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nostrovia 03-16-2010 03:42 PM

Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore
Hi folks,

I know this will be hard for some people to stomach, and others will understand where I'm coming from. This year I learned that Jordan Maxwell is an Illuminati shill who's goal is like Michael Tsarion's and Zeitgiests, and many other "truth" movement people who are targeting people looking for the truth but then misdirecting them. Just about all of Jordan Maxwell's material and insights regarding religion is simply and demonstratively, and provably wrong. They come directly from the occultist Madam Blavatsky and IS the religion of the Illuminati elite which he, on the other hand, is also exposing. I'll say the reason why in a moment.

Watch these videos to see Jordan Maxwell's claims are false and misleading (and that's being kind):

Debunking Jordan Maxwell (revised edition)

William Cooper Debunks Jordan Maxwell

Zeitgeist Refuted Final Cut

Here's why in a nutshell Jordan Maxwell and people with similar message such as Michael Tsarion say what they do.

My Rebuttal to the People/Religion is the Cause of Problems and War in the World

I have not been very religious in my life but I know religion is certainly not the problem nor the cause, the problem is also not people in general nor any war like characteristics. People can be stupid for sure but also overall forgiving and peaceful.

What causes war is simply the manipulations of the Illuminati political and financial elite which uses war to divide people, maintain fear and control, and to destroy sovereignty which societies normally gravitate toward. In this game of war religion is sometimes used as a false cause but it is religion which is the Illuminati's biggest scapegoat. By setting up and blaming religion for the world's problems they take the eyes of society off of them--the real problem--and by blaming religion they create a false enemy for people to hate and which they themselves can then replace and "save" the world from. This is an old game at hand. For example when the Roman Empire couldn't control and conquer Christianity they took it over creating the roman catholic church.

The religion they will replace our current religions with will be one of their own construction—a "new age" religion which we have been peddled for some time now.

Here are two great videos illustrating this from Chris White perspective (I'm sourcing his videos a lot here because he articulates this topic so well):

The Trouble with the Truth Movement

Religious Wars, Fact or Fiction?

Here's some great info from a comment on YouTube:

moonlightbateman (September 09, 2009)
A recent comprehensive compilation of the history of human warfare, Encyclopedia of Wars by Charles Phillips and Alan Axelrod documents 1763 wars, of which 123 have been classified to involve a religious conflict. So, what atheists have considered to be "most" really amounts to less than 7% of all wars. It is interesting to note that 66 of these wars (more than 50%) involved Islam, and of the 17 wars the US has fought in, only 1 (the war on terror) had a religious component.

If you want to spend the time to understand this topic in much more detail check out this video. This should be totally new and eye opening for most people trained on public education history books. You'll see how war is manufactured like theater and sovereign nations destroyed and controlled:

1932, A True History of the United States

This also leads to my concern with Project Camelot. I feel that if they had done a modicum of fact checking on Jordan Maxwell (real name Russell Pine) and what he says they'd have simply dismissed him or maybe even exposed him. I'm now finding it difficult to listen to anything Project Camelot related, and I wish this wasn't so.

Best regards.

PS an update. I actually wrote this below in a later post, but felt that it was important enough to copy and paste up into this first post too, since it's addressing the important question of what about the "other" things Jordan talks about:

I think Jordan's commentary about the Fed and the ruling elite are pretty accurate actually, that's part of what makes Jordan a tricky fellow. He's exposing the elite so they can replace themselves with a solution (i.e. problem, reaction, solution formula), and also exposing their religion and their beliefs to the external world to get the world to buy into their religion instead of the current major religions. Essentially the "new age" religion which has much focus on the individual as their own god and savior--it's really a platform based on Luciferian ideals and they're very open about that, as someone stated above, and essentially occult in nature.

One of the tenants is to neutralize other religions by making them seem they are based on ancient wisdom, astrology, and marginalize those religions as war like, dogmatic, non-unique, radical, etc. Part of the problem is in order to foist their religion on people they use trickery and lies, and their motive is not a "free" people but a 100% enslaved people believing and doing what the Illuminati want them to. That is a major concern, because they are very successful as you'll see in the videos.

New Age Infiltration of the Truth Movement

burgundia 03-16-2010 04:02 PM

Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore
I share your concerns...

truthseekerdan 03-16-2010 04:04 PM

Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore
You might be right. I had a feeling that Jordan Maxwell is not who he projects to be.

Intuition don't let me down...

Truthseeker512 03-16-2010 04:20 PM

Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore
What is the evidence he is Illuminati?

kriya 03-16-2010 04:27 PM

Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore
Me too!

