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Old 01-04-2009, 03:57 PM   #331
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: 2012 Nexus Event – Unknown Form of Energy comes our way!

Originally Posted by Sanat View Post
I think the Solfeggio freq. are very good for this purpose:
Hi Sanat, everyone,

I don't mean to pick on your posts but I noticed this has come up again, as well as James's work.

I should explain the important difference between the 432Hz theory and the solfeggio frequencies:

432Hz theory really stands up to analysis. It can be verified from numerous independent sources, seems to have been the true standard of tuning for the vast majority of the classical period for a very good reason, ties into numerous different things.

Solfeggio frequencies can be only traced back to one guy and his book, do not actually correspond to a scale at all - roughly, from a musicians perspective, can only work with 417Hz as tonic/ut, where 528 is roughly mi, 639 roughly sol, 741 roughly si-bemol (7th degree flat), and 852 comes out as a type of comma above the octave of 417 (834Hz), and 396 is roughly a si below 417.

Remember that pitches can be any frequency at all in a certain sense, since Hertz or Hz means our measurement compared to cycles per second, and all a second is, is a relation to the time of radiation of a caesium atom. What is important is the intervals between them, not whether we use a number with many decimal places or not.

However, 432Hz brings musical back down into a natural range - if you understand the full history of music, it will make sense. Back before we had any way to make references to anything, humans just sung to pitches that felt natural. We established roughly 432Hz in this way. Then the European orchestras began to compete to have the brighter sound by tuning a bit sharper, and brought it up to their standard of 435Hz. Next, the North American orchestras did the same thing in the early recording era bringing it up all the way to 440Hz. They had to set the standard at the highest yet reached before it just kept going higher and higher.

Ironically, it would have actually shifted back into phase if it kept going up to about 460Hz, because it could just be called an A# instead of an A (460.8Hz is the natural pitch higher after 432, when tuning to the proper ratio 16:15).

But what happened is that we stuck a standard that is out of phase with the natural pulsation of our reality. This can be proven with the corresponding frequencies to astronomical cycles that correspond to the earth, like the earth year and platonic year, and many other ways.

Another way it can be proven is to just get non-musicians to sing a pitch that feels good and natural to them, more will use a pitch that is in phase with 432 than 440. This is another test I want to run in the future.

So the important thing is to understand that the real secret is in forgetting about Equal Temperament and getting back to the Renaissance way of doing things - tuning to whole number ratios. With real instruments it is impossible to combine this concept with playing in all the keys, but we don't necessarily need to use real instruments for this purpose. This is quite possibly the ultimate purpose of electronic music instruments - to finally liberate us from the pull between desire to play to real intervals and desire to play in all the keys as we are now very used to.

Although we can't use the new system with real instruments in all the keys, we can do this with special software for the electronic instruments - this is one of the things I am trying to work on but it will take quite a bit of time.

I am trying to get it done by the end of the summer.

In the meantime it will be easier to do meditations that have the right intervals corresponding to 432 without ever leaving that key. Luckily this is not such a big deal for meditative music compared to regular music.

But after the software is complete it will be a completely new approach to music - combining the best aspects of Renaissance tunings and being able to play in all the keys together.

Maybe in the meantime to preparing the main file I can show some little files of the difference between Equal Temperament tuning and pure tuning - the pure tuning feels amazing especially when the frequencies are brought down from 440 to 432.

Last edited by PhiedPiper; 01-04-2009 at 04:03 PM.
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