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    Netherlands Avalon Member Twinsel's Avatar
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    Default Ruins 96 Years Einstein Relativity


    Electrical Engineer disproves Einsteins Relativity Theory: The Ruins of 106 Years Relativity.

    Last week the newspapers were filled with the discovery of "impossible" particles traveling faster than the speed of light. A month ago an "impossible" star was discovered and earlier the Pioneer space probes also refused to adhere to the law. This way, the scientific establishment will slowly but surely be forced to return to reality, the reality of the existence of a real, physical ether with fluid-like properties. The inevitable result of that will be that Einstein's relativity theory will go down in the history books as one of the biggest fallacies ever brought forth by science. In the future they will look back to relativity with equal disbelief as to the "Earth is flat" concept. The relativity theory not only goes against common sense, as Tesla already said in 1932, a fundamental thinking error has been made by Maxwell in his equations. This eventually lead to the erroneous relativity theory, as is proven in this article. It is therefore no exaggeration to state that the scientific establishment is going to have a religious experience.

    The scientific establishment has been completely beside the mark by worshiping Albert Einstein and forgetting about Nikola Tesla. This logically thinking realist already wiped the floor with the theory of relativity in 1932 and thus proved for the umpteenth time to be far ahead of his time:

    "It might be inferred that I am alluding to the curvature of space supposed to exist according to the teachings of relativity, but nothing could be further from my mind. I hold that space cannot be curved, for the simple reason that it can have no properties. It might as well be said that God has properties. He has not, but only attributes and these are of our own making. Of properties we can only speak when dealing with matter filling the space. To say that in the presence of large bodies space becomes curved, is equivalent to stating that something can act upon nothing. I, for one, refuse to subscribe to such a view."

    Isn't it just beautiful how Tesla makes perfectly clear that the Emperor of modern physics has no clothes with simple logic?

    Think about it. Space is literally no thing, nothing. It is the emptiness, the void, wherein physical stuff exists, but space in and of itself is not part of anything physical. And the way we describe it is nothing more and nothing less than an abstract definition, a mere thought construct to track what is where at any given time. Just like a treasure map: twenty paces north, thirty steps west. And because space is not physical at all, it can have no physical properties. Saying that space becomes curved by large bodies is the same as saying that a street map becomes curved because the cities and villages that are printed on it are so heavy. So, when your theory demands your abstract (nonphysical) "space map" to be adjusted in order to straighten your theory out, then something is seriously wrong with your theory, no matter how many times you repeat it and preach it. Tesla said it like this:

    "The theory of relativity is a mass of error and deceptive ideas violently opposed to the teachings of great men of science of the past and even to common sense.

    The theory wraps all these errors and fallacies and clothes them in magnificent mathematical garb which fascinates, dazzles and makes people blind to the underlying errors. The theory is like a beggar clothed in purple whom ignorant people take for a king. Its exponents are very brilliant men, but they are metaphysicists rather than scientists. Not a single one of the relativity propositions has been proved."

    Whereof deed.

    Incidentally, Tesla already managed to break the speed limit before 1931 with his system of wireless transmission of energy. The principle of this system is that it transmits longitudinal electric waves through the interior of the earth, which propagate at a speed of pi/2 times the speed of light. He came to the idea of transmitting waves through the interior of the earth after he observed stationary waves caused by lightning. His system based on that observation is not understood by many. Eric Dollard describes it correctly in his book The Theory of Wireless Power"". Given that the propagation speed of longitudinal electric waves (which according to the current theory cannot propagate trough a vacuum) is about 1.6 times the speed of light, it would be a very interesting experiment to see whether or not moon bouncing could be achieved practically with longitudinal electric waves. If Tesla is right, we would see an Earth-Moon-Earth round-trip time of in the order of 1.6 seconds, while normal EM waves would take more than 2.5 seconds.

    Anyway, now the counter of "impossible anomalies" stands at three, one can safely say that the theory of relativity has been proven to be incorrect. Further investigation shows that the origin of the errors in the theory of relativity can be found in the Maxwell equationsMaxwell equations. These equations describe the phenomenon of electro-magnetism, or the electromagnetic field, mathematically. A fundamental mistake has been made in the formulation of these equations.

    The mathematician James Clerk Maxwell formulated his equations based on the experiments by Michael Faraday. Hereby, he assumed that the electromagnetic fields were caused by charge carriers, matter. Today we know from the particle-wave duality principle and quantum mechanics that matter is nothing but some kind of localized electromagnetic wave. In other words, there's a hole in the explanation of the mainstream science you can drive a truck through:

    Either the fields cause the matter, or the matter causes the fields, but not both at the same time! Make up your mind, folks!

    It may be clear by now that quantum mechanics is correct in this respect and that the Maxwell equations are therefore incorrect or at least incomplete. Both the electric and the magnetic field can exist on and by themselves and can also propagate trough space. When the Maxwell equations are corrected for this omission, as Prof. Dr.-Ing. Konstantin Meyl does in his paper "Faraday or Maxwell?", we basically return to the good old ether model. The ultimate result of that is that Einstein's relativity theory should be referred to the realm of fantasy.

    Because Maxwell assumed that charge carriers were the causes of the fields, implicitly a certain reference frame is linked to the description of the fields. That leads to the Maxwell equations being not invariant to the so-called Galilean transform. This sounds complicated, but if you want to describe a ripple in a glass of water in a passing train, you have to take into account the speed difference between observer and train. Well, that's all the Galilean transform does. So, in order to describe the waves propagating trough the ether "generally", you have to basically use the same correction. And because the Galilean transform can be applied to all classical mechanics laws, we call these "invariant" for the Galilean transformation:

    "Galilean invariance or Galilean relativity is a principle of relativity which states that the fundamental laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames. Galileo Galilei first described this principle in 1632 in his Dialogue Concerning the Two Chief World Systems using the example of a ship traveling at constant velocity, without rocking, on a smooth sea; any observer doing experiments below the deck would not be able to tell whether the ship was moving or stationary.

