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Thread: Bill Ryan in Portland, Oregon: 15-16 October 2011 -- canceled: see Post #115

  1. Link to Post #101
    UK Avalon Member Ixopoborn's Avatar
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    Default Re:Bill Ryan in Portland, Oregon: 15-16 October 2011 -- canceled: see Post #115

    Thanks Omni and thanks again!

    Inelia is so positive that we are doing just great and we as a world of people will break through to a new paradigm of existence. How do you see things in that regard or is it not something you are able to make judgements about?

  2. The Following User Says Thank You to Ixopoborn For This Post:

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  3. Link to Post #102
    Avalon Member Omni's Avatar
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    Default Re:Bill Ryan in Portland, Oregon: 15-16 October 2011 -- canceled: see Post #115

    Quote Posted by Ixopoborn (here)
    Thanks Omni and thanks again!

    Inelia is so positive that we are doing just great and we as a world of people will break through to a new paradigm of existence. How do you see things in that regard or is it not something you are able to make judgements about?
    I'm open minded. Either way I see humanity, at some point(soon or not) transcending the injustice and brutality of early nature survival traits, and ascending(the meaning of the word, not something new age) into reason and enlightenment. Just look at America 100 years ago. Almost everyone was racist. Now not many are, or at least aren't going to say so in public often as they would be shunned(as they should be). We are ascending in reason and spiritual growth. However I'm not sure this is something that ever happens planet-wide instantly or close. But I'm open minded with that too. I resonate with cosmic forces changing us or something like that. My beliefs on it can change any given moment with mind control though. Anything you have just a meh idea for can be changed with mind control. Stronger beliefs are more stable and safeguarded and need processes to dislodge.

    I can see a few possible futures.

    Golden Age soon. I'm careful to just believe this because it may make us complacent and just wait around for it. I'm all about the DO. Not the WAIT.

    Mental Slavery for a while. The level of control I have seen, is ridiculous and I doubt many are capable of believing it and honestly I don't speak of it much because it's ridiculous. It was like they could control an entire city. However control of my interpretation enhanced this to levels that made it seem bigger than it was, but it was no doubt control over many dozens of people around me. Down to when people would be sitting at an intersection, when people would run by, what people said etc etc. Now this could be an illusion I have. And they can peer into the timeline I am in, and know when these people would be doing stuff, or say something. But I do not put that as my biggest theory. This period of enslavement may last hundreds of years. And these hundreds of years will be included, a one world gov and the NWO plans exacting into reality until global first contact and ETs expose their lies. Even in this reality we would be slowly gaining more reasonable and growing spiritually, and ethically, and growing as a people in ways. I know Avalonians don't like hearing of this possibility. But it remains possible in my mind. Not saying it's probable.

    In saying enslavement, I just mean the current systems maintaining themselves for a while. And the classes being further extremed into poles instead of being evened out. And some having ridiculous power, and others having almost none(not talking about power over ones self so much there but that could be part of it too).

    No matter what, unless humanity dies, I see us getting more and more enlightened. And as we get more and more enlightened we will not be able to be fooled into doing things like invading Iraq and killing people who had family members killed by US sanctions or wars. if my whole family was killed by Americans and I was a younger more naive soul, I'd kill them to if they invaded my country if I was Muslim. After all, you are a hero in heaven if you do that in Islam and I would have nothing else to live for if my whole family died and didn't have a soul mission to help earth.

    I don't think a Golden Age will come instantly or magically. I think it will come slowly as we slowly evolve and become more enlightened and reasonable(when I say I think, its just my top theory, I'm not so firmly stuck in one belief of this). Some events may catalyze and trigger mass growths. Such as global first contact, or the discovery of something that will show Christianity and Islam as false cults. But I think what holds humanity back more than anything, is character flaws and unenlightened behavior by the masses, which genetics have a role in. If we didn't have these TPTB would not be able to convince us to do their bidding and pit us against each other so easily.

