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Thread: The Bible

  1. Link to Post #181
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    Default Re: The Bible

    Quote Posted by Seikou-Kishi (here)
    Quote Posted by RedeZra (here)
    you actually use the Bible to try to disprove the Bible which is an impossible task as long as i am here
    "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall."
    Proverbs 16:18
    it never ceases to amaze me when Bible unbelievers cherry pick a Bible verse to make a point or rather a stab

    perhaps this was a verse used to justify the killing of the Prophets and the Crucifiction of Christ

    for how dare someone point out our faults

  2. Link to Post #182
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    Default Re: The Bible

    You know Red, the very arguments that you use against me could be said of you. I believe I have given ample evidence to back up what I say the bible is teaching, and you refuse to accept it because it does not go by mainstream christian teachings, and yet we know we are in the end days and the churches are not spoken of well in Revelation except for two. There are numerous passages about the apostacy of the church in the end days. Just what do you think that means if most of the churches teach these same false teachings and yet there are a few crying in the wilderness to make straight the paths, and to follow God?

    Go back to the original texts. What I have said is clearly spelled out. Do you deny that the fallen angels took women and had these half breed giants with them? Satan is nothing but another fallen angel, albeit the chief one, but one none the less. The bible says he seduced Eve, she bore twins and one twin does the work of his father the devil. Why is the bible literal for you until it gets to that issue?

  3. Link to Post #183
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    Default Re: The Bible

    Quote Posted by panopticon (here)
    Quote Posted by RedeZra (here)
    everybody drowned just some 4000 years ago except 8 people and the animals in the Ark
    G'day RedeZra,

    I don't follow your logic.
    Once again you are relying on traditional stories (dogma) to prove your argument (belief) concerning the validity of an event depicted in a traditional story (dogma)

    I would like to know what are your sources?

    Also 8 individuals is an insufficient number to provide genetic diversity (minimum is 500 from memory) or are you saying modern humanity is the product of inbreeding?
    hi Panopticon

    if i don't trust the establishment then i don't trust their science

    see that is my logic

    and so i look to sources that challenge the establishment

    i search archaeological facts and artifacts which have not been totally censored or suppressed altogether

    by the establishment for their controllers

    one would think it is impossible to suppress something as big as a recent worldwide flood

    but then one is not aware of the spirit deceiving high intelligence behind the controllers

    we are all family and we can all trace our line back to Noah and his wife just some 4000 years ago

    before the Flood there was a high tech civilisation on the earth in which The Great Pyramid of Giza is a still standing stone testimony of

    we cannot compare with our antediluvian ancestors who was much bigger smarter and long-living than ourselves

    and when the Watchers who was a group or order of spirits set to watch over mankind

    begot children with women

    then the earth became inhabitated with Giant demigods who inherited the spirit of disobediance to God

    and began to genetically modify and corrupt not only animals but humans too

    sounds like fiction i know but the Bible hints at this so it must be true

  4. Link to Post #184
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    Default Re: The Bible

    Quote Posted by Unified Serenity (here)
    Do you deny that the fallen angels took women and had these half breed giants with them?
    no i do not deny this

    and if you read what i write than you know too that i do not deny this

    Quote Posted by Unified Serenity (here)
    Satan is nothing but another fallen angel, albeit the chief one, but one none the less. The bible says he seduced Eve, she bore twins and one twin does the work of his father the devil.
    the Bible does not say that Eve begot a child or children with Satan

    the Bible says that the spirit of Satan in a serpent

    seduced Eve to eat of the fruit of the spiritual knowledge of good and evil

    and so our first parents chose to disobey a crystal clear command from God and instead obey Satan

    which gave Satan a spiritual legal right to meddle in the affairs of mankind

  5. Link to Post #185
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    Default Re: The Bible

    Quote Posted by RedeZra (here)

    the Bible says that the spirit of Satan in a serpent
    Again, you pick and choose what to believe. You see the word Nachash they translated to Serpent. It is actually the word meaning highly polished bronze as in a shining one! So Eve talked with a shining one. We know Satan is said to be an angel of light, shining one, and is also called the morning star. Red, we will not get anywhere here. You want to read an English bible where words where purposefully mistranslated and where scribes and pharisees purposefully chose to confuse things. I choose to go back to the original languages, look for the breadcrumbs and connect the dots. I find most who point out lies and perceived errors in the bible simply do not know what it really says.

