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Klaus Dona:
The Hidden History of the Human Race
here for the PDF version of this interview (20 pages)
Click here for the video presentation
note: Some transcripts contain words or phrases that are inaudible or
difficult to hear and are, therefore, designated in square
RYAN (BR): This is Bill Ryan here from Project Camelot and Project
Avalon. It's the 20th of February, 2010, and it's my great privilege
to be meeting again with Klaus Dona. In this video presentation it’s
going to be an interview with a difference because I'm going to do
very little talking indeed, maybe none at all!
is going to be doing an audio commentary on one of his extremely
special, unusual,
and fascinating slide shows about the artifacts and the various
phenomena that he has been researching, discovering, investigating
personally all over the world relating to what I think you could
legitimately call The
Hidden History of the Human Race.
Would you say that that's a good summary, Klaus?
DONA (KD): That's a very good summary, yes.
BR: [laughs] So I'm going to step back here, and what follows now, just
kick back and enjoy this slide presentation. Klaus is going to take
you through his own journey… you can accompany him on his own
journey through his own discoveries. And take it away, Klaus.
What are we looking at here ? I can see an array of pyramids. What's

KD: The significance is that you can find pyramids all
over the world on
each continent. The question is when and who did build those
pyramids? Why many of those pyramids all over the world are looking
very, very similar?
question is did there really exist a global civilisation?
I think many of our researches are really telling us that once upon a
long time, a global civilisation existed, but how
many thousands of
years ago we don't know. |
of the audience of Project Camelot may know about the story of one
stone pyramid building found in 1984, 25 metres under the sea level
in Japan on the island of Yonaguni, which is the southest [most
Japanese island belonging to the Ryukyu Island Group.
is still a struggling of some international archaeologists who are
saying that these monuments were done by Nature. But my friend,
Professor Masaaki Kimura, did several years since then, researches
not only on this monument, but also he found several others close by.
On the right side down you have a model.
one thing Nature is definitely not doing… on top of two
platforms of this monument, there is one huge stone turtle and one
huge stone bird – like an eagle. Nature is doing many things,
but not such a precise, perfect monument.
the question is where are all the stones? If Nature would have done
it...broken down… where are those stones? There are also
streets and there was also found a stone stadium like a Roman
Colosseum with stone seat rows and stone stairs. Nature is great, is
doing many, many great things, but not such perfect buildings.
you have a
huge stone turtle and
you can see
also how small is the diver against this big monument. [lower left] |
you have one street with stairs going up. |
a very close-up picture just to recognise the size of this huge
monument. |
World Maps
you can see some world maps. On the top, on the right side [enlarged,
right] you can see the Piri Reis map which was used already long time
before Christopher Columbus came to America and you can see how
perfect this map was already in the beginning of the 16th century,
showing part of Europe, of Spain, Portugal, part of Western Africa
and also part of South America. We do not know until now [even
who was able to make such a perfect map already centuries ago. |
the rest of the Piri Reis map, which we do not show on this picture,
you can also see the Antarctic without ice. In 1956 researchers found
out that the Earth under the ice mass at the Antarctic is exactly
like the Piri Reis map was showing, so this Piri Reis map should be
at least older than 10- to- 12,000 years. But
the next question would be: Who was able to make such a wonderful
world map?
the left side, on top, you see Atlantis [enlarged, left] done by
the map is the other way round. He did it the other way round, and
you can see the continent between Europe, Africa, and also America. |
you can see on the left side
down, [in the first photo of different maps; enlarged left]
different sides of a huge stone world map.
