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Old 10-15-2008, 09:06 PM   #12
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Is Obama a Communist or Socialist?

Why does he have to be a communist or a socialist? You should define what those terms mean so that people understand what you mean. I think it would be extreme to call him either…

I mean, for all intents and purposes, socialism is what happens when the government buys huge banks in “trouble”. This is happening right now. How do you answer for the “socialism” going on right as we speak? How do you interpret Obama socialism? Is it the same?

Also, “redistributing the wealth” is a rather simplistic way of looking at what needs to happen in this country. The wealth of a country is produced from the foundation, upwards. That means that the common person must have the basics to build for himself, then for the collective whole.

What we have seen over an extended period of time is that wealth move upwards into the hands of very few, while our social commons---schools, hospitals, fire dept, police depts., roads, parks, bridges, etc. have been left to dilapidate. There seems to always be room for more cuts in funding for the commons, which affects everyone.

What we have seen is this country slowly become a big “ATM machine”. Have you noticed that EVERYTHING seems to be a scam nowadays? How do you account for a person not making a single late payment on several accounts, and then makes an error on one, just to have interest rates and payments on ALL accounts go up? The person suffering from this surely just didn’t “pull himself up by his bootstraps” hard enough, right? And then he looks around to find bridges collapsing? Where is the money going?

I wished Obama had not said “redistribution of wealth”, because it is beyond that. We need to go back to building “collective wealth”. That multi-trillion dollar derivative number was exclusive wealth based on a numbers game, gambling and percentages. How much there was there? Building a “collective wealth” would mean that we actually produce something here again!

Neither of these candidates have simple answers. I still open to hearing both. But to truly think that Obama is a communist OR socialist, I may as well believe that there is an evil “liberal media” out there waiting to corrupt my mind. No disrespect at all, but I just don’t think it is as simple as that.

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