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Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
29/11/2009 7:38:08 P.M. Eastern Standard Time
THE WORLD iS NOT ending on 10/21/2012 - that date is an energetic "11" 1 + 0 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 2 = 11 also the gregorgian calender, was set - to trick you and, to tip you 'off balance' your world, does NOT have 24 hrs in a day (clocks were made by MAN) AND, EVEN they do NOT keep perfect time (likely because machines are NOT perfect, and, when you manipulate things, things, do NOT always work out, in your favour) however, the moon/sun/venus-are points, that a great deal of measurement was done, by the ancients ones, who KNEW THE TRUTH MAYBE, iT iS TIME, TO FLOW in real 'cosmos' time NOT cosmic/nor galatic time (more on that, in the coming week) we believe we solved a riddle, back on 11/22/1993 (related to this) sure glad, we kept all our journals [/B] KULKULKAN through Susan/The eXchanger |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
1-15 SILVA MIND CONTROL -VS- Christianity
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=M1AZHJIAffE - 1-15 SILVA MIND CONTROL -VS- Christianity (this is a real interesting series) |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
YouTube- 2-15 SILVA MIND CONTROL -VS- Christianity |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
YouTube- 3-15 SILVA MIND CONTROL -VS- Christianity |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
YouTube- 4-15 SILVA MIND CONTROL -VS- Christianity |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
YouTube- 5-15 SILVA MIND CONTROL -VS- Christianity |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
YouTube- 6-15 SILVA MIND CONTROL -VS- Christianity |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
YouTube- 7-15 SILVA MIND CONTROL -VS- Christianity |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
YouTube- 8-15 SILVA MIND CONTROL -VS- Christianity |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
YouTube- 9-15 SILVA MIND CONTROL -VS- Christianity |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
YouTube- 10-15 SILVA MIND CONTROL -VS- Christianity |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
There is also a Sextant:
(A group of six) A configuration of six souls who work together over many lifetimes. The positions of a quadrate (4) are love, knowledge, power, support (or compassion), eccentric, and integrator. (are the 5th/and, the 6th) The first and fourth positions are strongest. YOU WILL HAVE ONE, within your family dynamics In my family, my natal family, i play the 5th position - of eccentric :mfr_lol: my mother obviously played integrator :lightsabre: love, from my dad :thumb_yello: knowledge, from my grand-dad :) knowledge, comes from the 10th Density soul family too :wub2: power, is a card, yet, to be played - maybe, my brother (that's interesting) support (or compassion), a card, yet to be played there's NO doubt, i have felt alone in this world AND, you will have other ones, related to your missions, your purposes, and, your tasks ie; i belonged to one group - a group of 4 souls, where, i supply KNOWLEDGE (missons) and, i belong to another group - where, i supply POWER (tasks) and, i belonged to another group - where, i supply KNOWLEDGE (purposes) ANY idea, which position do you think, you play ??? related to family / and-or, related to your missions, your purposes, and, your tasks ??? does that make you look, at your life, somewhat differently ??? we are all, NOT down here, doing it alone, that is for certain love/susan the eXchanger |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
I've done Silva method as well.
