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Gnosis5 11-30-2009 03:33 AM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
eXchanger wrote:

"...and, what pisses me off the most,
is that i do have many solutions,
and, yet, i can NOT seem to get heard,
one person, who should have listened to me, did NOT

many have departed here,
due to these types of discussions here,
in my opinion,
you are just are NOT listening to the right people,
there are people, here and NOW,
that know things...."

You have already demonstrated your organizational and leadership skills.

That's why I'd rather charge for my time than for my solutions and know how.
Although someday I may pull together an e-book and get an eXchange for it. How about you, you have at least one book in you?

Also I think part of the answer to your lament is in the work we are doing that could very soon remove some heavy suppressors which keep people "sheeple". Just a shot in the dark right now.

Get the feeling of what it would be like if people did wake up and start paying attention?

Okay, I'm going to bed with that nice thought :-)


THE eXchanger 11-30-2009 03:35 AM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
"TODAY is a pivotal date
11-29 (IN A YEAR OF 11) ANOTHER 11-11-11
it is, the day, that we have decided,
to start a communication,
through this channel, Susan/The eXchanger (publically)
there are many on earth, who are aware,
of my alignment, to her, and, to her, alignment to me,
suffice to say ~iT iS a moment in time ~ that is 'seamless'

It is 11/29/2009
a real 11 - 29=2+9=11 - (2+0+0+9) 11
much like, the date 11-11-2009 (11)
which occured earlier this month,
when, a specific grid of 33 stones,
were laid, that makes this communication process,
quite simple, as, the ground work,
was laid, to an assortment of 'light libraries'
one - at the core of this waterworld/Mother Earth/or Gaia,
aka Panchamama
one - at the core of alcoyne, within the 7 sisters star System
and, one - in the 9th density of Venus
The channel, has worked with the 28 guardians of The Moon
(WHICH we mentioned here)

We invite your questions...
Susan / The eXchanger

eleni 11-30-2009 03:36 AM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Wow- you were lucky to study and travel with him and Krishnamurti!!

I am a fire horse- born in the 7th month at XXX PM EST.

EXchanger- how many NDE's have you had? That's life altering. I had my first one a few days before Princess Di died (I knew she would as I had predicted it 10 days before) in 1997.

Wow, a wizard in Cornwall. One could call him the wizard of Cornwall.

Did he help you during this experience?

THE eXchanger 11-30-2009 03:44 AM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them

Originally Posted by Gnosis5 (Post 192602)
You wouldn't happen to own some "night goggles"? I'd be interested to see thses battles Sal speaks of.

my dear gnosis / my good buddy / my good friend

-you are humouring me :naughty:

-it was 'me' that talked aobut the 'battles' & 'night goggles' :lmao:

ahh - enjoy your dreams :mfr_lol:

(we know you do that well,
since, we shared that with you)

you should have video-taped me,
over our 6 hour lunch/coffee/dinner,
and, 'fall on my face' ;)

i should have told you, i do NOT walk well, when altered ;)

- they sell the goggles on ebay

- maybe ANT can shot them, with his new fancy camera

- we've been working in the higher spiritual wars since 1986
and, see without goggles

the eXchanger

ps; we don't know how to share photos
and, would share a lot of stuff
(if someone would help us,
to label photographs, etc.)

THE eXchanger 11-30-2009 03:55 AM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them

Originally Posted by eleni (Post 192617)
Did he help you during this experience?