stone world map was found in 1984 while gold digging in Ecuador in an
underground tunnel system with other 350
artifacts which do not really fit any known and existing South
American pre-Columbian culture. |
this stone map
[left] is a natural quartz line, a white one. This is the front side
of the world stone map, and you can see approximately in the Near
East, close to Saudi Arabia. You can see an inlay as an eye and from
this eye to the right and to the left is a natural quartz line going
on the right side over India, Thailand. And also there is a long
island on the right side which Professor Kimura's research gave him
the statement that from the northest [northernmost]
Japanese island until far down after Taiwan, once there existed a
huge continent… but then this world map must be older than at
least 10- to- 12,000 years. |
is the back side and you can see on the right side coming the quartz
line passing in the Atlantic a continent, Atlantis, which in our days
does not exist anymore. Then the white line is crossing part of South
America. |
you have a close-up and you can exactly see the Bay of Guayaquil an
inlay going up to North and a round inlay showing exactly the place
where there were found those artifacts. And there is also the best
quality water worldwide existing. |
One other very interesting
artifact found on the same place in Ecuador is the so-called Pyramid
with the Eye. The eye is an inlay. The stone is grey and white and
you have thirteen steps. It looks exactly like the Pyramid with the
Shining Eye on the One US Dollar. |
put this pyramid under black light, the eye is shining very
strongly and it looks really like an eye, but not really like a human
eye. Here you have a close-up of the eye and you can see the colours
of the inlay. |
the bottom of this pyramid, you have the inlay in little
gold plates
showing the Orion star constellation, and you have
unknown writing.
translation of Professor Kurt
who was the President of the German Linguistic Association and he was
perfect in more than forty languages… he was able to translate
this writing. He called it pre-Sanskrit
because it is older than the oldest writing. The translation of these
four letters you can see here, his translation is: "The
son of the creator comes."
found the same writing on stones in certain countries like Ecuador,
Colombia, Illinois (United States); Glozel, France; Malta in the
Mediterranean; Turkmenistan, Australia, and in Southern Calabria,
Italy just a few years ago. Always there are stones and ceramics –
terracotta – with the same writing.
means this writing existed once worldwide,
and that means there must have been a global
older than Sanskrit, older than 6,000
years. Professor Schildmann also told me that this writing has a
little similarity to the Indus writing and also to the Easter Island
writing. As he said, this is older than Sanskrit. He called this
writing pre-Sanskrit. |
this stone you can see on the top the two eyes and then you see the
right hand holding the pyramid and putting the left hand on top of
the pyramid. That means showing how to use this Pyramid with the Eye. |
On this stone you can see an encarving:
sitting, a man on a stone holding the pyramid exactly as it was shown
on the artifact before. From his eyes are going rays out and on the
right side you see two bowed persons. On his head he has something
like a small helmet and from this helmet goes up like an antenna to a
strange object over him.
| And
here you have the photo of the discovered helmet.
We could not yet make a metal research or checking what kind of metal
was used, but you can see in the centre of the helmet that something
is missing and that might have been this kind of antenna
was shown on the artifact before. |
very strange finding from the same
place is one big jade cup and twelve little jade cups. As the twelve
cups are man-made, and each one is a little bit different in size, if
you fill them up perfectly with water and you put the twelve cups of
water inside the big cup, the big cup is completely filled.
next strange thing is that you can see on the little cups numbers
which are looking like the Mayan numbers,
but if you compare them with the Mayan numbers, you find out that
there are some little differences.
on the big cup you can see a perfect inlaid star constellation also showing
the Orion and other stars. And inside the big cup it is very, very
magnetic and outside the cup nearly nothing. Professional geologists
are saying this is impossible because if a stone has metal particles
inside the stone, it must be same magnetic from both sides.
Here you have a close-up of the big cup and you can see a
perfect inlay of star constellations and they are shining very
brightly if you put black light on it.
you have some small cups that you can figure out more clearly the
style of the numbers inlaid in a strange material also shining under
black light. |
piece, [left]
a jade plate with the same star constellation inlay like on the big
cup and two persons facing the sky. And on the next picture [right]
you can see that also the eyes of these two statues and the
star constellation
is shining very strongly under black light. |
was once a hard-formed brown stone, changing the colour in the centre
of the stone into black, which usually in nature does not happen. You
can see... if you look very close you can see a face with closed
eyes, with a mouth, the nose, a long beard and long hair. On the left
side, the face, and also the stone, is broken. |
is the reverse side of this stone.
You can see a spiral and a triangle. The centre of the triangle is
very magnetic, also shining under black light. |
we have the backside of a cobra.
