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Thread: Enough ... at what point do we finally say ENOUGH!!!

  1. Link to Post #1
    United States Avalon Member Calz's Avatar
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    Default Enough ... at what point do we finally say ENOUGH!!!

    After year after year of learning about relentless attacks on our health and well being by the PTB/W what is it going to take to spur us into action???

    Stop and think about it.

    Yes ... awake and aware ... yet always on the defensive trying to survive the never ending and mericless onslaught from every imaginable front.

    Sure growing your own food or using that from local organic sources is great ... but the GMO poison spreads and spreads like cancer even into the ground and water from otherwise healthy and well meaning sources.

    I don't really offer an answer and so here we continue to be ... treading water in quicksand ... trying to be savy enough to see the light of another day.

    Does it really always have to come down to pitchforks and torches???


    Monsanto's Bt GMO corn to be sold at Wal-Mart with no indication it is genetically modified

    Tuesday, February 21, 2012 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

    (NaturalNews) Most of the genetically-modified (GM) corn products forced on American consumers today are hidden in processed foods in the form of high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), corn oil, corn starch, and various other corn-based additives. But soon to be available at a Walmart near you is Monsanto's Bt sweet corn, the agri-giant's first ever GM corn product made available to consumers as whole ears right on the cob in the produce section-- and like with all other GMOs, neither Walmart nor Monsanto has any intention of labeling this new "Frankencorn."

    Monsanto first unveiled this new variety of GM sweet corn back in August, which rivals Syngenta's GM sweet corn that has already been on the market in limited form for the past ten years, claiming that it would be available to farmers for planting during Fall 2011. Now, the corn appears set to make its debut in Walmart stores across the country as early as Summer 2012, unless massive public outcry is able to convince the multinational retailer to scrap the corn, or at least voluntarily label it.

    This disturbing development comes courtesy of both Food & Water Watch and Sum Of Us, which recently drew attention to the issue by creating petitions against Walmart's potential sale of the corn. Though Monsanto's GM sweet corn contains three genetically-engineered (GE) traits that have never been used in food eaten directly by people, and that have never been properly tested, Walmart still intends to quietly stock its produce shelves with this phony corn in the very near future.

    Whole Foods and Trader Joe's have rejected Monsanto's Bt corn, how about Wal-Mart?
    In a recent campaign alert (http://sumofus.org/campaigns/walmart-monsanto/), Sum Of Us explains that immense consumer pressure has already resulted in commitments from Whole Foods Market, Trader Joe's, and General Mills not to use the new GM corn in any of their products. But as of the announcement, Walmart has made no such commitment, presumably because of the company's close-knit relationship with Monsanto, a "match made in hell" that Food & Water Watch has humorously dubbed "Walsanto" (https://www.facebook.com/WalsantoWatch?sk=info).

    But there is still time to stop Walmart's stocking of Monsanto's latest GM poison which, if successful, has the potential to completely destroy the viability of the entire crop. If Walmart rejects the GM corn, many others will likely follow, which will result in farmers refusing to plant it.

    It is a simple supply and demand situation, but one that is complicated by the fact that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) refuses to mandate that any GMOs be labeled, which means millions of people consume them all the time without knowing it. This is why YOUR help is needed to spread the truth about both GM sweet corn and GMOs in general to your friends, family members, neighbors, and coworkers.

    You can also sign this petition by April 1, 2012, asking Walmart not to stock Monsanto's GM sweet corn:

    Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/035029_GM...#ixzz1n5QWb1nU


    U.S. meat supply widely contaminated with mad cow disease prions

    Tuesday, February 21, 2012 by: David Gutierrez, staff writer

    (NaturalNews) Mad cow disease is a progressive brain-wasting disease. It is caused by a type of defective protein known as a prion and cannot be cured. The factory farming practices of feeding animals the nervous tissue of other animals first caused the ballooning spread of mad cow disease and created the current crisis. When it became clear what had happened, many countries banned feeding the tissue of ruminants (cows, sheep and goats) to other ruminants.

    There's just one problem: ruminant tissue (including nervous tissue) is still fed to everything else. That means that chicken, farmed fish, and any other kind of meat might contain mad cow prions.

    To make matters worse, fish meal, chicken feces and the bodies of other animals can then be fed straight back to ruminants intended for human consumption. An extra step has been added, but the concentration of prions in animal flesh continues.

    Prions are NOT destroyed by cooking

    U.S. consumers are widely taught to "cook the meat" in order to sterilize it. But prions are not bacteria. They aren't alive, and they remain completely unaffected by cooking. Even radiation cannot destroy prions. They can survive right through the meat packing process and wind up in your next hamburger.

    Ultimately, the only way to reliably reduce your risk of mad cow disease is to avoid factory-farmed meat products altogether. Only organic beef from grass-fed cattle can be trusted. Any meat that comes from a typical feedlot operation may be infected with prions and could therefore be deadly to consume.

    Source: 25 Amazing Facts About Food, authored by Mike Adams and David Guiterrez. This report reveals surprising things about where your food comes from and what's really in it! Download the full report (FREE) by clicking here. Inside, you'll learn 24 more amazing but true facts about foods, beverages and food ingredients. Instant download of the complete PDF. All 25 facts are documented and true.

    Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/035025_ma...#ixzz1n5TZYUip
    Last edited by Calz; 22nd February 2012 at 06:08.

  2. The Following 41 Users Say Thank You to Calz For This Post:

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    Default Re: Enough ... at what point do we finally say ENOUGH!!!

