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Old 10-23-2008, 02:14 AM   #78
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Default Re: The Bible, it's about Disclosure, Not Religion

*coughs* smiles politely,
There are three major premises in that short book called Malachi.
Why is it no one asked about Malachi's mentioning what is called "The Book of Life"?
There are two remarkable things one must do to get their name in that book.
Malachi 3:16

Another major presentation was the fact about how our Creator is treated.
If He be your Father, then where is the just due respect for your Father?
If He be a Great King, then where is the just due respect of a Great King?
If He be our Creator, where is your appreciation and gratitude?

And, finally, as He is a Just ruler, we are warned of coming vengeance for the way some have
treated Him and His message, the bible. Even with all that, we are still given to know, there will be
one sent to "restore" all things, as Jesus also spoke of. One that will turn the hearts of mankind
back to the Father, and the heart of the Father back to mankind. To make the true knowledge
known about what that book really says.

So, until that one shows up we have the bible and each other to learn from, just as Gale and I
have learned, that many are learning, now you are learning. It is a true learning process, for all of
us, WITH OUT RELIGION. Why, oh why, must ones keep babbling their religious words and
their religious feelings, when it has nothing to do with any of that? Why do ones keep putting
down the bible's message and tooting their horns about how they feel or think? There is your
egos, there are your jealous bad ETs, there are many of your thread detractors and misdirectors.
It is about knowing what the bible truly says, not what someone feels it says, or thinks it says.
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