    Maxwell's equations governing electromagnetism possess a different symmetry, Lorentz invariance, under which lengths and times are affected by a change in velocity, which is then described mathematically by a Lorentz transformation.

    Albert Einstein's central insight in formulating special relativity was that, for full consistency with electromagnetism, mechanics must also be revised such that Lorentz invariance replaces Galilean invariance. At the low relative velocities characteristic of everyday life, Lorentz invariance and Galilean invariance are nearly the same, but for relative velocities close to that of light they are very different."

    What happened is that it turned out that the Galilean transform is not working with the Maxwell equations. In other words, the Maxwell equations are not invariant to the Galilean transform. However, this is ultimately caused by the incorrect assumption that the fields are caused by matter. As Dr. Charles Kenneth Thornhill argued some time ago, science resorted to the so-called Lorentz transformation, mathematically correct but in fact nonsense in terms of having any physical relevance. And it is this Lorentz transformation which requires the speed of light to be constant, while we actually know this is not the case.

    After all, within different materials, different media, the speed of light differs and is less than that in free space. And because materials consist of elementary particles, it is clear that the presence of (elementary) particles affects the speed of light. This is what causes light rays to break in the transition from air to glass. And since we also know from the particle-wave duality principle that all electromagnetic waves in the Universe are particles and we know that the Universe is filled with all kinds of electromagnetic waves, it is clear that throughout the Universe the speed of light is affected by the presence of all kinds of particles. The claim that the speed of light is constant in the Universe is therefore absolutely untenable.

    Update (sept 30, 2011):

    It turns out that it has actually been experimentally proven that the speed of light in deep space is not fixed, as reported by William H. Cantrell, Ph.D.:

    "Evidence has surfaced that the speed of light is not c in deep space, based on satellite data from Pioneer 10 and 11. Launched in 1972 and 1973 respectively, radio signals received from these satellites contain an "anomalous" Doppler shift. Renshaw showed that this can be explained by assuming classical Newtonian mechanics for the Doppler-shifted radio signal in a heliocentric frame of reference. Staunch relativists take note: Here is a clear case, for both satellites, where classical theory gives the correct answer, but relativistic corrections lead to the wrong results. Einstein’s relativity cannot explain this result, and indeed, it is the cause of the problem in the first place!"

    "Wallace discovered that radar data for the planet Venus did not confirm the constancy of the speed of light. Alarmed and intrigued by these results, he noticed systematic variations in the data with diurnal and lunar-synodic components. He attempted to publish the results in Physical Review Letters, but he encountered considerable resistance. His analysis indicated a heretical "c + v" Galilean fit to the data, so as a result, he had no alternative but to publish elsewhere. To say that Wallace was less than tactful would be something of an understatement. He made heated claims that NASA had noticed the very same results and was using non-relativistic correction factors to calculate signal transit times."

    I just love coincidences like this. One day you prove theoretically that the speed of light cannot be fixed across the Universe and just two days later you find the experimental evidence just like that. And the article by Dr. Cantrell provides much more evidence that Einstein's relativity theory really is untenable after all.

    When we add just this "anomalous" Doppler shift (which is a completely different phenomenon than the slow down anomaly referred to above) and the "anomalous" radar data, the count already stands at five. And still counting, cause I haven't even finished reading Dr. Cantrell's article...

    <end update>


    1. The concept of our description of "space" is an abstract concept, comparable to a street-map. Space itself is the emptiness, the void, in which physical (tangible) entities exist and thus space in and of itself cannot have physical properties. Therefore space cannot be curved, because it cannot have physical properties.

    2. The field descriptions (Maxwell equations) are incorrect, because of the incorrect assumption that the fields are caused by particles. When this error is corrected, the normal Galilean transform applies, which does not demand a fixed speed of light.

    3. The speed of light is not constant within the Universe, and therefore the Lorentz transform cannot be applied in the real physical Universe, even if it would have had any physical relevance.

    And that means the bottom drops from underneath the whole relativity theory.

    Update (Oct 20th 2011): Note that only one of these arguments has to be true on order for Einstein's theory to be disproven. After all, the whole idea of the speed of light supposedly being fixed is because that is being demanded by the Lorentz transform. So, Tesla's argument that space cannot be curved, because it cannot have physical properties is just an additional illustrative argument that shows how simple it really is to recognize that relativity cannot be correct. And the argument that the Maxwell equations are incorrect is the root cause that explains how and why physics went bazerk for over a hundred years.

    Subsequently, the work of Hans Jenny is very interesting. He published a number of breathtaking videos which show what you can do with sound waves, e.g. in a bowl of water (parts 1, 2 en 3). He shows that many kinds of geometric shapes can be formed using standing sound waves in the fluid, whereby matter flows together naturally to certain areas and stays away from other areas. And that's also what happens in the ether. So, gravity is simply an electrostatic phenomenon caused by longitudinal standing waves in the ether, which determines the geometry of the solar system, our galaxy, and so on. Everything is connected to everything through these standing waves.

    Well, and if you're that far off with your fundamental theory, it should surprise no one that you get strange results every now and then. The reported Pioneer anomaly is simply due to the distribution of ether pressure, the same kind of ether pressure that keeps our planet in orbit.

    And for those who are still looking for the ether wind that they could never find: near the surface of the earth this exercises a force on matter, such that matter accelerates with about 9.81 m/s2 towards the earth. This still unexplained force can therefore be nullified pretty easily using very high electrical voltages, as Thomas Townsend Brown proved in the sixties with his "mysterious" anti-gravity experiments. (Recently replicated on a small scale by Jean-Louis Naudin).

    So, IMHO, it's high time to restore the old ether theory and return to "reality" instead of "relativity". And to be honest, that seams relatively easy to me.

    Arend Lammertink, MSc, September 26, 2011.