    If we were all developed enough to have global first contact with ETs, TPTB would gain from that too and they tell me they want that(some of them). It would open up the galaxy to us. And seeing a galaxy of diversity, no man is stupid after that(unless unfortunately they cannot think at all). With what is possible with technology all mental disorders can be cured with mind control. Sociopathy, depression, blindness, deafness, paralysis, severe anxiety, ADD, psychopathy, and any other mental dysfunction can be cured with mind control. I know this because they have momentarily given me these(no psychopathic actions just speech one night before i knew mind control was possible and wondered what the hell i was doing but they made me enjoy it with severe hatred put into me based on events like burning herbalists etc, channeling the hatred of mankind due to my matrix of severely hating injustice) WITH mind control, and also negated many traits in me too at times. When saying "dysfunctions" that is subjective of course, some types of Greys might not think their lack of compassion is a dysfunction, they'd say our emotion is a dysfunction if my experiences are accurate[not saying they are], quoting that convo "emotions lead to irrational thought". It's all just diversity. I have been mind controlled a mind not capable of compassion, I retained my morals because you can have conceptual understandings of your morals still maintained. But I could not feel emotion for anything suffering, could not feel love, and barely felt any emotion at all. This was like a year or two in this mindset with small stints of emotions(almost all bad).....

    Anyway, I think it pays to be optimistic, but not so optimistic you do nothing to help inspire change. I hope for the best, and prepare for the worst, and do what I can to contribute to this planet moving in the right direction and await in curiosity what the future holds.
    Last edited by Omni; 3rd September 2011 at 20:49.

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  5. Link to Post #103
    United States Avalon Member Mike's Avatar
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    Default Re:Bill Ryan in Portland, Oregon: 15-16 October 2011 -- canceled: see Post #115

    Quote Posted by Bill Ryan (here)
    Quote Posted by Baron (here)
    I must correct you on the matter of Henry Deacon aka Arthur Neumann aka Robert Cohen, and so on, the other aliases eludes me this minute.
    Where on earth did you get that from? (Serious question.) You do have that quite wrong. Kerry and I have seen his bona fide ID, and much more.

    (Do say what you know about his "family", btw. That may help you understand that this information is incorrect.)

    Quote Posted by Baron (here)
    There are several others who have dossiers on them for being frauds Walter Mitty characters or just wanting to be somebody for a while some are even mentally ill.
    As above. Please be specific, and substantiate your claims (or let us know the provenance of your information).

    Quote Posted by Baron (here)
    Bill Deagle is another snake oil salesman
    Have you ever met him? I've been to his house, and spent time with his wife and children.

    Moral of the story: please be careful about the 'research' you do on the internet. The truth is not necessarily to be found on blogs or via Google.

    With all best wishes, Bill
    hi Bill,

    has Bill Deagle been accurate with any of his predictions? even one?

    i'm being a little playful here but do not intend that as a disrespectful or flippant remark; i'm genuinely curious. for a guy who has a "direct line to God" he's not too terribly accurate, is he? lol!

    i'll admit that my opinion of him is a little colored due to an email exchange from a couple yrs back. i was experiencing some serious health problems and sent him an impassioned email, explaining all and asking for assistance. his reply was rather bland and generic, not what i expected from a compassionate self-proclaimed "man of God". he was in no way rude or dismissive or anything of the sort, but his reply could have easily been computer generated (maybe it was! !lol!) i don't know; maybe i expected too much.

    i do not think he is a snake oil salesman. i've never tried his products (too expensive) but conceptually they appear to be of a very high quality. they are also very unique( i've seen and used many many products, but his appear to be different in subtle but interesting ways)

    could you please clear up this issue about Deagle over-prescribing meds, allegedly resulting in a fatality? as you said, caution must always be used when doing 'research' on the internet, and i'd rather hear it from a trustworthy source like yourself. thanks Bill.
    Last edited by Mike; 3rd September 2011 at 22:22.

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  7. Link to Post #104
    Turkey Avalon Member
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    Default Re:Bill Ryan in Portland, Oregon: 15-16 October 2011 -- canceled: see Post #115

    Re: Bill Ryan in Portland, Oregon : 15-16 October 2011
    And also Im not worried about Elenin either but I do think that maybe the grids will go down from time to time with all the crazy spaceweather at the moment, solar flares etc. So I do keep food and reserves in my shed just in case. Just enough for temporary blackouts.
    It may not happen but it just seems common sense to me to have back up. I hope this post makes sense I'm rushing around this morning loads to do! Lisa x

    yeah Lisa.
    Maybe you and your kind are responsible for world's short food supply . people are dying with hunger at some part of the world, and you are stocking food for nothing. good paranoia for your neighborhood, open your eyes and wake up.
    love at least one, maybe you will be one
    Last edited by mevlana; 3rd September 2011 at 23:11.