I have my doubts about Jordon Maxwell simply because he is an advocate of Theosophy, which is Luciferian, and of the darkside.



nostrovia 03-16-2010 04:34 PM

Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore
Hey Truthseeker512. Good question. The evidence is that what Jordan Maxwell says in regard to religion is demonstravely false, and is the same "story" (and from the same source) that the Illuminati themselves say they are using to gain control of the world. It's also the defacto religion of the Illuminati, and the same story they implanted into the high levels of freemasonry when they targeted it and infilitrated it. They have other targets too, like schools. Here's a video by KeithTruth that does a fantastic job of outlining Illuminati history, agenda, and successes:

BTW--I love your sig!

Truthseeker512 03-16-2010 05:05 PM

Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore
Ill have a watch.

I watched one of the vids above. Im not convinced.

Yeah he makes some mistakes. I picked up one once, 'Men of Soddom'-'The gay men, the homosexuals'. No, The men from the town of Soddom. He even referred to the men from the town of soddom later in the same lecture.
Its my understanding he just gets too caught up in it he doesnt know when to stop trying to link things together.
Thats the problem with the field he works in. Its so big and difficult to study its no wonder he gets some stuff wrong. Any human being would.
A lot of history is open to interpretation and more often than not is wrong.
A lot of his stuff seems to be holding up as truth so im still on the fence with this at the mo


Stardustaquarion 03-16-2010 05:15 PM

Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore
I guess that my biggest question will be why is it that, if Jordan Maxwell really cares for the enlightment of humanity that he has not make us privy of the way this symbols affect us and which are the correct symbols that will benefit us

I very easy to call fire but if we don't say where is it, how can that help us?

Personally I will want to see documentation from the thruth movement with regards that he is an illuminati, they have presented none. But, he has interesting friends that seem to be conected with the illuminati

Nevertheless, I will reserve my opinion until someone can really come forth with hard evidence.

That aside, we have been bombarded with disinformation by the new age movement which makes things rather confusing

The truth is inside ourselves in our own cellular memory so, I bring everything inwards and decide whether it serves me because sometimes some thruth can come from the illuminati too


waitinginthewings 03-16-2010 05:39 PM

Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore
I listened to an interview with him on Coast to Coast recently (or I should say part of the interview). I stopped listening about half way through, because he was constantly ranting about the "stupid sheep" and many other derogratory terms about people. I believe it embarrased George Noory, who said "nothing" in the vain hope that Jordan might give up his rant, but he didn't.

This to me speaks volumes about who or what Jordan is. The first rant I let it go, but when he kept it up, I dismissed him as not worthy to listen to. He speaks from the height of arrogance, & frequently reminds us of how many years he has spent researching....blah, blah, blah. That we are all lazy etc.

Yes people, get it straight, Jordan has the truth, the whole truth & nothing but a lot of inflated ego.:lol3:

HORIZONS 03-16-2010 06:00 PM

Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore
My experience is that TRUE religion is within you, within each of us, and that we must go within to find that Truth. All external religion is bogus, for though we may find facts about the truth "out there" somewhere, we will only find the Truth within our own consciousness. Anything or anyone that causes you to seek in the external realms for the Truth is misdirecting you. So when JM says that all religion is a lie he is half right -- all external religion is the lie, and is meant to control you in some way or another. Every Mystic and Sage has known this throughout all time.


omshanti 03-16-2010 06:25 PM

Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore
[QUOTE=kriya;257934]Me too!

I have my doubts about Jordon Maxwell simply because he is an advocate of Theosophy, which is Luciferian, and of the darkside.

No offence intended Kriya, but, "darkside", "lightside"...goodies, baddies...I really tire of these hasty judgments and ultimatums.

I listened to a recent interview and JW said he was influenced 1% by Theosophy and the writings of M Blavatsky.
He did say, however, that he respected people who followed the seeking of knowledge and wisdom teachings with passion...

Personally, over the years, I have appreciated the research and contributions of JW. Yet his alignment with Z Sitchin and sumerian clay translations (with the coming of Marduk and so forth) does not ring true for me.
I also tune off when JW rants about how stupid and moronic humans are...this is so unnecessary and is degrading to hear. But not one of us is fully enlightened. and so it is.

However, I find there is always something from me to learn from ALL researchers; something for me to consider. I do not always have to agree and ceratainly, not everything rings true.

I do not need to dismiss a person as "illuminati" (what does this mean exactly?) plus their long years of work and dedication to their passion and truth seeking interest.

