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Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
GNOSIS , what is a factoid ???
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Oh sorry, just checked the dictionary, will edit my former post. It does not mean what I thought it meant, thanks for asking.
Gnosis |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Original Air Date: 1/8/2010 4:00 PM
Your Healing Way with Marlise Witschi [gifts for the soul on news for the soul re-airing] Marlise Witschi, M.Psych., RCC - Marlise Witschi, M.Psych., is the founder of Your Healing Way (former Internal Freedom Process), a psycho-spiritual system to heal yourself, your relationships, your business and your life. Marlise has helped hundreds of individuals who have tried therapies and self-help tools without real success to turn their lives around and to feel happy, light and free.. www.internalfreedom.com http://www.blogtalkradio.com/profile...erurl=soulnews go down to JAN 8/2010 - 4pm link - listen/or download Originally Posted by THE Exchanger (and, a hint, they taught you to utiliSe the common 'i' to keep you all common, little, and, separated - you are so much more than that |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Channeled Messages from the Founders
Australia Workshop Part 1 Received by Sal Rachele October 1, 2006 Greetings, we are the Founders. We are pleased to make your acquaintance today. This channel has already explained the method of delivery of these messages. Keep in mind that only a small percentage of our energy is available through this channel. It is not easy for us to speak through Earthly channels because only a small portion of our energy can come through these vehicles. These vehicles are only designed to receive energy up to what you call seventh level, so it is necessary to step our energy down to what you call seventh level in order to speak through these vehicles. We are Creator Gods that have come to Earth during the time of Earth’s transition – what you call a Galactic Cycle – it is actually a Grand Cycle – it is a cycle of the precession of your axes. It is a point in time – Earthly linear time – where the alignment of the poles of your planet correspond to a specific frequency generated from what you would call quasars, which are large stellar bodies, and approximately every 26,000 years your Earth tilts at exactly the right angle to align with these scaler electromagnetic impulses, so at that particular point in Earth’s evolution your electromagnetic field fluctuates and changes in such a way that it creates a great deal of change on your Earth. Your Mayan civilization has recorded this in their calendars, and your prophets and psychics have foreseen this time of great change. It is a wonderful opportunity for you as evolving souls to experience these great changes and to grow from that experience. In the outer realms of Creation, everything happens in cycle. You have the cycle of your Earth revolving around the sun, which you call a year. You base your Julian calendar on these cycles. You divide your year into various units of measure, and you have become aware of the larger cycles – the Grand Cycle of approximately 25,920 years, the Galactic Cycle of approximately 227 million years, and there are larger cycles than that – there is the time it takes your galaxy to revolve around the Great Central Sun of your Universe, which is a period of about 10.8 billion years. At the same time, you know that your Universe is continually expanding. God is continually expanding. So there are many cycles and there are many levels and dimensions to your Universe. In your recent meditation you experienced a little bit of your 12 levels of Self. In our lesson today, we are going to talk about soul evolution – how your souls evolve, what to expect as your soul evolves, and we are going to cover a few details and mechanics of your soul evolution. Let us first review some of what this channel was talking about before regarding how souls come into embodiment and how they move between embodiments. Your Universe is composed of 12 densities. Each of these densities has its own unique set of rules and principles that govern that realm of Creation. In addition, there are universal laws and principles that apply to all densities and dimensions simultaneously, and we will go into some of them. When you became individual souls, you emerged out of the Godhead. You had a blueprint – a big plan – a part of the Divine Plan – already encoded within you. You had 12 densities already encoded within you. You had a Self, or an aspect, for each of the 12 densities of Creation, and you had encoded within you a way of perceiving each of the 12 densities. Dear ones, the higher densities, which you call eight through twelve, are what are known as “collective soul levels” or “collective consciousness levels.” When you are in densities eight through twelve, it is as if you are evolving back into the Godhead, but in reality there is no such thing as evolving back into the Godhead because, using the analogy of the child being born, as the child grows up, does he try to get back into his mother’s womb as he grows up? Hopefully not, and if he does try to get back into his mother’s womb, this is a severe psychological disorder, is it not? And yet, as that child grows up, he becomes more and more like his parents. He begins to look more and more like them, speak more and more like them, talk more and more like them, and he goes out into the world and does many of the things his parents do. He understands what his parents understand. So as you evolve from eighth to twelfth density, you become more and more like your Creator – like your Divine Parents. So evolution in its natural state goes from individuality at the seventh density, which is how you are born as an individual soul – you come into what is called seventh density as an individual soul, and you begin evolving and growing through 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th and 12th densities. When you reach the level of 12th density, you become known as a Creator God – you are able to create like your Parents – you become a God in your own right, capable of creating entire universes. In fact, you DO create universes. In God’s one infinite Universe are many hundreds of thousands of other universes that are the creations of those aspects of the Godhead that have reached 12th density. As individual souls, many of those universes are available for you to explore. So in other words, we your elder brothers on the path – if you want to use that expression (it is a meaningless expression to us, but it may have value to you, so we will use it) – we as your elder brothers on the path, have created many wonderful things for you to grow