Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
see post 88 on |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
question: what was pan ???
answer: what was pan/lemuria/atlantis/now go to / and, see: post # 90 |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Question: You wrote something about the old test of bible,
can't find it / meant to come back to read it / can you reference it via post ? answer: read the 10 part earth history starting here: Find out, who the god was, of the old test part of the bible it might shock you the god of the old testament - jehovah was a 7thD sirian - part 9 Find out, about orions & dracos Find out , in part 10 - about jesus / the lineage of sananada lots and lots to find out we have it recorded - but; don't know how to upload it (so, people can listen to it ) -- help with that, would be appreciated there is lots and lots to discover Find out, about a lot of things |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
We got our music,
from the most amasing source, in the usa, that you can imagine, for use, on our radio show/and, website it is called "racing the wind" and, "white owl" WOW - we are so eXcited what a Xmas present out with the old, and, in with the new !!! |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
QUESTION: i cant find the thread
ANSWER: HERE iT iS i am off to enjoy a philantrophic Xmas :naughty: HAPPY HOLLIDAYS to all :) PAGE 4 -- post #88 - and, about 10 or more sections (avail on mp3 - however, i don't know how to post one of those) perhaps-someone will help !!! |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
So far those are the only ways I know. :original: Happy Holidays to everyone here as well! |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Ask to bring in sacred space, and, Ask to stand, in 100% alignment, with missions, with purposes, and, with tasks, ask that anything that is NOT in that alignment, to leave Then raise your your hands up towards the sky then bring your wrists together and, with wrist to wrist, open it up, like a huge bowl - shaped like a "Y" and clearly, and, concisely state the following: i ask for the brightest blessings of energy to flow into the "v" of my hands for receiving, and, for sending of enerngy: I command, and, i demand this, for the highest eXpression of light, sound, tone, vibration, frequency & colour sent through The Trinity/or The Trine of The Ethers to all, for healing/and, for highest good through my hands, for the highest results to occur, to all the higher selfs/essences and, monads ~ on the list, and, also to all The Creator's creations, for distribution, in accordance with The Law of Sending to The Trinty / or The Trine of Higher Self, Essence and, Monad, as, it, always knows best... we ask, that only those teams, our teams, their teams, be present in this, THE PiVOT of THE NOW we ask, that the WELL of our hands, be filled we ask, that the WELL of us, to them, and, them to us, be honoured we ask, that the WELL of us, to them, and, them to us, be connected we ask, that the WELL of us, to them, and, them to us, be sent/and, received we command, and, we command it only in 100% alignment with all involved we thank you for your assistence at this TYME (TiME) "K" & Susan |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
could be done in just '1' word, however, it can NOT be, done in 'one' word, but, it can be done in 'truth' thanks for your comments they warm our heart thank you !!! |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
They come in, as huge blue/white type of sparkles in The Trine/or The Trinity of The 3rd eye (3 +1 3rd eye) Although, we almost died on 10/25/2007 trying to do, the future one, we did get a big lesson, and, had to move through The Crossroads of The Higher Heart/and, The Lower Heart The Crossroads of The Higher Mind/and, The Lower Mind, and, do a major clearing suZan of, did that for us, as, a gift, from my friend "M" who is NOW here, as a member Then, it was possible to do we did merge that day, with the 9th aspect but, NOT the 9th future aspect, that was later happy holidays to you, my good friend, are you hiding out somewhere for Xmas ??? |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
the links are here ~ we could sure utilise someone with some production talents :mfr_lol: part 1 to 5 here |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
it's a little rough,
as, i produced it, last minute at 2am in the morning alone in my hide-out and, i did NOT pre-miX it also-carson, had a cold he didn't tell me about (pardon a few of his manly eXpressions) :mfr_lol: and, a few of my own mis-cues ;) perhaps, you like my choice of music ? the man behind this music, is brilliant ;) the stratches, in the stuff, i could NOT remove men, like carson, are definitely a little bit noisy !!! |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