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
great to have your comments here eleni ... also ~ there is a lot of good questions tabled against the christians, by, the man, who developed silva no doubt, the man, opened up, many minds love/susan the eXchanger |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
The person, who did work with us,
that landed us, into our High Heart properly, was Suzanne Lie / aka Suzan Caroll of www.multidimensions.com her website, and, her work, is stellar her website, could keep you busy, for days-and, days love/susan the eXchanger |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
iF you think this world is moving fast
just wait for mar 8/2011 (2+0+1+1) = which could be seen, as, a year of 4 / or 22 we favour, looking at this, as a year of 22 3+8 = 11 also 8/3/2011 - is another pivotal date 1/1 - 2011 (22) 1-1- 22 1/8 - 2011 (22) 1 x 8 /22 1/10-2011 (22) 11/22 1/11 -2011 (22) 1 x 11 /22 1/22 -2011 (22) 1 x 22/22 2/2 - 2011 (22) 22/22 2 /11 -2011 (22) 2 x 11 / 22 3/3 - 2011 (22) 3/3/22 3/8 - 2011 (22) 11/22 3/11 -2011 (22) 3 x 11/22 3/22 -2011(22) 3 x 22/22 4/4 - 2011 (22) 4/4/22 4/11 -2011 (22) 4 x 11/22 4 /22-2011 (22) 4 x 22/22 5/5 - 2011 (22) 5-5/22 5/6 - 2011 (22) 11/22 5/11 -2011 (22) 5 x 11/22 5/22 2011 (22) 5 x 22/22 6/5 - 2011 (22) 11/22 6/6 - 2011 (22) 6-6/22 6/8- 2011 (22) 6 x 8 -22 6/11- 2011 (22) 6 x 11-22 6/22 - 2011 (22) 6 x 22/22 7/7 - 2011 (22) 7 -7 /22 7/8- 2011 (22) 7 x 8 /22 7/11 -2011 (22) 7 x 11/22 7/22 -2011 (22) 7 x 22/22 8/1 - 2011 (22) 8 x 1 /22 8/2 - 2011 (22) 8 x 2 /22 8/3 - 2011 (22) 8 x 3 /22 8/3- 2011 (22) 11/22 8/8 - 2011 (22) 8 - 8 /22 8/8- 2011 (22) 8 x 8 /22 8/11-2011 (22) 8 x 11/22 8/22-2011 (22) 8 x 22/22 9/9 - 2011 (22) 9-9-22 9/11 -2011 (22) 9 x 11/22 9/22 -2011 (22) 9 x 22/22 10/1/2011 (22) 11/22 10/8/2011 (22) 10 x 8 /22 10/10-2011 (22) 10 x 10 /22 10/11-2011 (22) 10 x 11 /22 10/22-2011 (22) 10 x 22 /22 11/1 2011 (22) 11 x 1 /22 11/2 2o11 (22) 11 x 2/22 11/3 2011 (22) 11 x 3/22 11/4 2011 (22) 11 x 4/ 22 11/5/2011 (22) 11 x 5/22 11/6/2011 (22) 11 x 6 /22 11/7/2011 (22) 11 x 7/22 11/8 /2011 (22) 11 x 8 /22 11/9/2011 (22) 11 x 9/22 11/10/2011 (22) 11 x 10/22 11-11-2011 (22) (11-11-11) a major gateway 11-11-2011 (22) 11 x 11 / 22 11-11/2011 (22) 22 / 22 11-22-2011 (22) (11-22-22) a major gateway 11-22/2011 (22) 33/22 11's 22's 33's are master numbers 8's are the ability to loop through levels multiples of 3 - like 1/1, 2/2, 3/3 ... up to 11/11 also you to install upgrades - and, bring parts of your consciousness back together again ~ seamlessly 2011 is going to be one very interesting year instead of folks taking decades, to walk up; and; through what they are, it appears, it is something that will be able to be done by many souls on earth within the space of 11 months & 22 days love/susan the eXchanger |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
from DR. SUZAN CARROLL http://www.multidimensions.com/TheVi...downloads.html (SOME OF THE BEST ONES; NEAR THE BOTTOM) YOU can listen to some of these, as, you work Our Multidimensional Journey to SELF Innervisions Meditations Innervisions Track 1 Innervisions Track 2 Innervisions Track 3 Innervisions Track 4 Becoming ONE Meditations Our Collective Consciousness Our Multidimensional SELF Choosing Love Traveling in Consciousness Aligning with our SELF and our Planet Becoming ONE with our Root Chakra Becoming ONE with our Navel Chakra Becoming ONE with our Solar Plexus Chakra Becoming ONE with our Heart Chakra Becoming ONE with our Throat Chakra Becoming ONE with our Brow Chakra Becoming ONE with our Crown Chakra Holographic Reality Meditations Holographic Reality Part 1 Holographic Reality Part 2 Holographic Reality Part 3 http://www.multidimensions.com/TheVi...downloads.html |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Maya 2012 series:
Misconceptions 2012 & Understanding Maya Calendar (part 1/2) | Carl Johan Calleman |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Maya Calendar: Money, economy, human changes happening now & Tips (part 2/2)
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Wow Susan, you've been busy! I will have to read and watch this later today when I have time. Looks like a lot of good info. Thank you for your efforts as always!