into and experience as you evolve towards us – as you evolve and expand your awareness. There is an infinite amount of Universe available to explore, so you never have to be concerned with running out of things to explore. Learning is a continuous process even for us. You may think that as 12th density souls we have completed our learning process, but that is not so. Learning is an infinite process as is growing and evolving – and that is the beauty of it – that is the majesty of it. There are many upon your plane that think that as they grow into higher dimensions they will become bored. Everything is love and light. It is like the concept of Heaven where you are an angel playing a harp and sitting on a cloud. Obviously that is an extremely limited concept of Heaven, and indeed, if Heaven were about sitting on a cloud playing a harp, you would eventually become quite bored indeed and would gladly welcome a shift into the eternal fires of hell because at least the devil knows how to throw a good party. Correct? Of course, we know that is all just a state of consciousness. Those of you in this room know that is a state of consciousness. We think it is a rather amusing state of consciousness, for indeed if the fires of hell are burning, they must be burning away your old issues. They must be purging and cleansing you. So perhaps souls would grow a great deal faster living in hell rather than living in Heaven where all they get to do is learn a new song on their harp and maybe help St. Peter welcome newcomers. Eventually you would probably run out of clouds to sit on and have to create new clouds and new harps. So anyway, getting back to our story… We felt this diversion might pick you up a bit. This channel has told us that we get a bit too serious. In reality, seriousness is a meaningless concept to us, but because it is so difficult to describe our realm in your Earthly terms, it may come across as seriousness. Your ability to laugh and have fun is very important and it helps you grow as souls. So we hope to become less serious as we explore this means of communication further. www.salrachele.com |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Channeled Messages from Isis
Australia Workshop Part 1 Received by Sal Rachele September 30, 2006 Welcome, dear ones, this is Isis. This is about the fifth or sixth time we have channelled through this particular being. We are getting a little bit easier at dealing with his energy field and he is having an easier time dealing with our energy field, and so today we hope to have a very productive session with all of you. We want to welcome you to this sacred circle. This is a sacred circle, and this is a very sacred energy work that is being given to you today. Very few souls during the time of Egypt understood what Ra-Sheeba was, and indeed very few people today understand what Ra-Sheeba is. Your scientists would say you are providing a geometric grid pattern over the aura of the physical bodies, and that is correct. The sacred patterns, which are modelled after what you call sacred geometry, are designed to affect the electromagnetic grid, or what you call your etheric grid. The etheric grid is the structure of your energy body, and it affects your physical, emotional and mental bodies as well. When you have illness in your physical body, the electromagnetic grid in your etheric form is out of balance. Geometries – the configurations – the patterns – are not in alignment with your Divine Blueprint when you are ill. When you align your Divine Blueprint with the energies in your etheric body, health is restored to your physical body. Although illness occurs for a variety of reasons on your Earth plane, and can originate in any of your lower bodies, it is the aligning of the sacred grid with your Divine Blueprint that creates healing. Ra-Sheeba and the Ra-Sheeba Ascension Activation are sacred symbols that are implanted into your etheric body in order to counteract negative implants and imprints that have been placed into your etheric body through various soul experiences since the beginning of your individualization as a soul. Most of you have journeyed through many worlds. You have been on many planets in what you call 3rd, 4th, and 5th density, and each of these experiences has left imprints in your etheric body. These imprints are stored in what is called your causal body, which this channel differentiates from the etheric body. We are accessing his Akashic records and his mental fields and using his terminology to describe our work, because we find it is more consistent than some of the systems and models being given on your planet. Therefore, most of the terminology we are using will be found in his own teaching. This is intentional, of course, as we would not want to be introducing a system that is contrary to his own models. In his model, you have six lower bodies, known as the physical, emotional, mental, astral, etheric and causal bodies, and each of these bodies has a component of your overall well-being. Each of these bodies is a perceptive mechanism for your life. Your physical body obviously is the perceptive mechanism which perceives in your Earth plane. All of these bodies exist in your eternal now moment, and all of them are part of your Earthly experience, even if some of them are more subtle, or what you would call higher dimensional, than your Earth plane. So, when any one of more of these systems are out of balance, illness can result, whether it be physical, emotional or mental illness, or illness on any other level. Because you are one being with many aspects, if so much as one of your aspects is out of balance, you do not feel whole and complete and can be subject to illness. So Ra-Sheeba, as a geometric grid pattern entering into your physical body and your etheric body, helps to restore balance, and can cause illness to disappear. Now, we in the higher dimensions are most pleased with the work that is taking place within you. All of you are opening to receive the teachings of the higher realms. Many of you were alive during the time of ancient Egypt, and many of you attended the priesthoods and mystery school, which spanned a period from about 12,000 years ago until about 5000 years ago, in Earth time. So many of you, when you receive these initiations, are remembering your past lives in ancient Egypt, and are remembering the sacred vows and initiations you took in the temples. This channel and beloved Merilyn earlier gave a brief history of Egypt and the Draco people. The history of Egypt and the Draco people would fill several volumes on your library shelves, were it to be disseminated properly. So you must understand that the way it is being disseminated through these channels is a brief digested summary. It is not even