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THE eXchanger 12-11-2009 07:46 PM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
FREE Teleclass!!

Even though this has taken place on 11/24/09
you can listen to the playback at your leisure by calling
712-432-0211 and entering PIN 266172#

How to "Weather" the Energy Storms

We are getting bombarded with a lot of energy-fear-right now.

As the "veil" gets thinner we are becoming more sensitive to people, environments, etc.

I will re-mind you of tips and tools to help you weahter these energy storms.


THE eXchanger 12-12-2009 11:30 PM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
cern ? was what first came to our mind,
when we saw it, and, some form of bluebeam

what can that 'cern' thing do,
and, is it turned on again ???

feels like atlantis all over again :(

and, it is definitely some form of bluebeams

the chemtrails, lay a backdrop, like a movie screen

so, the images can appear

and, they are trying to get reactions from people

like the ghosts in the gas station
(that we posted, a long time ago)

green = blue + yellow

and, cern is underground in that same area

these things, these spirals, have appeared over china
and, in other places too

perhaps, this is where
bluebeams, interact with cern, and,
someone is playing the haarp

when things appear in the sky
it is NOT god , that is for sure
it is NOT a 'good; sign

and these 12/12 and, 12/21 datings
is a 6/6 -11 or 6/6-11 dates
are like a double hoax
and, nothing more than
a 6th density harvest !!!

there are a lot of folks, who think,
these dates, signal a 'good' harvest,
ohh boy -- if the flu doesn't get them, this will !!!

i do NOT think, very many people
understand, just how much goes on,
when they are in their beds, and, sleeping

when blue appears ---
and, you are aware of it,
you'd better quickly ask that being/or energetic eXpression
if it can show you dynamic red
and, morph them together to eXpress
the unseen/but seen purple

only ascended beings of the light, can eXpress purple in
their etheric suits !!!

anyone who understand colours,
will understand what we are saying


giovonni 12-12-2009 11:39 PM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Yes Susan~

"feels like atlantis all over again" :(

"when things appear in the sky
it is NOT god , that is for sure
it is NOT a 'good; sign" :sad:

THE eXchanger 12-12-2009 11:51 PM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
there is a solution for all of us

switching timelines

on a funny note,
my friend, who i first met on 11-11-1987
the original harmonic converage
in toronto

where we did those spiral dances, and, 11-11 stuff

sends me this:

Hey Susan, was just talking with XXXXXX
up north and he's really into this site.....
are you familiar with it?


Saturday, December 12, 2009 6:00 PM
Subject: Project Camelot | Interviews and Reports


Magamud 12-13-2009 12:00 AM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Can you explain more on color of lights in relation to spiritual beings?

THE eXchanger 12-13-2009 12:54 AM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
where or where, is the `great`miXer in the land of project avalon - and, project camelot -- you can hear some of ermina`s sound encoding
on www.the-exchangers.ning.com

done i believe, by the great "norther" miXer

do NOT think we can post a sound file here



THE eXchanger 12-13-2009 01:42 AM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them

Originally Posted by Magamud (Post 198575)
Can you explain more on color of lights in relation to spiritual beings?

Yes, we will do that, but, first,
we are going to paint a picture -
if you do NOT understand our story,
and, some of the others upon our path,
you likely won't get it !!!

THE eXchanger 12-13-2009 01:43 AM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them


My name is Karen Anderson. I feel that I have been on a spiritual path all of my life, but not on a personal soul's journey. I was blessed to experience the beginning of such an event in the fall of 1997, when an Angelic encounter transformed my life and what came from this experience, was a healing for my soul that I can only describe as a miracle from God. Here's my story . . .
I was born December 17, 1959 and was immediately adopted into in a very conservative Mormon family; one where religion was taught daily, but spirituality was not. My spiritual gift from God was . . . let's say, not approved of in my mother's eyes and certainly not in the Mormon church. In the churches mind, only males are gifted with God's spiritual gifts, through appointing them the "priesthood" title, where the same offering has never been given to females.

When I was young, I could hear words being said in my mind that someone was about to speak, before they spoke them, which was great as I knew what was going to be said. I noticed I was able to do this at will, no effort at all, it would just happen. I thought everyone had this happening to them and figured this is how life was, a normal way of hearing things. It became clear to me, after I would ask time and time again, did you hear this or that? and I was told no . . . that's weird, did I began to realize, maybe this is not for everyone. Growing up, I would often hear my mother Darlene say at social and family gatherings, "Karen's different, she has a very active imagination, she says she hears words being said before someone speaks them and I often catch her talking to and answering herself." I feel since my mother could not explain "me" to others, it was easier to just say I was different. It was probably more than my mother was able to comprehend at that time in hers and my life. I was different and unusual, spending many hours happily alone in my bedroom, listening to God, staring out the window longing for "Home" and watching loving faces appear on the ceiling, that didn't frightened me. As the years passed, I saw how my "truth" affected people. And as a young girl, with my loneliness at an all time high, I decided to conform into what I felt was the best way to be. This way, I thought for sure I would have acceptance in my life. So at the age of about 11, I let my gift from God go, shut the door to hearing him, not knowing at that time my spiritual gifts would reappear with a reopening that would change my life forever.

In February of 1996, a new chapter of my life was beginning to form. This chapter would take me on a personal journey of self-awareness, one I had longed to travel for many years. After a 15 year long search, I was reunited my birth father Chuck and 4 of my 6 birth siblings. I learned from the family, that I was fourth in line of seven children born. This was so great to hear, being raised with only one sibling, my brother Kevin (also adopted), I had often secretly wished for more brothers and sisters in my life. I was thrilled to hear how many siblings I now had to love and cherish (Michael, Lynn, Sherry, Tony, Shawn, Troy along with Kevin); I was truly blessed. What a joyous occasion it was to know of my ancestral and spiritual roots. What was to come from this family reunion was many things, as well as the knowledge that I had come from a family of intuitives, starting with my birth maternal grandmother, Marie. Weeks after the family reunion, it seemed the word "psychic or intuitive" became my personal quest to grasp the idea of such things and gain understand of it's meaning in my life.

