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Thread: The Anglo-Saxon Mission

  1. Link to Post #61
    Avalon Member Ghostmarley's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Anglo-Saxon Mission

    Quote The "air" is different. Just listen to your friends/colleagues and all around. People are careless, without any motivation and living day per day.
    I`m with you on this one for 100 % FrankoL , the people around me don`t care as well to what happens or is gonna happen and as long people don`t care "THEY" can do whatever they want .
    And as long people dont open there eye`s and take some responsibility and action nothing is gonna change , its only getting worse.

    I`m convinced that there are people behind the scene`s planning all of this madness that is happening and is gonna happen .

    Bill thnx for the vid that you made and thnx for explaining it so well and clear so that even i could understand it without going to google searching for the meaning of some words or phrases.

    Lets just all hope people will wake up and will take action in whats going on , i believe they will in the end but will it be on time .......? I realy hope so with all my heart .

    Lotta love to all you guys .

    Life's Tragedy is that we get old to soon and wise too late.

  2. Link to Post #62
    England Avalon Member saint_chris's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Anglo-Saxon Mission

    If this misson is true can someone explain to me why we are flooding europe and the U.S with muslims, surley if you want to wipe most of them out you would leave them in the line of fire . Just a clip of what im talking about.


  3. Link to Post #63
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    Default Re: The Anglo-Saxon Mission

    The powers knew the light warriors were going to shut the gulf stream to save the planets oceans...

    Russia is on fire and won't be exporting any wheat...

    Is this all planned just to shut down food supplies on the planet?

    this is going to be an extremely cold winter in Europe if the gulf stream isn't allowed to flow...

    edited to add... thanks to Apple Moths appearing in southern California, exports have been quarantined...

    and... a new superbug resistant to antibiotics has just appeared and is spreading rapidly in the India Pakistan area
    Last edited by Rocky_Shorz; 12th August 2010 at 02:21.

  4. Link to Post #64
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    Default Re: The Anglo-Saxon Mission

    Quote Posted by saint_chris (here)
    If this misson is true can someone explain to me why we are flooding europe and the U.S with muslims, surley if you want to wipe most of them out you would leave them in the line of fire . Just a clip of what im talking about.

    Look at the Albert Pike plan. It is to begin in the Middle East, between the Jews and the Muslims; the rest of us are to pick a side and fight. This is why many nations are being prepared to pick a side as we speak, by turning populations against their Muslim immigrants and others against Israel

  5. Link to Post #65
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    Default Re: The Anglo-Saxon Mission

    Interesting video, you asked for opinions this is my personal view and is not aimed to cause offence and I apologise now just in case.
    Personally I believe you have been used as a scaremonger. There are too many wrongs in the statement.
    Here we have an anonymous guy invited to a meeting that proposes the end of the world. We are expected to believe that the powers that be invite people who have no clue to their plans and be told the whole plan. Not very clever are they.
    London is not the financial capital of the world, Edinburgh is. Everything and everybody are controlled by what is known by the title. The Edinburgh mafia. Very nasty people. All the banks, NASA .CIA ECT. All under the control of this mafia. I have crossed them and learned a hard lesson; the people I was involved in are still in an American prison.
    Why would such as china, Iran, North Korea ECT join the fleet being assembled in the Arabian Sea by the American and British navy. This along with ships from all countries including Sweden, Switzerland, France ECT. Why are all UK naval bases on red alert if the war is such as described? The real war is a repeat of High Jump and again we will get our butts well booted.
    The only extermination of Asian people will be due to natural causes and the perimeter that will be established in Europe to stop mass migration in search of food, water and shelter. This information I obtained illegally so don’t ask .but it was from a certain computer in Japan.
    I can understand your reason for relaying such information but have you never considered you have been used to incite the Asian people to react defensively believing that a planed attack is immanent. Think about it. You have set the seed of doubt in many minds.
    You are right regarding the fact that the elite are nothing without our help. If we say NO then any such plans are useless. But alas we are fooled by egotistic loyalty to such as a flag or monarch or even religion and allow our violent tendency to rear its ugly head thus allowing control factors to dictate how we live our lives. We are our own enemy. We only need two rules to live a contented life and that is one to abolish the greed for material wealth and secondly the most important one and that is quiet simply love thy neighbours.
    Conspiracy wise all the answers are in Scotland, this is the reason Scotland has a limited account for its history even though it is older than most civilizations, the Romans knew this, that’s why they invaded England and built Hadrian’s Wall. This was to defend Scotland not England as the steps and ramparts are on the Scottish side. Try researching the Isle of May and why all Scottish kings had to send their sons there.
    All the above and my NDEs along with my alien contact tells me your video is wrong .sorry as stated this is my opinion based on what I perceive as reality.

