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Thread: The Cry of Gaia

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    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default The Cry of Gaia


    Most readers will know that Gaia is most often associated with the term coined by the ecologist James Lovelock to describe the coherent, complex, balanced, living entity of Planet Earth in all its natural richness.

    I (Bill) had always taken this as a metaphor – until I met Inelia. And so I tell this little story which follows against myself. To Inelia, it was self-evident that Gaia was a magnificent, fully sentient, godlike being. And when talking about this with me, she did what she often does when words are inadequate: she invited me to take her hands while she gave me a download of direct perception.

    This she did: and I immediately perceived Gaia, a huge, eon-ancient entity that is our planet and all her multitudinous natural habitats. It was enormous, and strong, and solid, and eternal. I could feel her power. It was something literally awesome. I shall never forget that moment of first encounter. No doubt exists for me now about Gaia’s conscious reality.

    Gaia talks to Inelia all the time. And last month, when in Switzerland, I was inspired to ask for a direct communication. Staying for weeks in a small hotel room waiting for my US visa to be issued, I decided to take an afternoon out to climb a mountain.

    I used to climb a lot of mountains, but this time I took the mountain railway to the summit. I’d been cooped up for weeks, and I expanded my awareness in gratitude and appreciation at the marvelous natural environment of rocks, trees and alpine meadows which we were passing through on the train. I am a mountain man to my roots, and I deeply love this kind of terrain.

    Near the summit, the mist swirled around me as I climbed the rocks to the very top. And suddenly, feeling connected with Gaia, I had a wild thought. I said to myself, as if in prayer: “Gaia, if you can hear me, show me a Brocken Specter.”

    Now, a Brocken Specter is a spectacular natural phenomenon which requires a precisely coordinated combination of sun, clouds, atmospherics and moisture. It consists of a huge shadow of oneself projected on the clouds below, surrounded by a rainbow halo. They’re very rare: in all my time in the mountains, years and countless expeditions all over the world, I have seen only a handful of Brocken Specters.

    And suddenly, within maybe a minute and a half, one suddenly appeared. There it was. I spent half an hour filming it, in various stages of awe and disbelief. I was staggered. As in the movie Avatar, I found myself thinking: “Eywa has heard me.”

    That was over a month ago, in Europe. And now, we cut to today, in Sacramento, California. I had not seen Inelia for a couple of days, and she came round to see me towards the end of a very busy afternoon. It was wonderful to see her, as always. And as I gave her a hug, she collapsed in tears in my arms.

    I looked at her, and held her hands, not knowing what was the matter.

    She looked back at me, eyes brimming. “I can hear the cry”, she said. “It’s getting louder. I can’t bear it. It’s overwhelming.”

    I looked at her intently, realizing. “The cry of the collective, and Gaia”, she said. “All the people, animals, all the plants, all the trees. There’s so much pain, so much suffering, so much violence. I feel it all. I hear it all. Every minute of every day. It never stops. I can’t stand it. And it’s getting louder all the time.”

    She looked at me, asking me to understand. And I did. Like many humans, I’m a hypocrite: that means that I compartmentalize my experience for convenience. I wear a leather hat, and eat as much meat as I can. But I cannot bring myself to kill even a mosquito. I genuinely regard all living things as sacred. I have a dictum that I must never destroy anything I can’t create - which is why I save mosquitoes. Yet I deny my participation as a cavalier consumer.

    Meanwhile, Inelia was directly experiencing the pain of Gaia. Through tears of compassion, she talked of the blind unawareness of the men in the slaughterhouses, the chemical farmers, the factory fishermen, the destroyers of the rainforests, the creators of wars. Those men and women who torture and kill millions of people, animals and trees every day. Those that think animals and trees don’t feel pain, fear, and terror, or relish the thought of inflicting these on the vulnerable. Those who deliver psychic and physical attacks to others.

    Deeply moved, and in response, I read to her the opening paragraph of Thom Hartmann’s masterwork, The Last Hours of Ancient Sunlight:
    In the 24 hours since this time yesterday, over 200,000 acres of rainforest have been destroyed in our world. Fully 13 million tons of toxic chemicals have been released into our environment. Over 45,000 people have died of starvation, 38,000 of them children. And more than 130 plant or animal species have been driven to extinction by the actions of humans. (The last time there was such a rapid loss of species was when the dinosaurs vanished.) And all this just since yesterday.
    I was brought up in Africa. I’ve spent my life exploring wild places. Inelia has deep connections with sacred land in her native Chile, and a few years ago was brave enough to sail round Cape Horn in a small boat. When she was a little girl, she would pick hummingbirds off the branches of trees, and they would let her hold them in her tiny hands. They knew who she was; and they knew that they would not be harmed.