    In case you feel that I might have little admiration for Einstein, this my favorite quote of this great scientist:

    “The intuitive mind is a sacred gift and the rational mind is a faithful servant. We have created a society that honors the servant and has forgotten the gift.”

    With this one, I totally agree:

    "Quantum mechanics is certainly imposing. But an inner voice tells me that it is not yet the real thing. The theory says a lot, but does not really bring us any closer to the secret of the "old one." I, at any rate, am convinced that He does not throw dice."

    And last but not least: this one:

    "A human being is a part of a whole, called by us _universe_, a part limited in time and space. He experiences himself, His thoughts and feelings as something separated from the rest ... a kind of optical delusion of His consciousness. This delusion is a kind of prison for us, restrict us to our personal desires and to affection for a few persons nearest to us. Our task must be to free Ourselves from this prison by widening our circle of compassion to embrace all living creatures and the whole of nature in its beauty."


    My article and statements in "the ruins of 106 years Einstein relativity" is directed against the theory of relativity as such, and certainly also against the way this theory is preached almost as absolute truth by mainstream science. They manage to ignore and/or ridicule well-founded criticism such as by Thornhill and Meyl. So, if one wants to take a stand against this, one has unfortunately little choice but to be blunt. It's a shame that this is needed today, but well, so be it. It is high time that the fundamental mistakes that were made are straightened out, because with the "pretend and extend" politics of mainstream science, we will get nowhere.

    And for the fans one more quote from Tesla:

    "According to the relativists, space has a tendency to curvature owing to an inherent property or presence of celestial bodies. Granting a semblance of reality to this fantastic idea, it is still self-contradictory. Every action is accompanied by an equivalent reaction and the effects of the latter are directly opposite to those of the former. Supposing that the bodies act upon the surrounding space causing curvature of the same, it appears to my simple mind that the curved spaces must react on the bodies and, producing the opposite effects, straighten out the curves. Since action and reaction are coexistent, it follows that the supposed curvature of space is entirely impossible."

    This article may be freely copied, distributed and/or published, whether or not partially, translated, etc. A reference to the source www.tuks.nl and the name of the author is appreciated. If desired, here (small version) you can find a photograph of the author, which can also be used freely.

    Arend can be contacted by email at lamare at the gmail dot com domain.

    The ideas and theories that lead to this article have been "peer reviewed" at Energetic Forum, where this article can also be discussed.

    A version of this article in Dutch can be found here

    Further links and references:

    A Dissident View of Relativity Theory by William H. Cantrell, Ph.D.

    "In this issue we highlight some of the experimental facts that do not fit with relativity theory. We discuss some of its logical inconsistencies and offer alternatives for your consideration. We also look at the controversies associated with some of Einstein’s ideas and how they first originated. As always, our goal is to bring you viable, plausible alternatives to the cherished and protected dogma of mainstream physics—areas where theory does not agree with experimental facts."

    This thread on Energetic Forum has lots of further information. For example, Paul Stowe:

    "Many of apparent inconsistencies that exist in our current understanding of physics have results from a basic lack of understanding of what are called fields. These fields, electric, magnetic, gravitational...etc, have been the nemesis of physicists since the birth of modern science, and continues unresolved by quantum mechanics. A classical example of this is the problem of an electron interacting with it's own field. This case results in the equations of quantum mechanics diverging to infinity. To overcome this problem, Bethe(1) introduced the process of ignoring the higher order terms that result from taking these equations to their limit of zero distance, in what is now a common practice called renormalization.

    These field problems result in class of entities called virtual, existing only to balance and explain interactions. These entities can (and do) violate accepted physical laws. This is deemed acceptable since they are assumed to exist temporarily at time intervals shorter than the Heisenberg's uncertainty limit. It has been known for some time that such virtual entities necessitate the existence of energy in this virtual realm (Field), giving rise to the concept of quantum zero point energy.

    As a result of this presentation I will propose the elimination of both the need for renormalization and any such virtual fields. This will be accomplished by replacing the virtual field with a real physical media within which we define elemental particles (which more precisely should be called structures) and the resultant forces which act between them."

    Einstein's Ether:

    "The vortex is central to wave mechanics and when the academicians threw out the ether concept they discarded the investigation into vortices, which are the source of all wave motions in our Universe. By eliminating the vortices from the academic theory, it ensured our handlers, that those who dedicate themselves to the system of mind control in place would never question the extreme motive force of the vortex and apply it to solving our energy needs and freeing us from the polluting fuels sold at extreme cost by energy barons, then wasted by explosion, heat and pollution, extracting a fraction of its value in the form of usable motive energy."

    Faster than the Speed of Light:

    "If you follow the news concerning new developments in science, you might have heard that over the course of the last decade our scientists have ‘broken the light barrier'. Apparently experiments have been conducted that produce results that are ‘faster than the speed of light.' These experiments remain controversial, but they have been duplicated in different ways, producing similar results, and this then leads a person to wonder what might be going on here."

    The First Test That Proves General Theory of Relativity Wrong

    "According to Einstein's theory of general relativity, a moving mass should create another field, called gravitomagnetic field, besides its static gravitational field. This field has now been measured for the first time and to the scientists' astonishment, it proved to be no less than one hundred million trillion times larger than Einstein's General Relativity predicts."

    Q: Why is Einstein's Special Relativity Theory so bizarre? Is our universe really that strange?

