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Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
We would suggest some of you
listen to this: avalon eXisted (june 2007) http://audioam.blogtalkradio.com/show_183382.mp3 starts 1:02:29 min |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
"Goggle and Helmet" ON AIR Readings with Kerrie O'Connor...
Kerrie O'Connor has remained actively clairvoyant, clairaudient and clairsentient since birth. In addition to being a Reiki Master, an Incan Shamanism Initiate, a Medium of the Doreen Virtue School, and a certified teacher/practitioner of the EMF Balancing Technique®, Kerrie is the singular resource for all LightStream[TM] guidance. www.Kerrieoconnor.com LINK TO THE SHOW: http://www.blogtalkradio.com/soulnew...Kerrie-OConnor from: 67:13 minutes to 73:46 minutes "You are an ancient one, aren't you !!! "You are just glowing in this energy." |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
WE ARE HERE Many people transporting themselves, to the winning side !!! AGAPE/or LOVE is 'the end goal' it is, what occurs after the good work is done !!! THE WORD alone, does NOT eXplain THE PROCESS THE WORD agape/or love is THE GOAL There are component parts, all of us, need to learn and, there are componet parts, to The eXchange esp; that old eXchange the one that needs to crash and burn ~ WHICH iS happening albeit, for new eXchange to come in the old eXchange, must, for a time, ride side saddle, to the new one, before, the horse, gets tried, and, needs to dump off, the old/and, the tired load, and, continue on, with the new eXchange in its saddle it is you, who decide, what it is, you eXchange in it is you, who governs, your choices Within, this new eXchange We all got to remember - we are The eXchangers (NOT them) we do the labours, that creates 'real' eXchange and, that most importanty, we are powerful beings of choice it is us, who welds, the abilitity to eXercise the choice there is a time, where 'no' is the right answer there is a time, when 'no' is the right way and, starting a process to eXamine all eXchanges has folks, turning off tvs; stopping reading mags; turning off cell phones; and, crippling, the old exchangers, who lined their pockets, mostly with greed, and, with utilising tactics, of sublim programs, that entranced, an untrained mind those who escalated prices, to cripple people, and, moved into greater levels of greed, there is a time, for that to stop, and, it is you, who activates, the ability to say - no more Also, there comes a time, when all, must consider, that all is a choice... and, who come to the realisation all they need to do, is ask ask, to take back your energy, your force, and, your power and, ask to simply, reclaim it, RECLAiM iT NOW, and, thread that, all of the energy, of all that you have been right back into THE PiVOT of THE NOW ONCE, you know, how iT iS to eXpress The Truth of The Trine of Completion, that is within all, this The Truth of The Trinty of Completion (you quickly discover, that the greatest lie ever told to humanity, was this: that the trinity/or the trine, was, made of "some father/some son and some holy ghost" as, that is NOT truth, not truth at all those things, are SEPARATE As, for the grandmothers, and, mothers IT SEEMS, that a decision was made, around the third/and, fourth centuries (200/300 ad) that it, would be, a good idea, to eliminate them, to get rid of them, to leave them out, something, likened to the 'you are born dirty' live when you are born, you are born in complete/and, in total alignment with your higher self/essence/and, monad from the 7th, 8th, and, 9th density They these people, that we refer to as "The iLLs" took energy, took force, and, took power away under the guise, of we will keep you safe under the guise, of we will look after your interests under the guise, of total surrender THERE is TO BE, NO TOTAL SURRENDER to anything, other than, your own '13 aspects' as, it, and, only it, will take you home home is where the heart is emotionally speaking heaven is where your head is intellectually speaking heaven is where your feet/and, your physical earth body/or temple are ironically, you are all there, there is this NOW, to create, and, to co-create, with one another to make a heaven, right where you are Home eXists All Visions Eternally in NOW That is , what an ideal heaven, really iS They got rid, of the divine feminine, all, but, left them, out of the 'real' equations or, turned them into common ones, or, even whores, which truly, is NOT a truth about the divine feminine For without, the divine feminine, and, the divine masculine coming back again, together, NOT only within your selves / or 13 aspects They come to meet, and, to greet, and, to eXchange, as, the equal parts, that they are everything, is always, a greater part, of another whole. WHOLE, AND, COMPLETE, iT equals/or equates to THE ROUND to eXplore, the 7th, 8th, and, 9th densites of YOUR SELFS (13) TO eXpand, the higher self, the essence, and, the monad is where, it truly, is at !!! the answer lies within, as, my old friend Garland, of www.theuniverselieswithin.com, used to say, in fact, he published a