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Thread: With Jordan Maxwell at the Vatican

  1. Link to Post #21
    England Avalon Member HURRITT ENYETO's Avatar
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    Default Re: With Jordan Maxwell at the Vatican

    Thanks again bill. Know your efforts are appreciated.
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  2. Link to Post #22
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    Default Re: With Jordan Maxwell at the Vatican

    Wow Jordan is certainly pulling no punches in that trailer. I have a feeling this is going to be one explosive interview!

    The music is haunting, Perfect choice for the video!

  3. Link to Post #23
    Mauritius Avalon Retired Member
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    Default Re: With Jordan Maxwell at the Vatican

    Hi Bill, Nice Music ,
    cant wait for the full interviews;

    Peace & Light

  4. Link to Post #24
    Switzerland Deactivated
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    Default Re: With Jordan Maxwell at the Vatican

    Hi all! According to my iPhone musicanalyzer Shazam, the artist of the stunningly beautiful music is Yanni - track title: prelude. It's the version with Nostalgia:


    Love & Peace

  5. Link to Post #25
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    Default Re: With Jordan Maxwell at the Vatican

    Fry gives a good speech on just SOME of what the catholic church has done ,,,also I recommend bookmarking this page for daily alternative news from Icke's team


  6. Link to Post #26
    United States Avalon Member Snowbird's Avatar
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    Default Re: With Jordan Maxwell at the Vatican

    Quote Posted by Dragonfly (here)
    Hi all! According to my iPhone musicanalyzer Shazam, the artist of the stunningly beautiful music is Yanni - track title: prelude. It's the version with Nostalgia:


    Love & Peace
    Yanni? Gosh, why am I not at all surprised?

    Thanks Dragonfly. You have performed a very good deed, indeed!
    We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.

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  7. Link to Post #27
    United States Avalon Member Snowbird's Avatar
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    Default Re: With Jordan Maxwell at the Vatican

    Quote Posted by shiva777 (here)
    Fry gives a good speech on just SOME of what the catholic church has done ,,,also I recommend bookmarking this page for daily alternative news from Icke's team

    This was quite an impassioned speech and I have to admit that I applaud what Fry has said.
    We can easily forgive a child who is afraid of the dark; the real tragedy of life is when men are afraid of the light.

    Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that.
    Martin Luther King, Jr.

  8. Link to Post #28
    Australia Avalon Retired Member
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    Default Re: With Jordan Maxwell at the Vatican

    Quote Posted by shiva777 (here)
    the vatican is built over a stargate access point as well as being a cover for un underground base access point..black magic through the Obelisk there and unholy ceremony is about to reap it's karma..watch as the Vatican gets exposed and disempowered as the timelines in which they harnessed the grids and frequencies of our planet are cleared and their energy siphoning system fails to feed them anymore.

    There is so much more to what is going on than I think Maxwell is aware of,although he does share great info he has the attitude that these vatican/illuminati clowns still have a lot of power (as is obvious from previous vids with him)...Maxwell comes from things from a very mental level and he doesn't have access to the higher sensory perceptions around what is going on with collapsing timelines and energetic grid infusions and changes...watch as things unfo0ld in much more positive ways than Maxwell will no doubt share in the coming vids from him.
    Excellent, excellent post shiva777; I don't know much about you, do you have a website. I have to know more about you, there is usually a darn good reason for when I get that.

    If we could get more from you on this whole vatican thing I would appreciate it. Yes to everything you said above. Great post again.