    I enjoy these deeper studies. Most do not like exegesis as it takes a lot of effort and interest to dig it out. The simple truth is there, but there are deeper truths that explain how things happened. There are deeper truths put in for the virgin bride to understand and protect the pearls of wisdom thus they won't be trodden down by swine.

  6. Link to Post #186
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    Default Re: The Bible

    Quote Posted by Unified Serenity (here)
    Quote Posted by RedeZra (here)

    the Bible says that the spirit of Satan in a serpent
    You see the word Nachash they translated to Serpent. It is actually the word meaning highly polished bronze as in a shining one! So Eve talked with a shining one. We know Satan is said to be an angel of light, shining one, and is also called the morning star.

    who or what is this nachash which seduced Eve to eat of the fruit in Genesis 3 ?

    "it is more cunning than any beast of the field which God had made" - Genesis 3

    and how did God reward this nachash for tricking Eve to eat of the fruit ?

    "You [are] cursed more than all cattle, And more than every beast of the field; On your belly you shall go, And you shall eat dust All the days of your life." - Genesis 3:14

    so you see this nachash is an animal

    and i guess you know that Satan or the Adversary is a spirit

    who can possess flesh ?

  7. Link to Post #187
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    Default Re: The Bible

    Quote Posted by RedeZra (here)
    Quote Posted by Unified Serenity (here)
    Quote Posted by RedeZra (here)

    the Bible says that the spirit of Satan in a serpent
    You see the word Nachash they translated to Serpent. It is actually the word meaning highly polished bronze as in a shining one! So Eve talked with a shining one. We know Satan is said to be an angel of light, shining one, and is also called the morning star.

    who or what is this nachash which seduced Eve to eat of the fruit in Genesis 3 ?

    "it is more cunning than any beast of the field which God had made" - Genesis 3

    and how did God reward this nachash for tricking Eve to eat of the fruit ?

    "You [are] cursed more than all cattle, And more than every beast of the field; On your belly you shall go, And you shall eat dust All the days of your life." - Genesis 3:14

    so you see this nachash is an animal

    and i guess you know that Satan or the Adversary is a spirit

    who can possess flesh ?
    Your biblical illiteracy astounds me. You are happy in your traditions of man, I will not dissuade you from it. I just hope anyone else reading this will be curious enough to go study as I have. PM me if you want the tools, and some excellent sites and resources to help you out.

    Blessings in truth,


  8. Link to Post #188
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    Default Re: The Bible

    Quote Posted by Unified Serenity (here)
    Your biblical illiteracy astounds me. You are happy in your traditions of man, I will not dissuade you from it.
    you keep stabbing at me

    hinting that i am an illiteral swine

    while you are a true virgin bride of Christ

    and you keep saying that you look to the original Hebrew text but so do i ?!

    you don't even admit that you subscribe to a highly subjective interpretation of the Bible

    which is not backed by the Bible

    but you don't care about that

    you just got it right regardless

  9. Link to Post #189
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    Default Re: The Bible

    Quote Posted by RedeZra (here)
    Quote Posted by Unified Serenity (here)
    Your biblical illiteracy astounds me. You are happy in your traditions of man, I will not dissuade you from it.
    you keep stabbing at me

    hinting that i am an illiteral swine

    while you are a true virgin bride of Christ

    and you keep saying that you look to the original Hebrew text but so do i ?!

    you don't even admit that you subscribe to a highly subjective interpretation of the Bible

    which is not backed by the Bible

    but you don't care about that

    you just got it right regardless
    I never thought of you as swine. I do think you parrot the Pauline Church and traditions of men. My comment regarding the swine has nothing to do with you for I would have never tried to expound on these things with you if I thought you were swine. I'd just kick the dust from my feet and move on.

  10. Link to Post #190
    Serbia Avalon Member Beren's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Bible

    Question for both RedeZra and Unified Serenity;

    Did you ever thought about Bible as God`s words as it is?
    Did you ever fathom that beside Bible there are more holy scriptures in whole world?
    And finally do you both understand that WE humans apply filters of understanding of the divine when reading Bible and other works?