I began to read all I could on spiritual matters. Book after book such as, psychic development, life after death, learning to channel, reincarnation and books on angels such as, "The Wisdom and Teachings of Archangel Michael" by Lori Flory and "The Messengers." by Nick Bunick. Through all of my reading, I quickly became aware of a new way in thinking about God and life. During this time of discovery, I recognized that there are many spiritual thoughts and paths that lead one back to God, many ways to perceive his love and messages for us. My thinking about God was now not only coming from my seasoned upbringing in religion, it was as well expanding to include spiritual matters, and new insights about God. It allowed me to see different views and opportunities of creating a close bond with God and Heaven. I learned through many of the books that, God, our Creator was not only there to send our prayers to, but it was our divine inherited right to "hear" him speak to us in return. As I researched a particular book entitled "Angelspeake: How To Talk With Your Angels" by Barbara Mark and Trudy Griswold, memories about my childhood gift of hearing began to resurface. In this particular book, I learned that my "hearing" as a child was actually called clairaudience and I became very determined to reopen this gift. I sincerely wanted to recapture what I had let go so many years prior. Throughout 1996 and well into 1997, I continued enlightening myself on spiritual matters and psychic phenomenon and what came from this journey, I can only describe as a true miracle from God.

In March 1997, I came across a "Ouija" like Angel Board which I was thrilled to obtain. Though each time I used it, as beautiful as it was, I always felt a sense of fear. I sensed the fear was connected to years of being told in church, that the Devil was always trying to get us "good" ones and that he was behind and personally operated such things as a "Ouija" board. I remember stating,


push18_99 12-13-2009 07:54 PM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them

Thank you for sharing all these wonderful information. I'm glad I feel a lot better now. For the last 2 days I was feeling down/hard time breathing. I remember what my friend told me before that it was just the negativity everywhere and also from the validation you posted the other day.

Looking forward for more wonderful stuff.

Thanks. :wink2:

THE eXchanger 12-14-2009 09:14 AM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Thank you, for the kind compliments

quite a few posts to add to this thread

will attempt that, tomorrow

the eXchanger

THE eXchanger 12-14-2009 03:52 PM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
There is some old stuff, that needs to be posted,
so, i can access it, or, quote from it:

19/07/2009 1:04:26 A.M. Eastern Daylight Time
answer: (26/11-13 energies)

Dearest Susan,
On July 7, we had the most monumental Lunar Eclipse ever on Earth.
A major shift and influx of energy occurred.
On July 21, the 5th Dimension will be fully anchored on Earth.
Please be there in your heart for us who are just arriving now.....
On August 8, will be the last day of the period ushering in the Lion's Gate,
allowing Truth to be revealed.
The energies of the spiritual are incredible now.....
more than I have ever experienced.
Please....I need to know now....what happened on Pan?
Representatives of Pan are being invited to attend in meditation on July 21.
What happened?
Was I a part of it?
Was Pan a destroyed version of Earth?
Was Queen Mab in charge?
I know you were there,
because you were the one who first told me about Pan.
(this in approx 1996)
I can't read the Akashic records...yet.
I will, in very due time.
Please, can you help me out with info on Pan?
Thank you for the spiritual assistance at this great time in Earth history.
Love you with all my heart,


8/8/8 occurred on the eighth day,
of the eight month, in the energetic 8 year of 2006

however, 8/8-2009 (11)
is another gate/or opportunity,
for those to ascend/or step into their multi-dimensional beings,
through the multi-dimensions of The Mother Earth Planes,
and, All the Planes, and, even those,
located between time, and, between space,
and, even in places, we do NOT know where to ask for...
these gateways eXist

we are approaching NOW 11-11-11 !!!

8/8/8 - was almost 3 years ago, in 2006
9/9/9 - was almost 2 years ago, in 2007
10/10/10-was almost 1 year ago, in 2008

This higher dimensional anchoring,
has gone on, forever...
however, the 3D earth,
has altered, changed and shifted,
to bring about the following potentials,
as follows:

we have worked through the following higher dimensional anchoring:
earth was at 3D ...then on
4/4/2002 --4 D was anchored
see the 4-4-4
5D on 5/5/2003 - 5 D was anchored
see the 5-5-5
6D on 6/6/2004-6D was anchored
see the 6-6-6
7D on 7/7/2005-7D was anchored
(on this date, the channel merged with her 7D.31)
see the 7-7-7
8D on 8/8/2006-8D was anchored
see the 8-8-8
(on this date, the channel merged with her 8D.32)
9D -on, 9/9/2007 - 9D was anchored
see the 9-9-9
(on this date, the channel started to merge with her 9D.33,
and, then on 10/25/2007-this channel, sat stuck between the worlds,
Rebecca J, a friend, came into the ethers, when telepathed,
and, set us, back into life
on 9/27/2007-another 9/9/9
the channel merged completely with her 9D.33
10D - 10/10/2008 - 10D was anchored
(on this date, the channel started to merge with her 10D.34,
and, has NOT yet, completed the process)
For now, it is best, that the channel/and, the instrument
merge for eXchanges/and, for sharing
she is a part, of its 144 points of light
(which is why, we come to, and, through her)

