Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
a quetzal from the clan of Coatal ~ with an 11 a one, who carries, a brilliant light, along with great wisdom... how true, your words are the game is over -- just take 'your card' -- toss out the rules good god, it truly will be amasing, when all realiSe the truth of the "good god" within :) candles lighting other candles THANKS for joining us, here on this thread namastè |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Deleted. Wrong thread.
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
520 days - the length of a venus transit,
that is how long, we were gone We returned, on 4/6/1993-a pivotal date on the mayan calender verifed by meter ~ thanks GNOSIS5 iF NOT for you, and, your friends in the USA we might NOT, have figured it all out, as, quickly, as we did it was one of the last pieces, of our puzzle that took us clear, the 2 phobias, we cleared on 18 Dec 2009 which were parental imprints ~ that allowed us to clear completely when we broke, the last straw, that was holding us back we had a telephone conversation, with someone, who we have done a lot for, over the past 22 years, over, and, over again, they are going to help us with things, at 11;01 am, even the phone number they called from adds to 11-9-8, and, 9th call ~ signs, from above. we asked for simple stuff, like a few short mp3s, for a radio show etc., nothing difficult~just a little upbeat piano music when ever they call us, and, need spiritual work, we drop what we are doing, and, do it for them ~ always NO charge and, always, NEVER any offer for eXchange, sure, some thanks ~ however, we obviously for a long time, began to realise, this was NOT a good thing at 12/22/2009 - 11:01 AM 9X telephone call received from them another one, of their "all about me" phone calls to which, we responded, what about us, and, what we need, and, since we were NOT only listening to them, about their sagas, they were very short, and, said, they would call us, later on the phone. they do this a lot ~ so, we hung up the phone thinking ~ yeah, right LOL they will NOT call, they will likely send us, some sort of 'me, me, me' email later in the day. And, it really would be silly of us, to eXpect them to call us on the phone later at, 22/12/2009 10:03:28 P.M. Eastern Standard Time just as we had already predicted, we rec'd an email from them 22 - 12 (which is missing the 13th) 2009 - an 11 the time is interesting 10+3 = 13 28/10/1 also 1/3 - separate a trine/or trinity we read it, and, it was full of a lot of me/me and, more me and, we responded back to it: not even watching the time it wasn't til after we sent it, we realised we should check 'the time' we sent it 22/12/2009 11:22:46 P.M. Eastern Standard Time 22 - 12 (which is missing the 13th) 2009 - an 11 the time is interesting 11-22 = 2 master numbers that add up to 33 46/10/1 the last word in our transmission 'adieu' normally, we sign, every e-mail off, 'with love' We closed a chapter on that, yesterday, and, will NEVER, cross paths, with this one, ever again. Besides, we have lots of other interesting friends around us, one of them, Rebecca J, who was aware of the missing time, without being told, anything about it Rebecca, is a very thorough person, to do work with, and, back in 2005/2006 approx.~ when we did a little bit of work with her, she hit the head of the nail, by mentioning it, to us. Although, we did NOT at that time choose to dig too deeply into it, we knew, about the length of the missing time, and, we knew, our eggs, were gone albeit, Rebecca, and, her sense of humour and, her caring, kind, and, lovely way, she made us realise, that, i was NOT taken, into 'bad hands' that there might be a purpose, behind what occured... that in time, the details would be revealed to me, and, that it was NOT going to be given then, in its entirety, and, when, i was ready, really ready, i would find out. She did tell me, that my 'real' work, was that of 'real' earth work, and, that i had come to earth to do that, it was more about 'children of the universe' and, NOT about, having 'children from my own body' ~ as, i was NOT here, to eXperience that type of eXchange and, if, i ever had a child, i would NOT attract the type of soul for a child, that, might need to have a 'mothering eXperience', as, they would NOT pick, someone like me, as, i