    "A: Einstein's Special Relativity Theory is all a mistake. Not only can clear errors be found in all supporting experiments and thought experiments, but even Einstein's own mathematical support for his theory has clear fatal errors. One of the flaws is so striking that two key lines were omitted from Einstein's published Special Relativity derivation found in his own book, Relativity: The Special and General Theory, published in 1961. A closer look at this derivation shows a large leap of logic that cannot be properly followed unless several missing lines are filled in. There is only one mathematically viable way to fill in these missing lines, which is shown below in simplified form:

    Line 1: x = a + b — note: speed-of-light term, c, has dropped out entirely by this point

    Line 2: x = a + b * (c2/ c2) — the undefined symbol, c, is artificially re-introduced

    Now, let the symbol y stand for the expression (b * c2)

    Line 3: x = a + y / c2 — the symbol, c, is kept from canceling by hiding it within y in the numerator

    The two missing lines, now added above as lines 1 & 2, show that the speed-of-light term drops out of the derivation entirely and should never have appeared in the final equations. The above improper mathematical operations are the only way to add it back in, yet do not actually add the speed of light back at all, but only the meaningless letter C from the alphabet. Any letter from A to Z could have been chosen, showing how meaningless and arbitrary it was to choose the letter C, which was used to represent the speed of light earlier in the derivation before it dropped out completely."

    An Electrical Engineer Explores the Hoax of Einstein's Theories of Relativity

    "An electrical engineer has explored the Hoax of Einstein's Theories of Relativity in a new book. Einstein and the Emperor's-New-Clothes Syndrome: The Exposé of a Charlatan, by Robert L. Henderson, suggests that Einstein's relativity theories are incorrect.
    Most people do not understand Einstein's theories of relativity, says author Robert L. Henderson in his thought-provoking new book. Henderson suggests that the reason for this is because the theories simply are not true.
    Rational and forthright, Henderson argues that Einstein's thinking was distorted and that his science and mathematics were severely flawed. While Einstein proposed that time could affect both light and gravity, Henderson instead argues for the Universal Energy Field (UEF) as the medium which transmits light waves and generates gravitational forces."

    Abstract here:

    "In the first place, by the very definition of “space,” it is not possible for space — which consists of nothingness and is all-pervading—to be curved, either through a physical dimension, or through the non-physical dimension of time as assumed by GR: to speak of space as being curved is an oxymoron. In addition, since space consists of nothingness, it is not possible for it to exert forces of any kind."

    Henderson commented here:

    "Although both QM and GR are universally accepted by the academic community, it is also acknowledged by the academic community that since the two sciences are totally incompatible, one of them must be wrong: yet no one in the academic community has been willing to take a stand as to which one is in error. However, as explained in "The-Emperor's-New-Clothes book, it should be obvious that it is GR that is at fault and should be abandoned."

    The GPS and the Constant Velocity of Light by Dr. Paul Marmet, Professor of Physics (Deceased):

    "One must conclude that the GPS and all the related experiments give a striking proof that the velocity of light is not constant with respect to an observer, contrary to Einstein's hypotheses. The measured velocity of light is c-v in one direction and c+v in the other. The velocity of light is equal to c with respect to an absolute frame in space. This is now an experimental fact. Finally, we have seen how it is apparently constant in all frames using proper values and a correct clock synchronization.
    We can consider the velocity of light with respect to a group of stars around the Sun. However, there is nothing that says that that star cluster is at an absolute rest. It probably moves around our galaxy which itself moves around the local cluster of galaxies. From what we have seen here, we see that the star cluster mentioned above is just another moving frame, in which again, we have an "apparent" velocity of light equal to c in all directions, because we do not know yet, how to get an absolute synchronization of clocks from the absolute frame."

    Theory of Relativity was Born Due to Mistakes in Deriving Equations by Mamoru Hidaka, Chofu city Tokyo Japan:

    "The process of constructing new theoretical formulae involves expressing postulates in terms of functions followed by development of the resulting equations. Of the vast body of theoretical work reported to date, only the development of the theory of relativity omitted steps in this procedure because the basic mathematics defining the principle of the constant velocity of light were mental arithmetic, and therefore not recorded. The theory of relativity is a rare example of a theory that came to fruition as a result of mistakes in the mathematical process but which has had far reaching consequences in the field of physics and the modern history of mankind."

    Tesla versus Einstein by Dr. Harold Aspden:

    "As we celebrate Einstein in the centenary year since he introduced his Theory of Relativity there are those of us who see little to celebrate because we believe that Einstein blocked the way forward in our quest to tap energy from the aether. The aether is the energy source accounting for the creation of our universe but Einstein’s theory caused scientists to replace the aether by abstract mathematical notions. Hence there has been no acceptance of the aether as a possible new energy source, needed as our oil reserves are eroded. It is timely, therefore, to review the claim made by Nikola Tesla that he had devised and constructed an automobile that was powered on aether energy."

    Also see www.aetherscience.org.

    The GPS and the Constant Velocity of Light by Paul Marmet, Ph. D.:

    "When the velocity of light is measured with the Global Positioning System (GPS), we find that it is (c-v) or (c+v), in which v is the rotation velocity of the Earth where the cities are located. We know that the Lorentz transformations and special relativity are unable to provide a realistic physical explanation of the behavior of matter and light. We show here that all these phenomena can be explained using Newton's physics and mass-energy conservation, without space contraction or time dilation. We have seen previously that the principle of mass-energy conservation requires that clocks run at a slower rate in a moving frame, and physical bodies become longer because of the increase of the Bohr radius. These results allow us to answer the question: With respect to what, does light travel? For example, when we move away at velocity v, from a source emitting light at velocity c, the relative motion of the radiation is observed from the Doppler shift. How can we explain logically that these photons "appear" to reach us at velocity c and not (c-v)? The conventional explanation relies on special relativity, but it implies an esoteric space-time distortion, which is not compatible with logic. This paper gives a physical explanation how the velocity of light is really (c-v) with respect to the observer, even if the observer's tools always measure a velocity represented by the number c. We explain how this problem is crucial in the Global Positioning System (GPS) and in clocks synchronization. The Lorentz' transformations become quite useless. This apparent constant velocity of light with respect to a moving frame is the most fascinating illusion in science."

    Also see his other papers.

