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Old 06-19-2009, 08:11 PM   #20
Project Avalon Moderator
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Default Re: Ok this is just too friggin weird!!! Upcoming show V on ABC

Hi micjer,

I think you're back to front here. I don't see anything wierd at all, on the contrary, it's all perfectly normal.

Writers, before they even put pen to paper do research into the subject they want to write about. They do this to keep what they are writing about real.
CSI for example, did research as to which methods the real CSI use and base their stories around that. ER does research into illness and include those facts in their stories to keep the program more credible.

The same could be said about V.

If I wanted to make a sci-fi movie or series, I would hang around UFO chatboards, websites and forums to add into my story what ufologists, scholars and just interested people are talking or more importantly, have been talking about. That way, my target audience (ufologists, scholars and the interested) will beleive more in what I am writing about. My story will hold their attention better as they will say, "Yes! I heard about that!".

This is also true of certain 'whistleblowers' who do not have a whistle, but just blow using third hand information, those false prophets predicting things based on information thay have researched, genuine or not, and reaching a logical conclusion sometimes claiming it was sent to them by alien beings.

Those type of people tend to become a reference and after a certain period of time become 'experts'. They just re-pass common information of a certain field to a wider audience and become considered 'special'.

Not really a great deal about conspiracy, nor secret agendas, nor anything such like. Merely wanting to tell a story.

Best regards,


Originally Posted by micjer View Post

You have to watch this trailer for the upcoming show this fall. This is exactly what I believe is going to happen with a false flag invasion and the Alien "saviour" group.

So here is the part I'm confused about. Why are the PTB putting this in the open? Do they want us to believe that all Aliens are evil? Yes, but I also thought they wanted people to fall for the saviour plan.
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