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Thread: Secret Space Program Credibility

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    Australia Avalon Member 7alon's Avatar
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    Default Secret Space Program Credibility

    Hey all,

    Since the affairs regarding Corey Goode came to my attention, I was actually wondering if anybody knows of anything that is actually credible in relation to the theory of a secret space program? I'd be very interested to hear Bill Ryan's view on the subject.

    Personally I don't believe John Lear at all.. I wanted to believe Corey Goode, he seemed very anxious when I watched the videos about it all, but that could have simply been because he is making up a tonne of crap and is anxious about keeping it consistent lol.

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    UK Avalon Member sunwings's Avatar
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    Default Re: Secret Space Program Credibility

    Quote Posted by 7alon (here)
    I was actually wondering if anybody knows of anything that is actually credible in relation to the theory of a secret space program? l.
    I think the majority of members believe in the SSP. Only yesterday this thread revealed a new Corey Goode. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Fp42...UNBvc&index=70

    However credibility is another issue. Many members here feel Goode, Parks, Collier and fulford (+many others) are full of crap. Maybe they are right. Maybe parts of what they say is true? But for me all of these people are telling a story. There is no real proof. And they must be taken as a story. There is no real corroborating evidence and if there was they would end up like Phil Schnieder. When i here people talk about the truth movement I cringe because many of us are spectators / passive participants. Don´t get distracted looking for the truth. I read this quote from another thread and it is a good starting point for working out why you ended up here on Avalon.

    Quote Posted by Camilo (here)

    As I share in my workshops, whenever faced with a challenge the two main questions I always ask are:

    Why did I choose to create this?

    What do I have to learn from this experience?

    By asking these two basic questions, we are immediately removing ourselves from the victim archetype and stepping straight into our Creatorship. We are no longer playing the game of pain and blame, because we are owning all that we experience as a result of our creative evolutionary path in this Universe.

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    Great Britain Avalon Member Baby Steps's Avatar
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    Default Re: Secret Space Program Credibility

    Basic principals---

    Old photos of craft look like 40's tech with portholes etc. Germans needed gyroscopic compass instruments in 1943 to function within a faraday cage (that interferes with the planet's magnetism within the cage)

    Many of those pics show a disc with portholes and three bulbous units underneath.

    Go forward to now. Look at the 'Paris Triangle craft'(TR3B)
    This has three corner lighted units. SAME CONFIGURATION.

    This craft, in that video can be seen to have two angled stabiliser fins on the top, so it is clearly designed to take into account our primitive aerodynamic physics. This is a human craft. No doubt.


    Attachment 34278
    we have subcontracted the business of healing people to Companies who profit from sickness.

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  7. Link to Post #4
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: Secret Space Program Credibility

    Quote Posted by 7alon (here)

    I'd be very interested to hear Bill Ryan's view on the subject.
    Well, the circumstantial evidence is overwhelming (in my very strong personal view).

    That can be expanded enormously, and there are many posts and threads on this in the forum, each in turn linking and drilling down to more detail. I do absolutely know that it's not at all easy for a new member here to find all that stuff!

    What comes to mind for me personally (that I'd mention if I was in conversation with an intelligent person who was interested and really wanted to know) includes:

    • The eye-witness account of a nephew of a friend of Gordon Novel who reported this spectacular encounter in the remote Utah desert, where he saw a huge arrowhead-shaped craft descend into a large concealed hole (like a giant aircraft carrier sliding door) that opened up in the desert in front of his eyes:
    • Sean David Morton's eyewitness account of a 1,600 ft long shovel-nosed craft coming into land at Area 51 (in the early 90s, before the boundaries were expanded to deter peeking mountain-climbing hikers). He described this experience in an interview I think last year with Sean Stone on Buzzsaw, but it's not on the forum. This is an artist's impression of the X-30, officially never built, that closely resembles what he saw with his own eyes.

    • Henry Deacon (Project Camelot key witness) confirmed to me personally the Solar Warden codename. This is the source of what is now regarded as common knowledge among SSP researchers. The full story is here (same post as linked above):
    • And, for anyone with several hours to spare, there are all the videos of the presentations (some of them excellent) in the 2014 and 2015 Secret Space Program Conferences. Post here and the one below it, with links to the 2015 videos:
    • Finally, there's an entire forum section devoted to the Secret Space Program here, with all kinds of interesting bits and pieces (and more than that, too):
      The Secret Space Program

    Re John Lear, Henry Deacon told me personally (after the publication of our 2008 4-part interview with him) that Lear was "80% correct". (I'd agree with that, personally).