  9. Link to Post #29
    Avalon Member jem284's Avatar
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    Default Re: With Jordan Maxwell at the Vatican

    hi all! According to my iPhone musicanalyzer Shazam, the artist of the stunningly beautiful music is Yanni - track title: prelude. It's the version with Nostalgia:


    Love & Peace

    Thank you so much Dragonfly!!
    it's so beautiful

  10. Link to Post #30
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    Default Re: With Jordan Maxwell at the Vatican

    Quote Posted by shiva777 (here)
    as you can imagine this isn't a simple topic to talk about...Ashayana Deane will no doubt address these issues in her upcoming video with Kerry Cassidy.Check out www.keylonticdictionary.org for lots of technical aspects around collapsing timelines and the SCIENCE of ascension info the PHYSICS of ascension are explained there
    so what are you saying shiva

    same as Ashayana

    any thoughts of your own

    or content to believe whatever she channels

    what if she is all in it for the money

  11. Link to Post #31
    Italy Avalon Member G.Deluca's Avatar
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    Default Re: With Jordan Maxwell at the Vatican

    waiting for the full interview here, good job bill
    vatican city is really mysterious,i don't know if it's a stargat and where this secret entrance would be but it makes feel uneasy just being there,and it's not the only place in italy

  12. Link to Post #32
    Avalon Member Manifestor's Avatar
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    Default Re: With Jordan Maxwell at the Vatican

    Quote Posted by sunnyrap (here)
    OK, now I am confused, Bill. Manly P. Hall was a Mason-Rosicrucian of the highest level (I just watched this long series by Bill Schoen , here: https://youtube.com/watch?v=qDaon...eature=related in which he tells all about it, including Manly P. Hall's contribution to them), and he's Jordan's 'close personal friend'? (via Jordan's own YouTube asking for research assistance on all the materials left to him, personally by Manly P. Hall, here: https://youtube.com/user/AlphaZebra

    I've read posts indicating that J.M. is in fact associated with the Masons/Illuminati. This would seem to underscore those assertions.
    masons are not evil. jordan maxwell knows that. manly p hall was a intelligent and enlightend man who had only the best intentions for humanity. listen to him and find out for yourself if he is evil: https://projectavalon.net/forum4/show...-Hall-Lectures

  13. Link to Post #33
    Avalon Member Jacqui D's Avatar
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    Default Re: With Jordan Maxwell at the Vatican

    Jordan Maxwell is an excellent speaker of all things related to illuminati, coming from a mafia family like he did, and he has admitted this on previous interviews, i am taken back a little with the statement about manly P. Hall. It just makes you feel a little uncomfortable when these type of friendships are revealed.
    I have enjoyed previous interviews and the knowledge Jordan has is in depth we take what we feel from these videos to be the truth but how can really define whether what is being said is for our benefit or to confuse.

    I have to agree with shiva regarding stargates many do not understand that earths grids and stargates are much more important on these sites and yes although Jordan can tell you much about illuminti agendas perhaps the true nature of the vatican may be way over his head.
    I will be looking forward to this interview to see what he has to say and thank you Bill.
    It is our perception of separateness that causes all the woes we have in this world. What we do to one, we do to ourselves. There is NO separateness, only ONE-NESS.

  14. Link to Post #34
    Serbia Avalon Member Beren's Avatar
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    Default Re: With Jordan Maxwell at the Vatican

    Honestly I do no trust Maxwell too much but hey, whom you can trust these days?

    But he struck the cord with good sentence quoting Jesus about his kingdom not being of this world.
    Indeed all that Vatican represent is NOT of Jesus Christ and God , however they claim that and they exploit Christ's words and with a lot of bending twisting and adding to them , they rule masses.

    And at the end , higher things here are none at all about religion or people or planet Earth.
    It's all about ancient lust for power, unlimited power.

    Again it reminded me how this meme is repeating in movies and here and there Hollywood shows bits and pieces of truth.
    Like that scene from Star Wars III when Sith in a form of Palpatine flashes energy power to kill Jedi Windu screaming : " Power!!! UNLIMITED POWER!!! "

    And in the process his body deteriorates into ugly creature...Funny how Lucas showed us that since all this talk about reptillians and rest... they WERE once beings of light but awfully twisted they became in their quest for power. Utterly lost before Creator. They chose that.

