eclipse” blah, blah, blah. So what gives? Today I found this, and although I feel like we have transcended a lot of this, it still feels like we are stuck inside some matrix where we can never escape, never change, never be free, to the point I don’t even know who, what, where I am anymore, what I desire, what to do, etc., etc. I thought surrender is where it’s at now through this whole process, but surrender to what? Where is the true love? Where is the true change? And now all the “spiritual” sites, newsletters etc., etc are saying “we have arrived! All you need to do now is chose!” Lol. Arrived where exactly? Chose what? All looks and feels the same to me – still more bull**** and nonsense! See, for me, I don’t buy into just a better 3D – why the hell would we have done all of this just for that? I’m looking for MAGIC! MIRACLES! True reconnection with Source and Source energy and love, remembering of our gifts, and arrival of new gifts, etc., etc. But I see NONE of that. I feel NONE of that! Anyway, just wondered what your take on all of this was. Of course, I’m still feeling the energies, still battling all the ascension symptoms, still waiting for the day this body finally feels good, when the new arrives, when we’re allowed to move, not being held down, back, blocked anymore. But none of it changes. And maybe we are just stuck in all of this matrix/mirage too. You don’t need to answer me directly, but it might be nice if you feel lead to touch on it in a future post, because I know I am not alone in this.

    Thank you and blessings! ~ Anthony Blanton’

    embossed diamonds

    ‘Hi Denise,

    I know this job is demanding so i will make it brief.

    I feel somewhat silly for asking for your perspective on this due to being an awakened star seed and some what of a distributor of knowledge for spirit, but even tho i am knowledgeable in many areas i am perplexed to this situation i find myself in and i would appreciate a perspective from someone of similar state of awareness.

    You see, this awakening and anchoring of higher self has removed virtually everything from my old life, all my friends, family, job, mobility, etc etc. I find myself having absolutely nothing to do, as well as no interest in the physical. I am constantly undergoing energetic adjustments and i suspect that this is the reason i am literally doing nothing, to allow this changes to take place. But never the less, i am getting extremely bored? i’m not even sure if i would call it boredom because i am usually quite content. But i have been in this space of nothingness for over a year and i feel like i am going to go insane if i just sit here and do nothing any longer… The only thing is, i don’t know what to do, nothing is of interest and every time i try to organize a new pathway it seems off or like I’m resorting to old patterns.

    I have nothing to do and no people in my life, and part of me feels like i shouldn’t fight the situation but the other half feels like this is not a healthy place to be. I considered getting a job just to be around people to help spread more light, but the constant barrage of higher frequencies leaves me with only a few hours of energy to move around, i doubt i could even hold a job… Then i considered finding a partner at a lower frequency just to fill time, but that feels way off!

    This may sound like i am depressed, confused, sad, I’m not even sure if i could call this situation that…But i am getting frustrated! It’s just the absence of everything, and it doesn’t seem to end. I am changing rapidly, but that is all.

    I don’t need an extensive reply i tend to manage by my own guidance, but i would appreciate a perspective from your point of view, if you have the time to reply!

    Thank you,


    embossed diamonds

    These two recent email letters from Anthony and Josh are like so very many I’ve received over the years. Because of this I asked them if I could quote their letters in this article and attempt to discuss these feelings we’ve all had for so long. Thank You Anthony and Josh for allowing me to share your letters at HighHeartLife. <3 I know many feel exactly as you both do.


    Forerunners of the Forerunners and Forerunners
    Do you remember how completely our lives, bodies, world and very reality literally changed overnight when we entered 1998/1999 and were “activated” physically, biologically? Like any of us could forget! Well, we reached another equally monumental activation point recently; some of us over the past few months of 2014, others with the entry into 2015, and more over the weeks and months to come.

    I’m including a link (outside my Copyright at end of article) to an old 1999 article by John Major Jenkins about the Galactic Alignment that entered the really intense transformational phase in 1998/1999 and continues through 2016. Because it sometimes helps to get a larger, higher perspective on what we’re physically eyeball-deep in ourselves, I thought it a proper time to review the overall Ascension Process by rereading this information, or any of the many other old articles about the Galactic Alignment again now, at the end phase of it. Look at those dates once again please; start date 1998 or 1999 and END date 2016. Yeah… think about that for as long as you need, then make whatever personal adjustments required within yourself to complete this great thing this year and/or next.