    An Open Letter to the Scientific Community:An Open Letter to the Scientific Community:

    "The big bang today relies on a growing number of hypothetical entities, things that we have never observed-- inflation, dark matter and dark energy are the most prominent examples. Without them, there would be a fatal contradiction between the observations made by astronomers and the predictions of the big bang theory. In no other field of physics would this continual recourse to new hypothetical objects be accepted as a way of bridging the gap between theory and observation. It would, at the least, raise serious questions about the validity of the underlying theory."

    On the Generalized Maxwell Equations and Their Prediction of Electroscalar Wave by Arbab I. Arbab and Zeinab A. Satti:

    "In this paper we write the Maxwell equations in quaternion including the Lorentz force and the continuity equation. We have found that the Maxwell equations are derived from just one quaternion equation. The solution of these equations shows that the charge and current densities are waves traveling with speed of light. Generalizing the continuity equation resulted in obtaining three equations defining the charge and current densities. Besides, there exists a set of transformation that leave generalized continuity equation invariant. When these transformations are applied to the energy conservation law an electroscalar wave propagating with speed of light is obtained. Thus, the quaternionic Maxwell equation and continuity equation predict that there exist a scalar wave propagating with speed of light. This wave could possibly arise due to vacuum fluctuation. Such a wave is not included in the Maxwell equations. Therefore, the existence of the electroscalar is a very essential integral part of Maxwell theory. Expressions of Lorentz force and the power delivered to a charge particle are obtained from the quaternion Lorentz force."

    Dayton Miller's Ether-Drift Experiments: A Fresh Look by James DeMeo, Ph.D.:

    "The history of science records the 1887 ether-drift experiment of Albert Michelson and Edward Morley as a pivotal turning point, where the energetic ether of space was discarded by mainstream physics. Thereafter, the postulate of "empty space" was embraced, along with related concepts which demanded constancy in light-speed, such as Albert Einstein's relativity theory. The now famous Michelson-Morley experiment is widely cited, in nearly every physics textbook, for its claimed "null" or "negative" results. Less known, however, is the far more significant and detailed work of Dayton Miller.

    Dayton Miller's 1933 paper in Reviews of Modern Physics details the positive results from over 20 years of experimental research into the question of ether-drift, and remains the most definitive body of work on the subject of light-beam interferometry. Other positive ether-detection experiments have been undertaken, such as the work of Sagnac (1913) and Michelson and Gale (1925), documenting the existence in light-speed variations (c+v > c-v), but these were not adequately constructed for detection of a larger cosmological ether-drift, of the Earth and Solar System moving through the background of space. Dayton Miller's work on ether-drift was so constructed, however, and yielded consistently positive results.

    Miller's work, which ran from 1906 through the mid-1930s, most strongly supports the idea of an ether-drift, of the Earth moving through a cosmological medium, with calculations made of the actual direction and magnitude of drift. By 1933, Miller concluded that the Earth was drifting at a speed of 208 km/sec. towards an apex in the Southern Celestial Hemisphere, towards Dorado, the swordfish, right ascension 4 hrs 54 min., declination of -70° 33', in the middle of the Great Magellanic Cloud and 7° from the southern pole of the ecliptic. (Miller 1933, p.234) This is based upon a measured displacement of around 10 km/sec. at the interferometer, and assuming the Earth was pushing through a stationary, but Earth-entrained ether in that particular direction, which lowered the velocity of the ether from around 200 to 10 km/sec. at the Earth's surface. Today, however, Miller's work is hardly known or mentioned, as is the case with nearly all the experiments which produced positive results for an ether in space. Modern physics today points instead to the much earlier and less significant 1887 work of Michelson-Morley, as having "proved the ether did not exist"."

    Article:Free Electric Energy in Theory and Practice.

    This is my earlier work. Recently read it back. Most of it still makes a lot of sense, even though some of the material is a bit outdated. An interesting read nonetheless....

    About Arend Lammertink:

    Arend Lammertink holds a Masters degree in Electrical Engineering from the University of Twente. After graduating in 1996, he worked as a software engineer. He worked a.o. on OpendTect, an open source seismic interpretation system. Arend lives in Goor, The Netherlands, together with his wife and three children. He grew up in Markelo, where his family owned a farm as well as a restaurant, now run by his brother who is also the chef-cook. The favorite tractor of the Lammertink family is the Massey Ferguson 35.

    Should you feel like supporting my work, you can donate to me via PayPal to lamare (at) gmail(dot) com. This is also the email adress that can be used for contacting me.
    When the student is ready, the master appears.

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    Default Re: Ruins 96 Years Einstein Relativity

    Balanced and brilliant.

    I need to read this again a few times.
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    Default Re: Ruins 96 Years Einstein Relativity

    A lot of this is nonsense. Einstein's theories of relativity did not disprove the existence of the aether. The Michelson-Morley experiment in conjunction with Maxwell's equations did that. It is a complete overreaction to complete discredit a theory based on an inconsistencies with observed fact. In most cases, including the neutrino anomaly, the problem is systematic, i.e. faulty wiring
    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-17139635. The fact remains that the theory of relativity is one of the most consistently correct when predicitng gravitational effects. The fact it may need adjusting a little doesn't do away with 100 years of correct predictions. Maxwell's equations too may need adjusting, but they are extremely elegant and describe electromagnetism almost perfectly. Almost being the key word, as all systems evolve so complexly that we cannot factor in every term required to get exact matchings with observation, regardless of statistical fluctuations. Only God can do that.

    It is especially ridiculous to say that the notion of time dilation is esoteric and therefore not logical, even though the neutrino measurements which are here pointed out as to discredit Einstein would have relied on his very theory to be considered accurate. As it is, there is nothing to suggest anything other than a systematic error. To me this is nothing other than a nonsensical, attention-seeking diatribe.
    Last edited by Alex Laker; 23rd February 2012 at 13:53.
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    Default Re: Ruins 96 Years Einstein Relativity

    This also means that the proper alignment of particles regarding their flow from one to another..that this given desirable alignment can accelerate said particles or the given energetic transfer. particles do just not locally 'slow' (via interference), they can accelerate.