would NOT be, a very good choice, for having a 'mothering eXperience" with. At the time, of that discovery, by Rebecca, and, myself, along with one of her guests, i wish, i could remember who, i was still in late 40's, ad, it was highly unlikely, i would have any children, since, there was NOT any eggs, to have any with, and, i had, NO desire, to bring in some sort of immaculate conception, and, if anything like 'jesus' thought they would utilise me, for a doorway into this world, my door was sealed, and, they were NOT going to get in this way. I always had, strange thoughts about Jesus, and, for some reason, NEVER liked the guy, in fact, i actually despised him, although, quite a number of my friends, adored him ~ my aunt, who ironically, is an angel~ has tried to save me, from 'the devil' quite a few times~ although, i know, the 'real' secret lies within, i suspect, that, i was on the earth, around the time, of Jesus, i think, he likely had a hand, in stealing my friends, and, those i was eXchanging with, in fact, i know, this was the case, i am a recordkeeper, to tell you, who i was, would only, remove the veil, of the mystery, that, until the very moment, that i am tying this, i did NOT truly know, for a fact, and, NOW, that truth, also, has been revealed to me, my story, is, an interesting one, it is filled, with a lot of eXchange, it likely could fill, book shelves, and, book shelves, and, make me, a slew of money, in this moment, that, is NOT were i am, my business, barely keeps things floating. i am, in a house, with a lot of equity, and, a mission, i know, is divinely guided, and divinely lead, normally, there is always, more money, than the month, and, we are very grateful for that. As, we typed this; we just saw 11;33 pm on the clock, and, tomorrow is Xmas. When asked last week, what it is, that, we wanted for Xmas, we said, if the last thing, we ever get to do in this life, is find enough money, to harness a team, to help us, to reveal what we know, and/or, enough money to float us, for 33 weeks, to do it, we could finish our 33 + years of research, we could finish our doctorate, and, we could tell the world, the truth, and, do it, in a way, in which, it will reach out, and, touch this world, and, will help others, to walk a little easier, through all the myraid of things,we have discovered, doing it, the 13th bridge eXists, we have been there, in 1966, 1993, and, 2007 when on 10/25/2007-rebecca j, rescued us, from the ethers, when we tried to blend past, present, future, into the NOW, and, missed LOL We do have a road-map, and, we know it works, HOME is, different places to different people orig. i was meant, to be, my mum's sister, although, for me to arrive onto earth, at the right time, that was NOT possible, if, i was her sister, so, they delayed my chosen time to birth, as, per Steve Rother, and, The Group, and, selected an arrival on the 27th day of December, in 1958, 7lk - The Day of The Wind God The First of The Last Days, on a Mayan Calender, that are called dead days ... We have about 700 emails to climb through, to edit, into this story, we have about 250,000 pages and, about 2500 1hr tapes ~ of experiences Going back, to the discovery of Rebecca, when i was still in late 40's, it was highly unlikely, i would have any children, since, there was NOT any eggs, to have any with. I think, it was in that moment, i had a lot of compassion for my mother, who truly wanted to have a "mothering eXperience" albeit, i was NOT the type of soul, who required that, and, i was NOT going, to play life, that way. My first words, were NOT mum, or even dad... out of the mouth of the babe, came the words 'Waz dat' ...and, pointing to things, my nature spirit friends, from the ancient and mystical land of pan, who came with me, that were flying around in the air, and, me pointing to the ethers, and, me saying waz dat'...'waz dat'...and, more 'waz dat' over and, over again. My parents-being parents for the first time, did NOT know, if they should play my game, or, NOT. My mum, tried to mum me, to death ~ and, that wasn't going to work the more she tried, to 'mum' me, the more i resisted. i came home from the hospital, and, was put into a big double bed, my parents wanted a house ~ more than a crib in an area of town, they likely, could ill afford, and, they needed, a better mattress for