paper on this, way back, maybe 25 years ago !!! For truly, here you all are, searching at 4th density level of etheric world or, 5th density of low astral or, 6th density of high astral when, there truly eXists, so much more The Hidden Hand Harvests of 6th density - are laughable You simply do NOT want to get harvested to 4th, 5th, or 6th DENSITY WORLDS We know this, as, we have NOT only walked through it ourselves, but, the one, who is currently typing my words, she has, walked through it, as a part of her own learning, how it is, to eXpress THE 13 KEYS of eXK !!! which is all a part of a great body of work which is starting a process of revealing itself NOW BE a PiECE of PEACE WE COME iN PEACE WE GO, iN PEACE KULKULKAN, The Forever Grandfather CULCULCAN, The Forever Grandmother The Group of Thirty-Three (33) through Susan/The eXchanger |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
they created all these myriad of probems to put fear into you, to scare you, silly and, they did Instead, they created the solutions, already well, within their hand, cooked up, to make you think you were safe and, in the process, the more you thought you were safe the more control, they could eXercise over you... and, they have attempted to OWN it all and, although, their forms of exchange is, what many of you, think makes the world go round, truly, it is, NOT the true eXchange, that holds the real worth YOU ARE the container - that holds all the keys, all 13 of them, of your truth isn't it time, to show them just who you really are, and, do that eloquently, they can NEVER OWN your true being NOT ever it is, what it is, that you allow into any eXchange that rises, the eXchange in its value if you eXchanged hand to hand with others and, did NOT enter, their eXchange just how quickly, do you think, without your energy, and, your blood, the real friuts of your labours, with that missing ... it would make, and, it would take, its Fall There is a grand page, within 'the cosmos' and, it is turning ... the horses, they are ready... all it takes, is for you, is to get on !!! Remember everything is energy, and, everything is energetic transfer, so, eXchange is energy and, your energy, is the 'real' eXchange start a process to monitor it be what it is, that you choose to allow WE ARE HERE, to help you !!! The choice, is always yours !!! THE 13 KEYS of eXK !!! which is all a part of a great body of work which is starting a process of revealing itself NOW (it needs an artist - ANT, are you A-Round):naughty: BE a PiECE of PEACE WE COME iN PEACE WE GO, iN PEACE KULKULKAN, The Forever Grandfather CULCULCAN, The Forever Grandmother The Group of Thirty-Three (33) through Susan/The eXchanger (it needs an artist - ANT, are you A-Round :lmao: |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
LOVE and HATE are ONE ~osho
two sides of the same coin !!! http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5-7JSIDgcLk |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
THE BEINGS that are attacking...
do NOT read this thread, it is, like poison to them if you want to find them identify; who is under attack take a look at their profile take a look at who is looking YOU WILL never find them, clicking into my site - or, profile or, pictures or, back office however, they are doing that-on some of the other profiles IF YOU WANT SOME REAL MAGIC it is, right here We wrote another 13 keys, to stop them this morning !!! eXchange requires, other people NOT just reading, but, particpating too !!! WE ARE HERE... where are you ??? |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
we are trying to make a movie with movie maker :)
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Husband: "What did you do today Honey?". Wife: "I staved off a head on collisions between the Death Star and the Galactic fleet with the help of another priestess." Husband: "Wow that's wonderful. Ummm, mind if I watch some tv?" Wife: "No, move over and I'll join you -- want me to order a pizza?" Just another day on 3D Earth :lmao: Which world is real? They all are, or, none of them are. It is relative to where one is standing--spiritually. Where two or three are gathered together (with high spirited intention).... best, gnosis |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
"At this point 2,223 women including the mayor's wife, the police chief's wife, and one five-year old girl were standing in the park to save the world. The news quickly spread and soon women were standing all over the country. The story ended with women standing in every country throughout the globe, standing to save the world."
Sends good chills up my spine -- better than Ghandi even!!! love, gnosis |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Your husband, needs a different type of PieSe :mfr_lol:
definitely an interesting way to spend a day ;) |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Hello eXchanger,
Your boldness is infectious. I sense a Sea Change. Gnosis |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
sorry piSSa
in that type, both serpents are rising LOL |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Ahh… these were the days...