and, we are quite adapt at removing those "suppressor parasite entities' etc., in fact, we removed our own ~ 1 insect/and, 3 reptiles back in june of 2009 ~ from utilising a chart that we paid someone to do Yes, iT sure is a great feeling, seeing/and, knowing, folks are walking up ~ and, paying attention Yes, most people can do, their most important work within their "dreaming tYme" although ~ most do NOT want to READ ALL ABOUT iT they are still looking for silver / or golden spoons ;) Thanks Gnosis, for your comments, they are appreciated very highly, and, if NOT for you, the pot, might NEVER have gotten THE FiNAL STiR ;) of course, please do share that last process, we went through, with your friend, being CLEAR, totally CLEAR is this lifes greatest blessing, having you bring that to us, turned 'THE TRiP" into "THE JOURNEY" yup, that good old JOURNEY to THE 13th BRiDGE" THANK you for your eXchanging/and, your sharings !!! |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
~ or try to ~ obviously, that is NOT a total possible thing to do although, always remember 'truth' can be subjective and, anything channelled should be discerned, and, mined for its 'truth' a belief - is NOT always a 'truth' TRUTH is - truth although the collective consciousness, is always altering, changing, morphing, etc., so, the truth is eXpanding (and, can change) You can change your thoughts ~ and, thus change your belief, and, as, you do that, 'the truth' changes also~you can hold 'truth', that clearly is NOT 'real' truth thanks celine, for your question ~ happy holidays to you |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
who serve souls on earth, during THE GRAND CYCLE we are in a grand cycle now the earth's 13th grand cycle and, there are some people on earth who carry, one of 144 points of their light kind of like a candle/and, a tourch :) |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
that occurred in Atlantis, for some here, it was their most powerful lifetime with force/and, with power the eXpression of duality-widens let's invert this :sad: and, magically transport it to :roll1: We are all so full of force, and, full of power, it is just a matter of tripping the switch called "FANTASTiC" AND, learning how to be, a real eXchanger We predict, a wake up of mammoth proportions and, some turn the sign of a sheep, into the sign of a goat, what it really represents !!! PLUTO in CAPRiCORN RULES !!! iT also, as, WE have said before, is THE TYME that TRUTH is told, esp. since, we are in an INFORMATION AGE WE THINK Farley, from made that original prediction visit, his site, he is brilliant ~ his old archieves stuffed full of things we think of him, as, The 'real' Grandfather of Metaphysics, at least, of the last 60 years, he is always way ahead of his tyme, back in the 70's,and, 80's and, into the 90's ~ he light up the airwaves we think he is soon, to rise like cream, comes out of milk ~ and, start a process to eXchange again~ on a very high profile level ~ This man, is beyond a genius :) |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
you could say The Tide iS turning... and, The iLLs, will eXterminate themselves already the inner circles, are turning on the inner circles we predicted this back, in the late 70's there are some, who will NOT allow 'the milking' to go on there are others, who will eXchange in an assortment of ways, and, the people, they will riSe like cream yup...THE TYME of THE GREAT eXCHANGERS, A TYME WHEN ALL OF US, will join hands together, dig out 'the secrets' buried deep within us, and, make peace with our pieces yup...iT iS TYME !!! EVERYONE GETS iNVOLVED and, the energetic eXpressions goes through the roof, i suppose that iS a big sea and, a BIG SEE like in, SEE it HAPPEN ;) thanks gnosis, for your support on this thread !!! |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
SHOW # 2
EARTH HISTORY -- PARTS 6 TO 8 (PART 9, AND, 10~ will be broacast after midnite EST on 12/27 - our birthday ;) since we used up todays free allotment Followed by a show with Sal live - TBA (is coast to coast reading ~ we would love to be on that show) :mfr_lol: |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
we are likely to do a radio show tonight, after midnite, or, tomorrow; and; reveal who the gods of the old test/bible really were ~ you can read it, up around page 4 on this thread, however, we are putting up radio shows ~it is in section 8/9 & 10 there is info there, too about jesus/the christ & mary So, who are you ... that is a journey, a soul should take by themselves, it is much more powerful to discover for yourself ~ on radio shows, etc., we reveal some of that ~ more will come in tyme. also ~ the reason why, they can NOT get you is, the same reason, they can NOT almost everyone We came to earth, protected by 13 keys and, recently, i brought that information through if you look around ~ would you have come here, without any protection ??? or, an agreement to be protected ??? ask/ask/ask - for that protection NOW !!! AND, ask/ask/ask - to install it and, ask/ask/ask - it to activate - in THE PiVOT of THE NOW !!! "Will it to, it will be...and, so iT iS ...13" NOW~ I AM looking to commission an artist (there is a kid here, i'd like to help, however, i am waiting for funds, to come in, before i can do that) or, perhaps, find someone who will help me, to CREATE the platform for the key the hard part - the 13 light encoded mandalas, are already done !!! maybe, someone will help me !!! |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