NOW, the year of 2009 = it is an energetic 11
The Year of the Six Pillars of Truth, Love and, Energy
there have been many 11-11's this year
1-1/2009 = 11/11
1-10/2009= 11/11
1 x 11 = 11/11
1-19/2009= 11/11
1-28/2009= 11/11
2-9/2009= 11/11
2 x 11 = 11/11/11
2-18/2009= 11/11
2-27/2009= 11/11
3-8-/2009= 11/11
3 x 11 = = 11/11/11/11
3-17/2009= 11/11
3-26/2009= 11/11
4-7/2009= 11/11
4 x 11 = 11/11/11/11 / 11
4-16/2009= 11/11
4-25/2009= 11/11
5/6/2009= 11/11
5 x 11 = 11/11/11/11 / 11 / 11
5/15/2009= 11/11
5/24/2009= 11/11
6/5/2009= 11/11
6 x 11= 11/11/11/11 / 11 / 11 /11
6/14/2009= 11/11
6/23/2009= 11/11
7/4/2009= 11/11
7 x 11= 11/11/11/11 / 11 / 11 /11 /11
7/13/2009= 11/11
7/22/2009= 11/11
7/31/2009= 11/11
8/3/2009= 11/11
8 x 11= 11/11/11/11 / 11 / 11 /11 /11/11
8/12/2009= 11/11
8/21/2009= 11/11
8/30/2009= 11/11
9/2/2009= 11/11
9/11/2009= 11/11
9 x 11= 11/11/11/11 / 11 / 11 /11 /11/11 /11
9/20/2009= 11/11
9/29 (11) /2009 - 9 x 11
10/1/2009= 11/11
10 x 11 = 11/11/11/11 / 11 / 11 /11 /11/11/11/11
10/19/2009= 11/11
10/28/2009= 11/11
11/09/2009= 11/11
11 x 11 = 11/11/11/11 / 11 / 11 /11 /11/11/11/11/11 = 12-11's

11/11/2009 is 11-11-11 - and, 11D will be anchored,

NOTE, we took this, as, it was given to us
(we might of missed a few, due to light encoding)
NOR, did we stop, to check this for its accuracy

- we believe, it to be correct, as it was given

We are working , with those,
who already reside,
in the 9D/33d and, 10D/34d- and, hope soon,
to learn the secrets of 11-11-11 /and, 11D/35d, and, 12d/36d, and, 13d (home)

truth is truth - it is the only thing, that is real - it eXists, as, iT iS

it also changes, with the assortment of choices, that are made

the woman, in florida, she does good work

pan, ended -- the 33 steps were done --
and, those who resided there, went home

yes indeed, you are correct,
that it was us, who first told you about the land of Pan
that is a truth
(many years ago)
it appears, the questioneer, has a good memory, and, a good mind

the 4th /5th/6th/7th/8th /9th/10th, are all happening now

the 11th is opening on 11-11-2009 (11-11-11)

In Pan, The Forever Grandfather KulCulKan,
who is a part of the 10D/34 collective soul family,
of this channel,
manifested as, The Trinity/or Trine of The Channel
who was known, at that time, as errydeault,
5997451332 - 48/12/3
- which completed its Trinity or Trine
and, that Grand Cycle, is complete

It was the high council of the elemental / elven aka fae /faere realm
and, they taught others, to walk up the 33 steps -
this is something,
that this inter-dimensional channel is currently writing about

the grandmother of this realm,
is currently incarnate, at this time
she is a woman, who is in her 80's
who held a high position, within the government, in Canada
and, is known, to the channel

there were many dna strands in the time of PAN
just as, there are many dna strands in the time of Gaia, NOW

it was much more ascended world, comparative,
to the current 3D-to-10D earth
(with inter-dimensional guides,
who come in from 10D.34d to 12D.36d, & from home)
home is subjective, as, what might be home,
for this channel - alcoyne / the grand central sun
might NOT be home, for those, who might come to view, this message,
there are many places - which, could be referred to as "home"...
also--you might wish to consider, these words...

where ever it is, that you are,
it is there, that you should create,
your heaven, and, for you,
it is all about creating...
your heaven, upon The Mother Earth...
at this time.

The Mother Earth,
currently is a host, to an assortment of inter-dimensional
and, multi-dimensional beings,
and, is manifesting as a society,
which is entering into a mature phase,
the old, that NO longer, serves you,
is falling away,
the new, that is coming in, to serve you
will come into eXistence,
for it is , a time for new eXchanges,
for it is, a time for new ways,
all of which, will be yours,
to co-create, and, to share,
one to the other

The beings in pan,
they were already 6D/7D/8D, and, 9D
and, did NOT live, as, you currently do

Anything that ever was, always, and, in all ways,
you always get to be

the memories, and, the teachings of PAN, or PAN-gaia
have always lived on, in the hearts,
of those, who were there...
and, through the higher minds, and, the higher hearts of those,
the initiates, who have been initiated by others who were there...
those taught by master teachers,
incarnate/and, discarnate,
their hearts/and, their minds, could NEVER erase,
the things, that they held near and dear, to their heart

these teachings, also found their way, to the heart of africia,
to Lemuria, and, also to Atlantis,
and, into Asia/and, South/Central/and, North America
and, also, to places, NOT of the earth plane.

yes, we see, a connection to mehb -
parts of its 144 (12 x 12) points of light
walk incarnate, within the framework, of fragments/souls

in celtic times / approx 2,000 years ago
- this in the country known today as the United Kingdom /UK /England -- icelini (sp?)
meave - mab - mehB, it all eXisted
indeed, it was a connection to the elemential kingdoms

indeed, PAN was an eXpression of this earth,
but, it was NOT one, that was destroyed
it is one, that is, what it is,
it ascended, NOT descended,
and, all, who were incarnate, at that time,
returned home / or, allowed
The Trinity / or The Trine - the higher self - essence, or monad
to choose, the next place, they would put in an appearance,
discarnate / or incarnate, both choices, were available,
to those souls, who stayed,
til the end of the Land of Pan / or Pan_Gaia
some did rise, although many did fall

The same, can NOT be said, for Atlantis,
however, at the times, of Lemuria,
most souls operated in ways,
that had than ascending, rather than descending.