The cobra never existed in South America, but this one was found at
the same place. |
this side of the cobra head, [left]
you have 33 lines in length, so 33 is also a very mystical number
since long, long time. And on the left side and right side you have
seven points inlaid and maybe these are the chakras. Also this cobra
head is shining brightly if you put black light on it [right]. |
object. Here
you have a perfect worked dolphin head, and also this artifact is
shining under black light. |
[left] you have a kind of stone helmet. You can put this granite
stone helmet on your shoulders or you can lay your head inside it.
And the inlay points which you see on this helmet, some experts told
me that these points are exactly the acupuncture points on the human
head. Here [right] you can see how it might have been used. |
A few months ago they found at the same place an unfinished stone
helmet [left]. So that means that also some of these artifacts were
made directly in Ecuador, but many, many years ago. And also the
inlay on this object are shining under black light very bright
[right]. |
is a fantastic jade snake.
And also the inlay points are shining under black light. |
we have one artifact which is very perfectly carved on the back side,
so that means it might have been used to put this artifact on the
front of your forehead. You can see the two eyes inlaid. And on the
reverse side [right] you have the so-called third eye. Maybe this
artifact was used for some ceremonies or for meditation. |
[left] we have a jade plate with an inlay of a spiral, also shining
brightly under black light. Another one [right]. You can see seven
rings inlaid in the jade plate, and also shining under black light.
Maybe this also could be a representation of the seven
chakras. |
is one of the ceramics found there.
It's a great masterpiece and the question is how can you make this
artifact out of one piece of ceramic? |
we have another pyramidal stone found also in Ecuador.
On top you see the pyramid with the eye and you have, down, several
spirals and symbols. Some of them are very similar to the Churchward
Naacal plates, which he found in 1880 in India and the translation
was talking about the sunken continent of Mu. |
is a marble with another inlay of a spiral, also shining very
brightly under black light.
[left] in a pyramidal form with an inlay of an eye. Here [right] you
can see again the pyramid with the eye and on the bottom you see the
Orion star constellation, the three Orion stars, which might focus us
to the three pyramids in Egypt. |
[left] you have a ceramic statue. You can see the style of sitting is
not real pre-Columbian style. It looks like the Lotus seat from Asia.
On top of this statue you have a hat with some points and it looks
quite similar to many of the Buddha presentations. He holds a snake
in his mouth. The snake is a very, very mystical and very
often-presented object, so that means this statue is not from any
existing or known pre-Columbian culture. |
the next one,
[right, above] you can see how this statue is sitting. It looks more
the direction of Asia. On top of his head, again, a very strange hat.
And in the centre you can see like the head of a frog. Also the frog
is a very mystical animal in old South American pre-Columbian
culture, but also in Africa and also in Asia
[left] another ceramic statue holding a kind of plate in his left
hand and it looks also not really pre-Columbian culture. This is
another very strange artifact [right] holding a stick with a snake.
Again we have the snake here, and the question is where and who this
statue was done? |
is a photo of the Altiplano in Bolivia. Archaeologists and
researchers found out that at least before 4,000 years there was
happened a very big impact in Argentina and the shockwave of this big
impact destroyed many stone buildings in the Altiplano of Bolivia. |
have here a picture of Puma
Punku, a very strange place close to Tiahuanaco in Bolivia, and you
see tons of stone plates with perfect work on it, destroyed. Maybe
this was the reaction to the big impact in Argentina. |
[left] you have my friend Giancarlo Bonfanti,
researcher, in the centre of the so-called Sun Gate in Tiahuanaco in
Bolivia. Some researchers write that the figurines on top of this
side of the Sun Gate [right] are showing the Venus calendar. |
you have one of the big stone plates from Puma
Punku and you can see how perfect this stonework was done. The
question is, could you do such perfect work with simple tools? |
to this area they found skeletons with a size of
2.6 metres. The picture on the top [left] shows you the skull of one
of these skeletons and it looks like it is deformed. But definitely
these skulls are not deformed, they are naturally styled like an egg.