partially the story – it is a fragment – a small fragment – of the story. Nevertheless, it will give you some idea of what happened during that period of time in your Earth history. Throughout the history of your planet, several civilizations have risen and fallen repeatedly, and it has been in a cyclical pattern. Sometimes the cycle has been triggered by the major celestial events which occur on your world, such as the Galactic Alignment that occurs approximately every 26,000 years, the electromagnetic influence of Nibiru, which comes every 3,600 years, or the passage of the comet Annanhutak, which comes approximately every 12,000 years. There are other cycles that also affect the rising and falling of your civilizations. We are not going to go deeply into the subject of sacred geometry. Your well-being and your civilizations are both tied to sacred patterns in the ethers that surround your world. As you heal your ancient lifetimes, as you heal your DNA, which is combination of many star systems, you in turn affect the grid system of your beloved Earth, and you affect whether or not civilizations continue to rise and fall. Another of the purposes for us coming forward at this time through our channels and through Ra-Sheeba, is to create a new option for humanity as well as the Draco, Orion and Sirian civilizations. This is a new option that does not involve constantly rising and falling of civilizations. Your civilization is currently at an equivalent period in time to what happened in ancient Atlantis just before it was destroyed. Although some of your civilization will undoubtedly be destroyed once again despite our best efforts to stop it, we believe a large number of souls will survive your Earth changes and move into a new period of peace upon your world. It is our hope that the information presented through these channels and many others, will give you an opportunity to heal the ancient scars you have been carrying with you. Most of you in this room have Draco, Orion and Sirian DNA to some extent, and you are carrying those ancient scars with you into this lifetime. The imprints given during the Ra-Sheeba attunements, initiations, meditations and exercises, are designed to heal those ancient scars. It is not necessary that you revisit every detail of your lifetimes in Egypt and on other worlds. It is only necessary that you change the etheric imprints that were given you during those traumatic times. As you have been told, Egypt rose and fell. When Thoth came to ancient Egypt and was guided by Ra and myself, great pinnacles of spiritual achievement resulted, and over 300 souls were able to go through the ascension process during the 5000 years we worked with closely with Thoth. When the Orions, Sirians and Dracos came and interbred with the Pleiadean brothers and sisters, it was the end of the pinnacle of civilization. We listened closely to our inner guidance and were told to withdraw, lest we too get caught in the maelstrom of Earthly turbulence. Dear ones, you must understand that life on Earth is not easy for the enlightened souls, nor is it easy for us in the spiritual realms who wish to guide you and help bring you back to the light, and it was with deep regret that many of us were unable to keep the purity of the original sacred energies intact on Earth. It is only now, as enough of you have risen in vibration, that we are able to once again interact with you in these methods. www.salrachele.com |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Channeled Messages from Isis
Australia Workshop Part 2 Received by Sal Rachele September 30, 2006 Dear ones, you must understand that the words coming through this channel are only a small percentage of the methodologies we are using to contact you, work with you, and help you heal. The work through beloved Merilyn, through the Ra-Sheeba attunements and initiations, is also a major part of our interaction with you. Many of you are able to receive our energy while in meditation, while in the dream state, or through attending other workshops and healings. However you attune to our energies, it is not important to know the details – as you say, it is whatever works. What is important is our joy and our great celebration at seeing that so many of you are in fact awakening to your higher nature. That is our purpose in being with you – to help you awaken and ascend – and in order to do so, you must heal the scars of ancient Egypt, Dracos and other places, so it is necessary for you to forgive yourselves and all your travelling companions. Our purpose is not to teach forgiveness or psychological clearing, for there are others more appropriate for that. Our purpose is to restore your ancient etheric imprints and to align them with ascension and with your soul purpose, and so we do that through the balancing of masculine and feminine energies, by working with RA and the energies of the masculine, by awakening the Goddess and God within each one of you, whether you are in a male body or a female body, and we are most pleased with the progress we are making. Now, we have a short time to spend with you in this format, and we would very much like to ask if you have any questions, as we will be happy to answer them. Questioner: Can you comment on the black energy associated with the orders of Isis? Isis: That is a distortion of what we teach. That information was given by what is called the dark dragon brothers. It is not accurate information. There is one other point we would like to make regarding an energy similar to what was just asked about and that is the sexuality of the Goddess. Sexuality on your world has been perverted and denied for many many centuries, through what you call your Victorian era, and your fundamentalist religions. The power of the sacred sexuality, which is connected to the sacred Kundalini, which is a feminine power, is greatly feared by your masculine leaders and masculine rulers. That is why Mary Magdalene was suppressed as the lover of Jesus, and that is why the patriarchal society has become so prevalent on your world. The rulers on your world, which are backed by the dark dragons, are masculine in nature, and they are afraid of the feminine energies, they are afraid of the Kundalini, because if the Kundalini were to rise up their spines and if the sacred Goddess were to rise within their consciousness, they would no longer desire to hold on to their masculine image of power, so they see it as a threat. As you move into the energies of Ra-Sheeba and ascension, your sexual energies will become balanced with the energies of your first chakra, sacral and solar plexus – the first three chakras in your body and your Kundalini will be able to rise properly. In order to do this, you must heal all of the guilt around your sexuality. You