    Re Corey Goode, he is deluded, influenced, paid, confused, and/or knowingly lying/plagiarizing (and I think it's probably a mixture of all those). But that doesn't mean the Secret Space Program isn't a key component of what Richard Dolan has called the Breakaway Civilization.

    And -- the above notes are just a tiny tip of a very huge iceberg. My not mentioning something above doesn't mean at all that it's not important testimony.

    Last edited by Bill Ryan; 29th September 2016 at 12:08.

  8. The Following 56 Users Say Thank You to Bill Ryan For This Post:

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    Avalon Member Star Tsar's Avatar
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    Default Re: Secret Space Program Credibility

    As we are talking credibilty I'll also add to what Bill has posted the name of Richard Dolan as far as I know it was he who first introduced the concept to our modern alternative media/UFOlogy!
    I for one will join in with anyone, I don't care what color you are as long as you want to change this miserable condition that exists on this Earth - Malcolm X / Tsar Of The Star

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    UK Avalon Member Cidersomerset's Avatar
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    Default Re: Secret Space Program Credibility

    " I'm with Bill " above....... which is a ref to a political debate in the UK
    back in 2010 when Cameron and Brown kept saying they agreed with
    'Nick'. Lib/dem leader at the time Nick Clegg.

    But joking aside if there is not a secret space programme I'd be amazed.

    There is a current thread with Bill Tompkins which is rather confusing and
    compelling at the same time and maybe it needs starting again when
    we can actual get a clear over view of what he is disclosing.

    He has been speaking to Jeff Rense , Robert Salla and now David Wilcock/
    Coorey Goode and it has all got a bit cloudy and starting to sound Scy -fy
    again which is a problem with most disclosure imo. But that's a wider
    connected subject.......

    As Bill said there is so much....

    Quote Well, the circumstantial evidence is overwhelming (in my very strong
    personal view). That can be expanded enormously, and there are many posts
    and threads on this in the forum, each in turn linking and drilling down to more
    detail. I do absolutely know that it's not at all easy for a new member here to
    find all that stuff!

    There are many posts and threads its difficult to point you to one its the cumulative
    result by so many researchers and whistleblowers that makes me believe there
    is a secret space fleet and maybe other related agendas as well.....

    Mark McCandlish: "Corporations Have Back Engineered ET Technology To Control The World!"

    New ET and Nazi UFOs Whistleblower William Tompkins (now 92 yrs)

    Another small of the puzzle....

    Gary was famously chased by the US justice system for over a decade ...
    I'm sure you have seen this but is important disclosure info imo.
    Gary knows more than he will say particularly about the names issue ,
    but for his own safety he will not name them as far as I can see.

    A clip from Kerry's interview pre extradition battle...

    Rich Planet interview with Gary....post extradition battle...

    Hacker Gary McKinnon about NASAs UFOs and other technologies 2015

    Last edited by Cidersomerset; 29th September 2016 at 17:18.

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  13. Link to Post #7
    Australia Avalon Member 7alon's Avatar
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    Default Re: Secret Space Program Credibility

    Thanks for the input everybody, especially you Bill, really appreciate it . I can read through endless stuff, but I like to hear everybody's thoughts from a logical point of view. Important to stay grounded while going down the rabbit hole.

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  15. Link to Post #8
    United States Avalon Member Foxie Loxie's Avatar
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    Default Re: Secret Space Program Credibility

    Thanks for the comprehensive summary, Bill, but that's what you're good at! For anyone to whom all this is "new".....I would suggest a good base to work from are the early interviews of Project Camelot when Bill & Kerry were just finding out all about this subject.

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    Scotland Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Secret Space Program Credibility

    Why have these brave jumpsuited SSP heroes done nothing to release healing technology/knowledge into the public domain? Do they have access to advanced healing?

    - They don't know about advanced healing protocols?
    - They don't care about them?

    The average Avalonian is far better informed about healing than these jokers. I doubt both their integrity and competence. Maybe some SSP stories are for real, but why listen to their fairy-tales when there's no tangible pay-off? What does SSP stand for anyway? Special Snowflake Patrol? I'm sure there are covert groups playing with high-technology that's thousands of years ahead of us, but... If there was disclosure about this, it'd most likely come out through sci-fi. Maybe there's some truth to Stargate.