    What do you propose

  4. Link to Post #3
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    Default Re: Enough ... at what point do we finally say ENOUGH!!!

    bless you blue

    God has heard you

    and He agrees

    it is ENOUGH

    the dirty snowball has been rolling down the hill for a long time

    and it is at the pit

    this is the End Times

    stay in there soldier

    only one battle left


    after that

    Peace and Prosperity

  5. Link to Post #4
    United States Avalon Member Calz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Enough ... at what point do we finally say ENOUGH!!!

    Quote Posted by Phoenix (here)
    What do you propose
    I don't know ... I wish I did and that was the gist of the thread.

    Therein lays the angst.

    Don't wish to rely on Fulford's ninjas or the Galactic Federation of Light ... may be something there ... or not.

    Survival communities as first proposed when Avalon was very first formed is an alternative. Some are in a better postion than others to follow that path.

    Expect the best path to follow would be from "spiritual guidance" but that varies greatly and causes plenty of opposing viewpoints as well.

    Another ...


    NutraSweet Company brags about the second coming of aspartame: Neotame now taking over world markets

    (NaturalNews) When the NutraSweet Company first began petitioning the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) to approve aspartame as a food additive back in the early 1970s, it had every intention of conniving its way to success by whatever means possible. Today, after successfully getting aspartame approved and widely accepted around the world with flawed studies and behind-the-scenes manipulation, NutraSweet has once again done the same thing with a new chemical sweetener known as neotame, which is currently approved for use in food without even having to be labeled.

    As we reported on recently, neotame was approved by the FDA back in 2002 without so much as a single conclusive, independent study proving its safety for human consumption. And yet the agency gave its full blessing not only to neotame's approval for use in food, but also for its unlabeled use -- as far as we know, not a single food product currently sold in the U.S. indicates that it contains neotame (http://www.naturalnews.com/034915_ne...weeteners.html).

    Two years before the FDA approved neotame, the Monsanto Co. sold the NutraSweet Co. to J.W. Childs Equity Partners II, L.P., a private equity firm that also own the Sunny Delight Beverage Co. and Mattress Firm, among other companies. At the time of this purchase, NutraSweet issued a press release bragging about how neotame would drastically change the sweetener industry, even though it had not yet been approved for use.

    Commenting on the company's plans for neotame, Nick E. Rosa, a former senior vice president at Monsanto who was given the position of president and CEO of NutraSweet at the time the company transferred ownership to J.W. Childs, had this to say:

    "The NutraSweet Company revolutionized the sweetener industry in 1981 with the introduction of aspartame, and we intend to do it again with neotame when we receive approval from various regulatory agencies around the world."

    Just as predicted, NutraSweet strong-armed FDA approval for neotame in the U.S. in 2002, and quickly expanded approval to at least 69 other countries in the following decade. But the company presumably still has a lot of work to do if it hopes to bring neotame to the same level as aspartame, which is sold in more than 100 countries and used in more than 5,000 consumers products used by 250 million people worldwide.

    As detrimental as aspartame is to health, neotame is potentially far worse. Like aspartame, it is linked to severe neurotoxic and immunotoxic damage because it metabolizes into toxic formaldehyde and other toxic substances. And because it is unlabeled, the general public is unable to self-regulate consumption levels.

    Sources for this article include:



    Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/035016_as...#ixzz1n5nAFRhR

  6. The Following 15 Users Say Thank You to Calz For This Post:

    Alekahn (23rd February 2012), Caren (22nd February 2012), Curt (23rd February 2012), EnergyGardener (22nd February 2012), golden lady (22nd February 2012), gooty64 (22nd February 2012), humanalien (22nd February 2012), modwiz (22nd February 2012), Ria (22nd February 2012), RunningDeer (22nd February 2012), seko (22nd February 2012), Spirithorse (22nd February 2012), Tane Mahuta (23rd February 2012)

  7. Link to Post #5
    Morocco Unsubscribed
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    Default Re: Enough ... at what point do we finally say ENOUGH!!!

    Quote Posted by Calz_Avaretard (here)
    After year after year of learning about relentless attacks on our health and well being by the PTB/W what is it going to take to spur us into action???

    Stop and think about it.

    Yes ... awake and aware ... yet always on the defensive trying to survive the never ending and mericless onslaught from every imaginable front.

    Sure growing your own food or using that from local organic sources is great ... but the GMO poison spreads and spreads like cancer even into the ground and water from otherwise healthy and well meaning sources.

    I don't really offer an answer and so here we continue to be ... treading water in quicksand ... trying to be savy enough to see the light of another day.

    Does it really always have to come down to pitchforks and torches???


    Monsanto's Bt GMO corn to be sold at Wal-Mart with no indication it is genetically modified

    Tuesday, February 21, 2012 by: Ethan A. Huff, staff writer

    (NaturalNews) Most of the genetically-modified (GM) corn products forced on American consumers today are hidden in processed foods in the form of high-fructose corn syrup (HFCS), corn oil, corn starch, and various other corn-based additives. But soon to be available at a Walmart near you is Monsanto's Bt sweet corn, the agri-giant's first ever GM corn product made available to consumers as whole ears right on the cob in the produce section-- and like with all other GMOs, neither Walmart nor Monsanto has any intention of labeling this new "Frankencorn."

    Monsanto first unveiled this new variety of GM sweet corn back in August, which rivals Syngenta's GM sweet corn that has already been on the market in limited form for the past ten years, claiming that it would be available to farmers for planting during Fall 2011. Now, the corn appears set to make its debut in Walmart stores across the country as early as Summer 2012, unless massive public outcry is able to convince the multinational retailer to scrap the corn, or at least voluntarily label it.

