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KenYong 09-07-2008 07:10 PM

MALAYSIA / ASIA, anyone?
Connecting with others in the region.

KenYong 09-08-2008 03:13 AM

Malaysia / Asia
Where would be the safe area? It looked pretty safe over here ... Lest erupton of Mount Krakatoa in Indonesia and no one would be safe all over the world. There had been some reports of "activity". Hope 2012 comes and goes by without much calamity and the Mayan calendar is a dud.

storm4ce 09-08-2008 08:23 AM

Re: Malaysia / Asia
There are many who speak about safe places. High mountains were considered to be safe once. But now George Green says that only southern hemisphere will be good and safe in future. The more people we hear from, more confusing it gets. For me, a safe place is with less human population, definitely should have some water source nearby and may be with some food plants.... some environment that could support and facilitate our survival. I too wish that there should not be much natural calamities.

wolfman 09-10-2008 12:36 PM

Re: MALAYSIA / ASIA, anyone?

Originally Posted by KenYong (Post 1636)
Connecting with others in the region.

Singapore.. :welcomeani: :bleh:

shokdee 09-10-2008 02:42 PM

Re: MALAYSIA / ASIA, anyone?

Anyone have questions about the benefits of Thailand as a location, about logistics of setting up here, or about my ongoing preparations, I'll be happy to try and answer them.

bulbous 09-11-2008 01:21 AM

Re: MALAYSIA / ASIA, anyone?
Thailand too!

Where are you located? We are in Udon Thani, near to the Laos border. We wish to contact all like minded folks in our region or any who are thinking of relocating here (recommended BTW!)

warriorsoul 09-11-2008 05:52 PM

Re: MALAYSIA / ASIA, anyone?
hi thai folks,

I am vietnamese, living in the US. Just curious about your set up in thai. If you could answers my questions below:

1. What do you believe will be happening. This would be your motivation for choosing your location? low land, high land, flat open area, surrounded by mountain, middle of mountain, moutain top, jungle, ect...

2. What type of a shelter are you setting up. above ground, underground (how deep), both?

3. Foods? Buy foods (including water) that can be stored for years, make your own, or both?

4. How do you set up your security? Are you arming yourself?


Henry Deacon 09-11-2008 09:21 PM

Re: MALAYSIA / ASIA, anyone?
i am interested in certain areas of Malaysia...
Not because of forecasted doom and gloom...
but for quality of life!


bulbous 09-12-2008 12:55 AM

Re: MALAYSIA / ASIA, anyone?
You are dead right Henry. I can't see where you are now but the quality of life here in Thailand is an order of magnitude better than my previous location in Europe. More than anything the absence of main stream media gave me enough freedom from reprogramming to understand how we were being deceived and enslaved. This has taken several years. Now I have live with great people in a tropical climate well away from the daily humiliation and enslavement that has become life in the UK and US.
Why not give it a try?

bulbous 09-12-2008 01:07 AM

Re: MALAYSIA / ASIA, anyone?
I don't know what will be happening. I do know what is happening and that is what I came here to understand and ultimately to escape from. The word from many quarters is that there will be great geophysical changes. These could occur anywhere and it may not be possible to survive.
What we can escape from here is the mind numbing onslaught of lies, sport and fear that is daily life in many countries
Our housing will be conventional and cheap. It is better to provide apartments and dorms for any visitors than to build expensive underground shelters. The world seems to have plenty of them already!
We grow rice and we will have cattle and buffalo. We are working with hydroponics and m-state materials to acclerate growth of vegetables and fish.
We are not arming ourselves. The calls I hear to fortify and arm ourselves are divisive and fear inducing. In my opinion they come from the wrong side. Ascension is about realising we are all one and working together, not shooting at each other from behind a barricade
Love to you all

Henry Deacon 09-12-2008 01:55 AM

Thank you for your message.

i would go there if my health permitted.
Hot and humid might do me in at this time.
It is very tempting. If i could tolerate the heat i would go there tomorrow morning.

Please enjoy life there for me. i will dream of your enjoyment.



Originally Posted by bulbous (Post 7942)
You are dead right Henry. I can't see where you are now but the quality of life here in Thailand is an order of magnitude better than my previous location in Europe. More than anything the absence of main stream media gave me enough freedom from reprogramming to understand how we were being deceived and enslaved. This has taken several years. Now I have live with great people in a tropical climate well away from the daily humiliation and enslavement that has become life in the UK and US.
Why not give it a try?

warriorsoul 09-12-2008 04:40 AM

Re: MALAYSIA / ASIA, anyone?