must heal all of the abuse you have suffered sexually, whether in this lifetime or in past lifetimes, and you must heal any misconceptions you have about the role of sexual energy in your evolution. As these channels evolve their own understanding of Ra-Sheeba and present it in their various formats, they will also incorporate exercises and practices that relate to the sacred sexuality. This is all we will say at this time, other than that we encourage all of you to embrace your own sexuality and to embrace all issues, whether psychological or otherwise, regarding your sexual energy. Sexual energy is sacred and God is a sexual being. Goddess is a sexual being. That is why it is through the sexual act that life is created in physical form, because it is the most sacred of the energies. Questioner: Can you comment on the new dragon children being born on Earth in 2007? Isis: Yes. That is correct information you are receiving. They will come starting most likely midway through your year 2007 and continuing through your year 2009. There will be several hundred of these souls that are of relatively pure Draco DNA, and several thousand additional souls who have a combination of Draco and Orion DNA who are also of the enlightened group. These will be born to parents of Draco DNA and in some cases Draco-Orion hybrid DNA. You must understand, beloved, that there are very few souls on your planet that have relatively pure Draco DNA. This is for the reasons given earlier regarding the difficulty in the Draco form being allowed to be native on Earth. When a Draco soul wishes to incarnate on the Earth, they must choose parents that are already infused with Pleiadean, Orion and Sirian DNA. There are very few opportunities to come through parents that are of high level Draco DNA. This is simply the way it is. We understand it. They understand it. They will do their very best to maintain the enlightened Draco energies as they grow up on your Earth. This channel is indicating that our time is short. We may be able to answer one more question before we adjourn. Questioner: Are you related to Mother Mary? Isis: Mother Mary is a beautiful aspect of the Divine Mother energy. Her vibration is different than mine, but we are all one in our eternal Father/Mother God. If you feel a connection with Mother Mary, we absolutely feel in harmony with that – we encourage that – she is a blessed divine aspect of the Divine Mother. Questioner: What is the difference between Draco and Pleiadean DNA? Isis: There is a difference between Draco and Pleiadean DNA. When the two are combined you have what has been commonly called the Bird Tribe in times past. The body type is different when the Draco DNA is incarnated into the Pleiadean DNA – when it is infused into the Pleaidean DNA through incarnation. So it is a different process. The native form of the Dracos is, as you know, a more dragon or reptilian form. It is not a humanoid form in its native state. When it is densified and brought into a human womb, it must take on the characteristics of the human form, and so the DNA combinant strands must be joined in such a way that the dominant strain is the humanoid form. The reptilian strain becomes the recessant gene of the combinant pattern, and therefore, it is a weaker pattern than the Pleiadean humanoid pattern. This has caused many problems for Dracos incarnating on Earth and is one of the reasons many of the Dracos have interacted with humans from the astral realms, where they are able to maintain more of their native form. The mechanics of the astral realms are beyond the scope of our discussion today and will be referred to another time. Questioner: What will the dragon babies look like? Isis: They will have a human form, much as described by beloved Merilyn, with slightly longer necks, and their faces will be longer and more narrow, as opposed to the larger and wider faces of the Pleiadean Nordic types of humans. Questioner: Do Dracos come from the same DNA gene pool as humans? Isis: There is very much a similarity – about 86% of Draco DNA is the same as Pleiadean DNA if you were to line up the various molecules. You will find that your ape and your chimpanzee are about 98% the same – similar to your human form – and that is why your scientists erroneously trace human DNA back to the ape and chimpanzee. It is incorrect that the human form evolved from the ape or chimpanzee, even though the DNA is very similar. You will find that the Draco DNA is 86% the same as the human/Pleiadean DNA. This is all the time we have for questions and answers now. We will rejoin you after your lunch break. www.salrachele.com |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Channeled Messages from Isis
Australia Workshop Part 3 Received by Sal Rachele September 30, 2006 Hello, beloveds, this is Isis. Are you understanding everything that has been said so far today? You are quick learners. We will continue where we left off. There have been a few questions regarding sexuality during the time of ancient Egypt. Before we go into that period, let us refresh your memories about the nature of yourselves as souls. Before ancient Egypt, there were many soul experiences that each of you had. If you wanted to use a technical timeline, a scientific timeline, whatever you call it, you could say that your souls had already experienced about 95% of their history before you reached the time of ancient Egypt. That means that between the time of ancient Egypt and your present time, you have only experienced about 5% of your total soul experience. So what happened in ancient Egypt was a repeat of what has happened many times before. Now let us talk briefly about sexuality and particularly, as it pertains to between same sex, and then we will move on and once again revisit the rise and fall of civilizations, because there is a major piece there that has not been received by humanity. During the time of ancient Egypt, there were a number of sexual initiations. They were performed in the Temple of Isis and Temple of Ra. In the Temple of Isis, the Goddesses learned about their sexual being from each other, before they learned from the men. So the purpose of the female to female sexuality was to create a pathway – to create an opening for the transcendental experience that was had with the male and female. Now does this mean that it was a lesser experience for a female to bond with a female? No. This in no way lessens the value of the female to female experience. However, energetically there are levels of consciousness in which the male-female bonding can go, where the female to female bonding, or the male-male bonding is unable to go, because of the nature of polarities in your Universe. So therefore, the value of the same sex bonding is that it can open a