  6. Link to Post #66
    UK Avalon Founder Bill Ryan's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Anglo-Saxon Mission

    Quote Posted by hyundisonata (here)
    This along with ships from all countries including Sweden, Switzerland, France ECT.
    I've spent much of the last two years in Zurich, but I must say I've never heard much about the Swiss Navy.

    I must ask some of my Swiss friends about that!

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  8. Link to Post #67
    Avalon Member Operator's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Anglo-Saxon Mission

    Quote Posted by Bill Ryan (here)
    but I must say I've never heard much about the Swiss Navy.
    Maybe they have a secret space navy too ?

  9. Link to Post #68
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    Default Re: The Anglo-Saxon Mission

    Bill and Operator,Swiss Navy ,Secret Space Navy .... too funny even though I know you take this subject very seriously as do I. I for one believe that the Anglo-Saxon mission is very real.I think that the PTB'S want the population "reduced" long before the planet gets to the 9-12 million count. I think the global economic issues of the last couple of years is a part of that. I personally know of many families that have brought their college age children home because of financial uncertainties and many are living 3 and 4 generations in one household because of home forclosures and /or medical bills.( how convenient for the PTB'S) The Dispersants used in the oil spill are killing and permanently damaging everything (supposedly it's showing up on inland crops now) how long until Peaches,oranges, pecans etc are quarantened. There is a very large African American population in the US South.(obesity highest in the US) Has anyone noticed that when they show the workers hired by BP to clean up the oil they are mostly huge, strong African American men! No north Atlantic conveyor belt ( thousands in Europe may freeze to death) or become weakened by the cold. MIllions have lost their jobs in China due to factory closings from lack of product orders. (these people are now undernourished and more suceptable to "disease." Massive Flooding/earthquakes throughout the world are increasing ...death and disease is spreading. People in general worried about the economy, solar flares ,2012 , maybe a huge Iceland volcano soon (Katla) and now new earthlike planets, aliens and ufos are real. I definately think a PTB agenda has rolled out and this is just the beginning. If they can control weather, earthquakes and ocean currents and the economy then the sky is the limit.

  10. Link to Post #69
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    Default Re: The Anglo-Saxon Mission

    So I take it the thought that tens of thousands of Asians who may be reading or watching what you have said is not a terrifying concept. Here we have someone telling them that some lunatics in the UK intend to start a nuclear strike against them. But because you tell them not to react to the strike everything will be ok. I can assure you if they believe what you have stated then commonsense dictates self preservation and the first thing on their minds will be to strike first. I can understand your reason for your statement. What I cannot comprehend is why you said such without publishing substantial proof that it is genuine instead you give us some faceless person. You may have been duped into lighting the fuse by spreading such a rumour and present that is all it is. This is an area of our world whose people are suffering on a daily basis and who are easily misled by the growing number of fanatics that live amongst them. Can you not understand the fear these people would have reading such a statement even though it was written with good intentions? This is not a laughing mater people, and definably not a subject to ridicule. Yes ridicule such as me with stories about ET if it makes you feel better but not something this close to reality.

  11. Link to Post #70
    Avalon Member sojorner's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Anglo-Saxon Mission

    I enjoyed Ethereal's comments. After a while...the"Which way are we to die this time"..does make me want to laugh as well at times. I, found Ethereal's comments resonated with my own thoughts.

    I am here on Avalon to share information and hear other peoples opinions..not attack people for expressing themselves.


  12. Link to Post #71
    Australia Avalon Member bluestflame's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Anglo-Saxon Mission

    perhaps that's been part of the agenda all along , the FEMA camps were not for the citizens , but immigrents , at first the relief to the citizens will be huge ....It feels engineered , steered

    they do seem to like emotional involvement , the disinfo campaigns seem to be aimed in that direction

    once the emotions engage it's difficult to see things clearly , effectively undermining any attempt to know and share with others what's really going on ...