    I bring the Galactic Alignment up at this near completion point within it because many of the Forerunners, Wayshowers, the First to Embody and Anchor the NEW Light Energies on Earth and all the rest of it into themselves body and soul, need to remember this timeline and how we’re now fully into Phase Two of it. This means many of us are discovering how radically different it is from what we’ve been doing/being/living/transmuting etc. during Phase One. Many years ago I said in multiple articles at TRANSITIONS that Phase One, as horrendous, dark and difficult as it was, was really all about the necessary prep work so that we even could survive and embody Phase Two! My point is that many of us are—myself included—discovering that the focus, work and energies have changed (like we didn’t know that was coming! ) and we’re having some spiritual and energetic “newbie” difficulties figuring out how to now be, function and exist from this higher level of energy, being, consciousness and responsibility. In other words, old habits die hard even when one Volunteered to come into a dimension, density and planet to help remove those negative old habits!

    The moment the Sun entered Capricorn—the winter Solstice on December 21, 2014—I did what I always do at all Solstices and Equinoxes; I intentionally go into a receptive Higher Awareness state to perceive and receive the incoming energies in as conscious a way as I’m able in that moment. What I perceived and received on 12-21-14 was radically different from every earlier Solstice and Equinox I’ve experienced over the past 24 years. That in itself was one very huge message.

    What I perceived and received in that timeless quantum Spherical Consciousness winter Solstice moment, was only one Angelic Lightbeing smiling that semi-smile they do so beautifully at me while it instantaneously transmitted (not telepathed because telepathy is too slow and linear at these higher levels with these evolved beings), and I quote as best as I’m able, ‘It’s okay.’ That was the message in word form. In larger, higher form is was a massive communiqué that covered vast spaces, levels, emotions, multidimensional work and being and it’s all communicated, exchanged in an instant, in a light-filled Angelic semi-smile. Such are many of our 5D and higher chats between old friends, co-workers and other aspects of Self now.

    In that quantum moment when that Angelic Lightbeing told me that ‘It’s okay,’ I knew the message also contained the fact that the worst is over and we Forerunners of the Forerunners and Forerunners have fully entered Phase Two and are having to learn as quickly and gracefully as we can, how to be Sovereign and fully consciously aware of the fact that we are solely responsible now for ourselves and our personal realities, body, energies and so on.

    One of those huge global old habits that die hard was that everyone in the old lower world of Duality and negativity was energetically parasitic; one fed off of others to survive themselves and I’m talking about living humans and not just the nonhuman, nonphysical Team Dark beings/entities. That was the terrible norm for the old lower world and Evolutionary Cycle that expired 12-21-12. Not so any longer however, and we Forerunners need to lift our weary heads and eyes up from the lengthy unpleasant labors of Phase One and realize that we not only have arrived at the Phase One finish line but have crossed that bridge and are now well into Phase Two. Needless to say, Phase Two exists on a vastly higher rung of the NEW spiral which means there’s a new curriculum, a new focus, new responsibilities, new abilities and plenty of new Conscious Creating to be done by the Forerunners.

    Beginning Stages of Becoming Increasingly Sovereign
    Let me first explain what I mean by this word in the ways I’m using it in this case. By sovereign I mean evolving out of parasitic duality energy and consciousness and life/reality, into 5D and higher unity or HighHeart, God or Divine Source empowered and operated, self-contained existence. Just each of us consciously and directly embodying Divine Source energies. No stealing God juice from others to keep oneself going in any way. Now in Phase Two we Forerunners are in the early stages of re-learning how to be energetically Sovereign and Conscious Creators within physicality. When you read that sentence it sounds so pretty, so “fluffy” almost, so easy, warm and fuzzy. However, as we’re quickly learning, it’s another story when one is on one’s own fumbling around trying to get the hang of how to actually Consciously Create for oneself on a minute to minute, hour to hour, day-to-day scale and not take/steal/pilfer/parasite energy from any another being human or otherwise, or let them do it to you.