I believe we are ALL compromised by the illuminati to varying degrees and at the same time we are ALL connected. We are all changing depending upon how we think of ourselves and others...

This is the game.

lightworker27 03-16-2010 07:01 PM

Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore
IMHO, Ghandi said there is truth in all religion. I personally think that all religions have inspirational stories on how to be a better human being. There are two important elements in all of them "Faith" and "Love". The rest is just a way to control people. I believe that the real truth is inside all of us.

In regards to Zeitgeist, I will say that I don't agree with his presentation about religion. But I do agree that the current Religious Leaders use it as a form of control. But the main point of Zeitgeist is the Monetary System which have created slaves out all of us. I am from the Banking Industry and I agree with his theory that if money was out our lives most of our current problems would be gone.

The main issue with society today is education and lack of awareness. I believe TPB don't want society to be aware of their actions and by keeping them ignorant and busy with other things ex: the economy, rising prices, etc.

Light and Love to all

BlueHand 03-16-2010 07:02 PM

Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore

Originally Posted by nostrovia (Post 257879)
Hi folks,

I know this will be hard for some people to stomach, and others will understand where I'm coming from. This year I learned that Jordan Maxwell is an Illuminati shill who's goal is like Michael Tsarion's and Zeitgiests, and many other "truth" movement people who are targeting people looking for the truth but then misdirecting them. Just about all of Jordan Maxwell's material and insights regarding religion is simply and demonstratively, and provably wrong. They come directly from the occultist Madam Blavatsky and IS the religion of the Illuminati elite which he, on the other hand, is also exposing. I'll say the reason why in a moment.

Watch this video to see Jordan Maxwell's claims are false and misleading (and that's being kind):

Jordan Maxwell - Water of Grace, Water of Life

Zeitgeist Refuted Final Cut

Here's why in a nutshell Jordan Maxwell and people with similar message such as Michael Tsarion say what they do.

My Rebuttal to the People/Religion is the Cause of Problems and War in the World

I have not been very religious in my life but I know religion is certainly not the problem nor the cause, the problem is also not people in general nor any war like characteristics. People can be stupid for sure but also overall forgiving and peaceful.

What causes war is simply the manipulations of the Illuminati political and financial elite which uses war to divide people, maintain fear and control, and to destroy sovereignty which societies normally gravitate toward. In this game of war religion is sometimes used as a false cause but it is religion which is the Illuminati's biggest scapegoat. By setting up and blaming religion for the world's problems they take the eyes of society off of them--the real problem--and by blaming religion they create a false enemy for people to hate and which they themselves can then replace and "save" the world from. This is an old game at hand. For example when the Roman Empire couldn't control and conquer Christianity they took it over creating the roman catholic church.

The religion they will replace our current religions with will be one of their own construction—a "new age" religion which we have been peddled for some time now.

Here are two great videos illustrating this from Chris White perspective (I'm sourcing his videos a lot here because he articulates this topic so well):

The Trouble with the Truth Movement

Religious Wars, Fact or Fiction?

Here's some great info from a comment on YouTube:

moonlightbateman (September 09, 2009)
A recent comprehensive compilation of the history of human warfare, Encyclopedia of Wars by Charles Phillips and Alan Axelrod documents 1763 wars, of which 123 have been classified to involve a religious conflict. So, what atheists have considered to be "most" really amounts to less than 7% of all wars. It is interesting to note that 66 of these wars (more than 50%) involved Islam, and of the 17 wars the US has fought in, only 1 (the war on terror) had a religious component.

If you want to spend the time to understand this topic in much more detail check out this video. This should be totally new and eye opening for most people trained on public education history books. You'll see how war is manufactured like theater and sovereign nations destroyed and controlled:

1932, A True History of the United States

This also leads to my concern with Project Camelot. I feel that if they had done a modicum of fact checking on Jordan Maxwell (real name Russell Pine) and what he says they'd have simply dismissed him or maybe even exposed him. I'm now finding it difficult to listen to anything Project Camelot related, and I wish this wasn't so.

Best regards.

I'm not agreeing with you nor disagreeing with you about Jordan,I respect your view. Jordan has a wealth of knowledge and research behind him which I'm thankful for.It doesn't mean I agree with everything Jordan (Russell) says though.

I thought this was an interesting interview where Jordan was quoted as saying his main influence was is in fact "MANLY P HALL"
source: http://www.veritasshow.com/index.html click for audio player and select Jordan Maxwell interview.
Manly P Hall archive can be found here http://www.manlyphall.org/

Intersting all the same.

Traverser 03-16-2010 07:24 PM

Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore
Hi All,

I've had the same thought myself over Jordan Maxwell and his message.