    So you may both be right and both be wrong but Christ is one and the same always.
    Be one in Christ not divided in reasoning which filter filters the best...
    Love, love - and see what happens

  11. The Following User Says Thank You to Beren For This Post:

    RedeZra (4th December 2011)

  12. Link to Post #191
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    Default Re: The Bible

    Quote Posted by Beren (here)
    Question for both RedeZra and Unified Serenity;

    Did you ever thought about Bible as God`s words as it is?
    Did you ever fathom that beside Bible there are more holy scriptures in whole world?
    And finally do you both understand that WE humans apply filters of understanding of the divine when reading Bible and other works?

    So you may both be right and both be wrong but Christ is one and the same always.
    Be one in Christ not divided in reasoning which filter filters the best...
    I am well aware of other books, and historical information from other spiritual paths and archeology. My issue is that God's word has been translated from it's original languages, scribes have changed names and many have put for traditions based on poor translations. We have great tools to learn these truths, and God is quite angry at those who say they are called to teach and preach who give for man's wisdom and do not teach from the source. Most people who point out problems in the bible don't really know what the bible says, only what some preacher has said based on illiteracy or what's really there or lack of truly studying the word as a scholar line upon line and precept upon precept.

    I gain a lot from looking at other ancient texts and prophecies. We are one whether we act like it or not. We all come from the Father. Yet, we are also called to be a separate people who live forth His truths in love with one another.

  13. Link to Post #192
    Serbia Avalon Member Beren's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Bible

    Quote Posted by Unified Serenity (here)
    Quote Posted by Beren (here)
    Question for both RedeZra and Unified Serenity;

    Did you ever thought about Bible as God`s words as it is?
    Did you ever fathom that beside Bible there are more holy scriptures in whole world?
    And finally do you both understand that WE humans apply filters of understanding of the divine when reading Bible and other works?

    So you may both be right and both be wrong but Christ is one and the same always.
    Be one in Christ not divided in reasoning which filter filters the best...
    I am well aware of other books, and historical information from other spiritual paths and archeology. My issue is that God's word has been translated from it's original languages, scribes have changed names and many have put for traditions based on poor translations. We have great tools to learn these truths, and God is quite angry at those who say they are called to teach and preach who give for man's wisdom and do not teach from the source. Most people who point out problems in the bible don't really know what the bible says, only what some preacher has said based on illiteracy or what's really there or lack of truly studying the word as a scholar line upon line and precept upon precept.

    I gain a lot from looking at other ancient texts and prophecies. We are one whether we act like it or not. We all come from the Father. Yet, we are also called to be a separate people who live forth His truths in love with one another.
    I agree with you except in part that Father is angry.
    Whenever you read in Bible that God is angry and mad and wants revenge just breathe down and realize who wrote that- God or a man?
    That man who wrote that God is any of the above was seeing some things happening through his own lower understanding.

    He saw a cataclysm and described it as God`s wrath when in fact any cataclysm upon Earth was and is caused by MAN.
    It`s a law of cause and effect.

    Christ explained that and confirmed that too.
    He was teaching us to remember that even in our thoughts we are powerful and that we create.

    Good or bad effect - we create it.

    So whatever man wants to impose upon God simply doesn`t work. For God is God and man is man.
    Does God needs sacrifices or rituals or rules ???

    Man needs that in his low conscience and energy of fear.

    And God allows that because of free will so we can learn that WE cause things to happen for we were given that gift and such power.

    All ancient texts upon the face of the Earth are carrying same messages slightly changed though human filter.

    Why do you think people flocked to Christ?
    Because they sensed and saw him as he truly is - Son of God .

    Christ didn`t need to elaborate scriptures - he showed the power and also true words BUT religions and pharisees thrown in their own stuff...

    One common denominator for religions is that they HAVE to use FORCE to bind people together to them- it`s just plain seen that they are not aligned with God at all. They say but they aren`t.

    Reasoning about who is right and who is wrong about religious texts is futile for again it`s a quarrel about who `s filter filters the best?
    When you are in Christ you don`t need filter.

    I`m not saying you are wrong and that Red is wrong I`m saying that you are right and he is too!
    It`s just that I would not like to see you two quarreling about words and texts when you have Christ whom you can attune to.