  8. Link to Post #105
    Palestinian Territory Unsubscribed
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    Default Re:Bill Ryan in Portland, Oregon: 15-16 October 2011 -- canceled: see Post #115

    Quote Posted by mevlana (here)
    Re: Bill Ryan in Portland, Oregon : 15-16 October 2011
    And also Im not worried about Elenin either but I do think that maybe the grids will go down from time to time with all the crazy spaceweather at the moment, solar flares etc. So I do keep food and reserves in my shed just in case. Just enough for temporary blackouts.
    It may not happen but it just seems common sense to me to have back up. I hope this post makes sense I'm rushing around this morning loads to do! Lisa x

    yeah Lisa.
    Maybe you and your kind are responsible for world's short food supply . people are dying with hunger at some part of the world, and you are stocking food for nothing. good paranoia for your neighborhood, open your eyes and wake up.
    love at least one, maybe you will be one
    I know that language can be difficult, but Mevlana, your post comes across as very harsh.
    Neither you or me know Lisa and making assumptions, then posting harsh criticism isn't a good way to go.
    My opinion.

  9. Link to Post #106
    Turkey Avalon Member
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    Default Re:Bill Ryan in Portland, Oregon: 15-16 October 2011 -- canceled: see Post #115

    Quote Posted by Lord Sidious (here)
    Quote Posted by mevlana (here)
    Re: Bill Ryan in Portland, Oregon : 15-16 October 2011
    And also Im not worried about Elenin either but I do think that maybe the grids will go down from time to time with all the crazy spaceweather at the moment, solar flares etc. So I do keep food and reserves in my shed just in case. Just enough for temporary blackouts.
    It may not happen but it just seems common sense to me to have back up. I hope this post makes sense I'm rushing around this morning loads to do! Lisa x

    yeah Lisa.
    Maybe you and your kind are responsible for world's short food supply . people are dying with hunger at some part of the world, and you are stocking food for nothing. good paranoia for your neighborhood, open your eyes and wake up.
    love at least one, maybe you will be one
    I know that language can be difficult, but Mevlana, your post comes across as very harsh.
    Neither you or me know Lisa and making assumptions, then posting harsh criticism isn't a good way to go.
    My opinion.
    yes rob,
    sometimes words can be read as a harsh critic, but I remember your carrots and I defended your feeling about filling nostrils . i am very upset those ideas,( doesn't matter who the person is) ,they think they will be survived if they keep some food from the circulation . In Gazze thousand of people are suffering from hunger,
    If you don't love one, how can you be one?
    Last edited by mevlana; 4th September 2011 at 00:00.

  10. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to mevlana For This Post:

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  11. Link to Post #107
    Palestinian Territory Unsubscribed
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    Default Re:Bill Ryan in Portland, Oregon: 15-16 October 2011 -- canceled: see Post #115

    Quote Posted by mevlana (here)
    Quote Posted by Lord Sidious (here)
    Quote Posted by mevlana (here)
    Re: Bill Ryan in Portland, Oregon : 15-16 October 2011
    And also Im not worried about Elenin either but I do think that maybe the grids will go down from time to time with all the crazy spaceweather at the moment, solar flares etc. So I do keep food and reserves in my shed just in case. Just enough for temporary blackouts.
    It may not happen but it just seems common sense to me to have back up. I hope this post makes sense I'm rushing around this morning loads to do! Lisa x

    yeah Lisa.
    Maybe you and your kind are responsible for world's short food supply . people are dying with hunger at some part of the world, and you are stocking food for nothing. good paranoia for your neighborhood, open your eyes and wake up.
    love at least one, maybe you will be one
    I know that language can be difficult, but Mevlana, your post comes across as very harsh.
    Neither you or me know Lisa and making assumptions, then posting harsh criticism isn't a good way to go.
    My opinion.
    yes rob,
    sometimes words can be read as a harsh critic, but I remember your carrots and I defended your feeling about filling nostrils . i am very upset those ideas,( doesn't matter who the person is) ,they think they will be survived if they keep some food from the circulation . In Gazze thousand of people are suffering from hunger,
    If you don't love one, how can you be one?
    Those carrots weren't needed in circulation.
    Seriously though, I get what you mean about love one to be one, it is just that we have so many people here attacking each other for their views and with you, language can be a factor.
    What we mean and what we type can be different and that is for someone who excels in english.
    I also know what you mean about one having enough to store whilst others starve. But if I had family, I would always put them first.
    How will we get food into somewhere like Gaza? If I could, I would have done so already.
    We must always fix ourselves first, then others, for if we are not ok, we can't help anyone.