There's a similar Thread here:
And here was my reply on that thread: http://projectavalon.net/forum/showt...193#post251193

What I have trouble with, is the message that not only Jordan Mawell is offering but also the likes of Alex Jones, David Icke, Michael Tsarion et al.
It leaves all this, well, sort of hanging in the air so to speak.
The afore mentioned people I do believe have hit on something but what they've done has brought this to our attention, and as we know; "Thoughts Are Things".

So What Now..?

That's the BIG Question!
The message I feel I'm left with, a lot of the time is one of pasifism, which in theory I'm not against at all. However, what are we actually achieving.

A 'Rage Against The Machine' is totally out of the question. It'd be a 'No Win' situation.
Besides, They've all the best toys.:lightsabre:

Would it be too much to expect that one, preferably all to step forward and perhaps be, not so much leaders but figure-heads for 'Peaceful Non-Conformance'?

I suppose like a lot of us, they're perhaps too wrapped up in this 'Matrix' to actually step up to the plate and do something about it, they have bills to pay to y'know.
So on with the speaking circuits and radio show's, it must be.

And for me?
Well, for the time being I'll continue to; as Mahatma Gandhi said: "Be the change you want to see in the world."

Love and Light to All.

Trav. :wub2:

Brian En 03-16-2010 07:31 PM

Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore

Originally Posted by nostrovia (Post 257879)
Hi folks,

I know this will be hard for some people to stomach, and others will understand where I'm coming from. This year I learned that Jordan Maxwell is an Illuminati shill

I can't say whether you are right or wrong, but thank you for sharing you're finding. I'll check those videos in a bit. In this whole deal I think the hardest thing to do is keep an open mind. The most difficult ones are the conspiracies within the conspiracies. Motives are hard to deduce in the people in the public eye unless there are hard core facts.
In this case tape recorded meetings between JM and his Ilumiatti handlers would be helpful. Without solid proof we all have to rely on our intuitions until the facts can be made public. Then again would those facts be trustworthy? Again intution. Yup, that's we have.

nostrovia 03-16-2010 07:42 PM

Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore
Hey Truthseeker512. Thanks for your insight. Let us know what you think once you watch the videos. This one in particular is probably a good one for you:

New Age Infiltration of the Truth Movement


A lot of history is open to interpretation and more often than not is wrong.
A lot of his stuff seems to be holding up as truth so im still on the fence with this at the mo
Yeah, I've found the same thing. History is a mess. Much of it is manipulated, revised and removed. I think Jordan's commentary about the Fed and the ruling elite are pretty accurate actually, that's part of what makes Jordan a tricky fellow. He's exposing the elite so they can replace themselves with a solution (i.e. problem, reaction, solution formula), and also exposing their religion and their beliefs to the external world to get the world to buy into their religion instead of the current major religions. Essentially the "new age" religion which has much focus on the individual as their own god and savior--it's really a platform based on Luciferian ideals and they're very open about that, as someone stated above, and essentially occult in nature.

One of the tenants is to neutralize other religions by making them seem they are based on ancient wisdom, astrology, and marginalize those religions as war like, dogmatic, non-unique, radical, etc. Part of the problem is in order to foist their religion on people they use trickery and lies, and their motive is not a "free" people but a 100% enslaved people believing and doing what the Illuminati want them to. That is a major concern, because they are very successful as you'll see in the videos.

orthodoxymoron 03-16-2010 07:43 PM

Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore
I think Jordan is trying to do the right thing...even though he may not always get it right. He has been around a lot of Illuminati and Secret Society people. He received Manly Hall's personal notes after Manly died. That speaks volumes. He is a fan of Blavatsky works such as 'Isis Unveiled'. When one becomes deeply involved in studying the occult...some of the bad-stuff is bound to stick. I think this is a very dangerous area of research. I think a lot of what we discuss on Avalon is dangerous. It's a necessary study...but researcher beware. I like Jordan Maxwell a lot...but I take what he says with a saltshaker.

nostrovia 03-16-2010 07:48 PM

Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore
Hey BlueHand,


I thought this was an interesting interview where Jordan was quoted as saying his main influence was is in fact "MANLY P HALL"
source: http://www.veritasshow.com/index.html click for audio player and select Jordan Maxwell interview.
Manly P Hall archive can be found here http://www.manlyphall.org/
Good catch! Yes, Manly P Hall was an Illuminati Freemason and subscribed to the same source of occult religion as Jordan Maxwell, that is the infamous Helena Blavatsky.

