Thread: Hd TVs Dangers
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Old 12-15-2009, 04:27 PM   #15
Avalon Senior Member
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Posts: 79
Default Re: Hd TVs Dangers

Ok, so i'm not exactly the most vocal member of this forum, I have a post count in the low 30's. This is beause I reserve my posting for when I actually feel that I need to say something. Usually that means sticking my neck on the line.

I'm a man of science, i'm well educated and i am, unfortunately for most, unable to accept people saying things as fact when they are not.

I'm an IT engineer and my range of speciality covers LCD/TFT/Plasma both Low and High definition. A lot of what is written in this thread made my eye balls bulge out the point i thought i was going to need stitches.

I hope that even if only one other poster on this thread understands what i have to say then i count my job as done here.

Recording you while you watch

Flat panel TV's wether Low-def or High-def, LCD, TFT or Plasma do not use a lens. The veiwable screen area is made up of a sheet of pixels (a collection of layered molecules sepereated by layers of molecule thin polymer material) which sit on a backlight which makes them visible when powered. When electricity is passed over the backlight, the pixels react to the electrical impulse sent along its unique suply/sink circuit, thereby displaying the correct colour that pass of the software requires it too. These pixels are made up of very few molecules of material, therfore it can only do one job, produce the correct colour assigned to it by the control software.

Therefore it is not possible for these pixels to also record your pleasant counteneance and broadcast it back to "whoever" may want to see it. IF your worried your HDTV may be recording you, i can assure you that your quite safe, its not.

HD transmits on an alpha brainwave

This is utter nonsense. HDTV's do not transmit a picture on any brainwave. They emit light, nothing more, unless you count the naturally occuring radiation given out by the electrical field used to power it, which in itself is 100% safe and not able to carry the kind of hypnotic effect you imagine, its the same field generated by a hairdryer so if this is a concern for you maybe don't use any electrical equipment. There is absolutely no evidence that ANY TV set "hypnotises" anyone. If you think you can provide the evidence then please be my guest.

Dangerous emissions from my TV set!
See above really, inadvertantly covered it allready

Transmitters in my TV set!!!
This one i can confirm. There are indeed transmitters in your HDTV set. It's not the grand consipracy though, its probably the least worrying thing about your TV (if you count modern programming as an issue). When you have a digital HDTV you have a controller with which you change the channels remotely. In older CRT or LCD TV's this was a purely transmit from controller only system, in newer televisions the TV set actually talks to the controller to to get information on battery levels and such.

Transmitters don't just work in a "wireless" mode, a transmitter is merely a piece of circuitry that is capable of sending a message to a reciever elsewhere on the circuit. Wireless transmitters are not usually found in any but the most expesnsive TV sets, so the VAST majority of you can relax on that front, the wired ones merely work to send signals to the aerial when you hit the TV Guide button and other such interactive features. Nothing to worry about.

What will Analogue be used for?

Thats the big question. I don't work in the telecommunications industry, just the theory and repair section. If your TV/PC/Laptop breaks, you never know you may see my strong jaw line walking up the garden path, but i don't know anymore than you do about what they are going to use the old systems for. We can only go off speculation, and speculate we shall!

The only real problem is that the analogue system is not secure, if there is a signal being transmitted then anyone with an analogue capable device can pick it up. I truly believe that its just a case of out with the old in with the new, like swapping mail runners with telegraph, telegraph with telephone and so on, i'll not deny it could be used for ill/other purposes, but i'm not so sure, we'll have to wait and see.

Here is a list of the things that could happen with the analogue system.

- Emergency boradcast system that does not rely on the digital carrier waves.
- Military use (innocent)
- Military use (not so innocent)
- Re-runs of friends, holy **** get it off my fancy HDTV, its funny but jesus...
- Microchipping
- RFID tracking (analogue system is regional but still viable)
- Other assorted nefarious shenanigans

Either way, whatever they want the old system for, they want you to have new HDTV so that you get the hell off their analogue asap. Don't worry about the new this time, worry about the old. Your HDTV is a tool of distraction, not destruction.

Last edited by Callidon; 12-15-2009 at 05:03 PM.
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