We are inserting all the stuff, were XXX (kisses) mark the spots
We hope this is helpful to many, who wish, that stuff was there HAPPY HOLIDAYS to ALL and, may we all sail into a 2010 that is beyond all our eXpectations and, do it, in a way THE eXchangerS rise within all of us !!! it is TYME to do it !!! Lets all start a process of going to bed asking for essence contact, and, finding out, why the heck, we are down here and, lets all decide, or, choose to pick up the reigns on our missions, our purposes, and, our tasks we really KAN, we really CAN if our will, is our way !!! |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
2012-The Year of The Birth of The 13th World ~ Galatic Alignment The Last Gateway to The New World 12/21/2012 = An 'energetic' 11 2011-(22) The Year of The "GRAND" eXchanges 2010- (3) The Year of Three Bridges/3Triads/3 Trines (9) + ORIGINAL SPARK (1) thru 3 Trinities 3-3-3/3 (+1) = 13 2009-(11) The Year of The Six Pillars of Truth, Love and Energy ~ 11/11/11 2008- (28/10/1) The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings 1-1-1 let's do it !!! December 22, 2009 1) Today is 1 - Serpent (Chicchan) - Read about Today on the Mayan Tzolkin 13 day period (Trecena) = Serpent (Chicchan) |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Agreed, ultimately, on the path, a being rises above entwinement with dualitites and I know this for myself because I have "as-is'd" a few dualities on my way back. My teacher and I went and looked at Sheldon Nidle and I saw that he is being played by Annunaki from their "landing stage/portal". They are doing a "Tokyo Rose" on him. Their objective is "to feed the heads" ("to fill the heads?") and I saw brains with unformed skulls and beings (like ourselves) were being put inside the brains. There is a larger being (perhaps not in this universe -- will require a closer look) who runs them. Processing each and every Annunaki implanter is not how Alexander the Great would have done it. He went straight for the "Darius" and that is what upset the apple cart. Of course our spiritual "warfare" is a win/win battle. The only "battle" is against the negative energies that render me less effective in this win/win game. My teacher asked me if we have any allies and as soon as he said that I saw a large spiritual being -- a female, a woman. I got the idea from her that there is an alternate games universe. It has to do with a gentle undulation of the being between being static and being wherever it wishes to be. She reminded me of the Japanese Goddess in the Disney movie, "Ponyo". I did not see any huge presence of the Galactic Federation. We are going to follow up re this female spiritual being. cheers! Gnosis |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
in almost every life time, we have NEVER had anyone come to us, that claimed to be with THE GALATIC FEDERATION ? albeit, we have had ones, who are a part of The group of thirty-three (33) who are members of a council~NOT a federation although, maybe, my inter dimensional and, multi dimensional work, is NOT about that ??? we are certainly aware, of many ships in the sky and, know, they are up there, should the need arise, to stop mankind from destroying itself, they would step in so, as surprising, as, this might sound, we are NOT sure, we would go with someone who claimed, to come to us, from a federation group we kind of enjoy, The Group of Thirty-Three (33) and, know they travel with us, and, most of us in The Grand Cycles on Earth our work is about GRANDMOTHER/MOTHER/DAUGHTER & about GRANDFATHER/FATHER/SUN-SON |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Total Posts: 3,631 Posts Per Day: 7.47 558 Friends = 18/9 - new beginnings there too 3+6+3+1=13 7.47- iT appears, we are flying along on automatic pilot on a 747 jet :mfr_lol: who wants to go on a journey, NOT a trip LOL 747=18/9 - NEW BEGiNNiNGS for 2010 |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
and, big hugs back to you TRANCOSO |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
(need to insert some stuff into this thread