Here's a real quick click of Jordan saying how much he loves the openly Luciferian philosophy of Blavatsky:

ConspiracyMovies_org 03-16-2010 08:00 PM

Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore
I have an issue with most truthseekers who create videos and/or books, the vast majority do not seem to come up with any solutions. They are happy to expose the problem but are lacking when it comes to ideas what we can do to change the way things are heading. Sort of like the shock factor is all they are interested in. Without solutions being offered we're just a lot of headless chickens running around blaming people and not bothering to consider the opportunities to make the changes necessary for ourselves.

joe2288 03-16-2010 08:01 PM

Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore

nostrovia 03-16-2010 08:08 PM

Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore
Brian En:


The most difficult ones are the conspiracies within the conspiracies. Motives are hard to deduce in the people in the public eye unless there are hard core facts.
Great points. Thanks for sharing. I believe you're right about these conspiracies within conspiracies. I've been suprised about what I've found in that you hear something you think is the truth, then you peel another layer back and you find it isn't the truth at all, then you need to peel that onion again to get at the truth. I've seen this in the areas of medicine, sciences, history, you name it.

I think we have a human tendency us truth seekers which gets us into a lot of trouble. That is that when we see a problem in the world we seek the truth, so we look for the people speaking against the thing we think is wrong, and because they speak against it we're more likely to let our guard down and believe what they say without as much question. They seem to come across as the good guys! But, unfortunately I've found that there's a layer of disinformation there designed to trap the truthies and distract them. Jordan and other's like him I feel are part of that. For example I used to love and believe Gregg Braden until I found that just about everything he says is miscommunicated balony and fiction. The only thing I still like about him is his commentary on the "lost mode of prayer", though even that smacks a bit of the new age movement.

Here's a quick expose on Braden too. Gregg Braden Debunked:

joe2288 03-16-2010 08:11 PM

Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore

Originally Posted by nostrovia (Post 258133)

Great points. Thanks for sharing. I believe you're right about these conspiracies within conspiracies. I've been suprised about what I've found in that you hear something you think is the truth, then you peel another layer back and you find it isn't the truth at all, then you need to peel that onion again to get at the truth. I've seen this in the areas of medicine, sciences, history, you name it.

I think we have a human tendency us truth seekers which gets us into a lot of trouble. That is that when we see a problem in the world we seek the truth, so we look for the people speaking against the thing we think is wrong, and because they speak against it we're more likely to let our guard down and believe what they say without as much question. They seem to come across as the good guys! But, unfortunately I've found that there's a layer of disinformation there designed to trap the truthies and distract them. Jordan and other's like him I feel are part of that. For example I used to love and believe Gregg Braden until I found that just about everything he says is miscommunicated balony and fiction. The only thing I still like about him is his commentary on the "lost mode of prayer", though even that smacks a bit of the new age movement.

Here's a quick expose on Braden too. Gregg Braden Debunked:

So how do we know this guy has any validity and he isn't some insider

trying to discredit people

Rocky_Shorz 03-16-2010 08:13 PM

Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore
Just a quick note to everyone, Bill and Kerry have brought forth the whistle blowers to share their stories, not as fact...

The intelligence and truths come from the discussions after the fact opening each of our eyes by those who have taken the time to dig for answers...

I myself have LMAO at some of the outrageous things I've seen and heard in some videos and if I thought all of them were true I'd be looking for a way to hop off the planet...

I think having a discussion area for the different videos is a critical part of what is being learned.

The true crime would be taking away the voices of reason so videos could be shown without contradiction... :shocked:

nostrovia 03-16-2010 08:19 PM

Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore
Hey Rocky Shorz,

That's true. Kerry and Bill do say that they don't believe everything they hear from their interviews. Jordan makes me nervous though. It would be nice if they'd challenge his false claims. Bill Cooper once challenged Jordan a bit on one point on his radio show and Jordan had to admit that what he was saying was not fact but just a belief of the elite, which he usually doesn't have to do because he states things as fact and people I think tend to just listen without questioning. I used to also. There's a clip of this I believe in one of the videos I posted above but I don't recall which. I think it's the Jordan Maxwell - Water of Grace, Water of Life one.

MargueriteBee 03-16-2010 08:24 PM

Re: Jordanus Maximus and Why I Have Trouble Taking Project Camelot Seriously Anymore

Originally Posted by kriya (Post 257934)
Me too!

I have my doubts about Jordon Maxwell simply because he is an advocate of Theosophy, which is Luciferian, and of the darkside.



Respectfully, would you please provide some information as to why you state this about theosophy. I just started reading Dion Fortune books and she seems to explain alot.

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