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Mistry at TED; The Sixth Sense - part 1
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
also, i noticed your tagline: Quote:
although, there are light encoded languages, and, you can ask, to remember them, in your dream_time creation, likely occured in a set of 7 aspects/or steps love/susan the eXchanger |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
sixth sense
part 2 |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
If someone does not know where they stand in regards to 3D,4D, etc, how do they figure this out?
If they notice a gradual change/shift in how they live their lives to where they move away from a materialistic nature, is this a sign of spiritual evolution? |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Hello Susan,
I have been a good girl today and stayed off the computer all day to finish some incomplete projects. Had a great session today with Robert, and fixed something today that was slated to get fixed in the future but got it fixed today instead. That`s good progress. Also noticed that this is the second time some beings worked on me to get me to view Robert with animosity or fear. There are already at least two out of the 12 of us that have gone off the rails because of someone got to them regarding working with Robert. I have identified so far 6 of the 12 of us and will see if I can find the other six. BTW, I have been told that some people on this forum have a `minty` colored background and that I should not type in white. What color is best... Are most people using the `minty`background....I will use pink for now. Okay, KulKulKan and Maitreya are part of 12, okay, I will be on the lookout then for personal verification of that, thanks for the heads up :-) best, gnosis |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
This was posted on the most recent "Masters of the Spirit World" website and I found it particularly appropriate and appealing.
All too often we think that getting the various skills will avoid the actual problems that need to be worked through --as though getting the skills can be in lieu of the lessons. QUESTION: I am feeling stuck! I have done so much work on myself and still I feel as if I can’t get past my hurdles. I have learned hypnotherapy, energy work, nutrition, meditation, emotional clearing—and still I struggle to feel whole, healthy, and well. What do I need to do to finally get it? ANSWER: You have been filling up your tool belt to get to work on yourself. You have, however, forgotten to take the tools out of their storage area in order to use them to journey forward. What you see as hurdles are the lessons which you selected to complete in this lifetime. The training that you have taken gives you the means of recognizing, working on, and gaining the knowledge of these lessons, but thinking you can stop there is a common but incorrect belief. Just taking the courses to get the information is insufficient. To use the qualities of the energy work you have studied for your soul’s growth, you have to apply a formula. Step one is to identify the desired knowledge (lesson) that is creating your hurdle. Step two is to see which of your tools will enable you to work through that particular situation. Step three is doing the work. Step four is completing the lesson. Step five is spending the time to understand why you had chosen to undertake that lesson and what you actually learned about yourself from that experience. And step six is turning that knowledge into wisdom so that you need never choose to do the lesson again. |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Here's a way to direct traffic from your site to PA/PC
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Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Mass UFO sightings across South America cause panic, video
Michael Cohen m.cohen@allnewsweb.com A wave of mass UFO sightings across South America is currently occurring, leaving bewildered witnesses wondering if indeed beings from other worlds might be visiting Planet Earth. Stunned residents of towns and villages across Argentina, Peru and Chile as well as other nations have seen multiple objects ranging from ‘mother ships’ to ‘Cigar-shaped’ crafts over the last week alone. In at least one case a power outage accompanied such an event. The event receiving most publicity occurred in Salta, Argentina where at 2am on the 27th of November the city plunged into complete darkness as it suffered a total electrical failure. Phones stopped working and even taps ran dry. Allegedly intense heat engulfed the town and a huge ‘mother ship’ type UFO was seen above