    The SSP might be real, but most of these whistleblowers aren't. There may be a kernel of truth at the core, but it's being spun into a freedom-is-coming-soon yarn. Another saviour on a string.
    Last edited by Daozen; 29th September 2016 at 15:36.

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    Netherlands Avalon Member Jantje's Avatar
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    Default Re: Secret Space Program Credibility

    Quote Posted by Foxie Loxie (here)
    Thanks for the comprehensive summary, Bill, but that's what you're good at! For anyone to whom all this is "new".....I would suggest a good base to work from are the early interviews of Project Camelot when Bill & Kerry were just finding out all about this subject.
    I'm watching this one right now. The Project Camelot interview with Gordon Novel.
    This is Kerry at her best in my opinion. I miss those old ones

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    Canada Avalon Member Fellow Aspirant's Avatar
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    Default Re: Secret Space Program Credibility

    Well said, everyone! If I could chime in with a couple of additional prospects, I'd like to add the names of Captain Mark Richards (his interview 'recollections' by Kerry are available on Camelot's site) and Catherine Austin Fitts, a financial expert who concludes that the trillions of dollars missing from earth's economy are going into an off-planet economy.

    As an aside, though, I'd like to know if anyone has ever seen the tips of Gary McKinnon's ears. Based on what I can see of the rest of his face, he's really rockin' the Spock look. And he's so logical! Those Vulcans know a thing or two about deep space fleets. Just sayin'.

    A human being is a part of the whole, called by us "Universe," a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, his thoughts and feelings as something separate from the rest—a kind of optical delusion of his consciousness.

    Albert E.

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    Scotland Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Secret Space Program Credibility

    Catherine Austin Fitts may be right that trillions are going to an off-planet economy... it doesn't necessarily have to be going to an SSP. Could be going to the supposed 'rulers' of Earth. Remember Junker's strange quote: "Les dirigents des autres planetes son inquietes...". Jupiter (Lucifer?) has been worshipped since Roman times as king of the Gods. There are frequent mentions of an entity named Baal in many old books. Abrasax was a well known entity well before Jupiter Ascending came around. The Wachowskis have an excellent track record for disclosure. Is Jupiter Ascending an abstract depiction of a bloodline war, with one side trying to wipe the other out?

    Whatever the truth is, SSP audiences are way behind the curve. We'll get nothing but crumbs from that table.

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    United States Avalon Retired Member
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    Default Re: Secret Space Program Credibility

    Gaia's new series Deep Space is very comprehensive and so far they have thankfully kept Cory Goode's name out of it.

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    UK Avalon Member Cidersomerset's Avatar
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    Default Re: Secret Space Program Credibility

    Quote As an aside, though, I'd like to know if anyone has ever seen the tips of Gary McKinnon's
    ears. Based on what I can see of the rest of his face, he's really rockin' the Spock look. And he's so
    logical! Those Vulcans know a thing or two about deep space fleets. Just sayin'.

    Your not the first to think that ........

    Re: Gary Mc Kinnon Update 6th Dec 2011

    Quote Quote Posted by Limor (here) Imo,Gary Mckinnon has a strong odor of someone who is not from here..
    It is very tempting to see Vulcan racial characteristics in his face!
    You've got me thinking Kosmic Kat.....'Spock' the difference........[/QUOTE]


    You may be right ....He has got a Vulcan logic and spirit about him !!!!!..Steve

    I edited it a bit from original post.....
    Gary Mc Kinnon Update 6th Dec 2011
    Last edited by Cidersomerset; 29th September 2016 at 17:47.

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    United States Avalon Retired Member
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    Default Re: Secret Space Program Credibility

    I wonder how, if traveling at sub-speed of light, a craft would deal with even the slightest piece of interstellar dust, let alone rock size objects. How could you create a route that made sure not to smash into such objects? The particle or energy shield surrounding the craft would be just as amazing as its engine...

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    Avalon Member Axman's Avatar
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    Default Re: Secret Space Program Credibility

    Agreed it makes your head hurt trying to figure out just small aspects of how it works.

    The Axman
    Quote I wonder how, if traveling at sub-speed of light, a craft would deal with even the slightest piece of interstellar dust, let alone rock size objects. How could you create a route that made sure not to smash into such objects? The particle or energy shield surrounding the craft would be just as amazing as its engine...
    Last edited by Sierra; 30th March 2017 at 17:45. Reason: Fixed quotes
    So what we cant see means little to some souls on this planet.