The one born, at the same time of my drowning,
yes/and, i know,
i think we help each other
he is one of a group of 12 wizards,
that were at their prime,
in cusco, peru, back in 1200 BCE~in a grand cycle
at that time, i was the 13th member-or, the orator
of the group - this is the member
of a secret group / who speaks on behalf of the group of 12,
this member, is commonly referred to,
as, 'thirteen' or '13'

it is were 12 operate, as one - in the 13th

He is from Cadre 1 Entity 3
- part of GNOSIS5's soul family
- a part of the larger cadre 1
there IS ALSO cadre 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 ... (that we are aware off)
and, with each cadre,
are 7 entity groups.

i was aware, of him coming in,
at the time, that, i was between worlds
and, was hanging out in an old ancient 'tree of life'
and, were observing his birth,
it was a really impacting eXperience
for someone at the age of 7
in their 8th year

i'll never forget it

we crossed paths in 2002 - for the first time, online

although, in 2005,
we walked past each other,
at Merlins Cave, when he was going up to the top,
whilst, i was going down, to the cave
he had a sense, that i was there,
although, at that time,
we did NOT meet

major essence contact - occured between this person/and, myself
over the past 7 years within dreaming.

he is an artist - and, drew me,
'naked', in charocoals
without ever seeing me, in person,
and, got everything in the 'right places'
including, capturing my essence

(i am NOT sure, we are allowed to post,
those types of pictures)

or, put them, in our 'photo' section

(i will put it, in my book)

it just might improve - the book sales ;)

the eXchanger

Gnosis5 11-30-2009 04:02 AM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
My apologies. I'm glad I took one last look before I tucked in. I might be up til midnight now, lol.

No, I was not bullbaiting you at all, just wasn't sure what you have been posting is from Sal and what is from you. Thank you for clarifyiing.

Yes I did feel you were channeling at that moment and I would only have recognized it because I am also starting to be able to channel, so I sort of recognized it when I saw you doing it.

The thing about channeling I still find disconcerting is that after I've said something really marvelous and timely, I then become my "stupid self" again, lol. A real ego-buster, lol.



Originally Posted by eXchanger (Post 192622)
my dear gnosis / my good buddy / my good friend

-you are humouring me :naughty:

-it was 'me' that talked aobut the 'battles' & 'night goggles' :lmao:

ahh - enjoy your dreams :mfr_lol:

(we know you do that well,
since, we shared that with you)

you should have video-taped me,
over our 6 hour lunch/coffee/dinner,
and, 'fall on my face' ;)

i should have told you, i do NOT walk well, when altered ;)

- they sell the goggles on ebay

- maybe ANT can shot them, with his new fancy camera

- we've been working in the higher spiritual wars since 1986
and, see without goggles

the eXchanger

ps; we don't know how to share photos
and, would share a lot of stuff
(if someone would help us,
to label photographs, etc.)

Gnosis5 11-30-2009 04:06 AM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them

Originally Posted by eXchanger (Post 192615)
"TODAY is a pivotal date
11-29 (IN A YEAR OF 11) ANOTHER 11-11-11
it is, the day, that we have decided,
to start a communication,
through this channel, Susan/The eXchanger (publically)
there are many on earth, who are aware,
of my alignment, to her, and, to her, alignment to me,
suffice to say ~iT iS a moment in time ~ that is 'seamless'

It is 11/29/2009
a real 11 - 29=2+9=11 - (2+0+0+9) 11
much like, the date 11-11-2009 (11)
which occured earlier this month,
when, a specific grid of 33 stones,
were laid, that makes this communication process,
quite simple, as, the ground work,
was laid, to an assortment of 'light libraries'
one - at the core of this waterworld/Mother Earth/or Gaia,
aka Panchamama
one - at the core of alcoyne, within the 7 sisters star System
and, one - in the 9th density of Venus
The channel, has worked with the 28 guardians of The Moon
(WHICH we mentioned here)

We invite your questions...
Susan / The eXchanger

If KulKulKan would like to answer this question:

What, if any, is the relationship between yourself and the being who I see and know as Maitreya?


THE eXchanger 11-30-2009 05:06 AM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them

Originally Posted by Gnosis5 (Post 192606)
You might have to stay for the duration
-- don't worry, I promise to help you keep your morale up.

We are already in 'the new world'
on Friday, when i went to the bank,
i saw, that 9th density being,
the man, i told you, i meet back in 2000,
in the coffee shop.