    Being a fifth dimensional ascending being in physical human form means we’re now learning how to be conservative with our daily amount of God juice, only because that little daily 1/8th of a tank of God juice fuel is all we can embody and handle at this point! Six months from now it’ll be a different story and we might be up to a 1/4 of a tank per day, and next year an even greater amount than that. Stair-steps as usual, especially when reentering “heaven” or Home while in a physical Earth body despite all the years or decades of personal Inner prep Work. I know we all want to just fly Home, just dive in, just get naked and rumble around with God and the Angels and Co. again but this too takes “time” to get there step by step so we don’t damage or destroy the physical body vehicle (or anything else) in the stunningly amazing Process. But, the great news is that it’s happening. The hard part about that fact is that we haven’t got it all figured out yet so we look and feel kinda awkward and silly. But, the Angels and everyone else are SO pleased with us and the jobs we’ve done and are still doing and we need to not forget this fact. Look up oh exhausted, disheartened, discouraged fellow Forerunner and take note of the fact that you’ve crossed the Phase One finish line and are existing within Phase Two now. Bravo and well done and Thank You for your unique and invaluable Divine Service. <3 Put down your old tools and pick up your NEW ones for this NEW phase.

    Another old habit that’s dying hard is the one that has to do with our re-teaching ourselves first— then humanity—is that the Divine, the “power” etc. resides within not without. Team Dark did a great job convincing humanity that was not the case but that time and horrible disabling, dis-empowering, spiritually stunting lie is finally over too. We came from that state and we’ve recently reentered it and are having some “newbie” adjustment difficulties re-turning our gaze and focus, our expectations, our search for higher help, knowledge and guidance etc. back within ourselves instead of habitually aimed externally toward Angles, ETs, Lightbeings, Guides, God/Source etc. I AM the I AM that I AM remember? Phase Two is an important grow-up phase where we shift or evolve, ascend back into direct conscious interaction with and embodiment of that which humanity has been told for eons exists far away and wholly outside of themselves. Phase Two of the Ascension Process, which we’ve entered, has to do with we Forerunners taking full conscious responsibility for our lives, our happiness, our personal abundance, our ongoing spiritual educations, and embodying greater love and light and so on. That’s what’s on the table of Phase Two for us Forerunners now, and just like we did Phase One, we’ll do Phase Two too but we’ll do it oh so much faster and easier. It really is ‘okay’.

    As Anthony and Josh both said above, and as most of us have felt for a very long time, when does this pain, suffering and isolation end anyway? It has even though it doesn’t always look or even feel like it. I know how contradictory that sounds but this situation is tricky until you “wake up” a bit more and realize that it’s now up to you and me individually to take full responsibility and conscious awareness of what you/me/we are thinking, feeling, doing and/or not doing and why. “Waking up” is ongoing for every being everywhere.

    I’m not real happy with where I and my life are now but I’m aware enough to realize that it’s part of a process of change, also of my continued “waking up” to some more things and learning how to move through them with as much grace as I can at this time. In our own ways we Forerunners are all going through this now so that we’ll see and understand whatever it is each of us needs to now so we don’t carry it any further into the future with us. I’ve had Angelic Lightbeings tell me the same thing about themselves. Yeah, puts a different spin on it all doesn’t it? Wow…

    Team Dark—in whatever form of them that’s still left in this ascending Earth world—is going to lie and hustle and con and do anything and everything they can to convince the human masses (and that includes you Forerunners/Wayshowers) that nothing has changed, nothing has, is or will improve because they are still in control over Earth and humanity and always will be blah, blah, blah. This is their last pathetic trick and don’t you fall for it! Walk away, turn you back, avert your eyes, do not listen, do not become emotionally manipulated by their stunts. Do whatever you need to get yourself back up into your individual empowerment, wisdom, Higher Awareness, higher abilities and Sovereignty once again and ignore the lies and attempts by The Powers That WERE (TPTW) but are no longer, to convince you and everyone else that nothing has really changed. It has and continues to and will and they know it, BUT, they also know that if they yell loud and long enough they’ll hook the consciousness and focus of many humans and then they just have those humans energetically, emotionally and physically feed and fuel whatever external reality they want to continue on Earth. The Forerunners are the antidote to this stunt too of course, plus it’s helping us Master how to be more responsible for ourselves and our individual lives and reality, be more self-reliant, be self-empowered, sovereign and consciously create what WE want now.

