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Old 10-31-2008, 10:10 AM   #93
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Miracle Mineral Supplement.

Originally Posted by Swanny View Post
My friend has diabetes, do you really think this will cure him??

Somewhat of an answer regarding Diabetes further down in post.

You know I stepped it up to 12 drops twice a day and the other day I slept 12 hours, got up once during the night, even missed an appointment because I didn't hear my alarm. I backed off for a day and am back on today. After being at 11 drops for quite some time, it was amazing the difference when I went up to 12 drops. (more visits to the restroom again )


PATHOGENS: What are they?

A wide range of germs, parasites, and other unwanted organisms can enter the human body where they attempt to grow, reproduce, and wreck havoc by triggering dozens of defensive responses from the immune system.

We feel a cold coming on because the gold germ was observed by the immune system. To retaliate against the invading pathogen, histamine is produced and body temperature is raised in hope that this unwanted virus or bacteria may give up and die from the extra heat.

If immunity has been weakened, the invading germ multiplies and enjoys a cozy host, drawing free nutrients and taking over without pity. We say we've got a cold, or pneumonia, or bronchitus, or sticky phlem, or runny noses.

"PATHOGEN" is a general term similar to "germ" referring to any agent causing disease.

Usually a living microorganism.
Capable of producing infection.
Poisons like Arsenic would be excluded.

MMS Mineral Drops when used as directed, are claimed to destroy virtually all the pathogens listed below except for the "Proteen Pathogens" where 8 to 10 years of observational-testing may be required.

VIRUSES: Multi-celled but can only reproduce inside a plant, animal or person.

Hepatitis, Herpes, Mono, Warts, Chicken Pox, Small Pox, Bird Flue H5N1, Norovirus, Yellow Fever, Ebola Hemmorhagic Fever, SARS, AIDS, HIV, Influenza, Cold Sores, Cold Germs, Measles, Tetanus, Typhoid

BACTERIA: Tiny one-celled creatures. Can live inside or outside the body.

Tuberculosis, Anthrax, Staph, E.Coli, Typhoid, Salmonella, Morgellons ?, Pneumonia, Urinary Tract Infection, Peritonitis, Strep Throat, Stomach Ulcers, Tularemia, Lyme Disease

FUNGI: Multi-celled but plant-like similar to tree fungus. Takes nutrition from a plant, tree or animal.

Ringworm, Ady Pneumonia, Candidiasis, Yeast Infection, Histoplasmosis, Cryptococcosis

PROTOZOA: One-celled creatures. Usually spread through water.

Malaria, Chagas Disease, Giardiasis, Cryptosporidiosis

PARASITES: Actual complex living organism. Can live in intestinal tract or blood stream.

Round Worm, Tape Worm, Triginosis, Morgellons ?

PROTEIN: Multi-celled but can only reproduce inside a plant, animal or person.

BSE Mad Cow Disease, vCJD Disease

Incomplete list gathered from various medical books.

Diabetes is not on the list because it's not caused by a pathogen.

That would be a case of glands that no longer produce adequate insulin - a mal-functioning body part that MMS may improve but cannot restore. MMS has provided unusual improvements in diabetic persons, possibly because irritation of the pancreas is eliminated, or because the liver is cleansed to perform its functions more normally.

FREE Download of Part 1 of Jim Humble's book: ~ Click on About MMS and scroll to near bottom for link to FREE Download.

Low cost shipping rates, include worldwide:

See previous and future posts by peaceandlove regarding experience and protocols.

Last edited by peaceandlove; 11-25-2008 at 07:44 AM.
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