The one, i told you about...
and, he was walking with a nap sack !!!
on 11/27/2009 - 11-9-11

Remind me, to tell you the story
of the man, with the twinkling blue eyes
from 2/2/2000~as, this was, the same man !!!

the eXchanger

Gnosis5 11-30-2009 05:26 AM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
At this point in my evolution I don't think I understand what a 9th density being is or does or how to spot such a one, but I can appreciate the synchronicity of the timing.


orthodoxymoron 11-30-2009 06:04 AM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
This materials looks very interesting. I scanned it...and will read it tomorrow.

I continue to be very wary of 'Earth Changes' and all extermination scenarios. I keep thinking that this is all about reigning-in the 'Freedom Seekers' (renegade Pleiadians from Aldebaran?). I keep thinking that we are mostly dealing with Human Beings and Interdimensional Reptilians...and variations on these themes. I keep thinking that Human Beings (in and from the Pleiades?) have tasked Interdimensional Reptilians (mostly from Draco?) with managing us...and reigning us in. There seems to be guidelines or rules of engagement...which I tend to think would not exist if the Reps (who hate us) were on their own. Did they get the reps at Rent-A-Rep? 'Gimme Fifty Million Reps...Maggot! (aka Lord of the Flies)

Please poke holes in this paragraph. I don't want it to be true. I want to be Responsibly Free...but I do not want to think of myself as a Rebellious Self Exalting Renegade Pleiadian from Aldebaran who followed Lucifer out of Heaven in Rebellion Against Almighty God. Know what I mean?

THE eXchanger 11-30-2009 06:20 AM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them

"The dark lords, the dark ladies, and, the dark masters - do eXist

a simple process, of 'simple' commands/and, demands

will 'boot' them, and, remove them, from your space(s)

and, can even remove them,

from between time, and, between space,

and, anywhere, you do NOT know, where to ask for it !!!

SER work - or, spirit entity removal work

is one thing, the channel, has mastered !!!

interesting enough...

in an incarnated form

you can choose, your anchor !!!

Earth is a rare place,

it is a waterworld

surrounded by The Trine/or The Trinity of Ether

there are 7 elements, NOT 4

there are 13 cycles, in a year, NOT 12

and, believe this, or NOT

there are NOT 24 hours, IN DAY !!!

(ALTHOUGH, a man_made clock,
would have you thinking that way)

it was one, of a 'rooster' of 'tricks' played upon humanity

(more on this-to come)

Gaia/Mother Earth,
The Pachamama, as, she is also called

entered into
an 11th density, state of being !!!

on 11-11-2009 ~ follow her, as, she is the 'real' leader

We are simply, a messenger

Brightest blessings of energy, light 'n love to all

through Susan / The eXchanger

THE eXchanger 11-30-2009 06:31 AM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
"extermination ???

it does NOT truly eXist

there is NO such thing, as a death

a physical body-death, yes

a 'real' death of an "original spark"

does NOT eXist

you will simply transition, into something else

as, we said,

ANCHOR yourself,
and, brace yourself
for the most amasing ride
you can imagine

We typed all day,
many messages,
will be slightly edited,
and, posted

Welcome to the NEW WORLD

all of you are co-creating it, with US

in the neXt 13 days...

WE will likely write a book on PA/PC

THROUGH this channel

in the NEW WORLD - you will leave much of the 'old' behind

albeit, for a new eXchange to rise,

the old system,

might have to ride side-saddle to the new one

before, it get tossed.

The 'evil' eXchangers,
will get transported to worlds,
that are vastly different,
than the 'new world' the new eXchangers
will live within.

a place were all souls
are equal,
where 'much' is the only thing
that can 'gather' more !!! "

through Susan/The eXchanger

THE eXchanger 11-30-2009 06:36 AM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them

Originally Posted by Gnosis5 (Post 192630)
If KulKulKan would like to answer this question:

What, if any, is the relationship between yourself and the being who I see and know as Maitreya?