    This disturbing development comes courtesy of both Food & Water Watch and Sum Of Us, which recently drew attention to the issue by creating petitions against Walmart's potential sale of the corn. Though Monsanto's GM sweet corn contains three genetically-engineered (GE) traits that have never been used in food eaten directly by people, and that have never been properly tested, Walmart still intends to quietly stock its produce shelves with this phony corn in the very near future.

    Whole Foods and Trader Joe's have rejected Monsanto's Bt corn, how about Wal-Mart?
    In a recent campaign alert (http://sumofus.org/campaigns/walmart-monsanto/), Sum Of Us explains that immense consumer pressure has already resulted in commitments from Whole Foods Market, Trader Joe's, and General Mills not to use the new GM corn in any of their products. But as of the announcement, Walmart has made no such commitment, presumably because of the company's close-knit relationship with Monsanto, a "match made in hell" that Food & Water Watch has humorously dubbed "Walsanto" (https://www.facebook.com/WalsantoWatch?sk=info).

    But there is still time to stop Walmart's stocking of Monsanto's latest GM poison which, if successful, has the potential to completely destroy the viability of the entire crop. If Walmart rejects the GM corn, many others will likely follow, which will result in farmers refusing to plant it.

    It is a simple supply and demand situation, but one that is complicated by the fact that the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) refuses to mandate that any GMOs be labeled, which means millions of people consume them all the time without knowing it. This is why YOUR help is needed to spread the truth about both GM sweet corn and GMOs in general to your friends, family members, neighbors, and coworkers.

    You can also sign this petition by April 1, 2012, asking Walmart not to stock Monsanto's GM sweet corn:

    Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/035029_GM...#ixzz1n5QWb1nU


    U.S. meat supply widely contaminated with mad cow disease prions

    Tuesday, February 21, 2012 by: David Gutierrez, staff writer

    (NaturalNews) Mad cow disease is a progressive brain-wasting disease. It is caused by a type of defective protein known as a prion and cannot be cured. The factory farming practices of feeding animals the nervous tissue of other animals first caused the ballooning spread of mad cow disease and created the current crisis. When it became clear what had happened, many countries banned feeding the tissue of ruminants (cows, sheep and goats) to other ruminants.

    There's just one problem: ruminant tissue (including nervous tissue) is still fed to everything else. That means that chicken, farmed fish, and any other kind of meat might contain mad cow prions.

    To make matters worse, fish meal, chicken feces and the bodies of other animals can then be fed straight back to ruminants intended for human consumption. An extra step has been added, but the concentration of prions in animal flesh continues.

    Prions are NOT destroyed by cooking

    U.S. consumers are widely taught to "cook the meat" in order to sterilize it. But prions are not bacteria. They aren't alive, and they remain completely unaffected by cooking. Even radiation cannot destroy prions. They can survive right through the meat packing process and wind up in your next hamburger.

    Ultimately, the only way to reliably reduce your risk of mad cow disease is to avoid factory-farmed meat products altogether. Only organic beef from grass-fed cattle can be trusted. Any meat that comes from a typical feedlot operation may be infected with prions and could therefore be deadly to consume.

    Source: 25 Amazing Facts About Food, authored by Mike Adams and David Guiterrez. This report reveals surprising things about where your food comes from and what's really in it! Download the full report (FREE) by clicking here. Inside, you'll learn 24 more amazing but true facts about foods, beverages and food ingredients. Instant download of the complete PDF. All 25 facts are documented and true.

    Learn more: http://www.naturalnews.com/035025_ma...#ixzz1n5TZYUip
    I do not eat meats and I only buy organic vegetables, either fresh or frozen. News like the above has no impact on me personally because of choices I have made in my life going on two decades now. I have also been without medical insurance for the same amount of time. I believe there is a correlation. Of course, what we believe shapes our reality, unless that is just a bullsh!t line for you. It is my truth.

    The above news only applies to those who refuse to take steps to negate these shenanigans. This is about choice. Choose wisely and then news like this will not affect you. You may have friends and family suffering from it, but they are making their choices. Of course, my views may appear all upside down to some.

  8. Link to Post #6
    United States Avalon Member Calz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Enough ... at what point do we finally say ENOUGH!!!

    Quote Posted by modwiz (here)

    I do not eat meats and I only buy organic vegetables, either fresh or frozen. News like the above has no impact on me personally because of choices I have made in my life going on two decades now. I have also been without medical insurance for the same amount of time. I believe there is a correlation. Of course, what we believe shapes our reality, unless that is just a bullsh!t line for you. It is my truth.

    The above news only applies to those who refuse to take steps to negate these shenanigans. This is about choice. Choose wisely and then news like this will not affect you. You may have friends and family suffering from it, but they are making their choices. Of course, my views may appear all upside down to some.
    Those are very wise and empowering life choices ... we would expect nothing less from a wizard

    Of course a number of things go beyond our control (and I won't list them) but your point is well made.

    I think a big problem in getting more folks on board with that lifestyle has to do with the majority of people (at least in America) becoming trapped in other bad lifestyle choices leading to crushing debt which promotes such an overwhelming need to work for "the man" that many such options are taken away.

    Hence the growth of "fast food" ... microwaves ... etc etc.

    When I grew up even though my father worked two jobs at least my mother stayed at home to nurture and provide a healthy environment for the children.

    "They" took the one worker family paradigm away from most all of us.

    Many women come home so exhausted from working in an all day stressful environment they have little left to offer at mealtime except quick fixes or "take outs".

    (again applying to this country as I know very well that varies around the world).


