"Chemtrail busting, orgone energy, alien and government conspiracies of weather wars, and the persecution of Wilhelm Reich are explored with Sharon Daphna. Chemtrails and contrail differences are laid out, and what people can do to disrupt atmospheric negative energy is explained. How heavy metals and strange additional ingredients are mysteriously used, the way concerned citizens can disrupt them, and the long, strange history of weather wars by visitors is detailed in this uncensored Buzzsaw, hosted by Sean Stone."


"Sharon Daphna is an orgone energy worker, planetary healer, researcher, and writer from Los Angeles. She began her life as an artist and musician with a BFA from UCLA and spent many years touring and playing live music. Since 2014, Sharon and her partner, Gabriel, have been making orgone energy devices called orgonite, and have worked to restore California's climate and clean the air through orgonite gifting, distributing thousands of them throughout the state. Sharon has done public talks, including panels and seminars at the 5D Event and Conscious Life Expo, and has been a guest on Beyond Belief with George Noory on Gaia TV, Jimmy Church’s “Fade to Black,” Truth Be Told with Tony Sweet on UBN, Adam Vs. the Man hosted by Adam Kokesh, Weaponized News on 1680AM Fresno, CA, and many others.

She runs the websites The Chembow (thechembow.com) and the blog site “Somewhere Under the Chembow” (thechembow.tumblr.com), where she educates the public about how to use orgone energy to clean up the atmosphere and neutralize harmful EMF, and records the weather war in California in real time."


00:01 Welcoming Sharon Daphna to Buzzsaw.
00:35 Chemtrails clarified. Contrails vs chemtrails for weather modification and other motives.
02:45 Why would the government spray their own families? Orders from above.
04:10 Orgone energy, Wilhelm Reich’s research, sex and life flow.
08:15 Alien agenda for global imbalance? Cloud busting and natural restoration.
12:54 Psychic contact with aliens, deadly orgone radiation, and the “space gun.”
15:30 Proof of alien involvement? Structural power of pyramids.
18:13 How to create orgone, and distributing chemtrail busters throughout California.
22:56 The agenda for weather wars, the effects on those that sleep, and transhumanist plots.
27:34 William Reich, imprisoned and suppressed in the energetic war.
33:28 Documenting chemtrail busting, and flipping the damage of cell towers.
36:00 Where to get more information on the weather war.
37:20 Thanks and goodbye.
Published on Sep 9, 2016