  13. Link to Post #72
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    Default Re: The Anglo-Saxon Mission

    Here's a thought. What if the sports stadiums are to be used for the military and national guard to operate from. These facilities cost hundreds of millions in many cases. "Unruley persons " would vandalize the place. Maybe the barbed wire or chain link fence facilities with tents " FEMA camps" are for "others" who have gotten sick, violated martial law etc. It would be ablolutely horrific if they are used as another " internment camp" like the Japanese were put in during WWII.

  14. Link to Post #73
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    Default Re: The Anglo-Saxon Mission

    Hi everyone,

    In a Spanish forum we have been debating about “The Anglo Saxon Mission” during a few months by now, we have gathered a lot of important information about it and the thread already has more than 34000 views. This is the link which includes a poll:

    Misión Anglosajona: ¿Qué planea el gobierno en la sombra para el 2012 y después?

    Of all the information we have posted in that thread related to the Anglo Saxon Mission, I would like to point out and underline two particularly important pieces of the puzzle, which are:

    1) Information related to what may happen in 2012 and the possible cataclysm.
    For instance, it seems there is scientific evidence about the existence of previous civilizations in this planet (Ej: Atlantida, Lemuria, etc.), some of which may have achieved a higher level of technological advancement than our current civilization but have later been destroyed by cataclysms.

    So, if it has happened before, could it happen again? This is the link:

    Pag. 15. Post 1 to 3. Hollywood movie “2012”, ¿fiction or reality?

    2) Video and web about “The Giza Geomatrix”: Their authors say they have found a way to avoid the alleged 2012 cataclysm.
    This weekend I watched a video called “The Giza Geomatrix, Chicago Presentation” and I found it extremely interesting, I highly recommend it. This is the link:

    Video: “The Giza Geomatrix, Chicago Presentation”,

    Let me give you a brief summary of the video. I’ve posted a rough transcript (not literal) of it here:

    Post 3, pag. 57. Transcript of “The Giza Geomatrix, Chicago Presentation”

    In that video, from minute Min. 1h:08:15 to Min. 1h:12:50 and also from Min. 1h:22:28 to Min. 1h:24:10, the author explains several very important things:
    a) He says his team have found scientific proof of other lost civilizations, such as Atlantida or Lemuria, and even 3 or 4 other ones.

    b) Some previous lost civilizations ended due to catastrophic events (earth cataclysms), and they (his team) think that could happen again around 2012 due to astronomical or cosmic reasons (like a big cosmic “storm”… see detailed explanation in the video).

    c) The author of the video says they (his team) have found out that the ancient civilizations discovered there is a way to avoid such cataclysms, and it has to do with taking some sort of technical device which is supposedly located in the chest of the Pharaoh Khufu and place it in a specific location inside the Great Pyramid of Egypt in order to “activate it”, which will also activate many other dormant pyramids around the world.

    That alleged activation will have some sort of positive effect in the electromagnetic field (or grid) of the Earth, it will “fix it” and therefore protect the earth against the potential violent activity of the sun at around 2012 (or something like that), and that could avoid the possible 2012 cataclysm.

    d) He also says (or implies) that the US government (or dark cabal, shadowy government, elite, illuminati) is trying to steal Khufu’s chest technological device because they want to prevent humanity from activating the Great Pyramid, and I “think” the reason for it is because the elite DOES WANT for the cataclysm to take place in order to remain in power and keep controlling this planet and its people.

    (Note: My apologies if the above summary is not 100% accurate because I am relying on memory and I would like to watch the video again to make sure I’ve understood it correctly)
    So, in case I’ve understood it correctly and the info in that video is correct (and we shall see), what’s going on here is like a struggle between the dark and the light: The light trying to activate the pyramid to prevent the cataclysm and the darkness trying not to activate the pyramid so that the cataclysm takes place.

    In my personal opinion (qbeac), that information, in case it is correct (and we’ll see), dovetails very well with the Anglo Saxon Mission.

    My question to you all is:

    What do you think about it?