  9. The Following 11 Users Say Thank You to Calz For This Post:

    ceetee9 (22nd February 2012), crested-duck (22nd February 2012), crosby (23rd February 2012), Curt (23rd February 2012), gooty64 (22nd February 2012), meeradas (22nd February 2012), modwiz (22nd February 2012), RunningDeer (7th March 2012), Tane Mahuta (23rd February 2012)

  10. Link to Post #7
    Morocco Unsubscribed
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    Default Re: Enough ... at what point do we finally say ENOUGH!!!

    Quote Posted by Calz_Avaretard (here)
    Quote Posted by modwiz (here)

    I do not eat meats and I only buy organic vegetables, either fresh or frozen. News like the above has no impact on me personally because of choices I have made in my life going on two decades now. I have also been without medical insurance for the same amount of time. I believe there is a correlation. Of course, what we believe shapes our reality, unless that is just a bullsh!t line for you. It is my truth.

    The above news only applies to those who refuse to take steps to negate these shenanigans. This is about choice. Choose wisely and then news like this will not affect you. You may have friends and family suffering from it, but they are making their choices. Of course, my views may appear all upside down to some.
    Those are very wise and empowering life choices ... we would expect nothing less from a wizard

    Of course a number of things go beyond our control (and I won't list them) but your point is well made.

    I think a big problem in getting more folks on board with that lifestyle has to do with the majority of people (at least in America) becoming trapped in other bad lifestyle choices leading to crushing debt which promotes such an overwhelming need to work for "the man" that many such options are taken away.

    Hence the growth of "fast food" ... microwaves ... etc etc.

    When I grew up even though my father worked two jobs at least my mother stayed at home to nurture and provide a healthy environment for the children.

    "They" took the one worker family paradigm away from most all of us.

    Many women come home so exhausted from working in an all day stressful environment they have little left to offer at mealtime except quick fixes or "take outs".

    (again applying to this country as I know very well that varies around the world).

    I hear all of your points Calz, and I am not without compassion, but I live in the USA and have all of my life. I made changes and ones that put me outside the mainstream. Ones where I stood alone for years, having only my inner voice and Spirit to tell me my vision was true. This is all about empowerment, and all other answers are the reasons given for choosing to not embrace personal power. Some choices are tricky. To raise a family or not, is a big one. If raising a family on fast and microwaved food is the workaround then perhaps a choice made was not empowering. My point is, if you have chosen a path of powerlessness, resulting from life choices in the past, then bear the consequences with some dignity and grace.

    All corn in wal-mart should rot in the shelves. Most people do not chew corn well enough to derive nutrition from it anyway. A quick look in the toilet will show you that. Corn is an unnecessary food, if its' quality or safety cannot be assured especially. Again, choice is key. Meat, is too emotional a topic to even begin to discuss.

    Here and now, choice is our power point. We have far more choices available than we are willing to admit to ourselves. The victim mentality is epidemic in our culture. It is fed into our brains via the TV, another choice that people have. I could go on, but hope a crack in the veneer of victimhood is enough to let some light seep through.
    Last edited by modwiz; 22nd February 2012 at 08:47.

  11. Link to Post #8
    United States Avalon Member Calz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Enough ... at what point do we finally say ENOUGH!!!

    Quote Posted by modwiz (here)

    I hear all of your points Calz, and I am not without compassion, but I live in the USA and have all of my life. I made changes and ones that put me outside the mainstream. Ones where I stood alone for years, having only my inner voice and Spirit to tell me my vision was true. This is all about empowerment, and all other answers are the reasons given for choosing to not embrace personal power. Some choices are tricky. To raise a family or not, is a big one. If raising a family on fast and microwaved food is the workaround then perhaps a choice made was not empowering. My point is, if you have chosen a path of powerlessness, resulting from life choices in the past, then bear the consequences with some dignity and grace. All corn in wal-mart should rot in the shelves. Most people do not chew corn well enough to derive nutrition from it anyway. A quick look in the toilet will show you that. Corn is an unnecessary food, if its' quality of safety cannot be assured especially. Again, choice is key. Meat, is another subject too emotional a topic to even begin to discuss.

    Here and now, choice is our power point. We have far more choices available than we are willing to admit to ourselves. The victim mentality is epidemic in our culture. It is fed into our brains via the TV, another choice that people have. I could go on, but hope a crack in the veneer of victimhood is enough to let some light seep through.
    You have my deepest respect not only for who you are but the choices you made over the course of your lifetime to be that person.

    Yet still ... isn't that akin to playing "defense"???

    [no disagreement ... a bit of devil's advocate if you will]

    Is that sustainable (pushing aside any earthchange/solar/whatever things happening or not this year)?

    Unless you are well positioned in a remote valley in the mountains (aka Pete Peterson) are you not still susceptical to electronic nuggetry?

    All the "money" is going underground. Sup with that???

    That which has gotten into the air and soil will eventually find it's way into most all foodstuffs and water.

    Doesn't that smack just a little bit of the ol' story "First they came for ..."???

    Anyway ... yes there are ways to "bless" and cleanse food/water supplies spiritually and a few physical enhancements as well.

    It just seems "logical" that at some point we need to stop being "defensive" and "reactionary" to what is foisted upon us because those are not the best of odds in the long run.

    Some communities (37 I think) have gotten Flouride removed from their community water sources (although flouride in food remains a deeply hidden fact).

    Anyway ... this time I will post some positive news on that front ...