"That is simple, you, and, susan, have shared one 'grand cycle'
this on the planet of Acturus, the two of you,
were part of a group of '12 high priestesses'
the channel, was NOT the group orator / or known,
as, 13 at that time, in that lifetime, it was you, to the fore.

Questions asked, are best, to be general,
so, Information, given, is much better,
to be utilised, by everyone ~
so, that, a myriad of souls,
might benefit, from the answers

So, on that note,
it might be, a good idea, to give out,
general information, for general souls,
who are in the process of searching/and, seeking answers,
to things, that will be useful, to them, at this time.

A grand cycle, is a completed cycle,
thus NO residue, remains,
thus it will do you, NO earthly good,
to know, of these, past grand cycles.

Know this,
there are many souls, who have agreements,
they are forged in sets of 4
where one, carries knowledge
where one, carries love
where one, carries power
where one, carries support

(more on this, on neXt post)

as, this information, has already been given
quite eloquently, by another channel

(and, these agreements,
can eXtend, to 5 - 12 souls)

for example,
you could have a group of 6,
who overlap, another group of 6,
and, they would total 12 souls
operating together

(some of them providing,
energetic imputs, related to the 4 sectors, mentioned above)

the orator-of said group, would be known, as 'thirteen' or '13'

in this lifetime, the channel, is involved, in one quadrate,
where she carries, knowledge

albeit, old souls,
are involved, in much more, than just one of these
and, have an assortment of agreements
with other souls, to work in groups

In my agreement, with the channel,
i provide the knowledge,
and, she provides only the power.

there is an old saying,
when two of more gather--'good' stuff can happen

also, we might remind you,
that, knowing, the 'end result'
is, always, the best starting place

this is why, you live in a world of 'fine' eXamples

there are many, who are on earth, at this time,
that are showing many, they are anything, BUT !!!

this is why
'discernment' is important, in everything you do

you can learn, just as much,
from a poor eXample,
as, you can, from a good eXample

On the 2nd question

That is simple,
Maitreya / KulKulKan
and, 10 other beings,
are part of a group of 12

seen as, two groups of six,
who overlap, with one another,
as, eXplained above
(forth coming, in the neXt post)

as, there is NO point to waste hours of work
(to give the same information twice)
we will insert that, when we are finished here

As, an oversoul group from 10th density,
we have already emboided
the requirements of love, knowledge, power, and, support
and, we can play, each and everyone of them,
as, the masters, that we are

~ this is why 'we' are here at this time
to guide the 'empty' vessel,
who has chosen to empty herself,
in this moment,
who has chosen to step to the side,
in this moment,
and, to co-operate with me,
in this moment,
so she might operate on a clean/clear/& crisp channel

go easy on her, as,
we do NOT want her turning into a 'crispy kritter':naughty:

her selection, by us, was NOT a random act,
but, something, that she has risen to,
and, accepts,
as part of her responsibilities,
to fulfil, her missions, her purposes, and, her tasks,
we honour her, for having the courage,
to finally, step up to the plate,
this is NOT easy work,
and, by doing so,
it could be said,
that a 'grand page' in 'the cosmos'
is about to make, and, to take, its turn

This, we might remind, all of you,
is NOT easy work, to do,
done right, it is,
what we will call "good work"

We are here,
at this time,
to be, in service, to all

All of those, who are choosing,
to step into, all, that you are,
with all, the potential,
each, and, everyone of you,
possess, is already on_board equipment,

it does NOT take,
the mastery, of an airplane mechanic,
to fly your bird,
(pardon, our pun)
it does take,
the mastery,
of simply learning how to 'still' your mind
the mastery,
of learning how to 'balance' your heart
the mastery,
of learning how to 'balnce' your physical being

of The Lower Mind/and, The Higher Mind
of The Lower Heart/and, The Higher Heart
has within it,

It is, your neXt destination ...

aim for it,
just command, and, demand it

will it, to be,
so, it, will be,
and, so, it is
(333 333 315)*

do it,
to be,
be it,
to do,
(333 333 315*)

*Simply sub, your own soul sigil/or soul signature
in place, of the numbers, given
WITHIN the brackets

simple, is it NOT ???

yes...your neXt question???

through Susan/The eXchanger

THE eXchanger 11-30-2009 06:41 AM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them


channeled by : Channeled by Terri Claire Benning

Task Group Dynamics ~ The Quadrate

What is the difference between a "Quadrate" and a "Quadrant?"