    Like Anthony asked, ‘Choose what?’ Choose to be empowered, more aware, to Consciously Create, be in control of your own life and reality, be a living embodiment and example of the NEW empowered Sovereign 5D human for the rest of humanity. That’s where we’re at now and the sooner we realize it’s up to us individually to pick up these NEW tools for greater self-empowerment, greater personal responsibility, our own personal joy, happiness, security and all the rest of it, the sooner we’ll be Consciously Creating what we want and need in our own lives. It’s up to us, individually. When enough individuals reach this point (and we are very quickly now), then there’s suddenly NEW Groups of us globally which will make this Shift unfold even faster. <3

    “Light is information; Love is creation.” Quote of a Pleiadian message channeled by Barbara Marciniak
    I’d intended to get this article done closer to the start of January but old lower world life and systems has derailed me left and right. I take full responsibility for this and have learned a lot from it. It’s sometimes hard to remember that I have, that you have, that we have a vastly greater Divine power and ability to Consciously Create over these old lower collapsing systems and people. We just need to remember this fact and do it now.


    January 13, 2015

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    United States Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Phase 2 NOW underway

    It all sounds like rubbish to me. Get up and live!

  3. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to amor For This Post:

    EarthSheriff (16th January 2015), Jayren (16th January 2015), justntime2learn (16th January 2015)

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    Default Re: Phase 2 NOW underway

    Quote Posted by amor (here)
    It all sounds like rubbish to me. Get up and live!
    Live what life? That is what I do/we do, I've had weird things happen in my lifetime all leading up to something. How exactly does this post sound like rubbish from a perspective such as yours?

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    United States Avalon Member earthadvocate's Avatar
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    Default Re: Phase 2 NOW underway

    Obviously you must be financially well off if you can survive without working, if I were you I'd volunteer in a local hospital, you would be amazed of how you can make yourself useful there.

  6. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to earthadvocate For This Post:

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    Default Re: Phase 2 NOW underway

    Interesting article Jayren and sounds genuine
    plus seems to be in alignment with few others i know of
    and also doesn't look like a "talk out of it" attempt like the many circulating
    I'm just wondering if any of the beyond exhaustion first-second wave lightworkers still have any room in them for any of this talk.

    but what i am talking about ? i should get up and have a life
    find myself a decent job put myself under a mortgage for a home with two bathrooms
    make some kids to replace me in the machine while i am gone
    or wait... maybe help some poor peeps at the hospital, shelter stray dogs and feed Africa
    because that's all i can do... right right.

  8. The Following 5 Users Say Thank You to dim For This Post:

    Dawn (16th January 2015), earthadvocate (17th January 2015), EarthSheriff (16th January 2015), Jayren (16th January 2015), vje2 (16th January 2015)

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    Default Re: Phase 2 NOW underway

    Woah lol maybe I should take the thread down the only point I got from that article was now is the time to not give into the kind of fear or negative energies TPTW create just kind of turn your back on them like they did the rest of humanity so we can together as a whole create a better world to live in by doing the things we have to do to get there, and that could be anything for each one but one thing I do understand is everyone has there own paths they create but the world really starts changing when we follow our hearts and search within, I don't expect change over night but its always possible considering the change we all see will happen in the now. Sorry if I come off as harsh or direct with my comments but I just like to get others point of views from the kind of post that I make, I can be seeing a whole different kind of point made from this thread then anyone else but the real point is that we are all in this together. Including the other side.. We just don't give our energies to them anymore they will learn from this once it is all over. Definitely.

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    Default Re: Phase 2 NOW underway

    Jayren, In many ways I resonate with your article... however... I am just not sure that the 'solutions or the answer to what is happening now' means anything to me right now. I am of the opinion that many 'new age' thoughts may be part of the lies out there... or at least the way my mind interprets them may turn them into lies.

    I have not been making any changes in the world as I used to from time to time ... I just do not feel internally called to do so. I am also not working as a shaman as I used to for so many years. What I am doing is living an extremely simple and relaxed life. My most difficult challenge has been to adjust to the simplicity of my life now.

    In order to have this life I have totally given up the 'American Dream' and now live totally outside this box in a tiny tattered trailer, in a small beach town, surrounded by an organic garden filled with birds and a couple of fish ponds. This has freed me from financial concerns, which separates me from most of American society.

