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Old 11-06-2008, 05:43 PM   #12
Avalon Senior Member
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Default Re: Is Avalon now 'Obamalon'!

The reason there is so much talk is there are some who for various reasons especially despise the man. They've been the main drivers of these discussions.

The Clintons only supported him once he was the nominee and I think Hillary especially showed a lot of character there. You could say the previous months of internicine warfare between them is part of an elaborate conspiracy but it went beyond the necessary.

Voting is counted by many different methods in all the different states.

My feeling on the man is watch what he does and then judge. That's how I would treat anyone. Claims and counterclaims are meaningless as he's won now.

As a final point the only way anyone will be elected prez is by having an ivy league background and financial muscle from - people with money. That's the way it is at the moment.

Also no candidate will be elected on a platform of 'release the files!' whatever we might wish because in the real world outside our windows people have other more pressing concerns than UFO's or Illuminati's. McCain ran a poor campaign full of errors that was vastly outspent. He wasn't a strong choice from his party and he picked a poor VP nominee and he still got nearly 57 million votes. So Republicans shouldnt be too disheartened.
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