A quadrate is a whole unit consisting of four distinct quadrants. The whole unit can be a circle, a square or rectangular in shape. The word "quadrate" refers to the whole unit, while the word "quadrant" refers to each of the four individual "parts" within that greater whole.

There has been some confusion regarding the correct use of these terms over the years, thus clarification of the terms is offered below before continuing on with the section on "Quadrates."

Dictionary Definitions:

quad·rate (kwä′drit, -drāt′; for v., -drāt′)

(adjective) ~ 1. square or nearly square; rectangular
(noun) ~ 1. a square or rectangle 2. a square or rectangular space, thing, etc.

quad·rant (kwä′drnt) ~ (noun)
a fourth part of the circumference of a circle; an arc of 90°
a quarter section of a circle
any piece or part shaped like a quarter section of a circle
an instrument similar to the sextant in design and function, and superseded by it
Geom. any of the four parts formed by rectangular coordinate axes on a plane surface
The Four Quadrant Positions ~ Corresponding Centers, Roles and "Departments"

All people will experience each of the four different quadrant positions at some point in their lives. Most experience them even in the course of living just a single day. Groups of four fall into these quadrant positions quite naturally in the course of their everyday life activities, such as when two couples decide go out to dinner together or a family of four plans a weekend outing. Each person will feel naturally drawn toward the quadrant position which best suits their own essential nature, easily and effortlessly, and they will naturally begin to take on the function of that position, with or without awareness of the fact that they are doing so.

Whether long term, spanning lifetimes to accomplish a specific task, or short term, lasting no longer than a few hours, quadrates are a natural part of life. It is not truly necessary to know who fills which position for the task to be fulfilled, as quadrates will operate quite naturally and automatically all by themselves. Conscious awareness of the four positions can, however, be fun, informative and can assist you in recognizing and validating each person's part in the play. This makes the whole "game of life" even more fun and rewarding when one can become consciously aware of the dynamics of the game itself.

In the Michael teachings, certain roles tend to gravitate naturally to each of the four quadrant positions, however, ANY role can fulfill any of the four positions at any time, if they so choose. This is simply the most common way the roles in essence will tend to show up in quadrate group formation as a general rule of thumb. We have adopted the analogy of a business or a "company" environment as an example of how each of these four positions might show up in one's daily life experiences.

1. LOVE ~ Artisans or Sages ~ Emotional Center ~ (Marketing Dept.)

Love position says, "Lets do a new line of products."

The Love position person is the "visionary" of the group. This is the person who first comes up with the original idea for something new and different, and proposes this new idea to the rest of the group. They see the potential that the new concept, invention or product represents. They are the ones who "see" what other's have yet to envision and/or to recognize as potentially valuable or useful to others. The love position person provides the creative "vision" and inspiration for the new idea, concept, invention or product to be launched and made manifest in the world.

Due to the highly creative and expressive nature of artisans and sages, they often find themselves drawn to fill the Love position function quite naturally.

The LOVE position corresponds to the emotional center in the Michael Teachings. Such creative inspirations are often a "labor of love" initially, which is a good term for the function of the Love position as well.

The Love position person works closely with the Power position person.

2. KNOWLEDGE ~ Scholars ~ Intellectual Center ~ (Research Dept.)

Knowledge position says, "I'll find out how many American's own x widget".