    I flow with energies as they come and go. This leaves me with the challenge of adapting to boredom. When there is energy I spend my time creating. I love the energy of creating. I just finished a 7 month jewelry creating period and it was a lot of fun. The energy to create jewelry has been gone for a few weeks now... and I refuse to 'force myself' to make jewelry. That would not be aligned with living in the loving energy of creation.

    Amor, To me your post seems nasty and judgemental. Therefore I am going to reply to it. Perhaps you might return here and review your judgemental attitude. I personally do not have any illusion that volunteering in a hospital would be a good thing for me (and for most that are deeply awakened). You see, I am an extremely sensitive empath, and I pick up negativity and thought forms just as surely as a magnet picks up iron filings. And since the medical profession is aligned with lies, greed, avarice and so on, the thought forms in any medical establishment are pure poison for me to be around. I am also not internally motivated to join any other volunteer groups I run across. I must be very vigilant about what groups I join, because I always am completely aware of all of the thoughts and all of the emotions of every member of any group I belong to. This includes Project Avalon when I am active in it.

    I suggest that most awakened individuals would be similarly poisoned by making a poor choice about what to become involved in.

    In other words, making a nasty remark about why people like me do not volunteer is based on total ignorance of just exactly what it is like to be awakened. An awakened individual is exquisitely sensitive. The deeper I have gone into self realization, the more sensitive and aware I have become. It really is true that (underneath) everything is all one... the closer one gets to this realization, the more one feels and experiences the world they are in.

    One thing is certain... I cannot 'join' any group which is based on patterns from the corrupt and decaying culture I live in. Whatever I do must come from within me. I have learned that I must wait for the subtle energies around me to suggest a move and to offer support... learning to wait for the 'right moment' has taken me a lifetime to learn.
    Last edited by Dawn; 16th January 2015 at 06:06.

  11. The Following 6 Users Say Thank You to Dawn For This Post:

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  12. Link to Post #8
    United States Deactivated
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    Default Re: Phase 2 NOW underway

    I will have to say, I got a good laugh reading that post! ha! ha! ha! I am more concerned about WW3 events and would like to know if any of the a) Forerunners, b) Wayshowers, c) the First to Embody and d) Anchor the NEW Light Energies on Earth have any NEWS about these posts/people affecting our planet?

    1) Earth Sheriff™ UPDATE: Chimera Group built a scalar ElectroMagnetic Fence around Earth https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/earth...mp-reader-card

    2) Earth Sheriff™ UPDATE: "The plasma generators are on the physical and they were REMOVED on the physical." https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/earth...mp-reader-card

    3) Will @BillGates Get #1 Spot in Giving Museum™?

    4) IRONY: EVIL will NOT continue, they serve NO USEFUL PURPOSE for "Cosmic Universe"!

  13. Link to Post #9
    On Sabbatical
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    Default Re: Phase 2 NOW underway

    Quote Posted by Dawn (here)
    Jayren, In many ways I resonate with your article... however... I am just not sure that the 'solutions or the answer to what is happening now' means anything to me right now. I am of the opinion that many 'new age' thoughts may be part of the lies out there... or at least the way my mind interprets them may turn them into lies.

    I have not been making any changes in the world as I used to from time to time ... I just do not feel internally called to do so. I am also not working as a shaman as I used to for so many years. What I am doing is living an extremely simple and relaxed life. My most difficult challenge has been to adjust to the simplicity of my life now.

    In order to have this life I have totally given up the 'American Dream' and now live totally outside this box in a tiny tattered trailer, in a small beach town, surrounded by an organic garden filled with birds and a couple of fish ponds. This has freed me from financial concerns, which separates me from most of American society.

    I flow with energies as they come and go. This leaves me with the challenge of adapting to boredom. When there is energy I spend my time creating. I love the energy of creating. I just finished a 7 month jewelry creating period and it was a lot of fun. The energy to create jewelry has been gone for a few weeks now... and I refuse to 'force myself' to make jewelry. That would not be aligned with living in the loving energy of creation.