Atlantis, was, the last great fall, of The Mother Earth/Gaia

In The Land of Pan,
the one known, as Errydeault
was the lead orator, for The High Council
and, it was NOT governed, NOR was it run, by one
it operated largely, on a collective consciousness,
which allowed it, and, those who roamed those realms,
to move up together, for they understood,
the-one-in-the-all, and, the-all-in-the-one,
and, there were orders/and, virtues,
that held things in place

The cross breeding (mentioned above, in other posts,
eXplains, in much greater depth, and, much more eloquently
what occurred)

On a side note,
the 12 paintings, that reside within the home of this channel,
that came through in 2003/2004 -
in the energetic year of 5/and, 6 = 11
they hold the imprints of 12 ancient ones -
that were cast to earth, with the channel,
in 1958, and, they connect to,
The Group of Thirty-Three (33)
and, the crystal wall, where
The Ancient Wall of Faces,
come in, to dialogue with us,
they can be seen, at www.myspace.com/whitelotusstar

the mandalas, are seen to be road_maps,
the thirteenth one, eXpresses zero point to the other 12,
the ones from 1-2-3-4-5-6-7-8-9-10-11-12,
are connected to dates mentioned above
from 1-1-1999 (1-1-1)
2-2-2000 (2/2/2)
3-3-2001 (3/3/3)
4-4-2002 (4/4/4)
and, so forth,
to 11-11-2009 (11/11/11)

albeit, the paintings, are currently,
being deciphered, and,
that is one of the assortment of purposes/missions/and,
tasks of the channel

Titania? the name, is broad,
no doubt, like the other one given,
it has been written about
- it too, connects to the land of england/UK/United Kingdom
and, to the elementials/elven/fay/faere realms
and, to your Trinity/or Trine.
there is rememberance there,
of all that is, and, all that might come back into being,
should you choose to will it to be, so, it will be,
and, so it is 333 333 315

Brightest blessings of energy, light and love
The Forever Grandfather / KuLCuLKan
The Future Grandmother / CulCulCan
& The Group of Thirty-Three (33)

through White Lotus Star
Susan aka The eXchanger

THE eXchanger 12-14-2009 04:04 PM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Try this for fun only


What color is your soul painted?

Your soul is painted the color yellow, which embodies the characteristics of joy, happiness, optimism, idealism, gold, hope, liberalism, sociability, friendship, death, courage, intellect, confidence, communication, travel, movement, attraction, persuasion, and charm. Yellow is the color of the element Air, and symbolizes the sun, grain, and the power of thought.

THE eXchanger 12-14-2009 04:35 PM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Try this for 'serious' astrologers

(we can't upload ours) file is too large

however, you can get one of these babies for free

(at least, you could, when we got it)

and, it appears, that offering, is still on her website

(get it now, before 'free' disappears) !!!


(although be patient, she does these by hand,
and, it takes approx 7 days, or so- to get it via return e-mail)

good things, take time,
and, do NOT cost you, $1000's of dollars :thumb_yello:

Natal Star Report For:
Saturday 27 December 1958
15:45 EST +05:00
Weston, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Lat 43°N40', Long 79°W25'
Orbs used 2.00 minutes parans, 4.00 minutes angles
Day beginning at Sunrise

On the day you were born,
you not only gained the magic of your horoscope,
you also gained the myths and meanings of a sky full of stars.

Not all the stars, just those that formed links to
your natal planets via what is called parans.
By considering the star parans in your life you
will be encountering a whole new (though very old)
layer of myth and meaning to your chart.

Welcome to your Stars.

Each star has a unique and wonderful pattern of visibility
for any given place on earth.

Some stars will be visible for a period in the night, yet later in the year they will fail to appear and be lost to the view of stargazers.

Others will also rise or set at night, but instead of
disappearing from view altogether, they will lose touch with the horizon and spend the whole night being visible in the starry sky.
Yet both these sorts of stars will eventually return to
rising or setting during the night, with each individual star doing so on a particular date of the year.

However, there is also another set of stars that do not partake of this dance and are always visible, and never sink beneath the horizon, spending every night circling around the pole.

To the Egyptians the stars were deities and so these annual star patterns had strong religious significance.

The never setting circumpolar stars were considered to be the Immortals for
these are the deities that never died, the stars that never set. But the stars that rose or set during the course of the year were the deities who moved between the world of humans and
the world of the Immortals, or the Underworld,
the place the stars journeyed when they
disappeared from view.

These were the deities who communed with humans, the deities who
were approachable and open to prayer.

Such stars would, according to their unique rhythm, reappear at set calendar dates. If they reappeared from the Underworld, they would rise just before, or with, the rising sun and be called the Heliacal Rising Star.

This star was considered the ruling deity for a period of time
until the next star in the annual cycle re-emerged from the Underworld. Or, if the star came back from the realm of the Immortals
and once again touched the earth, they would appear to
set just before, or with, the rising sun and be called the Heliacal Setting Star.

This star can also be considered the ruling deity for a period of time until the next star in the cycle appears to descend from the Immortal realm.

So important were these times of the return of a star that
the Egyptians based their religious calendar around such events and built temples designed to capture the returning star's light onto the altar of the deity.

Thus, there will be at least two stars that rule the period of time and place in which you were born.

One star will be the most recent to have returned from the Underworld and the other would have returned from the realm of the Immortals. Both stars have significance for youNatal Star Report - Susan

Occasionally more than one star can return on the same day so some people will have more then one Heliacal Rising Star or more than one Heliacal Setting Star. These stars, and their meanings, are guiding principles in your life.

Your Heliacal Rising Star is:

To be driven by passion and obsession

This is the star that has been walking the path of the underworld and has now emerged to be visible in the world of humans.
This star, the Heliacal Rising Star, is the star that you were
born under and it will bear gifts to you from the land of your past,
your family and your genetics.

It is your gift, the jewel or the treasure,
which your ancestors handed you at your

This star is a theme in your life; helps to build your philosophies, and can at times take on a vocational pulse.

This star is the Heart of the Scorpion
and is one of the great stars of the sky.

It is a Royal Star
of Persia and was known as the Watcher of the West.

To the Persians this star was the god of
the dead, Yima.

Being a Royal Star, Antares offers great success, worldly or otherwise.