Originally Posted by bulbous (Post 7955)
I don't know what will be happening. I do know what is happening and that is what I came here to understand and ultimately to escape from. The word from many quarters is that there will be great geophysical changes. These could occur anywhere and it may not be possible to survive.
What we can escape from here is the mind numbing onslaught of lies, sport and fear that is daily life in many countries
Our housing will be conventional and cheap. It is better to provide apartments and dorms for any visitors than to build expensive underground shelters. The world seems to have plenty of them already!
We grow rice and we will have cattle and buffalo. We are working with hydroponics and m-state materials to acclerate growth of vegetables and fish.
We are not arming ourselves. The calls I hear to fortify and arm ourselves are divisive and fear inducing. In my opinion they come from the wrong side. Ascension is about realising we are all one and working together, not shooting at each other from behind a barricade
Love to you all


Thank you for the thoughtful response. best of luck with plans in thailand. Cheers

KenYong 09-15-2008 08:09 PM

Re: Malaysia / Asia
Maybe that would be Mount Kinabalu, the highest in south east asia. :D

KenYong 09-15-2008 08:12 PM

Re: MALAYSIA / ASIA, anyone?
Henry, i think you're right. Good weather, nice places, good food. Multi culturalism.

Very few Malaysians even think or talk or know about 2012. Life is good probably.

But i can't help but notice there is a huge 'calamity of thoughts in US' on 2012.

On one end it seems like the world could be ending on the US part of the world.

But on our side here, life seems to go on like usual.

Resistance-ASIA 09-15-2008 10:43 PM

Re: MALAYSIA / ASIA, anyone?
Hello KenYong,

We're old players who just new this site. Regarding your thread-title Malaysia/Asia, anyone? - the answer is - yes, we're here. Allow us to invite you to check and participate in our specific forum at Social-Group column.

ASIA community is also invited to view and participate in our Specific Forum Social-Group, CLICK HERE, to start.

For Indonesians/Malaysians, can also discuss there - we have personnel speaking Bahasa Indonesia/Malay.
For Indonesians/Malaysians who are fluent in English, CLICK HERE.
*** Dan bagi khalayak Indonesia/Malaysia yang kurang fasih berbahasa Inggris silahkan/sila KLIK DISINI, untuk berpartisipasi dalam forum masalah khusus.

Thank you.

shokdee 09-16-2008 06:25 AM

Re: MALAYSIA / ASIA, anyone?

Originally Posted by bulbous (Post 6216)
Thailand too! Where are you located?

Hi, I'm going to comment in the dedicated Thailand thread OK

shokdee 09-16-2008 08:12 AM

Re: MALAYSIA / ASIA, anyone?

Originally Posted by warriorsoul (Post 7217)
hi thai folks,

Good questions!

1. What do you believe will be happening. This would be your motivation for choosing your location? low land, high land, flat open area, surrounded by mountain, middle of mountain, moutain top, jungle, ect...

Motivation is two-fold. First, anticipation of collapse of civilization/infrastructure - food supply, gasoline, money system, government, etc. Second, is quality of life. Just want to be able to grow organic and tasty food, have space to walk and bicycle, breathe clean air, avoid traffic jams and pollution, take care of animals, meditate, etc.
Location - want to be near good water supply, good soil, away from dense populations, near to virgin forest. So in the mountains but not remote or too inaccessible.

2. What type of a shelter are you setting up. above ground, underground (how deep), both?

Mainly above ground but would like one smallish building underground or earth covered. This is mainly to serve as a root cellar to store foods but can be used as emergency shelter if the need arises.

3. Foods? Buy foods (including water) that can be stored for years, make your own, or both?

Aim is to grow all food ourselves (plants but also ducks, goats, fish) and get water from rain/river/well. Many options for water filtering, from charcoal, sand, solar, moringa seeds, alum, etc. But will also store a lot of food. For instance, we plan to grow coffee, but will have enough coffee stored until this is viable. Plan to grow sugar cane, but will have sugar stored. Plan to grow fish, but will have fish stored (tuna/salmon). Plan to make bio-diesal (from jatropha, palm oil, etc) but will have diesal stored.

4. How do you set up your security? Are you arming yourself?

Security through good location, natural barriers (such as thorny plants/rattans) and simple walls/fence where needed (such as to protect gardens from animals). No plan at all for guns but thinking of getting a crossbow for fun, possible hunting and self-protection if needed.

Pokemon 09-27-2008 09:27 PM

Re: Malaysia / Asia
Are we the only two from Malaysia? :throw:

Pokemon 09-28-2008 07:49 PM

Re: Malaysia / Asia

* A reader recently questioned Stewart about a previous comment he made about the plan of the Americans to go after Iran and
Pakistan and then sweep through southeast Asia all the way to Singapore and Malaysia.

To that Stewart replied, "The objective is to control the Earth and all people. All countries are targeted, but especially Malaysia
and Indonesia."
That is really annoying..

Plan for Total Global Domination

sneakerone 10-05-2008 07:51 AM

Re: MALAYSIA / ASIA, anyone?
Hey there.. Indonesia here..

ronlimbang 10-05-2008 12:12 PM

Re: MALAYSIA / ASIA, anyone?

Originally Posted by KenYong (Post 1636)
Connecting with others in the region.

Guys, nice meeting you all here. i am in west malaysia. Pls continue to inform, really appreciate it.

Quat 10-11-2008 04:39 PM

Re: MALAYSIA / ASIA, anyone?
I live in Singapore ^_^ Malaysian at birth tho..

Any ideas for a safe haven in this region?

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