this photo [top right] you see how strong the jaw of those skulls
were. This is the front view. [bottom right]
And the most interesting photo is this one
because you can see that the top of the skull does not have the three
plates which we have as Homo
That shows us that these skeletons are not Homo
What we might be able is doing a DNA check and an age dating on these
skeletons because we are very much wondering what kind of humans did
exist long time ago, and how long ago. |
the next pictures I’ll show you some artifacts found close by
the real
When I first time got this mask [left] in my hands, I tried to look
through the two eyes. At that time I didn't know that they were
belonging to 2.6-metre skeletons, I was just wondering why did they
make masks where you can only look out from one eye? But after
knowing that those people were over 2.5 metres, I could imagine that
their skull was of course bigger than our skull and that's why these
masks were, for us, oversized. |
another mask from Bolivia
[right]. Another one [center] with very wonderful encarving, many
spirals and many symbols, which we also found in many other cultures. |
This is a very heavy stone figurine, and again here you can see on
the top a head of a snake going down on this backside. |
This is the
reverse side. You can see again the snake, so that means the
snake must have been a very, very important animal in the past of our
history. |
you can see a stone flute.
The strange thing is that the vibration of the sound of these stone
flutes is exactly the same as our brainwaves. So that means maybe
those flutes were used for meditation or for healing purposes. And
each two holes are connected perfectly with each other. That
you can
make perfect holes into this very, very hard stone, but how you
connect, with simple tools, the two holes on the bottom? This would
be even in our days a very difficult work to do.
BR: Because it's in the shape of a "U" and it
curves round
inside the stone?
KD: That's right, and with simple tools you are definitely not able to
do such a work; and even the holes are very
[left] is the form of a boat and you have three flute pipes at the
end. Here [right] you can see how perfectly they were made. |
is another flute, very small. You can use it only with very soft
blowing and the sound is like the sound of the dolphins. |
is an artifact where we do not have any idea for what purpose it was
used. |
we are in Colombia. On the next few photos, I show you very strange artifacts from
Colombia in South America.
most famous industrial designer and architect in Colombia, Professor
Jaime Gutierrez, is collecting strange artifacts from his country
already since centuries.
most important piece is the so-called Genetic Disc. Here you can see
a disc made out of lydite, a very hard stone. It's nearly the same
hardness as granite, but the structure of lydite is like leaves, so
it would be quite impossible to make the same disc in our days out of
the same material.
diameter of this disc
- we call it the Genetic Disc – is about 27 centimetres. On
this disc you have several
things presented which usually you can
only see with a microscope.
example, on the left side around 11
o'clock you can see one egg, human egg without and another with
On the right side at approximately one o'clock you can see some
And then you have several very strange presentations which we could
not explain. |
on the left side, you have a microscopic photo from the inside of a
lady done by a Swedish photographer and you can see that the egg
without and with spermia
looks exactly like the presentation on this Genetic Disc. |
the reverse side you have,
on top, several presentations of foetus
in different size, different age, ending up with… looks like a
little child. You see also, at the end of the plate at around six
o'clock, female and male. And also on the right side around nine
o'clock you can see the presentation of man, woman, and child. But
the strange thing is how they present those human-like heads. |
Here you can see a knife done by the same material, lydite. On top
of the knife on the handle, you have mother's head, beyond you have
the child's head, and the umbilical cord is going around the neck of
the child. So that means this knife would have been used to cut the
umbilical cord, saving the child's life. |
is a close-up: mother, child, and umbilical cord. |
This is an instrument. It
might have been used for helping the child coming out, leaving the
mother, when there were some complications. It is also made out of
the same material, lydite.
have here
[center] the vagina and the child's head coming out. And on the
reverse side [right], you can put only your thumb inside. That means
you can only use this instrument with your fingers – meaning
you cannot use power. So that means it might be safer helping the
child leaving the mother than our instruments we are using in our
days because sometimes the modern instruments, while being used, can
damage the child's head.
we think
is a medical instrument [left]. It is also lydite, and it's a perfect form.
one, and these are other ones [center]. They are very much smaller than
shown on this photo. When we did the material check in Vienna, the
most-expert worldwide checked those pieces. First of all the
material: each one is done with lydite. |
the form itself, he checked them and finally he said: I
cannot tell you how they were done, who did they make. But the only
thing I can definitely tell you… from the same material in our
days, we cannot make the same instruments.
how old they are, we do not know. As they were found in Colombia and
they do not fit any existing pre-Columbian culture, we must consider
that those artifacts are at least older than 6,000 years, but we
cannot explain what kind of technology they did use to be able to
make such instruments and such tools made with lydite.
can see, each piece fits exactly every kind of hand, never
mind how big the size of the hand was. Each instrument, each tool,
fits exactly each
using those instruments.
in joking,
I call it The Dentist's Chair… perfectly done, but again same
material: lydite. And the strange question is why, if they could make
such perfect figurines out of this very difficult material, why did
they show the human face always with big round eyes and a little nose
and a big mouth? There's no real explanation possible.