    Piezoelectric and self oscillating in a gravatic/aetheric field, and you automatically get a....translational accelerating pump.

    There are a many examples of such devices and similar effects, this is just one of them.

    the question is also that of the idea of 'light'.

    Is the idea of light a misnomer? Is it merely aetheric pathway coupling differential?

    And not a particle of any nature....... but........ merely the evidential trail, a 'quanta' of a relational interaction?

    That light, is not light.... but just the reflection of the peak of 3d 'speedway' limits, and thus..merely an indicator of a residual of the highest angular components of vectoral interaction between quanta, before dimensional translation occurs?
    Last edited by Carmody; 23rd February 2012 at 15:59.
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    Default Re: Ruins 96 Years Einstein Relativity

    Quote Posted by Araxes (here)
    A lot of this is nonsense. Einstein's theories of relativity did not disprove the existence of the aether. The Michelson-Morley experiment in conjunction with Maxwell's equations did that. It is a complete overreaction to complete discredit a theory based on an inconsistencies with observed fact. In most cases, including the neutrino anomaly, the problem is systematic, i.e. faulty wiring
    http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/science-environment-17139635. The fact remains that the theory of relativity is one of the most consistently correct when predicitng gravitational effects. The fact it may need adjusting a little doesn't do away with 100 years of correct predictions. Maxwell's equations too may need adjusting, but they are extremely elegant and describe electromagnetism almost perfectly. Almost being the key word, as all systems evolve so complexly that we cannot factor in every term required to get exact matchings with observation, regardless of statistical fluctuations. Only God can do that.

    It is especially ridiculous to say that the notion of time dilation is esoteric and therefore not logical, even though the neutrino measurements which are here pointed out as to discredit Einstein would have relied on his very theory to be considered accurate. As it is, there is nothing to suggest anything other than a systematic error. To me this is nothing other than a nonsensical, attention-seeking diatribe.
    Actually, einstien used the modified equations and failed to take into account that maxwell's original equantions were based on faraday's works.

    Faraday's works were based on, in some important ways, the interactions of electricity and the plasma functions of such pertaining to the 'free molecule' material called the element 'mercury'.

    In that mathematical result, it included a basic asymmetry, elasticity and unidirectionality. These were the parts that were removed and caused relativity to work in the mundane daily aspects of engineering...but to FAIL in the face of many obvious, er.... observations in science.

    The fault lies in the works of Heaviside and Lorentz. There is no symmetry. None. There never was.

    The field effects that Heaviside removed, where the indicators of the unidirectional or vectoral polarization.

    Read the works of Joseph P. Farrell and you will being to see the evidence of the 'hidden hand' regarding that blocking of knowledge.

    Einstein started with the wrong mathematical information. even he realized this and corrected himself about 15 years after and stated that the aether MUST exist for relativity to exist and he also introduced an engineer-able mechanical formula at a Russian conference in 1927.

    Those last two Einstein data bits were erased from western society, but the Russians never forgot. Neither did the Nazi scientists who had engineered the Nazi time and space manipulating hardware, based on the works of Walter Gerlach, and Gabriel Kron, and others.

    Those scientists were brought back from Nazi Germany by their sponsors, the creators of the Federal reserve banks and the CIA, etc.

    This became US black ops and involved major corporations and other dark individuals and groups.

    Since then there has been a concerted effort to keep this information out of public hands, as it ruins the hidden war that has been going on, this war written on the labour, lives and backs of the humans in the system of incarnation who do not know that this has been going on.

    The story thus far..is that alien or advanced groups have contacted the black ops groups and may have been aiding them while others may be using this contact to help tie them in knots.

    You are 20 years old, I see, reading your data by your avatar. You've got quite bit more reading ahead of you, regarding the formation of your mind based on observation, contemplation, and knowledge.
    Last edited by Carmody; 23rd February 2012 at 20:26.
    Interdimensional Civil Servant

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    Default Re: Ruins 96 Years Einstein Relativity

    I feel that my first post came across a little angry. It is true though, that such blatant disregard for very elegant theories does make me a little mad. I have a fairly high level of understanding of Maxwell's equations and Special Relativity, being a student in physics. To me, these theories are not incompatible with many of the insights which I also hold to be true based on what is on this forum. These theories are very far-reaching, and to say they are not logical based on the fact they are very hard to understand is a bit silly. All theories are approximations, and anything more is just a better one.

    At one point in this article, it is argued that space is nothing - no thing, but then that it has to be filled with something - an aether. While this is not accepted in modern physics (rightly so in my opinion), Quantum Electrodynamics allows for empty space to be a thing, in that particles can pop in and out of existence and interact. If I am right, this is something a lot of the so-called free energy devices rely on. In a sense yes, there is an aether, but not in the simplistic mediaeval sense that the article is trying to assert. The understanding of the universe should not be simple. I feel that would be a pointless challenge. Indeed it can become incomprehensible to most minds, including my own.

    Simply put - The Theory of Relativity is not some nonsense theory developed to mislead people. It is one brilliant man's attempt to answer the biggest questions for all those of us who can't, and he did a pretty damned good job in my opinion. It's not perfect, a lot of it still needs to be reconciled, but it makes sense - and demonstrably so.
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    Default Re: Ruins 96 Years Einstein Relativity

    Go back to the original full maxwell's equations.

    To give you and idea, those equations were so hidden..that up until about 1995 or so, there was no public record of them and a copy of the original treatise..would have cost and average of $5000 USD to obtain. And NO-ONE was sharing or copying. Impossible to find.
    Last edited by Carmody; 23rd February 2012 at 16:22.
    Interdimensional Civil Servant

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    Default Re: Ruins 96 Years Einstein Relativity

    There are more than a few mistakes in this article, as mentioned above. Re-read the section on the speed of light being constant. The author makes repeated reference to the speed of light varying....yes absolutely, relatively says that C is constant only in a vacuum.

