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Old 12-30-2008, 02:47 AM   #206
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Wow!! this stuff really is making my day!! I can feel a burst of energy flowing through my bofy as I type in this post... I want to be part of this, I live in Canada and I don'T see much stuff going on here... I hope I will be able to take part of this from here.

I read some really good things on Tom Kenyon's web site... he is working with the Hathors and with his voice to heal dome parts of the earth... really interesting.

there is also DRUNVALO MELCHIZEDEK who is helping earth's kundalini rising with a group of meditation. You must read his work.

Thank you all... everybody in this thread for being here with us I feel so blessed just knowing you all exist.

Thanx AstralWalker you did an amazing work at giving birth to this movement... I see this thread like a chain reaction that expands at light speed and you are the seed.

Thanx to Kerry and Bill for everything they built so far and for trying to respect their main goal wich is getting the information out

Respect and love


I had downloaded the Google energy grid that you posted on the last image, about a year ago.

It’s not good my friend. I was working on something similar about year ago and when I had installed the software I saw that is totally worthless.

Even the Great Pyramid if I recall right, was not on even one of those lay lines.

They probably release those false maps on purpose.

Anyway, thanks for your effort to help. I really appreciate.

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