    Can we trust the information in that video (Giza Geomatrix, Chicago Presentation)?

    Last edited by qbeac; 17th October 2010 at 16:12.

  15. Link to Post #74
    United States Avalon Member Ba-ba-Ra's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Anglo-Saxon Mission

    Lots of Great opinions and info. It seems we are all assuming that the PTB are united. I think they are, only in the sense that they want to keep the money & power from us worker bees. However, I often wonder if there are not factions within their groups where infighting is taking place as to the how's to accomplish this, and also some power struggles within for top dog.

    I personally believe they have been tampering with Nature, however, they're doing it without the complete manual. In my opinion Mother Nature will have the last laugh - but where does that leave us?

    I'm always amazed that so many of us believe:

    1) This place is a prison or insane asylum, yet we will fight to the end to stay here.
    2) That we are not our bodies, yet we will do whatever to keep them.

    I know many of you will come back with: We came here to make it better. But again I ask, if it was better THERE and we were great knowing spiritual beings THERE - WHY? I'm not saying I have the answer, I don't, but it does seem that there is some very deep programing that we're not unveiling. Perhaps the Wingmakers info is correct or correct to some degree.

    Back to the Anglo Saxon Mission. Perhaps the best we could and should do is go within and tap into how to change our personal timeline. It seems the more attention we give something, the stronger it gets. That is not to say to ignore it. Be aware when crossing a busy street and then one can avoid the traffic. But I feel we all must keep developing our own intuition and psychic abilities and we will be able to save ourselves.
    Blessed are the cracked, for they are the ones who let in the light!

  16. Link to Post #75
    Poland Avalon Retired Member
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    Default Re: The Anglo-Saxon Mission

    Quote Posted by Ba-ba-Ra (here)
    Lots of Great opinions and info. It seems we are all assuming that the PTB are united. I think they are, only in the sense that they want to keep the money & power from us worker bees. However, I often wonder if there are not factions within their groups where infighting is taking place as to the how's to accomplish this, and also some power struggles within for top dog.

    I personally believe they have been tampering with Nature, however, they're doing it without the complete manual. In my opinion Mother Nature will have the last laugh - but where does that leave us?[...]
    Agree. I written on war at the top once
    Way I see it Mother Nature can either do it violently or work through us. After all, every single being here can get in touch with her, if he/she decides to. Not easy though. Creating civilization that will extend Nature , not pillage it, is dream I have strong connection to.

    Also, I see reality as projection of us. Things are how we see them, though they "obey" bigger dreamers too. Question is do we choose to learn and elevate ourselves, one step at the time, or we choose to play childish tantrums.

    Crucial thing is communication, among us here but also with world around us.

    "Anglo-Saxon mission" is somebody's dream. Dream about creating a dam on flow of things. That dream was sold to many people and they shifted reality accordingly. They managed to get us in situation where we are too busy chasing the ball to think what the big picture is. Would be good to reflect on that.

    What is, is within us.

  17. Link to Post #76
    Avalon Member Operator's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Anglo-Saxon Mission

    Quote Posted by Ba-ba-Ra (here)
    It seems we are all assuming that the PTB are united. I think they are, only in the sense that they want to keep the money & power from us worker bees. However, I often wonder if there are not factions within their groups where infighting is taking place as to the how's to accomplish this, and also some power struggles within for top dog.
    I sometimes have to think about some scenes from Pirates of the Caribbean ... where there's not simply good and bad fighting each other but
    how during fights it gets very complicated who is fighting who and who betrayed/cheated on the other.
    And sometimes it's striking how easily they make conspiracy deals to get out of awkward situations instantly (and deal with the consequences later).

  18. Link to Post #77
    United States Avalon Member Ba-ba-Ra's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Anglo-Saxon Mission

    Quote Posted by Operator (here)
    I sometimes have to think about some scenes from Pirates of the Caribbean ... where there's not simply good and bad fighting each other but
    how during fights it gets very complicated who is fighting who and who betrayed/cheated on the other.
    And sometimes it's striking how easily they make conspiracy deals to get out of awkward situations instantly (and deal with the consequences later).
    Yes, also the movie Syriana (George Clooney). Not in my mind a good movie, it was so convoluted that it was hard to tell who the good guys and who the bad guys actually were, as it seemed to shift. And then - the light bulb moment! Ah Ha, that's exactly what's happening in our world. I'm not sure anyone knows for certain what's going on - so in that regard the movie was a good mirror for us.