  12. Link to Post #108
    United States Avalon Member onawah's Avatar
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    Default Re:Bill Ryan in Portland, Oregon: 15-16 October 2011 -- canceled: see Post #115

    Mevlana, if you are really concerned about food shortages, you might at least consider that it is not people who are stocking up in case of emergencies who are responsible for shortages, but people in high places who are secretly and not so secretly conspiring to reduce the population through starvation, toxins in our air, food and water, HAARP, and so on.
    Those people are greedy and afraid and the underground cities they have built for themselves with stolen tax dollars will come to naught because they have neglected the wisdom of the spirit.
    That is very different from simply providing enough for oneself to get through an emergency.
    Animals do as much, given the opportunity. Should we not follow their wise example?

    This forum was not founded for people to argue and bash each other, but to come together in a mature and egalitarian fashion to exchange useful information, such as who is actually causing such problems as food shortages, and why, and what we can do about it as a team.
    What binds us together as an effective team and makes us powerful is Love, not hate or anger or pride.

    When souls incarnate on this planet without the foresight to be born to a family and environment that can provide for them, they have certain lessons to learn.
    Just as those do who incarnate here with the sole goal of being born into a wealthy, powerful lineage.

    The Earth has been a generous school for inexperienced 3D souls for a long time.
    It's nothing new in her history for impoverished millions to suffer from starvation and drought.
    The old lineages of powerful families who have selfishly accumulated wealth and power for centuries is nothing new either.

    Earth has been taking on loads of souls for millennia, just so human souls would have the benefit of experiencing life in a human body in a 3D world, even if only for brief lifetimes, even if only to be cut short by want and deprivation.
    Most everyone here has had lifetimes along those lines.
    It just comes with the territory.

    Now Gaia is graduating to a higher level where before too long, co-operation, not competition, will be the rule.
    Meanwhile, those who are mature enough and aware of the challenges of survival, both of body and soul, in these times-- enough to provide for themselves-- are showing some initiative and wisdom, and are also perhaps showing themselves as ready to take the journey with Gaia to her next level.

    That is not paranoia--there is good reason to stock up, just in case.
    Neither is it greed. It's just good common sense, and using the wisdom gained through experience.
    It is setting a good example, and could help others to wake up and see what is really going on.

    Not everyone will go along on this journey with Gaia, but everyone will have learned something nevertheless by being here at this crucial time in Earth's evolution.
    How can ignoring the prompting of wisdom and neglecting one's own welfare be detrimental to another?
    Love begins with one's self.
    From there,through the law of attraction, we may have abundance enough to share with others.

    Learning discernment and balance is a big part of the lessons of 3D.
    Gaia is learning it, and so are we.

    Quote Posted by mevlana (here)
    Re: Bill Ryan in Portland, Oregon : 15-16 October 2011
    And also Im not worried about Elenin either but I do think that maybe the grids will go down from time to time with all the crazy spaceweather at the moment, solar flares etc. So I do keep food and reserves in my shed just in case. Just enough for temporary blackouts.
    It may not happen but it just seems common sense to me to have back up. I hope this post makes sense I'm rushing around this morning loads to do! Lisa x

    yeah Lisa.
    Maybe you and your kind are responsible for world's short food supply . people are dying with hunger at some part of the world, and you are stocking food for nothing. good paranoia for your neighborhood, open your eyes and wake up.
    love at least one, maybe you will be one

  13. The Following 7 Users Say Thank You to onawah For This Post:

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  14. Link to Post #109
    Avalon Member Seikou-Kishi's Avatar
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    Default Re:Bill Ryan in Portland, Oregon: 15-16 October 2011 -- canceled: see Post #115

    I know the exchanges here have been somewhat heated, and that's only natural when we discuss emotive issues such as these. My personal opinion is that storing food in the fear of some cataclysm is not productive because it is yielding to that scarcity mindset that says "I need to horde just a little more, you know, just in case". We need to evolve out of that muladhara amygdaloid based reasoning of little squirrels ferreting away 'for a rainy day'.