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    Canada Avalon Member Justplain's Avatar
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    Default Re: Secret Space Program Credibility

    Regarding the secretspace program, this is an interesting whistleblower. Bill Uhouse, worked in Area 51 on antigravity flight simulator in the 1950’s and met aliens:

    Why would he be working on an anti-gravity flight simulator in the 1950's? Because the ssp had antigravity craft. Anti-gravity craft can go inter-planetary, and with a little bit of juice (and, of course, back-engineered alien tech) can go inter-stellar.

    Another interesting tidbit is from William Cooper, who in this vid introduces EBE from the Roswell crash, MJ12, etc. and briefly talks of NSA's role with the ssp and the lunar base:

    Another tidbit is from the RA material, where out of the blue RA mentions the secret space program and Tesla technology:

    "The Law of One, Book V, Fragment 3
    Session 8, January 26th, 1981:

    Questioner: Am I to understand then that the United States has these craft in undersea bases?
    Ra: I am Ra. You are correct.
    Questioner: How did the United States learn the technology to build these craft?
    Ra: I am Ra. There was a mind/body/spirit complex known to your people by the vibratory sound complex, Nikola. This entity departed the illusion and the papers containing the necessary understandings were taken by mind/body/spirit complexes serving your security of national divisional complex. Thus your people became privy to the basic technology. In the case of those mind/body/spirit complexes which you call Russians, the technology was given from one of the Confederation in an attempt, approximately twenty seven of your years ago, to share information and bring about peace among your peoples.
    Questioner: Would this type of craft come close to solving many of the energy problems as far as transport goes?
    Ra: I am Ra. The technology your peoples possess at this time is capable of resolving each and every limitation which plagues your social memory complex at this present nexus of experience. However, the concerns of some of your beings with distortions towards what you would call powerful energy cause these solutions to be withheld until the solutions are so needed that those with the distortion can then become further distorted in the direction of power."

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  35. Link to Post #18
    Canada Avalon Member CurEus's Avatar
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    Default Re: Secret Space Program Credibility

    Quote Posted by Daozen (here)
    Catherine Austin Fitts may be right that trillions are going to an off-planet economy... it doesn't necessarily have to be going to an SSP. Could be going to the supposed 'rulers' of Earth. Remember Junker's strange quote: "Les dirigents des autres planetes son inquietes...". Jupiter (Lucifer?) has been worshipped since Roman times as king of the Gods. There are frequent mentions of an entity named Baal in many old books. Abrasax was a well known entity well before Jupiter Ascending came around. The Wachowskis have an excellent track record for disclosure. Is Jupiter Ascending an abstract depiction of a bloodline war, with one side trying to wipe the other out?

    Whatever the truth is, SSP audiences are way behind the curve. We'll get nothing but crumbs from that table.
    This year I am tending to lean towards most of the disappearing money/gold/people as a ransom or a tythe/tax/tribute paid to get some ET's just to leave us generally alone or to pay off others to offer us a modicum of protection. Of course every nation that can will try to develop new technologies or applications of new technologies for their military interests etc. The internet was funded by/for the military and probably not "in the open" for quite some time I expect. TPTB are not done consolidating their systems of total control over earth just as yet so I don;t expect any disruptive technology to go public soon.

    Why we wouldn't attempt to get off planet in itself seems strange...Apparently the "discovery" of the "new world" was a closely guarded secret VERY far back into antiquity...Governments seem to be consistent in keeping the populace in the dark...

    I really do appreciate the work of Dolan, Austin-Fitts, Bill, Kerry and Farell ( so many more to add) but as it relates to the people coming forward with personal testimony about bouncing around Mars fighting secret wars...or being Intergalactic Psychic-Empath Ambassadors of Earth. None seem to really ring true in any compelling or very credible sense. (to me that is) noting the accounts of conflicts HERE on Earth with various ET races does strongly resonate.

    The extraordinary leaps of faith necessary ( compartmentalization, murder, Men in Balck, witness intimidation, "mind wipes", body swaps with clones, misinfomation, deception and lies) to keep a SSP under wraps seems to be quite the stretch but please allow me to contradict myself. It would be quite easy to do so if Dolan's "breakaway" civilization were realized as I tend to think they would consider us near animalistic by comparison were they to reproduce among themselves for a generation or 3... they then may want VERY little to do with us and back to my earlier point could probably blackmail our leadership into silence. Obviously they could just drop big rocks on our heads if they felt like it....