When Insults Had Class These glorious insults are from an era before the English language got boiled down to 4-letter words. The exchange between Churchill & Lady Astor: She said, "If you were my husband I'd give you poison." He said, "If you were my wife, I'd drink it." A member of Parliament to Disraeli: "Sir, you will either die on the gallows or of some unspeakable disease." "That depends, Sir," said Disraeli, "whether I embrace your policies or your mistress." He has had delusions of adequacy." - Walter Kerr "He has all the virtues I dislike and none of the vices I admire." - Winston Churchill "I have never killed a man, but I have read many obituaries with great pleasure." Clarence Darrow "He has never been known to use a word that might send a reader to the dictionary." - William Faulkner (about Ernest Hemingway). "Thank you for sending me a copy of your book; I'll waste no time reading it." - Moses Hadas "I didn't attend the funeral, but I sent a nice letter saying I approved of it." - Mark Twain "He has no enemies, but is intensely disliked by his friends.." - Oscar Wilde "I am enclosing two tickets to the first night of my new play; bring a friend.... if you have one." - George Bernard Shaw to Winston Churchill "Cannot possibly attend first night, will attend second.... if there is one." - Winston Churchill, in response. "I feel so miserable without you; it's almost like having you here." - Stephen Bishop "He is a self-made man and worships his creator." - John Bright "I've just learned about his illness. Let's hope it's nothing trivial." - Irvin S. Cobb "He is not only dull himself; he is the cause of dullness in others." - Samuel Johnson "He is simply a shiver looking for a spine to run up." - Paul Keating "In order to avoid being called a flirt, she always yielded easily." - Charles, Count Talleyrand "He loves nature in spite of what it did to him." - Forrest Tucker "Why do you sit there looking like an envelope without any address on it?" - Mark Twain "His mother should have thrown him away and kept the stork." - Mae West "Some cause happiness wherever they go; others, whenever they go.." - Oscar Wilde "He uses statistics as a drunken man uses lamp-posts... for support rather than illumination." - Andrew Lang (1844-1912) "He has Van Gogh's ear for music." - Billy Wilder "I've had a perfectly wonderful evening. But this wasn't it." - Groucho Marx 'the truth iS a hard-swallow" - Susan /THE eXchanger OK to share with this post line: http://www.projectavalon.net/forum/s...t=17838&page=7 let's get people here to PA/PC !!! |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
sure - add a link to
http://www.projectavalon.net/forum/s...t=17838&page=7 might attract someone to come see what PA/PC is all about !!! |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
perhaps, you could stop copying threads,
when you reply-it takes up a lot of room- and, THE MODS here, ask us, to clip/and, cut (if possible) |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Here's an insult from the South US: "He was so ugly that his Momma had to tie a pork chop around his neck so the dog would play with him." I know this isn't as classy as your lines, but it is an insult. I have more...some not appropriate here, probably.
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Greetings Linda...
that was funny !!! We were reading our journals post camelot-pre avalon and, found a very interesting one~full of suggestions for bill & kerrie but, it appears-it likely was never sent some of it, really eXplains, where our thoughts were at, what was transpiring etc., NOT sure, if this would make interesting reading or, NOT ??? WHAT DO YOU THINK ? |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
"Masters of the Spirit World" website
QUESTION: I am feeling stuck! I have done so much work on myself and still I feel as if I can’t get past my hurdles. I have learned hypnotherapy, energy work, nutrition, meditation, emotional clearing—and still I struggle to feel whole, healthy, and well. What do I need to do to finally get it? ANSWER: You have been filling up your tool belt to get to work on yourself. You have, however, forgotten to take the tools out of their storage area in order to use them to journey forward. What you see as hurdles are the lessons which you selected to complete in this lifetime. The training that you have taken gives you the means of recognizing, working on, and gaining the knowledge of these lessons, but thinking you can stop there is a common but incorrect belief. Just taking the courses to get the information is insufficient. To use the qualities of the energy work you have studied for your soul’s growth, you have to apply a formula. Step one is to identify the desired knowledge (lesson) that is creating your hurdle. Step two is to see which of your tools will enable you to work through that particular situation. Step three is doing the work. Step four is completing the lesson. Step five is spending the time to understand why you had chosen to undertake that lesson and what you actually learned about yourself from that experience. And step six is turning that knowledge into wisdom so that you need never choose to do the lesson again. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ add on "do all that, and, will it to be, so, it will be, and, so it is... that 7th step - which brings you full circle, into The Round which iS "OCT/8" that lovely infinite loop of pure magic and, you are done !!! easy/simple and fun !!!" We hear, some of you like that sort of thing !!! also, we hear, some of you like humour !!! iS that true ???" susan/The eXchanger & KULKULKAN |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Gnosis |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
someone knocked down one of my threads, on another site ...
