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Old 05-19-2009, 02:02 PM   #10
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Message from Atmos - Siriam May 18th

Originally Posted by Triaxis View Post
Atmos talks about Universal Laws, but it seems that he/she has somewhat deviated from his/her interpretation the law of free will.

It seems Atmos crowd (Sirians) wish to impinge on Humanity’s collective free will in the form of “benign” intervention. This is in direct opposition to the free will law, so as such, can we assume that he/she represents an off world illuminati collective?

The form the “benign” intervention takes would be nice to know. As would the form of ascension they have in mind. The bitterest poison is often laced with honey…….

Personally, I will choose to keep my own energy and power and find my own path, rather than surrender my free will to them, and let them “lead” me to an unknown fate

The universal law of free will will ensure that I keep that privilege, despite the decisions the rest of my collective (humanity) choose.

If they have the solution, then who created the problem, and engineered the reaction?

This message smacks of condescension, and of a superiority complex. This too, should set alarm bells ringing in some minds…..

As I read the words, something in my head told me to be carefull. They are wonderful words....maybe too wonderful.

There are a few red flags in this passage as far as I am concerned.

No matter what .... DO NOT GIVE UP YOUR FREE WILL

We should be taking responsibilty for OUR pollution. Don't expect anyone to clean it up for us.

I don't believe anyone is going to save us in spaceships that have good intentions.

Trading of technology is why we are in trouble to begin with IMO. Don't trust the Greys.

We have to stop looking outwards for the answers. The answers are within.
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