    Still through her tears of Gaia’s suffering, Inelia told me a story about violence and anger. Years ago, she had a German Shepherd, which had caught its paw in a metal gate. The dog was beside itself with anger and pain. Its head whipped backwards and forwards, snapping at anyone who tried to get near as it struggled to free itself.

    Inelia walked up to it and held it firmly, but to get to its paw she had to put her arm between its jaws and the gate. In its pain it sank its teeth into her arm – which Inelia permitted it to do. Then after the paw was free, Inelia held the dog’s jaws tight, as it continued trying to bite. She held it against the ground firmly but gently. It calmed down - and she was able to release it, knowing it would no longer bite those around him. The wound in her arm healed without scars.

    The moral of the story? Humans, too, lash out in anger and violence, because they are in great pain and fear. “I’d like to hold them all in my arms”, said Inelia. “All of them. I’d like to show them that they are loved, and that they are safe. All the murderers, all the rapists, all the butchers of the seals, whales and dolphins, all the bloodthirsty workers in the abattoirs, the creators of wars.”

    I listened to Inelia stating clearly through her tears that all violent men needed was love, safety and compassion. I suggested, attempting to reassure, that what she stated so eloquently in her video interview was sufficient:
    “I only have one job. And that’s to raise the vibrational level of the planet, including the human collective, which is part of the planet, to a critical point that will allow a transition into the new paradigm, a new level of awareness for everything. For the planet and every being in it. Every rock, every insect, every person. And that’s my only job. And I will do anything to achieve that.”
    Meaning: that if we raise the level of awareness of what Inelia calls the ‘collective’ – the group-mind and collective consciousness of the human race – then the murderers, rapists, polluters and destroyers will all be dragged along in the same collective direction – they HAVE to swim in the same rushing, accelerating river as the rest of us. In that way we are all connected… and with some of us leading the way, the rest will follow: even those humans with the morals and awareness of crocodiles.

    But to Inelia, this was not enough. How to maximize the effect? How to reach those unreachable people? How to halt the pain and damage as soon as possible? How to educate the uneducable? How to release THEIR paw from the metal gate? Lovingly stop THEM from biting, and removing all gates where their paws might get caught?

    Who will read these words we’re writing here? Not the killers and destroyers. We’re surely preaching to the converted: having read thus far, you’re almost certain to be in strong agreement.

    My own answer is as follows.

    Rupert Sheldrake brought us the concept of Morphic Fields and Morphic Resonance. Lynne McTaggart described ‘The Field’ in her best-selling book of the same name. We have an intuitive understanding of the Hundred Monkey syndrome, and of Tipping Points in general.

    My personal strong feeling is we have to assume that, like blowing up an airbed (gradually, with an inefficient handpump), some corners of the mattress will inflate before others. When doing this, it almost always seems that nothing is ever going to happen – until a tipping point is reached and the rapidly inflating mattress all suddenly picks up and takes the desired shape as if by magic.

    I think we’re in that kind of position now. The mattress doesn’t yet look like a mattress, and it seems as if it’s never going to inflate. We might think it looks hopeless. But soon – I do believe – things may start to feel different.

    I want to say a word about ‘Ascension’ – and how the word is often misunderstood and misapplied. Some people really do think that they will literally ‘ascend’ out of here – as in some kind of ‘beam-me-up’ ‘rapture’ or rescue, possibly at the hands of helpful ETs or angelic beings.

    In my strong view, this is escapist wishful thinking. Any kind of get-me-outta-here-Scotty mindset is actually failing to take responsibility – certainly for those of us who have been here many lifetimes and who have in one way or another contributed to the mess we’re in. Many of us reading this have been here on Planet Earth for quite a while – and we have to face what we have done: we have to square up to what we’ve permitted to occur in our name.

    If we’re here to fix all this – which it’s very clear to me that we are – then we HAVE TO face what we’ve done. There’s no easy escape, and certainly no rescue. Rather, there’s a massive clean-up job waiting for people, tools, resources and organization to get started on… together.

    It may take several generations. Maybe many generations. But it’s do-able. Not just to repair the damage, but to educate the human race in understanding finally that we must live in balance and harmony with Gaia – or else we merely imperil ourselves. (Gaia will always be all right. She’s been around for several billion years, and is probably only half way through her lifespan as the Guardian-Goddess of this exquisitely beautiful planet.)