themselves so, i came home from the hospital, and, was put into a big double bed, NOT a crib, and, was walking a little before six months, and, able to climb out of my playpen, which was likely painted with 'green lead' paint and, i could run, before, i was 7 months old, i didn't have very much hair, until, i was over 1 year old, and, also didn't get any teeth til them either... i was also highly allergic, to my mother, and, her milk, and, both of us, where rh neg o, in fact, everyone, on her side of the family, is rh neg o and, my dad, was o positive, blood. After, a lot of 'waz dat', the next thing, i said, was 'no way' followed closely by 'i do' then just to frustrate here, even further, i said, 'dee dee' for 'dad' instead of saying, 'mum' which i said, for my 5th eXpression As for the eggs, that got taken, as per Rebecca J, all my eggs, ended up, becoming 'other children' from an angelic/celestial/elemental galatic standpoint~ children, in other densities, and, dimensions, and, in other worlds, and, i suppose, to a certain degree, this at least, put my mind at ease. NOT KNOWING about missing time, can be very disturbing... discovering, your own rafts of truth, telling this story, is NOT going to be EASY pressing the send button, is likely the hardest thing, we have ever done our greatest fear, was, and, no longer is, that you will 'laugh' at us, instead, we invite you, to 'laugh' with us ~ and, just eXchange with us from 4/6/1993 til meeting gnosis in 2008/2009 we knew, about the missing time and, it did disturb us~ when metered~ we had 2 rudiments left to go clear which surprised us, as, we though we were a 'clear' The Rudiments: one~from the age of 16/17 when a boyfriends mother accused us, of doing something, we did NOT do, and, she almost shot us / angels & elementals showed up in the trinity or trine of ethers and, the date 11/3/1991 ~ when at 3am, a roadway of rainbow light, came from the 4th level studio in the house by the side of the Trent River, near The Hamlet of Trent River, near Hastings, Ontario... and, landed in my bedroom, on the 3rd level facing the lake and, i asked my higher guidance/and, guides if, it was in 100% alignment, and, was it ok, to walk the road of light, they confirmed yes, as, i stepped into the studio i saw, two venusian scout ships and, i immediately, said outloud-don't go anywhere and, ran down 2 levels of steps, to get my camera from the kitchen, and, when i got back up there they were still there, i started to take photos when, i realised, there was a 3rd ship and, it was huge ~ like the size of a football field so, i took more photos ~ when my mate, came into the studio, and, said, ok, why are you up again, at 3am, i do NOT like this always getting up in the middle of nights, and, as, i turned to show him, where to look up in the sky, as, i turned my head, and, put my hand up, to turn his chin, in the right direction, he looked shocked, and, then, i realised, he was actually 'frozen in time' like a statue i remember, the horror of seeing that, what on earth, is going to happen next, my neXt thought was of the 4 children, that were in the house with us, where they going to be safe !!! yikes !!! what is going on !!! and, in the next moment, i recall being, being morphed through space, through this amasing rainbow coloured road, and, landing on a ship. i had no memory from 11/3/1991 to 4/6/1993 of living here, on earth, i don't recall, ever driving home from our country home i don't recall, ever breaking up with him, after the clearings, etc., and, being given the ability to live the eXperience through the eyes/of all the others we actually remembered, everything absolutely, everything, that occured, through utilsing rudiments/and, a meter and, now, i can tell the story i returned on 4/6/1993 - via a heart attack in my 34th year, at the age of 33 in the 11th hour of the morning ~ i was gone to another planet for 520 days ~ my e.t., or essence twin, took care of the physical body/or my earth temple, while i was gone and, likely prepared my body for what was to come MORE on this story - tomorrow Merry xmas, may my parents be generous tomorrow this is a tale whose time, is now, to be told 11:56 pm est 12/24/2009 |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
see post 88 on |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
question: what was pan ???