    And the quote by Tesla is wrong, or at least Tesla was. Gravitational lensing proved GR.

    And finally, the author uses supporting articles and works that are contradictory. This is mostly pseudoscience wrapped up in language too dense for the average person to critically assess, besides the fact that very few people have actually read any serious works on GR, or the history of science for that matter.

    I'm 100% with Araxes here, though he/she is more eloquent than I am.
    Just because I took the red pill, it doesn't mean that I washed it down with the koolaid

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    Default Re: Ruins 96 Years Einstein Relativity

    Both of you are blowing ill informed smoke out your asses.


    You are here to interfere and put down text so that those who cannot deduce what the truth is, can have a place to rest their idealization so they can go home safe after reading this, with their world intact.

    I'm reminded of Fox news.

    Fox news is not about informing people, or converting people...it's about propagation of known insanity, as projected viewpoint.... so that those captivated by such things....have enough of a backdrop so that they remain captivated. That is it's sole purpose.
    Last edited by Carmody; 23rd February 2012 at 20:27.
    Interdimensional Civil Servant

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    Default Re: Ruins 96 Years Einstein Relativity

    A lot of what you're saying may be true, and a lot of what you're saying is true. I am 20 years old, and I do have a lot of reading to do, but in a world ever convoluted by 'knowledge', it becomes difficult to 'learn' anything. I just find it hard to believe that all mainstream scientists who no doubt would see all these flaw's in Einstein's theories do not point them out or try to solve them in the same way. Indeed, they cannot all be in collusion with some giant cover-up of the truth. My main point however, is that in disagreement with the OP, I do not see a need to erase the theory in its current form?

    ¤=[Post Update]=¤

    Quote Posted by Carmody (here)
    Both of you are blowing ill informed smoke out your asses.
    I would rather you didn't speak like that. It would only make me want to resent your words above what I already know. I can't assume you're right, because I don't know you're right. Perhaps I am ill-informed. I know what I know. What you have said intrigues me, and I will look into it further in order to find my own truth as it were. Thank you for that.
    Who am I to tell you what's real?

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    Default Re: Ruins 96 Years Einstein Relativity

    Quote Posted by Araxes (here)
    A lot of what you're saying may be true, and a lot of what you're saying is true. I am 20 years old, and I do have a lot of reading to do, but in a world ever convoluted by 'knowledge', it becomes difficult to 'learn' anything. I just find it hard to believe that all mainstream scientists who no doubt would see all these flaw's in Einstein's theories do not point them out or try to solve them in the same way. Indeed, they cannot all be in collusion with some giant cover-up of the truth. My main point however, is that in disagreement with the OP, I do not see a need to erase the theory in its current form?

    ¤=[Post Update]=¤

    Quote Posted by Carmody (here)
    Both of you are blowing ill informed smoke out your asses.
    I would rather you didn't speak like that. It would only make me want to resent your words above what I already know. I can't assume you're right, because I don't know you're right. Perhaps I am ill-informed. I know what I know. What you have said intrigues me, and I will look into it further in order to find my own truth as it were. Thank you for that.
    I apologize for the rudeness, but I sent it back... in a fashion of a bit of a shocker.

    The point is... this forum is not about holding on to known falseness at the limits of human knowledge regarding the expression of reality in science, it is about removing those bits of wrong thinking and any aspect of implanted lies and forced truths.

    What we express as a knowledge base and as a known capacity, for example proven psychic capacity. There are hundreds and near thousands of studies proving this and this cannot exist inside of conventional science.

    Therefore, the science is wrong. The math is wrong. The premise is wrong, the vantage point it come from is incorrect and incomplete.

    it is not the beings who are observing and living that are incorrect, it is the science/theory/math--- that is incorrect.

    Relativity is a big part of that incorrectness. The ground the scientist may walk on when formulating possibilities....is wrong.

    Simple observation illustrates this point, abundantly.

    We are human and we tend to ascribe and project dogmatism into science and associated mathematical formulation.

    We must remember that such things are human aspirations and do not function in the face of all human observation.

    I respect science but the point is, "Who died and made science and scientists the arbiters of reality? Who?"
    Last edited by Carmody; 23rd February 2012 at 16:38.
    Interdimensional Civil Servant

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    Default Re: Ruins 96 Years Einstein Relativity

    Quote Posted by Carmody (here)
    Both of you are blowing ill informed smoke out your asses.


    You are here to interfere and put down text so that those who cannot deduce what the truth is, can have a place to rest their idealization so they can go home safe after reading this, with their world intact.

    I'm reminded of Fox news.

    Fox news is not about informing people, or converting people...it's abut propagation of known insanity, as projected viewpoint.... so that those captivated by such things....have enough of a backdrop so that they remain captivated. That is it's sole purpose.
    That was entirely uncalled for.

    Perhaps you should stop trying to sound like a thesaurus of the occult and hidden world and speak to people a little more plainly. I have always thought that you were a wee bit pretentious, but I at least read your posts with an open mind. I now see it for what it is.

    Good day sir.
    Just because I took the red pill, it doesn't mean that I washed it down with the koolaid

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    Default Re: Ruins 96 Years Einstein Relativity

    Quote Posted by Carmody (here)
    Both of you are blowing ill informed smoke out your asses.


    You are here to interfere and put down text so that those who cannot deduce what the truth is, can have a place to rest their idealization so they can go home safe after reading this, with their world intact.

    I'm reminded of Fox news.

    Fox news is not about informing people, or converting people...it's abut propagation of known insanity, as projected viewpoint.... so that those captivated by such things....have enough of a backdrop so that they remain captivated. That is it's sole purpose.
    I find that offensive in the extreme. I could rightly accuse you of the same thing, and perhaps I have in a small part. However, I did not mean to. I am in no way trying to prevent people accessing the real truth. But therein lies the problem. I can't share or formulate new ideas if I don't expressly make clear what truths they are/were based on.