portal or doorway and be a teaching device for souls in order to move them forward on their soul path, and it can be a valuable and very loving experience for Goddesses, or Gods, to share intimately their energies. However, even if those Gods or Goddesses that share with each other, same-sex wise, have balanced their masculine and feminine qualities within themselves, there is still an energy that occurs when the male and female come together, which is unavailable to the same-sex couples. So, therefore, most of the priestesses (or priests) that had same-sex experiences in the temple, went on to bond with the opposite sex after going through that initiatory process. Now, please remember, dear ones, we are not judging one form of sexual expression as better or worse than another. We are simply examining the polarities of the male and female and how they relate in the cosmos. In an enlightened male-female relationship, the male embraces the feminine and the female embraces the masculine. Let us use, for example, this channel and beloved Merilyn for just a moment. This beloved channel perceives in Merilyn (this one) the Ra energies, and this one perceives in the channel the Isis energies. It is like the infinity symbol. You have the male and the female within the loop of the infinite symbol. You have the male giving to the female and the female giving to the male as being the loops or pathways around the center of each symbol. Are you able to visualize this? Okay. And so, you have the male within the female and the female within the male, and you have also the male relating to the male within the female, and the female relating to the female within the male. So you have a male-male relationship, a female-female relationship, a male-female and a female-male, so you have four relationships within the man and the woman. Whereas, with the same-sex partnership, you have the male-male (or female-female, whichever it is), and then you have the male relating to the female in one, and the male relating to the female in the other (or female relating to the male in one and female relating to the male in the other), so you only have three pairings with a same-sex relationship. So the four pairings available in the male-female relationship afford aspects of spiritual growth that are not available in the same sex pairing. Okay, we are going to move back into the discussion of the rising and falling of civilizations, and we are going to look at the question of WHY civilizations have risen only to fall back again. The reason civilizations have risen and then fallen is because not all the aspects of the Self were healed when the civilization began to rise to a pinnacle of success. Each one of you has been on a spiritual path – on a soul path – for many millions of years. And over those millions of years you have learned a great many lessons. You have had a great many experiences. And there have been some parts of your soul (what the channel calls the 12 levels of Self) that have evolved and grown and learned and moved forward tremendously. There have been other levels of the Self that have taken a very long time to learn and grow, and are still lagging behind. When you have a civilization that is very advanced on one level, but lagging behind on another level, and you do not bring the levels forward that are lagging behind, the civilization will ultimately fail. This has happened with your so-called gurus, where many have risen to great heights of adoration and praise, and then they have become involved in scandals or have received disgraceful viewing by the disciples for something that has occurred, such as a sex scandal. These things occur, beloveds, because part of the Self has not been healed, because part of the Self has not been integrated. You may have a very advanced mind, capable of perceiving higher truths. You may have convinced yourself that you are totally enlightened as a being on Earth. Yet your emotional body may still be unresolved in basic childhood or past-life issues, and when you attempt to rise to great pinnacles of success, you leave behind that part of yourself that has not been brought forward in total healing. The parts that have been denied, the parts that have been left outside your loving embrace, will eventually get your attention and often it is in negative ways. The civilization known as Atlantis was a prime example of that, as was the civilization known as Lemuria. In Atlantis, you had a high technology civilization. It reached a pinnacle of success in many areas, yet emotionally, it was not mature, and emotionally, you were unable to discern what you needed to do in order to keep your society going. Because you had unresolved guilt, unresolved anger, unresolved shame, unresolved feelings of unworthiness, you created a race of beings from another area of your galaxy coming and taking over and destroying your world. This has happened on many occasions. Each time it has been less severe than the previous time. The planet Maldek, which existed some two million years ago in Earth time, was destroyed by neutron bombs and the planet was blown apart and became part of your asteroid belt that you see today. This was before the dispensation was in place to prevent you from blowing up entire planets. Why did Maldek get destroyed? You had not balanced the feminine side of your being. You had evolved to tremendous heights in your masculine qualities, but you had not embraced the feminine goddess within you, and this imbalance led to the eventual fall of Maldek. www.salrachele.com |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Channeled Messages from Isis
Australia Workshop Part 4 Received by Sal Rachele September 30, 2006 Mars was the next sad story in your history. Mars was destroyed by a form of nuclear weaponry and the atmosphere was all but obliterated. Those that survived went underground. Those who remained on the surface perished. Once again, the civilization had evolved forward, but parts of the Self had not been brought forward to be healed, and the parts that were not healed ended up sabotaging the parts that were healed, and once again you civilization fell. This time you did not destroy the entire planet. During the time of Pan, or Pangaea, as you call it, on planet Earth, which existed some one and a half million years ago, you had a cataclysm that has been described in your Biblical scriptures as the Great Flood. This involved a series of tsunamis and climate changes that occurred at the ending of one of your grand cycles, which destroyed all but a few of the inhabitants of Pan. This disaster was partly due to the celestial event known as the ending of the Grand Cycle, but it was also due to the failure of those that lived in Pan to adequately develop their psychic and