    Monsanto Found Guilty of Chemical Poisoning in France

    Monday 13 February 2012
    by: Anthony Gucciardi, Natural Society | Report

    In a major victory for public health and what will hopefully lead to other nations taking action, a French court decided today that GMO crops monster Monsanto is guilty of chemically poisoning a French farmer. The grain grower, Paul Francois, says he developed neurological problems such as memory loss and headaches after being exposed to Monsanto’s Lasso weedkiller back in 2004. The monumental case paves the way for legal action against Monsanto’s Roundup and other harmful herbicides and pesticides made by other manufacturers.

    In a ruling given by a court in Lyon (southeast France), Francois says that Monsanto failed to provide proper warnings on the product label. The court ordered an expert opinion to determine the sum of the damages, and to verify the link between Lasso and the reported illnesses. The case is extremely important, as previous legal action taken against Monsanto by farmers has failed due to the challenge of properly linking pesticide exposure with the experienced side effects.

    When contacted by Reuters, Monsanto’s lawyers declined to comment.

    Monsanto’s Deadly Concoctions

    Farmer Paul Francois was not alone in his quest to hold Monsanto accountable for their actions. He and other farmers affected by Monsanto’s deadly concoctions actually founded an association last year to make the case that their health problems were a result of Monsanto’s Lasso and other ‘crop protection’ products. Their claims were also met by many other farmers. Since 1996, the agricultural branch of the French social security system has gathered about 200 alerts per year regarding sickness related to pesticides. However only 47 cases were even recognized in the past 10 years.

    Francois, whose life was damaged by Monsanto’s products, has now set the powerful precedent in the defense of farmers.

    “I am alive today, but part of the farming population is going to be sacrificed and is going to die because of this,” Francois, 47, told Reuters.

    It is also important to note that Monsanto’s Lasso pesticide was actually banned in France back in 2007 following a European Union directive that came after the ban of the product in other nations.

    Last edited by Calz; 22nd February 2012 at 09:07.

  12. The Following 10 Users Say Thank You to Calz For This Post:

    Alekahn (23rd February 2012), Curt (23rd February 2012), EnergyGardener (22nd February 2012), golden lady (22nd February 2012), meeradas (22nd February 2012), modwiz (22nd February 2012), RunningDeer (7th March 2012), schneider (22nd February 2012)

  13. Link to Post #9
    Morocco Unsubscribed
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    Default Re: Enough ... at what point do we finally say ENOUGH!!!

    Quote Posted by Calz_Avaretard (here)
    Quote Posted by modwiz (here)

    I hear all of your points Calz, and I am not without compassion, but I live in the USA and have all of my life. I made changes and ones that put me outside the mainstream. Ones where I stood alone for years, having only my inner voice and Spirit to tell me my vision was true. This is all about empowerment, and all other answers are the reasons given for choosing to not embrace personal power. Some choices are tricky. To raise a family or not, is a big one. If raising a family on fast and microwaved food is the workaround then perhaps a choice made was not empowering. My point is, if you have chosen a path of powerlessness, resulting from life choices in the past, then bear the consequences with some dignity and grace. All corn in wal-mart should rot in the shelves. Most people do not chew corn well enough to derive nutrition from it anyway. A quick look in the toilet will show you that. Corn is an unnecessary food, if its' quality of safety cannot be assured especially. Again, choice is key. Meat, is another subject too emotional a topic to even begin to discuss.

    Here and now, choice is our power point. We have far more choices available than we are willing to admit to ourselves. The victim mentality is epidemic in our culture. It is fed into our brains via the TV, another choice that people have. I could go on, but hope a crack in the veneer of victimhood is enough to let some light seep through.
    You have my deepest respect not only for who you are but the choices you made over the course of your lifetime to be that person.

    Yet still ... isn't that akin to playing "defense"???

    [no disagreement ... a bit of devil's advocate if you will]

    Is that sustainable (pushing aside any earthchange/solar/whatever things happening or not this year)?

    Unless you are well positioned in a remote valley in the mountains (aka Pete Peterson) are you not still susceptical to electronic nuggetry?

    All the "money" is going underground. Sup with that???

    That which has gotten into the air and soil will eventually find it's way into most all foodstuffs and water.

    Doesn't that smack just a little bit of the ol' story "First they came for ..."???

    Anyway ... yes there are ways to "bless" and cleanse food/water supplies spiritually and a few physical enhancements as well.

    It just seems "logical" that at some point we need to stop being "defensive" and "reactionary" to what is foisted upon us because those are not the best of odds in the long run.

    Some communities (37 I think) have gotten Flouride removed from their community water sources (although flouride in food remains a deeply hidden fact).

    Anyway ... this time I will post some postive news on that front ...


    As to your question, my answer is it is not defense. By not giving them the material and energetic support of product usage I feel like I am on the offense. Withdrawal of funding stops their ability to move forward, because all war ceases when the funds dry up. I do not pay a cable bill. I will not pay them to lie to me and program me. We, the victims, fund our adversary at every point. Sure, they get what subsidies they can, but that is icing on the cake we pay for them to bake. We are a consumer driven society. We, are their life blood and we cut ourselves open and bleed for them 365/24/7 with our unobserved habits and appetites. We sustain their efforts against us. We travel when it is not required and let a TSA grope our children. Holidays and vacations are not necessary, for now. Let mom or grandma bitch about how we don't love them if we don't visit them. Another choice we all, as families made; Living hundreds or thousands of miles from each other instead of pooling our efforts in little tribes of power. We either understand our plight and act or we will be stuck, as we are now.

    Finally. I love this planet, my Mother Gaia. I do what I can to assist Her materially and with my thoughts and emotions. I will do what I can to stay in the body that is Her dream of me. We both realize that blackmail and fear can never be tools of those who would oppress us, however, so fear of death, or lack thereof, is part of a bigger picture. This one inner stance solves a lot of possible problems. I fully understand about families and their complications here.
    Last edited by modwiz; 22nd February 2012 at 09:21.