the town studded with flashing lights. It is claimed that the town electricity failed at the moment the UFO was seen to pass over the power plant. Hundreds of individuals witnessed this UFO. UFO researchers and government authorities have descended on the area to investigate this incredible occurrence. In Lima, Peru hundreds of witnesses also observed, in amazement, at least seven seemingly other-worldly craft moving across the skies above their city. However some witnesses and UFO researchers have suggested that these might have been air balloons. In the town of Iquique in Chile a bizarre, glowing, multicoloured, cylindrical object was seen by residents last Friday. This object was also observed by dozens of locals who saw it vanish above cloud cover after moving over the city for at least half and hour. Finally, earlier in the month a UFO was seen by thousands of pilgrims to a spot where an apparition of The Virgin Mary is believed to have taken place. The UFO was filmed in this case and handed over to investigators but has not been made public. These astonishing events have been picked up by local media outlets whose journalists are asking the question: Has first contact with aliens begun? |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Reporters asking the question Has contact begun? I would say mass sightings have begun, but contact is a different story:naughty:
I was under the impression that UFO sightings is common to the people of those areas & that the existence of ET's is very much part of their folklore. So I am wondering why all the hoopla......or is their another agenda going on, involving the press? One can't help but wonder about everything now. |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
When you speak of "truth"(in caps or not..)
do you mean..fact? or truism? |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
they eXisted In families, that did NOT embrace the church, they eXisted and, the stories passed down, show contact, has eXisted for a long time trouble is, most were too scared to speak out you see, many of them, too, also heard the stories of 'witch' burnings, and, 'killings' in 'cold blood' and, running for your life, since, if you didn't - for eXample in the UK you had 2 options - catholic / or protesant your choice !!! (in ireland, they still fight) after 1490, and, the huge holocaust (that was NOT recorded in history books in south/central/and, north america) who do you think, then owned all the land ??? certainly, NOT the people and, if you can NOT own real estate it is very hard, to ever get rich of course, a church, can make people strave to death very easily, generally speaking, and, most people want to eat, so, they aligned with the church sinful, but true my original home, i could NOT afford to buy it today my 2nd home, i could NOT afford to buy it today and, the 3rd home, the one, i am, currently in, it has appreciated 3.8 times, in value, from what i paid for it, approx 17 years ago people in south america, it is pretty hard, for most of them, to afford to buy land, etc., however, there are a lot of immigrants there and, likely, i'll bet the statistics of ownership of land between churches & immigrants vs. the people who have been their for the last 700 years likely follows an 80/20 rule (and, likely, it is worse than that) i do know, the internet, has assisted many people in building online businesses, from south america, to the rest of the world and, has really helped the 'little gals and little girls' just look at all the 'powersellers' on 'ebay' Recent tax stats, are starting to show more and more people, own home based business, they have to, in order, to maximize their deductions (and, income tax - now, that was a temporary war debt tax, that, is anything, but, temporary) :mfr_lol: love/susan the eXchanger |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
We will try to get to "all the email" later tonight ;) :mfr_lol:
It's day one of a new month CHECK OUT THE MOON TONIGHT - it is awesome !!! and, do a little moon-bathing that is, what, i am about to do !!! Get a little sun-light / star-light / and, moon-light daily !!! LOVE, SUSAN THE eXchanger We also have a 'blue' moon this New Year's Eve - December 31st 2009 we were born under a 'blue moon' with an almost 'full moon' at 25-26 degrees of cancer !!! and, an 18-19 north node in libra and, a 25 ACQ 25 midheaven and, a 22-33 gemini ascendant with the sun at 5 degrees of capricorn 7lk - The Day of The Wind God-Goddess ;) |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Private Question: Hi Susan