intuitive abilities sufficiently to be able to plan ahead for the flood. This is where the idea of Noah and the flood came from in your Bible. Indeed, there are many stories about the animals that were left behind because they did not plan, or the people that were left behind because they did not plan. This is where that idea comes from. So in the land of Pan, both the humans and animals, which interbred (before the dispensation that outlawed this), during that time, the sense of enjoyment, the sense of happiness, the sense of fully embracing your 3rd density plane became highly developed, but you did not develop your psychic and intuitive nature sufficiently to foresee what was coming. You had many minor civilizations in the same situation. You developed your survival skills; you developed your emotional skills; even your intellectual skills; but you did not evolve your psychic and intuitive skills sufficiently to foresee what would happen at the end of a cycle, and you did not plan accordingly to survive the tsunami waves, the earthquakes, the floods, the climate change – and you perished as physical beings. During the time of Lemuria the picture got a lot more complicated. The dark Dracos, the dark Orions and the dark Sirians were involved in the destruction of Lemuria. Once again, Lemuria approached the ending of a Grand Cycle, but the misinformation and deception that were given to the people of Lemuria caused widespread destruction. The Lemurian people were unbalanced. They were very emotional, but they had not developed their intellectual abilities properly. Because they were unbalanced, they did not have the intellectual know-how to survive the cataclysms. In Atlantis, it was just the opposite. They developed the intellectual abilities, but were retarded emotionally. In your present civilization, you are what is known as a melting pot. You have all different sorts of beings from all different sorts of parts of the galaxy, and you have many races interbred, interwoven, and in your DNA structure all of you have multiple DNA lineages. There are virtually none of you that are pure Pleiadean, pure Draco, or anything else. You also carry with you all of the experiences of your past rises and falls of your civilizations. Your civilization at present has peaked and is beginning its decline, and the degree of that decline will depend largely on what you have learned from past declines. This is why many of you today are reliving the guilt and shame you experienced when you gave secrets to the Orions, which led to the destruction of Atlantis. This channel and many others have had over 100 clients that were involved in the destruction of Atlantis, either directly or indirectly, and many of you in this room have had a direct memory of how you contributed to the destruction of Atlantis. If you learn the lesson this time, you will not need to re-experience the consequences. Many of you are learning to trust your intuition and psychic abilities. Many of you are learning to express your emotions in healthy, positive ways and to not suppress your psychological issues. Many of you are learning how to balance your intellect with your higher consciousness, and many of you are learning holistic modalities to take care of your body. You have also received technologies, many of them from various ET groups, that are required in order to counteract the effect of the changing of the age, the changing of the cycle, and when you live in places that are safe, and when you use the technologies that will help you overcome the ending of the cycle, you can thrive during the time of the ending of the cycle. Most of you in the room here have learned how to not believe in, not buy into, not energetically engage those that are of the dark energies. You see what they are doing, you understanding why they are doing it, and you do not energetically support it. You have removed yourself psychically and intuitively from their influence. That gives you the ability to render genuine help and assistance to those who are still under the influence of the dark Dracos, Orions and Sirians. So, with our assistance, we will ensure that you are completely free of those influences so that you can be of maximum effectiveness in helping others break free of those energies. If enough of you break free of those energies, you will in fact be able to avert a major cataclysm on your world. Now does that mean there will not be souls exiting in large numbers? No, that is already assured. But the souls that are exiting in large numbers will be doing so because their vibration is incompatible with Earth’s. So, the vast majority of those souls who exit your Earth plane will do so of their own accord and will leave in a manner befitting of making a personal choice, such as the failure of the immune system, or some exotic illness, or they will choose to be in a place that is not safe during the Earth changes. Some of them will choose to leave through warfare. Therefore, as you move into your ascension, do not be concerned with the methods that other souls choose in order to leave. These souls are not part of the 4th and 5th density Earth. It is not your position to be concerned with the methods of departure used by those who are not remaining with the Earth. Your task is merely to reach out and assist those who are planning to remain with the Earth. Your beloved teacher Jesus, who is now Lord Sananda, said, “Do not cast your pearls before swine.” What he meant by that statement is, “Do not waste your time with those who are not open and willing to hear what you have to say.” Some of you have members of your own blood families, your own blood lineage from this life, that are not on a path of awakening. You may love them, and indeed you may love them for who they are, but it is not your concern whether or not they come with you – that is for them to decide – and may of you will need to emotionally release your attachment to family members who are making a different choice than you are. Are you all clear on this point? At this point we will open it up to questions. www.salrachele.com |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Channeled Messages from Isis