The knowledge position person has all of the pertinent information related to the new concept, invention or product at their command. They often act as a kind of advisor to the group, and can give grounded feedback supported by well documented and researched "data," when called upon to do so. If they don't know the precise piece of information requested by their quadrate mates, they usually know exactly where to find it, and are often eager to do the research required on the subject matter in order to bring the needed information to light. The knowledge position person is the key "go to" person for any and all information as it would pertain to successful completion of the agreed upon task, project and/or purpose of the quadrate.

By nature, scholars are often drawn to fill the Knowledge position function, and excell at doing so, although any role in essence can fill any of the four quadrant positions, of course.

The KNOWLEDGE position corresponds to the intellectual center in the Michael teachings.

The Knowledge position person works closely with the Support position person.

3. POWER ~ Warriors or Kings ~ Moving Center ~ (Production Dept.)

Power position says, "I'll start the machines!"

The Power position person is often the last person to join the quadrate group, and often shows up when the new concept, invention or product is ready to go to into production and/or be taken to market. Because the power position works so closely with the love position person, this person may also show up in tandem with the love position person, although this is not as often the case. Once the Power position person has joined the group however, things will really begin to take off quickly. The rest of the task group needs to be ready for the arrival of the Power position person, for once they have arrived on the scene, the group is poised to move forward very rapidly from that point. This is why the Power position person is often the last to join the task group quadrate. The power position person is the one who has the "power" to make it happen in the real world, and to "make it so."

Kings and Warriors are often drawn to fulfill the function of the Power position, due to their natural proclivity to take grounded actions when needed and their great sense of organization and timing. Of course, this function can be filled by any role in essence, although it is quite likely that the person who fills the Power position in the quadrate will have either strong king or warrior casting placements and/or action axis overleaves in their charts, if they do choose to assume this role and function in the quadrate.

The Power position corresponds to the MOVING center in the Michael Teachings.

The Power position person works closely with the Love position person.

4. SUPPORT ~ Priests or Servers ~ Instinctive Center ~ (Personel Dept.)

The Support position says, "I have just the person for you to talk to."

The Support position person gets along well with the rest of the positions in most cases and this person helps to grease the wheels between the quadrate members when differences of opinions, stress or conflicts arise between them. Thus, they are often the "glue" that keeps the group working together more smoothly so the quadrant has a stronger probability for successful completion of the task they have chosen to undertake together. The support position person has a good feel for each of the other members of the quadrate, and may be the one to introduce the other members into the group and/or to one another initially. This person usually takes time to listen to each position's "concerns" in turn, and keeps communication flowing between all four quadrant positions. They are usually compassionate and can see all sides of an issue or a problem and can facilitate a neutral decision or course of action to take that will keep all of the group members happy and content working together as a group on their chosen task.

Thus, the Support position person functions as the "neutral" center for the group, and assists the group in assimilating the best of it's notions into a working whole that benefits all concerned.

Here, Priests tend to gravitate towards and to excell at this "job" due to their exalted perspective, however Servers are also very good at supporting their fellow quadrate members as well.

The Support position person works closely with the Knowledge position person.

Regarding Axis Pairings in a Quadrate

Within the quadrate structure, the 1. LOVE and 3. POWER positions are strongly drawn to work together toward the accomplishment of the goal, and the 2. KNOWLEDGE and 4. SUPPORT positions share a close reciprocal working bond, each pair occuring naturally on their own axis. All members of the quadrant will engage with one another in due course of fulfilling the chosen task, of course, however these natural axis pairings do tend to be relatively consistent across the board.

[For more information on the above materials, see pages 156 - 167, in "Tao to Earth" by Jose Stevens, Ph.D.]



(IT WILL give you some working example)

NOTE; NOT all michael channels agree on the soul family
for Obama / NOR, on his chart !!!