I am having a read of your recent thread... good thread by the way... bit long but I'll get through it... Anyway how do you come by this?? How do you know? Are you accessing your Akashic records.. if so how? quote...Susan/The eXchanger is a 6th level Old Soul-C1E7 #343 kind Regards XXXXX/XXXX ANSWER: We stumbled on the michael teachings, in the early 1980's~when a friend in california, posted us a book, called "Messages from Michael" with a little slip of paper, inserted in it, that said, you are: "king/sage-old soul" and, the comment, "would love to know, what you think of this book!!!" That was back in the days, when you utilised the phone, and/or send actual 'real' letters to friends, that took, one week, each way. It wasn't until recently, when a friend was browsing through my books that, they said, did you know this author, and, i said, NO, and, they said, well, the book is signed. We often wondered about the king/sage, old soul written on the piece of paper, and, it was, still sitting within, the front cover, and, first page. We had one of the first laptops from ibm, our transportable telephone weighed over 8 lbs and, i think, that laptop likely weighed about 30lbs (and, cost the company around $35,000.00 cdn dollars Fortunately, around 1988, we got a 2nd laptop - perhaps, what might be called a 2nd generation laptop we believe, it was the first, light weight computer and, it only weighed about 12-13 lbs, and, came in a well designed, well padded carrying case, and, likely cost the company, about $10,000. We still have it, and, the battery in it, never died (it still turns on/and, still operates on 'first choice') LOL and, was likely engineered to military standards. It could dial up via the telephone to the big computer mainframe and, you just clicked-in. in those 'old days' we had a clever computer programmer at work and, we got on the old internet/called the irc by dialing up a telephone number in toronto and, you got clicked in/or, connected. i could tell some really funny, odd and, strange stories about, a lot of things, related to using the old chat relays including weird ads, and, strange people and, of course, having fun, telling someone, i was NOT from earth, but, was from some other planet, like Mars, but mostly , i said, i was from Venus. In those old days, you had to really trust your ability to inititate, and, utilise the real sense in your gut. There was likely NO way to trace/or track you, and, i have to admit, it was a hell of a lot of fun !!! Of course, in hind_sight, i am sure, that some of them, the other chatters, actually where, from other planets !!! And, i can recall, some very interesting conversations, related to spirituality, that would very likely make, very good book material. I travelled for business, throughout the 80's, and, in the last half of that decade, towards the very end, like in 1988, 1989, 1900, we always had a transportable telephone weighing about 8 lbs/and, a 'real' laptop computer which most people, had NEVER even SEEN one before. Most people, associated a computer with something, the size of a 10ft x 10ft room. i DID SOME THINGs, back then, that, you would NEVER do today, and, get away with, as, you'd likely go straight to jail, if you did. One day, flying from Toronto to Chicago, i boarded the plane early, i always hated the last minute rush to the airport, and, always tried to get the first flight of the day, due to changes, i always had to make in Chicago, and, the horrific, layout of that airport... checking in, in Toronto, was always good, as, they checked you, and, your baggage, straight through to your destination, and, you cleared customs, in canada, prior to entering into the USA. This, one day, a gentleman, sat down beside me, and, he smiled at me, of course, with a transportable phone, and, a lap top, that you were able to dial into the irc, and, since, the plane wasn't taking off/or landing, you definitely, had time for a little bit of fun, sometimes, more than, just a little bit of fun, as, you could totally, and, completely freak some people out. Not many, were very aware a spirits, and, spirituality, back then. As he checked his seat number, and, stowed away a few things, in the overhead compartment, He smiled, and, he said, to me, "well, hello, there...so, where are you from"... in a very american type of accent, likely from Boston., Mass. and, I replied..."well, hello, there, right back at you"... with a smile, and, a bit of a phase... "i am, not from around here, so, where are you from ???"