[left] looks a little bit like the Moai, the big stone statues from
Easter Island. Here [right] you have a close-up.
is again one piece from Colombia, lydite. On the front side you see
the mother holding the baby, and on the backside you see the man with
armours, most probably for hunting. |
figurine was found in Colombia. It looks exactly like the Moai
statues from Easter Island, but is only about 30 centimetres in size. |
is another masterpiece of stonework.
You have on both sides presented one bird, but if you look at the
front side [left] you can see that the two birds presenting a face.
And on the left side [right], between the bird's head and the
wings, you see again his unknown writing which we've found on stones
from all over the world. |
is the mother holding
a child, very strange face, and
it's a kind of jade material. |
from Colombia
showing an armadillo. On top of the armadillo, you
strange face with long ears and two horns on top. |
this artifact you can see a smiling face on top. You have two
triangles on this side [left] and
on the other side, on the right side, [right] you have a face. Again the animal face on the right side
and some unknown symbols. |
on the bottom of this object you see an animal… looks
like a crocodile. |
Guinea, West Africa
we are moving to Guinea, West Africa, very close to the border with
found on a huge granite mountain, the half-portrait of a lady done in
granite stone. The size of this statue from top of the head until the
middle of the torso is exactly 150 metres. So this is a real big
question: Who might have been able to do such a huge granite
half-portrait in a mountain at least 10- to- 12,000 years ago? |
Italian geologist, Professor Pitoni, was on the spot. He did these
photos. He checked the earth on the bottom of this mountain and his
calculation was that this stone monument must have been done at least
10- to- 12,000 years ago. But then we have the real big question: Who
could have been able to do such a big stone monument? Even in our
days it would be impossible, or it would cost so much money that it
would never be able to do.
if you look at the close-up
of the face, some experts told me that this face definitely is not
European, but also of course not black African. It must be either
South American or Asian culture. But then again, we are at the point
10- to- 12,000 years ago. It might be the civilisation, the lost
civilisation, from Atlantis.
to this area in Sierra Leone, Professor Pitoni was in charge of
diamond excavations. And as he heard, in this area a legend about
Allah was angry with some angels and he put them into stone and throw
them to the Earth. He put the sky... also made it into stone and
threw it to the Earth. And he put the stars and threw them to the
legend says that the sky, you can see in this stone –
they call them Sky Stones, sky-blue stones found in this area under
the earth. We did research in Vienna… this is definitely
artificial stone, it's not a natural stone, and other material could
be found. But the only thing they could not inform us is what kind of
colour did they use to get this real sky-blue colour.
stone figurines
found from 20 metres down to even 50 metres. Professor Pitoni always
took some organic material from the finding place and the age-dating
of those stone artifacts are from 2,500 years up to the oldest one,
17,000 years. Here [bottom right] you have a granite stone,
so-called Nomoli, with very nice encarving.
you have a man sitting on an elephant, as there are also the legends
of giants all over Africa. You know how big is an elephant! It's a
wonderful stonework; it's very hard and very heavy. |
are also
some artifacts showing half-human, or human, with the head of a
reptile holding a kind of pot in their hand and they could put
something inside this pot. And also on top of several Nomolis there
is a hole for putting something inside, and most probably they were
used for ceremonies.
you have a kind of animal…
it looks like a dinosaur. When Professor Pitoni found this statue, it
was making a strange noise, so he opened the statue and they found
inside a small black ball. You can see on the bottom of the statue
[above right] and this was iron material.
we did the research on this artifact and especially on this metal
ball, next morning the Professor called me and told me that somebody
must have done a bad joke to me.