However, it also indicates that you may well cause your own undoing.

The natural desire of this star is to generate success by going through a cleansing life-and-death experience.

With Antares in such an important position on the day of your birth, you will be so strongly focused that some would consider you obsessive.
There is a potential to be abrasive or
ruthless as you pursue your goal,
and you will need to balance your own obsessiveness with
recognition that others may not be as driven as yourself.

8 Antares - The Heart of the Scorpion
Your Heliacal Setting Star is:

A confronting attitude, a desire to deal with real life, real issues

This is the star that has been living amongst the immortals of the pole,
and has now, at the time of your birth, returned to earth.

This star is known as the Heliacal Setting Star and is a
gift or treasure given to you from your spirit,
from your immortal soul, from your daemon.

This star represents goals that you reach for; vocations that motivate you,
and the spiritual pathways that you seek.

This star represents your doorway to the immortals, or your journey
towards a fulfilled life. That which gives you the greatest happiness.

El Nath is the tip of the horn, the point of attack.
It was viewed as the force of the Bull,
thereby having power over the waters or blood of life,
and thus it can symbolise a great and
terrible weapon.

This is a potentially destructive skill that can be used to destroy or used to
give life.

With El Nath in such an important position on the day of your birth,
then it is strongly placed and issues of the use, or non-use,
of weapons will figure strongly in your life.

This may manifest as a love of martial arts,
or it may simply be the sharp edge of your tongue,
that you learn to use or curb.

El Nath - The Horn of Taurus

Aculeus - One of the Stings of the Scorpion, with Sun in Youth

A person who grows in strength through attacks or difficulties. A battler

Aldebaran - The Eye of the Bull, with Mercury in Youth

The noble thinker, the person with integrity, a naturalist

Deneb Algedi - The Ancient Law Giver, with Mercury in Youth

The scholar, the one who is seen to be wise

Denebola - The Tail of the Lion, with Mercury in Youth

To have a different point of view on language and culture

Diadem - The Woman's Crown, with Saturn in Youth

Finding opportunities in the simple mundane things of life

Stars of Your Prime

Thuban - The Dragon, with Sun in Prime

One who finds, collects, or gives a treasure

Zuben Elgenubi - The Southern Pan of the Scale,
with Venus in Prime

Manipulating the social order for better or worse

Stars of Your Latter Years

Al Rescha - The Sacred Knot, with Moon in Latter Years

To be blessed with good friends

El Nath - The Horn of Taurus, with Saturn in Latter Years

Prepared to battle the establishment, a hard life

Vindemiatrix - The Gatherer, with Moon in Latter Years

A watcher, of people or events

The Hearthstone of Your Life

Al Rescha - The Sacred Knot, with Sun in Foundation

A person who unites or polarises

Alphard - The Heart of the Serpent, with Mercury in Foundation

The revealer or holder of secrets, an investigating mind, a sharp tongue

Hamal - The Head of the Ram, with Sun in Foundation

Assertively following one’s own path

Pollux - One of the Twins of Gemini, with Moon in Foundation

To want to bring reform or change through knowledge

Compliments of
Zyntara Publications
Publishers of Starlight

(there are another 11 pages, plus really interesting drawings)

(if anyone want to read the rest of it, we will likely launch it
on a website)

to get your own : www.Zyntara.com

at this link: http://www.zyntara.com/free_paran_page.html

(but, don't miss her main page)

"Bernadette Brady, who did our chart, is as brilliant,
as, the stars, she so cosmically charts...
the seen and, the unseen,
she uncovers it all...
this is a woman, who brings light, to the ancient star knowledge !!!
She is an 'ancient one'~and, she transports it all from the past, into this present,
and, charts you a course, through The Pivot of The Now...
utilising your Heliacal Rising Star, and, flows it,
through Your Youth, The Stars of Your Prime, and,
rigt into The Heartstone of Your Life,
she brings all this 'old' knowledge, back round,
so, it lands, into the light of your day.
She has, the 'real' astrologer's toolbox~and, then some."

Love/Susan~White Lotus Star
aka The eXchanger

Check her out, her full chart, is frameable, and,
is totally amasing, to view, a good idea,
for a holiday gift, to someone special.

twoRone 12-14-2009 04:36 PM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them

Your soul is painted the color brown, which embodies the characteristics of calmness, depth, nature, stability, tradition, poverty, roughness, down-to-earth, uncertainty, and neutrality. Brown is the color of the element Earth, and represents soil and, to a lesser degree, fertility of the Earth.

THE eXchanger 12-14-2009 04:53 PM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them

Originally Posted by twoRone (Post 199497)

Your soul is painted the color brown, which embodies the characteristics of calmness, depth, nature, stability, tradition, poverty, roughness, down-to-earth, uncertainty, and neutrality. Brown is the color of the element Earth, and represents soil and, to a lesser degree, fertility of the Earth.

The eXchangers says:

Earth is an important element,
YOU WILL find, all the other elements,
within it, all 7 of them

so- you are like a house, or a temple

you- have a lot to offer to this world, at this time

and, to be fertilizer, at this time,
upon this earth, is pivotal~ you, are a force
that can equalize, and, can balance things

share with us, your piece

your piece, of creating peace !!!

You will see, we are all parts of a greater puzzle,
assembling itself, it in this NOW

Thank you for sharing 'tworone'...
we hope to be of service, and, in service,
to our fellow brothers/and, fellow sisters,
it is a time, for us all,
to rise, and, to shine !!!