    It's all about that regarding Vatican - unlimited power minus Jedi and sith story...
    Last edited by Beren; 18th May 2010 at 14:50.
    Love, love - and see what happens

  15. Link to Post #35
    Avalon Member Baelsfire's Avatar
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    Default Re: With Jordan Maxwell at the Vatican

    im looking forward to watching the full interview, and of David Icke!

    I think people should remember that being a Mason or a Rosicrucian (or a catholic or muslim, etc) does not immediately make that person some kind of evil. That kind of ignorance is the fore-runner of all sorts of ignorance like racism, religious hate, etc. You have to remember a great deal of information people have comes from people in these groups and societies who genuinely want to give people of the world the best, but member of secret society or not, all people are fallible to some extent, right? Don't get me wrong, im sure what im saying can be flip reserved too, but i think one of the biggest problem people have at first with gatekeepers of knowledge is that they are denied knowledge. Well i know for a fact there are people going to massive lengths to make sure you get this knowledge and its only logical to assume that it comes from within.

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  17. Link to Post #36
    Palestinian Territory Unsubscribed
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    Default Re: With Jordan Maxwell at the Vatican

    Quote Posted by Jacqui D (here)
    Jordan Maxwell is an excellent speaker of all things related to illuminati, coming from a mafia family like he did, and he has admitted this on previous interviews, i am taken back a little with the statement about manly P. Hall. It just makes you feel a little uncomfortable when these type of friendships are revealed.
    MP Hall is a very enlightened man. He has perpetually divulged a great deal of esoteric teachings that were presumably supposed to remain just that....esoteric. His Secret Teachings of All Ages pulls no punches at all and goes heavily into almost all esotericism I'm aware of. I can understand their friendship just as I can understand that not everyone involved in secret fraternities is an evil person. The fact that he's always gone public is great!

    REALLY looking forward to this video. The Vatican is a particular gripe of mine....

  18. Link to Post #37
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    Default Re: With Jordan Maxwell at the Vatican

    Quote Posted by Beren (here)
    But he struck the cord with good sentence quoting Jesus about his kingdom not being of this world.

    Indeed all that Vatican represent is NOT of Jesus Christ and God , however they claim that and they exploit Christ's words and with a lot of bending twisting and adding to them , they rule masses.
    perhaps too hasty Beren

    Jordan says that Jesus said

    My Kingdom is not part of this world

    but Jesus said

    My Kingdom is not of this world

    there is a significant difference in these two statements

    Jordan makes it sound like Christ has forsaken the world

    but He has not

    He established the Church as a Holy place of Communion

    as a retreat and a refuge from the snares seductions and persecutions of the world

    the simple survival and success of the Church is nothing short of a miracle

    the modern invention of communism massacred millions of christians

    the nightmare of capitalism sacrifices millions of poor people from all denominations

    sure the Church suffers from incompetence corruption mistakes

    but what can one expect from mere mortals born into this world

    inflicted with pride and ambitions seeking power and wealth seduced by the whisperings of Hades

    ignoramuses ascends to positions of power everywhere all the time

    our generation is witnessing an unprecedented infestation of the Church

    problem reaction solution

    if you can't destroy it then join and subvert it

    infiltrate the Church divert the doctrines abuse the choire boys and then point the sticky fingers at the Church

    the abusers and the deviators are catholic in name only

    they are double agents of the dark

    things are not what they seem

    one really has to dig deep to strike gold

    the Church might fall but if so it will be raised again

    just like Christ
    Last edited by RedeZra; 18th May 2010 at 19:05.

  19. Link to Post #38
    United States Avalon Member sunnyrap's Avatar
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    Default Re: With Jordan Maxwell at the Vatican


    "When the Mason learns that the key to the warrior on the block is the proper application of the dynamo of living power, he has learned the mystery of his Craft. The seething energies of Lucifer are in his hands and before he may step onward and upward, he must prove his ability to properly apply energy. He must follow in the footsteps of his forefather, Tubal-Cain ..." ["The Lost Keys of Freemasonry", by Manly P. Hall, 33° Freemason, p. 48; Emphasis added]

    I simply cannot see how anyone can assume this man was not completely amoral: "Great Men are Great Monsters" ~ you are kidding yourself if you think this man did not use, and use ruthlessly, the power he so assiduously studied...and I think that happens nearly mechanistically with anyone who studies or associates with it...