  14. Link to Post #10
    United States Avalon Member Calz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Enough ... at what point do we finally say ENOUGH!!!

    Quote Posted by modwiz (here)
    Quote Posted by Calz_Avaretard (here)
    Quote Posted by modwiz (here)

    I hear all of your points Calz, and I am not without compassion, but I live in the USA and have all of my life. I made changes and ones that put me outside the mainstream. Ones where I stood alone for years, having only my inner voice and Spirit to tell me my vision was true. This is all about empowerment, and all other answers are the reasons given for choosing to not embrace personal power. Some choices are tricky. To raise a family or not, is a big one. If raising a family on fast and microwaved food is the workaround then perhaps a choice made was not empowering. My point is, if you have chosen a path of powerlessness, resulting from life choices in the past, then bear the consequences with some dignity and grace. All corn in wal-mart should rot in the shelves. Most people do not chew corn well enough to derive nutrition from it anyway. A quick look in the toilet will show you that. Corn is an unnecessary food, if its' quality of safety cannot be assured especially. Again, choice is key. Meat, is another subject too emotional a topic to even begin to discuss.

    Here and now, choice is our power point. We have far more choices available than we are willing to admit to ourselves. The victim mentality is epidemic in our culture. It is fed into our brains via the TV, another choice that people have. I could go on, but hope a crack in the veneer of victimhood is enough to let some light seep through.
    You have my deepest respect not only for who you are but the choices you made over the course of your lifetime to be that person.

    Yet still ... isn't that akin to playing "defense"???

    [no disagreement ... a bit of devil's advocate if you will]

    Is that sustainable (pushing aside any earthchange/solar/whatever things happening or not this year)?

    Unless you are well positioned in a remote valley in the mountains (aka Pete Peterson) are you not still susceptical to electronic nuggetry?

    All the "money" is going underground. Sup with that???

    That which has gotten into the air and soil will eventually find it's way into most all foodstuffs and water.

    Doesn't that smack just a little bit of the ol' story "First they came for ..."???

    Anyway ... yes there are ways to "bless" and cleanse food/water supplies spiritually and a few physical enhancements as well.

    It just seems "logical" that at some point we need to stop being "defensive" and "reactionary" to what is foisted upon us because those are not the best of odds in the long run.

    Some communities (37 I think) have gotten Flouride removed from their community water sources (although flouride in food remains a deeply hidden fact).

    Anyway ... this time I will post some postive news on that front ...


    As to your question, my answer is it is nor defense. By not giving them the material and energetic support of product usage I feel like I am on the offense. Withdrawal of funding stops their ability to move forward, because all war ceases when the funds dry up. I do not pay a cable bill. I will not pay them to lie to me and program me. We, the victims, fund our adversary at every point. Sure, they get what subsidies they can, but that is icing on the cake we pay for them to bake. We are a consumer driven society. We, are their life blood and we cut ourselves open and bleed for them 365/24/7 with out unobserved habits and appetites. We sustain their efforts against us. We travel when it is not required and let a TSA grope our children. Holidays and vacations are not necessary, for now. Let mom or grandma bitch about how we don't love them if we don't visit them. Another choice we all, as families made. Living hundreds or thousands of miles from each other instead of pooling our efforts in little tribes of power. We either understand our plight and act or we will be stuck, as we are now.

    Finally. I love this planet, my Mother Gaia. I do what I can to assist her materially and with my thoughts and emotions. I will do what I can to stay in the body that is Her dream of me. We both realize that blackmail and fear can never be tools of those who would oppress us, however, so fear of death is part of the bigger picture. This one inner stance solves a lot of possible problems. I fully understand about families and their complications here.
    Hard to take a single point aginst anything you say there my friend.

    My hope is that you are indeed that 99th monkey ... we only need one more Avalonian

    Last edited by Calz; 22nd February 2012 at 09:21.

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  16. Link to Post #11

    Default Re: Enough ... at what point do we finally say ENOUGH!!!

    If I want to buy organically grown spinach, kale, rocket - things like this that grow easily here in England ... it costs a comparative fortune. But if I wanted all sorts of rubbish that's full of GM, chemicals and animal misery ... super cheap. This informs people's 'choices', and it's pretty horrifying.

    I'm torn between compassion and anger. Everybody has the ability to make choices just as I do, but there is this problem of herd mentality. If the supermarkets are full of poisonous rubbish, then the subconscious message is that it's okay. When Mum and Dad feed you meat as a child, then it must be okay. Same principle. It's a kind of hypnotism. I choose to not watch TV for instance. I find the occasional glimpses I get of TV so disgusting that I wonder how on earth I ever did watch it, but I doubt TV has got much worse in the space of a year. If I hadn't made that choice I wouldn't have this new perspective. However, while I did still watch TV I spent most of my time in front of it being angry at it. So that takes me back to the choice thing, and the anger argues with the compassion, arguing, "well if I can see through this evil rubbish why can't everybody?"

    I agree with what modwiz says here, including the point that meat is too emotional a topic to even begin to discuss. The fact that it doesn't seem too emotional to those I see ambling through the chilled anatomy shelves in my local supermarket is truly horrific to me. So that's when I have the thought that they can go off whatever cliff they like and good luck to 'em. Why should I care? They've got the choice just like me. And then compassion kicks in again and it's all just circular.

    I completely understand how you feel Calz. Pitchforks and torches are not the answer though. I don't know what the answer is, but my personal answer is to carry on making my personal choices and let everybody else get on with it.