    But there’s the real risk – for us, not for her – that if we do not learn the lessons that are for the taking, right here in front of our noses (and our wallets) - we may flunk the class and be destroyed. It could all happen terribly easily. And the choice is ours: collectively ours.

    In my personal view, this is one of the key significances of the 2012 Tipping Point. 21 December 2012 is a distraction. The real significance of the year (certainly not one standalone day in that year) is that if we as the collective human race make the right choices, it will not be too late to re-create the balanced dynamic paradise that Planet Earth could be for all living things – and for mankind itself.

    And if we make the wrong choices, our children may have a very rough time of it indeed. They would rightly blame their parents for not doing what they could when they had all the information available to them.

    So guess what: it’s all about Free Will. Should we be surprised that the equation distills down to this again?

    Here are Inelia’s own words in conclusion:

    It is not about who’s to blame. The solution has to be inclusive. Yes, we take responsibility in minimizing the pain and suffering of others through our actions. We eat meat from small farms, organic producers who love their animals. Yes, we buy furniture from renewable sources of wood, clothes from factories which don’t exploit people. But what of the perpetrators of fear and pain? We might hold them in our field of light, and allow Gaia to do her work. As a ‘singularity’ – I am but one person. But WE are many.

    If we dedicate 10 minutes a day to holding these people in our collective light, it can make a huge shift for them and us. After the 10 minutes, let us focus on the compassion and love of the millions of lightworkers and lightwarriors around the planet, our brethren, so that our collective power increases -- making each one of us more able to accomplish our collective work.

    I also feel the love, light and compassion of billions of people around the world. All those parents who hold their new born baby in wonderment and deep love, all those who behold our Mother Earth in awe as they sense Her power and compassion. I also feel millions of lightworkers and lightwarriors diligently doing daily acts of selfless love and compassion to bring light to others and the planet.

    For every murderer there are 10 healers, for every abuser of animals, there are a thousand who hold animals in respect and equality. For every creator of war, there are millions of us who do not agree with that particular game.

    If I didn't feel the LIGHT I would not be alive today. Mother Earth made the call for assistance, and we, all of us, are the answer to that call.

    Bill and Inelia
    17-18 June 2011

    Last edited by Bill Ryan; 15th July 2012 at 22:54.

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    Avalon Member meeradas's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Cry of Gaia

    Thanks for the reminder.
    Most difficult thing for me is lay down the shotgun, and forgive.
    Thanks for the reminder to lay it down, and do the opposite of what i'd like to do.
    Last edited by meeradas; 18th June 2011 at 20:22.

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    Costa Rica Avalon Member ulli's Avatar
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    Thank you both for the inspiration. I'm glad you are well and want to assure you that you are not alone in your quest.

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    New Zealand Avalon Member Carmen's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Cry of Gaia

    Thank you Bill. The words and sentiments you have written here and Inelia's words have moved me to tears. Lately I too have felt the pain of this earth and of its people animals, even the minerals, the micro-organisms. I can barely read what is happening now on this our beloved earth, the pain is so great. I think your advice is good and I will do this that you suggest. Something is shifting, has to shift and will shift if all of us focus our love.

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    UK Avalon Member Jayke's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Cry of Gaia

    What a great synchronicity, I was just reading the booklet Gaea speaks by Don Tolman...the first line reads

    Quote There are women and men today trying to 'tip the balance' in reaching the critical mass needed to usher in, on a global scale, the feminine values of compassion, connectedness, intuition, nurturing and stewardship of the earth and all who live here
    he also mentions how Gaea was originally spelt with an E...since the patriarch took over they changed the E to an i since the letter i is symbolic of the ejaculating phallus.

    Don Tolman is one of the brightest, most inspirational teachers on the planet right now Bill, if you could get an interview with him i'm sure it'd be something special and help with the collective push of getting these feminine values re-established in the collective awareness.

    Great thread, great topic...just what the world needs right now.

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    Default Re: The Cry of Gaia

    Wonderful words indeed.
    I will pray for the perpetrator's and for me, as i too am not perfect.
    I will ponder.....but like a UN peace keeper, overseeing the community,
    as an observer while tied up in bureaucracy and policies (politics), while
    some atrocities take place....'I just want to scream' and change for a new
    paradigm of civil disobedience. Chain myself to the cutting of those forests
    (The Amazon - destroyed in every breathe i take), I wish my dreams could be
    as powerful as my actions to prevent the needless profits in my world.
    I wish my 'dian'tan' (not sure of spelling-related to chinese belief/ force below the
    belly button), could be a energy used for change....'I truely hope to see change' but
    I have grave doubts.
    In Spirit.