Australia Workshop Part 5 Received by Sal Rachele September 30, 2006 Questioner: What steps can we take to survive during the Earth changes? Isis: You have – it is very simple – do not make it more complicated than it is. You have ships, planes, automobiles, bicycles and other transportation devices which enable you to travel to areas that are safe. That is the very basic one. You also have what are known as hydrogen fuel cells, solar power, and to some degree electromagnetic fuel cells, which will allow you to generate electricity in remote areas of your world. You have technology that allows you to purify and desalinate water so that becomes drinkable. You have technologies capable of measuring the movement of the plates of the Earth’s crust so that you can foresee where earthquakes are likely to occur. You have technologies that can channel fresh water into areas that could be deemed safe from other forms of upheaval. You have your media, which is capable of warning people in areas that are unsafe. You have many technologies, which are allowed to warn people if they have not intuitively sensed the danger. You also have technologies that can alter some of the Earth changes, including the weather. However, your technologies will only have a minimum impact on the climate change. Nevertheless, there is potential for you to alter some of the events. You must understand these events involve an interaction between free will and what you would call predestiny – free will and what you would call celestial events that occur regardless of your free will. So, therefore, you need to recognize where your free will plays a part and where it does not in the grand scheme of things on your Earth, and this is something that only comes with higher wisdom, higher awareness. So pay attention to what is going on within you and around you. Ask your own higher presence within to give you the answers regarding what you see in and around you and it shall be revealed to you what to do during the time of turbulence. Are there other questions? Questioner: What happens to your energy when you give blood? Will you increase the vibration of a soul who is vibrating at a lower density? Will your vibration drop if you receive blood from someone of lower density? Isis: To some degree there is overlap of energies when you give blood. If you are of a higher vibration and you give blood to someone of a lower vibration, to some degree the higher vibratory blood will mingle and merge with the lower vibratory blood and it will, to some degree, lift the soul to a higher vibration that is receiving the transfusion of blood. However, this will not excuse that soul from doing the necessary physical, emotional, mental and other level work necessary in order to ascend, so while it might prolong the life of the 3rd density soul, it will not “save their soul” in the sense normally considered, for the work must still be done by the 3rd density soul for that soul to truly reach 4th density. It is possible for 3rd density blood to lower the vibration of a 4th density soul somewhat, but again it depends on that 4th density soul’s level of soul integration with psychological issues, karmic issues and things of that sort, whether or not the lower vibration becomes a significant matter or not. Are there other questions? Questioner: What is going to happen as we approach the year 2012? Isis: 2012 is what is known as the first wave – not only the first wave of ascension, which means souls will move forward at a much more rapid rate towards ascension – it does not mean they will ascend all on that one day – it also indicates an acceleration of the 3rd and 4th density realities as well, so there will be a great movement towards the manifestation of 3rd, 4th and 5th density realities during 2012. The second wave will occur during 2017, the third wave during 2030. Each of these corresponds to a particular celestial event, which the Founders will likely go into during their presentation, and so these events act as catalysts for change – catalysts for your soul decision-making process. Therefore, you will experience most of these changes taking place between now and 2030AD in your time frame. We’re just about out of time. We have time for one more quick question. Questioner: Can a 3rd density being on Earth who chooses to go to another 3rd density planet evolve into 4th density on that planet and then choose to reincarnate on 4th density Earth? Isis: Yes – that is correct. If a being is in 3rd density and goes to another 3rd density planet and evolves to 4th density on that planet and then leaves his or her body at 4th density, that soul may elect to reincarnate on 4th density Earth. Questioner: Can a 4th density being on Earth incarnate on another 4th density planet? Isis: Yes – a 4th density being on planet Earth that leaves his or her body can reincarnate on another 4th density planet elsewhere. Questioner: Can a 4th density being get off the wheel of reincarnation? Isis: If they are in 4th density and they choose to leave their body prior to completing their karmic contracts, they will likely still be on the wheel of reincarnation. Once they reach a certain point within 4th density and have cleared their karma, they can move onto the ascension spiral in which case they will not leave their body, but take it with them into higher dimensions. (End of session) www.salrachele.com if you have questions for sal, post them, we plan to interview him, on our radio show |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
There are a few posts, on this thread,
that will be turned into a video ~ to expand upon our own theory of the 5th element of ether ~ which is more, than just 1 element ;) |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
if we can, you can, and, we can, but, will we ??? |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Give blood! for what?...sounds like ritual to me! :sneaky2: Are you trying to gather more lost souls for your new Thuban site? Yes, let's all listen to the rantings of some channel...who claims to be channeling Isis..and putting words in her mouth...sad...really sad :nono: |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
[QUOTE=BROOK;255839][SIZE=4]I don't know where you got this..which aspect gave you this information or who exactly was channeling..but it is not something Isis would say. Take that to the bank
Give blood! for what...sounds like ritual to me! /SIZE]:sneaky2: The source, of Sal Rachele, which is quite clearly posted on the posts, along with his website of www.salrachele.com We thought, his input, to this thread, where he has discussed earth changes, etc., and, that he has written many books on the topic was interesting, if it does NOT resonate with you, BROOK, there is NO PROBLEM with that, you, have free-will, and, the ability to make your own choices... it appears, that a questioneer asked Sal, what happens, if you GET blood, from another soul, who has given you, the so-called "gift of life" how does their blood affect you ??? there is NO doubt, 'the gift of life' is a precious one, NOT sure, why you bring, ritual into this ??? and, perhaps, he was/or he was NOT channeling isis, doesn't matter, who he was channeling, if his information, is interesting, so, be it... and, if you don't like it, that's fine... input = output you are always entitled, to your input ;) |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