    Excerpt from: http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/at...heritage03.htm

    The book The Secret Teachings of All Ages is inarguably Hall’s finest accomplishment - written as a literal encyclopedia of all the great truths that he or any other members of these societies were willing to reveal. And within that subset, Hall has quite a lot to say. Once we begin putting in all the other pieces, we will see that Hall’s information is far more than adequate for recombining the true picture of the Atlantean Mysteries. Indeed, one might argue that Hall’s works are truly one-of-a-kind, as there are but precious few examples of the insiders from the Secret Brotherhoods revealing this much within one sole document available to the public.

    Hall’s book begins, paradoxically enough, with an enormous and perhaps even boring discussion of philosophers, from Greek to Roman right up through the present, and their widely contradictory ideas. In this discussion, we can clearly see how the unified knowledge of the Mysteries had already become widely dispersed, and everyone had their own theories based on what little they knew - and yet underneath it all, a common thread could be perceived. Certain philosophers such as Pythagoras actively sought to eliminate this problem by traveling far and wide to collect this scattered secret information from other areas.

    By the end of the chapter, the reader is practically exhausted with the huge body of philosophical information that was presented, and at this point Hall comes clean with the hidden Masonic knowledge that he is in contact with, regarding the true secret origin of all philosophy. In this excerpt, he also touches upon the all-important concept of symbolism being used to convey information and hide truth from the uninitiated:

  20. Link to Post #39
    Serbia Avalon Member Beren's Avatar
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    Default Re: With Jordan Maxwell at the Vatican

    RedeZra, the way I see this thing is very similar with yours but let me clarify what I know;

    Bible clearly states that God is a spirit and does not live in any building that men made. Church are we. The church turned into very thing Jesus spoke against when talking about scribes and pharisees .

    Bible says that our body is a temple where God dwells with his holy spirit.

    Now being a true church is a daily tough job. You got to constantly raise your level of awareness and being holy in your own life.
    God only decides who is successful in this process.
    With that in mind ,remember Christ`s words where he said that very few will find the right and narrow path that leads to heaven.

    Why ?

    Because it requires from each and everyone of us to lean only to god and Christ and have faith in them.
    People have faith in money,other people,countries,their family,friends,technology, churches,religions but so few have actual faith in God.

    But I ask , whom you put your faith when all is nothing compared to Creator?

    But we are deceived and we actually do not have faith as humanity.
    We constantly lean to worthless things as our aid and forsaking our only true helper- Almighty.

    Just think - Almighty can be your aid...
    What can you ask more???

    But Almighty can not be fooled and corrupted.
    And THAT`s exactly the reason why majority have not faith in God.
    It requires your responsibility . Almighty has prepared for humans things that we simply can not imagine in their splendor and beauty and CERTAINLY will NOT give that to irresponsible folk. Great value is never given to fool,thieves,ignorants,killers, and all sort of madness among people.

    Now finally God is using Churches to attract people to at least peek into truth in his word. Then ,what will they do afterward- they only know,free will.
    Still Churches hold Bible but they do not do according to it. However that does not dis counts Bible`s value.
    It is a big test of free will choices, will you chose to look trough the veil and live or not...

    Sadly Churches chose their path,trading with the world. With the very world that Christ stand against.
    Last edited by Beren; 18th May 2010 at 19:40.
    Love, love - and see what happens

  21. Link to Post #40
    UK Avalon Member Lyricus's Avatar
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    Default Re: With Jordan Maxwell at the Vatican

    Funny how the great bells of the Vatican chime in around the 4.50min point in the video, kind of sets the scene for what Jordan is saying!
    I want to know God's thoughts... the rest are details.
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