... and, he smiled, and, replied, "neither, am i, i am heading back home to the coast"... and, i smiled back at him, as, i realised, he was likely sizing me up, rather than sizing up the airline stews, who back in those days, most of them, were totally gorgeous. And, he said, to me, "so, seriously, where are you from???".... and, I replied, with big wide opened eyes, and, slightly raised eyebrows... "are you sure, you want to know ??? And, he nods his head, with engaging eyes, and, says, "yes, i would like to know" and, i say, "you got to promise me, as, i leaned forward, "really promise me, that, if i tell you, where i am from, that you will NOT tell anyone, what i tell you." He looks at me, with an strange look, but, engaging eyes, and, a strong element of curiousity, as, he says; "no, of course, i promise, i won't tell anyone" So, i look at him, very directly, and, say "well, as, i said, i am NOT from around here", and, i paused, as, i continued, "in fact, i am NOT even from earth", he looked quite startled, as, i said, "i am from Venus, and, i am, here on a very serious mission" and, gave him a very serious look, with a set of levelled eyes, along with a mischevious smile. I motioned to the chat rolling on the screen, and, said, "see, look here, i was just communicating to my superiors". By the look on his face, i thought, he'd just **** his pants. He was really tossed up, there was NO doubt, he was curious as hell, but, he was scared to, look at me, and, he was scared to, look at the screen. What a toss up !!! He looked like, if bolting was an option, he was going to take it, but, he had already strapped himself, into his airplane seat, and, if he told anyone else, what was going on, they'd likely think, he was crazy, and, i was normal. Anyway, there were always, a lot of good sports on the irc, many who, were looking to fulfil, their ultimate fantasies, sometimes, the crazier the conversation, the better, other women, on the irc, was likely a 'rare' occurence, however, there were many, who posed as women, who where men, likely trying to get a few 'jollies'. It was a very wild world online, way back then. I've often wondered, if the phrase, to pee, your pants laughing, was, started, on the irc... because, a lot of very funny things occured, over and, over again, that would be cause, for you, to howl with laughter. And, it was a very unsusal eXpereience, to have a box, full of people chatting to other people, in front of you, that, could have that type of effect on you, it also, put a spin, on the phrase, "you are NOT alone". There were times, you chatted to people, where you became, very aware, of the eXistence, of beings, within the ethers, that were looking at you, aka as "remote viewing" you, and, often you felt the feeling, someone/or something, was actually 'right there' looking at you. As, many could describe things, about you, that they could NOT do, unless, they were actually there, doing that. it started to put a spin on, paying attention, great attention, to what was around you, the seen/and, the unseen There were times, when a 'strange fly' would enter the room and, you could swat at it, and, swat at it, and, you there was NO way to hit it, it just appeared, to disappear. Was it there, or, NOT there, you'd ask yourself, however, it was, strange, strange stuff. There were times, that, if you didn't utilise major pyschic skills, of protection, you would NOT only feel like your feet, were in a pit of vipor snakes, but, you could feel things, trying to climb up your legs, and, if you were NOT properly protected, some of these, invisable things, actually left bites/marks/and, scratches. This, we know, was a major awakening point for us, and, you started to research things, we know, we were always hungry, to find out, almost everything, about anything. There was no doubt, that, you could 'click in' and, 'click out', and, 'block others' just as easily, as, they could do the same to you. It opened up, a 'sea' of 'information', impossible to find, in books. It was definitely, a place, one could invest/or, even waste endless hours of time if you allowed it, and, it was definitely, a place, where a myraid other, highly developed, technology oriented, individuals, with brilliant minds, gathered - to chat / and, to eXchange. As, with the guy, who sat beside me on the aircraft, another 'player' on 'the line' was more than happy, to chat, to a lady from venus, and, a conversation took place, while, the man sitting next to me, on the aircraft, did NOT know what to feel, sense or see, and, as, i sat there, typing to the other chatter, whilst, reading his mind, which, was quite amusing. He was siting there, thinking, all sorts of things, thoughts, that ran the gambit, from, is this woman, really from venus ? is she really talking to her superiors ? tell me, i have just fallen asleep, and, i am dreaming this? have i fallen