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    Default Re: The Cry of Gaia

    I live in a tiny house on a lake surrounded by trees. I'll never forget the Gulf oil spill. The trees let me know before the event hit the news...their branches and leaves were cast down as if in grief. I had never seen such a thing before and it broke my heart.

    We are all connected. Pain is shared. Joy is shared. There are no secrets...for all is shared among all sentient life. Healing one makes healing all easier.

    I join my heart with yours in love and peace for Mother Earth and all her children.

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    United States Avalon Member johnf's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Cry of Gaia

    Thanks for this message. I have been experiencing a lot of extra pain and anger in the last few weeks, and I appreciate the reminder that those feelings are something that all sorts of livings things are feeling, and that part of it is probabably a distress call from others and from the planet as a whole.
    "I am fascinated by religion. (That's a completely different thing from believing in it!)" Douglas Adams

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    Germany Avalon Member Bhusunda's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Cry of Gaia

    Indeed we have to take care to include everyone in our love and not to create more extreme opposites.
    Only love can unite us and lead us forward.
    Every accusation leads to separation, division and fight.

    Thanks for sharing this Inelia and Bill!
    I feel deeply with you.

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    Default Re: The Cry of Gaia

    Bill, thank you for the beautiful post and congratulations on re-connecting with your mother!

    About 3 weeks ago, I also started feeling that something was up with the earth's energy. I started asking around, and many others who I know are sensing it.

    It is pain.

    This pain is stronger in different geographic areas that I frequent. At my house in the Santa Monica Mtns, the pain is subdued. At my place in Pasadena, it is overwhelming and nearly unbearable.

    This pain has lessened in the last week.

    The sentience of the earth is very real.

    She is linked with the sentience of the sun... and she will use the sun's power if she has to cleanse herself of the atrocities of men.

    I believe that in 2001, the largest solar flare on record contained her image; an archetype of fertility. If that flare had been directed at earth... we would not be talking about this right now.


    Click image for larger version

Name:	G2.jpg
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ID:	8122Name:  G1.jpg
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    Can you see her? She holds her arms above her head.

    Here is another expression of this archetype.
    Name:  g3.jpg
Views: 6013
Size:  36.7 KB

    Ultimately, she is in control.

    There are no viable rulers of the world.

    Our collective will shall decide the fate of man.

    We choose everyday. She feels everything.

    It truly is up to us to take responsibility for our actions. I believe that this must go beyond well-wishing as it needs to include physical action.

    I know we can do it.

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    Avalon Member motherlove's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Cry of Gaia

    The most difficult part is the programming we have all endured since birth. Once you can see past the beliefs and memes the manifestations begin in small and subtle ways. I see my brothers and sisters all in different stages of awakening this is personal and perfect in the ways the creator brings that about but untimately it is a free will choice. I have wondered lately if we are moving through the fourth dimension at this time and maybe that is why it all seems so heavy. The emphasis being on moving through. In this dimentional world of opposites it does get painful and it is hard but we are truly up to the challenge of forgiveness and divine love everyone of us. When I allow the divine to look through my eyes everything changes including me. Best Wishes

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    Canada Avalon Member Yoda's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Cry of Gaia

    Bill and Inelia,
    whenever you bare your souls like this ,in public, it's like a huge infusion of fresh energy. It brings everything into perspective, and reminds us all, that it's natural to feel, and we can share it with others.

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    Avalon Member nomadguy's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Cry of Gaia

    "there’s a massive clean-up job waiting for people, tools, resources and organization to get started on… together."
    Yes and this is the kind of picture I ~personally hold into the light ~for all to see (the big fiasco, our mess), thank you for these words. Every time I read Inelia's words I can hear her voice speaking them. and great photo, I hope I can snap one of those some day!
    Namaste ~
    Why not now?

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    United States Avalon Member amedeejp's Avatar
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    I can't help but agree with Bill and Inelia's words. I have been living next to the huge scar in the Earth south of Tucson. It goes on for miles and miles. I didn't want to be here, but truly feel it is my duty to hold the space for this deep wounding Gaia's skin. Ten minutes a day is the least we can do, I believe it is the only way to make a difference.