    Best wishes,


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  18. Link to Post #12
    Netherlands Avalon Member Black Panther's Avatar
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    Default Re: Enough ... at what point do we finally say ENOUGH!!!

    I was just looking at the meaning 14:41 I'm seeing lately:

    "Returning the third time, he said to them, "Are you still sleeping and resting? Enough! The hour has come. Look, the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners."

    Imo we have reached a tipping point of a completely mad world. We all know we
    can't go on like this. Mother Earth won't let us continue this way. Enough!
    Remember Who You Are!

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  20. Link to Post #13
    Canada Avalon Member Nathalie's Avatar
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    Default Re: Enough ... at what point do we finally say ENOUGH!!!

    If I may... « When do we say enough », is a question that has been haunting me for a few months now. I have the same reflexions you all have. As I go food shopping and look at other people's caddies (yes, I do that a lot...), I just want to poke someone on the shoulder and say « Do you really know what you're feeding your loved ones??? Do you have any idea where it comes from, how it's processed, how it's bred and slaughtered? Do you know the amount of sugar in a can of Coke?? » But then I think everyone is fast asleep. Who wants to wake up and face the fact that it's not right? Who is really ready for a paradigm shift? I'm thinking not a lot of people. While more and more are starting to question things (thank you for the article about Monsanto losing a battle in France, I got a real kick out of that one!), in the end, it's an individual effort. And as many individuals start to slowly change their way of life, others might say, hmmmmm, not a bad idea...

    But we can't hold on to the fact that the herd is indeed asleep. This isn't healthy. What can you do on your end? For my part, I stopped eating meat and am growing my own vegetables. Or I buy from a friend who grows tons of it. I try to boycott certain companies, I buy organic laundry soap and such because I can afford it, I've stopped wasting, I make my own compost, etc... Obviously, it doesn't make much of a difference in the grand scheme of things. But it does to me. You can't force mass awakening. And who says things aren't exactly how they're supposed to be? Is it really all wrong? Isn't this part of us growing up? In my own humble opinion, I figure I'll do what's best for me, as long as it harms noone and be at peace with what is. And wait and see when Mother Earth says enough! Cause in the end, she be the boss...

    There you have it...
    p.s.: And why can't we talk about not eating meat???

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  22. Link to Post #14
    Avalon Member golden lady's Avatar
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    Default Re: Enough ... at what point do we finally say ENOUGH!!!

    The trouble is for the majority," choice" is deminishing. One example, here in the Uk, no added sugar soft drinks like orange squash, one knew it had Aspartame in and would steer clear. I've recently noticed the other squashes also have the dreaded Aspatame in. I feel for Mums who buy these no added sugar drinks, thinking they are doing the best for their children. There many, many other examples of no choice.
    Yes us Avalonians know,some even instinctively, what's bad/good for us. That's all well and good but what are we actually changing. I don't have any answers, apart from trying to influence my own circle of family and friends, mind you that's hard work!

    Thanks Calz for the heads re Neotame. It makes my blood boil!

  23. The Following 8 Users Say Thank You to golden lady For This Post:

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  24. Link to Post #15

    Default Re: Enough ... at what point do we finally say ENOUGH!!!

    Quote Posted by Nathalie (here)
    If I may... « When do we say enough », is a question that has been haunting me for a few months now. I have the same reflexions you all have. As I go food shopping and look at other people's caddies (yes, I do that a lot...), I just want to poke someone on the shoulder and say « Do you really know what you're feeding your loved ones??? Do you have any idea where it comes from, how it's processed, how it's bred and slaughtered? Do you know the amount of sugar in a can of Coke?? » But then I think everyone is fast asleep. Who wants to wake up and face the fact that it's not right? Who is really ready for a paradigm shift? I'm thinking not a lot of people. While more and more are starting to question things (thank you for the article about Monsanto losing a battle in France, I got a real kick out of that one!), in the end, it's an individual effort. And as many individuals start to slowly change their way of life, others might say, hmmmmm, not a bad idea...

    But we can't hold on to the fact that the herd is indeed asleep. This isn't healthy. What can you do on your end? For my part, I stopped eating meat and am growing my own vegetables. Or I buy from a friend who grows tons of it. I try to boycott certain companies, I buy organic laundry soap and such because I can afford it, I've stopped wasting, I make my own compost, etc... Obviously, it doesn't make much of a difference in the grand scheme of things. But it does to me. You can't force mass awakening. And who says things aren't exactly how they're supposed to be? Is it really all wrong? Isn't this part of us growing up? In my own humble opinion, I figure I'll do what's best for me, as long as it harms noone and be at peace with what is. And wait and see when Mother Earth says enough! Cause in the end, she be the boss...

    There you have it...
    p.s.: And why can't we talk about not eating meat???
    Because it's so emotionally charged for some people. I know it is for me anyway. But go ahead, so long as Calz doesn't mind in his thread, I'll join you!

    Actually, for me, it's possibly the most important indicator of what is so perverse and wrong with our species. It is the (roast) elephant in the living room. I can and will expand on this if provoked, but wouldn't want to derail here.


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  26. Link to Post #16
    Morocco Unsubscribed
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    Default Re: Enough ... at what point do we finally say ENOUGH!!!

    Quote Posted by Nathalie (here)
    There you have it...
    p.s.: And why can't we talk about not eating meat???
    Go ahead and bring it up. I no longer wish to deal with what comes up during conversations on this topic. I do what I can to see people in the best light possible. Hearing the reasoning on this subject makes liking people much harder, so I avoid it.