    In any case, whether we agree that hording food is a bad thing (for whatever reason) or whether we feel justified in hording, etc., let's try to maintain a friendly, amicable atmosphere in which to exchange our ideas. None of our opinions are so important that we can batter people about the head with them :-)

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  16. Link to Post #110
    Ecuador Avalon Member Davidallany's Avatar
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    Default Re:Bill Ryan in Portland, Oregon: 15-16 October 2011 -- canceled: see Post #115

    Quote sometimes words can be read as a harsh critic, but I remember your carrots and I defended your feeling about filling nostrils . i am very upset those ideas,( doesn't matter who the person is) ,they think they will be survived if they keep some food from the circulation . In Gazze thousand of people are suffering from hunger,
    Mawlana, janim, there is no food shortage. have you not heard of LasVegas pool parties lately? Food and drinks are abundant

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    Default Re:Bill Ryan in Portland, Oregon: 15-16 October 2011 -- canceled: see Post #115

    Quote Posted by La Tigra (here)
    Hello all!

    This will be my first post and it looks like I am jumping in after a storm. Like all of you,l I am most pleased that Bill is back at the helm, I am sure he is stronger and deeper into wisdom because of what has happened and by having the courage to stand back, make a truthful assessment and do the necessary work to overcome whatever obstacles were placed in his path. Something that I am very familiar with is the hard won wisdom after a battle, so and perhaps it is my own projection or intuition but I believe he will have a lot to share. As I stumble along my path I encountered Project Avalon and I am most pleased to be part of a forum that is intelligent and caring. I echo Bill in saying that "There’s still a great deal of work to do."

    So hello to all,
    La Tigra
    Bien venida Tigra!

  19. Link to Post #112
    Wales Avalon Member Lisab's Avatar
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    Default Re:Bill Ryan in Portland, Oregon: 15-16 October 2011 -- canceled: see Post #115

    Hi Mevlana. Maybe I've given you the impression that I have a shed full of food here but believe me I don't even have a fridge full. I'm a single parent altho my little boys sees him every w/end does not provide financially. I work two days a week. Even tho I just got paid I'm already £1200 into my overdraught with 200 available credit to last until end of mnth. But we always survive as I know the universe always provides.

    Now thanks to the law of attraction I am waiting on a computer which my friend has sorted out for me from her firm. Old ones which are given to charity and her friend is installing the software for me. The iPhone I'm posting on now was given to me a friend who gave all his stuff away and went abroad. It has no sim card in it, it's my link to Avalon and the Internet world at the moment.
    So I've very recently started doing is buying a couple of extra tins etc when I go shopping. I've also got a torch and batteries but if we run out food now then we'll bloody well eat what's in the shed now! Lol.

    I'm 44, still rent but always give and teach my kids the same( my eldest is 21 buy my young one is 5).
    If you like astrology please check out my chart in the astrology thread. Believe me I'm not greedy
    I'm a mother. Simple. Thanks love Lisa x

    ¤=[Post Update]=¤

    Sorry words like father missing from post. Hard on this phone. Hope it makes sense x

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    Default Re:Bill Ryan in Portland, Oregon: 15-16 October 2011 -- canceled: see Post #115

    Quote Posted by Camilo (here)

    Bien venida Tigra!
    Hola Camilo,

    Gracias por los saludos, veo que vives en Colombia. Yo vivo en Vilcabamba, Ecuador desde hace tres meses y estoy encantada de estar en Sur de America. Lei en tu mensaje a Andy que estabas pensando visitar Vilcabamba, sera un placer en conocerte. Soy la administradora de un pequeño hotel bien conocida y como dicen mi casa es su casa. Igualmente puedo decir un amigo de Bill es un amigo mio. Pues muchisimos saludos!

    La Tigra

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    Default Re:Bill Ryan in Portland, Oregon: 15-16 October 2011 -- canceled: see Post #115

    Welcome back Bill!

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    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re:Bill Ryan in Portland, Oregon: 15-16 October 2011 -- canceled: see Post #115


    Dear Friends,

    For complex logistical reasons (cost among them, but there are also a number of other factors) I've made the decision to cancel this seminar. A few things have changed, and I will not be in the US at the time.