my comment about that... 'the truth iS a hard-swallow" susan/THE eXchanger |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
"For those who believe in
THE DiViNE MAGiC in ACTiON ~NO eXPLAiNATiON iS necessary... For those who do NOT no explanation will ever be enough" susan / The eXchanger |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
3/17/2009 10:42 PM
COMMENT FROM STEVEN HAIRFIELD, www.hairfield.com CHECK OUT: http://audioam.blogtalkradio.com/show_184334.mp3 AT 1:29:29 minutes into the show Susan/The eXchanger says: I believe i am here to do something signifant Steven Hairfield: "yes, you are, you are here as a teacher" "when are you going to write ???" "your knowledge was what you brought here to operate on" Susan: I feel like a candle, trying to hold itself up to a torch Steven Hairfield: "If it wasn't for the candle, the torch would NOT be lit." Susan says: "Do you think my 111 keys real ? Steven Hairfiled: "Yes" "it's part of your old ancient path, your experience, in Atlantis, it is your knowledge" "you came to bring people to a higher conscious - contact intercircle publishing, i'll help you get published." |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Elder's Meditation of the Day - December 17
"Hear me! A single twig breaks, but the bundle of twigs is strong." --Tecumseh, SHAWNEE You can take one arrow and break it in half. But if you take 13 arrows in a bundle, it's almost impossible to break any of them. There is strength in Unity. When we are together we are very powerful. This is the way the ancestors told us we need to be. Strong. We need to unite ourselves. This is why the Elders say, when we make decisions, we must first consider the good of the people. If every person in the community thinks this way, then we will always make strong decisions. Creator, let my decisions have the strength of the bundle. |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
"good god - direct "
susan/the eXchanger |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
let us, give you a little ride through history... you might enjoy it YOU SEE, they destroyed many records from the burning of books in alexandria to destroying the mayan books around 1490 they hunted down 'elven' * ~ magical german people (see more, below here, cause i will eXpand it for you) they hunted down 'snakes' ~ magical irish people they hunted down anyone ~ who would NOT be cath-o-lick :lmao: THEY DESTROYED MANY MANY MANY PEOPLE !!! and, although it is true, many jews died, likely 1/3 of them the other 2/3's NEVER get so much as a mention i can tell you this, the 'evil' christians, they turned the 'elven' aka elber and, even a few other names that some of us, still know aka alpî, elpî (in plural form) or, ak, alp, or elp (in singular form) elves, elben, elpen(in plural form) elf, elb, elp (in singular form) fey (in plural form) faere/or fairy (in singular form) Which going back, and, access the information of The Grand Cycles, and, the great falls The elven, were part of the 'green side' of 'The Round' this eXisted within Avalon/and, Camelot another Grand Cycle they were, the real ones magical ones, these The High German Magical Ones known, as the "elven" and, these evil christans wrote books casting the elvin, into being, really horrible things~ so easy, to throw rocks, when you are, eXactly, what it is, that, is throwing the rocks We know this, as, we turned on all our DNA, 13 conscious units, the main strand/or pair, iS humanoid, it is what allows us, to incarnate it is what is known, as, "THE ORIGINAL SPARK" (a phrase, we coin, in all our work) but, the other 12 pairs, or 24 strands iN US, they are split 1 group - or, The Original Spark 6 groups -or 50% elemental/or elven or, fey/faere/or fairy (or, any of the assortment of other-mentioned above) and, then 6 groups - angelic / or celestial-cosmic it's really interesting ~ in fact, you could say, as, this person says: You know what, I want to know the WHYS of YOU, too! Recently i decided that you are beyond my level (not better than me but beyond me). Getting something about "comprehension." (see below) I was "blown away" by all the implants and "installations" in your chakras revealed in the analysis. It was almost like you were a "bionic woman" of sorts. I was shown some of them. (see below) They "remake us" into who we are with the implants, encodements, programs, etc. (NAME