  27. Link to Post #17
    Canada Avalon Member Hermite's Avatar
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    Default Re: Enough ... at what point do we finally say ENOUGH!!!

    May I just suggest, Calz, that you not shop at Walmart. There's a choice you can make. Unless you live somewhere they have run all the other stores out. And don't buy corn. Like Modwiz said, it's not really good people food. Besides, it all tastes like crud now anyway. I quit buying it years ago. Blah. Then tell other people what you're doing. Not just people here, we don't know where you are so have no real power. But you have power there, the power of your wallet, no matter how empty it may be at times. Plus, your voice. Speak up to the managers of stores, tell them what you like and what you wont' accept. Call your elected officials, they work for you (supposedly). Tell them what you think. It may not do any good but I bet it will make you feel more empowered. Call them every day. Maybe it will make a difference. Couldn't hurt to try, right?

    Oh, and you really should try to quit TV, too. I know it's seemingly impossible if you have kids, but I highly recommend it. Again, how do you know unless you try.

    Best wishes to you and yours.

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  29. Link to Post #18
    Canada Avalon Member Nathalie's Avatar
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    Default Re: Enough ... at what point do we finally say ENOUGH!!!

    Well, about meat, it's really not necessary for our body, you can find vegetable protein everywhere. You just have to make sure that your amino acid intake is complete. This being said, I don't like knowing that an animal died so that I can eat it, especially if I don't need it to be healthy. But I haven't always been a vegetarian and I understand those who choose to eat meat. Most of us have been raised on meat, I chose to question that, not everyone has to. Now if I wanted to be really honest, I would chose veganism, because after all, if I eat cheese which I do, there has to be milk and if there is milk, the has to be a calf, or a lamb, and where does it go once we start milking the cow?? And I wouldn't wear leather either. And I do. So, when all is said and done, being vegetarian is one step, but it isn't perfect just yet. However, eating meat for most is a reality and apparently it won't go away, I therefore think an effort should be made about responsible farming and ESPECIALLY more humane slaughtering techniques. But we could go on about the "humanity" of slaughtering, so this is where I stop. Again, this is an individual effort, it concerns me and only me. But yes as I write, I understand that it's a sensitive subject and I'm hesitant to click the "Post Quick Reply" button...

  30. The Following 9 Users Say Thank You to Nathalie For This Post:

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  31. Link to Post #19

    Default Re: Enough ... at what point do we finally say ENOUGH!!!

    Quote Posted by Nathalie (here)
    Well, about meat, it's really not necessary for our body, you can find vegetable protein everywhere. You just have to make sure that your amino acid intake is complete. This being said, I don't like knowing that an animal died so that I can eat it, especially if I don't need it to be healthy. But I haven't always been a vegetarian and I understand those who choose to eat meat. Most of us have been raised on meat, I chose to question that, not everyone has to. Now if I wanted to be really honest, I would chose veganism, because after all, if I eat cheese which I do, there has to be milk and if there is milk, the has to be a calf, or a lamb, and where does it go once we start milking the cow?? And I wouldn't wear leather either. And I do. So, when all is said and done, being vegetarian is one step, but it isn't perfect just yet. However, eating meat for most is a reality and apparently it won't go away, I therefore think an effort should be made about responsible farming and ESPECIALLY more humane slaughtering techniques. But we could go on about the "humanity" of slaughtering, so this is where I stop. Again, this is an individual effort, it concerns me and only me. But yes as I write, I understand that it's a sensitive subject and I'm hesitant to click the "Post Quick Reply" button...
    Nathalie, thank you for your intelligent comments. If I were in angry mode I would say that maybe this is not a personal matter for you or me to decide only for ourselves, because hundreds of millions of animals die every year in conditions that I can only describe as hell.

    I tried the veganism route and was committed to it. After several years I nearly died, even though I did it quite scientifically and with much research. I started eating fish (only fish, and only specific types of fish) and recovered with miraculous speed. I don't know whether I was doing it wrong or I am genetically disposed to needing fish, but I do know that I would not be here today had I not (very grudgingly) given up on being a vegan. If I thought I could be vegan again I would.

    What enrages and appalls me is to see animal life taken cheaply and with no consideration. When I see fat people eating hamburgers I feel the wrath of angels. I am working on the compassion of angels part. This is not nutrition ... this is idiot hell that the stupid buy into. It is profoundly disgusting to me.

    I totally agree with you ... if people are going to eat meat then far more attention should be paid to the welfare of the animal and also to its death. That at least would be a start.


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  33. Link to Post #20
    Scotland Avalon Member Muzz's Avatar
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    Default Re: Enough ... at what point do we finally say ENOUGH!!!

    Thanks to all on this thread. My 2 cents for what its worth.

    A few years ago I heard the phrase "every penny you spend is a vote for the world you want to live in"

    I'm not preaching here by the way. I went home after hearing this and looked round my house. I was supporting some pretty awfull behaviour without ever realising it. Since then I have adjusted my behaviour. But its harder for those with no money, that is part of the control system. Whatever I can afford to do to support sustainable and ethical practices I do. This has helped me realise my own power. And now I am in a position to agree with modwiz
    Quote I feel like I am on the offense.
    If you have limitted funds/time just do what you can.

    Even if you buy one expensive organic apple. Think of the people you are supporting down the line. If enough people do the same this drives the price down making it more affordable for others. That is a powerfull act.

    I gave up trying to force this stuff on people. There are some serious firewalls in place. I lost friends trying to do that. Now I just concentrate on myself and try my hardest to set an example. Ironically enough this has caused more people to come to me with questions. When this happens they are much more open to new information.

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