    I'm still encouraging all to focus on changing their timelines. If you don't here from me in a while, maybe I'm there!!
    Blessed are the cracked, for they are the ones who let in the light!

  19. Link to Post #78
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    Default Re: The Anglo-Saxon Mission

    Quote Posted by qbeac (here)
    Hi everyone,

    In a Spanish forum we have been debating about “The Anglo Saxon Mission” during a few months by now, we have gathered a lot of important information about it and the thread already has more than 34000 views. This is the link which includes a poll:

    Misión Anglosajona: ¿Qué planea el gobierno en la sombra para el 2012 y después?

    Of all the information we have posted in that thread related to the Anglo Saxon Mission, I would like to point out and underline two particularly important pieces of the puzzle, which are:

    1) Information related to what may happen in 2012 and the possible cataclysm.
    For instance, it seems there is scientific evidence about the existence of previous civilizations in this planet (Ej: Atlantida, Lemuria, etc.), some of which may have achieved a higher level of technological advancement than our current civilization but have later been destroyed by cataclysms.

    So, if it has happened before, could it happen again? This is the link:

    Pag. 15. Post 1 to 3. Hollywood movie “2012”, ¿fiction or reality?

    2) Video and web about “The Giza Geomatrix”: Their authors say they have found a way to avoid the alleged 2012 cataclysm.
    This weekend I watched a video called “The Giza Geomatrix, Chicago Presentation” and I found it extremely interesting, I highly recommend it. This is the link:

    Video: “The Giza Geomatrix, Chicago Presentation”,

    Let me give you a brief summary of the video. I’ve posted a rough transcript (not literal) of it here:

    Post 3, pag. 57. Transcript of “The Giza Geomatrix, Chicago Presentation”

    In that video, from minute Min. 1h:08:15 to Min. 1h:12:50 and also from Min. 1h:22:28 to Min. 1h:24:10, the author explains several very important things:
    a) He says his team have found scientific proof of other lost civilizations, such as Atlantida or Lemuria, and even 3 or 4 other ones.

    b) Some previous lost civilizations ended due to catastrophic events (earth cataclysms), and they (his team) think that could happen again around 2012 due to astronomical or cosmic reasons (like a big cosmic “storm”… see detailed explanation in the video).

    c) The author of the video says they (his team) have found out that the ancient civilizations discovered there is a way to avoid such cataclysms, and it has to do with taking some sort of technical device which is supposedly located in the chest of the Pharaoh Khufu and place it in a specific location inside the Great Pyramid of Egypt in order to “activate it”, which will also activate many other dormant pyramids around the world.

    That alleged activation will have some sort of positive effect in the electromagnetic field (or grid) of the Earth, it will “fix it” and therefore protect the earth against the potential violent activity of the sun at around 2012 (or something like that), and that could avoid the possible 2012 cataclysm.

    d) He also says (or implies) that the US government (or dark cabal, shadowy government, elite, illuminati) is trying to steal Khufu’s chest technological device because they want to prevent humanity from activating the Great Pyramid, and I “think” the reason for it is because the elite DOES WANT for the cataclysm to take place in order to remain in power and keep controlling this planet and its people.

    (Note: My apologies if the above summary is not 100% accurate because I am relying on memory and I would like to watch the video again to make sure I’ve understood it correctly)
    So, in case I’ve understood it correctly and the info in that video is correct (and we shall see), what’s going on here is like a struggle between the dark and the light: The light trying to activate the pyramid to prevent the cataclysm and the darkness trying not to activate the pyramid so that the cataclysm takes place.

    In my personal opinion (qbeac), that information, in case it is correct (and we’ll see), dovetails very well with the Anglo Saxon Mission.

    My question to you all is:

    What do you think about it?

    Can we trust the information in that video (Giza Geomatrix, Chicago Presentation)?