from my journals) Alchemical symbols ~ Alchemy Symbols 1775~Torbern Bergman~Dissertation Elective Affinities. Alchemical symbols, whereoriginally devised as part of the protoscience of alchemy, they were used to denote some elements, as well, as, some compounds until the 18th century. Style/and, symbols can vary between alchemists, (so, we will try to stick to the common ones) The Three Primes or TRiA PRIMA (according to Paracelsus) Sulfur (The omni_present spirit of life) Mercury (The connection of fluid that eXists between The High and The Low) Salt (base matter) The Four Basic Elements aka Mundane Elements Fire Water Earth Air ************************************************* The eXchanger says: There are also Ether Elements: plus 5, 6, 7 The Triad of The Ether The Trinity of The Ether aka The Trine of The Ether by Susan / The eXchanger (insert this) ************************************************** There are Seven planetary metals (main ones) There are Astrological Symbols/or Glyphs which represent the Sun, Moon, Pluto and planets, including the Earth, in Western astrology. Planetary metals were "dominated" or "ruled" by one of the seven planets known by the ancients. Gold dominated by Sol ☉ ☼ sol=sun Silver dominated by Luna ☽ luna=moon Copper dominated by Venus ♀ Iron dominated by Mars ♂ Tin dominated by Jupiter ♃ Mercury (quicksilver) dominated by Mercury ☿ Lead dominated by Saturn ♄ The planets Uranus and Neptune along with, Pluto (the dwarf planet) were NOT discovered back in the time, alchemy was widely practiced, and, thus, are NOT part of traditional alchemical symbols. Some of the modern alchemists consider the symbols for these planets to represent the radioactive metals which are: uranium, neptunium and plutonium, respectively. Also, John Dee, devised the Monas Hieroglyphica which has many alchemical symbols, as, well as, plantery metal glyphs. 12 core alchemical processes Decomposition through Oxidation (Aries ) Decomposition through Digestion (Leo ) Decomposition through Fermentation/Putrefaction (Capricorn) Modification through Congelation/Coagulation (Taurus ) Modification through Fixation (Gemini ) Modification through Ceration (Sagittarius ) Separation through Distillation (Virgo ) Separation through Sublimation (Libra ) Separation through Filtration (Scorpio ) Union through Solution (Cancer ) Union through Multiplication (Aquarius ) Union through Projection (Pisces ) ENTER THE 13TH from The eXchanger ~ "o" - insert info "Squaring the Circle": an alchemical glyph (17th c.) of the creation of the Philosopher's Stone .Antimony ♁ Arsenic Bismuth Boron Magnesium ⊛ Phosphorus Platinum ☽ ☉ Potassium Stone Sulfur Zinc [edit] Alchemical compounds Sal ammoniac * Aqua Fortis A.F. Aqua Regia A.R. Spirit of Wine S.V. Amalgama Cinnabar (Mercury sulfide) Vitriol A table of alchemical symbols from Basil Valentine’s The Last Will and Testament, 1670 ce |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Here it comes Baby! Here comes the Truth!
The TRUTH brought forward by the consciousness of the 3rd "Day" of the Galactic cycle is rising in intensity just like the sun rises every morning to high noon. High Noon of this 3rd "Day" is June 12th 2003 (note*This is not the hottest part of the day.) The top news stories of the day June 2nd 2003 are discussing how we “may” have all been lied to about the Weapons of Mass Destruction in Iraq. As this truth is coming forward the players within the lie, the CIA, Defense Dept, State Dept, White House and the Pentagon as well as the British Parliament and Prime Minister are attacking each other. This is the exact type of scenario that we have discussed and predicted on this web page just under a year ago. More staggering truth is on the way, including a massive cover-up by the corporate owners of Hospitals, of a SARS type illness that killed at least 20 people in Sonoma CA last week. (See articles section at this web page) When we had said that the truth was coming during the 3rd “Day”, we understood that in the beginning much of the truth would be the exposure of how deeply and widely we are being lie to by those who supposedly inform and govern us all. But that is not all of the truth coming forward. There have been extreme advancements in our understanding of light, matter and the role of consciousness within, space/time as well as scientifically measured traces of existence beyond this 3rd dimension. We are teleporting light, information and collections of molecules right now. We have slowed light to a crawl and then stopped it, stored it, and released it again. We are time bending electrons and changing their properties. In double blind studies, thousands of times all over the planet we have measured and qualified the direct change of energy patterns of persons separated by 1000’s of miles when one of the parties receives a stimulus. ” We are all One,” is now a scientific fact. The scientific evidence that we are still consciously connected directly with our ancestors is pouring forth and over all…. The “Veil” is getting