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Old 08-14-2009, 09:45 AM   #2529
Avalon Spiritual Mother
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

I was researching the language of the crop circles when it suddenly occurred to me to ask what the message the crop circles convey by drawing one card in the osho zen tarot deck.

Question : What is the ultimate message of the crop circles ?

Answer: Ripeness

ONLY IF YOUR MEDITATION has brought you a light that shines in every night will even death not be a death to you but a door to the divine. With the light in your heart, death itself is transformed into a door, and you enter into the universal spirit; you become one with the ocean.
And unless you know the oceanic experience, you have lived in vain.
NOW is always the time, and the fruit is always ripe. You just need to gather courage to enter into your inner forest. The fruit is always ripe and the time is always the right time. There is no such thing as wrong time.

"When the fruit is ripe, it drops from the tree by itself. One moment it hangs by a thread from the branches of the tree, bursting with juice. The next moment it falls--not because it has been forced to fall, or has made the effort to jump, but because the tree has recognized its ripeness and simply let it go. When this card appears in a reading it indicates that you are ready to share your inner riches, your 'juice'. All you need to do is relax right where you are, and be willing for it to happen. This sharing of yourself, this expression of your creativity, can come in many ways--in your work, your relationships, your everyday life experiences. No special preparation or effort on your part is required. It is simply the right time." -

From Osho Zen Tarot

Happy swirlies my friends

Love always

Last edited by mudra; 08-15-2009 at 08:51 PM.
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