WITHHELD) AS, i currently do NOT support this person's work NOR, do i refer people to them too much work, to explain to others what they do ~ and, everything they identiified, i got to pull out myself - cause they were busy, doing other people by the time, they got to me, i'd already addressed my own issues although-in fairness to them, they likely did help out also, there was a very serious 'integrity issue' in how they communicate, to others, which had them telling someone something, that was NOT accurate, and, it was misconstrued, and, resulted in a 'lost friendship" with someone, i have known, for a very long time, from florida...i did over 70 hrs, of work, on that person for free they were positive, this person, was OUT to KILL them removing some of the 'guardian devils' etc., is nasty, nasty business along with suppressor parasite entites, etc.etc.etc, There is a reason, they were NOT able to see everything !!! (see below) They should pay closer attention to what they write: keyword: Getting something about "comprehension" "comprehension" it is about getting lessons, from students and, knowing, that the worlds greatest teachers, are, also the best students we NEVER stop our quest for learning, NOT EVER !!! NOW, we do NOT allow this person to view us !!! |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
the old pa/pc >>> what is it doing there ??? isn't this the stuff that was lost http://www.fakeculture.com/avalon/fo...?t=2525&page=4 the eXchangers thread |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
so, where are the 'real' seekers of truth ???
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Hi Susan, I enjoyed reading the data you've collected but didn't see too much about the sun and it's role. I was wondering what you have gleaned about this as Astralwalker recently mentioned his ET contacts informed him the sun was going to do some major stuff in the first half of 2013.
As for the rest... I'm just here to serve and fulfill my prebirth commitments. |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
eXchanger: I do like your ideas/they are stories and you should send them into the PLW content section. I think my only role in PLW was to keep the energy going by continuing to post during the Yahoo Group phase. Seeingterra and I were two that stayed the course, kept it breathing. Now, wisdom materials can come from the ones meant to give it...your writing style is what I call "stream of consciousness" and is sometimes difficult to interpret at times, so you will need an editor for the (translation). A left-brain balancing for the right-brain stream. This was a compliment, I trust you understand...Anyway, just click on the link provided by Seeingterra's thread. You can begin input any time. The time is now. PM me about something newly uncovered. LB:wink2::wink2: |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
is it my wild imagination or what ? many people here have lots of issues with race-creed-etc ANSWER: WE ARE HERE NO, it is NOT a wild imagination your imagination is one of the best tools that you have the mind, is merely, one part, of the totality of THE EQUATION THAT equals your POTENTIAL eXpressions there are 13 keys, to understanding this there are 13 keys, to protection and, there are 111 keys - the eXchanger can NOT afford, to produce on her own !!! many, who are here, in these times are here, due to 'past' ways, they eXpressed themselves some good, some NOT so good, although, there really is no 'wrong' choices, there certainly is, 'wrong' doings many, who are here, are to 'right' the wrongs (no, matter, who it is, that, has done them) you do, to be you be, to do it is, that simple The sooner, you all realise The sooner, all realise, that if you take a look, at the skin colour, you are in likely, in your last lifetime, you likely had some trouble - with that colour that is ~ just, the way it works !!! What you hate, is eXactly, what it is, that you actually become normally, this manifest, in your neXt lifetime, or life cycle (some people-work as guides, between lifetimes in a life cycle) you transport, many things, from one lifetime/or life eXistence, to the neXt one we have often said, that, the spark of the eye that, the smile that lands on the cheek that, the energetic eXpression that you carry the highs/and, lows of the hearts the highs/and, lows of the minds (yes, plural, as, you have higher / and, lower-and, even a zero-point in a heart, and, in a mind all of it, in it's complete/yet, NOT totally processed eXpression all of it, it's 'grand' potentials transport forward with you you have many things, that make up, your compleX being, and, beingness for the greatest truth of all, it is, that you can NEVER master anything, if hate, is within your harbour Be a piece of peace We go in peace KulKulKan~The Forever Grandfather CulculCan~The Forever Grandmother The Group of Thirty-Three (33)through Susan/The eXchanger |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