    Amor, To me your post seems nasty and judgemental. Therefore I am going to reply to it. Perhaps you might return here and review your judgemental attitude. I personally do not have any illusion that volunteering in a hospital would be a good thing for me (and for most that are deeply awakened). You see, I am an extremely sensitive empath, and I pick up negativity and thought forms just as surely as a magnet picks up iron filings. And since the medical profession is aligned with lies, greed, avarice and so on, the thought forms in any medical establishment are pure poison for me to be around. I am also not internally motivated to join any other volunteer groups I run across. I must be very vigilant about what groups I join, because I always am completely aware of all of the thoughts and all of the emotions of every member of any group I belong to. This includes Project Avalon when I am active in it.

    I suggest that most awakened individuals would be similarly poisoned by making a poor choice about what to become involved in.

    In other words, making a nasty remark about why people like me do not volunteer is based on total ignorance of just exactly what it is like to be awakened. An awakened individual is exquisitely sensitive. The deeper I have gone into self realization, the more sensitive and aware I have become. It really is true that (underneath) everything is all one... the closer one gets to this realization, the more one feels and experiences the world they are in.

    One thing is certain... I cannot 'join' any group which is based on patterns from the corrupt and decaying culture I live in. Whatever I do must come from within me. I have learned that I must wait for the subtle energies around me to suggest a move and to offer support... learning to wait for the 'right moment' has taken me a lifetime to learn.

    I so hear and relate to what you are saying!

  14. The Following User Says Thank You to vje2 For This Post:

    Dawn (16th January 2015)

  15. Link to Post #10
    United States Avalon Retired Member
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    Default Re: Phase 2 NOW underway

    Quote I will have to say, I got a good laugh reading that post! ha! ha! ha! I am more concerned about WW3 events and would like to know if any of the a) Forerunners, b) Wayshowers, c) the First to Embody and d) Anchor the NEW Light Energies on Earth have any NEWS about these posts/people affecting our planet?

    1) Earth Sheriff™ UPDATE: Chimera Group built a scalar ElectroMagnetic Fence around Earth https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/earth...mp-reader-card

    2) Earth Sheriff™ UPDATE: "The plasma generators are on the physical and they were REMOVED on the physical." https://www.linkedin.com/pulse/earth...mp-reader-card

    3) Will @BillGates Get #1 Spot in Giving Museum™?

    4) IRONY: EVIL will NOT continue, they serve NO USEFUL PURPOSE for "Cosmic Universe"!
    I thought I'd take a stab at answering you. So far I personally do not have the power to change the things you are in fear of. This forum is mainly devoted to discovering the truth about many things we cannot change, and in a way this leads to a deep sense of fear and disempowerment. There have been some times when I suddenly had the urge to change things and found it easy for me to do so... but that isn't happening for me concerning what you wrote about. You may someday have a clear understanding about how to change it.... and that may be a gift you give to all of us.

    Being in fear can really screw up our health and our life. I focus on the serenity prayer as a piece of wisdom that is worthwhile to look at. Seems to me your topics of concern fall into line 1 of this. If you feel moved to change these things then I say go for it... otherwise you will need to find peace with them. It is difficult to match up deep spiritual work with concrete 3d fear focuses like these. Working on the 'inner' planes, or 'inner life', can change many things because it is a form of working with unmanifest energy.... and (speaking only for myself) I never know what I am changing directly. That is because if I focus on the things you wrote about then I add my energy to it ... which can add to its growth and expansion. Any time something is resisted, or in any way energised this can cause it to grow. When I first saw this it was jaw dropping for me because I realized that none of the ways I could think of would actually change anything. Trusting in the flow of life is a heroes journey IMHO.

    Quote Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
    The courage to change the things I can,
    And the wisdom to know the difference.

  16. Link to Post #11
    United States Avalon Member RUSirius's Avatar
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    Default Re: Phase 2 NOW underway

    I get where the OP is coming from, I've experienced the boredom, frustration, disinterest, whatever. I'm not really into discussing the why this is happening, i.e. galactic alignment, ascension, or whatever people want to believe or call it. What I can say, is if the person is alone all the time and just paying attention to how he feels, he wont get a chance to get out into the world and see things happening in people around him. I can say that without a doubt, I see some interesting trends in the people I know, all around me, many have very recently been making improvements in their life habits, pretty much all at the same time. And these are NOT PA type people, just regular folks, unaware of really anything outside of their day to day. I know if I spent my days sitting around and just monitoring myself, I'd be going nuts too.

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    Dawn (17th January 2015)

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