    Leave pharisees tricks to themselves and their own.
    Love, love - and see what happens

  14. The Following 4 Users Say Thank You to Beren For This Post:

    58andfixed (5th December 2011), panopticon (5th December 2011), RedeZra (4th December 2011), risveglio (12th June 2012)

  15. Link to Post #193
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    Default Re: The Bible

    Quote Posted by Beren (here)
    Question for both RedeZra and Unified Serenity;

    Did you ever thought about Bible as God`s words as it is?
    Did you ever fathom that beside Bible there are more holy scriptures in whole world?
    And finally do you both understand that WE humans apply filters of understanding of the divine when reading Bible and other works?

    So you may both be right and both be wrong but Christ is one and the same always.
    Be one in Christ not divided in reasoning which filter filters the best...
    this thread is about the Bible

    which i believe is an inspired work

    and therefore important

    not only historically but also prophetically

    so i welcome any and all views about the contents of this Book

    and i have no problems with debates or disagreements

    this is a thread about the Bible so let the Book speak

    and when interpretations differ then let us debate

    with honest intent and integrity

    because the Bible is too important to ignore

    in a world lost not for words but wisdom

    for if the Bible is true then this is need to know for our souls

    and you know that as well

    nobody wants to hear about Heaven and Hell

    and nobody likes the God of the Bible

    but it's the only God we got

  16. Link to Post #194
    Serbia Avalon Member Beren's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Bible

    Quote Posted by RedeZra (here)
    Quote Posted by Beren (here)
    Question for both RedeZra and Unified Serenity;

    Did you ever thought about Bible as God`s words as it is?
    Did you ever fathom that beside Bible there are more holy scriptures in whole world?
    And finally do you both understand that WE humans apply filters of understanding of the divine when reading Bible and other works?

    So you may both be right and both be wrong but Christ is one and the same always.
    Be one in Christ not divided in reasoning which filter filters the best...
    this thread is about the Bible

    which i believe is an inspired work

    and therefore important

    not only historically but also prophetically

    so i welcome any and all views about the contents of this Book

    and i have no problems with debates or disagreements

    this is a thread about the Bible so let the Book speak

    and when interpretations differ then let us debate

    with honest intent and integrity

    because the Bible is too important to ignore

    in a world lost not for words but wisdom

    for if the Bible is true then this is need to know for our souls

    and you know that as well

    nobody wants to hear about Heaven and Hell

    and nobody likes the God of the Bible

    but it's the only God we got
    I am studying the Bible from age 16 and know of its immense worth and am sad for so many abuse its written words without a dust of knowledge.
    Hardly many people ever read it at all, or they read bits and pieces and dare to drag it through mire.

    Sadly also there ones who read it but allow religions to interpretate for them without second thought.
    And there ones who are adamantly against it for they think it`s a lie .

    I used to have similar thread on AV1 and it was a bombshell as this one is.

    I say again that many things were not understood by people who wrote it and what became the Bible.
    But they wrote according to what they could grasp.

    Imagine poor Ezekiel seeing God`s tech or Isaiah too or any others...and more surprise when they saw Christ doing all wonderful stuff without tech at all for he IS the power...

    God is the power and Christ is too...

    But it`s fascinating to see that we are ready to fight about written word.
    It`s more constructive to reason without accusations which were present here on the thread.

    Honestly Red you weren`t offensive as some posters were against you or anyone who agrees about what you write but thread changed into a better focused discussion and that is making me feel happy for I see human spirit of tolerance and Love actually.

    That said, people here - I bless you on your search for truth but when you find it it will set you free!

    Last edited by Beren; 4th December 2011 at 23:41.
    Love, love - and see what happens

  17. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Beren For This Post:

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  18. Link to Post #195
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    Default Re: The Bible

    Quote Posted by Beren (here)
    Honestly Red you weren`t offensive as some posters were against you or anyone who agrees about what you write but thread changed into a better focused discussion and that is making me feel happy for I see human spirit of tolerance and Love actually.