i have learned through hands on-experience i haven't followed that thread i don't follow the work, of astralwalker~haven't had time to follow it (but, i will look at it) is there a pa/pc thing on it ? the sun changes magnetics every 11 years ~ nothing horrible happens ? however, with a galatic alignment-i know, how things sat back in the anasuzi - discovered an old channeling on that dated mid 2006 to peter farley ~ just the other day (interesting stuff in there) i don't follow the work, of david wilcock/although i am familiar with 7th density - ra - and, crossed paths with him and wyn in california briefly, when david spoke at a conference, and, perhaps, sal & i, chatted to david, for 10 minutes, started to read his book, never finished it i have viewed almost all of the PA/PC stuff my first task here - was, to get people looking at 'real' stuff after_all, love is obvious ~ the end goal ~ truth not so obvious i do gather, some information - on world events & people or things, that make the mind get engaged i enjoy hicks / and, bashtar - but, only heard of them in late 2008/9 i did post a.d.'s work - prior to having watched her videos (she is on an interesting path, likely very similiar, to my own) although, i have NOT delved into deeply; as; to NOT confuse my 33 year project -with anyone else's stuff i don't follow the current work, of St.Clair (although, i did read his book, light-seeds, and, believe, he is a part of 144 points of light - of the master of light a segment of a form of wingmaker / using the term, wingmaker loosely) ~ was invited to go, to france with 'the group' but, did NOT go michael teachings over 25 years - from book 1 (no support group for that, way back then) michael teachings online - late 90's late 90's early 2000's through GEE WHiZ of www.soutwise.net did a lot of postings, i think - then sal showed up in the group around 1994 - same year, i think that he wrote the book :life on the cutting edge~although, i think, it might of been early 2000 ? (i'll have to ask him ~ he and, i have been together, through grand cycles ~ for almost forever) in 2003/2004 we crossed paths in person have NOT read, his new book, but, certainly gleamed a few gems from his channelings back in 2004/2005 & 1994 book Life on The Cutting edge with The Founders, posted above, and, the two of us, eXchange ~ our ideas, some are similiar ~ some are only now, ready to share i will certainly, be looking to him, for editing my book) he's brilliant and, think i crossed paths with rebecca in 2005 ~ certainly an eXchanger, mentor/teacher/student association ~ i think, we both taught each other, some pretty eXtraordinary things i have a secret mentor/one, who shuns the public, for obvious reasons, clicked in totally to merlin/and, merlin energies - a 144 point carrier of that light \ although, we worked with them from 1995-2005/6 - we have only had one eXchange in 2008 another friend - although NOT a mentor/teacher ~ a 144 point carrier of freedom i have always followed 'messages from michael' the yarbro books and, i have had a raft of mentor/and, teachers (working up that list, now) it is pretty large upon my acctountants last check~we've invested nearly 500,000 into staying on earth, to do this :mfr_lol: our CV is pretty large ~ and, pretty hard to gather it all we eXchange with a lot of people ~ this is why, we call ourselves THE eXchanger ;) |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
35 steps you pass through
from infant/baby/young/mature/old 5 levels 7 steps 5x7 = 35 (an infinite 8 since, 3+5=8) http://personalityspirituality.wordp...-the-35-steps/ this is very well done !!! |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
a free way to discover your role ....