answer: what was pan/lemuria/atlantis/now go to / and, see: post # 90 |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Question: You wrote something about the old test of bible,
can't find it / meant to come back to read it / can you reference it via post ? answer: read the 10 part earth history starting here: Find out, who the god was, of the old test part of the bible it might shock you the god of the old testament - jehovah was a 7thD sirian - part 9 Find out, about orions & dracos Find out , in part 10 - about jesus / the lineage of sananada lots and lots to find out we have it recorded - but; don't know how to upload it (so, people can listen to it ) -- help with that, would be appreciated there is lots and lots to discover Find out, about a lot of things |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
We got our music,
from the most amasing source, in the usa, that you can imagine, for use, on our radio show/and, website it is called "racing the wind" and, "white owl" WOW - we are so eXcited what a Xmas present out with the old, and, in with the new !!! |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
QUESTION: i cant find the thread
ANSWER: HERE iT iS i am off to enjoy a philantrophic Xmas :naughty: HAPPY HOLLIDAYS to all :) PAGE 4 -- post #88 - and, about 10 or more sections (avail on mp3 - however, i don't know how to post one of those) perhaps-someone will help !!! |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
So far those are the only ways I know. :original: Happy Holidays to everyone here as well! |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Ask to bring in sacred space, and, Ask to stand, in 100% alignment, with missions, with purposes, and, with tasks, ask that anything that is NOT in that alignment, to leave Then raise your your hands up towards the sky then bring your wrists together and, with wrist to wrist, open it up, like a huge bowl - shaped like a "Y" and clearly, and, concisely state the following: i ask for the brightest blessings of energy to flow into the "v" of my hands for receiving, and, for sending of enerngy: I command, and, i demand this, for the highest eXpression of light, sound, tone, vibration, frequency & colour sent through The Trinity/or The Trine of The Ethers to all, for healing/and, for highest good through my hands, for the highest results to occur, to all the higher selfs/essences and, monads ~ on the list, and, also to all The Creator's creations, for distribution, in accordance with The Law of Sending to The Trinty / or The Trine of Higher Self, Essence and, Monad, as, it, always knows best... we ask, that only those teams, our teams, their teams, be present in this, THE PiVOT of THE NOW we ask, that the WELL of our hands, be filled we ask, that the WELL of us, to them, and, them to us, be honoured we ask, that the WELL of us, to them, and, them to us, be connected we ask, that the WELL of us, to them, and, them to us, be sent/and, received we command, and, we command it only in 100% alignment with all involved we thank you for your assistence at this TYME (TiME) "K" & Susan |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
could be done in just '1' word, however, it can NOT be, done in 'one' word, but, it can be done in 'truth' thanks for your comments they warm our heart thank you !!! |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
They come in, as huge blue/white type of sparkles in The Trine/or The Trinity of The 3rd eye (3 +1 3rd eye) Although, we almost died on 10/25/2007 trying to do, the future one, we did get a big lesson, and, had to move through The Crossroads of The Higher Heart/and, The Lower Heart The Crossroads of The Higher Mind/and, The Lower Mind, and, do a major clearing suZan of, did that for us, as, a gift, from my friend "M" who is NOW here, as a member Then, it was possible to do we did merge that day, with the 9th aspect but, NOT the 9th future aspect, that was later happy holidays to you, my good friend, are you hiding out somewhere for Xmas ??? |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
the links are here ~ we could sure utilise someone with some production talents :mfr_lol: part 1 to 5 here |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
it's a little rough,
as, i produced it, last minute at 2am in the morning alone in my hide-out and, i did NOT pre-miX it also-carson, had a cold he didn't tell me about (pardon a few of his manly eXpressions) :mfr_lol: and, a few of my own mis-cues ;) perhaps, you like my choice of music ? the man behind this music, is brilliant ;) the stratches, in the stuff, i could NOT remove men, like carson, are definitely a little bit noisy !!! |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
and, we are quite adapt at removing those "suppressor parasite entities' etc., in fact, we removed our own ~ 1 insect/and, 3 reptiles back in june of 2009 ~ from utilising a chart that we paid someone to do Yes, iT sure is a great feeling, seeing/and, knowing, folks are walking up ~ and, paying attention Yes, most people can do, their most important work within their "dreaming tYme" although ~ most do NOT want to READ ALL ABOUT iT they are still looking for silver / or golden spoons ;) Thanks Gnosis, for your comments, they are appreciated very highly, and, if NOT for you, the pot, might NEVER have gotten THE FiNAL STiR ;) of course, please do share that last process, we went through, with your friend, being CLEAR, totally CLEAR is this lifes greatest blessing, having you bring that to us, turned 'THE TRiP" into "THE JOURNEY" yup, that good old JOURNEY to THE 13th BRiDGE" THANK you for your eXchanging/and, your sharings !!! |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