    Hi qbeac.
    I watched the vid and my impression (under the assumption that there is substance to their claims) is this:

    These guys claim to be in contact through channelling with “Enki” and that he was/is a benevolent being out to help mankind.
    How do they know that they are not being fooled? Only because the info provided guided them to some artefacts?
    I am not an expert in Egyptology etc, but what I found about Khufu is that he was (supposedly) a cruel being.
    Is it not possible that this group is being used to set up a kind of “homing in device” which will facilitate the supposed “visitors” which shows up (supposedly) every 6500 years?
    Is it not possible that they open unwittingly the portals for the “Dragons of Thuban” to come in?
    The Lady “Lucina” has a very big sign/tattoo of a dragon on her left shoulder. Is she not operating under this sign?

    Some quotes from the vid: “Earths protective grid was not any more in place …due to the actions of modern man”
    So when was it in place?

    “We have recovered the info how to prevent the cataclysm from happening”
    That’s a very bold assumption in many ways:
    - The info has been channelled from an unknown source.
    - It is assumed that the pyramidal device will still be operational after so many years.
    - It is assumed that if the device will be placed in the pyramid and it works, then something will happen that will “save” Earth`s civilisation from being destroyed.

    Why I don’t think that this is going to work?
    Well, they themselves are stating that Khufu has built this pyramidal device to protect the human civilisation.
    But they also state that – despite this- between the archaeological period of Khufu1 and Khufu2 the same cataclysm was happening.
    So, that time, long ago, when the knowledge was still there during Khufu1 and the pyramidal device was “new”, they were not able to prevent the disaster to happen.
    But now, without having an idea of the bigger picture, they have figured it out how to do. Very unlikely, in my opinion.

    Can’t it be that the device has been used that time to facilitate the cataclysm and then has been stored away safely, so that it can be activated again by some misguided individuals 6500 years later?

    Qbeac, have you read/heard of the “Abraxinas thread” on PA1?
    There you could witness how people were being manipulated by the “Dragons of Thuban” into a specific agenda.
    It was subsequently banned from PA1.

    When I saw the vid I got the impression that good willing people are tempering with something which is BY FAR BEYOND their grasp.
    Last edited by bashi; 20th October 2010 at 11:26.

  20. Link to Post #79
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    Default Re: The Anglo-Saxon Mission

    Quote Posted by bashi (here)
    ...Qbeac, have you read/heard of the “Abraxinas thread” on PA1?
    There you could witness how people were being manipulated by the “Dragons of Thuban” into a specific agenda.
    It was subsequently banned from PA1.

    When I saw the vid I got the impression that good willing people are tempering with something which is BY FAR BEYOND their grasp.
    Hi bashi, thanks for your comments. No, I haven’t read “Abraxinas thread” on PA1. Do you know the link?

    Very briefly:

    My personal opinion about that video (The Giza Geomatrix, Chicago Presentation) is that I do not have an opinion yet simply because I do not have enough information about the things the author of the video says.

    I really don’t know what to think about it. I mean that since I haven’t researched that subject in depth yet, I simply cannot judge it…… yet.

    The guy seems honest and well informed, and he seems to know a lot more than what he says in the video. He says he has scientific proof of some of the things he says and that he will make them public in the near future. He also says very important people in Washington have contacted them because they know that they know what they know.

    By the way, in their web site they give many more details about the things he says in the video. For instance, they explain how the “Earth Protection System” works (the electromagnetic field). These are the links:

    The Giza Geomatrix web site:
    Home presentacion inicial:
    Home page: http://www.gizamap.com/geomatrix/

    Now then, even if he were honest, could he be manipulated or mislead?

    I have no idea, and I would like to know.

    Also, the claim in the video (that they have found a technical way to prevent the alleged 2012 cataclysm, etc.) is a VERY, VERY big claim.

    It’s a HUGE claim!!!

    And that’s why I am interested in this subject and I would love to hear other people’s opinions, and specially people who know more than I do about this subject or who may have insider knowledge about it (which I don’t).

    For instance, I would love to hear Bill Ryan’s opinion about that video (The Giza Geomatrix, Chicago Presentation). Is he around…?
    Last edited by qbeac; 19th October 2010 at 21:31.

  21. Link to Post #80
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    Default Re: The Anglo-Saxon Mission

    it's always in the "near futur"... sigh..

    Bill? Dont think so..he is not logged into the forum yet today.

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