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Old 02-08-2010, 11:33 AM   #10
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Westboro Baptist Church Heckled outside Twitter HQ

I'm also surprised to see that kind of attitude here too, apparently an open mind has nothing to do with homophobia. Did you know that homophobia actually comes from a fear of ones own "latent" homosexual desires and tendencies? Homophobes have issues of their own they hasn't dealt with, meaning sometime in the past they've probably had sexual urges towards men that scared the hell out of them.

My mother has her phd in psychology and specialized in sex therapy, so I grew up learning all about this stuff...just like anything else these attitudes are stemmed in ignorance. It's sad that people feel it's right to treat people who are different in such an UNCHRISTIAN manner. But such hypocrisy is seen commonly amongst hard core christians, the same christians that would probably have Jesus arrested or put in a loony bin if he walked the Earth today. It's really sad to see how people have lost their humanity...
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