The SUNS up ;)

Will you join us ???

thanks for spreading some fertilizer upon this thread,
that is appreciated ...
we are working in the background,
on a myriad of answers, to 'old' and, 'other' questions
be patient with us

& The Forever Grandfather - KulKulKan

twoRone 12-14-2009 05:07 PM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them

Originally Posted by eXchanger (Post 199501)
The eXchangers says:

Earth is an important element,
YOU WILL find, all the other elements,
within it, all 7 of them

so- you are like a house, or a temple

you- have a lot to offer to this world, at this time

and, to be fertilizer, at this time,
upon this earth, is pivotal~ you, are a force
that can equalize, and, can balance things

& The Forever Grandfather - KulKulKan

Must be why I'm a Libra!.. I've always been one who creates balance it seems.. in others before myself most of the time.. I suppose it should be myself first.. but when I 'go with the flow' it seems others come first..

so it is I guess:original:

thankyou Susan

THE eXchanger 12-14-2009 05:11 PM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
The eXchanger / Susan
welcomes her new friends...
on project avalon/and, project camelot

In hopes, that, we all, can bring it back to The Round,
The Original Round

There is a time,
when, all good things,
come back !!!

It is such a pivotal time on the planet...
old friends, becoming new friends again

What interesting names,
the three of you have:

who says; Hello eXchanger!
Thank you for the friendship request! I've gladly accepted it!
Have a nice week!

we hope you share, your 'gems' of 'wisdom' with us


we hope you share, the trinity/or the trine hiding
behind the doorway, of your third eye
many people here, are about have
i/p/pg - trinty/trine activations

& PMoxiigen
Hey, thank you my new friend eXchanger!

moXi-we love beings, with moXi

share yours with us

let's have some fun !!!

& KulKulKan

THE eXchanger 12-14-2009 06:55 PM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
In late November, 2009, I took part of my paid-for session to ask the following:
Question by: Geraldine B

Because of the upcoming themed BlogTalkRadio session on Transcendental and Infinite Souls,

(happening early 2010) through this link


I'd like some information about prehistorical
Transcendental and Infinite Souls,
aka TS & IS.

For example, Ra is listed as an IS
and was a long term "sun god" for Egypt
-- but what did he actually do that made him
a legendary/mythological figure of reknown?

In terms of prehistorical Infinite Souls and Transcendental Souls,
there are only mythologies from which to draw references,
as those who actually acted as Manifestations were only "recorded"
in tales and stories for thousands and thousands of years.

The reference to "Ra" would be one of those, having actually manifested approximately 6000 BCE, about 3000 years previous to the culmination of the cults who began to implement formal worship and recording. The original manifestation was focused on the transformation of fear regarding nature and the sky, in particular the Sun, into a means of abundance and resource.

Even this reference as a mythological god is one of many "incarnations" of how this Manifestation actually occurred. The stories and myths became embellished over history as a means to tell the story of those telling the story, not of the history, itself.

Once that flexible template is in place, any Entity or Cadre can "play" the role for any group or individual as a means to teach, giving rise to a multitude of variations.

Are you saying that these TS & IS manifestations aren't part of the Akashic Records?

No, we are not.

We are saying that it is complicated to give you a response with any tangible reference
beyond what you have as a reference.

For instance, we can tell you that in 4,000,000 BCE Ti'AT manifested the Infinite Sou
l as a means to bring the Logos regarding nomadal navigation,
but the only reference to this in your perspective might be a few of the "alien" etchings
of later cultures.

What we can do is share with you how many, when, and why.
And upon elaboration, possibly tie them to tangible references in your recorded history.
fair enough -- I'm mentally dealing with the length of time culture and incarnational cycles
have been part of earth :)

in the future -- I'll research, stabilize questions and ask more

The fragment known as Ti'AT was not a fictional example, by the way.
I'm not familiar with Ti`AT
We know.no one is, I suppose
That was the first Manifestation.
and which peoples did it appear to?

The Lemurian lighter bodies or humans?

We have been answering your questions regarding the Manifestations
within the context of the human species.

ok -- and the Lemurians and the silicone-based peoples would have had their own?

Yes, that is correct.

The list of human Infinite Soul Manifestations would be:

With approximate time frames -

Ti'AT (female - 4,000,000 BCE),

Khro'Te (male child - 2,000,000 BCE),

Ker (female - 1,000,000 BCE),

Sonad, Kin, Serep (brothers - 700,000 BCE),

Tinet, TenTen, Tia (sisters - 500,000 BCE),

Shia (female - 150,000 BCE),

Kendre (female - 75,000 BCE),

"Ra" (male - 6,000 BCE),

"Krishna" (6,000 BCE)

"Lilith" (female - 4,000 BCE),

Lao Tzu (male - 4,000 BCE), [corrected from 400 BCE]

"Buddha" (male - 500 BCE),

"Christ" (male - 5 BCE).

We think we have covered them.
This was not an easy task for our channel.
Many of the names are phonetic and rather insignificant in terms of references for you.

So, Lilith was an IS, not a TS?
through Michael Toth, she was given as a TS at about 10,000 BCE

CORRECTION: Lao Tzu (male - 4,000 BCE)
ok -- that makes more sense than two IS in the same year
although that would make Lilith and him simultaneous

In regard to "Lilith," this would also be correct.

A Transcendental Soul manifested in a way
that then became a thread that the Infinite Soul used for Manifestation.

Yes, there are often more than one Manifestation.
and which IS used it?

In what way do you mean "which IS used it?"

We know of only One that manifests as Many.
which name and time frame is what I meant
In regard to "Lilith?"

yes -- since a TS precedes the manifestation of an IS

We are unclear as to what you are asking, but we will try to respond with clarification:

The mythology of "Lilith" includes two past peaks,
one in which a Transcendental Soul manifested,
and one in which the Infinite Soul manifested.
I'm likely unclear myself . . .
what I'm trying to do today is pin down a series of events that have been mysterious

The more recent Manifestation is the more relevant
of what has come to be the myth of "Lilith."

Her name and lore was really trashed after that manifestation

Most Manifestations do not take long to be "trashed."

We refer to the Manifestation through Christ as a most-recent example.
well, that bIn late November, 2009, I took part of my paid-for session to ask the following:
Question by: Geraldine B

Because of the upcoming themed BlogTalkRadio session on Transcendental and Infinite Souls,

http://www.blogtalkradio.com/truthloveenergy (happening early 2010)


I'd like some information about prehistorical TS & IS.
For example, Ra is listed as an IS and was a long term "sun god" for Egypt
-- but what did he actually do that made him a legendary/mythological figure of reknown?