Thin. Everything is becoming more transparent including your relationships and personal perspectives is it not? Not everything we can see right now, environmentally, politically, economically, socially or personally looks pretty, (like the depth of betrayal) but it sure is beautiful to be able to see it at last. When or how ever else could the lies be brought to an end? Only in the light of the truth, by turning over the rocks to see what crawls beneath, and that is what each and every 3rd “Day” of the Mayan calendar has had to do with. Every 3rd “Day” is the display to consciousness of its actual situation as applies to the continued survival of life on this planet. Then during the 3rd”Night” we deal with that truth being exposed. The 3rd “Night” starts Dec10th 2003 and runs until Dec. 4th 2004 The last 3rd “Day” was 1834 – 1854 (Anti slavery and Women’s suffrage movements) The last 3rd “Night” was 1854 – 1873 (The US Civil War) The 4th “Day” of each cycle is when New Foundations are laid for the new emerging consciousness to be built upon. (In this case the consciousness of ETHICS) The last 4th “Day” was from 1873 – 1893. It was during this time that Nickoli Tesla was writing and experimenting, Henry Ford built his first car, the telephone was invented and electric lights were changing us from an agrarian dawn to dusk consciousness to one of there being more usable hours in the day. Industrialism had started its general sprawl all across America. Do these particular developments look like they are the foundations of our current civilization? It sure looks like it’s turned out that way to me. The 4th “Night” is always the application of new procedures developed in the 4th “Day” Some ideas or procedures work, some don’t work so well but consciousness make great strides getting ready for the 5th “Day”. The 5th “Day” is when the greatest breakthroughs of consciousness come during any of the 7 previous cycles. Next 5th “Day”, Nov. 24th 2006 – Nov. 12th 2007 Last 5th “Day” was 1913 – 1932 (E=Mc2, Hubble, Radio invented, League of Nations) Last 5th “Night”, 1932- 1952 (WWII) Next 5th “Night”, Nov. 2007- Nov. 2008 This time, with Ethics as the foundation of consciousness the 5th “Night” is going to be very different from all the previous ones. This time too we are knowledgeable of the schedule as never before. Always in the past when the immense acceleration of consciousness provided during the 5th “Day” hit physicality there was a spin out of control as much more became suddenly possible. In that process some very bad things happened to what ever, or who ever, was in the way during the 5th “Night”. 6th “Day” Is the Renaissance in each cycle. Sure enough, the 6th “Day” of the last cycle was right when the European Renaissance happened. We will see Human spirit become able to manifest whatever “Things” that they could desire. There will be no manufacturing or harvesting, buying or selling going on at all. Next 6th “Day” Nov. 2008 – Nov. 2009 Last 6th “Day” 1952 – 1972 (Beatniks and then Flower Children, The Beatles, orbital satellites and global communication systems) Next 6th “Night” Nov. 2009 – Nov. 2010 Here is usually a troubled time in each of the past 7 Consciousness cycles of the Mayan calendar. It’s when some of the methods developed during the previous “Days” have been jettisoned because they were seen as not being workable toward a greater survival potential. The last 6th “Night” was 1972 – 1992 (Viet Nam War) A war that ended the acceptability of war, if not the practice of war, through and by a consciousness shift… Current 3rd “Day” consciousness, displayed recently in World Wide protests against the Iraq War before it even began, are held up here as being the result of this consciousness shift during the 70’s, and 80’s. It did not stop the practice of war but it made the statement stronger than ever before that war is not an acceptable solution to survival any longer by consciousness. This coming 6th night we will jettisoning our dependence of local in physical space/time. Travel will be done by the shift of consideration, rather than by any physical conveyance. Time will be a chosen destination as locale is understood as a chosen location today. With other dimensions and parallel universes to explore this could be a very exciting time don’t you think? Personally, This, I Gotta see! This is what I came here for and I’ll bet you are smiling right now too huh? This makes it worthwhile holding on to your life with both hands and wringing all of the pleasure that you can out of it all the way. Don’t it? And you know what? (And you do know this) Pleasure just may be the only way through these coming changes. I personally believe that pleasure is “The Compass of Survival”. If you are experiencing anything other than pleasure then you are experiencing some sort of resistance to your ultimate survival. Do what you feel