    That said, people here - I bless you on your search for truth but when you find it it will set you free!

    when God is found either through Christ or some other valid Name of God

    then we can close the Books

    because God will impress visions upon our minds and speak wisdoms in our hearts

    and i mean that in a literal sense

    the Bible is a pointer to God and a signpost

    and so it is important for those on the road

    for those that have come home

    the signpost is not important at all

  19. Link to Post #196
    Avalon Member Seikou-Kishi's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Bible

    Quote Posted by RedeZra (here)
    Quote Posted by Seikou-Kishi (here)
    Quote Posted by RedeZra (here)
    you actually use the Bible to try to disprove the Bible which is an impossible task as long as i am here
    "Pride goeth before destruction, and an haughty spirit before a fall."
    Proverbs 16:18
    it never ceases to amaze me when Bible unbelievers cherry pick a Bible verse to make a point or rather a stab

    perhaps this was a verse used to justify the killing of the Prophets and the Crucifiction of Christ

    for how dare someone point out our faults
    Lol when you quote the bible to bash others about the head, that's just the Holy Spirit flowing, when anybody else does it, it's wrong. The hypocrisy of the religious right is thriving, I see.
    Don't act like just because I said it, it has invalidated it; it is your fantasy story, not mine; if you live your life by it, it is true whoever says it.

    Tu quoque, RedeZra, tu quoque; "how dare someone point out our faults". That is exactly why you reacted to it the way you did. Heaven forbid anybody point out your faults while you go around calling down brimstone on us 'unbelievers' — or, in US's case, somebody who fails to conform to your narrow interpretation of the Bible.

    Quote Posted by Unified Serenity (here)
    You know Red, the very arguments that you use against me could be said of you.
    Hear, hear! Here he looks on the mote in your eye blissfully unaware of the beam in his.

    Quote Posted by RedeZra (here)
    the Bible is a pointer to God and a signpost
    and so it is important for those on the road
    for those that have come home
    the signpost is not important at all
    You accuse US of liberal interpretations of the bible and then come out with this? Oh, the Bible no longer applies to you... this is mind-boggling! Really!
    Last edited by Seikou-Kishi; 5th December 2011 at 00:46.

  20. The Following 3 Users Say Thank You to Seikou-Kishi For This Post:

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  21. Link to Post #197
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    Default Re: The Bible

    Quote Posted by Seikou-Kishi (here)
    Lol when you quote the bible to bash others about the head, that's just the Holy Spirit flowing, when anybody else does it, it's wrong.
    i don't bash people with cherry picked Bible verses

    Quote Posted by Seikou-Kishi (here)
    Heaven forbid anybody point out your faults while you go around calling down brimstone on us 'unbelievers' — or, in US's case, somebody who fails to conform to your narrow interpretation of the Bible.
    i am not calling down brimstone but brimstone is mentioned in the Bible

    and my interpretation is not narrow at all but pretty mainstream

    Quote Posted by Seikou-Kishi (here)
    You accuse US of liberal interpretations of the bible and then come out with this? Oh, the Bible no longer applies to you... this is mind-boggling! Really!
    yes Serenity has a highly subjective interpretation on several passages in the Bible and that is a fact

    and of course if you are in a relationship with God then you don't need Books to tell you about it

    you live it and you teach it

  22. Link to Post #198
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    Default Re: The Bible

    How can you live according the God's ways when the you are taught men's ways in church? Sure the heart is willing, but the mind is educated in man's system, and you said it, not I but you are mainstream and mainstream is exactly where the sleeping virgins are.

    Enjoy your night.

  23. Link to Post #199
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    Default Re: The Bible

    Quote Posted by Unified Serenity (here)
    How can you live according the God's ways when the you are taught men's ways in church? Sure the heart is willing, but the mind is educated in man's system, and you said it, not I but you are mainstream and mainstream is exactly where the sleeping virgins are.

    Enjoy your night.
    i don't attend church and i trust no man

    i am selfmade with a lot of guiding and guarding from God

    He has saved my life at least twice now that i know of

    and yes i do know Him

    nite nite

  24. Link to Post #200
    Australia Avalon Member panopticon's Avatar
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    Default Re: The Bible

    Quote Posted by Beren (here)
    Good or bad effect - we create it.
    Man needs that in his low conscience and energy of fear.

    And God allows that because of free will so we can learn that WE cause things to happen for we were given that gift and such power.

    All ancient texts upon the face of the Earth are carrying the same messages slightly changed though human filter.
    One common denominator for religions is that they HAVE to use FORCE to bind people together to them- it`s just plain seen that they are not aligned with God at all. They say but they aren`t.

    Reasoning about who is right and who is wrong about religious texts is futile for again it`s a quarrel about whose filter filters the best?
    Well said Beren!
    Kind Regards,
    "What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is, in the end, of little consequence.
    The only consequence is what we do."

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