In terms of prehistorical Infinite Souls and Transcendental Souls,
there are only mythologies from which to draw references,
as those who actually acted as Manifestations were only "recorded"
in tales and stories for thousands and thousands of years.

The reference to "Ra" would be one of those, having actually manifested approximately 6000 BCE, about 3000 years previous to the culmination of the cults who began to implement formal worship and recording. The original manifestation was focused on the transformation of fear regarding nature and the sky, in particular the Sun, into a means of abundance and resource.

Even this reference as a mythological god is one of many "incarnations" of how this Manifestation actually occurred. The stories and myths became embellished over history as a means to tell the story of those telling the story, not of the history, itself.

Once that flexible template is in place, any Entity or Cadre can "play" the role for any group or individual as a means to teach, giving rise to a multitude of variations.

Are you saying that these TS & IS manifestations aren't part of the Akashic Records?

No, we are not.

We are saying that it is complicated to give you a response with any tangible reference
beyond what you have as a reference.

For instance, we can tell you that in 4,000,000 BCE Ti'AT manifested the Infinite Sou
l as a means to bring the Logos regarding nomadal navigation,
but the only reference to this in your perspective might be a few of the "alien" etchings
of later cultures.

What we can do is share with you how many, when, and why.
And upon elaboration, possibly tie them to tangible references in your recorded history.
fair enough -- I'm mentally dealing with the length of time culture and incarnational cycles
have been part of earth :)

in the future -- I'll research, stabilize questions and ask more

The fragment known as Ti'AT was not a fictional example, by the way.
I'm not familiar with Ti`AT
We know.no one is, I suppose
That was the first Manifestation.
and which peoples did it appear to?

The Lemurian lighter bodies or humans?

We have been answering your questions regarding the Manifestations
within the context of the human species.

ok -- and the Lemurians and the silicone-based peoples would have had their own?

Yes, that is correct.

The list of human Infinite Soul Manifestations would be:

With approximate time frames -

Ti'AT (female - 4,000,000 BCE),

Khro'Te (male child - 2,000,000 BCE),

Ker (female - 1,000,000 BCE),

Sonad, Kin, Serep (brothers - 700,000 BCE),

Tinet, TenTen, Tia (sisters - 500,000 BCE),

Shia (female - 150,000 BCE),

Kendre (female - 75,000 BCE),

"Ra" (male - 6,000 BCE),

"Krishna" (6,000 BCE)

"Lilith" (female - 4,000 BCE),

Lao Tzu (male - 4,000 BCE), [corrected from 400 BCE]

"Buddha" (male - 500 BCE),

"Christ" (male - 5 BCE).

We think we have covered them.
This was not an easy task for our channel.
Many of the names are phonetic and rather insignificant in terms of references for you.

So, Lilith was an IS, not a TS?
through Michael Toth, she was given as a TS at about 10,000 BCE

CORRECTION: Lao Tzu (male - 4,000 BCE)
ok -- that makes more sense than two IS in the same year
although that would make Lilith and him simultaneous

In regard to "Lilith," this would also be correct.

A Transcendental Soul manifested in a way
that then became a thread that the Infinite Soul used for Manifestation.

Yes, there are often more than one Manifestation.
and which IS used it?

In what way do you mean "which IS used it?"

We know of only One that manifests as Many.
which name and time frame is what I meant
In regard to "Lilith?"

yes -- since a TS precedes the manifestation of an IS

We are unclear as to what you are asking, but we will try to respond with clarification:

The mythology of "Lilith" includes two past peaks,
one in which a Transcendental Soul manifested,
and one in which the Infinite Soul manifested.
I'm likely unclear myself . . .
what I'm trying to do today is pin down a series of events that have been mysterious

The more recent Manifestation is the more relevant
of what has come to be the myth of "Lilith."

Her name and lore was really trashed after that manifestation

Most Manifestations do not take long to be "trashed."

We refer to the Manifestation through Christ as a most-recent example.
well, that became a religion at least . . .
rather than becoming a demon

There is much truth in the cliche that the gods of the past religion
becomes the devil of the new.

That is often the case, particularly when it involves Baby Souls.

Responses by: Troy of www.truthloveenergy.ning.com
Channel of The Michaels


NOTE; this is posted in its entirety - since, it is a closed forum

NOTE; troy channels professional michael teachings charts
at $20 link off www.truthloveenergy.ning.com

thank you - we highly recommend his work !!!

THE eXchanger 12-14-2009 06:58 PM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
PLEASE GIVE all channels on this thread,
proper credit, when posting their work,
elsewhere !!! THANK YOU

THE eXchanger 12-14-2009 07:44 PM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
We will NOT post upon 'cluttered' or 'negative' threads any longer~
time is of the essence !!!


Originally Posted by 14 Chakras (Post 199592)
In response to the other post ~

Here is the reality, we see through a glass darkly here
. So there are many different ideas and viewpoints.

I support the idea that there is a New Earth coming
which can also be called a New Age.

I in no way support the majority of channeled information,
Ashtar and co. nor do I have any confusion that Lucifer,
Lilith and these fallen beings are in any way beneficial.

I follow in the footsteps of my friend and brother Jesus Christ,
as well as other Masters that are also my friends and brothers.

I suggest there is More to Life than religions would have us believe.
I also suggest that it makes little sense to call opinion from a man named Paul
and letters he wrote to various churches in which he described he was giving them
only the 'milk' not the 'meat' meaning outer teachings, not the inner teachings
~ is the "word of God".
To me this is really confusing how any Christians ever even came up
with this bizarre idea.
Paul wrote some letters to various small groups,
and somehow these are considered to be the 'word of god?'.