I asked: Why? Because the result of the research was this metal
material is chrome
steel and chrome steel was found first time at the beginning of the
20th century in Austria. That means it was impossible inside a statue
with the age of approximately 17,000 years! |
when I called immediately Professor Pitoni
he was laughing and he said: I
am a geologist. If a statue is making a strange sound, I do not open
it just right away but I did several X-rays.
can see here on the right picture [above] one of the X-ray photos and you see
that inside the closed statue already the round ball, the chrome
steel ball was existing.
this X-ray
photo you can see exactly. And also Professor Pitoni saw that
this stone statue, in former days, already was opened, but perfectly
closed again. He called a specialist who opened it exactly concerning
this photo, the small stone ball which was closing the hole inside,
and you can see that the metal ball was already existing. |
of you might have watched several pictures, photos,
on the internet of giants, giant skeletons found in [the] desert in
India, in China and other places. Most of those photos were
competition photos to present Photoshop… perfectly done. I
also was quite impressed when I received first time one of those
these photos I’m
showing you now, they are definitely not
coming out from a Photoshop competition. These photos are real skulls
and skeletons.
skull was found into a tunnel system underground in Colombia. The
skull is dated up to 11,000 years. The skull is bigger than a normal
skull and the front teeth of the jaw are lined up in a different way
than our teeth.
BR: Something that occurs to me here is that there's a very strong pronounced jaw. It's a very prominent jaw-line, a very
here you see a photograph that was shown to us by a Project Camelot
insider. Now, this isn't a real photograph; this is a scene from the
old Arnold Schwarzenegger movie, Conan
the Barbarian.
What you’re seeing here is a special effect on the actor James
Earl Jones. The critical thing here is the shape of the jaw-line. |
who had spent time with the Annunaki in real time in the present day,
said that one of the things that characterises them besides their
size – which he says was eight or nine feet tall. He said
they’re very large and they’re very strong and they look
larger than that. But that’s round about their height, which
matches exactly the 2.6 metres that Klaus has been talking about. He
said there was a very prominent strong jaw-line, and this is what
strikes me about these skeletons, these skulls here that we're
looking at right now.
KD: I didn't know that...
BR: No, you need to know this!... Back to Klaus…
KD: So
once again, here you have a very old photo done in a museum in La
Valletta in Malta. It shows several long skulls and the explanation
is “deformed skulls”, but they are very long going to the
back. |
This is one of several very, very strange skulls. |
are presented in a small museum in Ica
in Peru. Ica is located close to the famous Nazca Lines and the
museum is called Museo Maria Reiche, the German lady who was
researching her whole life about the Nazca Lines. And in this museum
you can see the most strange skulls I ever saw, all found in this
area close to the Nazca Lines. So the question is: What kind of
humans were living there and how did they get those skull forms?
especially this one. Definitely
several doctors and experts told me it would not be possible to
create such a kind of deformation, because through deformation you do
not get the double bone material on the skull. And on this skull,
even you have particles of the skin and hairs, and I think it would
not be
difficult to do an age-dating, and especially a DNA analysis, of this
this picture I show you some legendary skeleton forms of giants. In
the year of 1964, in the south of Ecuador, in the province Loja,
there broke down a part of a mountain platform and Father Carlos
Vaca, who was working as a priest in hospitals, he was called to this
place and he found the broken bones of a giant.
BR: Good! Well, Klaus, I asked if you would take us on a journey, and
for the last nearly an hour, I think it is, you've taken us on a
fascinating journey, not only round the world but through time back
as long ago as 17,000 years!
a real reminder of how little we know about what our history really
is. These are important pieces of an important puzzle and you're
doing an enormous amount to raise peoples’ awareness of what it
is that we're not shown in many museums, what it is that we don't
read in anthropological textbooks, and what it is that many
university professors still refuse to recognise.
you so much for your part in helping to raise our own understanding
of our history on planet Earth. Klaus, thank you.
provided by the hard-working volunteer members of the Divine Cosmos/
Project Camelot/ Project Avalon/ Project Camelot Productions
Transcription Team. All the transcripts that you find on these sites
have been provided by the Transcription Team for the last several
years. We are like ants: we may be hidden, but we create clean
transcripts for your enjoyment and pondering.**
here for the PDF version of this interview (20 pages)
here for the video presentation
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Bill Ryan