[QUOTE=THE eXchanger;255852]
the higher vibratory blood will mingle and merge with the lower vibratory blood and it will, to some degree ......lift the soul to a higher vibration that is receiving the transfusion of blood. Come on Susan..."Why now"???.... is all I ask.....anyone that would believe that ...is a complete loon in my book :zip: And here you are...putting this stuff out there....why? And to add..I did a whole thread on the gift of life and harvesting organs....but to make that statement and say it's from Isis...Wrong http://www.projectavalon.net/forum/s...ad.php?t=18486 :nono: |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
We have a rare blood type,
we often go in, and, give our plasma, not just, a blood donation, but, an actual plasma donation why ~ because we are normally, very healthy, and, very high vibrational and, it helps to save lives btw--all energetic transfer of input/or output between two souls either - heightens the vibration and/or, lowers the vibration depending on the allowance, that each of the two/or more souls entering into the eXchange will allow |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
We started a thread here, for Sal Rachele,
and, this is Sal's opinion, he was suggested to PA/PC to go and, to interview either by telephone/or, in person, in AZ (or, when he might be at an event, where Bill & Kerry, might be attending) some of his information, is very good he isn't a book author, for NO good reason there are many people, who hold him in high esteem and, consider him to be a knowledgeable person about earth changes, etc., and, a bona-fide channel for an assortment of beings |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
If I was going to post to this thread I would stick to the subject..and not trail off into the spiritual aspects of giving blood transfusions.....this is precisely why I have to question where you are going here? |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
perhaps, if you read all 5 parts, of his discourse,
you might see, why the person, who asked the question, asked that particular question ? maybe, for the same reason, you ask your questions ... there was something, the questioner wished to know from the one, who they could question, at that time. |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
there are plenty of others, to follow/or to read !!! there have been a lot of questions brought forth, and, forwarded to Sal to answer... if you have any, or, anyone else has any, please post them Have a great day !!! |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Sorry...still not impressed enough to give it merit |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
"whatever floats the boat...
can also sink it" susan |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
a rather empty and, void response sometimes, we wonder why you do NOT take all this energy of yours Brook, and, utilise it, for some good in this world, and, put it into doing something of great value in this world, instead of starting threads with the 'sole' purpose of taking others down, like your "lionhawk" thread, how very cruel, you are... and/or your 'big mistake-erase" thread, what on earth, runs behind a mind, that does such actions ??? ahh...the mirror, yes, time to get out yoru mirror the water, or, what flows out of you, is always, and, in all ways your input it always, and, all ways will equal what truly is, inside the good you see in others, is the good that is inside of you the bad you see in others, is the bad that is still inside of you water ~ washes it, all away !!! it can float a boat, or, it can sink it !!! if you do NOT have ingredients worthy of putting into a dish that make it better, or, add more flavour, or, make it more beautiful/or, more tasty sometimes, it is best, to just NOT bother to dish it up !!! all is a choice !!! if you have something of value, to add to this thread, by all means, add it, anything else, strictly shows 'your mean' |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
private messages directly direct, than, public messages ??? This is something that makes a lot of sense to me: Two Wolves - Cherokee Words of Wisdom http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=45rTl...eature=related |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
My boat is sailing strong...and I'm thinking about getting a bigger boat..so there you have it. I also share it with many...freely...many enjoy my boat, and wish to sail with me. :wink2: |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
So I would be considered mean to disagree with this....how would you like it if someone put words in your mouth? This has council of Thuban written all over it! The ruler of my world is NOT backed by any dark dragon :nono: |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
This is a research site - this is Sal's opinion
we didn't post our opinion ;) |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
sorry, who's we?
thanks l :original: ............................... |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Also thirteen in the Elders of Thuban for a New world of Freedom http://thuban.ning.com/profile/WHiTE...les_memberList Whoa...check out the member list :wink2: |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
DANGER! DANGER! Will Robertson (old 60s show) abort, abort.:tongue2: |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
No surprises there Brook, none at all, me thinks these will be the first ones invited to the yards.........................:naughty::naughty: Well you can only lead a horse to water............... I only needed a minute there to see what sort of magic scientific stuff they are shoving down people's throats to make them all go ga ga.........:mfr_lol: Hey it is there free will, if they want to spend infinity with...............:shocked: then I suppose we tried to tell them. |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Thanks for your comments, they are appreciated,
as, it makes this a very well read thread !!! |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Everyone has 13 aspects, to what they actually are ;)
and, many people belong to many other groups, other than just PA/PC Ironically, we haven't invited anyone to join, thru PA/PC ~ we don't need to you see, with BROOK~and, all her babbling, that there is a new thuban site on ning, we do NOT have to NOW, do we ;) is this free-advertising for the new world ? yeah, must be, it is that 'free' world, that BROOK been babbling about |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Yeah, that is a good name for the site.......on...............ning, ning, ning, ning.
Your welcome. :naughty::naughty: |
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