To me the Word of God is written on our inward parts, in our heart in the Now
because God is a Living God, not a dead God, and will never be represented by words on paper
regardless of how many people collectively agree on such things...


to eXchange with you...

the fragment of jesus
became an infinite soul
within the last 33 days of his incarnated lifetime

part of a totally reunited cadre group
through the 7th messianic plane

as a great teacher of knowledge
to eXpress one way
to bring about transformation
an eXample
of an elevated being,
a being who was doing/expressing himself
as his highest common denomiter
completely balanced/and, in sync

it might, be notable to realise,
that the fragment/or soul
known, to you, as jesus
is NOW one with its essence
and one with its cycled off cadre

The Higher self / and, essence is blended
at the 7th level in the TS/OR IS
The essence (at the 8th level)
and, monad (at the 9th level)
completely blended

iT is, or, he iS
known, by many names
some secret~some NOT
however, for illustration
or, for the purpose to identify
we will refer to this being
as Sananda

perhaps, we could invite,
Sal Rachele, one, who is a professional channel
of this one, calling himself,
Sananada to enlighten us,
on this ...

A point, to be given
with reference, to the one
known, as Sananada
is that, iT iS,
channelled by earth beings,
some, who actually get the right one
and, some, who get 'beings' but,
NOT the right one

in their truth,
it is them, who believe,
that, they are channeling it,
however, in truth,
their belief, is NOT that,
of an accurate/ NOR a factual truth

there are beings which play
within the 4th density, the etheric
within the 5th density, the low astral
and, within the 6th density, the high astral
that are likened to beings
who are out on a so-called
"trick"or "treat" mission

most people, who are getting
most people, who are receiving
a shell-out, so-to-speak
are getting a "trick" NOT a "treat"

we have always told you
to take, what is given
to discern,
to discern it,
for its fragments of truth
keep what works,
discard the rest,
as, that is the way
to the discovery of truth

for eXpansion -
and, by eXchaging

this is why, we are here
this is why, you are here
and together
- it is how we can
come in
- to shine some light upon the knowledge

Be a piece of peace

We come in peace,
and, we go in peace...

Through Susan

THE eXchanger 12-14-2009 08:50 PM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
the 13 keys - are no longer here

(we are trying to turn this into a movie - be patient with us) thank you

we are learning NOW to master movie maker (big grin)

The eXchanger

***This is copyright of eXKavier / and, is NOT property of PA/PC
proper credit, must be given, to The Authors/and, The Channel~Susan / The eXchanger ~ eXkaiver


Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Dear Exchanger:
This one is to say thank you, from the very depths of my new heart!

THE eXchanger 12-14-2009 09:49 PM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Thank you...thank you...thank you

We have been doing some amasing work together,
and, things, are coming around,
very well :)

which is thanks to the amasing healing work
done by The LionHawk

who does amasing work, on heart chakras :)

He's definitely a "'masTer of The Heart"

he woove some amasing 'magic' in there, for you :)

Thank you for the lovely heart - it's a treasure

The eXchanger

THE eXchanger 12-14-2009 09:58 PM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
The Coolest Quartz Crystals Ever!
Herkimer Diamonds are actually quartz crystals with naturally formed double point termination. Often known as “Herkimer Diamond” for the location in Herkimer County, New York where wonderful deposits were originally found.

Quartz is the most common mineral found in the Earth’s crust. Fairly hard, quartz is a 7 on the Mohs hardness scale which has a range from 1 (softest) to 10 (hardest). Quartz, which is sometimes called “Rock Crystal,” is often colorless and has a glassy (shiny) appearance. Quartz has a white streak when rubbed on a streak plate; however, due to its hardness, the streak is often hard to see unless you press very hard on the plate.

Well formed crystals of the mineral are often found in clusters, which is also called ‘druze,’ and commonly form in geodes and in veins and show a single point at one end. When a quartz crystal shows points on both ends it is often called a Herkimer Diamond. These crystals are somewhat rare because in order to form with these double points, the quartz must have very little contact with the surrounding rock while the crystal is being formed. The term Herkimer Diamond can only truly be used with sample found in Herkimer County, New York, although double point quartz crystals have been found in other locations throughout the world.

Quartz is a major component of most of the Earth’s rocks and is found in many varities of igneous, sedimentary and metamorphic rocks. In addition to the colorless, Rock Crystal form, Quartz comes in many varieties such as amethyst (purple), citrine (brown), rose quartz (pink), milky quartz (white), smoky quartz (gray), chert and agate (many colors but very small crystals) to name just a few. The mineral quartz is commonly used in technology such as televisions, watches and clocks.

************************************************** ****

and, for those of you who remote-view or, do remote-healing
it is possible, to utilise, your TV & DVD
by putting in a disk/or a program, that plays a fire/or a fish tank etc.,
and, utilise the power of the 'heated up' hd's in it
to send energies, to others - remember, crystal amplifies

another note on HD

we've got 1, that came out of a 'native-grid' one that is 33cts
(after, the natives, sold the land, to someone else -
and, the builder/developer-stumbled upon it)
and, figured it should go into the hands of a 'caretaker'

you should always ask crystals, if they want to work with you

we also, purchased an unusal set of crystals
originally, there were 13 of them,
found buried in the sand, in new york state,
NOT found, as, they normally are found

an actual herkimer diamond wand / an amasing sceptor,
(representing male/female type energies)
and, + 10 other double terminated herkimer diamond crystals -
unfortunately; another friend,
found them, at about the same time,
and, purchased one of the set of 13,
whilst, we got, all 12 that remained...
these are amasing stones to work with
that are NOT eXpensive

and, you can place one - under a hair band
and, it helps to open your third eye
and/or to amplify; the energetic presence
that you have that eXists, in the third eye charka,
along with the trinty/or trine, of the i. nerve, p. nerve, and,
the pineal gland

the eXchanger

THE eXchanger 12-15-2009 02:19 AM

Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
see michael teachings / thread - to further discuss tS/or iS souls


however, some information is important

re; earth history ~ LIKE GRAND CYCLES

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