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    Egypt Avalon Member pharoah21's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Cry of Gaia

    I too have been experiencing all the pain and suffering in unison with Mother Gaia. To be honest, part of me hopes for major destruction in the coming months leading up to 12/21/2012. I want to see the evil people removed from this beautiful planet, I've come to a point where I have had to shut my eyes to avoid looking at the pain of my Mother Gaia.

    I hope things will turn around very soon.
    People are so scared to believe in anything, for fear of being fooled, that they end up being fooled in to not believing.

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    Avalon Member Wesly's Avatar
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    The accented master that teaches me had me do a Spirit quest, I was very surprised when she answered.

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    Scotland Avalon Member aranuk's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Cry of Gaia

    I haven't heard anything new on this thread that I do not already know. Nothing I haven't heard before on many a new agey site espousing love for the planet which they all have done for many years in the past. I pray myself every day for this planet and all the beings who live here. I always will and I have since I realized that this prayer has an incredible effect. However I expected to hear something, even some kind of murmur to say something on topic for one thing. I am unhappy about this.

    If you don't follow your spirit without hesitation, you end up following your hesitation without spirit.

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    United States Avalon Member Darla Ken Pearce's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Cry of Gaia

    As long as beings on Gaia are being killed, slaughtered, worn and eaten, there will be no peace here. Many are leaving and it's a good thing, so that Gaia may recover and go forth without their heavy darkness and their weight upon her body, spirit, and soul and so she may enter into a New Golden Age in another dimension being created now.

    Until we can stop mouthing the words and learn to actually SING in harmony, the crying on Gaia will continue.

    There is another choice and it's to end all suffering now. When I hear Gaia cry, I remember that this is also true and I consciously choose this other better and kinder way. And so can you...

    Source: Watch on Vimeo

    Last edited by Darla Ken Pearce; 19th June 2011 at 01:22.
    Ep 6:12: For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places." Even so, let your light shine and keep it real...

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    Palestinian Territory Avalon Member thunder24's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Cry of Gaia

    Thankyou Bill and Inelia for sharing this.

    Please share with us your view on "lightworker", "darkworker", and "jokers". Thankyou

    OBADIAH 1:21
    The Good things in life

    "...where ever you go, there you are..."

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    Australia Avalon Member Patrikas's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Cry of Gaia

    Wonderfull post bill , after reading it i was inspired to ask my wife if i could post something she wrote a little while ago i feel it has relevence here:

    May the Creator intervene with the dance of peace of our Grandmothers in unity with our Grandfathers strength. May we all stand with our Tree brothers while the sacred sister wind encompasses us with the breath of the Great Spirit.

    May the seven bundles of the sacred pipe of white buffalo calf woman be once again joined in prayer and song to fill our hearts in all sacred directions with the true purpose of our beings in this sacred hoop of life.

    In Oneness may we all replace our original stones in the medicine wheel of the Great Mystery. As we raise our eyes to Grandfather Sun and Grandmother Moon may we remember the WAY! and that we are still connected to our Sacred Mother Earth.

    As she has always done and continues to be the heartbeat within us joining our soul into our physical journey.
    Let us in Oneness once again know the truth of our own heart beat and the one beside us and all those that also came before us.

    As the north star glistens in the darkness of night it shows us the greatness of the Thunder Beings and the unending creation energy for those who choose to see it and hear it and share it and be it and allow it to BE.

    In my humble opinion ownership is not of a value that is placed by any mans decision of worth. Being connected in all ways is who we are - that is Creators way. Try to also remember Mother Earth is also alive and she is dancing in her journey with Creator –

    as she passes beside you embrace her with heart and soul and dance with her, love with her, learn with her,be guided by her, open to her and share this with all in your family circles and your place upon her she will share with you.

    As we are born it is a message that we are more than the dust upon her beauty - as we walk many things are brought forward for us to know and share, dream and do- and in humbleness we once again travel back through the mere dust back to our Loving Creator. I may not see you ever - yet I know you - as you all know me-as all knows each in unity of the Great Spirit. And I do pray for ALL as I have been shown since birth - as I do see beyond the form of this short earth walk.

    Know we walk together - one step or two does not matter the time, what matters is the unity of all of our steps with Mother earth and her ability to lead us if we take but a moment to feel what she is sharing so we can all dance in her wisdom. As the time of the sacred bundles is upon us - May Creator Bless ALL with the KNOWING and may JUSTICE of HIS Will be done. And may we ALL see ourselves and each other as Creator does.

    Good Sunshine Woman

    Stay Well

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