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Old 09-27-2009, 06:40 PM   #72
Avalon Senior Member
Join Date: Sep 2009
Location: Sol, Terra 3, Florida, USA
Posts: 329
Default Re: Something is a brewing, HMMMM

Ahhh! Brook that is wonderful to hear. I just got here and to hear you say what you did, kind of floors me in away. Well my dearest, you are not alone anymore if that is something I can say. Maybe the fire I started is starting to get bigger. That calls for a celebration. We can put all the logs on that fire now and there is no stopping it. That includes anyone else who wants to just put down their baggage and join a little party. A company of great spirits sounds like what the Doctor ordered. Leave your limits at the door and expand ourselves. Be free for a day without lugging around our blocks around our necks. Crack some jokes and lighten up. What say you people? Why not make light of the lives you have endured so far instead of jumping around like fleas on a Planet that could use some hugs, compassion, a little joy, and some freedom to express our true selves. Brook came out of hiding and why don't we start there and go on down the line?

Also thank-yous go out to all of you that have sent private messages to my inbox and the friends who have brought over my favorite pie. ahahahahaaa
It is all good and please don't feel like I am blowing anyone off as I have been very busy and I'm actually kind of slow to these new gadgets that I have never seen before.

What say you? Oh, lets keep those counters going though. Something we can look forward too.
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