    So in a nutshell I do not think we have a vast fleet of ships romping around our solar system ( or beyond) Do we have a few...okay, sure! Can we match the superior tech of others intelligences that apparently are all over our solar system? Probably very likely the answer is no. We would get our backsides handed to us...do we maybe have a few little innocuous bases we built/borrowed? Okay...maaaaybe.

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    Scotland Avalon Member
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    Default Re: Secret Space Program Credibility

    Quote Posted by CurEus (here)
    Quote Posted by Daozen (here)
    Catherine Austin Fitts may be right that trillions are going to an off-planet economy... it doesn't necessarily have to be going to an SSP. Could be going to the supposed 'rulers' of Earth. Remember Junker's strange quote: "Les dirigents des autres planetes son inquietes...". Jupiter (Lucifer?) has been worshipped since Roman times as king of the Gods. There are frequent mentions of an entity named Baal in many old books. Abrasax was a well known entity well before Jupiter Ascending came around. The Wachowskis have an excellent track record for disclosure. Is Jupiter Ascending an abstract depiction of a bloodline war, with one side trying to wipe the other out?

    Whatever the truth is, SSP audiences are way behind the curve. We'll get nothing but crumbs from that table.
    This year I am tending to lean towards most of the disappearing money/gold/people as a ransom or a tythe/tax/tribute paid to get some ET's just to leave us generally alone or to pay off others to offer us a modicum of protection. Of course every nation that can will try to develop new technologies or applications of new technologies for their military interests etc. The internet was funded by/for the military and probably not "in the open" for quite some time I expect. TPTB are not done consolidating their systems of total control over earth just as yet so I don;t expect any disruptive technology to go public soon.

    Why we wouldn't attempt to get off planet in itself seems strange...Apparently the "discovery" of the "new world" was a closely guarded secret VERY far back into antiquity...Governments seem to be consistent in keeping the populace in the dark...

    I really do appreciate the work of Dolan, Austin-Fitts, Bill, Kerry and Farell ( so many more to add) but as it relates to the people coming forward with personal testimony about bouncing around Mars fighting secret wars...or being Intergalactic Psychic-Empath Ambassadors of Earth. None seem to really ring true in any compelling or very credible sense. (to me that is) noting the accounts of conflicts HERE on Earth with various ET races does strongly resonate.

    The extraordinary leaps of faith necessary ( compartmentalization, murder, Men in Balck, witness intimidation, "mind wipes", body swaps with clones, misinfomation, deception and lies) to keep a SSP under wraps seems to be quite the stretch but please allow me to contradict myself. It would be quite easy to do so if Dolan's "breakaway" civilization were realized as I tend to think they would consider us near animalistic by comparison were they to reproduce among themselves for a generation or 3... they then may want VERY little to do with us and back to my earlier point could probably blackmail our leadership into silence. Obviously they could just drop big rocks on our heads if they felt like it....

    So in a nutshell I do not think we have a vast fleet of ships romping around our solar system ( or beyond) Do we have a few...okay, sure! Can we match the superior tech of others intelligences that apparently are all over our solar system? Probably very likely the answer is no. We would get our backsides handed to us...do we maybe have a few little innocuous bases we built/borrowed? Okay...maaaaybe.
    I agree with most of what you say. There may be some subtle intricacies that we're missing, but that is for another time. What about Asia?


    Quote TPTB are not done consolidating their systems of total control over earth just as yet so I don;t expect any disruptive technology to go public soon.
    As far is disruptive technology is concerned, there's been a tsunami of game-changing devices released into the public domain in the past 5 years. We don't have 'free-energy', or a cure for bone diseases that make people wheelchair bound. We do have nearly everything else we can dream of.

    Why do the *cough* "enlightened_save_the_world" crowd obsess over free-energy, when a hand-cranked light, pico wind turbine or solar powered light would do just fine for 3-4 billion people without light? Why are they looking for replicators, when alfalfa sprouts are edible in 3 days? I can only conclude they are novelty seeking poseurs.

    I think some of those devices are coming from advanced civilizations. Either from etheric influence, in dreams... or directly, through contacts in the tech world. We must look weird, having all the tools at our disposal, but only making a lukewarm effort to use them. There's also some confusion as to the definition of displacement technology. For a 'cabal' that controls a planet via economics, pharmaceuticals and media... they may be more worried about social media, crowdfunding, and inexpensive nutrition... than any sci-fi technology.

    Quote Obviously they could just drop big rocks on our heads if they felt like it....
    I don't think they could, because there seem to be white hat forces keeping a balance.
    Last edited by Daozen; 30th September 2016 at 02:43.

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