~ or try to ~ obviously, that is NOT a total possible thing to do although, always remember 'truth' can be subjective and, anything channelled should be discerned, and, mined for its 'truth' a belief - is NOT always a 'truth' TRUTH is - truth although the collective consciousness, is always altering, changing, morphing, etc., so, the truth is eXpanding (and, can change) You can change your thoughts ~ and, thus change your belief, and, as, you do that, 'the truth' changes also~you can hold 'truth', that clearly is NOT 'real' truth thanks celine, for your question ~ happy holidays to you |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
who serve souls on earth, during THE GRAND CYCLE we are in a grand cycle now the earth's 13th grand cycle and, there are some people on earth who carry, one of 144 points of their light kind of like a candle/and, a tourch :) |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
that occurred in Atlantis, for some here, it was their most powerful lifetime with force/and, with power the eXpression of duality-widens let's invert this :sad: and, magically transport it to :roll1: We are all so full of force, and, full of power, it is just a matter of tripping the switch called "FANTASTiC" AND, learning how to be, a real eXchanger We predict, a wake up of mammoth proportions and, some turn the sign of a sheep, into the sign of a goat, what it really represents !!! PLUTO in CAPRiCORN RULES !!! iT also, as, WE have said before, is THE TYME that TRUTH is told, esp. since, we are in an INFORMATION AGE WE THINK Farley, from made that original prediction visit, his site, he is brilliant ~ his old archieves stuffed full of things we think of him, as, The 'real' Grandfather of Metaphysics, at least, of the last 60 years, he is always way ahead of his tyme, back in the 70's,and, 80's and, into the 90's ~ he light up the airwaves we think he is soon, to rise like cream, comes out of milk ~ and, start a process to eXchange again~ on a very high profile level ~ This man, is beyond a genius :) |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
you could say The Tide iS turning... and, The iLLs, will eXterminate themselves already the inner circles, are turning on the inner circles we predicted this back, in the late 70's there are some, who will NOT allow 'the milking' to go on there are others, who will eXchange in an assortment of ways, and, the people, they will riSe like cream yup...THE TYME of THE GREAT eXCHANGERS, A TYME WHEN ALL OF US, will join hands together, dig out 'the secrets' buried deep within us, and, make peace with our pieces yup...iT iS TYME !!! EVERYONE GETS iNVOLVED and, the energetic eXpressions goes through the roof, i suppose that iS a big sea and, a BIG SEE like in, SEE it HAPPEN ;) thanks gnosis, for your support on this thread !!! |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
SHOW # 2
EARTH HISTORY -- PARTS 6 TO 8 (PART 9, AND, 10~ will be broacast after midnite EST on 12/27 - our birthday ;) since we used up todays free allotment Followed by a show with Sal live - TBA (is coast to coast reading ~ we would love to be on that show) :mfr_lol: |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
we are likely to do a radio show tonight, after midnite, or, tomorrow; and; reveal who the gods of the old test/bible really were ~ you can read it, up around page 4 on this thread, however, we are putting up radio shows ~it is in section 8/9 & 10 there is info there, too about jesus/the christ & mary So, who are you ... that is a journey, a soul should take by themselves, it is much more powerful to discover for yourself ~ on radio shows, etc., we reveal some of that ~ more will come in tyme. also ~ the reason why, they can NOT get you is, the same reason, they can NOT almost everyone We came to earth, protected by 13 keys and, recently, i brought that information through if you look around ~ would you have come here, without any protection ??? or, an agreement to be protected ??? ask/ask/ask - for that protection NOW !!! AND, ask/ask/ask - to install it and, ask/ask/ask - it to activate - in THE PiVOT of THE NOW !!! "Will it to, it will be...and, so iT iS ...13" NOW~ I AM looking to commission an artist (there is a kid here, i'd like to help, however, i am waiting for funds, to come in, before i can do that) or, perhaps, find someone who will help me, to CREATE the platform for the key the hard part - the 13 light encoded mandalas, are already done !!! maybe, someone will help me !!! |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
We are inserting all the stuff, were XXX (kisses) mark the spots
We hope this is helpful to many, who wish, that stuff was there HAPPY HOLIDAYS to ALL and, may we all sail into a 2010 that is beyond all our eXpectations and, do it, in a way THE eXchangerS rise within all of us !!! it is TYME to do it !!! Lets all start a process of going to bed asking for essence contact, and, finding out, why the heck, we are down here and, lets all decide, or, choose to pick up the reigns on our missions, our purposes, and, our tasks we really KAN, we really CAN if our will, is our way !!! |
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