    You have a truth which I do not see.
    I have a truth which you do not see.
    What you're saying intrigues me and I want to look into it further.
    I can't help my reaction to things which go against my own ingrained truth.

    Sorry if I have made you feel like I'm trying to subvert the truth. I am not. It is true that many people can't understand scientific terminology either way, and so they are at an impass as to whether they believe everything everyone already accepts, or they believe they're being lied to. It is the responsibility of people who do understand it, to deformalise it and present it in a way which compares and contrasts contradictions and logical flaws. Something like that. I actually appreciate the way you present your information. You use history, rather than just scientific blurb. People can relate to that, and I have.
    Who am I to tell you what's real?

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    Default Re: Ruins 96 Years Einstein Relativity

    Okay, Carmody. I think we're far from agreement on a lot of things right now, and no amount of discussion is going to change that right now. I am going to look into this alternate version of history that I have not been privy to, and draw my own conclusions, and perhaps we will talk about it another day. As I have tried to make clear during my time here, I do know science doesn't have all the answers, and really do believe there needs to be other things factored in. For instance, I know firsthand that psychic abilities exist. And I know that science has no room for explaining them. That's what I want.
    Last edited by Alex Laker; 23rd February 2012 at 16:49.
    Who am I to tell you what's real?

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    Default Re: Ruins 96 Years Einstein Relativity

    Quote Posted by Lazlo (here)
    Quote Posted by Carmody (here)
    Both of you are blowing ill informed smoke out your asses.


    You are here to interfere and put down text so that those who cannot deduce what the truth is, can have a place to rest their idealization so they can go home safe after reading this, with their world intact.

    I'm reminded of Fox news.

    Fox news is not about informing people, or converting people...it's abut propagation of known insanity, as projected viewpoint.... so that those captivated by such things....have enough of a backdrop so that they remain captivated. That is it's sole purpose.
    That was entirely uncalled for.

    Perhaps you should stop trying to sound like a thesaurus of the occult and hidden world and speak to people a little more plainly. I have always thought that you were a wee bit pretentious, but I at least read your posts with an open mind. I now see it for what it is.

    Good day sir.
    the point is Lazlo, I don't have time to argue with you or get tied up spending my life getting you past this.

    That is your job, not mine.

    And we certainly don't have the time to have wrongness about science and such formulation to injected into a forum based upon observation reality that is outside of conventional scientific theory.

    And if you come here and project negation into the forum regarding attempts to discern what is the direction and function of an evolved reality, you damage, slow and retard the forum, via such presentations.

    It is not an attack against you, it is an attack against such negativity in the face of observation of reality.

    Once a single incident of temporal anomaly happens for the given person, they should then begin to question the fundamentals of the scientific paradigm presented to them. Most people retreat in fear, and work hard to dismiss the moment of observation.... and work very hard at 'fixing' their math and their observations so the reality of temporal and locational anomalies does not upset that given psychological attachment to their reality paradigm.

    We are at the limit edges of reality and perception and it is at that limit that the problem becomes humans and their emotional attachments, not the observations.

    And when the process of inquiry begins, then things like relativity and conventional terms of scientific theory... fall to the wayside.

    Even max Planck knew this and experienced it.

    Much of quantum work, comes from the idealization of a black body radiator. Black body radiators have been realized well enough that they can be seen to not absorb..but radiate a clear pattern of NOTHING.... which makes conventional observation regarding cause and effect.....crash to the ground so hard that there is nothing left.
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    Default Re: Ruins 96 Years Einstein Relativity

    Quote Posted by Carmody (here)
    Much of quantum work, comes from the idealization of a black body radiator. Black body radiators have been realized well enough that they can be seen to not absorb..but radiate a clear pattern of NOTHING.... which makes conventional observation regarding cause and effect.....crash to the ground so hard that there is nothing left.
    Yes, but it is commonly accepted that this is an approximation. We know there are no true black bodies. However, this approximation is good enough for us to develop other approximations. We need solid boundary conditions in order to formulate any theory. If we accept everything as infinite series of terms as it really is, then we can't do anything within our realm of understanding.
    Last edited by ThePythonicCow; 23rd February 2012 at 17:46. Reason: trim excess quoted material
    Who am I to tell you what's real?

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    Default Re: Ruins 96 Years Einstein Relativity

    Quote Posted by Carmody (here)
    the point is Lazlo, I don't have time to argue with you or get tied up spending my life getting you past this.

    That is your job, not mine.

    And we certainly don't have the time to have wrongness about science and such formulation to injected into a forum based upon observation reality that is outside of conventional scientific theory.
    There is science, there is the reality of transcendent experience, and there is conjecture.

    Much of what I know to be true can't be explained in the framework of rational science. That does not mean that the baby should be thrown out with the bathwater. Technology and the scientific method works and this is proven at nearly every moment of our lives.

    All of the great minds of science have made mistakes. An article that contains logical flaws doesn't prove anything to me. I too don't have the time to spend hours breaking down what is wrong in the OP.

    No one has the complete picture of reality. Stop presenting yourself as you if you do. It's offensive to be "preached to" regardless of the source.
    Last edited by ThePythonicCow; 23rd February 2012 at 17:47. Reason: trim excess quoted material
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    Default Re: Ruins 96 Years Einstein Relativity

    Quote Posted by Carmody (here)
    And if you come here and project negation into the forum regarding attempts to discern what is the direction and function of an evolved reality, you damage, slow and retard the forum, via such presentations.
    Exactly .
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    Default Re: Ruins 96 Years Einstein Relativity

    Seriously Paul?

    Araxes and I were trying to point out factual flaws in the OP, Carmody jumps in and calls us stupid or worse, Fox commentators, and we (or at least I) am bringing in the negative energy?
    Just because I took the red pill, it doesn't mean that I washed it down with the koolaid

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