THE eXchanger 11-30-2009 06:48 AM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
29/11/2009 7:37:43 P.M.

aka 233 233 215 ( 8/8/8)

He is a 10th density, 34th dimensional being
who likely, should i allow,
have some interesting things to say
to those, who might, care to hear,
what it is, that, he has to say ~ ask questions
He is wise, and, knows a lot of stuff

He has been with me, since, 1966
when i drown - he has been a major force in my life

In my 3rd NDE in 2007
(2+7=9 completion / new beginnings)
on 10/25 = 1+2+5=8 (8= the infinity loop)

This merge, came on the 'real' 9-9-9

2+ 0 + 0 + 7 = 9

9-9-9- was NOT in the year of 2009- for that was an 9-9-11

At this time, something, that referred to itself as
333-333-315 (another guide, that had been around, since 1993)
POPPED into the picture,
we also discovered, that merging,
with the future self, was also possible,
and, that, was brought in,
through THE PIVOT OF THE NOW !!!

and, this was done on 9/27/2007

Unfortunately, this is NOT an easy thing to do,
and, without anyone else, who could show us,
what to do ~ we learned a 'grave' lesson,
you can NOT do this ~ without a higher/and, lower 'heart'
and, a higher/and, lower 'mind', anchored through

ironically, AS, we sat between the worlds,
in the ethers, and, telepathed out messages,
it was Rebecca Jerrigan,
who came in, and, actually saved our physical earth life,
when, we were stranded in ethers,
when, we were NOT quite aware,
of just how far,
merging with this 9th density-monad/& future self might toss us,
well, you could say, it tossed us,
out of the physical earth loop :mfr_lol:
and, we did NOT know how to get back into our body !!!

We also discovered, that Rebecca Jerrigan,
could telepath, and, when a message went out to her,
she responded within seconds, and, that was an amasing moment in time.

We got an 'etheric heart' transfusion/and, transmission,
for another 'sister of light'~ our words would 'pale'
what occured,
suffice to say, it is, at that moment,
that one realises, just how magi-icent, we really are !!!

And, just how magi-icent, other people, are too !!!

When our heart, re-started
we saw, the fibernaci sequence,
as, our heart, refilled,
and, began beating properly again,
for over, fifty five minutes, our heart,
had only one long beat, for about 3 seconds,
once, per minute.

so, on 10/25/2007 -
i, or, you could say 'we' had a pivotal moment in ethers
when we discovered, that a 9th density eXistence,
was possible upon the earth :)
(and, interacted with another soul)
who also, could do this too~Rebecca.

We also discovered,
that we are a part/or, one piece of the 144 crystalline points of light,
that make up, a part of our main guide,
The KulKulKan, and, we are here on earth,
to carry, that last piece, back to him,
so, we can finally 'go home'...yes, 12 x 12 = 144
so, we are, we all are, parts of a grouping of 144.

This earth incarnation, is NOT an easy one, for us !!!

although, we know, we are here, to have the best incarnation,
we have ever had, and, it holds the potential to be,
our most favourite one, it must be done...

with you, or without you,

quite frankly, we have reached a point,
where we no longer care,
what it is, that any of you think,
the real answers - lay, way beyond 'earth' thoughts


we are here, to do our job
with a 'rich' heart, and, a 'full' mind
it is time, to empty that, and, share it,
so, we might be refilled with 'new' stuff
for a 'new world'

our well-is so full - it slooshes !!!

it's 11/29/2009 - and, it is time, to do it !!!

no ifs, no buts, no maybes,
and, NO MORE, erasing posts !!! :mfr_lol:

and, to the last person, who said, in a private e-mail
erase your stuff - they will laugh at you - UP YOURS !!!
(who the hell, do you think, you are ???)
trying to tell us, what we should, or should NOT say
(and, that~this type of information - should be PRIVATE) :mfr_lol:

There are 'no secrets' in an "age of information"
and, the truth is always recorded into all the 'libraries of light'
(and, for those who can tap into it, themselves,
they can discern it, for themselves)
NOT need, to pay other people, to get into records for them,
as, they do NOT have the developed abilities,
to read them, themselves
~and, then take that information,
SECOND hand from another, and, hold it, as their gospel/or truth)
that is why, we NEVER responded, to your last email.