asleep, and, this is the start of the nightmare ? is the candid camera show filming here, and, i am about to get caught - so, i should just play along ? and, the funny one, he was thinking... if i told someone else, this was going on, they'd likely lock me up, and, think, i am the crazy one... hehehe--yup, way back then, i could read minds (and, a word of caution--i still can) LOL When a couple of other guys, got on the plane, in the first class section, they were quite friendly, and, inquired, as, to what, type of piece of machinery, i was working on, and, what exactly, i was doing... he knew better, than, to tell them, i was from Venus, otherwise, they'd likely of thought, he was crazy, and, i was normal. Yup, i had a lot of fun, on that old transportable phone, and connecting to the old irc, via that laptop... there is NO doubt, they just don't make laptops like that anymore. One day, i am likely to get it out, plug it in, and, put it into the phone jack, just to see, if it will still dial up, the irc. Living in the big city of Toronto, certainly, had a lot of advantages,, and, there still are quite a few people here, old friends, who, lived through the onslaught of pre-regular internet providers. We even had a computer, in our school, in the 70's from IBM I recall, when, all of a sudden, it was going to be a pay-per-use and, a lot of people, freaked out, how dare, they charge us, for using the irc, etc., Geez, i can remember when AOL started, and, bills came in, that were literally hundreds of dollars per month. It certainly beat, posting things, and, waiting 2 weeks, for replies. Anyway, back, when AOL started, we got on the internet, one day, after being on the internet, for quite sometime, the topic came up, about 'messages from michael", and, we decided to search for things about "michael entity" online, since, the book, had fascinated us, and, we were hungry to know me. So, we joined a group online www.michaelteachings.com and, were amased,a t all that we found. There was a channel, named Shepherd Hoodwin, who channelled this mid-causal entity group, from www.summerjoy.com, The Michaels, would be similiar to The Founders, channeled by Sal Rachele, or, The Group, by Steve Rother. So, we choose to pay him, about $35 to channel a professional chart for us. In 2003/2004 - for christmas, we purchased a chart from Emily of www.causalworks.com for Sal Rachele, and, at the same time, purchased a chart for ourselves, to compare data - when they came in, we discovered the two of us, where both in c1e7 and, we discovered, that two professional channels, channeled exactly the same thing. We discovered that it was possible, to find out, our 'raw numbers' within our cadre/entity - or, soul family, so, we had a friend of the 2nd channel, contact her friend, and, we were given our 'raw numbers' of 343 and, 1029 We found it, both enlightening, and, interesting, and, it did, express, very well, what the two of us, both believed, it definitely did relate to our own global jobs/or missions-purposes-or tasks on earth. To your question, yes, we can access 'akashic records', and, we are certified/and, qualified to teach courses, in them. love/susan the eXchanger (we will continue in the next message) there are a lot of emails / private messages etc., and, a few stories to share |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
by one of our old mentor/teachers who did some sound encoding, etc., for us back in 2004 Mark David's journey began with creative and spiritual writings. He coaches, consults, and guides writers to connect in the moment and not be a judgmental which allows one to write. The development... He is orig. from toronto... and, he helped me with some of his 'sound encoding' and, as he said, 'knocking down my walls of jericho" LOL His blog is here: http://markdavidmuse.blogspot.com/20...e-journey.html blog His website is here: http://www.markdavidgerson.com/index.html website When we started our radio show, he gave us a testimonial, which we treasure. "Susan/The eXchanger is a powerful healer and bridge-builder, a conscious link between the dimensions and realms. Her work, only now beginning to move from her and out into the world, it carries the potential to connect many with the heart-source of their divine nature." Mark David Gerson www.markdavidgerson.com |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
We are trying to respond to all the questions
(there have been a lot of them) one question, in particular - has created a book and, made it necessary, to complete a project This is good !!! thanks Humble Janitor ;) Love/Susan The eXchanger |
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