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Old 12-26-2009, 10:54 PM   #175
Avalon Spiritual Mother
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Default Re: The ego what is it? How to transcend?

The ignorance of not knowing who we really are sets the stage for a batle between " good " and " bad " .
For ignorance of our true self breeds fear , fear breeds the need to control , and the need to control starts the strugle for power .
When we started our journey onto this plane we faced ignorance and thus dichotomies. We only have a vague idea of who we really are in essence. “Not knowing who we are” is the incentive behind change, growth and expansion in our universe.
The end of your journey will be that you have become larger than good and evil, light and dark. You will have created a third energy, the Christ energy, which embraces and transcends both.

Your earthly cycle of lives ends when the game of duality no longer has a hold on you. It is essential to the dualistic game that you identify yourself with a particular position in the playfield of polarities. You identify yourself with being poor or rich, famous or humble, man or woman, hero or villain. It really doesn’t matter that much which part you are playing. As long as you feel one with the actor on the stage, duality still has a firm grip on you.

This is not wrong of course. In a sense it was meant to be that way. You were meant to forget about your true self. To experience all the aspects of duality, you were meant to narrow your consciousness down to a particular role in the drama of earth life.

And you played it well. You got so caught up with your roles that you totally forgot about the aim and purpose of going through this cycle of lives to begin with. You were so forgetful about yourself that you took the games and dramas of duality to be the only reality there is.

Characteristics of the duality game

1) Your emotional life is essentially unstable.

There is no emotional anchor present, since you are always in the “up” or “down” side of a particular mood.

2) You are intensely involved with the outer world.

It is very important to you how other people judge you. Your self-esteem depends on what the outer world (society or your loved ones) mirrors back to you about who you are.

3) You have strong opinions about what’s good and what’s bad. Being judgmental gives you a sense of security. Life is so well organized when one divides actions, thoughts or people into right and wrong.

Common to all these characteristics is that in all you do or feel, you are not really there. Your consciousness resides in the outer layers of your being where it is driven by fear-oriented patterns of thought and behavior.

By going within and making contact with the hidden, suppressed parts of yourself, you are becoming more present. Your consciousness is rising above the fear-motivated patterns of thought and behavior that you have taken for granted for such a long time. It is taking responsibility for itself.

Characteristics of releasing duality

1) You listen to the language of your soul which speaks to you through your feelings.

2) You act upon this language and create the changes your soul wishes you to make.

3) You value quiet time alone, for only in silence can you hear the whispers of your soul.

4) You question the authority of thought patterns or rules of behavior which block the free expression of your true inspiration and aspirations.

The turning point in letting go of duality

Your earthly cycle of lives draws to a close when your consciousness is able to hold all the experiences of duality in its hand, while remaining centered and fully present. As long as you identify with one aspect of duality rather than another (with light as opposed to dark, with rich as opposed to poor etc.), your consciousness is on a swing.

This center is the exit point for the karmic cycle. The predominant feeling tones in this center are stillness, compassion and quiet joy. Greek philosophers had premonitions of this state which they called ataraxia: imperturbability.

Judgment and fear are the energies that most take you off-center. As you release these energies more and more, you become more quiet and open inside. You truly enter another world, another plane of consciousness.

Releasing the grip of duality takes time. Unraveling all the layers of darkness (un-consciousness) is a gradual process. Yet once you embark upon this road, the road to the inner Self, you are slowly distancing yourself from the game of duality. When you have tasted the true meaning of ataraxia, the turning point is taken. When you have felt the silent yet all-pervading joy of simply being with yourself, you will know that that is what you’ve been looking for all along. You will go inward time and again to experience this peace inside.

You will not shy away from worldly enjoyment. But you will have found an anchor of divinity within yourself, and you will experience the world and all its beauty from that state of bliss.

When there is peace and joy in your heart, the things and people you meet will give you peace and joy.

From the Lightworkers series : the teachings of Yeshua

The entire story of the ego stems entirely upon not knowing who we really are .
We are divine sparks of Light animated by Love that has no bounderies . The moment we experience this the ego fades away and we step out of the realm of dichotomies ,linear time , judgement and fear. The ego may have served us during our journey out of ignorance but once self realization is attained we will have outgrown it and only pure Love and compassion will remain.

Love Always

Last edited by mudra; 12-26-2009 at 10:58 PM.
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