is right and you will experience pleasure within that act, no matter how mundane. Pleasure is going to be your compass as far as what to do that is in your best interest over the next few years. So I’d break my pleasure out of its cracked case and start using it if I were you. Yes this means that changing what ever circumstances, work places, relationships, goals, ownerships and positions that are not pleasurable to you, is going to be needed in order for you to flow easily with all the coming rapid changes. But you already felt that didn’t you? You have felt these truths welling up in you for the last few years probably. You’ve maybe felt that all those “pains in the ass” were going to go away eventually, when you died. What if none of us had to ever die but could learn to live with greater possibilities than ever imagined? That is the 7th “Day” of the Galactic Consciousness Cycle Nov 2010 – Oct. 28, 2011 Welcome to the Evolution my friends In service, Ian Xel Lungold |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
earth history ~ Sal Rachele ~ read by Carson F
part 1 to 5 part 6 to 7 part 8 to 10 Egypt forward |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
+ PARITAL LUNAR ECLIPSE We started this year, with a full cancer moon and, here we are ending this year, in a full cancer moon. Things do come, full circle, and, back to THE ROUND iN THE SUMMER TYME, We also had two new moons, start out in The Sign of Cancer, twice. So that's four cancer moons, in 2009 ~ The Year of The SiX Pillars, of Truth, of Love, of Energy... Sometimes, this iS a good idea, to eXamine, old things, that have had claws/and, hooks into you the seen/and, the unseen - and, ask/ask/ask to be set free, in a lunar eclipse, this is poSSible Cancer iS ruled by the Moon, This New Year’s Eve partical Eclipse will bring us, right into the arms, of a very karmic type of juncture, and, in the claws of Cancer, iT will bring us, into a true realisation of what has, its claws into us and, what needs to be resolved, shaken away, and, terminated. If one takes a good look, at the chart of this final eclipse of 2010. There is a real 't-square" with stern Saturn, facing off square to Libra The scales ~ which are all about justice ~ and, what iS fair, and, what clearly is NOT whilst squaring The Cancer Moon. Taking a good look, at the lunar nodes, on the Capricorn/Cancer aXis with PLUTO in CAPRICORN, which sigils the time, that THE TRUTH will be TOLD~ iT is little wonder, some people, wanted to remove PLUTO from planet status. THE CHOiCES you will have come to confront you, might amaSe you. Make a choice to get into your own 'free will' NOW GET RiD OFF THiNGS ~ that no longer serve, your own higher purpose. iF you are tied to things, that are dragging you down ~ let them go remember any mission, purpose, or task, that is divinely guided, will be divinely lead, and, divinely provided for. iF you do NOT take a RiSK, you miSS the opportunity ~ to be all you originally intended yourself to be Within your 'ORiGiNAL SPARK' prior to incarnationing Ask/Ask/Ask, to put back together the 13 aspects, of what you truly are 2010 - iS THE YEAR of THE 13 ASPECTS of you through the 3 / 3/ 3 (3) 3 bridges / 3 triads / 3 trines / 3 trinities Remember, iT iS you, who are your own gate_keeper, and, Temple Guard ~ let go of the pain/and, sorrow, along with the suffering ~ You NEVER leave anyone behind, you merely move up, to greet, and, to meet, there higher eXpressions. iT is a TYME for The Return of The Real High Magic ~ you can bring into being, a mystical marriage of pure magic , of real alchemy where you can truly create, a whole new centre, bringing into play balance ~ along with the 'real' meaning of your life YOU are a part of a greater whole ~ and, you move right along with The Collective Consciousness There is NO doubt, iT is a YEAR YOU CAN do, almost anything. iT is TYME, to put that to the test, eXcuse all things, that are built on the abuse of force/and, power, and, lies. In the NEW WORLD ~ TRUTH, and, integrity, are part of the keys there are times, when the end of the old, are justified by the means", iT iS the people on earth, who truly 'hold the power" of "the means" if you stop eXchanging with them, they will die a slow death on the vine they built, which is currently strangling many of them. Step out, into a new sets of checks, and, balances. These ill equations, can NOT last forever, in their current unbalanced states. Leave the old behind, and, step into new eXistences, Trust in GOOD GOD, and, in a sense, that means PUT YOUR TRUST ~ iNTO YOU AND, others around you, that hold similiar energies ~ light, sound, tone, frequncy, vibrations, and, flow that out into The Triad , The Trine, The Trinities of The Ether, where iT can be eXchanged, Remember, sometimes, more control, makes you think, you are safer, abeit, more control, means less freedom. The