    It's never my style to cancel anything, so I sincerely apologize to those of you who (like myself) were very much looking forward to this. It would have been very good to have met many of you who'd been intending to come.

    I'll still be speaking at Kerry's Camelot conference in LA on 23-25 September, which promises to be quite something.

    I'll also be recording and editing the long-awaited Part 2 of the Avalon Interview with myself - in which quite a few subjects will be covered! - but probably not till the end of October.

    And I'd like to create some novel ways - webinars, teleconferences, and other virtual gatherings - in which the information and personal contact can propagate easily and electronically without everyone having to travel physically.

    With my very best wishes to all - Bill

  24. The Following 11 Users Say Thank You to Bill Ryan For This Post:

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    Australia Avalon Member bennycog's Avatar
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    Default Re:Bill Ryan in Portland, Oregon: 15-16 October 2011 -- canceled: see Post #115

    reason for not attending not up for discussion bill i was not able to attend myself work and distance.. but i am sure others here would like to know what you might have in the pipeline.. unless it is personnel of course..
    is there a way you can get the camelot conference to us after it has finished or is it only in the pay for section?

  26. Link to Post #117
    United States Administrator ThePythonicCow's Avatar
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    Default Re:Bill Ryan in Portland, Oregon: 15-16 October 2011 -- canceled: see Post #115

    Quote Posted by Bill Ryan (here)
    For complex logistical reasons (cost among them, but there are also a number of other factors) I've made the decision to cancel this seminar. A few things have changed, and I will not be in the US at the time.
    Would it make sense to note "(canceled - see Post #115)" in this thread's title?
    My quite dormant website: pauljackson.us

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  28. Link to Post #118
    Brazil Avalon Member Mother's Avatar
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    Default Re:Bill Ryan in Portland, Oregon: 15-16 October 2011 -- canceled: see Post #115

    Quote Posted by Bill Ryan (here)

    Dear Friends,

    For complex logistical reasons (cost among them, but there are also a number of other factors) I've made the decision to cancel this seminar. A few things have changed, and I will not be in the US at the time.

    It's never my style to cancel anything, so I sincerely apologize to those of you who (like myself) were very much looking forward to this. It would have been very good to have met many of you who'd been intending to come.

    I'll still be speaking at Kerry's Camelot conference in LA on 23-25 September, which promises to be quite something.

    I'll also be recording and editing the long-awaited Part 2 of the Avalon Interview with myself - in which quite a few subjects will be covered! - but probably not till the end of October.

    And I'd like to create some novel ways - webinars, teleconferences, and other virtual gatherings - in which the information and personal contact can propagate easily and electronically without everyone having to travel physically.

    With my very best wishes to all - Bill
    Hi there, my dear friend Bill,
    three months ago, when I wrote to you explaining my difficulties on attending Vilcabamba´s seminar, you kindly wrote me back, sharing some tips, but also saying "There's always a way!" - remember that?

    And that gave me strenght to go, and I went, and my life has changed.
    From what I learned there (about timelines), the Portland event may well happen!

    I would like to ask if is there any plans to share the video from Montesuenos Seminar, and if will you - or maybe Amber - send a list of emails to the participants, so we can keep in touch.
    Last edited by Mother; 17th September 2011 at 12:56.
    Wanna save the planet? Recycle your mind!

  29. Link to Post #119
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re:Bill Ryan in Portland, Oregon: 15-16 October 2011 -- canceled: see Post #115

    Quote Posted by Paul (here)
    Quote Posted by Bill Ryan (here)
    For complex logistical reasons (cost among them, but there are also a number of other factors) I've made the decision to cancel this seminar. A few things have changed, and I will not be in the US at the time.
    Would it make sense to note "(canceled - see Post #115)" in this thread's title?

  30. The Following 2 Users Say Thank You to Bill Ryan For This Post:

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  31. Link to Post #120
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    Default Re:Bill Ryan in Portland, Oregon: 15-16 October 2011 -- canceled: see Post #115

    Sounds good, bill.... Would make it more accessible to people like me who can't make it unless you hold something local (not likely)...

    Let us knw when you organise something

  32. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to jcocks For This Post:

    Laura Elina (25th September 2011), LesliesFarm (1st October 2011), Professor (19th September 2011)

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