Truth is found, when you KNOW how to mine for it, yourself !!!

and, to the group, who visited me, do NOT come again !!!

We are choosing, to NOT be quiet !!!

We are all in this together ...

we are all part of a magi-ificent tapestry,

that needs all the threads,

in order, to re-assemble itself,

there is NO DARKNESS, where there is light

there is NO MORE, when finally,

those of you, on earth,

embrace, the who, the what, the where, the why, and,
most of all the when, of your eXistence,
wise words, have been spoken here,
on this site...for eXample:


(AS, one of the other, advanced beings,
here in PROJECT AVALON, has said, many times)


iT is TiME...to bring it, back to The ROUND,
THE ORiGiNAL ROUND ~that is why,
a few other advanced souls, started this website

it iS TiME, to rock 'n roll this PACHAMAMA,
like it has NEVER been rocked before,
with you, or without you

count my words, it will happen !!!

We started here, as, the 8th member of this group

We believe, that, was a sign, it is here,
that we must, start a process, of revealing, all that we know

We hope many of you, will choose, to support us,
and, contribute to this thread, THIS is NOT easy,
to stick out your neck, alone.

We are, an old ancient bridger, known, as, 13,
the 13th member, of any group of 12,
is the orator, for the other 12.

There are 13 aspects,
to your consciousness,
and, we can NOT think of a better place,
to let it out, than here !!!

Thank you Bill Ryan, and, Kerrie Cassidy,
for all, that, you do !!!
Thank you also, to all my friends here,

It is appreciated !!!

The eXchanger

THE eXchanger 11-30-2009 06:57 AM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
29/11/2009 7:38:08 P.M. Eastern Standard Time

THE WORLD iS NOT ending on 10/21/2012

- that date is an energetic "11"

1 + 0 + 2 + 1 + 2 + 0 + 1 + 2 = 11

also the gregorgian calender, was set - to trick you

and, to tip you 'off balance'

your world, does NOT have 24 hrs in a day

(clocks were made by MAN)

AND, EVEN they do NOT keep perfect time

(likely because machines are NOT perfect,
and, when you manipulate things,
things, do NOT always work out,
in your favour)

however, the moon/sun/venus-are points,

that a great deal of measurement was done,

by the ancients ones, who KNEW THE TRUTH

MAYBE, iT iS TIME, TO FLOW in real 'cosmos' time

NOT cosmic/nor galatic time

(more on that, in the coming week)

we believe we solved a riddle,

back on 11/22/1993

(related to this)

sure glad, we kept all our journals

through Susan/The eXchanger

THE eXchanger 11-30-2009 07:01 AM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
1-15 SILVA MIND CONTROL -VS- Christianity
- 1-15 SILVA MIND CONTROL -VS- Christianity

(this is a real interesting series)

THE eXchanger 11-30-2009 07:02 AM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them

YouTube- 2-15 SILVA MIND CONTROL -VS- Christianity

THE eXchanger 11-30-2009 07:03 AM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them

YouTube- 3-15 SILVA MIND CONTROL -VS- Christianity

THE eXchanger 11-30-2009 07:04 AM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them

YouTube- 4-15 SILVA MIND CONTROL -VS- Christianity

THE eXchanger 11-30-2009 07:04 AM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them

YouTube- 5-15 SILVA MIND CONTROL -VS- Christianity

THE eXchanger 11-30-2009 07:05 AM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them

YouTube- 6-15 SILVA MIND CONTROL -VS- Christianity

THE eXchanger 11-30-2009 07:06 AM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them

YouTube- 7-15 SILVA MIND CONTROL -VS- Christianity

THE eXchanger 11-30-2009 07:07 AM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them

YouTube- 8-15 SILVA MIND CONTROL -VS- Christianity

THE eXchanger 11-30-2009 07:07 AM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them

YouTube- 9-15 SILVA MIND CONTROL -VS- Christianity

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