Earth World is maturing into MORE, not less. Let your own personal experiences be your own, and, allow the old energies, to fall away, and, invite in, those new energetic eXchanges, to become, part of your own MUCH GATHERS MORE. THE DEGREES OF 10:20, will be as obvious, as, they are direct The 5 degree orb of 10:20 Cancer, is square, its opposition at 10 degrees Aries, Capricorn, and Libra. We may find ourselves feeling quite emotional during this eclipse. So be prepared for it !!! Some people will make choices, that, will NOT only alter themselves but, bring about THE TYME when THE BiG PAGE in THE COMOS, taking its turn ~ allow those 'grand' eXpressions 'to flow' from you, out into the world Earth time, is speeding up, so, it can step into THE NEW TYME UTiliSE, your higher hearts, and, higher mind, with your lower mind, and, low heart, and, anchor it, thru THE CROSSROADS, that lay within... start a process of connecting those crossroads, to the crossroads in others, and, even into the collective consciousness. Ride the waves ~ and, get back on top of your game !!! Lots and lots of information, will start to flow to you ask, to refile your awareness, when going to bed at night. This information will then come to you in the form of strong insights and, propel you further, on your journey In alchemical/or magical symbolism, oft times, it is dark, before you see the light. It is all about death / transition / and, rebirth which creates the new eleXir, and, iT is, your ORiGiNAL SPARK ~ and, THE SPARKiNG you ALLOW that will bring it all into the brilliant colours of gold, platinum., and, silver. So, here we all are, about to head into the 2nd full moon of the month, that old rare blue moon, and,it is in the skin of Cancer. Also, it is the 4th time, in 2009, a year of an energetic "11" and, the 2009, is ready to end. This moon also appears, square to Capricorn The Sea Goat and, the goat, always climbs up in consciousness whilst, the Moon often has us, feeling, we are ready to really create a home. Home is, where the heart is, and, heaven is, where you are It is time, to find balance, and, the true equilibrium into our lives Resolve to be happy, with how things are, be grateful for where you are, as, when you do that, then, and, only THEN, will more be given to you. There are times, and, there are tymes, when the best option is, to just set yourself free from what you burdening you, and, the time of silly compromises, is over. So, if relationships, are strainful, and, straining, this is why !!! Resolve, to bring desire into the picture, lets wants go, and, make needs become something that is on automatic what is best for YOU !!! With Mercury doing its retrograding, it is a good time, to clearly define your needs, so, they do get fulfilled. With Mars retrograding in Leo, you can feel, like you lack the aggression, and, the energy to make/ or to take action. PUSH THROUGH with ALL YOUR MiGHT This is THE TYME of THE BiG CHANGE ~ you dreamed about, but, wondered when it would come ~ CELEBRATE, iT iS here !!! RiGHT NOW. Search only for those things, that fulfill you, and, that you truly desire to manifest. Concentrate on what you need to let go of, and, always ask for higher guidance, and, higher wisdom, from your own Higher Self / Essence / Monad, both NOW, and, FUTURE iT TRULY iS Time, TYME for a great make-over iT iS a THE LAST BLUE MOON of 2009 iT is a sign of good luck, and, good fortune (occurs only once, every two to three years) The neXt full moon, like this one, isn't til 2028 More than just a extra thirteen~ the 13th moon of 2009 is special Set your WiLL, as you true iNTENTiON, What is your greatest eXcitement ? What reserves of energy, can you tap into ? Get out daily into the sunlight, and, the starlight Ask for energy, love, and, truth, along with support to find you on the 15th of Janunary, comes Capricorn in the New Moon along with a Solar Eclipse ~ get focused, life is about to become a much happier eXperience ~ it is TYME to GET eXchanging !!! WELCOME TWENTY-TEN or TWO THOUSAND & TEN ~ WITH OPEN ARMS TO RECIVE, AND, WITH ARMS eXTENDED to GIVE ... iT will be a YEAR where the 13 Aspects of you, will come back together again, iT truly is : THE JOURNEY to THE 13TH BRIDGE |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
perfect post, encapsulates anything and everything which should be stated at this time. |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Thank you, very much,
words like yours, coming from the "coatl" clan, make our heart happy, and, our soul sing !!! HAPPY 2010 TO YOU, and, YOURS iT TRULY iS a NEW TYME :) :thumb_yello: |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
closing thoughts on 2010:
2010 ~ brings 3/3/3 (3) Moving into The CrossRoads of Lower / and, Higher Heart Moving thru The CrossRoads of Lower / and, Higher Mind into the core of iT all ~ and eXpressing the eXpansive aspects of all that we are ~ and, eXchanging that with others over bridges, thru triads, and, trines, into the real 3 trinities HAPPY NEW YEAR iTs TYME to rock and, roll The Mother Earth !!! MAY the coming year, be all, that you put into iT __________________ |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
From the old thread, we are fixing:
(parked on our other thread, for referencing) 2012-The Year of The Birth of The 13th World (or, to some, living in 3D worlds-The 5th World) ~ 11/21/2012 = 11 Let us show you - the 'real' 13 Aspects 2011-The Year of The "new" eXchange & The eXchangerS (22) 2010- (3) The Year of Three Bridges/3Triads/3 Trines (9) + ORIGINAL SPARK (1) thru 3 Trinities 3-3-3/3 (+1) = 13 The Year of The Original Spark (1) The Three Bridges, The Three Triads, The Three Trines (9) thru 3 Trinities (3) 1+9+3=13 2009-The Year of The Six Pillars of Truth, Love and Energy ~ 11/11/11 (11) 2008-The Year of The Trinity of New Beginnings ~ 1/1/1 (28/10/1) 10/25/2007 - Rebirth of The eXchanger (17/8) ~ Third NDE eXperience 2007 -The Year of The Trinity of Three Trines of Completion ~ 9/9/9 (9) 2006- The Year of Infinite Possibilites ~ 8/8/8 (8) 2005- The Year of The Seventh Breakthrough ~ 7/7/7 (7) 2004- The Year of The Completion of The Trinty of Two Trines ~ 6/6/6 (6) 2003- The Year of The Fifth Breakthrough 5/5/5 (23/5) 2002- The Year of The Master Builder 4/4/4 (22) 2001- The Year of The Completion of The Trinity of One Trine 3/3/3 (3) 2000- The Year of The Second Breakthrough 2/2/2 (2) 2000 - 2/2/2000 - The Encounter with The Man with Majestic Blue Eyes (2-2-2) 1999- The Year of The Trinity of The Trine 1/1/1 (28/10/1) 1999 - (27/9) - The Year of The Integration of 9 Aspects 1997 - (26/8) - The Year of The Integration of 8 Aspects 1996 - (25/7) - The Year of The Integration of 7 Aspects 1995 - (24/6) - The Year of The Integration of 6 Aspects 1994 - (23/5) - The Year of The Integration of 5 Aspects 1993 - (22) - 4/6/1993 - 2nd NDE of THE eXchanger 1992 - The Year of The 9D/33d Lessons ~ 3 Trines make up a Trinty 21/3 1991- The Year of Star-tling Discoveries 10/10- 2 1991-11-3 - The '520' Day Trip to The 9th Density Temples of Venus (more to come on this journey) 1990 (19/10/1) The Year of Trying to Put the The Puzzle Together 1989 (27/9) The Year of The Discovery of 9 aspects 1988 (26/8) The Year of The Discovery of 8 aspects 1987 (25/7) The Year of The Discovery of 7 aspects 1986 (24/6) The Year of The Discovery of 6 aspects 1985 (23/5) The Year of The Discovery of 5 aspects 1984 - (22) The eXchanger fully activated Light-Bodies (22) 1983 (21/3) 1982 (20/2) 1981 (19/10/1) 1980 (18/9) 1979 (26/8) 1978 (25/7) 1977 (24/6) 1976 (23/5) 1975 -(22) The eXchanger started "Spirits helping Spirits" & her light-bodies started to turn on 1974 (21/3) Summer of JM/BMF 1973 (20/2) 1972 (19/10/1) 1971 (18/9) 1970 (17/8) 1969 (25/7) - 1968 (24/6) - The Naming of White Lotus Star / Kit'si'nu - she is like the sun/she is like the stars 1967 (23/5) - The Summer Vacation with Gramps 1966 -(22) - 7/29/1966 / 2:02pm est - 1st NDE of THE eXchanger 1965 (21/3) 1964 (20/2) 1963 (19/10/1) 1962 (18/9) 1961 (17/8) 1960 (16/7) 1959 (24/6) 1958 - 12/27/1958 3;45pm est Weston, Toronto, Ontario - Birth of The eXchanger 6.66 lbs 7lk along with '13' stitches (35/8) along with THE ARRIVAL of THE '12' ANCIENT NATURE SPIRITS from PAN - from THE 3RD WORLD (23/5) |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
There is some interesting stuff in this thread as, well, as, in all threads started by this user: |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
Happy Belated Birthday! :happybday: Thank you! For all your hard work and dedication! Your truly a blessing to this site! I hope to meet each and everyone of you in this lifetime or the next...
namaste - Jose |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
we still need to fix 13 pages of ~ we are glad you are enjoying this ~ 2010 ~ iS going to be, quite the year !!! |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
time... And I can proudly say I've grown much from the wealth of information provided... So, Thanks once again! I hope to contribute info later on the projects I'm working on for California! It's been in the works and it's almost tYme... :thumb_yello: namaste -Jose |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
you move from one cycle, to the neXt cycle iT iS impossible to kill your 'real' spirit ~ The Original Spark along with The Higher Self, The Essence, The Monad (or, the future monad) knows nothing related to birth/or, death ~ iT simply transitions |
Re: THE TRUTH about Earth Changes & ETs -- They are us, we are them
You can go and see for yourself if you want to, why rely on another person to tell you when you can go and find out for yourself? If I can do it you can. Respectfully, gnosis |
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