is it king / priest / sage / scholar / slave-server / artisan / warrior ?? http://www.michaelteachings.com/personality_role.html |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
regarding the thread title/initial question.,
yes i believe its highly likely we are related to other higher biengs, like what ive seen,not sure exactly how ,though, thats a much more complex question,i believe humans are modified animals,modified from chimps/apes whatever,,thats why we still live alongside them,there is a definate link,although they are at a much higher evolutionary stage than us, the real question for me is how closely are we related? and how much input have they had with our genetics over the years. a. |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Mind Body connection, Chronic Pain, Burnout, Relationship troubles, Career disappointment, Health difficulties, depression/misery, Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), phobias, fibromyalgia, addictions, learning disabilities. Watch the new video! Healing Mind Body Spirit Problems If you are plagued by any mind body spirit problems and can't find lasting solutions, unconscious self-sabotage is most likely the culprit that is blocking your success. Self-sabotage patterns are often hidden from your conscious mind, and have tremendous power to determine behavior: "I knew I shouldn't, but I couldn't stop myself". Healing from the Body Level Up (HBLU) is a unique mind body spirit methodology designed to identify your hidden self-sabotage patterns by tapping into the soul's deepest wisdom through the mind body connection using muscle testing. With a question-and-answer format of yes/no answers, the body's wisdom tells the story of the unconscious mind. Its roots in energy psychology, HBLU then accesses a menu of mind body spirit therapies and techniques to find the one that will eliminate these patterns one by one from the emotional, physical, mental and spiritual levels simultaneously. Exceptional results are often achieved in a relatively short time even when other methods have failed. Once these patterns are identified and eliminated, a sense of wellbeing is immediately restored and there is deep healing on all levels. HBLU, combining the best of science and spirituality, has been used effectively as a PTSD treatment, phobia treatment, in the treatment of fibromyalgia and for chronic pain relief. HBLU has also been found to help with learning disabilities, the treatment of addictions, depression and all forms of trauma. Originator Dr. Judith Swack's research has shown that there are two basic kinds of trauma: Loss trauma and violence trauma. Each has universal characteristics. Dr. Swack has developed protocols to uncover the unique expression of these universal characteristics in each individual and then heals the damage done on all levels of Being: emotional, physical, mental and spiritual. A scientist, teacher, healer and visionary, Dr.Judith Swack has synthesized biomedical research with research from non-medical systems since 1981. The results are an innovative and powerful methodology with transformative results. Dr. Swack has additional formal training and certification in NLP as a Master Practitioner, Hypnotherapy and Systematic Applied Kinesiology. She has published and been cited in professional journals and speaks regularly at international conferences. "Six weeks after taking HBLUTM my client load and income doubled. Instead of a handful of breakthrough miracle sessions each year, I have that many each day." Additionally, Dr. Swack conducts training in HBLU methodology for healthcare professionals. Her techniques are reproducible and many social workers, therapists and nurses have found their practices greatly enhanced by the inclusion of HBLU. In fact, Continuing Education credits are available for social workers, counselors and nurses. "This work gave me back my life." - Susan S., Writer, Boston, MA "I"ve made more progress in the most important areas of my life in just a few sessions than I did in 5 years of traditional therapy. This woman is amazing! I've already referred 10 clients to her." - Jane U., Teacher, Boston , MA In, less than 30 minutes, Dr. Judith Swank, removed 2 phobias, what an eXperience, this woman, is truly amasing ~ a fear of germs, and, a fear of my mother might think i'm crazy ~ both now resolved Susan / The eXchanger |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
1 Attachment(s)
November 22, 2009 - “Death Certificate” Text On Shroud of Turin?
Vatican scholar, Barbara Frale, Ph.D., says she has deciphered a “death certificate” imprinted on the Shroud of Turin, a linen cloth historically described as the burial shroud of Jesus Christ of Nazareth 2,000 years ago and preserved in the royal chapel of Turin Cathedral, Turin, Italy. Dr. Frale reports, “I think I have managed to read the burial certificate of ‘Jesus the Nazarene,’ or ‘Jesus of Nazareth,’” reconstructing from fragments of Greek, Hebrew and Latin imprinted on the cloth. Those three languages are consistent with Greek-speaking Jews in a Roman colony. The letters, barely visible to the naked eye, were first spotted in 1978, followed by more letter discoveries, that are reversed and “only make sense in negative photographs.” Dr Frale will publish her findings in a new book, La Sindone di Gesu Nazareno (The Shroud of Jesus of Nazareth). See: Times Online, U.K. Front negative image on Shroud of Turin. The Shroud is a linen cloth that for centuries has been purported to be the burial shroud of Jesus Christ. The linen measures 14 feet 3 inches long and 3 feet 7 inches wide. There are two faint brownish-yellow images, those of the back and front of a 5-foot 7-inch man. The Shroud has been preserved since 1694, in the royal chapel of the Cathedral of San Giovanni Battista in Turin, Italy. Positive and negative photographs were taken in 1898 by Secondo Pia. http://www.projectavalon.net/forum/p...pictureid=8320 |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Sal believes, this soul is now known as Sananada ...Lord Sananada,
back around 2004, Sal did a rebirthing type of session with me, and, this being came in ~ it was really interesting In our opinion, there are a lot of people, who think, they channel him, under the name of "jesus" or "jesus christ" however, most of them, merely click into 4th/or 5th or 6th density beings/who although, more ascended then they are, they are clicking into beings, who "trick" them, instead of 'treat' them In our opinion, we think, that Sal does click into the 'real' ascended one. |
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